HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2016-10-26, Page 3Wednesday, October 26, 2016 • Huron Expositor 3
Liberals celebrate the one-year anniversary of PM Trudeau being elected
Thompson tells his story of fairly close
loss to MP of Huron -Bruce, Ben Lobb
Shaun Gregory votes he leamed a lot, particu-
Huron Expositor larlythe rural side of things.
"Shortly after the election, I
It's been a year since our decided that I would like to
country witnessed what PM contribute something to the
Justin Trudeau called a "real local party and I thought the
change." It was a landslide most constructive way would
victory and one of his fellow be to try to figure a more effec-
party members, Allan tivewaytoreachouttorural
Thompson battled a cam- ridings," said Thompson after
paign of his own in Huron his speech to his followers.
and Bruce Counties. Though Named ProjectRURAL, the
it didn't play out, as fruitful task force was launched and
as he had hoped, it was having been accepted by the
close -so close that it kept his Liberals with the mission of
Liberal drive active. researching ways to better
Following the head of state connect with people who are
of revising, Thompson did not less urbanized. The study was
have the capabilities of giving conducted from last spring
residency to more than 30,000 until the winter and by early
Syrian refugees or putting citi- summer the implementation
zens earning more than stages had begun. Thompson
$200,000 in a different tax mentioned that now they are
bracket. Especially after his in the stages of execution as
loss to Ben Lobb, Huron- they can prepare for the next
Bruce Conservative MP, he election, which is expected to
didn't have a spot in parlia- be held October 21, 2019.
ment. Which meant living up He is keen on developing
to the Prime Minster's catchy policies from the ground up
phrase of change, seemed a and asking people, "what
task rather hard to conquer. broke, can we fix it, what do
At the Seaforth Agriplex you need in a community?"
October 19, joined by about A new-fangled ambition
fifty of his Liberal supporters has developed from the loss
who had knocked on doors and it hasn't hindered
and volunteered their time in Thompson's hopes in any
a campaign run that spanned way; he implied that running
two years, he thanked them. again for MP is not off the
He also told them through his table in the future.
close loss of 24,971 to 22,196 "Yes, it's certainly a
possibility, I think it would
be foolish to rule it out
because you invest a lot, I
put close to two years to the
election campaign, started
from scratch. I built a very,
very good organization,"
explained Thompson.
At the time, on leave from
a full-time journalism pro-
fessor position at Carleton
University, the Glammis
Ont. native remembers the
defeat vividly. His campaign
manager revealed the status
of votes through back-to-
back phone conversations.
"One time he called and
said it's not looking good, I'll
call you back in a few min-
utes, Thompson was told by
the veteran campaigner.
It was just after 10 p.m.
and Thompson had been
advised to stay secluded
with his family in case he fell
short in front of the public's
eye as this would be "crush-
ing news."
Then the phone rang with
the disappointing results; he
had lost the election.
"I started to look at houses
to buy and settle down," he
said. "I certainly would've
had a home here and a
home in Ottawa.
Through an agreement
with his movement, it was
promised that if they fell
short a congratulations to
the victor would be
On the highway they
Seaforth local creates fundraiser to conduct repairs to the library
Shaun Gregory large auditorium and a
Huron Expositor swimming pool and it was
just closed," she said through
After reading the local an email conversation. "It
newspaper and seeing a was not for lack of public
story where the Seaforth support, sometimes the poli -
Library needed roughly tics can really get in the way,
$275,000 for repairs, Loretta but it should not have been
Hogan -Andrew thought to closed, and I would hate to
herself, "itis our library," she see "the powers that be",
came to the conclusion that deem the library to be an un -
something must be done. necessary recipient of the
Moving here four years funds it needs, due to lack of
ago in January from London, public support."
Hogan -Andrew has always Considering herself a reg -
been in awe of the town's ular at the Seaforth Library,
structures. And the local Hogan -Andrew enjoys
library is one of the places bringing her grandson up
she considers a Georgian and down the rows of books
style architecture treasure. in the children's section of
She admitted to fearing if an course.
initiative is not implicated in To cover some of the costs
a timely fashion, from previ- involved in a long list of
ous experiences, Hogan- repairs withthe roofbeingthe
Andrew has witnessed simi- most essential, partnered with
lar projects back pedal for the CKNXradio and the Sea -
the worse. forth Legion, a benefit for the
"Well, I don't have a crys- local library is being put forth.
tal ball, but my old high Previously organizing a
school in Sarnia, was built in fundraiser for her brother
1927, (it) was a beautiful, Sean six years ago who was
well kept building with a in the midst of treatment for
stage 4 cancer, crusading for
a good cause is something
the 53 -year-old does not shy
"In some communities,
the library is a real centre for
the community with audito-
riums and meeting rooms.
Now, perhaps more than
ever, the library is something
that we need to keep alive for
future generations," pleaded
Hogan -Andrew about the
century -old landmark. "And
we are so fortunate in Sea -
forth to have an original his-
torical building to house it,
we should all support it as a
foundation in this
Reaching out to three
major recording artists and
one newcomer to the music
scene, this event is predicted
to be a live entertaining
musical affair on November
19 at 8 p.m. at the Seaforth
As it stands from all the
responses, Hogan -Andrew
anticipates this to sell out
Shaun Gregory
Allan Thompson being the chair on the Huron -Bruce Federal Liberal Association invited the public to
one of their meetings last Wednesday.
headed to Goderich, where
Lobb was celebrating at a
favoured venue known as
the Candlelight Restaurant.
And just as Thompson
thought the day could not
get any worse, a deer
jumped out in front of the
eaforthhuronex s ositor.co
vehicle he and his campaign
manager were driving.
"It could have been
worse," Thompson added
about the misfortune.
After the buck collided
with the side of their van,
they stopped and noticed
that it was gone and trusted
it had survived. Back on the
road they went.
The two competitors met
and had a beer, with a laugh
Thompson recalls he may
have paid for the alcoholic
You are invited to attend these area churches
21 Jarvis St., Seaforth
Church Office 519-527-1522
Rev. Shaun Eaton - Deacon -in -Charge
Sunday October 30 Worship 9:30am
Everyone Welcome
The Common cup Company in
Concert at 2pm
Tickets $20 each, children free
Come enjoy, be entertained & refreshed!
ACW meets Tues. Nov. 1 at 1:30pm
Worship Leader -
Pastor EIIy Dow
October 30 - 10:30
Sunday School 10:30
Bringing Zacchaeus Down
Sugar Plum Bazaar
Nov. 12
Like us on facebook
An Associated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
Interim Pastor: Rev. Laurie Morris
October 30 -11 am
"Beholding God #6"
Sunday School - 9:45 am
October 30-6 pm
"Behold Your God Video #7"
Tuesday Evenings:
CIub-6: 0 - 5p pm
B&G Club - 6:45 pm
Wednesday Evenings:
Men's & Ladies' Bible Study - 7 pmNursery
59 Goderich St. W. Seaforth
Rev. Dwight Nelson
Lorrie Mann - Organist
Sunday Worship
October 30 - 11 am
Sunday School
Provided as Needed