HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-02-12, Page 10,x.Po avit, SETAS~"QHTIJ', cOr,, F $>; 'A y J. Att. 1 4HitutiltnuiiUtl f iiliiill.iifli :First` PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 'O. -Leslie Elder . Minister O;ansA,anEMoE ader 10 .tCH SCEOOL AND YOUTH F kLLOWSHIP Il A.M. a,'" Sermon: '4 -MESSAGE: OF NOAH FOR THIS MODERN SCIENTIFIC WORLD" Anthem: „O Lord, Thou Art My 4:30P.M.—VESPER SERVICE Sermon: "THE SWORD AND THE TELESCOPE" • .Bozo: "Beside Still Waters" Guest soloist—Mrs. Sydney Jones; Listowel, Ont. IIIIp111111111111111HIIIIIUIIIIIIIuiju11IIII EGMONDVILLE UNITED CHURCH DR. J. SEMPLE, Minister Lyle Hammond Organist -Choir Leader MORNING SUBJECT: "The Loveliest Incident in the Gospel" Special Selection by Junior Choir "LEAD US, KIND SHEPHERD" (i3ortniansky) } - • S:00 P.M. • -Young 'People's Union Church- School — 10 a.m. " Dr. Semple will be on TV Monday, 2:25 CKNK SEE YOU IN. CHURCH SUNDAY Church - Notices MgElllop Milted C_ba e.--.�Bethels ilF a,m ; Avo, 11:30 a.m, Duffs, 2 p.m. -- Rev. W. H. Summerell, Minister,. St. Thomas" Anglican Ch ehe-- Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.; Morn- ing Prayer, 11:00 a.m.; Evensong, 7.00 p.in. Holy Communion' first Sunday morning of month anti third Sunday at 9;00• a.m.—Rev. H. Donaldson, Rector. Northside United Church.—Rev. "•J, C. Britton., Minister: Worship, 11:00 arm., "The Jericho Road or the Way of Christian Service", second in the series on The Roans Life. (A Junior Congregation and attendants for' toddlers take care of the younger children while parents worship); Church School, 10:00 a.m,; Evening Worship and Study in Acts, 7:00 p.m. RED CROSS. NOTES The Red Cross are holding a quilting bee in the Library room Thursday and Friday, February 18 and 19. REBEKAHS MEET Mrs. Keith Sharp, N.G., presid- ed over ,Monday night's meeting of Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge. A euchre is . planned to follow the next meeting, Feb. 22, with the meeting to commence at 7:30 p.m. Activities planned for the spring are a dessert euchre in March, and a home -baking sale. ANNOUNCEMENTS Miss Mabel E. Turnbull, Sea - forth, announces the engagement of her niece, -Barbara Ann Hillis, to Dr. Gerald Richard Myles. son of Dr. and Mrs. William M. Myles,' Ottawa, the marriage to take place in Northside United Church, Sea - forth, March 12, at 2 p,m. • Mr: - and -Mrs:-El-mer-Townsend, Seaforth, Ont., announpe the en- gagement of their: daughter, Doro- thea Elizabeth, to Mr. Robert Charles Haves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Haves, Belton, Ont., the marriage to take place on March 5, 1960, at 2:30 o'clock •in Turner's United Church, She'll love the gifts you, choose from our large variety of VALENTINE REMEMBRANCE GIFTS ! RUST CRAFT" VALENTINES -- of -- DISTINCTI0N Assortment of Va1en-' tines for Children and wawa/ Cut -Out Books The Largest Selection of_ Cards Available ! SEAFORTH S0 - TO $1.00 STOR STATIONERY and GIFTS EMQNDV1.t .E ` )44 and Mrs', L, NtcdlI , Valium entail, visited. with -the Tatter s parents& Mr* and Mrs. John Rltte.. Mr: rind Mrs. Albert -Clarke- and family, of Muirkirk,• Were recent visitors- with torts. `Clarke's meth, eta- Mrs, J. S. -Watson. The. sympathy of .the-commun ity goea out to Mrs. Harry Weil- and and famibf in their loss of a dear husband and father. DUBLIN , - Miss Bernadette Nagle fell on the -ice and broke her arm. Mr. Pat Maloney, Sr., is home from St. Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters, St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Toni Butters. - - Misses Nancy Kelly and Margar- et McCarthy, St Mary's Hoepital, Kitchener, at their homes. a Mr. Gar Smith"' -has left for Florida where lie will spend the next two, months. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters are attending the Retail Hardware con- vention in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Moddejonge are attending a wedding at Hamil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Grosech and children, London; Danny Costello, Ottawa, and Gordon, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Mr. and Mrs. John Lavoie at Farnham, Quebec. , Miss Rose`Marie Flannery, Lon- don, with Mr. and Mrs. John Flan- nery. Miss Beatrice Murray and Shir- ley Horan, Brantford, at their' homes. Miss Mary Morrison and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morrison, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. James Morri- son. Miss Rose Marie Feeney and Kenneth, Kitchener, with Mrs. Catherine Feeney. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER A meeting to arrange for the World -Day of Prayer March 4 was held at the Anglican Church rec- tory. Rev. H. Do;iaidson opened the meeting with a scripture read- ing, followed by prayer. Mrs. Ed. Boyes -.will give the address, the theme of .which is, "Labourers Together With God." 'Representatives attended from four different churches: Mrs. D. L. Elder closed. , .the meeting with prayer. Kars. Donald- son served tea -to the ladies pres- ent, • , One-half of the area of. Canada is wooded-- and is suited only to the growth of trees. LEMON'S .. TAXI and PARCEL SERVICE, A11 Passengers Insured CECIL PHONES: DAV$ 676 , 675 "blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oft' - WILLIS ,DUNDAS DUNDAS.... and LONEY Phone 573 or 138 VIWN We write all lines of INSURANCE Fire Auto Wind' Liability and, Life Manufacturers Life Insurance" John A. 'Cardio Successor to •-•-• WATSON & REID - Phone 214 : Seaforth THE ' GOING -OUT -OF -BUSINESS SAL CONTINUES . . ALL MERCHANDISE DRASTICALLY REDUCED AT CAROL LYN. SRO!, ,Q► • Few Of Our Specials moons GIRLS' DRESSES 7-12 Years RED VELVET- O 76.29 -- PLAIDS . a CORDUROY Reg. $8.95; NAW -' , Vir29 -: PLAIDS - r7� Reg. $7.051 NOW • CORDUROY JUMPERS 3.59 nd 4 99, so CHILDREN'S LINED JEANS Boys'. and Girls' (� Sizes 4 - 6X 1.49• to 1.99 • CLOLDREN'S WINTER CAPS and SCARFS SPECIAL LOW PRICES • • DR. DENTON SLEEPERS 249 DR. DENTON PYJAMAS 1.69 ISS EMBROIDERED HANKIES 25c Each or $1,90 • 3 for 59c }�'Spe Bial Groups of DRESSES {' �lT./:01/2 .r a v Y Y-'i"`1M'Y;'9' „r r . /7a89 !'tbii'ri .•... 8 figto 201 , .y.«.. 7.96 Special' Groups of SKIRTS sins 10 20 3189 RAC't aiottsT s N,rl.„W 3ilole, 4YA1K '812(aC a12fdt NoWS' OF ITAETON DUFF`S CHURCH :SUNDAY $CUOOL COG - NI�ES -.PERFECT T" : . CT .�! TENUA!V�E kery., San Fernando, Trinidad, The literature secretary, Mrs. Jim Me,' TWA United Church last Sunday Donald, gave a list'` of interesting morning with Mr. Martin Baan. as books that can -be procur_,ed at any Superintendent and Mrs. Nelsen time. • Reid as secretary -treasurer: Per. The second progressive euchre ,feet attendance for ;third 7.04X nod, party in the series._ sponsored .by third -year seal, Jean Waiter$, Lar- the Hail board, was held in the ry Walters, Tom Leeming, Carol yynn Community hall last Friday eve- Frasert Mary Leeming, e fling. Euchre prizes were ,oil by: Baan,; secgnd year and second- ladies, high, go, Alvin McDon. 01M .year seal, Audrey -11 o/140 , . aid; Iew," Mrs. Kenneth , McDon- Gerald Baan; second Year and ald; gents; high, Leslie Oliver;, third -year seal, David • Baan, low, Donald Ryan, Lost Heir prize Wayne Williamson, Eric William- winners were: high, Jim Smith, son; first year,p-fn and third -year raeme.Craig .low, Alex .Gulutaen seai,-Eileen'Willialtison; first=year and Jean Walters. ' pin and digerati, Dianne Fraser, Mrs. Glen Corlett, Mrs. Jim Mc - Clayton Fraser; first-year pin and Donald, Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. second -year seal, Joan Muir. John -Andrew Coutts and . Mrs. Harold Leeming, Lois Williamson; diploe Smalldon will be in charge of the mas, Tommy. Williamson, Gordon progressive euchre -and Last Heir Mitchell, Glenn Houston; second, party,, to be held Friday evening. year seal, Brenda Houston, Donna under the auspices' of the Wo - Smith, Shirley Williamson, Keith men's Institute. Wilbee, Helen Searle, Gail"Searle; Mr. George Campbell and son, third -year seal, Ruth Ritchie,'Mary Mr. Kenneth Campbell, of Cyprus Bewley, Sherril Craig, Carol .Wil- River, Man,, were recent visitors bee,..Gerald Smith, Bruce Clark, withmilyth. eir, uncle, Mr. John Mc- Gr4eme Craig, John Baan, Neil Gavin, and Gortlon McGavin and • Williamson. fa WA and WMS Miss June Hackwell, of London, spent a ,few,. -days -with -her- parents; Mrs. Ken McDonald presided ov- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hackw.ell, er the WA .meeting held in the Mr. Thomas Love and Mr, -Nor - church basement last Thursday man Love, Milestone, Sask., who afternoon, opening with a --hymn, have been .visiting with Mr. and with Mrs. Martin .Baan at the Mrs. Geerge Love, are at present piano. The scripture, read by Mrs. visiting ••with :Mrs. W. A. Camp - William Thamer, was taken from bell and Miss Ellie Love, .Guelph. Colossians 11:1-10, and comments The World Day of Prayer will made on the passage by the lead- be held in Duff's Church March 4; er, followed by prayer. Minutes commencing at 3 p.m. The Angli- of the last meeting were read by can ladies will pe invited and a Mrs. Ron Bennett and Mrs. A. guest speaker will address the lad - Coutts gave, the financial state- ies. The regular monthly meeting ment. willbe held before the Day of It was decided to have the Prayer, commencing at 1:30 p.m. Schneider supper in. _March, con -The scripture passage on the fisting of cold meat, scalloped pot- Lord's Prayer was taken from St. es, .iregetable, salad and . pie, . Luke li 1 j3;"1id th_e.foilnniri".lad: The project for the year, is to im- ies read comments on the differ - rove the lighting sir -stein- in the ent parts of the prayer: Mrs. Nel- asement of the church,.. The com- son Reid, Mrs. T. Dundas, Mrs, A. mittee, consisting of Mrs,. W. C. Coutts, Mrs. R. McMichael, Mrs. Hackwell and Mrs. Nelson Reid, J. Clark, Mrs. C. Ritchie- and Mrs. ill meet with the Board of Man- H. Craig, The Lord's Prayer was agers. then -repeated in unison. . - Mrs. Dave Watson opened the Mrs. H. Smalldon sang . a solo,' MS, taking as her theme, "The accompanied by -Mrs. M.. Baan, rd's Prayer." The secretary, Slides were `shown on Christianity rs. R. McMichael, had the roll in Africa, 'with Mrs. D. Buchanan all and _minutes of the last meet- reading the script and Mrs. N. ng, and Mrs. Harvey Craig, Reid showing the' pictures. The reasurer, gave her, report. Resolu- April meeting will also.. have a tion committee for Huron Presby- film. ery for 1961 are. Mrs. D. Watson, A number from here attended r8. E, Mitchell and Mrs, G. Mc- the Stratford Teachers' .College 'At avin, Home' at Stratford on Friday eve - Mrs. John 'McDonald gave a Hing. ery interesting -talk , on_ "The.- Born—To- -:Mr. and Mrs.'Horace_ eaning of Stewardship," defin- Rutledge, of London, a son, on ng it a practice f'• our system- Thursday, Feb. 4, in Clinton Pub - tic and proportionlite giving of lie Hospital. ur talents, time, energies and Mrs. Fern Patterson is visiting ossessions. The missionary.. for with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Leem- rayer this year is Miss Joy Vic- ing, Seaforth. , The following awarda wore pre.- seated during -Sunday School in s ato P b w W Lo M c t t M G v a 0 p P DISTRICT FUNERALS JOSEPH E. DENNISON Joseph Edward Dennison died on Saturday, January 30, in Humber - Memorial Hospital, .Weston, Ont., following a lengthy illness. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Dennison, of Mac lop - lop township. He is survived by three da gli- ters and two sone: Mildred, Mrs. John Silvestre; Madeline; Ruby, Mrs. Norman Chapman; Roy and Louis, of Toronto. Also surviving are two sister and a brother, Eth- el, Mrs, William Robinson, Re- gina; Clara, Mrs. Harold Cook, To- ronto, and Bert, Preston. . The funeral took place Monday, Feb. 1, with interment in the Sanc- tuary Park Cemetery, Weston. 'ARCHIBALD KERR Tile (teethofArchibald Kerr, ne- ared- McKillop township farmer, occurred Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James McClure, R.R. 1, Seaforth. Mr. Kerr had been seriously ill for the past two weeks. He was the sonof the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kerr, and re- -eeived his early education at S.S. No. 4, McKillop, and later farmed there until his retirement in 1950. He was a ,member of Duff's Unit- ed Church, and the Orange Lodge at Winthrop. In 1906 he „married Grace Ann Smith, who survives. Also sur- viving are two daughters, ' Mrs. James (Helen) McClu ' p, and Mrs. Henry •,niVlargare) R- ebell; Markham; a son, Alexan- CO and FUEL OIL Wm; M. Hart Phone 784 : , Seaforth W.C. OKE Insurance Agency Egmondville, Ont. P.O. Box 476 -- Seaforth Telephone 647 libelPaikaPliaroPPairrallaritalmanimat For CleanerBltirning Order a Tankfull of Texaco Fuel Chief ' NO SHORE --- NO ODOR - Re resentative: , WALDEN 8 �j •y.'y.. r, j��EIiOAI CO T1'hbtur Oto der, .and a brother, William, both of McKillop. •-'••••••-,••• • The remains rested at the Box Funeral Home, Seaforth, 'where funeral service was held Thurs- day at 2 p.m. Rev. W. 13, Sum- mereh.," of Duff's Church, offici- ated, and burial was in Maitland - bank cemetery,.. The pallbearers were Donald Mbaure, Ronald Mc- Clure, Kenneth McClure, Clendon Kerr, William Kerr and Edward Campbell. Flowerbearers were Graham Kerr„ Eldon Kerr, Archie Smith and Mac Scott. - - HARRY WEILAND Harry Weiland, well-known Eg- mondville resident, died Thursday at Victoria-Hospitel, London. He had suffered an attack at his resi- dence the preceding "morning and Sailed to regain consciousness. • In his 66th year, he was born In Egmondville, the son -of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland. He received his early education- at Egmondi+ille Public School and Seaforth Collegiate Institute. Mr. Weiland spent most of his. life in the printing trade. He began his apprenticeship with - The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, and in 1920 went to Toronto where he was' em- pleyed In several of the, larger printing establishments, until.. his retirement in 1956 to Egmondville. He was a member of Egmon, ville United Church, ,and bis min- ister, Dr. J. Semple, in a moving tribute to -Mr. Weiland, referred to the interest which he had hi the simple things and in people. In 1921 he" married Jean A. Ross, who survives, together with two daughters Mrs. W. E. (Lois) Cooke, fdngsfon, -'and-ffa Rei of Toronto; four granzichildren;three brothers, William and Roy, of To- ronto, and Ralph Weiland, of Bos- ton. The remains' rested at the G. A, Whitney Funeral Home, where a largely attended funeral service viasi1eld-Ob Sunday, conducted by Dr. Semple. ' Temporary interment took place in Mitchell Mausoleum, when pall- bearers were Bert Hemingway, Graham Kerr, Elmore Stephenson Louis Bolton, James F. Scott and Norman MacLean. Clear Payment Of Town"Accounts Accounts passed for payment at Monday's Meeting of Seaforth Council included: A. Horne, salary, '$44; A. Miller, wages, $82; I3. Bolton, acct , $6; It Glew, acct., $3o; PUC, acct., $35.97; 'Seaforth Public School, ad- vance, $4,000; Seaforth Public, Lib- rary, advance, $40; H. G. Hays, Q C , acct., $7; D.' H. Wilson, sal- ary, $258.33; E. Hutchinson, sal- ark, $333.33; S. Bates, salary, ?$275-, A. J. Calder, salary, $237'.50; KMaloney, . salary, $243 A. lee. 32hee. salary, ,$205.82; A. Iforne, $13.20; The Municipal. Werid, acct, $27. /mph A.Land, acct $25; re - 114 $154,_;lam. McGonigle, acct,;. . Dundas', nett. • 94;74.:. anry' .ixiewr, :acct;, $t0; E.'Larone, BRIEFS ' Mr, .and Mrs, eigus E. vovatie; of Prgchu, spent. the- week• end :with Mr.,. and Mrs W1liiaru 14Iis,�;l�Tancy` �. bra o$ Bello � Ijv, err, spelt Ate �vee�end at her home with Mr. AmgS Oorbx., Mrs, Robert Sti?ith® ins returned from Scott Memorial Hasliital, where she underwent surgery. Mrs, Sunday ">*rulgle and T'ai;tl spent Sunday in Stratford with Mr. and His,. John O'Reilly and family, Mr. Edward Box left haat week for Florida to visit his Ingther. Mr. and Mrs. W;, A. Campbell, of Guelph, were guests of- Mrs. R. K. McFarlane on Monday. "'Mi. William Ste e ph nsoh nn= o, spent • the 'weekend at a home of his mother, Mrs. Effie Stephen- son. • -Mr. Frank C. J. Sills, Seaforth; Mr. • x'om Butters. Dublin, and Mr. J. A. Sutter, Clinton; are in Tp - onto, attending the Hardware con- vention. Mrs. J. M. Cole, of Windsor, Spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. William Devereaux. -.,..w. Dr. J. Semple is in Toronto this week as a member of two Com- missions: Capital Punishment and he Church and International Af- fairs. YVeekdnd visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Harold Coleman lair -Week- end were Carter Kerslake. and family, • of,�Staffa; ..Mr.^ and Mrs. Fred Deicherti of Clinton; Mrs, Mabel Aikenhead, of Seaforth, and Mr. Ken Coleman, of Seaforth. Mr. George Pinkney is seriously ill at his home on Goderich St. Among those who attended -the funeral of the late Harry Weiland n Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weiland; Mr, William Weiland, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Warden, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. D. Cairns and Mr. D. - McDougall, of Toronto; Mr.. Cecil Tuck, Richmond- Hill; Mr and Mrs. J. C. Bell, St. Marys;, lir_ and Mrs.---Eaarl' Ross and- Mr. Finlay Ross, of Niagara Falls, and Mr, and Mrs. -George Love, of oderich. Miss,,Bessie.,Crieve has return- dfrom ' Toronto where she was the guest of Mrs. Earl Bell. Mr John, Longstaff has returned -from Quebec City, where he took. part in a curling bonspieh Mr. W. E. Southgate and sons, William and Paul, were in Toron- to over ttie weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Mclean were •� Hamilton' last week attending the convention of the Ontario Weekly Newspapers' Association.. t r s t e 0 J. D M Goderich. . in acct., $6.76; Johnnie Blue, acct., $15; Ball -Macaulay Ltd., acct., $2.50;- Rawcliffe Motors, acct., $5; R. Dalton, -'acct., $13.41; M. E. Clarke, acct., $.1.7.60; .Robert. D. Rowcliffe, . acct., $k6; Supertest Petroleum Corp., acct., $8.58. Don Brightrall, acct., $69.74; Canadian Tire Corp,, acct., $37.46; J. Brock, acct., $16.37; Kendrick's B.A. Service, acct., ,$63; A. Price, acct., $8; H. Maloney, acct., $25.50; E. W. Mohtgomery, acct., $22.50, Bell Telephone Co., acct., $73.90; Huston Fire Equipment Co., acct., $11.75; Helen Bolton, acct., $2; E. Hutchinson, acct., $62.25; Seaforth Motors acct., $144.30; Alex Boyes, acct,, $14.25; A. Miller, —acct, $22•; Tillotson Mfg. Co., acct., $4.25; F. Kling Ltd., acct., $59.71; Tow of Seaforth, sundries, $18.47; Mid - Western 'Development Ass., fee, $130; Chamber of Commerce, grant, $100; George H. Miller, acct., $105,17. ALL KINDS INSURANCE W. E. SOUTHGATE Phone 334 — Res., 540 MAIN ST, : SEAFORTH Prompt WATCH REPAIR SERVICE — at ..- ,SAVAUG,E' S 2 Certified Watchmakers Fred (Ted) Savauge Elmer Hinds All Work Checked 'Electronically 5 -Year Ail - Surrface - Paint INTERIOR -- EXTERIOR All Out of One Can! 'BRUSH WASHES INVATER FOR USE ON: BREATHES—Won't Blister or Peel ARIES IN 20 MINUTES WILL NOT RUN OR CHALK ROLLS, BRUSHES or SPRAYS REPELS WATEit . Wood Block Metal Steel • 'Brick P Plaster • Aluminum • . Asbestos and most other materials. SEAFORTH .LUMBER -LTD. ,.• Phone 47. Women's. Hospital Auxiliary. GINGHAM SEAFORTH Comntunity Centre FRIDAY February 12th Old and New -Time Dancing -----from 10 - 1 a.m. IAN .WILBEE AND HIS MELODr MAKERS Admission: _$2.00 pel' Couple — Stu (Includes Lunch) nts• 75c each This Week At .' . . SeaforthArena - and - COMMUNITY' CENTRE FRIDAY- SKATING — 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Admission: 25e and 35c • HOSPITAL AUXILIARY DANCE — Hall 10=1a.m.. 1 SATURDAY -- SKATING -- 2:00 to 3:3,0 p.m. - Admission: 10c TEEN TOWN — Hall TUESDAY-- PRESTON vs. SEAFORTH JUI 'IOR. "C" 8:30 p.m. THURSDAY, FEB, 18— ' JOHN DEERE SHOW - Hall ' • Afternoon and Evening This space contributed through the courtesy of .U1VIOIVCOMPANY OF eANADA.LIMI'f$D SEAFORTH --- ONTARIO ATTENTION -FARMERS of Huron County! - _ BELL & SONS (L;TD: Distributors of - Mineral , Supplements, Conditioners and Veterinary Medicines Announce the appointment of REG. BALL of Clinton as their New Salesman for° Huron County North This area was formerly -covered by the late C. 6. Connell, Clinton, who passed away in December. ' • Mr. Ball will service all t‘at part of Huron County North of the Bayfield - Clinton Road and North of No. 8 Highway. HE 'WILL RE CALLING ON YOU SOON' LL I CLINTON. HUT '^�°