HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-01-22, Page 3ISTR,ICT- 1VIRSr 1'Z QSSIE BROOK TENSAL—Mrs, ..Flossie 3rstck, a farmer member of the village, ofasher daughtecde ands s(in-in law, Nfr. and Mrs. Allan. Townsend, pf Mitchell, Saturday; Jan. 16, in her - •s 71st year. The• former Flossie Merrier, she was born on the 14th concession of Hay, and resided in Heiman for over 40 years, going to live with her daughter at Mitchell some three years ago. Her husband, the late deorge Brock, predeceased ber 22 years ago. Surviving are two sons,"Roy, Hensall; Lloyd, Sarna; ,three daughters, Miss Grace Brock, Lon- don; Mrs. Bryan (Olive) Kyle, Hen- sall; Mrs: Allan (Mildred) Towns- �3'end', Mitchell; and seven grand- children. Private .funeral services were held /Monday from the Bonthron • Funeral Chapel, Hensall, at 2:00 p.m., conducted by Rev: Hunter, ; . 0 knows *est? Eliminate guesswork, get proven bred -to -lay chicks from farned names. Stone's, Dem- lerchix, True -Lines, Roe Red and Sussex Crosses. All under the ROE name. PLAT- IT SAFE with- out NO costtlranchise payments to U.S. hatcheries, The finest proven blood lines available now from EL'moi'. FARMS - LIMITED ATW600, ONTARIO Eliminate Trade name penalties. F.UNtRAL$ of I itellell, with burial, i4 gensalr tYnion Cemetery,. NIRS. F. E. FORREST • Mrs. Frances Elia f'orrest, liass- ed away Monday, Jan 'U, at the home of her granddaughter,,.:Mrs. Earl Fanning, Church St., Brant- ford. She Was in -her 95th year. A daughter of the late John and Elizabeth Hunt, she was, -born -at Walkerton, Ont., and resided at 13agot, .Manitoba=, until going' to Brantford last year. She was a member' of the United Church, Begot,Man. Surviving are three daughters: Mrs, Harold (Margaret) Hill and. Clara Forrest, Brantford; Mrs. Dan (Olive) Rintoul, Smiths Falls, Ont.; five sons, Lawrence and Mel- ville, Winnipeg; Orville, of Port- age ortage La Prairie,' Man.; Frank, of Hensall, Ont.; Charles, of Sarnia, Ont. Mrs. Forrest rested at the ,Mc- Cleister funeral home, Brantford, for service Wednesday at 3 p.m., with Rev. Cyril Squires officiat- ing. She then rested at the Mc- Killop Funeral Home, Portage La Prairie, Man., on Saturday, Jan. 16, Interment was..in • the Beaver Creek Cemetery, Beaver, Man. • LOUIS CLARK , HENSALL - ' Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. Bren De Vries, rector of St. Paul's An- glican Church, at the Bonthron Funeral Home on Saturday for Louis Clark, Tuckersmith town- ship, who died at the Queensway. Nursing Home, Hensall, in his 89th year. He was born and lived all his life on the farm which was bought from the Canada Company by his father, Matthew Clark, October 4, 1850, who came oht from England sand cleared the homestead. In 1900 -he married Mary E. Nicholls, of Hibbert township, who died in 1907. Two daughters survive, Mrs. Gordon (Sarah) Wren and Mrs. Mary Buchanan, London. In 1911 he married -the -.former Fanny-. Par-. ish, who with one daughter, Mrs. Frank (Ethel), Foo,r�rest, survive; also five grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren., .Mr. Clark was a• loyal Orange- man and was a- life-long member of the L.O.L., Hensall and Exeter. He was given a • life membership certificate in January of last year. He wss'also a member of the Roy- al Black Perceptcfry of Clinton, and a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensall, and was a mem- ber of the choir, • and served as church warden for several years. Mr. Clark continued to farm un- til ill health two anda half years ago forced him to give it up. On Friday night, Jan. 15 prior to the funeral a short service_ was.. held. at4he Bonthron Funeral Home by the L.O.L. of Clinton, Varna and Exeter. The pallbearers were Robed McGregor, Wilbert Dilling, Bill Greene, Glenn Bell; Lewis Clark and Frank Harburn. Flower - bearers were Alvin Moir, Kenneth McLean and Ross Forrest. Inter- ment was made in the family plot in McTaggart's cemetery, Hen- sel ANNIVERSAR SALE ON ALL THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS: 1955 OLDS SEDAN Automatic Transmission; Radio 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN . • Low Mileage 1951 CHEV. SEDAN Like New Condition; New Paint - 1950 5"''" MORRIS SED.iN 1949 CHEV. SEDAN ... • • 2 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1952 MERCURY PICKU 1953 CHEV. COACH ... 1953 wr'OR T 6 AC SEDAN 1950 ,STUDEBAKER ' $175.00 ... $75.00 $75.00 P$1001)° 1954 CIMEV. SEDAN ... • $375-oQ • $475.00 $75.00 '$47':00 'Seaforth Motors PHONE 541 SEAFORTH - Phone 186 •.MITCHELL - Attenuu.g tne- annual meeting of the Huron Central Agricultural. So- ciety in Clinton on Saturday were, left to right, A. J. McMurray, Clin- ton, who has 32 years of service as the society's secretary -treasur- er; William Pepper, Seaforth, who was re-elected president, and Joh n Deeves, R.R. 3, Clinton, first vice- president for 1960. The meeting decided to stage the • annual spring ,show. Directors elected ;are, Hullett township, Wil- liam hale, Reeve Tom Leiper, Ephriam Snell, Howard Armstrong, James Snell; Tuckersmith town- ship, Howard Pepper, J. W. Crich, George 'Turner, William Pepper, Lorne Carter; Goderich township Edward Grigg, Harry Watkins, Mervyn Lobb, Howard McCullough, Murray Forbes; Stanley township, Harvey Taylor, Fred Gibson,' Dick iJacob, W. J. Miller;' Town of Clin- ton,' Mayor Herbert Bridle, Reeve Mel Crich Dr. George Elliott Or- val Engelstad, William MorIbek, ken McRae, Howard Snell, Pert Stanley, W. J. Counter; Cfeorge German; junior directors: Bert Pepper, Seaforth; Garnet Wright, Robert Lawson, both of Clinton; Ivan McClymont, Varna; Dave Middleton, Bayfield. NEWS OF HENSALL Home . Economics, Health There of Hensafl W.' L Home Economics and Health was the theme of the Hensall Wo- men's Institute January- meeting, held Wednesday, With Presidegqt Mrs. Fred Beer presiding. Merit - hers were asked to consider the short course in millinery which: has been proposed-- for April. Those interested are asked to hand - in names to Mrs. Beer. , It was decided to start a travelling bas- ket. on -its. -round -.of. the Institute. workers; ' A •bus, trip to the Ice Follies in March will be decided on at the February meeting. Members answered the roll call with a useful kitchen hint. Mrs. R. Y. McLaren favored with a reading, "The Gentle Art of Eat- ing." Vocal duets were sung by Kenneth and Grant Jones, accom- panied at the: piano by their moth- er, Mrs, Harold Jones. Films, "Act Your Age," "Mr. Finley's Feelings" 'and "Trail To the Mid - Johnson, Clinton; share the wealth, Mrs. Clarence Reid; door prize; Mrs. Ray Dorian, Hensall. Injures --Eye Jerry Chapman, who plays right wing with the Hensall Midget hoc y tearer,,., is recovering from .an fnjury above liis"eye which re- quired 10 stitches. The accident happened during a practise period at the Community Centre on Wed• nesday night. -, Jack Chipchase, -who plays left wing with the team, took a slap shot at the net which went wide of the net, the puck hitting Chap- man above and below,the eye. He was treated at the .office of Dr. J. C. Goddard. Jerry is a• student at South Huron District • High School, Exeter. Kippen East Women's Institute held a successful euchre and dance night Sun," in charge of Jack Friday night in the Community Drysdale, added to the evening's Centre auditorium, w�leh : tables entertainment. Program conven- M play. Winners were: ladies,M ers were Mrs. A. Orr, who, presid- Mrs. cWJ. 11FBell, Kippen; Mrs. ed for -•the program, and Mrs. J. Clarence Volland, Hensall; Mrs. E. McEwan. hostesses, 1VIis. Laird Arthur Finlayson, Kippen; gents, Robert Elgie,..Kippen; Art Finlay- mickl@ . and Mrs.. Donald MeKconvened n- son, Kippen; Clarence Volland, non. Lunch was served, convened Hensall; lucky lunch, Mrs. Jack" by Miss M. Ellis. MacKay, Seaforth. Norris' orch- Plan Fall Bazaar. I estra f rnished' the music for the The Women's Missionary Sbciety dance: euchre and dance are of Carmel Church convened for schedule •for February. their January meeting on Thurs- Holy Communion was administer- day afternoon with the new presi- ed at Carmel Church Sunday dent, Mrs. 'Earl' Campbell, in the morning at 11 a.m. in charge of chair. 'Scripture passages were Rev. Duncan, assistant minister of read by . Mrs. Pearl. Love. Mrs. New, St. James' Presbyterian Campbell took the topic and pray- , Church, London. Rev. Duncan will er and introduced;wthe new study occupy the pulpit for the next two book on Africa. Sundays during the absence of Mr. During the business period Mrs. l'G. C. Vais, who is in. Montreal un - Harvey Hyde gave a report of the : Bob Baker, Jr., and Bill Mickle, annual meeting of the Presbyterial both members of Hensall Kinsmen held in Clinton on Tuesday. I Club, will appear on the TV sports At a brief meeting of the Ladies' program on CFPL-TV, 6:30 p.m., Aid, which followed, presided over .Thursday, Jan. 21, to help public - by the president, Mrs, Alex Me-' ize therMidget hockey tournament, Gregor, plans were outlined to to be held at thelocal arena Sat - hold a fall- bazaar Saturday, Nov. urday, Jan. 23, commencing ' at 26, and a turkey supper in the fall. 12:30: They will be interviewed Several quilts will be quilted by by Ward Cornell. • .the group in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Lindsay, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lindsay and; • Bingo Winners 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bayley Smith, Kathie Winners of Legion bingo here and Vickie, all of St. Marys, were Saturday night were: Mrs. Flei- guests on Sunday with Mr. and schauer (3), Mrs, William Smale, Mrs. John Henderson and. family, Mrs. Ray Dorian, Miss Pearl attending the baptismal service of Tideswell -and Mrs. T. .C..,.' Sheila Margaret Lindsay, infant (tied); Mrs. ' Bisback (2), `Peter daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bisback, Peter back and Mrs.- Lindsay, of Napanee, at St. Paul's Vanstone, Roy Kenney, Mr. L. Anf'l,can Church, Sunday morning: seg it HERE to JJ:YURA Ka* PORTABLE. W KIND OF RTABL�; with ...all office - typewriter features THE HURONEXPOSITOR. Ph 2 one 141 or'T4 0 I , I Middleton "1 ensait: Clerk, At a special meeting et, iter all'. village council Wednesday, Middleton; o#. gensall, was ai?- pointed clerk treasurer, tax .cel .'Ieetor and assesser 'Of the village. Mr. Middleton will, receive a sal- ary of $1,e0 mr-r ar Four applications were received for the position. His duties cQn- mende 'February 1. He has been a resident of Hen- sall for '22 years, aild Was a drug- gist for 20 years before selling his business two years ago. Mr. Mid- dleton was president,bf the Cham- ber of Commerce for 15 years, and also served on council three years. Rev. Bren De Vries conducted the service. , Mrs. John Heal was hostess for the meeting of the Kinettes Tues- day evening. Thank -you notes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Wm. Clement, for Christmas gifts sent out. An invitation was received'to .attend the annual meeting of the Cancer Society, to be held at the South Huron .Hospital Auxiliary rooms, Exeter, •Monday,• Jam ,25, For entertainment, Mrs. Ed. Lit- tle showed interesting colored slides. Raffle brought by Mrs. George Sawyer was won by Mrs. Robert Reaburn. Lunch was serv- ed. Dr. and Mos. D. J. McKelvie, Robert and Ann, of Essex, were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Drysdale and Jill. . Keith Volland, employed at Al's Supersave Market, had the mis- fortune to injure his kneecap while employed at the, slaughter house. He received treatment atSouth Huron Hospital, Exeter on'- Wed- nesday. Mrs. E. R. Davis, whp has been confined. to -her home through ill- ness, is recovering nicely. Mrs. A. R. Orr attended • the Presbyterial held in: Clinton last Tuesday. Reeve John Henderson • a n d Councillor Lorne Hay attended the dinner meeting of .Zurich Cham- ber of Commerce;•-heldat the Dom- inion Hotel, Zurich, Thursday. dergoing surgery. • Members, of the Ladies' 'Aid are quilting this week in the' church schoolroom of Carmel Church. Mr. and Mrs: Robert Baker, Sr., observed their 42th wedding anni- versary on Sund . They have a' family of 13 ch dren, 32 grand - HANNAH HOME. AND SCHOOL The regular meeting of the Han - nab Home and School Association was held ih the schoolroom. After t1�e business and discussion, two films were shown and enjoyed by til• A euchre is being planned fez. the month' of February. A tasty lunch was served by the ladies. Hensall, Plans. Hockey Series Saturday, Jan. 23, the Midget hockey tournament will be held 'at the local arena, commencing at 12:30, and will feature four games in the afternoon, -and_ two at ,night. There will be eight. midget teams, including Hensall- In the "B" group, Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth and Exeter will play together. In the "D" group, Paisley Ripley, 'Lucan and Hensall will participate. The two games at night will be the playoff games to determine the champion of each grouping. The Hensall Kinsmen, who spon- sor the local Bantams and Mid- gets, are sponsoring this tourna- ment, Also the Kinsmen are don- ating a trophy to the champion of each group. These trophies will be presented by Kinsmen President Ross Jinks :at- the end -of the -tourn- ament, and will be kept perman- ently by the winners. The spon- sors are hoping this will be an annual event. children and one great-grandchild. Mrs. Rachael Denomme, of the Bluewater Highway, who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, was removed by West - lake's ambulance of Zurich ,on Monday'mohiing and admitted to •the Queensway Nursing „ Home, Hensall. Mrs. Denomme is an" aunt of Wilfred and Margaret Mousseau. Mrs. Carl Payne returned home Saturday from Scott ,,.Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. - • The annual congregational,meet- ing of Hensall United Church will be held Monday, January 25. Mr: and Mrs. Norman Pepper and Al have returned from• Wind- sor, where Mr. Pepper took a special course in barbering. Mrs. William Parker returned home last week from Clinton Hos- pital. Mrs. Robert Graham, David and Kathryn returned to their home in Weston after spending some weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Love, Mr -s. Graham's parents. Mrs. Ed. Munn returned on Fri- day from Clinton Public Hospital. SPORTS REVIEW IN HENSALL (By Ron Broderick) I guess we -can • say the boys really gave their fans, a show this Week by winning both their games. We understand , Dennis Mock will I be in the -nets for the Midgets on Saturday at the Midget tourna- ment. Everyone's with you, Den- nis, 'so good luck! , I am sorry I -didn't make it to the Bantam 'game in Zurich to see the.Bantams win. It . looks • as though they aren't going to be out- done by the Midgets, so good luck, boys, in your future games, and especially the game with Seaforth on Friday night.in Hensall. It looks as though Hensall and Seaforth are matched tog'ethei in all the games this week because. . the Mid- gets play the Seaforth Midgets in Hensall on Wednesday night and the Pee Wees meet the Seaforth Pee Wees on Seaforth ice the same night. The schedule for the tournament on Saturday, Jan. 23,'is below, so choose -' games you wish to see and tom 2 over. All the teams are very got d and we should see some fast hoc::ey. See your Saturday at the tournament. "D" Series 12:30 p.m:—Ripley. vs. Hensall 1:45 p.m.—Lucan vs. Paisley "B" Series • 3:00 p.m.—Goderich vs. Clinton 4:15 p.m.—Seaforth vs. Exeter Playoffs: •• 7:30 p.m.—Winner of "D" series: presentation of trophy. 9:00 p.m.—Winner of "B" series: presentation of trophy. Bantams Flash Light Twice The Zurich Bantams took a 2-0 loss from the local Bantams on Monday in Zurich. The Zurich Bantams defeated- the Hensall team earlier in the season 3-2. Danny Lenaghan fired the first goal for Hensall from a pass off the stick of Bob Carlile. Otto Smale tagged 'the final goal unas- sisted to end the first period. The final two frames went scoreless for both teams. Goalie Hurt •But Still Win -Despite an injury, Hensall Mid- getsscored three goals to Mit- chell's none with defenceman Har- ry Moir donning the pads to block tee cage for Dennis Mak. Hen- sall started off at a fast clip and when Jerry Chapman received a penalty for tripping, leaving Hen- sall one man short, Harold Jaques scored from Bill Shaddipk. Then in the latter part of the first frame Bill Shaddick pushed the score up another goal when he picked up a, pass from Jerry Chapman, Shad - dick, of Hensall, and Warren„ for Mitchell) were penalized for trip- The operations of the pulp and ping and slashing: " paper industry in Canada extend The second period went score- from coast o- coast. y R iUPS timio or The ,T,anuary meeting of-(xrmrp' of V!' A. of Nertbr ide U!$ted Church' Was,, held at .the 'limo.' of; Mrs. R. Savauge ,with an attend eneeof 21: The themethe,ineet ing wai3 "The New Yeer.24 NOW. Year's •verses ,and ,poems Vwere given iv "several. of. the members. _After the • routine ,business:, was decided to continue with rhe "penny -a -day" •hags, and plans were Made for a tea t) be`:held: May I. Mrs, J. C. 'Prittou. gave a splendid • talk on "Opening Our -Doors in the New Year. A social hour fellbwed the meet ing. several conteats.Were engag- ed in and lunch followed. NORTIISIDE W -A. The W.A. of Northside United Church held its first meeting for the year 1960 on Wednesday. Fol- lowing opening remarks ' by the; president, Misa Gladys Thompson, the minutes of the last meeting were read. Reports were given and' a dis- cussion of the various `items of less and -ilo penalties were• handed 6:ut to either team. Then in the last 20 minutes of the game, Steve Kyle came up to form andtallied the final marker for Hensall from Jack Chipchase. 'Steve Kyle and Dennis Boyd Were penalized for I roughing; Bill Shaddiek and Mery Neil for high stocking; Sam Ah- rens, Bill Shaddick ;and Mery Neil for high sticking;'Sam Ahrens anti! Larry Chessel, of ..Mitchell, were i .v..m,n. sent to the sin -bin for slashing, and Bruce Horton, of Hensall, for charging, Minor Hockey Scores The Red Wings and Maple Leafs played a wide open 'game nn .Sat- -urday morning when the. Wings edged the Leafs 8.7, The Leafs' goals were scored by Carlile (4), Peitz (1), G. Be (1), Chipchase -anrd assists 'went to Chipchase (l),I and K. Smale (2). TJre Wings were led by McNaughton (4), Mc - Beath (2), Cameron (1), 0. Smale (Wand assists going to 0. Smale (2), Scholl (1), McNaughton (1), and Lenaghan (1). , The Squirts' game was won by G.ary Kyle's team over Billy Tay- lor's by a .score of 1-0. Scoring Standings business folloWe4.' It Ida. to told the VAieutlie ul Thursdayo "Since Mrs, . Struthers,..a Wix hntti, whQ 'Wes :to have. been 't _ apea,ker was unable, to httencl. 'b a- •cause•of. :the Feather„-.*fra ..CM Hritou very"nbly Ailed in with. alit .address- -C`TI e, Open Aoftr" Mts. Nell 3ellk,:;aceompenied;:by Mrs;:4'. A.. i5teyvar,t', 4.aug- aldelighkful sola E ` The, installation of officerg fol- lowed, . p t4ucted ,b ' :'k+lin4; Brittg n SEAFORTH ValtilNO Ct The eighth mut last Meetiflg of the Seafd?'tli Wo 'kers • d. • Club was held: -Satur flay ate , the • . home of Em lir Elll,Ott, The Ieaeter$; M ts. "G�,. teHeftzi+ and s n Mrs- Q. IElliott, iuforraed t11.sh, group that they must .1mre rte; record books and elotlres'°eieSee:agb cessories in by January,..f44 to go, to Clinton to be read' far,Aeltieve ]Hent' Pay The chub gird proceeded: }tyitlt the making of »»finished' accessoz, Agricultural Price Sup- port assures ample supply at Reasonable Prices. ONTAgglO CREAM PRODUCERS• • MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING 50;000 CREAMMIODUCERS • Smoother Sledding! We find it easier sledding in.oui family. That is because a good bank.. balance through regular saving has given us sec"arity and peace of niind. We're all steady savers at , THE CANADIAN . - BANK OF COMMERCE MONEY IN THE BANK ME)k•N PEACE OF MIND SEAFORTH BRANCH—L. i. FORD, Manager DUBLIN BRANCH—E. J. DEAN, Manager Bantams: G A T Chapman 4 2 6 Carlile 3 2 5 Smale 3 1 4 McNaughton 2 0 2 Middleton 0 241- 2 Chipchase 0 1 1 Lenaghan 1 0 1 Ellwood Stassik Cooper Mock ,.,. Bell Scholl Harburn McBeath Hay Shaddick Jaques Jones Kyle Bonthron Chipchase Chapman Moir Horton Mickle Noakes 0 0 0 These standings are for sche- duled league games only, not ex- hibition games, and are counted to Sunday night. Midgets: G A cT 5 8 13 7 3 10 6 3 9 6 3 -9 4 4 8 3 3 6 3 3 6 '1 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 Now is the time of year to Hedt that_ extra space in your home with Gas! S -A -V -E on' . the purchase of a new _0, e man , , TRADE MARK RECISTFRED GAS SPACE HEATER' With Super Circulation • Clean • Quiet-. ,.... • Dependable And An Added Bonus You Get in Added Comfort — LOWER FUEL BILLS - -- INCREASED LIVING SPACE inge ric-h SALES. ,and SERVICE Phone 585--SE.AFOflPH Phone 34—WI UCE.