HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-02-05, Page 6•
• .goiolag. Events
! 2, 1itsaYed
• 'IS'elp Wanted
8 Bueineaa Opportunities
i 6...'reaoberst; Wanted -.
7. Sitfatiene Mulled
8. Farm Stock For Sale
9, Poultry For Sale
10. Used Cars For Sal.
11. Articles 'For Sale '
12. Wanted 'lo Buy
18. Wanted
14. Property For Sale
15. Property For Rent
18. For Sale or Rent
'27 Wanted To Rent
18. Property Wanted
19. Notices
20. Auction Sales
2I. Teatime Wanted
22. Legal Notices
28. Cards of Thanks
24. In •Memoriam
25. Personals ✓
The cost is low. Clas8iSciitions 2, 8,
8, 9, 10, 11, , 12, 1$, 11, 17 -minimum
25 cents an insertion.: All other cleaai-
ficationa, :minimum au cents per insertion,
• except Auction Sales (20). '!'enders Want-
ed t21) and Legal Notices (22). rates on
1. Coming Events
17th, at Seaforth Community Centre un!
der 'the auspices of St James' Catholic
Women's League.. 1-99.2
WATCH FOR THE -Brenda York Cook-
ing School, Canada Packers Products.
March 24 and 26. Sponsored by the Can-
adian Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Seaforth.
, 4. Help Wanted
lNESS to 1,890 tritellies: --Good Dl'o
fits for, huatlere. Write today. RAW-
. LEIGH'S, Dept. A363 -S, 4005 Richelieu,
- Montreal, 4-99-1
14. Property For Sale
PLAN your home now : 950.00 down
will buy you a lot in Sea!urth or Hurpur-
hey. Luta surs.).d. Land suitable for,
V.L.A. projects Terms to suit. CLAY-
Have a number of good modern homes
centrally located in Seaforth. Very low
down payments, ba]ance on monthly pay-.,
meets. Owners will carry mortgage.
These are from 3 -bedroom to 5 -bedroom
homes, all modern conveniences,
Several farms,modeen in every, resepet,
within 3' miles of Seaforth, 100 to 150
acre forme.
RealEatate Gode ch •
Phone 260,' Seaforth
Large dwelling, James Street, includ-
ing extra lot, new on furnace, modern
kitchen and bath. A real buy for cash.
Oneand half storey brick dwelling in
Dublin, modern conveniences, three bed-
rooms. An ideal family home.
Other Seaforth' Dwellings Listed..
We also have a number of good Huron
County. -farms for sale.
For information contact: "
Phone 474, Seaforth
or -
Phone 214, Seaforth
GIRL WANTED D 15, Property For Rent
To work in Seaforth bank- Grade XI SELF-CONTAINED two-bedroom apart-
., required, as well as ability to write legi- meet in residential area Heated. Apply
bill. BOX 893, 'the Huron Expositor. 15-99-2
• Apply to the Manager FIVE -ROOM HOUSE with four -pied
CANADIA•37 BANK OF COMMERCE bath, .one block from blain Street. All
Seaforth, Ontario conveniences. Available. now. .PHONE
4-99-1 ',813, Seaforth. - 1.6-99-tf
8. Farm Stock For Sale 19. Notices
JERSEY COW, due this weeJk, third calf.
JOHN hASe1Ld, leg 3, Seaforth, -Phone openingngonon Monday, February 15, 1960. -
Clinton Ht;.. 2-9957. 8-99x1 19-99-1 c'
.TWO HOL. T'ElN COWS, 2 Holstein •GUARAN 1EF,D'RADIO and TV repairs. 20.
heifers, sprwgiug, also acme calves, suit- Fast service. SCOTT RADIO and TV
able for raising. LO'itNi?c TYNeeee. RR SERVICE,. East SVilliam Sheet Phone
19. Notices
DRIVEWAYS PLOWED, modern equip.
went, CLAYTON DENNIS. Phone 669
R 2, Seafoir. 19.97-4
TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meet-
ing of the producer members of the On.
tam Hog Producers' Co-Operattvg.,,jai the
Huron County .group be convened at 1
v.m., E.S.T., on Wednesday, February
10, at the Legion Hall in the Town of
Clinton, for the purpose of the conduct
oo the proper business of the annual
meeting, the election of delegates and
alternate delegates,
ROSS LOVE, Chairman
A. 11. WARNER, Secretary
TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meet-
ing of the producer members of Heron
County group of' the Ontario Hog Pro-
ducers' Marketing Board be. convened at
p,m., E.S.T. on Wednesday, February
10, at the Legion Hall in the Town of
Clinton, for the purpose of the conduct of
the proper business of the annual meet-
ing and ,the election of representatives
(delegates; to the District Bog Producers'
ROSS LOVE, Chairman
A. H, WARNER, Secretary
TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meet-
ing of the producer members of Huron
County Hog Producers" Association will
be convened at the hour of 8 p.m. E.S.T.,
on Wednesday, February 10, at the Leg-
ion Han, in the Town of Clinton, for the
purpose of the conduet of theproper bust -
nese of the annual meeting, the election
of officers and the election of voting dele-
gates and alternate delegates.
Guest Speaker: Charles McInnes,
ROSS LOVE, Chairman
A. H. WARNER, Secretary
"Where Better Buns` AreAZied"
Artificial Insemination Service fol all
Breeds of Cattle
Farmer Owned and Controlled,.
Call us between 7:30. and 10:00 a.m.
weekdays and 6:00 ITt 8:00 p m. Sat.
urday evenings a/
Clinton HU 2-3.441
or for Long Distance
Clinton Zenith 9-5650
2, Clinton. Phone H C. 2-9904. 8-98-1. 250, Seaforth.' 19-99x2
10. Used Cars For Sale
1954 DODGE SEDAN in good condi-
tion belonging to the estate of the late
Wilford Camerdn. Can SEAFORTFL 7834
for arrangements to see same, . 10-98-2
li'O.a SALE_._._.
--3'our-Speed transmission,'
-Dual wheels on back
-Good rubber
-Steel box and hoist '
-Complete' with tarp and racks• .
Just the truck for drawing livestock,
bulk ,grain, bulk fertilizer and custom
1combtne work.
Priced reasonable for cash sale,
Topnotch li eeds Limited
Phone 776, Seaforth
11. Articles For Sale
?IGEONS FOR SALE. Phone 848 R 6
or write DOUGLAS BOYD, RR 2, Walton..
CRIB FOR SALE. have size, like new.
PHONE 851 It;,,?$,.._after 6 p.m
SUIT or CLOTHES; blue with s_t,
aim 40, good conditlom. Can be seen at
Flannery Cleaners. 11-99x1
600 BALES OF STRAW and 3,500 bales
oe mixed hay baled in June, MURRAY
DENNIS, Phone. 843 R 32, Seaforth,
GERMAN SHEPHERD Puppies for sale,
2% montha old, black and tan or black
and 'grey- PHONE 'Goderich JA. 4-7986.
CUT F7 OWERS and totted pinata for
every occasion, .:We deliver daily after
five p:ifl, STAFFHN'S PLUMBING and
HEATING, Phone 49, 8exforth, 11-96-12
FLANNELETTE Blankets, 70" 'k' 90r",
69.46;! men's short rubber boots, $3.75:
good 8 tock of prints and 'flannelettes.
BORDEN BROWN. Phone Seaforth 841r2.
LIGHTWEIGHT, Durable and rase
proof Imperial Aluminum windows and
doors, from 626 up for combination careen
and storm. Let, us. show yon. BTAFFEN'8
Seaforth. 11-91-12
SPRAYED APPLES for sale: Spy, King,
- Tli3innd Sweets Delicioln --Snow;-'Russo',
Greening, MaoIntesh, Baldwin, ete. Free
delivery in town. Phone HU. 2-3214.
^ «'a 11-99-tf
FIRES CAUSE hardship and ozone/
problems. Are You adequately insured for
an risks? If you have put this off for
Years, See life now and be insured and
sleep assured. E. 11. "Shorty" MUNROE
13E COMPORT'ABLE--Wear , a Charlet
Made-to-Meamtre And, personally' fitted
Bra, Girdle, and Coreetette; also support
gatmtehte, reasonably priced. MRS. J.
HOEISCHER. Trained Corkettiere, For
appointment Phone 867-W. Residence one
block east M library- 11494
12. Wanted To Buy
'WANTED TO SHY A. two wheeled
trailer. PRONE 055 R • 24, Seaforth,
HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for etck,
do':rn and dfeabled farts animals. Prompt,
rout -tempi eellectioh of 811 dead and
dtbabfed farm animals and hide*. "L'a�l•
co lett; ED • A'NtRZWS, 851 h1.11 Sea.
forth. Aeeoclated with Darlin; & &a. of
Canada Ltd. • - 12-9441
Bol. Holders; Names
Not t iVCiti Oat
ltia Ilo1 possible for us
�t1 .divulge..the, •flu " e or ad-
dres ,of -shy advertiser using
a.'Htlt'on N1tPoaitor bOX mill
beti P.I1ase do no :ask its tov'
firm' Infertile thin;
FILTER QUEEN"' Sales &, Service. 'Re, -
Re+pairs to ' all makes' of'.. vacanni cleaners
Reconditioned cleaners of 'ill makes for
sale. BOB PECK, Varna. Phone Hen-
sel!, 696 R 2• •-
forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser-
viee WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth,
ii ent,,,for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria
Ltd., Exeter. ,
MAGIC MARKERSnstant dry, wa-
terproof, write on any surface: Just Dull
oft' cap and Metric Marker le ready to
use, Refills available. Nine colors ink.
DRAIN TILE -'-4", 456. Der M, dela;
5 inch, $85 per M del'd;; 6 inch, $110 per
M del'd; 8 inch, $175 per M del'd. Prices
for 10", 12", and 14" on request, RY-
DALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Eiginfield.
Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lncan. 19-98x51
REVITALIZED cleaning at. Buchanan
Cleaners, Mount Forest. More spots and
stains removed. Garments Stay clean long-
er, wear longer, Agent: MILLER'S
LAUNDRY SERVICE. Phone 2.37 for
pick-up. , 19-99tf
Highest cash pricers paid In surrounding
district for dead, old, sick or disabled hors-
es and cattle. Horses at 5e a pound For
the fastestand proper removal of all rod -
mals, day or night,
Call Long, Distance and ask for '
(n0 toll charge)
NOTICE is hereby given that the An-
nual meeting of the members of the Mc-
Killop Mutual Fire Insurance ComminY
will be held in the 'Town Hall, Seaforth,
Ont., on Friday, February, -,12, 1960, at 2
o'clock p.m., for general business, adop='
tion of reports and.., the election ..of three
directors. ;•.
All. members are invited to be present.
The retiring directors are Robert Archi-
bald, Allister Broadfoot and John E.
Township of Tuckersmith
r atepayers.,sniLjnhabltanta _of .the Tosca.
hip of Tuckersmith are sregnested by the
Council to not park are on rownsbip-
roads and streets daring the winter months
in order to facilitate anowplowksg opera-
Council will not be reeponaible for dam
ages to any vehicles parked on roads or
streets, _...
Clerk, Tuckereastth
• 1099-1
PoP, READ...
;1 1999-tf,
Auction Sales
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23rd, at 12:00
o'clock sharp, Clearing AUCTION SALE
of Parra Stock, Poultry Equipment, Tree -
.tors, 'Combine, Harvester and a full line
of power 'machinery, as well es some
Hqusehold furniture at Lot 19, conce.seion
8, Townsbi4 of Logan. on, county -Road, 1
mile . west of Bornholm.. or 8 miles 'east,
of Brodhagenr for CARL VOCE..Propri.-
tor. FRANKLIN BUUCic, Auctioneer.
Can Stratford 6254-2 or Sebringville 24-
R-6. 20-99-1
Auction Sale of Holstein heifers at lot
6 con, 3, Stanley twp., 1t/4 miles north
and 11/ miles west of Kippen, on TUES-
DAY, FEBRUARY 9, at 1:30 p- n.
35 first calf Holstein heifers, due time
of sale, and remainder in February. This
is an exceptionally well-bred lot of ,heif-
ers. All are vaccinated and sale will be
held under cover. ,
Terms -CASH,
ALEX 1)LcBEEATH, Proprietolr.
21. Tenders Wanted
TENDERS for 15 cord maple; 5,, -cord -
cedar, Tenders to be in by February 22,
Brussels, Ont, , 21-99x1
will be received by the
Chief Administration
RCAF Station Clinton
for the operation of -n Beauty Salon, locat-
ed at RCAF Statiop Clinton, Ontario.
"D'efdlla available. upon request in writ--
ing. Lowest, or any tender not necessar-
ily ,accepted. Tenders close at twelve
noo. February 26, 1960. 21-974
.For S.S. No. 8, McKillop
Tenders will be received. by the under-
signed up to and including February 15,
for installing hot writer, tank and heat-
er and all piping necessary. Work to be
completed by February 29 1960. The low-
est or any tender is not neceesariiy accep-
Secretary -Treasurer
S.S. No. 8, McKillop
Tenders for the construction of a
Two -Room -School in
Dublin, Ontario
are due on
Tuesday, March 8, 1960
Construction work to commence In niid-
April. Plans and ,specifications available
Blackwell & Hagarty
210 Princess Ave.
London, Ontario.
upon a deposit of $25.00 (Cheque)
22. Legal Notices
4 The Liquor Licence Act, 1950
LEAGUE BRANCH ' t'tO. 159,
pp the'totell of !Se8for'tb, in flid' Coo;! of
.92. Legal Notices
Huron,will make application ata Speck4
Meeting of The Liquor Licence Hoard of
Ontario to be held at the Canadian Leg-
ion ,Hall, 48 Ontario Street, in the City
of KITOHE,i'ER, in the County of Water -
Soo, on Friday the 9th day of MARC
1960. at the hour of 10:20 o'clock in the
`orenoon for the issuance o1 a
"CLUB LICENCE" (Restricted) for
the sale and consumption_of beer and
wine with meals'' and _'beer--;withoub•
meals in an establishment classified
as %a club,"
for the following premises:
The Canadian Legion British Empire
Service League Branch No. 158 prem-
iss at Main Streetin the Town of
Seaforth, in .the County of Huron.
Any person resident in the licensing
listrict may object to the application, and
the grounds of objection in writing shall
be filed with Mr. )1. B. ,Trott, Q.C., the
deputy "registrar of the licensing district,
whose address is Dunker Building. Suite
402, 261 King Street West, KITCHENER,
Oat. at least ten days before the meet-
ing at which the application is to be
DATED at Seaforth tlll9 27t2 day of
January, 1960,1
Main Street, Seaforth, Ontario
23. Cards of Thanks
MR. and _CRS. , AARON JANTZI and
family wish to express their thanks and
neereeiation to their, . many friends and
neighbours for flowers, letters, and cards
of sympathy. It was all deeply appreci-
ated. 23-99x1
I WOULD LIKE to sincerely thank the
many kind friends, neighbours and rela-
tives-' who remembered me with treats,
t69its and cards while's patient -in- hospi-
tal also those who helped at home in any
way during my absence.
:MRS. AGNES J. BAIRD and family
desire to exress their sincere thanks to
their many relatives - friends and neigh-
bours who sent messages of congratula-
tions by card, flowers and gifts on the
occasion of Mrs, .Baird's 100th birthday.
THE FAMILY OF the late Mrs. Albert
Pepper wish tc thank their many frien'd§.
relatives and neighbours foe`, the ,many
acts of kindness, message. of sympathy
and floral tributes received during their
recent bereavement- Special 'thanks to Dr.
74 Stapleton, nurses and staff of Scott
Memorial Hospital, Rev Grant Mills and
Dr. J Semple. 23-99x1
91•. In Memoriam
TATE-7n loving memory of a dear sis
ter and aunt, Mrs. Grace Tate, who pass -
"d awai'-February 5, 1959.
Ged saw - you getting- 'weary,
He dM what He thought wes best,
He put His, arms around you,
And took you home to rest,
The Golden Gates stood opei'
One year ago today, ”
With good-bye left unspoken
You quietly slept away.
Ever. remembered and sadly missed„
by your brother James and family.
25. Personals
HYGIENIC. SUPPLIES ,(Rubber Goods),.
mailed postpaid in plan sealed envelope
with price'list. 6- sain plee 25c; 24 sam-
ples 51.00. Mail - Order Dept. T- 78,
NOVA - RUBBER CO, Box. 91, Hamilton.
26. ' • Births
LANE -Mr and Mrs. Joseph A. Lane
are happy to announce the arrival of
their six-week old chosen eon, on Jan.
26 A brother for Mary Lou and Kath.
syn Ann,
PUSHELBEIIG-At Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, On February 1, to Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Pushelberg, Brodhegen, a son.
RUSHCALL-In Grace Hospital, Winni-
peg: on Friday,' Janupry 29, 1960, . to
Flight Lieutenant L. J. Ruehcall and
Mrs Rusbeall, a daughter.
SMITH -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on
January 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Smith, Egmondville, a daughter.
TEIClERT-At Scott Memorial Hospital,
on January 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Kari
Teichert; Egmondville, a eon.
WALLACE-At Scott Memorial„ Rospital.
on Febreary 1, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald
Walla4,e, Seaforth, a son. -
28. . Deaths
BEATTIE - In Seaforth, on 'Thursday,
January 28, John. Bettie, i$ his 93rd
„is'EWS or R` i'CE 'iE D
The Inth, birti day off- Mrs, Ag
nes J. Baird, who was born in
Newark, New Jersey, on January
(Continued from Page 1)
church shed will be handed over to
Norman MacLean in the near fu-
plans were discussed for the
925th anniversary in' September,
and the Official Board was given
power to act.
Deep gratitude for devoted ser-
vice was ,expressed to Dr. and
Mrs. Semple, Lyle Hammond and
Choir, Reg Knight and all officers,
teachers, workers, members and
After the Doxology and prayer,
lunch was served by Mrs. Alex
Boyes, Mrs. Elmore Stephenson,
Mrs. Arthur Routledge, and Mrs.
Alex Chesney. Ivan.Forsyth thank-
ed the ladies. '-'- .
Duff's Church,
McKillop • Group
Names Officers
The January meeting of Duff's
Church, McKillop, WMS and WA
was held at the home of Mrs. Gor-
don . McKenzie. Mrs. McKenzie,
the president, opened the meeting
with a hymn, Secretary Mrs. Eldin
Kerr called the roll and the min-
utes of the Last meeting were read.
Six socials' were planned. three in
the ,spring and three next fall.
Those- in • charge--are-Mrs. It: •i4I:
Scott, Mrs. Gordon McKenzie, Mrs.
Jen- Stewart, Mrs, Eldin Kerr,
Mrs. Aaron Jantzi and Mrs. Ross
Severalthank-you cards were
read. Mrs. Eldin Kert' gave a read-
ing on Christian Stewardship and
Mrs. Gordan Papple took charge
.of worship service and the study
book. The. 'scripture was read b
Mrs. John Kerr. Following the
closing hymn, Rev. W. H. Sum-
merell conducted the installation
of officers of the WMS•-and WA,
The WA part of the, meeting was
opened with a hymn and thgscrip-
ture was read by Mrs. David
Shannon. Prayer was given ,by
Mrs. Ken Stewart. The roll call
and the minutes of the last meet-
ing were read by Mrs. Summerell.
The meeting was closed with a
hymn and a delicious lunch was
WMS officers for 1960, include
Honorary president, Mrs. W. H
Summerell; past president, Mrs
Les Pryce; president, Mrs, Gor
don•McKenzie; vice-president, Mrs
Gordan. Papple; secretary-treasur
er, Mrs. Min Kerr; Missionary
Monthly, Mrs. R. M. 'Scott; pres
secretary, Mrs. R. M. Scott; tem
perance, Mrs. Ross Gordon; Chris
tian Stewardship, Mrs. Alex Smith
Christian Citizenship, Mrs. Le
Pryce; supply secretary, Mrs
John Kerr; Associate Helpers, Mrs
John Hillebrecht; literature secre
tart', •Mrs. John Kerr; finance
committee, Mrs. George Camp
bell. Mrs. John Hillebrecht, Mrs
George Wheatley, Mrs. Rober
Campbell; . pianist, Mrs. Arnold
Scott; assistant pianist, Mrs. Mur-
ray Dalton; Missidn Band leader,
Mrs. Arnold Scott; assistant Mis-
sion Band leader, Mrs. Herb Har-
rison; auditors for the-WMS and
WA, Mrs. Robert Campbell and
Mrs. Ken Stewart; nominating
committee, Mrs. Arnold Scott, Mrs.
Gordan Papple, Mrs. Mac Scott.
WA officers are: Past president,
.Mrs. R. M. Scott; president,. Mrs.
Aaron Jantzi; first vice-president,
Mrs. , Ken Stewart; second vice-
president, Mrs. Robert M lter-Cher;
secretary -treasurer, Mrs.., George
Wheatley; flower convener, _Mrs'.
Ross Gordon; press secretary, Mrs,
R, M. Scott; pianist, Mrs. Arnold
Scott; assistant pianist, Mrs. Mur-
ray Dalton; manse committee,
Mrs. Aaron Jantzt Mrs. J. Kerr,
Mrs. Robert Campbell_
,Bill Ingram was elected presi- b
dent of Hensall Teen Town at R
their meeting this week. Other of- �,
ficers are: vice-president, Gary M
Triebner; treasurer, Ruth Anne
Traquair; secretary, Sharon Hume; a
executive, Murray Harburn, Shar- r
on McBride, Ralph Triebner, Gary
Jones, Patsy Moir, Jim Smale and in
Sllf --MeKlnilon The group Wil
sponsor a Valentine dance next it
Miss Pat Rowe passed
her Guide la
Challenge in Stratford on Satur-
day. This shakes four
Guides who have received• their
ack; gift, .Mrs. 'E. Davis, Mrs.
illiam Smale; auditors,, Mrs.
onald Mock, Mrs. Jim Taylor.
inner of the, mystery prize was
rs. D. B. Haven.
Mrs. [Grant Bisback won $10 -in
London bingo, having' the cor-
ect serial number.
Hensel Curling Club are hold -
g an open bonspiei_on Wednes-
;;Peb:--24,-atellensa11- Commun-
y Centre.
A new business venture wfll op -
n in Hensel]. shortly. The Mait-
nd Sea 'Food will open Feb. 15
the building recently occupied
by Dave Feild. The business will
offer sea foods.. New kitchen and
efrigeration facilities are being
stalled, and renovations to the
wilding are almost completed. --
rs. Evelyn Feild is the proprie-
Several items of hockey ,equip-
ent have been secured for the
Hensall minor hockey league
rough arrangements made by
e arena manger J. R. Hume,
r. Hume states that he'acquired
wo pairs of goal pads, two body
protectors and two pairs of goal.
civet from the Ontaisio Athletic
s'sociation at no cost to the local
ena. He also bas arranged ..,to,
ave two new curling scoreboards
installed. •
Henan* '1n
Gold Cord. r
Over 400 attended the .Tri -Chun- in
ty Youth For Christ skating party b
in Hensall Community Centre Sat-
urday night, Following the skat- M
ing, a service was held with 200
Last• Friday Bight the Lakeview m
'Literary Society held a skating th
party with 200 in attendance. th
HensallMidgets and Clinton Mid- M
gets will meet in the local Com- -t
munity Centre on Saturday, 'Feb.
6 at 8 p.m; Tide will be a grand :`,1c�lamplollship- hockey game, play- A
ing for the General Coach Works ar
of Canada Limited troPby,
The February meeting of Hen -
sal Legion Ladies' Auxiliary was
held, pre ided over by Mrs. Gor-'
don Murray. They laid plans to
hold -another blood donor clinic for
the Red Cross on a date to be an-
nounced, They will also sponsor
a diet* for a suit and pair . of
blankets, draw to be made at Eas-
ter, and will hold "a Valentine tea
Mid bake sale
- Cominitteet for 1960 .. n sick,
Mrs. Leonard ,rt
Noakes• binge 11r_.
Bob Sangster, Mrs. R. Shad(Uck;
kitchan,, to look after supplid>;;, etc-,
Mr's,'HYrali Kyla f M1�s.. Grant His.,
Tile middle-aged Iran's Wife had
been .badgerin'g. hith for days to
take some "youth pills" she bought
for him.. He finally relented one ev-
ening and look several Of them be-
fore going to bed.
Next morning, she found It diffi-
cult to wake h m- heshook o0 k
repeatedly and yelled, up
,its ilit`loftyyere-01.1t-cif liedl_"
"Ali right, *11 tight." he anawet'a
eyes sgttilited.,.. Vii i f tiP'4..('
blit' f won''t go to school,,
3Q 1860, was observed Saturday.
When . she was one year old she
moved with her parents, Mr... and
Mrs. Joseph Dundas, to a farm
on the second concession of Ash-
field township. In 1879 she was
married to Thomas Baird, and
moved to the Baird homestead on
the, second concession of Stanley
,- township. n
Mrs. Baird lost her husband in
1927, but still continued to reside
on the farm until five years ago.
Sinde then she has made her home
with- her son and daughter-in-law,
T. B. and - Mrs. Baird, in the vii -
lege of Brucefield. Mrs. Baird has
one son, Thomas B.; one grand-
son, Stewart, who lives on the
homestead; one ,granddaughter,
i Margaret Jean, died in infancy;
two great grandsons, Orrin and
Gerald Baird, and one great grand --
daughter, Dianne Agnes,
• When openhouse- was held at
the • home of her son, over 100
guests called to congratulate her
and signed -.the -register. They came
from Detroit, St. Thomas, Gode-
rich, Port Albert, Seaforth, Hen-
sall, Clinton, and from the sur-
rounding community, as well as
from the village.
Mrs. Baird received . over 130
cards, including congratulations
from Senator W. H. Golding, as
well ,as flowers . and gifts.
The house was tastefully decor-
ated and a three-storey birthday
cake centred the .dining_ .room
table. Mr, and Mrs. T. B. Baird
and' Mrs. Stewart Baird received
the guests. - Mrs. J. Lednor, of
Port Credit, cousin of Mrs. Baird,
and -Mrs-. 'Gladys Dustow, of Code -
rich; a special friend of Mrs.
Baird, poured tea, while Mrs. Jes-
sie Lane, Mrs. Anna . Aldwinckle,
Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, Mrs.' Norman
Baird, Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs.
H. F. Berry served. The usual
family dinner was enjoyed in the
evening.' -
Mr. and Mrs. Walter -Moffatt left
by train on Tuesday of last week
to spend six weeks with their
daughter, Mrs. James Streiffier,
California., ',
A'large number of friends and
neighbors attended a shower for
Miss Mary. Broadfoot in. the school
;room of Brucefield United Church
last week. Mary received many
eseful gifts. ' -
The many friends of the late
Mr. George Swan, Exeter, were
sorry to hear of his sudden pass-
ing in a hospital, Learn. Mr.
Swan is a brother 'of Mr. Drew
Swan, Brucefield. Mr. D. Swan
was.' in Florida - at the time, but
arrived home on Monday in time
for his brother's funeral.
Hold Congregational Meeting
The annual meeting of Bruce -
field United Church was held in
the school room of the church on
Tuesday following a 'pot -luck sup-
per, which was attended by over
70. Dr. McKenzie, who was chair-
man, read I,!1atthew 25, verses 31-
42, fmlowed by" prayer. Mrs. Ed-
gar Allan was appointed secretary
for the meeting. Dr. McKenzie
read the report of the session left
by Rev,Davison, and theAstatisti-
cal report""for 1959. Two minutes'
silence were observed in 'memory
Of departed members.
Mr. Watson gave the financial
report for -the session. Mrs. Trieb-
nergave the secretary's' report for
the Woman's Association; Mrs:- H.
Taylor, the financial statement.
Mrs. H.•'Berry reported for the.
card and flower fund; Mrs. Edgar
Quietness, enriched by solitude
And saucy red -winged blackbird
flying by,
While overhead 'the soft and fleecy
Surround a hawk that's pinned
against the sky.
Sunsets resting in theevening
- glow
Adorn the beauty of.the garden
Enhancing, as by magic, shrub
and bush ,
And showing man the wonders so
This was the world in which John
Beattie lived; •
He saw the splendors nature has
in store,
And took his pen and put them, in=
to verse
That they might be enjoyed by
many more.
W.M.H. - .
-(Editor's Note. -•-From ti€fle'-•-to-
time letters and other contributions
are received for publication which
are not signed. These cannot be.
used unless the identity of the
contributor is known. The name
will not be disclosed or published
if the contributor prefers).
Find Light:Aids
Egg Production. -
By controlling the amount of
light Iaying-type chickens receive
each day from the time they are
baby chicks until they are in full
egg production, you can get them,
to lay more and larger eggs, ac-
cording to Garth Holtom, general
manager of Logsdon H & N Hateh-
eries - of Seaforth. He based his
statement on the findings of re-
Veitarlidentists at Haisdorf and
Nelt n =°Ir,'arms, Inc., Kirkland,Was• ,'who used a decreasing day
length during the brooding :and
growing periods, then began -in-.
creasing the daylight as pullets
began to lay. For winter hatched
chicks, this lighting plan may pit:,
duce as many as one dozen more
eCh n
over fall sisters under natural light, he said
Logsdon It S N 'tapholes Ltd.
at -"Seaforth: baicidles. tale I'telsdort
and gelatin strain chicke'n') tin,
der a'franehi:t'e ag eenlert,
Allen gave the secretary's-, report
for the WMS, and Mrs. L. Wilson
the financial report. Mrs: e'
Graham reported for the CGIT an
Mrs. Eva Wilson for the Baby
Band. In the absence of Mrs. Cliff
Henderson, Mrs. L. Wilson also
gave the report of the junior con-
Norman Walker' reported for the
Sunday School. Reports for the
YPU and Choir were read by the
secretary, .. Mrs, Ev.a Wilson,
church treasurer, reported for the
church Missionary 'and Mainten-
ance Fund. The report of the ush-
ers was given by Ross Scott. The
report of the auditors was given
by T. B. Baird,
A hearty vote of thanks was ex-
tended to the ladies for an excel-
lent supper by Elgin Thomson. Mr.
Lindsay and Mr. Russell Dallas
resigned from the Managing Board;
T. A. Dutton was re-elected and
Kenneth McGowan and Bert Wal-
ter were appointed to take their
place on the managing board. It
was moved by A. Dutton that
Mrs.. E,.. Wilson he reappointed as
Dr: McKenzie read a letter from
CKNX Singtime, asking for a don-
ation. It was moved by Mr. R.
Watson that $25 be sent. It was
moved by Mrs. L. Wilson and sec-
onded by Mrs. Douglas, that . a
message of congratulation be sent
to Mrs. Agnes Baird on her 100th
birthday. Mr, T. B. Baird express-
ed thanks' on his mother's behalf.
Mrs. E. Wilson was appointed' to
send a card from the congregation,
Former Merchant
(Continued .from -Page 1)
lie was a past president and ac-
tive member of the Seaforth Llolis
Club, and attended the opening
meeting of the club ill- the new
In 1898 he wasmarried in Eg-
mondville by the late Rev. Neil
Shaw to Belle Collie, ,who passed
away in 1939. In 1943 he 'Was mar=
ried to Edna Henderson DeLacey,
who survives, together with a
daughter, Florence; 'Mrs__ -lames
A. Stewart, Seaforth, 1Te is also
survived by -four grandchildren and'
three great-grandchildren. An only
son, Douglas, died' 4..1957.
Largely attended funeral servic
es were held from First Presby-,
terian Church on Saturday after-
noon, conducted by his minister,
Rev. D. Leslie Elder, assisted by
Rev. J. C. Britton, of Northside
United Church, Interment follow-
ed in Maitlandbank cemetery.
Honorary pallbearers were Dr.
E. A. McMaster, Malcolm McKel-
lar, Ernest Geddes, Joseph P. Dor-
sey, Charles A. Barber and P. D.
McConnell Flowerbearers were
Melvin Staffen, Elmer Larose,
William' D: Smith and E. C. Bos-
well. Pallbearers were Clare Reith,
Wm. M. Hart, James M. Scott,
Andrew .Y. McLean, aJohn Mode -
land, and J. Scott Cluff. .
(Continued from Page 1)
schedule for the first round of the
semi-finals follows All Seaforth
games start at 8:30 p.m., and
Preston games at 8 p.m.:
Feb. 6-Seaforth at Preston,
• Feb. 9 -Preston, at Seaforth.
Feb. 13-Seaforth at Preston.
Feb. 16 -Preston 'at Seaforth.
Feb. 19-Seaforth' at Preston.
Feb, 20 -Preston at Seaforth,
aterloo Downs Seaforth
In a '' exhibition' game here on
Thursday night, . Water Si ki
g s s n,
Junior "B" team, defeated the
Highlanders Junior "C" team: 62,-
Waterloo scored five goals "before
Seaforth answered.
Local scorers were Gallow from
.Beuttenmiller at 2:47 of the third,
and McMaster unassisted at '13:05
of the same period.
1(1J PEN
The folloWbv are ' the Sunday
School pupils of St ;Aldi**'l3 Unit-_• =
ed Church vyhp, an Silnda' receiv-
ed ter diplomas, seals and certi-
ficates: Robert Raikes, diplema;
Darlene Mekay, Garry. Alderdice, -
Billy McNichol, Lloyd Lostell;
ploma of merit, Garry Anderson,
Marjorie Turner ;second- - year
seals, Lynn Alderdiee, Brenda
Turt),er, Douglas McKay, Susie
Mae Lostell; third -year seals, Di-
anne McKay, Janice McNichol;
firth -year seal, Donna ;Whitehouse;
sixth -year seals, Jinn Kyle, Ken-
neth Jones, Bally Turner, David
Turner; seventh -year seals, Wen-..
dy Jones, Nancy Consitt, Robert
Cooper, Grant Jones, Ruth Ann
McNichol, Joan Sinclair; ninth
year seals, Gwen Jones, Margaret
Jean Broadfoot; twelfth year seal,
Sharon McBride; certificates for
junior memory work, Garry An-
derson, Grain Jones, William 1 c -
Nichol, Robert 4�ooper,
Mrs. Eddie McBride entertained'
10 ladies` for the Friendship Group
of the W,A. on Friday afternoon
and evening at a,quilting. A pot-"
luck dinner was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold _Jones and
sons visited recently in St. -Thomas,. •
guests of Mr, and Mrs, Arthur
Jones and 'Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert
'and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McLel-
lan and Jill were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dick-
ert, of Clifford. •
Mrs. George Armstrong, of near
Seaforth, who has not been in the
best of • health, is visiting . a few
days with her son-in-law a n d
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morley
Storey,_of R.R. 2, Kippen. -
On Thursday the 'W.A. of St.
Andrew's United Church are hold-
ing a pot -luck dinner and quilting
bee in- the school room of the
church. '
11fr and Mrs,, Elston Dowson,
accompanied by l i`ss�Ib Wh1te.,
man, visited Friday with Mr. Oli-
ver Cook, of Goderich, who is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones; Ken-
neth' and Grant, were Sunday
guests of Mr: and Mrs. Garnet
Shipman, of Exeter. •
Miss Mabelle Whiteman called
on Mrs, Agnes J. Baird, Bruce -
field, who on, Saturday celebrated
her 100th birthday.
Recently Mr. and Mrs. E. Dow-
sqn visited Mr. William Dowson, Varna, who is. recoverl2rg from
an illness, and visited- Mrs. Mar-
tha Harvey and --Mrs. Elizabeth
Douglas, of Brucefield.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bourke, of
Wroxeter, visited on Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs: W. L. Mellis.
Flt./Sgt. and Mrs. Bob Perkins,
Danny and Jim, of RCAF'Clinton,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Long.
The three group leaders; Mrs. V.
Alderdice, Mrs: J. Sinclair and
Mrs. Harry Caldwell, intend hold-
ing a joint meeting of all mem-
bers, their husbands"'and families,
at the church, Monday • evening,
Feb. 29, when Mr. Fred Peel, of
Seaforth, will give a resume and
'show pictures taken on his recent -
trip to . Russia.
Mrs. Aubrey Farquhar, of Kip-
pen, was admitted -to St. 'Joseph's
Hospital, London, Friday last in
the interests of her health.
We write all lines of
Fire Auto Wind
Liability and Life
Manuf acturers Life
Insurance ,
_John' A. Cardno
Successor to
Phone 214 - : Seaforth
S A L. E
of --
• B►TE.R_IE.
Everything must be .sold by March
( 1, 1940, to make room for
,.. new tenant..,
Sale Price Applies Only to Stock on Hand