Huron Expositor, 2016-11-09, Page 66 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Recognized for their duties as Legion members
Major from the Canadian military
talks about PTSD in Seaforth
Shaun Gregory
Huron Expositor
Last Saturday the Seaforth
Legion held their annual
Veteran's Banquet, Honours
and Award night.
The top floor was packed
with volunteers and numer-
ous veterans in a festivity of
their milestones.
"November 11 is the day
that's always celebrated
internationally, in Seaforth
we like to honour our veter-
ans that served in our partic-
ular area," stated Lin Steffler,
the branch's service officer. "
We just give them the special
recognition, we believe they
need and deserve."
Seaforth's establishment is
nearing the 400 mark of
members connected to the
Legion, the night highlighted
more than a 100 individuals
for their dedication from
five-year targets all the way
up to an impressive 55 years
of involvement.
The climax of the night
came when special guest
speaker, Major George Gar-
rard told his story about his
tours overseas and the day-
to-day battles with post-
traumatic stress disorder
that he developed as a result
of his experiences.
Serving in Afghanistan for
nine months, the 55 -year-
old also attended a 90 -day
"operational invitational"
mission in Northern Ireland
which surprisingly caused
the better part of his issues.
"I didn't think about it
until it was a problem for
me," explained Garrard who
has been employed in mili-
tary services for more than
three decades.
I didn't think about it until it was a
problem for me,"
— explained Major George Garrard who has been
employed in military services for more
than three decades.
Realizing he had problem,
Garrard said he was treated
and not frowned down upon
for his health concerns.
"All of my commanding
officers were supportive, I
wasn't in any way singled
out or made to feel embar-
rassed," stated Garrard
November 5 decked out in
his uniform with beret to
He told the Expositor the
treatment lasted for five
years and fortunately he has
not needed any further
counselling for more than 24
months. Last year he was
weaned off his medication.
Yet still, he said, "it's always
something that will be in the
back of my mind:'
According to Statistics
Canada, it 's believed roughly
one in six full-time regular
force members from Canada
indicated that they suffer at
least one of the following dis-
orders: major depressive epi-
sode, panic disorder, post-
traumatic stress disorder,
generalized anxiety disorder,
and alcohol abuse or depend-
ence. The study was con-
ducted in 2013.
Steffler praised Garrard for
speaking to the crowd free of
charge about his past experi-
ences with PTSD and
rewarded his wife with flowers
as well as donating an undis-
closed amount of money to
the Wounded Warriors, a non-
profit organization.
"He would not accept
money to do a speech, so we
donated the money to the
Wounded Warriors organi-
zation," said Steffler. "They
deal with (soldiers) that are
coming back and are
wounded (or) suffer from
"It's a way of saying thank
you to him for coming tonight,
we gave them a gift on his
goof] 11
Linda Gridzak-Watson has been connected with the Legion for 35 years, she has held numerous
positions in that period of time. In recognition of her service, the Legion awarded her a Lifetime
Shaun Gregory
The branch service officer from the Seaforth Legion, Lin Steffler presents flowers to Major George
Garrard's wife last Saturday.
You are invited to attend these area churches
21 Jarvis St., Seaforth
Church Office 519-527-1522
Rev. Shaun Eaton - Deacon -in -Charge
Sunday November 13
Worship Service at 9:30am
followed by Coffee Hour
Tues. Nov. 15 - Council meets at 1:30pm
Fridays loam -noon
Rev. Shaun Office Hours
Everyone Welcome
Worship Leader -
Pastor EIIy Dow
November 13th - 10:30
Youth Sunday School 10:30
Sugar Plum Bazaar
Nov. 12
Like us on facebook
An Associated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
Interim Pastor: Rev. Laurie Morris
November 13 -11 am
"Beholding God #8"
Sunday School - 9:45 am
November 13 - 6 pm
"Behold Your God Video #9"
Tuesday Evenings:
Youth Group - 6:30 - 9 pm
B & G Club - 6:45 pm
Wednesday Evening:
Men's & Ladies' Bible Study - 7 pm
59 Goderich St. W. Seaforth
Rev. Dwight Nelson
Lorrie Mann - Organist
Sunday Worship
November 13 - 11 am
Sunday, November 20
Anniversary Sunday
Sunday School
�. Nursery Provided a Needed
weaned off his medication.
Yet still, he said, "it's always
something that will be in the
back of my mind:'
According to Statistics
Canada, it 's believed roughly
one in six full-time regular
force members from Canada
indicated that they suffer at
least one of the following dis-
orders: major depressive epi-
sode, panic disorder, post-
traumatic stress disorder,
generalized anxiety disorder,
and alcohol abuse or depend-
ence. The study was con-
ducted in 2013.
Steffler praised Garrard for
speaking to the crowd free of
charge about his past experi-
ences with PTSD and
rewarded his wife with flowers
as well as donating an undis-
closed amount of money to
the Wounded Warriors, a non-
profit organization.
"He would not accept
money to do a speech, so we
donated the money to the
Wounded Warriors organi-
zation," said Steffler. "They
deal with (soldiers) that are
coming back and are
wounded (or) suffer from
"It's a way of saying thank
you to him for coming tonight,
we gave them a gift on his
goof] 11
Linda Gridzak-Watson has been connected with the Legion for 35 years, she has held numerous
positions in that period of time. In recognition of her service, the Legion awarded her a Lifetime
Shaun Gregory
The branch service officer from the Seaforth Legion, Lin Steffler presents flowers to Major George
Garrard's wife last Saturday.