HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2016-03-16, Page 1414 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Province has new plan to tackle Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Christopher I. Cobb Postmedia Network The Ontario government is set to announce the province's first strat- egy to combat Fetal Alcohol Spec- trum Disorder (FASD) - a strategy expected to include a massive edu- cation effort aimed at would-be mothers, teachers and health care providers. According to Health Canada, 300,000 people are living with FASD. Researchers say that num- ber is an underestimate because of widespread ignorance about the condition among physicians, who misdiagnose the disorder, and bio- logical mothers who fear the stigma that might result from admitting they drank alcohol during their pregnancies. Most FASD sufferers have atten- tion deficit disorder, which researchers say is often diagnosed and medicated as a single, non alcohol-related disorder when it is the opposite. The causes and impact of FASD on affected children and their fami- lies has long been neglected by government. In developing its strategy, the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services has held province - wide round table meetings and con- sulted with expert researchers in the field. Educating sexually active women about the dangers of drink- ing alcohol is considered crucial because an estimated 50 per cent of all pregnancies are unplanned - meaning that women often don't know they are pregnant and unwit- tingly continue drinking during the critical early development of the fetus. One aim of the education pro- gram is expected to attempt to crush the myth that only babies born to alcoholic or heavy -drinking mothers are potential victims of FASD. Research is suggesting that even moderate, social drinking by preg- nant women can damage their baby's brain if the alcohol is con- sumed at a critical time of brain development. In other words, it is often a question of timing and not quantity. According to a spokesperson for Children and Youth Minister Tracy MacCharles, the new strategy will focus on: • Awareness and Prevention. • Screening, assessment and diagnosis. • Programs and services. • Support for families and caregivers. The Ontario government is set to announce the province's first strat- egy to combat Fetal Alcohol Spec- trum Disorder (FASD) - a strategy expected to include a massive edu- cation effort aimed at would-be mothers, teachers and health care providers. Durham MPP Granville Anderson (above) said in a report that FASD prevention is complex but that awareness needs increas- ing and stigma needs eliminating. Durham MPP Granville Ander- son said in a report that FASD pre- vention is complex but that aware- ness needs increasing and stigma needs eliminating. "There is a need to broaden FASD awareness campaigns to tar- get the public in the hopes of preventing new cases while removing the stigma for people currently affected by FASD," he said. "We need to start talking about FASD and how we can decrease its prevalence in Ontario" FASD cost Canada at least $1.8 billion in 2013 — the latest figure available and, coincidentally, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario's profit at the end of the 2014-15 fis- cal year. It isn't clear whether the LCBO will be brought into the public edu- cation mix. As an agency of govern- ment, its only financial obligation is to turn over its profit to provin- cial coffers. Long time advocate for FASD victims, Elspeth Ross, told the Citi- zen Thursday that it's time for the disorder to be recognized so vic- tims can get access to provincially - funded services they are currently locked out of. For example, she says, people with FASD don't qualify for ser- vices under Developmental Ser- vices Ontario, which assess poten- tial clients based on IQ. While FASD inflicts a varied range of developmental damage, its victims are invariably high -func- tioning and articulate. "Young adults with FASD need help transitioning to adult services and need employment support,' said Ross. "They have special needs." Ross and her fellow advocates want Ontario to join the Canada FASD Research Network that began in the prairie provinces and now has British Columbia and New Brunswick as members. "We lack organizations to speak Saturday March 26, 2016 9-11 am N0. 0 eg9e�a across the ar 0004s .cwves BUNNY` FAsj u 9, Grans Godo more Pancake Brea kfast Served by the ex-Centenaires 9am-11am mean eard 's Ybeaturin9 ba blJflni yChicks es 9ui a°prno eeaPigs Brought to you by the Seaforth All events take place at the Seaforth and District Community Centre. BIA The Ontario government is set to announce the province's first strategy to combat Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. for us," said Ross, who has two adult sons with FASD. "It's frustrat- ing that all the work is being done by the grassroots." A groundbreaking program called the Ottawa Fetal Alcohol Resource Program, launched last August by Citizen Advocacy has been educating professionals such as judges, lawyers, parole officers, EXTRA SPECIAL 2ND (102 that is!) Birthday Wishes U to Jean Lunn on March 18, 2016 from her Family, Friends and Neighbours police officers, teachers, and social workers about FASD. (FASD children are often misun- derstood by teachers who have no training in the disorder and by police, courts and corrections offic- ers. Many people with FASD run afoul of the police and justice sys- tem in part because they are often unable to understand potential repercussions of their actions.) About 160 people have been "trained" since the program began. The ministry is expected to unveil general details of its FASD strategy at a one -day symposium on March 24, followed by a formal unveiling later in the spring. More information on the Ottawa FASD free education program at www.citizenadvocacy.org aI SEAFORTH OPTIMISTS TRAVEL THE WORLD & CASH LOTTERY WINNERS March Winners VOUCHER FOR JAMAICA TRIP Rita Moylan $100 CONSOLATION LANCE BECKER ANTHONY DEBOER