HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-01-29, Page 8UON v(posnoR, stAFogrra.,. oFr,, SANiTARX 29s. 06O CME COMMITTEU• REVIEWS. ASS 'ON NEW CONSTRUCTION _,1:-.494100'0,elipecial session of Coun- 'Irt ,Niteilit;beld .on Dec. 23, your :VOtilk„WIT0140'-Cenimittee has been 4 , 5y9Z194.4r11Olg with the architect eentractor in connection lwittA.:tbe PIeliminary work at the •.„ "4!K' -tike present time, a certain „aractopt of werk has been. started ,irk.„,„.q9411PettiOn with the footings, etc. :.1: .140. Weather, of course, Will have • ..a•KI•Oat deal to do with what work •• 4, be accomplished at the pres- p, eat time. In connection with the laSUrance on the building we wish to advise that under recommenda- ' tien" of our broker, the Frank Cow - tui Agency, we have reduced the amount of insurance on the old -bnilding to the amount of $60,000 and in turn this amount will be reduced monthly until such time as there is very little insurance left when the new addition will have been completed. However, to Offset .any possible loss at the pre- sent ime>yur committee have taken out an extra expense policy %-the amount of $100,000 for a per:- . Lod of one year. Since the county council has given approval to build •the new addition to the County _ Home, under insurance regulations the old building. is. therefere_con- sidered to be of little value. How - • . ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. - - will. beheld in . • Farquhar Hall, Farquhar — on — ., Monday, Fel. 1, 1960 . ,,„• gt 2 p.m. , for the .purpose of receiving the reports of the Directorand Audi- tors for the oast year, Lthe elec- tion of two 'Directors for three- year term, election of., Ali ditors, and for any other business that may be in. the" interests of the Company. The Directors, whose term'of of- fice expires are Martin Feeney • and Timothy B. Toohey, both of whom are eligible for re-election,* ... ALEX J. ROHPE President ARTHUR FRASER Secretary -Treasurer ever, if a fire should occur, it would lie neceSsary for us to' real- locate the kitchen and dining facili- ties together With bed acCommo- dations. Therefore, it would pos- sibly be necessary tohave patients out in private nursing homes, etc.; and this woutcl',..be'W fairly expen- sive item. The reduction in prem- iuxii bx reducing the insurance on the old'hutlding will offset the cost of the extra expense policy. There- fore, there will be no additional cost to, the county by rearranging the said insurance. There has been one matter which has been brought to the attention of the committe and that is in con- nection with the hiring of work- men at the County Home in con- nection with the construction job. The arrangements relative to the. above subject are as follows: (a) certain key personnel will be brought in by Con -Eng. Construc- tion Limited, (b) local Union men wiU be hired where available, (c) ailing the availability of Union men, then nOn-Union local labor can be hired. It is anticipated that our deben- tures wj.1 be ready for the public very shortly abd that the former warden, William Jewitt, and the Clerk -Treasurer will go to Toronto, sign the necessary -documents and transmit these debentures to Nes- bitt, Thomson and Company Ltd. Historic Committee Your committee met with Dr. J. WI—Grant, of the Ryerson Press, relative to the preparation of the History of Huron Comity, Dr:' Grant pointed out that costa of printing or publishing, the history will de- pend a great deal on the length of the book, the ,uumber of books'to be distributed, the Ailing:ler •of_ il- lustrations, the type of binding, and paper, etc. He also advised that actual costs can not be del 4ermined until the work on the manuscript. has been .completed, The' matter of insurance in con- nection with the .articles, in the Museum was discussed by your. committee. with Mr. John Kennedy of the Frank Cowan -Agency. Mr. Kennedy suggested that an invehtory)-sheuld be taken by the Curator 'in order that some value .could be placed on the entire col- lection. This inventory has been completed and has been transmit- ted to the insurance agency. Your committee authorized the, purchase of six 21/2 -gallon water - type fire extinguishers of anti- freeze solution for the County Mus- eum, three being placed on each floor, This -in turn will show a sav- ing -in our insurance rate. "It • is .coneeeled that crime doesn't pay," said the pessimist; "but what does?" BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth If no answer, call 59 • JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. 'Physieiarrand Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W Res. 5-J Seaforth • SEAFORTH CLINIC Telephone 26 E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internest Telephone 27 L. BRADY, M.D.* Surgeon ' Telephone 750 W 1 • DR. E. MALKUS Telephone 15 • EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. • Aptsointments .may be made. A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55 South St. ' Telephone Goderich JA 4-7562 Licensed Municipal Auditor. G. A. „WEBB, D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic • 438 Main Street - Exeter X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday 'Except - Wednesday. Tues and Thurs. Evenings 7-9 For Appointment - Phone 606 DON S. DENNIS Auctioneer Graduate of Reisch American School of Auctioneering. Licensed in TfurorLand Perth- Capable „of handling all types of sales and ad- vertising, DON DENNIS, Walton Phone Seaforth 843 r 11 SEAFORTH VETERINARY -CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D,V.M., V.S. W. G. Drennan, D.V.M., V.S. Phone 105 : , Seaforth A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. P -hones: Office .173TResidence' 781 SEAFORTH : ONTARIO McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART SEAFORTH, Ont. • Telephone 174 D. A. McINNES Chiropractic • Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791 : Seaforth Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted MAIN OFFICE, SEAFORTH Goderich St. West, adjacent_to Seaforth Clinic. ' Office Hours: Seaforth daily; except Monday, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Wednesday, 9 • a.m.-12.30 p.m.; Thursday evenings by appointment only. Clinton: Monday, 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Above Hawkins' Hardware.) THE McKILLOP . MUTUAL FIRE ". INSURANCE CO. • HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS: President—Robert Archibald, Sea - forth Vice-President—Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth Secretary-Treasurer—W. E. South- gate, Seaforth. • DIRECTORS; Seaforth; Chris. Leonherdt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John M. Me - Ewing, Blyth; William S. Alexan- der, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Gode- rich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Al- lister Broadfoot, Seaforth. AGENTS: William --Lelper~,^ Jr., Londeit- bore; J. F. Prueter, grodhageu; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; James Keys, R.R. 1, Seaforth; Harold Squires, R.R. 3, Clinton. 000*'00000oo 0 _ 01, CLEARY 0 1.eaforth, Ont. • 0 • .LICENSED EMI3itLMIER andEUNERALMRECTOR Night of Day Calls — 335 0 0GG0O000 0000.000000 C. i3ok - 0 . "- Funercit-Service s.-ticecimer * * Ihen4ed Eneltual ottonuon 0 careful Bed '0 - 0. prompt and • „I> . Hospitti__ ALL 0 0 powEns K,14,11,_ 0 , cAsoFis ...,,,, * •. ,o, . potes. ., le 43 ,zt. .t, 4 0 itt9,4# $04.17,.., 161° 0 • 4.-• .0 0 .O• 0 to .0 0 (3 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0g '0 * J.\A. BURKE 0 //Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Service, 0 0 DUBLIN :ONT. o Night or Day Calls: 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 0 El 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G:A..-iiTIIITNEY - !Funeral Rome 0 604erlefi St. W., 'Seafortli AMI3ULANCE SEIIV/CE * Adjustable hospital beds •0 0 for rent , FLOWERS.FOR EtERY OCCASION 0 ' 0 1:3 40 0 0 0.4> 0 0 0 000 • CAMPAIGN SPEECH — Before the balloting began for the election TueSday afternoon, of a 1960 Warden of Huron, each candidate for the wardenship made a brief addresssto Hur- on County Council. The ,speaker, standing, is Reeve John Durnin, of West Wawanosh, who proved to be the winning candidate. • Reconimend Road Estini atei For1960 Pro gram in Huron Document No. 58, 1959, from the out under Supplementary' Bylaw, Snow plowing ' 87,54140 Township of 'Howick, requesting At the same time, they reduced Boundary maintenance: caution lights at the intersection our constructioi allotment on our Other counties of King's Highway 87 with County regular by-law, forcing us to carry Own work 5,96327 6,90833 Roads No. 28 and No. 30. Province out most 'of our new road and General maintenande • 4,491.87 of Ontario statutes require that bridge construction. under a these installations be approved by plementary" By-law and 'thereby Total . In Bridges $332,683,48 the Department of Highways. Ac- requiring the county to submit de- -Bridges and Culverts: cordingly, we requested permission tailed plans on nearly all work $ 4,167,13 to erect caution lights at these lo- order to comply with this require- Culirerts . 9,695.52 cations, A lengthy „report was re- went most counties in Ontario will ceived recently which included a be forced L to employ. additional en- Total $13,862.65 traffic and accident incidence stu- gineering help or engage the ser- Sub -Total — Construe - 0, Thefinal recommendation waa vices. of a consulting engineer, W..e tion and Maintenance $741,189.19. that: "Caution lights are not war- are pleased to report that for the Add: ranted at these locations." Your time being, at least, our present Ledger.stock balance 436.82 committee had no choice but to staff will, be able to carry out' this concur with this decisionnew work. Mr. John More was The Department of Highways has hired last year to assist on the - put into effect a plan which will extra work involved on the devel- involve far more pre -engineering opment road'and has done an ex-. wprk than we normally carry obt. cellent job in this respect. Now, They requirebat we submit a de- as the work on this development tailed plan and profile, for approv- road project nears completion, he al, of all read work to be carried. will be able to assist greatly in • carryineout this new requirement. This new requirement will, -Mel- P roperty Com. •dentally, rnore then triple _the amount of survey 'and drafting ' At the last session of the done last year and in previous, Supreme Court sittings, held in the years. Court House,.the Judge advised the You will notice that By-law 4 Sheriff that working facilities in. shows a total regular by-law total the' judge's retiring room -were not of $500,000.00. This is a reduction satisfactory, and .that a new desk of $100,000.00 from our 1959 -by-law should be ordered to replace the of $600,006.00. This was 'done on small unit which was being used. instruction of • our District Munici- This matter was brought to the at- pal Engineer and the whole reduc- tention of your Property Commit- tion is in construction for reasons tee and discussed with them. explained above. We hope to carry The Clerk was authorized to in- out approximately the same vol- vestigate the cost of purchasing ume of work as last year ($860,000), any additional furniture and at the the balance %being ,made up on a same time to determine the cost of supplementary by-law. purchasing a -new 'desk unit for his You will find listed below a sum- oiVn office and having his desk mary of expenditures for the year pacedin the judge's retiring room. 1959. We would like to point out a The Hay Stationery Company, of few highlights. Total value of work London, submitted a proposal as on Huron County roads, $1,224, - outlined above, that is, supplying 084.67; total value of work on De - a new desk unit in the Clerk-Treas- velopment Road, 8269,501.75; total urer's office and placing the Clerk's value of work' submitted for sub - desk in the judge's retiring room. sidy, $85929925. The pricelor this change was $500. A by-law has' been drawn up to Your Property Committee auth- expropriate certain land on County orized the purchase of the new unit Road 5 the Township of Steph- ai indicated above.. en. We recommend 'that this by - A letter from Mr. J. W. Bush- law be passed. field, .was received by your Two by-laws have been prepared committee relative to the loss 'of in order to relocate the Tri -County an overcoat by Mr. Harold Foxton. "Midge located on the boundaries of Since this matter had already been Huron, Middlesex and Lambton.: dealt with by the 1959 council, no the first, expropriating the land re - further action was taken. quired for the new bridge ap- The Clerk was authorized to have proaches, and the second, to add' necessary alterations to the lights this section of road to the County in the library storage room coin- Road System: We recommend that pletcd. by-laws be passed, An additional $25 was authoriz- For your information we are ed by your committee in Conn'ec- pleased to report that our winter tion with Christrnts: decorations, control costs for the month of De - We apOreciate very much the ceMber alone 'are down $22,000.00, work of our- two eareakeTS, Mr. over the same period of.'1958. Sheardbwn and Mr. Westbrook, in the excellent manner in which they SummarycoornsRtruoacduoEuxpenditure maintain the I:Wilding, and also their interest in arranging the Christmas decorations. Warden's Com. We would recommend to county Council that any member of Coun- ty Council, who is unable to at- tend a committee meeting, shall not be..paid for the said' meeting. This recommendation would be ef- fective January 1, 1960. ' Your committee authorized Christmas bonuses for county em- ployees in the following depart- ments: Clerk -Treasurer, Assessor, Library, Highways, Caretakers and the Court Reporter, in the amount of $15 each. • The matter of sick leave benefits were discussed by the Warden's Committe, but this subject has been incorporated in the report of the Finance Committee. County Gaoler There have been 114 prisoners committed as follows: Break, enter and theft, 16; dis- orderly, 14; impaired driving, 10; Highway Traffic Act, 9; drive -while prohibited, 8; drunk driving, 5; mischief, 5; possession of of- fensive weapon, 4; assault, bodily • harm, 4; Canada Temperance Act, 4; ear theft, 3; default of appear- ance, 3; held for provincial police, 3; break, enter with intent, .2; con- tributing to juvenile delinquency, 2; joy riding, 2; fail to stop after accident,. 2; common assault, 2; arson, .2; assault peace officer; 1; atid,"1.1. murder, 1; incest, 1; ust false investigation, 1; parole violator, 1; threaten, I; trespass, 1; abduction, 1; criminal negli- gence, 1; possession stolen goods, 1; theft, 1. Total, 114. There are at present in custody five prisoners. cost of daily ra- tions per prIsoner 4 cents. What' s the use of it all?" sighed. the rooster as he leaned his head against the barn door. ggs yesterday; chickens to, day; ,teather dusters tcnnorreW." 0 oa000 al* <>Goa fr Roads: Varna -Bayfield paving $26,074.75 Blyth -Walton paving 80,504.57 30,978,00 890.63 12,081.65 1,154.07 7.00 309.77 ' 20,123.91 Zurich South paving Brussels Streets Walton West Porters Hill . Brussels , Zurich Sa epta North Kir ton- ctinstructioti 351.45 VarnarSouth construction 75,059.15 Centralia • Street • 2,539.31 Road 28, Howick Twp. 1,701.34 Road 16 2,255.00 Bruce tcly. construction 22,251.81 _•_ Total. $276,282.41 Bridges and eulvdrtp: B-67, lienSall , .$ 3,287.78 Tri -County Bridge 1,097.67 B-60, Mount Carmel , 34,233.5'6 Benmiller Bridge ' 12,903.95 B-43, Summerhill ,, 5,355.83 B-4, West Wawanosh 2041.85 Road 4 Culvert 20.65 Fordwich Culvert 6,879.63 Hullett Culvert No. 1, Kin- burn7,906.56 Hullett Culvert No. 2,-Lon- telesboro 5,830,19 Sarepta North Culverts97820 Grey Culvert (McNaught) 6,99810 Zurich Culverts 1,70218 Mckillop Culverts . 4,236,08 Rd, '31 Culvert, Hillsgreen 268.45 West Wawanosh Culvert 5p818.28 Total $118,360.65 Maintenande Roads: . ot Calcium chloride $ 25,938,58 Ditching , 217.88 Dragging 37,48446 Drains 2,147.60 Grading •14,846.54 Gravelling 54,542.63 Guide rail 2,19694 Cold mix patching 14,910.15 Spray patching 10,434.55 Surface treatment 1,8050 , — Signs . , . 62.33 Brush Cuttibg. 1237.93 Weed cutting ......4 ........ „F:„13,970.0R Weed spraying 513.00 Salting and Sanding 23,452.25 Snow fence 7,207.08 Sub -Total ... . $741,626,01 Deduct: Machinery credit balance 55,59124 Stock bal. previous year 5249.15 Sub -Total . . ........ .$680,685.02 add: Miscellaneous $ 29,063.52 Land purchased .50,227.94 Drainage assessments 20.03 68 County rebates 46,11026 Overhead-- 51,80943 Total submitted for Subsidy 059,99925' Reconcilliation With Pay- ment Vouchers: Amount submitted for subsidy$859,999,95 Accounts receivable, paid 54.101.04 Accts. receivable, unpaid 10207.12 Items not for subsidy ... 30,17421 Development Road . 269,501.75 Total Payment as per Payment Vouchers $1,224,084.67 FOR COUNTY LIBRARY SERVICE .. INSURANCE CO, The member0dp CAnSists of 34 ' overhaul. libraries, 4 deposit stations, 3 high The annual Meeting was held 41 schools, and 229 elementary school the Legion Hall hi MU When' Mr. rOoms: - Roy Jewell, of CFPL, 'tendon, ad - Analysis of service: 8 ptiblic lib- dressed MI excellent gathering. A raries use 5,400 books during the- workshop in the county library of - year; 26 association libraries use flees was conducted bY Miss Bar - 17,790 books during the Year; 229 bark Smith,, of the Provincial Lib - elementary class -rooms use 29,625 rary Service, Toronto. books during the year; 7 other ,or- , Miss Mary Lou Stirling was add- ing the 'year. letes anlzations use 1,775 bookr during,,e'd to the staff in September to re- yisea2r7.0,Thuesintgota5l4,n5uor bboeorkosf dourut: place Mrs. C. Profit, 1959 Financial Report Revenue There are 6,834 pupils in the ele- mentary schools which we serve. Province of Ontario $ 5,10.00 There are still some areas of our County of Huron Area; -5 -rooms of the Stanley Tvvp. Lost hnd damaged books 64.19 county without librFees ary service in schools. There are as follows: Six Sale of books rooms of the Tuckeismith School Supplies sold • 35539 School Area; No, 3, Stanley; No. 8, Sundry '125.92 Stanley and Goderich; _14 rooms ' in VVingliam Public School, and 10 J - rooms in Seaforth Public School. Of the Separate Schools there Salaries: Expenditure are; No. 2, Ashfield; • No. 2, Hul- lett; Clerical No. 1, Stanley; 4 rooms in I •Librarians $.17:454060..7050 Goderich, and 4 rooms in Seaforth. Books . books. The County Library service Periodicals rooms which would need 2,450 Office expenses 4.283495..3854 This makes a total ,of 49 school postage and express .95 38.85 is available to these schools as Employees'469.86 benefits soon as they apply for it. Audit 50.90 Collection and circulation: adult Miscellaneous ' - 324.06' classed books: purchased, 284;_ no. ,Rebinding , 378.77.. in collection, 4,361; circulation, 5,- Library supplies .s....i . 957.50 403; adult fiction books: purchas- Travelling expenses 1,010.71 ed, 368; no. in collection; 4,639; Committee pay tt 581.60 circulation, 31,322; boys' and girls' Workmen's compensation '''' 89.47 books: purchased. 797; no. in col- Interest and exchange 162203717 lection, 15,432; circulation, .346,663., Telephone Totals: purchased, 1,449; no. in Rent s n collection, 24,435;, circulation, 383, Depreciation • ,, 1,214,82 388. This showa,increase in en-- Insurance 67640..6000, culation of approximately 8,854 ov- Truck maintenance 466.69 er that of 1958. , The libraries of Wingham, Moles- worth, Lakelet, Seaforth and Exe- Excess of revenue ter all increased the quantity of over expenditure books required from us by the end of this year. The schools at, Clin- ton and -Go -de -deli increased too. • During the year the Exeter Pub- lic Library and the schools of St. Boniface, Mount Carmel, •No. _7_ Tuckersmith, and No. 13 McKillop, joined the County Library. The in- creased quantity of books required to cover the above-mentioned ex-, pension i'1,O75. The library truck travelled 7,808 miles during the year at a cost of $466.69, or slightly less than 6c per mile The cost included an -engine ' • 10,500.00 4,740.98 2,915.01 $23,801,49 • You Can Depend On When kidneys fair torenioye excess acids and wastes, • backache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often folldw. Dodd's Kidney Pills .stitaulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better --sleep bet- ter, work better. You can depend Be Dodd's.Get Dodd'sat any drugstore. $ 20,60025 $ 3,20124 _Selt_that unneccoarx Piec.e, of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad, Phone 14i.. 4-4-6- That ---is the Telephone Number, of SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY. HEAD OFFICE — Ezetter Ontario riceS)dent: • Alex J. Rade R.R. Mitchell Vice -President • Milton McCurdy - R.R. 1, Kirkton Directors: E.. Clayton Colquhoun, R.R. 1, Science Hill; Martin Feeney R.R. g, Dublin: Robert G: Gardiner, R.R. 1, Cromarty; Timothy B. Toohey, R.R. 3, Lucan. Agents: Harry Coates, R.R. 1, Centralia; Clayton Harris, Mitchell; Stanley Hocking, Mitchell. Solicitor: W. ,G. Cochrane - - Exeter Secretary -Treasurer Arthur Fraser - - - Exeter RQ TAKES THE guesswork out of CHICK buying at less cost' TO YOU - ROE FARMS now bring in top blood linesfrom-U.S.A.,such as STONE'S, DESILERCHIX, TRUE -LINES. Prove them under Canadian condi- tions and offer you a selection of ttie best. • NO PENALTY PAYMENT§ Be safe, sure with EDE CROSSES at big savings andliteratWurreite forprces • FARMSLIMITED • ATWOOD, ONTARIO " 4,441,4,4444.4.14:444,94444,44W.m.40 THIS YEAR always, • CHEVROLET Is everybody's kind of car A General Motors Value Chevy is Canada's best seller for all the best reasons. Style, room, power -- un - Matched value — Chevy has 'em all. Here's the car that unquestionably sets the pace for '60. - Your Chevrolet dealer —tite- it -Wile You 'earTy degvery. • AND HERE'S WHY . . . STYLE LEADER Chevy's ahe'ad In the fashionparade with dletInctively classic lifieS, mat- ching interior eta, sante,. SAVE Waif THE SALES LEADER, Chevy cuts production costs down socaupsroo.f aChevy'hugsnolume output, so savings start . With Clievy's low ice . . •torii'#; WIDE, WIDE • CHOICE EVerybodY'a pal Ore - fences are fulfill- ed' by one of the . frlskr-neW Onevies.1 '„ choose yours, now • • LON:I'Ll'A;11/711140U vp 1•t Superb. Body by Fisher constfue- teiroanef, gl nal rseh paanrtd erfutehte- .Chevy bargain. PROVEN. PERFORMANCE Get all Of Chevy's traditionally out- , Standing ecenarnY-' and effortless smooth -as -silk GO. POWER , ANY WAY YOU LIKE ITE Only Chevy lets you -"custom Power" yOUr faailte model to be so exactly right for you. @UgEjLA1jiJ\Y]L GO CHEVROLETc„,c SgAFORTH all.heisemerofesiessialekiesoimemaroseeermoisT' MOTORS - PHONE 541 NI SEE YOUR DEALER FOR QUICK 'AIVRAISALs PROMPT DELIVERY , : • 0 , 1'4