HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1960-01-08, Page 4l • OK 004$ TOR, SEAFORTI4 ONT., JA1st1JARY 8, 1980 VSE.' ''IUESE CLASSIFICATIONS. .TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1.. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed li. Found 4. Help Wanted ..,6. Business Opportunities S. 'Teachers Wanted i, Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For $ale=' 9. Poultry For Sale 10, 'Peed Cara For Sale "S1- `Articles For Sale 32> Wanted• To Buy 19. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or". Rent. 17, Wanted To Rent-. 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales - 21. 'Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 28. Cards of Thanks 24; In Memoriam Personale The cost is low. Classifications 2. 3, 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13, 15, 17 --minimum 26 cents an lns,ortion. All other clust& Creation, minimum 50 cents .per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), 'renders Want - e. (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on application, 1. Coming Events DANCE, Friday. January 8. Brodbagen and District Community Hall, .lan Wil - bee and his Melody •Makers. Admission • 76 cents. 1-95-1 • 2:. Lost, Strayed LOST between Brucefield and' Kippen on January 2,' a white, black and tan female fox houpd, Reward Apply to ROBERT FAULDS, Brucefield, 2-95-1 ... ,TAKEN BY mistake from the dance at the'"Community Centre, Seaforth. Tues- day miming. a pair ot_�J [adie's black gal- oshes with fur •trim.Finder phone Miro. MERVIN LANA, Seaforth, Phone 654R11. yy 2-95-1 • 15. Property For Rent 22. Legal Notices APARTMENT -.FOR RENT on Main. Street, Seuforth. All convenleneea. Ap- ply FRANK 1¢LLNG,Phoue 19. 15-95-2 1'`I V E -ROOM HOUSE with four-plere bath, one block from Main Street. All onteniences. Available now. PHONE 281-J, Seaforth. 15-95-tf MODERN HOUSE on West Street, Sea - forth ; three bedrooms, all conveniences; full basement; available Jan. 15. Apply M. BARRY, Phone 41 R 17, Dublin, or Bart Barry, 277 Piccadilly St., London. Phone GE. 2-6809,, 15-94x2 19., Notices GUARANTEED' RADIO and TV repairs, Fast servlee. SCOTT RADIO and TV, East William Street, Seaforth. 19-95x1 FILTER: QUEEN Sales & 'Service. Re- pairs to all makes of vacuum cleaners. Reconditioned cleaners of all makes for Bale. BOB PECK, Varna, Phone .Hen- sall 696 11 2 19-95xtf COMPLETE LAUNDETERIA in Sea- ford* and district and Dry Cleaning Ser. 1vice. WEBB'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth, agent for Brady Cleaners & Laut�deteria Ltd•, Exeter.. 19-94-tf RUS$' SERVICE' SHOP—Radio and TV repairs on all makes and models Russel Faber, Prop. Graduate Rattle Electronics and 'television Schools, PHONE 665 R 1. Seaforth. 19-91tf MAGIC MARKERS- instant dry, WS' terproof, write on any surface; just pull oil' cap and Magic Marker in ready t6' use. Refills available, Nine colors ink. THE HURON EXPOSIII'OR, REVITALIZED cleaning et Buchanan Cdraners, Mount Forest. More spots and stains remuv ed, Garments stay clean long- er, t 'Wear longer.. Agent. MILLER'S, 1 WISH rrO thank all • those who so 1,AUNDItie SERVICE. Phone 247 fur kindly supported me at the poll on Wed - NOTICE to CREDITOR'S • In the Estate of EDYTH DAVIDSON A(I- persons having charas against the Estate of Edyth Davidson, late of Town of Seaforth, in the County of Hur- un, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of October, 1959, are hereby notified to send in full -particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the -29th day of January, 1960, after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 6th day of January, 1960. • McCONNELL & STEWART Solicitor for the Executor Seaforth, Ontario 22.95-3 23. Cards of Thanks I WOULD LIKE to express my sin: cere thanks to the neighbours and friends thut visited me with treats and cards Siifoe• my illness, MRS. GEORGE ALCOCK 23-95x1 I WISH TO '1tHAN1C my neighhopfa and friends for the visits, letters, cards, treats, gift) and flowers, during any ill- ness; also Dr, Hrady, Dr. "Allan and the nursing staff of St. 'Josephs Hospital. London MRS. WILSON' ALLEN 23-95-1 I WOULD LIKE to express my sin- cere thanks to everyone who visited me, sent flowers, cards and treats while I was in hospital Special thanks to Dr. pekes, Dr. Gorwlnr. Dr. ' Stapleton and the nursing staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, 23-95xi MRS. RUSSELL COLEMAN pick -up. _. 19=[14-tf nesdny, December 30; especially those who worked so .hardoa my behalf. And, even though I was defeated in the elec- tion for trustee, it makes me very -happy NOTICE 1�f� /'Y. , to know Clint„jq spite of all the ries that ,1V O 1 IVI...t' �. - ' ”-•"f'were told in order to try to ruin my reputattionT still have so many true , 4, Help Wanted Township of uckersmith nd loyal. friends Wishing everyone -_•happy and prosperous New Year.. NTE in Snack Bt It?ltepaycrs and `inhabitants of the .Town- _'3-03x1 WILFRED O'ROURKE hip, of Tuckersrnith are requested by the ! - Cntiried'to net park cars on townshlpl - - - - — --- ._.__... roads and streets during the winter months : 25. Personals n + td t• AO., fseiiiletr • silo a'plotving opera- iStittcit7i:rill nut be responsible for dam -I HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (Rubber Goods), -neve to any tehivies parked on roads or mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope mets. _ tsith price, list. 6 samppirs 23e; 2•i sam- R,, i ' ks 51 00. Mali - Order , ;Dept. T - 78, • .O A C1 ESNEY CO, Baa, 01, Hamilton. HELP WANTED k r, im- mediately. Apply SU1"ERTEST SNACK BAR. , .•t 4,515 1. HOUSEWIVES -. Need extra money 5hxse days? We have a part-time in- come plan to help you 'Reliable, neat: Appearing methers of school age children ran qualify. Write MISS MOSl1ER, manager, Box 86, Owen Sound, static telephone pumber. 4-95,96,98 • APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received until Jan- uary 12, 1960, at 6 o'clock p.m. for the' combined position of clerk -treasurer, tax collector _and assessor for the village of ',Beneath Apply in writing only, stating age. qualifications, experience, etc. Envelopes to be clearly marked, "Applications". s'nd sent to the undersigned: P. L. McNAUGHTON, tterk-Treasurer Hensall, Ontario Acting- Clerk, '1-uckersmith 1 '26, Births. 4-98-8 T Situations Wanted -.V4MAN wanting housework. PHONE Seaforth 303-W. 7-95x1 WILL DO babysitting in own' home. Apply to MBS. PETER MALCOLM, phone Seaforth 369-R. 7=95x4 8. Farm Stock For Sale TEN PIGS- for sale. Apply to HARRY ARTS R.R. 4. Seaforth, Phone 673 J 3. 8-95x1 -28 PIGS. six weeks old: 20 pigs. nine anfi (en weeks old Apply JOHN CAL - /WILL Brucefield ; phone Clinton nu. 2- 3204. a .- -95x1 WATERLOO." CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better, Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination Service .foe all Breeds) of Cattle ,_Farmer Owned and Controlled. Call us between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. weekdays and 6:00 and 8:00 .p m. Sat. urday evenings at Clinton HU .2-3441 or for -Long Distance'' Clinton Zenith 9-5.650 19-94-tf 21-.— Tenders Wanted-,.. • TENDERS FOR ORGANIST FOR ' ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH, BRODHAGEN' 10. Used Cars For Sale • Duties to commence the beginning of - February, 1960. 1963 INTERNATIONAL' one -ton truck' with steel . dump box; hoist, racks and tato_. Priced reasonable for cash sale Apply Box 891, THE HURON EXPOSI- TOR, Seaforth. • 1(05-1 11. ,,Articles For Sale 'FOR GUARANTEED TV and ,radio re- pairs, call 665 it 21,-Seaforth or Henault 672 R 11. " RUSS' SERVICE Saha?, 11-9A-tf' BEFORE YOU BUY, Give me "a try. 20%• off on car insurance. Do you_ quali- fy ? E, H, "Shorty" MUNROE, Phone 394, - 11 -94 -ti CLARE JEWEL white enamel coal and wood kitchen range with high shelf and resevoir Apply to ,FRED ROSE, Phone Seaforth 843 R 31. ' • 11-95x1 'GIRL'S, WHITE figure akatea, side 2. In good condition- Price 81.76, Apply tq MRS. FRANK SMALE, Wilson Street. Seaforth. 11-9.6xI FLANNELETTE Blankets, 10" x 90", 84.46; men's short rubber boots, $3•7'51 good as took of 'print* and Bannelettea• BORDI',N BROWN. Phone Seaforth 841r2. 11-94-tf SPR6YED APPLES for sale: SRy. King, Taiwan Sweets Delicious, Snow Russet, Greening, Maal,ntnsb, Baldwin, etc. Free delivery in town. Phone HU. 2-8214. FRED McCLYMONT & SONS, Varna. 11-94-tf 12. Wanted To Buy WANTED TO--13i1Y--24" Bell thresh - machine with cutter. Must be in cbaadition. Write or phone 'VICTOR Y, R.R, 3, Exeter, stating p . IPhone Exeter 692 R 12 I 5x2 HIGHEST CASE PRICES paid for sick. &OM and disabled farm animals, 'Prompt. courteous collection • of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call ended., El) ANDREWS, 851 It " t, See - for*. Associated with Darling & Co., of Maeda Ltd. 12-94.41 Lt. Wanted f�OAt1DERS WANTED in private home /i� Seaforth, preferably male. PHONE 1111 4, Seaforth, - 12-9408 14: Property For Sale_ PLAN your home now ; $5479-9—down •y wjit buy you a lot in Seaforth or Barpu74 L:+te surveyed. Land dultable for proi8bta Terms to suit. CLAY • 9`4'121.. _DELJN15. • 14-04-tf 1 • Property For; lint V01 111-1100# M 'wridei`li'fi7f4T for rent. ADfits' DO% 6 4, THE HMCO EXPOS- TTO1P Seaforth. 111.9441 Tenders to be in the lends of the sec- retary -not . later than /January 25, 1960. For further information contact: , , KEN SMITH», • ..Secretary •, R.R:' 1, Bornholm. 21-944 22. Legal Notices NOTICE to- CREDITORS Ire the Estate of BESSIE ICERR All persona having claims against the Berate Betate of Bessie Kerr, late of the town ,f Seaforth, in th -County of Huron, Widow, deceased, whb died on the 22nd day of October, 1959, are hereby notified -o send in' full particulars of their claims .o the undersigded on or before the 29th day of January, 1960, after which date the assets will be.. distributed, having re- ;ard only to claim¢ then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 6th d`ey of January, 1960. facC0NNELL iltw STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor 22.95-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBENA %VIGO. All persons having claims against the Estate of Robena Wigg, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, wid- ow, deceased, who died on the 18th day of November, 1,369, are hereby notified to sehd in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before. the 29th Sk of January, 196q, after which date_ the assets will be dIstrthttted, having regard only to the claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this Gth day of January, 1960. MCCONNELL ,& STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitor for the, Executor 22-95.4 • NOTICE • to..CREDI T ORS In the •Estate -of QEORGE3 11OBERRIS All person-" diving •clahaie against the Estate of George Roberti, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the "County of Huron, lab. orer, deceased, who died on the 14th dAy of November, 1959, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of January, 1960 a€ter which date the warts will be dls&riba'ted, having re-- gard only tb elelms then rekeived. DATED' at Seaforth, this 7th day 4 Jnnnary, 1960. ' Mont/NNE/J. & 11 rrixr,ART - Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the estate 22e t,4 fdilllllrr DOW'be8}i'AIRM tulitlimsnt for Sell that tinneceaset fair de of oat. Two bedroom*. Avian wee Jan. I6.. filtnitare through a Huron Exposi- aA.pply to BORDEN %gm phone gear s41 R 2. .isala'.tf tor Classified Ad. Phone 141. BRIDGE—At Scott Methods] Hospital, on D,ecember 30, to Mr. and Mrs, Ben '•13k.idge; Seaforth, a daughter. BROWN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 1, to Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Brdwn, R.R. 3, Dublin, a daughter. .CORNEIL-.Jean and Jack Cornea, Hen= call, are happy to' announce --'the,,;hi,•„ h of a 800,' December 80, 1969; 'at Soul" Huron Hospital, Exeter. A brother for Billy and Bev; DYIGS'1,'R.A-imfr and Mrs Gary Dykstra, nee Betty Jean Andrews, ,Woodatdek, are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Gerrit Edward, on December 8I, at Woodstock General Hospital, ' I)„AM—At Chatham -Hospital, on December. 30, to Mr. -and -Mrs. Wesley Ham, Chet - ham, a son. HIBBERT—At Scott Mem.oriel Hospital, on January 4, to Mr.' and Mrs. George Hilbert R.R. 1, Walton, a son, • KELLY ---Mr. and Mrs, James J, Kelly are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter,- Rose Marie, 14 months; a sistett for Mary Margaret. NIGFI—At .Scott Memorial Hospital, on Janna-ry' 4, to Mr and Mrs. Joseph Nigh, Egmondville, a daughter. .tSCOTT—At 'Clinton Public •Hospital,• on December 20, to Mr, and Mrs. Wil- ford Stott, $-R 2, Seaforth, a son,- John William. Might-•Pay•»to Feed Dairy Calves For. Beef • With high 'beef prices, . many dairymen might find. a profitable market for any extra forage •and labor they have by' keeping their bull calves and feeding them out to slaughter weights, say livestock experts with the Ontario • Depart- ment of Agriculture. Or, if you're short of feed and building space, yot*. might sell them as yearling steers. Both these programs will probably . be quite profitable until 'prices for choice steers get down to $20 and„$21 per hundredweight. On a snowy morning: "Mama, can't 1 go” out and lis- ten to Daddy shovelling the drive- way?„ • s.dtic 11Blad Andersen ...or lust Being isms 5T1COUGHTS- AWFUL PeicE td PAy FCI MEDIGIN6 BUT' iT5 WDerlt LQ T/ME,5 THAT /FM Wh.t MAKE HIM WELL • • $O1. L, 1" FAGe (7; Ontario _Grower Leads With Spuds Carl P. Meyers, Zephyr, in On- H f tario- County, was the potato grow- i er in 'the Province of Ontario whose estimated yield of 689 bush- els per acre 'topped all other con- tents in High Yield Potato Clubs for 1959. Mr. Meyers grew the Sebago Variety, and his crop test- ed 18.1 per cent dry' Ii -,atter, pro- ducing '7,485 pounds of dry mat- ter per acre. Ross Harrison, Mount Albert, was close with 664 bushels testing g ls. 8 per cent, dry Y matter, producing 7,888 pounds on an acre of Huron Variety. ' These were the highest of 121 contestants in eight 500 -Bushel Per Acre Potato Clubs, organized by -various county and district branch- es, of the Ontario [Soil and .Crop Improvement Association. The es- timated average yield' in•1959 for all contestants was"397 bushels and 4,439 pounds` of. dry matter per acre. Average yield for the pros, ince is 210 bushels per acre. High- est in percentage dry matter ,was Albert Hockley, Claremont, who grew Keswick Variety, and Nich- olas icholas Seguin, Lemieux, with --.Green Mountain. Each tested 20.3 per cent dry matter. Durham County CIub had' the highest average dry matter this year, with 18.6 per cent, and 0.4 per cent above the over-all average of 516 contestants for eigll.t,.,years of 18.2 per cent dry matter. "Ontario County, with 20 growers in the contest, had the highest average estimated yield of 508 bushels per, • acre, -•with 17, over the objective of 500 „bushels; and six exceeding 600 bushels per acre. long -Tune Teacher RosrMocKay, 70, . Dies in-Hillsburg- 'The death occurred in Guelph General Hospital Wednesday morn- ing of Ross MacKay, folio t'mg an -illness of about three neon A native of Tuckersmith ,1 're he was born on the family -home- stead, lot 4, concession 8, 70 years ago, ale -was a son of the late John F. MacKay and Bessie Ross, A teacher all his life, he served for 20 years in the Western Provinces, returning to Ontario in the early thirties. He taught at Cromarty for nine years and has been prin- cipal of the Hillsburg public school for 20 years, While he had not been in the best of health for sew eral years, he continued teaching until the close of the school term last June. Interested in public affairs, he was a life -tong Liberal. For a time he was president of the Thomas McMillan Young Liberal Club in Seaforth. He was a mem- ber of the Masonic Order and of the Presbyterian Church. . - He is survived by his widow, the former Louise Holmes, and by a daughter, June, Mrs. Wm. Turner, of Sudbury. He is also survived by a sister, Miss Margaret Mac- Kay, and a brother, Oliver, on the homestead, and by another broth- er, Charles, also of Tuckersmith, and a sister, Nits. James Howe, pf Stratford, , While funeral arrangements have not been completed, it is .expected he funeral will take place Friday rom the Presbyterian Church, Hillsburg Arta -Contests were, in. Durham, Middlesex, Ontario, Prescott anal South Sim•coe Counties; also the Districts of Cochrane, Parry Sound and Thunder - Ray ; 500- Bushel Clubs in Ontario reached their peak in 1948, with 21 competitions and 394 contestants, This year highest yields were obtained in four contests with' "the Sebago Variety. Other varieties in first place were Chippewa, in Par- .ry Sound; Green Mountain, in Prescott; Cherokee, in South Sim- coe; Keswick, in. Cochrane; and Kennebec, in Thunder Bay. <n No. 759 No. 2815 X9.95 $16:75 This table for $1.50 with every "Steno" Chair orgeredl TYPEWRITER TABLE Use it as a' salesman's detk' where space is scarce. Ideal for the'student in the family. Center drawer for sup- plies and a Shelf for books: Type. writer desk height, 3" Aide x 17" deep, Heavy -steel. Olive grden or , Cole gray finish....... No.7S9 $16.75 "STENO" CHAIR Prevents office fatigue, , improves efficiency. Foamrubber cushion, quality casters, adjust- able seat 16tls" li i3'lsW." Brown, green, gray or wine ,,:..No.2815' $39.9r 9r HU'IION ',EXPOS1TO-R SLAF', },v't7' -- OIV'TAnt0 AVXe • LINSEED OIL STILL TOP About 70 per cent of all vege- teble oils used 111 paints and varn- ishes in Canada is linseed oil, re- ports the Economics division; Can- ada Depament of Agriculture. Despite efforts during recent years to substitute other vegetable and mineral oils for linseed oil in n paints and varnishes, ,no significant changes have been made. Consumption of soybean oil in- creased from 1.6 million pounds in , 1949 to seven million ,pounds in 1956. This increase took place at the - expense of Chinawood oil, which -fell from second to third place. - Use of castor oil in paints and varnishes increased from 1.6 mil- lion pounds in 1949 to 2.2 million pounds in 1956. ' This constitutes only four per cent of the total veg- etable' oil consumption by the paint industry, ,but it, is an impor- tant ingredient of better quality paints: Use Insects To Control Weeds . / At Belleville, Ont,, scientists of the Canada Department of Agri cultdre's Entomology ••Research Institute for Biological Control are discovering ways of controlling ..weeds by using the insects that attack them. Toadflax is not' a serious prob- lem in. Ontario, where the seeds are attacked bya beetle, but it is increasing rapidly on farmlands in the prairie• provinces, where this beetle does not exist. Beetles collected in Ontario were liberated ,at Marsden, Sask., and Codesa, in the Peace River dis- trict of Alberta. They died out at ,Marsden during a- severe winter, but they have increased ,and spread in the Peace River district. It is too soon- to say whether or not .the beetle will reduce the spread of the weed in Alberta. It is not expected to..,wipe out exist- ing stands,. as the weed spreads by i pd'erground stems, which are not attacked by the beetle,: as, well as by seeds. • Because of this, a search is be- ing made in Europe for insects that will attack -'tMML stems and roots. If found, they will be test- ed intensively under quarantine at Belleville to ensure that they will not attack crop plants. Any that survive may be liberated in Can- ada. • . Attempts • to control St. John's Wort in British Columbia by lib- erating _.three -kinds of beetles ob- tained froll abroad have been on- ly moderately successful, and a search for other suitable insects is in progress In Europe. A leaf -eating caterpillar is be- ing tested at Belleville to see if it is suitable to caontrol tansy rag- wort in .Eastern Canada, DITCH GATES , , . Oil' drums with top and bottom r*moved make inexpensive and serviceable -diverting gates at Y-braneh of irrigation ditch; Gates are board covered with sheet in tai. Drums are weighted with rooks. Water pressure keeps gates in place. ENSALL The Senior Citizens of Hensall will hold their first meeting of '1960 in the Arena auditorium on Tues- day, at'8 p.m. New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Beer and Linda were: Sgt. John Beer, Mrs. Beer, David and Johnny, of. Springfield; F/O Ralph McArthur, Mrs. McArthur, Mac and Cam, Centralia;, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, Hensall, and M. and Mrs. Chester Lee, of Hensall,. who also: celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary New Year's Day.. The lovely baskets of flowers in Chis,elhurst United Church and Carmel Presbyterian Church Sun - I -day --last were-piaeed there by the Tinney family, of St. Marys, in memory of Christopher 'Tinney; '5, who died as the result of an acci- dent. Sunday, January 10, at 11 aim., at the United Church, the Sacra= .meat of Holy Communion will be celebrated, The annual congrega. -tional meeting will be held Mon- daj', January 25-, at 8 p.m. Special Week of Prayer services were, observed ,this week in the Local churches: Monday -at Carmel Church, with speaker Rev. Bren De Vries;- Wednesday at St. Paul's Anglican Church, with Rev. Cu rie Winlaw, and Friday at 't e United Church, with Mr. G. Vais. Mr, and Mrs. Ant, Gelderland, Ron and Jane, of Ridgetown; Mr. and Mrs. William Dodds and Mr. Don Dodds, Winthrop, and Miss Maja' Reobol, Reg.N., London, were New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs, Sim Roobol. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Corlett, of Leamington, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and Mr, and Mrs, Gary Corlett. Bryan and Diane, of Toronto, spent New Year's and 'the weekend at the Cook residence. - The January meeting of the .Wo'- men's Wo-men's Institute will be held in the Legion Hall Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. Theme will be, "Home Econ- imics and Health"; roll call, a useful kitchen hint, --and film strips on health, etc., will be shown. Observe 45th Anniversary ' 'Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott, who observed their 45th. wedding an- niversary on Wednesday, Dee. 30, were pleasantly surprised on Sat- urday evening . when relatives on Mr. Jarrott's side met to honor them and to present them with' numerous gifts.' They extended the couple wishes -for happiness and 'years of, happy married life together. Mr. Jarrott spoke brief- ly, and both Mr. and Mrs. Jarrott expressed their thanks' together. Luncheon was served. On Wednesday evening relatives on Mrs. Jarrott's side met to pre- NE sent them with gifts and enjoy a social time together:. They were the recipients of many lovely gifts and congratulatory messages and a dozen red roses, gift of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph_ Funeral of Christopher Tanney The funeral of the' late Christo- pher hristypher Tinney, son of Constable and Mrs. Tinney,.who died in his fifth year as a...result of an accident, was held Thursday froth the Mar- riott , Funeral Home, St. Marys, with 'Rev, Alex' K. Campbell of- ficiating. The casket was banked with many beautiful floral .tributes, Members of the police -force at- tended in a' -body, --and' the Cap= tains of the Safety Patrol_ of, the various schools formed a guard of honor. Pallbearers were cousins, Mer• vyn, Laurence and Douglas Eyre, and Ray Lee. Flowerbearers were members of the safety patrol. Burial was in St. Marys cemetery, Eight draws were made in Hen- saIl during the Christmas season. Winners were: 'Al's SlaperiorSave, deep freeze, Mrs." Bob Baker, Jr., Hensall, drawn by P. L. McNaugh- ton; Wilson's Drug Store, movie outfit, Mrs. Keith Love, RR 1, Zur- ich,; flash outfit, Dargan Burns, He. nsall; camera gadget. bag., -. Mrs. Charles Eckel, Hensall (tickets drawn by Wilfred Moussenu); J. Bonthron and San, rest rocker, 'Miss Audrey Duizer, ,,Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall; mantel radio, Gerald Prout, 'Exeter;.. set of TV tables,. Percy Johnston, Var- iia (tickets drawn by Cecil Van - borne, Lucan). - ; • Crest Hardware; mixer and stand, Alphonse Jeffrey, Zurich (ticket drawn by Mr. A. Woodi-, "vtiss, Chatham); T. C. '.)ioynt and Son, man's made to measure suit, value $75, Jerry McClinchey, Hen- sall; lady's set' of fibre glass;lug gage (two pieces), Marjorie GIan- ville; ,Staffa (tickets drawn by Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Ferguson); Good - win's,. plaid • blanket, Mrs.' A. Clark, Hensall; ladies' plain satin bound blanket, Mrs. Robert Mc- Gregor, Kippen; men's black lea-' Cher club' bag, Kenneth Reichert, RR 2, Hensall; brown nylon . club bag, Grant McGregor, Hensall, Irwin's, pair all -wool blankets, John---_Ehappel, Cromarty; " any matching sweats set, Mrs, Na- poleon Bedard, Zurich ('tickets drawn by Mrs. E. Shaddick);. Christie's '5c to $1.00 Store, .$5.00 gift certificate, Bill Riley,-.CLisel- hurst. Teacher: "That was very quick - Witted and brave of you, Eddie, to ull George out of the pond when he fell through the ice'." ' Eddie: "Well, you see, he ,was wearing my skates." DISTRICT WEDDINGS G RA DKO W SKI --TU CK W OOD HENSALL—Margaret Rose, Tuck-. wood, of Lopdon, and Joseph Grad- kowski, London, . exchanged mar- riage vows at the •Church of Our Lady' of Chestakova, London, - on Saturday, January 2, before the Rev. Father Pluta, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Tuckwood, of Hensall, former= ly of London, and the groom is the son of Mrs. J. Gradkowski, of Sarnia, and the late Mr. Gradskow- ski. ' The church was lovely in seasonal dtecoratfons. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a street -length gown of white nylon over satin, made by her grandmother, with full length veil, and carried red roses: Mrs. Helen Buogoskie, London, attended as matron of honor,Wear- ing rose taffeta, and bridesmaid Mrs. Sylvia Davis, Dorchester, sis- ter of 'the bride, chose blue taf- feta. Both carried bouquets of pink roses. Stan Buogoskie, London, attend - 'ed the grobm, and Stewart Struck- ett ushered the guests. The Th'i reception" for forty guests Was held at the Kosy Korner Res- taurant, Hensall, home of the bride's parent's. For their wedding trip . to Toronto, the bride wore brown and beige plaid suit with accessories in beige. The young Four Generations at New Year's Party The family of Mrr, and Mrs. be'riiaY''d Nott, Egmondville, gath- ered for a New Year's Eve cele- bration. About 35 persons attend- ed the affair, and represented 'four generations ; of the family. Sons and daughters of the couple and their families were present, including those from the area and as far as Hamilton. Thecelebration was, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Nott, .Egmondville. couple will ;reside in London. Out-of-town guests attended from Sarnia, Toronto, Woodstock, St. Thomas and London, Hens,alt CourcdI Has Inaugural The fust meeting of the 19,60 'relight' Council was held Monday evening with all. Members pres- ent. E. R. Davis, maintenance man, was granted a raise in sal- ary of $200. Councillor Lorne E. Hay was appointed representative to the Ansable River Conservation Auth- ority. A motion was' passed to renew nientbership to the Mid - Western Ontario Development 'As- sociation, Councillor Mrs. Noakes will be the representative for'tie council. 1 'First Church CGIT Plan Skating Party Members 'of First Presbyterian CGIT will hold a [skating party on January 15, the group decided at its meeting Monday. Taking part in the program were Mrs. D. Leaiie Eider, who read a chapter from the study book; Bar- bara Holland, who read the. scrip- ture, and Susan McLean, who read a prayer. The meeting closed with Taps, followed by games. Close Bell. Phone Business Office In order to provide more effici- ent service ons , business matter the Bell Telephone Company is closing its business office in Sea - forth, effective Jan, 18, it was announced this week. At the same time, W. W. Hay- som, Bell Telephone manager for this area, announced the appoint- ment of a collection agency where customers -may pay -their accounts • without extra charge. The new agency is Keating's Pharmacy on Main Street. - - According to tthhhe. Bell manager, closing of 'the Seaforth office and' the appointment of ,a collection agency will help to provide for more effective administration of telephone business. Mr. Haysom said -that Seaforth customers »wishing to discuss tele- phone business matters should call 200 which will connect them with the business office, where a ser- vice representative has the records f theirservice. o s rules, Dairy Cows Need Lots -Warm Water Make sure, water is •readily available and above 35 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter, say live- stock experts with the Ontario De- partment of Agrridulture. A cow will take all, arage of 10 drink§ a day if she .has free aci ess to water. The average {fairy cow drinks about 12 . gallons of water a day and a heavy milker -might need as much as. 30 gallons—proof enough that to get top milk production (milk 'contains 87' per cent water) your cows need plenty of water. Burglar:' "What are you laugh- ing at?" " Householder: "That. you•7-e1rrne---'-.-- at night without a light to look for money where I can't find any in broad ;d'ayligh't," FRESH BAKED For Tasty Eating CLEARY'S 1.G.A most reliable machine on the farm P10 -NE -ER' PIONEER 'aaoIS950 .. • WIUH it.IMCN atr5CNM1Nr1 P 1600E R 1 9950 Wald Ir -INCH *CTACMM1011. chain saw f, l PIONEER SAWS LTD. Mart/OOIQUDH CANADA 1t,%Q Down Easy Monthly 1'yments Sold by: ROBERT (Bob) GLEN.--- - Clinton, Ont:»:. Phone >UT. 2 - 9909 M • • i