Huron Expositor, 2016-10-19, Page 5Wednesday, October 19, 2016 • Huron Expositor 5
Shaved head does not
What a year for the
come unnoticed for cancer
Van Egmond House
Dear Editor possible. Mrs. Harburn if I don't finish, we need
Thank you to the St. has inspired all of us and others to continue. It's got Letter to the editor,
James Catholic School is proof of how one person to keep going without me." The Van Egmond Founda-
community for their over- can make a huge positive St. James Catholic School tion Board of Directors
whelming support of our difference in the lives of is indeed part of the Mara- would like to thank all of our
school's 2016 Terry Fox others. thon of Hope and Terry supporters and volunteers
Run. Our school commu- Terry Fox is a true would be proud of all of us for a very special year. By
nity has raised over Canadian hero. He put for continuing to keep his saying that, the Ciderfest
$3,000 - an extraordinary others first and his dedica- dream alive. One day, we and our three Country
amount. Thanks also to tion and perseverance to will live in a cancer -free Breakfasts were blessed with
Mrs. Harburn who bravely finding a cure for cancer is world.
offered for her hair to be second to none. Terry
shaved off as an extra said, "If you've given a
incentive for the school to dollar, you are part of the
raise as much money as Marathon of Hope" "Even
Mike Weiler
Grade 4/5 Teacher
excellent weather, and were
very successful fund raising
events. This year the usual
property maintenance costs
will also include much
needed new storm
The Van Egmond House
was open for eight weeks
this summer, Wednesday
through Sunday with a stu-
dent guide present. The
board members of the Van
Egmond House Foundation
welcomes new members.
Brenda McIntosh
LET'S MAKE CANCER H 1-11.S.1'01-z..Y a..:.,.
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Fir irlrtarll fiof.. t u1 itl rliif,
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Local girls submit their
funds raised to CMHA
from their mental health
awareness walk
From left to right, Terri Lyn Devereaux, Kristen
Devereaux, Bridget Cronin, Nicole Morey and the
President of the board for the Canadian Mental Health
Association of Huron Perth, Matt Mackey. The four girls
raised roughly $7,000 last August and decided to split
it up in two ways to the CMHA Huron -Perth branch and
the Huron -Perth Centre for Children and Youth. They
submitted the cheque last week in Seaforth for the
money they donated to the CMHA. The group said they
might do the walk again next year.
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All the Syrian
refugees from
the area met
for holiday meal
The El Muhammed Family
from Zurich (Rustem, Felek,
Aras and Lilas), the Kanjo Fam-
ily from Exeter, the Almajarish
Family from Exeter and the
Almassad Family from Egmond-
ville (Sharif, Abir, George,
Joseph and Wedad).
It was an exceptional joy for
the community volunteers that
have been working with them in
their settlement to share the
time together over Canadian
and Syrian dishes that everyone The newest residents of Ontario's west coastline region — four new families from Syria — enjoyed a special
brought. Thanksgiving meal together at Hay Town Hall in Zurich on October 10.
Submitted photoshop image
Because some wishes
can't wait for someday. 1-888-822-9474
The Huron Expositor
welcomes letters to the
editor. They must be
signed and accompanied
by a phone number for
information clarification.
Itis important to note, letters
will not be printed without
the author's name attached.
All letters are subject to
editing due to possible
space restriction.
Letters can be dropped off at
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The Huron Expositor
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Seaforth, ON
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