The Huron Expositor, 1960-01-29, Page 4QN expos'rQ i, S11A,FORTH, ZANUAIty 29, 1,460
Coursing . Events
, 1,Urit, Strayed
3 Found
_4Help Wanted
G. $Uaineaa Opportupitim
'6. Teachers Wanted
7, -Situations Wanted
8. Farm Stock For Sale
9.. PooItrk -For Sale
10. Used Cars For Sale
IX. Artielea For Sale
12. Wanted To Buy
19. '
Proneedy"'For Sale
Property For Rent
For Sale or Rent
Wanfed To Rent
Property Waned
Auction Sales
12. Wanted To Buy
GOOD TYPE York or, Landrace lioar,
4 to 6 months. disease free. WESLEY
RUSSELL, Cromarty. 13-98-1°
WA;FIED--Sleigh runners for use on
baby carriage. MRS. S. K. ALLEN,
Phone 559, Seaforth. 12-98-1
H1GHEST CASH PRICES paid for nick.
uown and.disabled farm animals. Prompt.
•ourteoua collection of all dead and
disab ed arm an ma an i ea.
collect, El) ANDREWS, 851 R• 11, Sew.
• - forth. Associated with Darling & Co.. of
• Canada Ltd. 12-94-tf
21. Tenders Wanted 13. Wanted
...22. Legal Notices
23. Cards of Thanks
24. In Memoriam ......
25. Personals
The cost is low. Classificati..t: 2, 3,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17-01'aiul)fl
25 cents an insertion. All other classi-,
Scatiminimlm ,0. Cents per insertion,
except ns action Sales (20), Tenders Want-
ed (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on
1. Conning Events
WATCH FOR THE Brenda York Cook-
ing Schogl, Canada Packers Products,
• M'erch 84.. gad 26. Sponsored by the Can-
adian Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Seaforth.
• • 4. Help 'Wanted
WOMAN WANTED for' part time cook-
' ing job. PHONE Seaforth 227.
WANTED: Man for steady travel a-
mong consumers in Huron County.. Per.;
manent connection with large manufac-
turer, Only reliable hustler considered.
Write today., RAWLEIGH'S, Dept. A-363-
131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 4-98-1
HOUSEWIVES - Need extra money
""these dela We have a part-time in-
come plan to help you ,,,,ilellable, .neat -
appearing mothers of school age children
can qualify. Write MLSS MOSHER,
manager, Box '86, Owen Sound. stating
telephone number. 4-95,96,98-3
7. Situations Wanted
WILL DO babysitting in own home.
Apply to
Seaforth 359-R. 7- 95 4
BOARDERS WANTED, male preferred,
in modern home- PHONE 241-J, Seaforth.
14. Property For Sale
PLAN your home pow ; 550,00 down
'will buy you a let' in Seaford' or Harper -
hey. Lots surveyed. Land suitable for
Y_L.A, projects Terms to suit CLAY-
' ,'....- 14.94-10
Large dwe1
ins. James Street,
ing extra lot, new oil furnace, modern
kitchen and bath. A reel buy for cash.
One and_ half storey brick dwelling in
Dublin, modern conveniences, three bei -
rooms. An ideal family home.
Other Seaforth Dwellings Listed..
We also have a number 'of. good Huron
County farina for' sale. '-""
For information contact:
Phone 474, Seaforth
Phone 214, Seaforth
15. Property For Rent
FIVE -ROOM HOUSE with four -piece
bath, one block from Main Street. An
conveniences,. Available now. PHONE
281-2, Seaforth, - 15-95-tf
20.. li ction Sales
Auction Sale of Holstein heifers at lot
5. con, 3, Stanley twp. 114, miles north
and 11. ;piles west of kippen, on TUES-
DAY, FEBRUARY 9, at 1:30 p.m.
35 first calf Holstein heifers, due time
of sale, and remainder in February. This I
is an exceptionally well-bred lot of heif-
ers.. All are vaccinated and sale will be,
held under cover.
Terms --CASH.
ALEX MCBHATH, Proprietor.
21. Tenders Wanted
will be received b the
Chief Administration
RCAF .Station Clinton
for the operatio of a Beauty Salon,.locat-
ed at RCAF Winn Clinton, Ontario.
Details available np
ing. Lowest. or any
ily accepted. Tends
noon, February 26, 1
n request in writ—
tender not necessar-
e -clone at twelve
60. 21-974
23. Cards of Thanks -'--
WE WOULD LIKE to express our ap-
preciation to everyone who remembered us
in our ad bereavement. Specfkl thanks to
the D. Rann Funeral Home and Revs.
Brown, Campbell And Elder.
The Families of Gwen McCuteheon
I WISH TO THANK my many friends
Land_ relatives, -for cards, letters,yisits and
flowers while I was a patient in Scott
Memorial Hospital. A special thank -you
t_to Dr., Stapleton and the nursing staff of
ilk 'hospital. - TOM BEATTIE
I WISH TO THANK all my friends
and neighbours for so kindly remember-
ing me with Cards and treats after my
recent operation, also to. the doctors
nurses and other staff at Scott Memorial
Hospital-. . HILDA PAYNE
MRS. PETER MALCOLM, phone 23-98-1
on Railway Street. immediate possession.
Apply to CARL DALTON, Seaforth, phone
Sfors orth 62-W. 15-984
8.. Farm Stock For Sale ^a 1
'two SOWS for sale. PHONE 654 R 2,19. Notices
Seaforth. 8-98x1
EIGHT PIGS, 10 weeks old. Apply to
J. E. MacLEAN, RR 3, Seaforth, P101ne
Seaforth 665 R 21. 8-9871
heifers. springing, also some Calves, suit-
able for. raising. LORNE TYNDALL, RR
2, Clinton. Phone HU. 2-9904: 8-98-2
HEREFOFD... BULL• Ringwood Zento
Domino, 5 years. old. Apply to SAM Mc-
Clure, Seaforth. Phone 844 R 13.
10. ' Used Cars For Sale
• 1954 DODGE SEPAN in good condi-
tion belonging to the estate of the late
Wilford Cameron. Cat- SSEAFORTH 7884
•..',for arrangements to see same. 10-98-2
—,Four -Speed trfinamission
—Dual wheels on ,back
—Good rubber
—Steel box and hoist
—Complete withtarp and racks
Just the truck for drawing livestock,
bulk grain, bulk fertilizerand custom
combine 'work.
Priced reasonably for'flesh sale.
' Contact
Topnotch r eeds Limited
Phone 775, Seaforth
11. .Articles For Sale
crossed pups. 8 weeks old. t Phone 84 R
BABY BUGGY for le, ing�,C n•
dition Apply to
Seaforth, 11 -98 -1 -
GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies for sale,
14 months old, black and tan or black
and grey. PHONE Godericia JA. 4-7966.
CUT FLOWBBS and potted Plante for
every oeeaalon. We deliver- darty after
five par. STAPFEN'S PLUMBING and
HEATING. Phone 49, Seaforth. 21-96-12
WINI'i. and SLEET—TV- - aerials covered
with your house. Fire Inanrance. No de-
o-dnctible. •E. H "Shorty" Munroe. Phone
894.. Seaforth 11-94-tf
FLANNELETTE Blankets, 70/" x 90er,
$4.45 ; men's short rubber boots, $3.75;
good a tock of prints ,and flannelettes.
BORDEN BROWN. Phdne Seaforth 841r2.
._ L1Gi1TWEi: 2 F. ire fc and rust
proof Iniperiar Alamhlum windows and
doors, from 626 ap for combination screen
and storm. Let us show you. STAFFEWS
PLUMBING and HEATING, Phone 49, I .
Seaforth. 1146.12
RIVE\PAYS PLOWED, modem equi p-
ment, 'CLAYTON DENNIS, Phone 669
R 2, Seaforth. 19-97-4
FILTER QUEEN Sales, & Service, Re-
pairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners.
Reconditioned cleaners of n11 makes for
sale. BOB PECK. Varna, Phone' Hen-
sall 696 R 2 .
THE FAMILY of the late Rae Mc-
Arthur wish to express their sincere
thanks for the sympathy and kindness
.how nto them during their recent sad ber-
eavement, Special thanks to Rev. Cur-
rie Winlaw, the Bonthron -Funeral Home,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Allan and Dr. P.
L. Brady. 23-98-1
SINCERE THANKS and appreciation to
the friends. relatives and neighbours for
cards. flowers, treats and visits during
my illness while a patient' at Clinton,
Community Hospital and since returning
home. 'Special thanks to Rev, Winlaw,
i>atr•Godd-ard -and nursing staff of the hos-
THE 'FAMILY of ' the late Jan9s T.
Scott wish to thank their man yfriends
relatives and neighbours for the many,
acts of kindness, messages of sympathy
and floral -tributes received during their
recent sad bereavement. Special thanks
to Dr. P. L. Brady, Rev. Leslie Elder•,
Box Funeral Chapel, Seaforth Branch of
the Canadian Legion, RCAF Station, Clin-
ton. Seaforth Highlanders' Band, also to'
those who acted as pallbearers; honorary
pallbearers and flowerbearers.
forth and district and Dry, Cleaning Ser -
.ice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth,
abent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria
Ltd., Exeter.
MAGIC MARKERS --Instant dry. wa-
terproof, write od any surface; just pull
off cap ,and •Magic Marker in ready to
use. Refills available. Nine colors ink.
DRAIN TILE -4", . 655 per Id, del'd;
5 inch, $85 per M del'd ; ; 6 inch, 3110 per
M dad: 8 inch, $175 per M del'd. Prices
for 10", 12", and 14" on request. RY-
DALL BRICK & TILE LTD., Elginfield.
Phone BAldwin 7-4721, Lacon. 19-98x51
REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanan
Cleaners, Mount. 'orest. More spots and
stains removed. Garments.stay clean long-
er, wear longer. Agent: MIJ.J:'F'R'S
'LAUNDRY...SlRVICE. Phone 247 for
pick-up. Dry -Cleaning sale with 20% off'
from Jan. 16 to Jan. 80. , , 19-94-tf
OPS Investments Ltd.
Announces the removal of their offices to
larger quarters at
99 Avenue Road, Suite 310,
Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
Phone number remains the --same
WA. 2-2442 '•
• Loans available anywhere
Parking fadnities available •
' SERVICE ... ...
Highest cash prices paid in surrounding
district for dead, old, sick or disabled hors-
es and can? Horses at Sc a pound' For
'the fastest' d»sd proper removal of an ani-
mals, dad- drr night,
-,�• Calf Long Distance and ask for
(no toll charge)
Towl'iship of Tuckersmith
Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Town -
hip tot Tuckersmith are requested by the
Council to dot park cars on ..fown'8hip
roads and streets daring the winter months
in order tofacilitate snowplowing oapera-
tions, ,"
Council will not be responsible for dam-
ages to any vehicles parked on roads or
Clerk 'Tnekeramith
SPRAYED APP-J.E$ for sale: Spy, King.
Tahman Sweets, Delicious, Snow, Ruses.
'Greening, Macintosh, Baldwinr, etc. Free
delire27, in town. Pho6e' HO": 24214.
141 IS A- -SCM- EGY Waw
*Wee 14t9 SUCCESS 're That
FF.wr T$a'r HE. LEARNED—
1� �}1Ft uGii•,
r ,
"Where Better Bulls Are Used" '
Artificial Insemination Service for all
Breeds of Cattle
Farmer Owned and Controlled_
Can as between 7:30 and 10:00 a -m.
weekdays and 6:00 and 8:00 p m. Sat-
urday evenings at
24. In Memoriam
WATSON—In loving memory of pus
dear mother, Annie Watson, who Missed
away Jappary 27, 1948.
The depth of sorrow we cannot tell.
Of one we lost and loved so well,
And while she sleeps a'Peaceful sleep,
Memories we will always keep.
"-"—The family:' 24-98x1
Clinton HU 2-3441
or for Longi, Distance
Clinton. Zenith 9-5650
Sell that unnecessary .piece of
furniture through Clihrl)lr "Exposi-
'tor Classified Ad.,. Phone 141. •
Box Holders' Nimes
Not Given Out
It is not possible for us
to divulge the name or ad-
dress of any advertiser using
a Huron Expositor bolt Milt -
her, Please do reit ask rig for
tili5 inforplatitarj.: —
25. Personals
mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope
.,With price 'list, 6 sampples 25c ; 24 sam-
ples 31.00. Mail - Order Dept. T-78
NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box, 91, Hamilton.
26. Births
FEENEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on
•• January 26, to Mr. and Mr's Fergus
Feeney, RR 2, Dublin, a son-
FRASER—At Kitchener -Waterloo Hospi-
tal, on January 9, 1960, to Mr.. and
Mrs. Fraser, of Balmoral Drive, a
son, John Cameron. ,.
RONEY—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on
January 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank.
Roney, RR 3, Dublin, a ,ylaughter.
VAN DYKE—At Scott Memo512FHospital,
•• on January 23, to Mr. and Mrs: Ted
V'an Dyke. RR 8, .Seaforth, a son.
Bankers Attend
London_ Meeting
f.' L. F. Ford, manager of the
Canadian Bank of Commerce, and
Mr. W. C. Moore. manager of the
-Toren itttDuminion `B'smk, were- .115
London last week attending a
school conducted by the O.A.C.
The school was organized in con-
junction with the department of
agriculture, and discussed -various
phases of farm credit manage-
Counter Check Books
Printad Gummed Tape
)[�•pAP E.P. p 1?CCJC75
f S'v;es for every business.
Various colors and designs.
Sar:ples. suggestions and
rrices Without cb):;;at,.n
nig- HURON
Designed to meet the rapidly Ontario Agricultural College, is
changing technological and ecoli- well known to the dairy industry
omit conditions. faced by modern of the province, having been ap-
agriculture, a major reorganiza- pointed dairy commissioner ssioner some
g 12 years ago after having seen
tion of the Ontario Department of
:N: AL11...,_N,..
-Mrs. S. 'lt- bOi, has returned a#ol, e.M II Fund was in-
home after spdirig 10 days with creased $500. Mr. Robert Reaburn
!ler brother and sister -in law> Mr. read all address to Rev. and Mrs:
and Mrs. Ant. Gelderland, Ridge- Winlaw and 'Mrs. George Arm -
town. While there. she visited in strong presented Mrs. Winlaw with
Highgate, Thamesville and Marine a floral arrangement of pink car -
City, Mich. • ---nations and white mums. James'
Flowers in memory of the late McAllister was secretary for the
Mr, John Campbell were placed in meeting.
Carmel-Churclie last Sunday , -by • Hensall BQy Honored
members of the family,
Miss Maja Roobol, Reg.N., at The following interesting item of
news will be read with interest by
Victoria Hospital. London, was a some of the Hensall readers. It
weekend visitor at her home here. refers to Jack Steaey, -of Denver,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hess left Colorado, a former. Hensall boy,
for Toronto on Saturday where who since going to Denver has be -
Mr. Hess underwent surgery on come very active in Masbnic af-
Monday at the Sliouldice Clinic, 626 fairs,, and • on December 11 was
Church St., Toronto. elected and installed as the Wor-
shipful Master of his lodge, which
is Lakewood 170, A.F. and A.M.,•
Lakewood, Colorado, :and..on Jab.
13 was elected and `installed as
presidentof the Denver Metropoli-
service as an agricultural repres- Mr, James „>'eity and Miss Sar -
Agriculture was announced by the entative. He is a young roan well ah Petty are vacationing at Miami,
Ontario evernment. qualified to deal with marketing Florida, for, the winter: --
Following a complete study of problems. He will have the bene- Mr. Fred Kennings eturned-on
the .various`"•sei`vices offered by fit of the experience of. G. Frank Thursday from a .m�th's visit
the various branches of the depart- Perkin, who will remain as Com- with his daughter and son-in-law,
ment, Hon, W. A. Goodfellow, missioner of Marketingi for the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hedden and
Minister of Agriculture, has insti- Province, and who bas been.iiden- family at St. Catharines.
toted a realignment of departmen- tified with marketing >procechlres George E. Walker was taken by
tal activities which will increase $Q.241 QIl ambulance to St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, Friday after-
noon in the further interests of his
efficiency and provide wider ser-
vice to the farm people of the
Province. - , ,,•)'arm Products" Marketing Board,
Under the reorganization the wills form the nucleus of a strong
functions of -the Department are team to administer and advise on
being separated into a Division of Ontario's farm marketing plans.
Marketing and a Division of Pro- j Mr.. Hilliard ei,4ered the service
duction which will provide for a of the Department in 1940 -on' gra-
more,. efficient co-ordinated pro- duation from the Ontario Agricul-
tural College, as an assistant ag-
The two divisions will be admin-
istered by two assistant deputy ii as an administrator moved him
'cultural representative. His abil-
up rapidly in the ranks of the
"With our greaitl33.",,.jqe;eased service. .A1 head of the Produc-
population and,�b ereby more con -"tion Division he will' correlate the
sumers, and wit( fewer farmers Work of branches assigned to his
on the land, it is increasingly im-' division.
portant that every possible step
be taken to safeguard our basic
industry," . said Mr, Goodfellow.Kyle; Miss • Margaret Boa and
"The reorganization has been plan- Accommodation Is Mrs.' Bishack, tied; Mrs: Glenn
ned to meet the demands of the
farm population who are faced Hospital Topic
with many difficulties both in the
field of marketing and production." Dr, J. B. Nielson, a member of
for, the past 30„ years." Mr. Perkin,
with George McCague who was re-
cently appointed chairman -of the
Bingo Winners -
Mrs. William Kyle, Kippen,' was
the lucky winner of "share the
wealthy and the $5.00 door prize
at the Legion bingo Saturday night.
Other winners were: Miss Pearl
Tideswell, Clinton, 2; Mrs. Wm.
Kyle; Mrs. Kyle and Mrs. Glen
McKenzie,tied; Mrs. Glen. Mc-
Kenzie ad Bob Smale, tied; Mrs.
Meidinger, Zurich; Mr. R. Dyvon,
Hensall; Roy Kenney and' Kenny
Bisback, tied; Roy Kenney and
Mrs.. M. Sangster,• tied; Mrs.
Fleischauer, Zurich; Mrs. William
McKenzie, Hensall`
, Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parsons, R.
,,The Minister said that the re- the Ontario Hospital Services Com- R. 1,. Hensall, wish to announce
organization would eliminate .any. -mission, visited SeaforthTThursday `tire engagement.of'theirdaughter,
possibility of, overlapping or dupli- and --..discussed with members of Lynda . Carole, •to James" Michael
cation of "effort. the board of Scott Memorial Hos- Regan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mich -
"In view of the 'evolution taking pital the accommodation. problems ael Regan, R.R. 5, Mitchell, the
place on the farms of Ontario to- existing at the hospital. wedding to take plate in St. Brig -
day, particularly in the marketing Further' •consideration is being id's R.C.Church, Mitchell, Satur-
of farm produce, it is necessary deferred by the board pending re- 1 day, January 30, at 10:30 a.m.
to have strong leadership in order ceipt of Dr. 'bleilson's report. Amber Rebekah Lodge Meets
that we might assist farm market-
ing groups in their i'narketing prob- -"rs.' Glenn Beth ,r_b,- Grand,
lems. That will be,. accomplished
through the ((station of the Divi-
presided for the regular meeting
of Amber Rebekah Lodge Wednes-
sion of Marketing which will co- Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle and day evening. Recording secretary
ordinate • all marketing activities. Jim,��.ttterded 'a family dinner party Mrs. John Ligram, submitted a
Similarly the placing of all branch- on Saturday evening at the home report of the characted commit -
es of the service concerned with o: Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle, Zur- tee, followed by balloting on eandi-
matters of production and- exten- i^h. - dates. Vice Grand Mrs. E. "Chip -
under one administrator will Miss Judy Gridzak spent the chase, Mrs. A. MacGregor and
provide for more efficient ser:
Administration of the Mark: Inn-
D'rvisibn will include supervision
of the activities and services of
the present Markets Branch; the
Ontario Food Terminal Board'. On-_
fhrio ,Stock Yards Board; Milk In-
dustry Board of Ontario; the Farm
Pfoducts " Inspection. Service and
the Perin "Products"- -Marketing
The following branchek and pro-
grams of the Department will , -be
under the • diredtto4f of the-Div4sion
of Produ.ctiont Livc-.Stock Branch,
Field Crops Branch, Agricultural
and Horticultural Societies Branch,
Extension Branch, Home • Econom-
ics Service, and the Farm Econ-
omics and Statistics Branch. Oth-
er branches and internal admini-
stration will come under the sup-
ervision of R. G. Bennett, Chief
Agricultural Officer. ' —
Everett M, • Biggs, • Ontario
Dairy. Commissioner, has been ap-
pointed Assistant Deputy Minister
of Marketing, and T. R: Hilliard,
Director of the Extension Service,
as Assistant Deputy' Minister of
Mr. Biggs, a graduate of the
Six Sisters
Welcome, Brotk:e•r
A tiny newcomer to Huron Coun-
ty made his debut a week oi' .so
ahead of time, but nonetheless he
will be a welcome addition to the
all -girl family of Mac Ducharme,
of R.R. '2, Zurich.
Weighing in at three pounds one
ounce, the first boy in a family
of girls, is presently resting com-
fortably in bis" incubator at Sea -
forth Hospital, where he was born
January 16.
The youngster, who will probab-
ly be named Gerrard, has six sis-
ters, ranging in age from, 20 years
down to 10.
"We're all pretty proud of that
new_ boy," commented the happy
father, as he spread the good -news
among ._llis._,friends.. .(Mi nosh -Q6-
Mrs. McTavish looked out of -the
window as. the family was sitting
down to dinner and wailed, "Here
comes company, .and I bet they
haven't eatep yet."
"Quick," -ordered her hiisband,
"everybody out on the porch with
kend with her grandparents, Mrs. Inez McEwen reported for
Mr. and Mrs. -Cliff Watson, Cen- the visiting committee. .Arrange-
ralia. ' 4 nlents were made for the degree
Some of tilemembers' of Group February 3rd and birthday party,
2 metat the home of Mrs. Harry
Caldwell on Friday evening. The
rest of the members will, be con-
tacted at another date. "The Will-
ing Workers" was chosen as ' a
suitable name for the group, sub-
ject to the approval of the rest
of the group. Winners in the
games were Mrs, Morley Cooper
and Mr. Robert Upshall. Consola-
tion winners were Mr. 'and Mrs.
Alen; McMurtrie. The ' collection
amounted to $11.21. -
Mrs. Ivan •Steckle, of near Bay-
field, visited on Monday witli heir
sister, Mrs. E. Kyle.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle en-
tertained on Friday evening sev-
eral members of the Order of the
Eastern Star, sponsored by the
Exeter chapter. Present were Mr.
and Mrs. Allan _ Fraser, Mr. and
Mrs. Stan Love, Mr. and Mrs.
John E.' McEwan, Mr. and Mrs.
Alf Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hay,
Mrs. Stewart Baird, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dalrymple, Mr. Mr. Robt.
Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Love were also guests of the eve -
Mr.' Art Gibson, of Wroxeter,
visited Monday afternoon with his
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. W,• --L, Mellis.
Congregational Meeting
The annual meeting of St. An-
drew's United Church, Kippen,,
was• -held -•'Monday evening. A de-
licious supper was served by the
managers. Mr. Ross Love was
appointed chairman"and Mrs. Em-
erson' Kyle, secretary, for the
meeting. The sum of $4,233 was
raised for all purposes., in 1959.
The retiring stewards were jno.
A. Cooper," Harold Jones, Ross
Broadfoot and William Coleman.
Newly -elected stewaidk. are Ralph
Turner, Tom Consitt, Ken McLel'�
Ian and; Wayne McBride. Mr. Ross
Love was appointed representative
to Presbytery.
It was moved that all those wish-
ing The United Church Observer
ho,,tlld----subscribe--fog;it;... aiso--inoa�
ed that the Elders appoint a lie ,v
superintendent due to the resigna-
tion of Mrs. John Sinclair.
Mr. -and Mrs. Van Wierren at-
tended a banquet in Blenheeim on
Friday evening which wast spon-
sored by the W. G. Thompson and
Sons mill, of Hensall. Ahm t 50
employees and theirtivvives were
imusi :--..-r-7E—i710:1-.■1C-1C IC'-tr it /;: illi;11151
!rt "a.S 6; a " Mil 'Mils ".'• tf' Ili '11 'VAlEl1 [1111
311111.,en, 4. s w Jit: i{ ai'l`sa or..rnl ¢l.:i"
1.4e P lr s . « , r • ., r,ci ur'i'ne : ,1 it, r
MOVABLE FENC1 ... ;one value of electric:, fence Is that It
fir portable. leach post is steel rod welded to a disk *lib a"letietb•
Of rOd•bllovred to project below dia'k `84epping Olt ildsk force* red
talo the groilitdd '
February 17th.
Social -committee for January
and'February are Mrs. E. Shad -
dick, Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, Mrs.
Wm. Fuss, Mrs. J. Flynn and Mrs.
Stewart Blackwell; entertainment,
Mrs. H. McEwen, Mrs. MacGre-
gor, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and Mrs.
David Blackwell. A euchre 'party
will be held February 24th.
Guide New
tap.Area Masonic Officers'
ation. There are approxim
Masonic lodges in the m
tan area. He was installed
Past Grand Masters of Co
with whom he is quite we
At the meeting there wer over
2ffices mbrepres-
en50ti�pog se 35and •lodgesemers in attend-
ance for dinner, which was -fol-
lowed by the installation held in
the Masonic Temple in downtown
Jack is the son of::,the late -Mr.
and Mrs,.Sam Steacy, of Hensall,
is married to a London girl, lived
� a -'few
ears.till the
in Detroit fo
middle 40's, and then moved to
Denver, Colorado, for health rea-
Sens_feehis wife and son, In 1955
Jack visited in Hensall and attend-
ed the AF and AM Hensall Lodge
224 while here. He resides at 1700
Teller Street, Lakewood 15, Colo-
'Mr. Charles Mickle, of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario, visited
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Laird Mifekle, Bob and Ann.
Mrs. Charles Farquhar:. is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,-
London, having undergone surgery
last week. •
Ross Christian, ''son of Mr. and
yrs. K. K. Christian, has: -been
transferred to the Bank•. of Mon-
treal, ` Gunton.
tr poli -
by two
ac -
James, VStott
(Continued freill• Page 1),
Scott, Fred Scott, Harold • Agar
Wm. McDowell. Pallbearers, .all,.
members of Branch 156 Legion
were Les Beattie, Jack Holland,
Secord McDrien, Uarth iait Huis.
-ser, -(George D. Hays and F. E.
Willis. , Flowerbearefs were Alex
Muir, F, Eling, J. M. Eckert, Geo:
Sills, D. L. Reid and M. R. Rea-
r nle• -
(By Linda Noakes)
The meeting of the Guid'es bogan
with the formation of the horse-
shoe and the performing 'of the
opening ex.ercises. The Guides en-
joyed a Kim's" game, after
wich MTS. R. H. Middleton gave.
a lecture • on "Child Nursing" A
rel -ay -game was played before the
Guides .had campfire.
United Church Congregational
Rev. .Currie Winlaw was chair-
man for the congregational meet-
ing of the United Church; held
Monday evening with the , congre-
gation well represented.' Elected
to the Board •'ofoeStewards were
Lorne Hay, George Parker, Wil-
mer Ferguson and Orville Jones.
Flower committee will be Mrs.
George Thompson, Mrs. Laird
Mickle, Mrs. W. R. Dougall, Mrs.
Stanley Mitchell, Mrs. Geo. Hess
`and Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
Ushers for 1960 are: Milton Lav-
ery, head usher; Roy Brock, Keith
Buchanan, Ronald Caldwell, Jim
Clark, Ernie Chipehase, Jack Drys-
dale, Ross Jinks, Bill Mickle, Jack
Simmons, Rodger Venner, Grant
McGregor.; and auditors, R. J. Pat-
erson and James McAllister.
Several important items of busi-
ness were brought up for discus-
Mr. Maurice Chubb, of Niagara,
with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey.
Mrs. Jennie Fisher, of Guelph,
with her brother, Russell Butler.
Billie Houghton spent the week-
end with Mrs. M. Houghton.
Miss Olive Spears m Mitcbell
with Mrs. E. MacDonald.
Evening A Ixiliary'Meets
The Marion Ritchie Evening Aux-
uxiliary held their January meeting
in the basement of the church, with
Mrs. Wesley Russell residing.
Mrs. Robert Laing read the scrip-
ture lesson. Mrs. Russell followed
this with a thought for meditation.
Mrs. Jim Miller led in prayer. he
secretary and treasurer ea gave
their reports.
Plans were made to sponsor a
home bake sale jointly With - the
Ladies' Aid Society, and hold it in
Mitchell in February, if possible to
secure a suitable room.
Mrs. Calder McKaig introduced
the new study book, "The -.Way in
Africa," by George Wayland Car-
penter, andwas assisted ted bYs.
Gerald Carey. They presented the
first progratn entitled, "Look At
Name Winners In
Euchre Series
Twenty-two tables were in play
at the euchre and dance sponsored
by the Seaforth Women's Institute
Friday evening. Prize winners for
the euchre were: ladies, first,
Mrs. Sam ' Storey; second, Mrs.
Stewart Wilson; consolation, Mrs.
Carl McClinchey; men,' first, John
Tremeer; second, Jack McKay;
consolation, Ross Broadfoot.
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