HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2016-03-30, Page 1414 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, March 30, 2016 Indian Hills back in play Indian Hills is back in play. On April 15, Indian Hills Golf course in Lambton Shores will re -open, utilizing 18 -holes, after a natural phenomenon closed them down last summer. "Our one in a billion gas explosion is now understood and under control," said gen- eral manager Ken Hoare. We utilized several systems including ground penetrating radar, seismic testing, geo- technical investigations and drilling operations in order to understand and control the situation from ever occurring again. We have even installed an early warning detection system to cover the possibility of another one in a billion. On April 15th we will be officially back in play:' On June 16, 2015 geysers burst from the golf course's creek causing an eruption that shocked not only the golfer industry but the envi- ronmental experts and called for a localized state of emergency in Lambton Shores, closing the course for a month. When it did re- open July 17th, only nine holes were utilized for public use. In the end the actual cause was 100% natural with a massive cavern in the bed- rock that was naturally filled with gas. This parcel of land is one of the lowest points in all of Lambton County. The golf course is owned by the Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, and it was up to them to hire and pay for environmental consultants to determine the cause of the gas leak. The First Nation purchased the course in 2006 and had hoped to make it part of the reserve by 2016. Public safety became pri- ority one with both the Min- istry of Natural Resources and Ministry of the Environ- ment on hand to help deter- mine the damage and cause. The course had to be maintained during the closure and with the help of the Forest fire department and the environmental con- sultants; safety protocols were developed and maintained. Union Gas determined that there were no pipelines in the area, so the leak must be com- ing from somewhere else. A Ministry of Environment review of the area found no possible man-made pollut- ants that could be the source of the methane gas leaking out of the creek. The review ruled out the only possible source, a nearby sewage treat- ment plant, early on, accord- ing to Kate Jordan, a ministry spokesperson. Hoare said the process moved forward with the financial assistance from Kettle Stony Point. 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