The Huron Expositor, 1960-01-22, Page 4TUEwmoIgroarri5a, SEAFOrli, 0,1041i4Y 22* --;060* CAMICTIliSILANINIEICARE':.1141EWQR.LD'S BEST BARGAINS , , 1, , • it.TSE 1111g_SE .C1.41),SSIFICATIONS ,AbVANTAGE rfOolne, Vvota • '2 Lost, §ttlyed Ftein4 IMP Wanted eersteltlelaa Opportunities ..4Teglebera Wanted 'Sittaticips Wanted e ' "Peon Sleek For Sale • 9e Poelta For Sale• ' 133.. Used Care For Sale 11. Articles For Sale • 12. Wanted To Buy 13.21. Wanted • 14. Property For Sale 15. Property Fur Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent '18- Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notict • 23. Cards of Thanks 24. In Memoriam 28. Personals The coat is low. Classifications 2, 3, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 1'7 --minimum 25 cents an insertion. All other clussi- fieations, minimum 50 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales 120), Tenders Want- ed (21) and Legal Notices (e2). rates on - arealicatien. • 1. Coining Events VALENTINE SUPPER, at Northside United Church. Thursday, February 11, 1960. Save this date and enjoy a turkey supper. WATCH FOR THE Brenda York Cook- ing School, Canada -Packers ' Products, March 24 and 25. Sponsored by the Can- adian Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Seaforth. 1-974 SEAFORTH JUNIOR FARMERS are holding their annual banquet on Tuesday, February 2hd. at 7:00 p.m, in the Orange Hall, Seaforthe Tickets may be secured from members of the Junior Farmers. eryone is welcome. 1-97.1 2. . Lost, Strayed LOST or MISPLACED: Aluminum 20 - foot ladder, Rewerd. DUBLIM„ELEC- - .TELIC. Phonee70 It. 2, Dublin. 2-074 • LOST from Scott Memorial liospitaL Taken by mistake, a pair of black plastid galoshee. Would the finder, kindly phone 596-J. 2-97-1 4. Help Wanted • Other Seaforth Dwellings Listed.. WOMAN to supervise Seaforth home with children for four days. commenc- We also have a number of good Huron ing February 4. All conveniences. Apply County, farms for sale. BOX 807, The Huron Expeditor. 4-974 Article For Sale_ GERMAN SHEPHERD lett9Pies for aide. 24) months Q1c1, black and tin or black and grey. PHONE Goderich JA. 44966. 11-96-4 SPRAYED APPLES for-eitle: Spy. King. Nimbi. Sweets • Delicious, Snow. Russet. Greening, MacIntnete lialdwin. etc. Free lellyery in town. Phone HU. 2-3214. FRED McCLYMONT' & SONS. Varna, 11-94-tf 12. Wanted To Buy USED FRENCH DOORS. Please' indi- cate condition 'and Price. BOX FUR- NITURE, Seaforth. 12-97x1 RIG/IP-ST CASH PRICES paid for sick, ...own and disabled farm animals. Prompt. courteous collection ofe all dead and disabled farm animate and hides. Call collect, ED ANDREWS. 851 R 11, Sea - forth. Associated with Darling & Co. of eanada Ltd. 12-94-tf 13. Wanted BOARDERS WANTED, mak preferred, in modern home. PHONE 2414, Seaforth. WANTED AT ONCE Lady to keep house and look after two children while wife is in hospital. BOX 695, Thp Hur- on Expositor. 18-97-1 FIRST MORTGAGE of e2,000 on resi- dence being erected in Seaforth. Interest rate and principal payments to suit lend- er, Apply McCONNELL & STEWAleT, Seeforth. Ontario. Telephone 174. -- 18-97-1 14. Property For Sale PLAN your home now; $50.00 down will buy you a lot in Seafortli or Harpur- heY. Lots surveyed. Lund suitable for V.L.A. -projects Terms to suit. CLAY- TON DENNIS. • 14-94-tf P ROPERTIES FOR SALE -- Large dwelling. James StAet,.' ing extra lot,' new oil furnace, Modern kitchen and bath, A real buy for cash. , One and halt • storey brick dwelling in Dublin, modern conveniences. eihree bed- rooms. An ideal family ome. HOUSEWIVES - Need extra money these days? We have a part-time in- come plan to help You Reliable, neat - appearing mothers of school age children can qualify. Write MISS MOSHER, manager, Box 86, Owen Sound, stating teleehone number. 4-96,96:98-3 WANTED:Reliable snan as Dealer •in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A -fine opportunity to step into old profit- able business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big Profits. Products furnished on credit, Write to RAWLEIGH'S, Dept. A-368-163, 4005 Richelieu, MontreaL • 4-97-1 FEMALE HELP • WANTED Part-time., in Seaforth office. Typing and bookkeepieg. Mornings preferred and guaranteed. Apply to: BOX 896 • THEJHURON EXPOSITOR 4-9 T. Situations Wanted With DO babysitting in own home. Apply to MRS. P14'IJ!.R MALCOLM, phone Seaforth 359 -Re • 7-96x4 $. Farm Stock For Sale THIRTY PIGS for sale PAUL VOGELS Phone Dublin 86 R 11, 8-97x1 For information contact: HAROLD JACKSON, .Broker Phone 474, Seaforth JOHN A. CARENO Phone 214, Seaforth , • 14-97-tf 15. Property For Rent FIVE -R0054 HOUSE with four -piece bath, one block , from Main Street. Ali conveniences. Available now. PHON'E 281-J, Senforth. t 15-95-tf SELF-CONTAINED' two-bedroom apart- ment in residential area. Heated. Apply BOX ins, The Huron Expositor. 16-96-2 18. Property Wanted FARMS WANTED If you plan/ to sell your farm, we have good prospects. For buying or selling, contact: ' JOHN BOSVELD 40 Wellesley Street Goderich, Ontario Phone •Goderich JA. 4-8762 Salesman, Joseph McConnell ' Seaforth, Phone 266 18-96-2 NUMBER OF PIGS for sale MAURICE, Notices ETUE, Phone.1.9. Seeforth 652 R 3. 8-97-1 Two HOLSTEIN heifers, due early in February.. Apply NORMAN EGGERT: Deblin, Phone 81 R 14. • 8-97x1 HEREFORD BULL. ready for summer se,wice. Apoly ARNOLD CAMPBELL, Phone Seaforth 835 .R 8. - 8-97x1 PIGS FOR SALE: IQ chunks and, 25 weaners. NEN BEATTIE, Phone 834 R 6, Seaforth. • .8-97x1 REGISTERED YORK HOG, 16 months old. Apply WILFRED 'TREMEER, RR t.,-Kippert, Phone Seaforth 672 R 23. 8-97-1 PUREBRED LANDRACE boar, 'service- able age Apply to MALCOI.M.--DAVID- SON, Brucefleld. Phone Hensall 686 R 28. , 8-96-2 . '10. Used Cars I?or Sale 1954 DODGE SEDAN in good condi'. tion belonging to the estate of the late Wilford Cameron Call SEAFORTH 783-J for argregentents to see same 10-96x2 FOR SALE DRIVEWAYS PLOWED,- modern equip. ment... CLAYTON DENNIS, Phone 669 R 2, Seaforth. 19-974 CieSTOM CHAIN -S -AWING, anything under -1-8 inches JOE MALONE., P.R. 5, Seaforth, Phone 64 R 8, Dublin. . 19-96-2 FILTER QUEEN Sales & Service.' pairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleenem of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, Varna, Phone Hen. sail 696 R 2 ,19-96x7 i COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea - 1 forth and district and Dry Cleaning Ser. I nice. WEBI3'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd., Exeter. 19-944f 1953 INTERNATIONAL 1 -TON TRUCK --FourSpeed transmission --Dual wheels on back --Good rubber --Steel box and hoist --Complete with tarp and reeks Jest the truck for drawing 11,70a0Old• balk grain, bulk fertilizer and custom combine work. Priced reasonable for cash sale., Contact: Topnotch 'Feeds Limited.. Phone 776, Seaforth 10-97-1 11. Articles For Sale COLEMAN OIL HEATER add 200 -gal. tak Will sell separately. PHONE 46 R ,1-97x1 CLOVER 'HONEY for saLe; 8 -pound gait (12.25. 'WALLACE BOSS APIARIES. • 11-97-1 PROPANE. GAS Heater. Bargain for elblek sale. JACKSON ALUMINUM Ltd, Phone 74, Seaforth. 11.96-2 CUT FLOWERS and potted ',plants for event occasion. We deliver. daily after fiye PAU. STAFFER'S PLUMBING and HEATING, Phone 49, Seaforth. • 11-9642 WIND 'mid SLEET -TV twill& covered year house. Fire Insurance. No de- deitIble. k„ II "Shorty" Munroe. Phone 094. lieleforth I194-tf MAGIC MARKERS -Instant dry, wa- terproof, write on any surface; just pull off cap and Magic Marker is ready' to use. Refills available. Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. • REVITALIZED cleaning at Buchanah Cleaners, Mount Forest. More spots and tains removed. Garments stay clean long- er. wear longer. Agent: MILLER'S LAUNDRY SERNLICE. Phone 247 for pick-up. Dry -Cleaning sale with 20% off from San. 16 to Jan. 80. 19-94-tf _UNLIMITED MONEY LOANS To city and farm folks Miley for any- thing, and apywhere. Phone or write now, CIPS INVESIMENTS LTD. 88043, Bloor street, west Tomato - WA. 2-2442 1946-2 FLiirnMts-rye 70” x notf, $4.4t:. men's short robber bootie $3.75: • , good � tock of prints and fiannelettea. BORDEN BROWN. Phone Senforth 1641r2. 11-04-tf LIGOTPWEIGAT, Durable and rust PrOef"linverial Aluminum windows and doors, front 320 Up for combination screen end stern). Let ess show you. STAPPEN'S - PLUMBING and REATING, Phone 49, • Ele.aforth.. • ..I146.012 . • . Mg IS A LOCAL BOY v4140 obvee HIS SUCCESS -re True FP -cm THAT HE LEARNED... OARLY IN LIFE THE 8. EST WAY TO SELL IS THROUGH NEVISPAPEa ADVERTISING. ACHESON'S DEAD! plpoir SERVICE Highest cash pricepaid in surrounding district for dead, old. sick or disabled hors- es and cattle. Horsekat 5c a pound For the fastest and proper removal of all ani- mals, day or night, Call Long Distance and ask for ATWOOD ZENITH 8-4900 (no toll charge). 19-96-26, NOTICE; Township of Tuckersmith Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Town. hip of Tuckersmith are requested by the Council te _not park care on township roads and striets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplowing opera- tions. Council will ,_nbt be responsible for dam- ages to any vaicTes perked on roads or streets. CORA CHESNEY Clerk, Tuekereenith 19-94-tf WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING .' ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service for all Breeds of Cattle Farmer Owned and Controlled, a1 r Cus between 7:80 and. 10:00 a.m. wee days and 6:00 and 8:00 p m. Sat- urday evenings at ... Clinton HU 2-3441 or for Long Distance Clinton Zenith 9-5650 19-94-tf 20.AuctnSa1es AUCTION SALE .33.4 Cards of Thanks To be geld at the farm lot 14, con. 2, Stanley Township, lee miles west of lirucefieldr on TUESDAY; JANUARY 26, at 1.:30 p.m. • Consisting of 60 head of Registered and grade Holstein cows and heifers; 12 cows and heifers, fresh; 10 cows and heifers, due time of sale; balance due in Febru- ' ury;,...Also several Jersey and Ayrshire springers; 1 Hereford bull of serviceable age; a number of young calves. Cattie vaccinate, and• of , good quality. TERMS:. Cash. D'ARCY . RATHWELL and SONS, Proprietors HAROLD JACKSON . Auctioneer 20-97-1 21._ Tenders Wanted TENDERS will *be received by the - Chief Adininistra,tion Officer RCAF Station Clinton for the operation of a Beauty Salon, locat- ed at RCAF Station Clinton, Cheerio. Details available upon request in writ- ing. Low,est, or any tender not necessar- ily accepted, ,,Tenders close at twelve noon, February 26, 1960, 21-974 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to CREDITORS 'In the Estate of BESSIE KERR All persons having claims against the Estate of Bessie Kerr, late teethe town of Seaforth, in .the County of Huron, Widow, deceasedA who died' on .the 22nd day of October. 1950, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of January, '1960, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 6th day of January, 1960. McCONNELL & STEWART • Searerth, Solicitor for the "Executor 22-96-8 NOTICE: to -CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBENA WIGG All persons having claims against the Estate of Robena Wigg, late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Huron, wid- ow, deceased, who died on the-18t1i day of November, 1959, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of January, 1960, after vita& date the asaeta will be distributed, having regard only to the claims then receivedeLe DATED at Seaforth, thia Oth day of January, 1960. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor - 22-954 NOTICE, to CREDITORS' In the Estate of GEORGE ROBERTS All persons having .claimis against the Estate of George Roberts, late of the Town of Seafortb, In the County of Huron, lab- orer, deceased, who died on, the 14th day of November, 1059, are hereby notified to send In full particulars of their'claims to the ondersign'ed MI or before the 29th day of January, 1960, after which date the assets will be dIntributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 7th day of January, 1060. McCONNELL '& STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the estate 22-954 NOTICE to CREDITORS In theyEstate of EDYTH DAVIDSON WITH SINOERN aPPreolOtion to 44) kind friends and neighbour() for cards re- ceived in the Io* a of a believed father. 28-97-1 MR.. and MRS. GORDON WREN - --- • - I WISH TO THANE. my many friends, neighbours and relatives for garde.. letters, visits and flowers while I was a patient in Scott Memorial liopPital. 4 special thank -you to Dr 'Brady, Dr. Malkua and the nursing staff of the hospital. 23-97x1 MRS. It. JAMES WALLACE THE FAMILY OF the late Robert Thomas ma= Isiah to thank their many felatives,, neighbours and friends for their. many acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and floral tributes received during their recent sad bereavement. Specter thanks to Rev. Britton, Dr. John Corwin, Box Funeral Home, also those who acted an pallbearers and flowerbearera, the lad. les whb helped in the home, also those who loaned ears. 23-97x1 WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sincere 'thanks and appreciation to our many friends in Cromarty, Hensel). Seaforth and district for their acts of kindness and sympathy shown us in our recent bereave- ment ; also the many kindnesses shown Ross and the visite from his old neighbors during his lqng ellness. • We appreciate their kindness and sympathy. MIiS. ROSS R. MacKAY, Hillsburgh MR. and MRS. W. G TURNER, Sudbury 23-97x1 24. In Memoriam " lel LOVING ME/SIORY of Mrs. Roland Kennedy, who died January 10, 1959. -Fondly remembered by her former neighbours 24,97x1 HAMILTON -In loving memory of dear husband and father who passed away one year ago, January 21, 1959. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by Kay Hamilton and children. • 24-97-1 TRAQUAIR-In loving memory of a dear daughter, sister and aunt, Helen Grate Traquair, who passed awe, one year ago, January 19- 1959. God aaw you getting weary, He did what He thought wee best, He put His arms around you, And whispered, Come and rest. 'The Gdiden "Gates steed ' Open, •" One year -ago to -day, With. goodbyes left uninolten, You gently slipped- away. -Always 1y mother, dad, Marg, Don, Donna Jean and Harry, 24-97-1 HOEGYeln, loving memory of a dear husband • and father, Fred Hoegy, who pasaed away two years ago, January 25, 1958 When around your bed we eteod And watched you fade away, Our hearts W&e crushed and broken You tried so hard to stay.. Wet watched you suffer and heard you sigh, All we • could do was just stand by,. Others were taken, yes, We know, But you were ours, and we loved you so. -Ever remembered by your wife and family. 24-97e1 ANDERSON -In loving memory of a husband and father, who passed away January 25, 1957. They say time heals all, sorrows, And helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet. God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow, But what it meant to lose you, *o one will ever know. - Fondly remembered by 'wife Mrs' Elizabeth Anderson and family. • 24-97x1 25. Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. 6 sampples 25c; 24 sam- ples $1.00, Mail- Order Dept. T- 78;' RUBBER CO, Box, 91, Hamilton. 26. Births DUCHARME-At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on January 16, to Mr, and Mrs. -Mac Ducharme, R.R. 2. 'Zurich, a son. DeJONG-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January le, to Mr. and Mrs. George • DeJong, Goderich, a daughter. KINAHAN-At Wingham General Hospi- tal, on January 12, to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kinahan, nee Mary Kennedy, a son ROOSEBOOM - At South Huron Dis- trict Hospital,. Exeter, on January 18, to Mr, and Mrs.. Rooseboom, liensall. a daughter, Jane Henrietta: A sister for Eddie,eleerearet and Harry. West Wawanosh (Continued-froni Page 1) .'and urged committees to stay- ' within their 1960 budgets.. Ex -War- , den ".William Jewitt escorted the newly -elected warden to, the chair and presented him with the gavel, key and chain of office. Judge Frank _ Fingland adminis- tered the path of office, the Rev. Dr. A. Taylor the devotional; and Mayor E. C. Fisher delivered a civic welcome. " Conducted By Clerk. The election of the warden was contliTcted by county clerk -treas- urer John Berry. '" In the balloting for warden, votes for Durnin were cast by Council- lors Morgan Agnew, Daniel Beuer- mapn, James Bisset, Cliff Dunbar, John Durnin, Glen Fisher, W. J. Forbes, Ivan Forsyth, Arthur Gib- son, Karl Haberer, Clarence Han- na, John Henderson, Ralph awe% Joseph Kerr, george McCiitcheon, Lloyd O'Brien, Andrew Ritchie, Clayton Smith, Frank Walkom (2), J. Willits. Votes for Coleman were cast by Councillors William N. Ball, Val- entine Becker, Harvey Coleman, Melvin Crich; Ed. Gill, Chester Mawhinney, Harvey McMichael, Alvin Rau arid Glen Webb. Votes for Morritt were cast by Councillors Rey Adair, James Bis- set, Thomas Leiper, William Mor- ritt and Bailie Parrott: Named To Committee Harvey McMichael,deputy•reeve of Howick, was appointed Tuesday to begin a five-year term as a member of 'the county roads com- mittee. HarveyColeman, reeve of . Stanley, was appointed tio the board of criminal .audit for 1960. A striking committee of five was named to prepare a proposed slate of council committees. Members of the striking committee are Val- entine Becker, reeve of Hay; Ralph Jeweler reeve of Colborne; Daniel Beuermann, reeve of McKillop.; W. J. Forbes, reeve of Goaerich township; Arthur Gibson, reeve �T Holfrick. All persona having chants againet the Estate' of Edyth Davidson, late of the efeSeaforth, In the County of Hur- on, deer -teed, who died on the 28rd day of °doter. 1959, are bereby notified to send in full particulate of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of January, 1960, after which date the meet) will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this Gth day of January, 1960. McCONNELL & STEWART Solicitor for the Executor Seaforth, Ontario 22434 Several paper companies have large experimental 'forests, ' Auxiliary Aids Huron Co. Horne The regular monthly meeting of the County Auxiliary to Huron County Home was held Monday af- ternoon in the assembly room of the Home, Clinton. Owing to in- clement weather, the attendance was smaller than usual: Since the last meeting, four more residents have been admitted to the Home, the enrolment now being 104. 1VIrs. G. W. Cunningham, con- vener of the entertainment com- mittee, reported a Christmas greeting card had been sent to each resident. A motion was made to send Easter cards as well. Mrs, Cunningham also reported that three evenings of entertainment had beam -arranged, convenient dates to be set -by the superintend- ent of the Home, Harvey John- ston. The gift of a screen, '50 inches by 50 inches", for use with a projector, was gratefully accept- ed. This gift was from the Ladies' Auxiliaries to the Canadian Legion branches in the Cotinty of Huron. Arrangements for a baking sale and bazaar were filed until nearer spring. As this was the first meetingpf the year, Mrs. Harvey Jdhnston gave an excellent report of phrist- mas activities in the Horne stat- ing the' residents had the best Christmas yet, and their own Cltristmas party was a decided success. Everyone that could be persuaded to contribute some- thing towards the program did their very best and the result was a fine program was presented., It has- been the custom for the -past' four years to use the money re- ceived from the sale of crafts,. made mainly by the residents, un- der the supervision of Mrs. John-- ston and her staff, to purchase Christmas gifts for the Home, which will give pleasure and com- fort to the residents, and this year Was no .exception. An ornamental electric TV lamp .was purchased) for the TV set in the general sit- ting room, and a lighted picture for the men's sitting room. A donation of scrapbooks from the doctors' wives in the county was gratefully received. A "Dutch girl" quilt is ready to quilt, and more quilts are being prepared, thus the residents 'are busy and haPPY• • Attending the meeting from Blyth were Mrs. Keith Webster and Mrs„ -Lorne Scrimgeour (con- veners of publicity), Mrs:" Edith Logan, Mrs: Calvert Falconer and Mrs. John Young. BRODHAGEN (Continued from Page 1) ening. Warren Sholdice read the scripture and. prayer by Gary The'league is invited to a skating payty at Wellesley on Feb. 11, at 8 d/clock. The league is to play host to the leagues of•••the•-Strat- ford Conference April 22 or 23 for a talent night. A committee was chosen to find material for a play. The judging of Confirmation plaques followed; first prize went to Elaine Bennewies; second prize to Ronald Rohrer, Pastor Fischer was chairman for the election of officers which resulted as follows: president, Donna Scherbarth; vice-president, Shirley Trentowsky;secretary, Gary Hinz; treasurer, Arthur Die - gel; publicity secretaty, Elaine Bennewies ; Mission sec., Clayton Ahrens; recreation sec., CariRock; Social Action sec., Jane Rock; Evangelism, Carole Wurdell; Chris- tian Vocation sec., Hugh Dietz. ' Before the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer, the new presi- dent stated that there would be an ! evangelism drive in the near fu- ture to get more young people out to the meetings. The Ministerial Conference of the Stratford iStrict was held at the parsonage of Rev. and Mrs, E. J. Psischer last Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Mulholland has been, confined tb Stratford Hospital., • -Mt. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe spent! the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Connolly and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Herald, Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wietersen, Grace and Ralph, of Bornholm, with Mrs. August Hillebrecht. This community has been very fortunate during the "recent ice storms; only a few telephone lines have been out of order, and a few limbs broken off the trees. The teacher and pupils of. Brod- hagen School, along with Jarmuth and,,,Willow Grove school pupils, enjoyed'hockeyand skating at the Mitchell arena Friday afternoon. Gary and Warren Sholdice ae, companied boys fro mMitchell to play basketball at the Y.M.C.A., Kitchener, on Saturday. The regular meeting of the Brod- hagen and District Chalilber of Commerce Was held on Thursday, evening. President Ford Dickison' was in charge and secretary -treas- urer J. F. Pruetergave a report. All other committees also gave re - Ports. Harold Elligsen was appointed to be in charge of cementing the basement floor of the hall and work is already progressing. The pro- gram committee are making plans for a Ladies' Night. A farmer wanted to use his par- ty line telephone but found it busy. "I just put on some beans for din- ner," he heard one party say to the other. A few minutes later he tried again and the same ttvo parties were still monopolizing the line. Rising to the occasion, he broke in, "Say, lady, I smell your beans burning," -"There was a scream, two receiv- ers went up and the line was op - Qilaes T and Es oi HenSall Public Sbo4wWpiesent a program of music on theIf.iddies' Studio Par- ty on .Wingham. radio station in the pear future. Included in the selections they will sing are: "The Lor..4. is My. Shepherd" in two parts,- "Flow Gently, Sweet Af- ton.", "The Dutch Sailor Song", "Jack Was very Inch a Sailor,' and "The Shunter Song." Mrs. Phyllis Rogers, of Auburn, is music supervisor. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Percy Harris, of Hibbert township, in the pass- ing of her mother, the late Mrs. Wesley Dearing, of Exeter. Fun- eral services were held from the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Ex- eter, on Monday. Arnold Circle Meets The Arnold Circle of the Pres- byterian Church convened for their January meeting in the church schoolroom Monday evening with Mrs. B. Beaton presiding in the absence of the president, Mrs. Ed. Fink, who is ill. Mrs. John Bak- er and Mrs. Gerald Bell were in charge of worship taken from the first chapter of the study book on "Africa", entitled "Look At Afri- ca," illustrated with a map of Africa in technicolor. An invitation was accepted from St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ich, to be guests on Feb. 15, there- fore the February meeting will be held Feb. 8 in- the church school- room, with Mrs. Robert Blundell and Mrs. Wm. Brown hostesses and Mrs, H. Hoy ‚rid Mrs. Beaton worship conveners. The hostesses for the March meeting ,will be Miss Hannah Murray and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm; worship, Mrs. A. Orr and Mrs. J. Skei. An invi- tation was received to attend films in South Huron 'Hospital on Jan. 25, by the cancer committee. Nine- teen visits were reported. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Gerald 13ell; supply sec- retary', Mrs. H. Hoy; secretary's report Mrs. Wm. Fink, Mrs, Sehwalin reported for literature-, Glad Tidings and Mission Band; Miss Murray for the card commit- tee. Mrs. Orr submitted an inter- esting and detailed account on the Huron Presbyterial, held in Clin- ton january 12. Members were requested to send a shower of cards to president Mrs. Ed. Fink, and to Mr. Vais,. who is in Montreal General Hos- pital. • ,! Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie was vis- ited by her, granddaughter, Mr$, Ray Haar, Mr.. Hilliar, John and • Fred R. Peel Tells Home and School Of -Russian Trip • A meeting of the Seaforth Home and School Association Tuesday evening completely filled the audi- torium .of the public school. The large attendance heard Fred R. Peel, general manager of Sea, forth Shoes here, describe his re- cent trip through Russia. The meeting saw a series,.,of pictures which he took on the trip, and which depicted in a graphic way conditions in the, country. Mr. Peel was introduced by Mrs. Angus MacLean, and thanked by E. M. Williams. Mrs. Wm. Hod- gert, the president, was in charge of the meeting.- - Mrs. J. B. Russell presented Mrs. E. C. Boswell and Mr. J. W. Tal- bot with awards of merit for their contributidn to the work of the Red Cross Society. The parent of thi month award was won by Mrs. W. Ball, and Miss Elder's class won he attendance award. The program included 'solos by Mrs. I Kling, "Mary of Argyle" and "B tautiful Dreamer." Steven, of ThanteStord, during.the past week,. Mrs. Pearl Nichol 'has returned home to London after spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Louis ,Clark, Sr. The annual congregational meet- ing of Chrielhurst United Church will be held Tuesday, Jan. -26. Kinsmen Make Donations Hensall Kinsmen-aeir dinner meeting Thursday nighrvoted $25 to the flood victims in Frejus, France; gave support to the TB Association, and donated three long-playing iiecoids to Teen Town. They voted $10 to the Sick Chil- dren's Hospital, Toronto, and made plans for National Kin Week from February 14 to 20, and are sponsoring the Midget - hockey tournament here Saturday, Jan. 23. George Beer won the raffle. President Ross Jinks chaired the meeting, and special guests were Lee Sherman, of Exeter, and Leonard Lovell, Kippen. .446 That is the Telephone Number of SEAFORTH UPHOLSTERY .1.1.............••••••••••••••••••••••••WP......••••••••••••MIV4 1r COSTSI save >c2-0to pee foi) ON ' FERTILIZER BY TAKING DELIVERY BEFORE JAN, 30, 1960 pies q% .discount for paying befor• March 18, 1960 1 Buy Co-op Fertilize0.".. a top quality plant food, at substantial savings. (up to $6.00 per ton on an $80.00 fertilizer). Backed by a "Guarantee of Quality" certificate. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP 'Canada has 130 pulp and paper mills. Be Comfortable Wear a Charis Made -To -Measure and Personally Fitted BRAS, GIRDLES and CORSELETTES ALSO SUPPORT GARMENTS - Reasonably 'Priced eeeneewe'e' MRS. J. HOELSCHER Trained. Corsettiere For Appointment Phionhe 367 -We RESIDENCE ONE BLOCK EMT OF LIBRARY CAR' Outside Wash Complete (inside and out) Station Wagons Larger ‚Vehicles $ $1.00 $1.50 $1.i5 $2.00 and up We wish to thank the many customers who took advantage of, our introdUctory car wash and look forward to their ;continued patronage, BROCK, Supertest Service Phone 362 , Seaforth tootestensessossesosser' PUBLIC NOTICE Town of-- Seaforth MINOR HOCKEY, WEEK IN CANADA WHEREAS, the week of January 23rd is being observed through- out Canada as a period to focus public attention on the physi- cal, character -building and other benefits of hockey for our youth, and WHEREAS the game of hockey is recognized as our truly Cana- dian sport which teaches our youth to develop a competitive spirit, co-operation with others, body-building, and respect for authority, and WHEREAS Minor Hockey is the foundation from which accom- plished hockey players develop, NOW THEREFORE, 1, as Mayor of Seaforth, do hereby declare the week commencing January 23rd, be observed as "MINOR HOCKEY WEEK IN CAIVADA" and request that all parents and others support this observance by attenaing‘games during Minor Hockey Week and thereafter until the minor hockey season ends. B. F.• CHRISTIE, Mayor. January 19, 1960. at 'et • 1' • 1