HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2016-05-04, Page 5Wednesday, May 4, 2016 • Huron Expositor 5
Going under the knife
For Such A
Time As This
Pastor Laurie Morris
By the time you
read this article I
will be nearly at
the appointed time for
a surgical procedure
that has become
It is amazing that a
little gland, the size of
a walnut has a negative
effect on a large per-
centage of males after
the age of 60. While it
started with me half a
decade before that it
has become a very
inconvenient problem
This little gland
decides that it wants to
get bigger than it is
supposed to. In doing
that it effectively stran-
gles the main road of
getting rid of bodily
liquid waste.
And as I have read up
about this, men can
experience a number of
different symptoms,
but none of them are
any fun and some of
them quite
So when medication
didn't accomplish the
intended result, a sur-
gical procedure is the
order of the day and so
1 will go 'under the
knife' so to speak next
Perhaps I will be feel-
ing well enough to pro-
duce a column, but in
case there isn't one
next week you will
know that I am in
recovery and not up to
much in terms of
But when part of your
body shuts down you
do a lot of thinking and
I came up with two
basic tidbits of insight
[I hope] from this
The first is that we
often want to grow big-
ger than we really
should, for our own
good and the good of
others. While it is
important to have
visions and dreams for
one's life, to exercise
'selfish ambition'
according to the Bible
is quite sinful. This lit-
tle gland was put there
for a purpose by the
Creator, and as long as
it stays the size of a
walnut everything
works fine. But when it
decides it want to grow
bigger, it no longer
fulfils its intended
function well and
causes all kinds of col-
lateral damage.
The Bible tells us to
have a sober [or hon-
est] estimate of our-
selves. Don't think
more highly or more
lowly of yourself than
who you really are. If
we do that we will fulfil
the purpose for which
we were placed here.
When I try to get to big
for my britches, I easily
fall. When I think of
myself too lowly I fail
to achieve what I could.
The second is that lit-
tle things can produce
consequences way out
of proportion to their
size. A walnut sized
gland can virtually par-
alyze a whole bodily
system if it grows and
cuts off one tube.
Every life matters not just celebrities
world lost a
musician that
could do it all, whether
it be strumming the gui-
tar in a rock and roll
manner, playing the key-
boards or writing dia-
mond -selling hit songs.
We all were forced to say
goodbye to Prince as he
was pronounced dead in
his home at the young
age of 57. All those on
social media were
crushed by the passing
of the decade after dec-
ade legend that sold
more than 100 million
records. A die-hard fan
tweeted on Twitter, "He
was my absolute num-
ber one love!' Others
who most likely had
never even met the guy
said they were in shock
and had been shedding
tears all day, really?
Why? Are celebrity's
Shaun Gregory
lives more important
than Tom, Dick and
Harry down the street
that died in your own
community? I'm not
saying it's not a sad time
that the funk, rock, R&B
and pop icon is no
longer alive. However, I
feel all human life is as
important as the next.
The way the media por-
trays them, it's as if they
are gods. Do they bleed
blue or something? Last
time I checked all
humans bleed the same -
red. Maybe Prince
bleeds purple, but I
doubt it. If you're read-
ing this column, open
the newspaper right
now and go to the obitu-
aries, two people died in
Seaforth last week, for
those families, please
know I'm thinking of
you. Prince I'm thinking
of you also. I guess I just
wish we as dwellers of
planet earth could be
treated as equals, espe-
cially if we are dead.
Being the man solely
responsible for writing
Purple Rain or Little Red
Corvette should not
make your life of more
significance than a
noble man or woman
that recently passed in
Huron East. That's the
way life goes though and
it makes sense. We see
these people on
television, hear their
voices on the radio or
read about them in the
newspapers. They are
constantly in our
peripherals. And when it
comes to music, we
actually feel like we live
with them. Certain
songs bring you back in
time; they can create
either a happy or sad
memory for you. With
Prince some people
were probably born
while his LP played
through a cassette deck
in the 70s or 80s. That
was my take on the mat-
ter I think I'm going to
blast some Prince soon
as I get home. Rest in
peace Prince and all
those who are not celeb-
rities, just the average
Joe, signing out from the
Expositor office, Shaun
AKA, the not so new
Similarly, it doesn't
take much in our lives
when misdirected to
cause grief and pain to
ourselves and others.
One text while driving
even on a lightly trav-
elled road and life can
be over for myself AND
One bad 'hit' and a
person can fry their
brain in a hurry.
And as we are seeing
constantly in our day,
one misdirected com-
ment from the past has
ruined the career of
more than one politi-
cian, judge, teacher
I think that that prin-
ciple is why scripture
tells us to avoid even
the appearance of evil,
for we will make and
do enough hurtful
things over our life-
times that we don't
need to add to the
damage by deliberate
wrong choices, actions
and words.
Anyway, as I have
been thinking about
this little gland that is
going to have its
insides 'shaved' next
week, those are the
insights that came to
mind. Hope that they
help you as well.
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