HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2016-03-02, Page 7Wednesday, March 2, 2016 • Huron Expositor 7
Second wave of Ethiopians are headed to Seaforth
After both Ethiopian families are
settled, Syrians are next on Melady's list
Shaun Gregory
Huron Expositor
The official date for a second
Ethiopian family to avoid 'per-
secution' in their motherland
has been confirmed and if the
transition is smooth, Seaforth
may also see some Syrians to
add to the mix of refugees.
A highly anticipated email
sent from the Mennonite Cen-
tral Committee last Wednesday
to the Melady-Powers Seaforth
Refugee Family Sponsorship
Group informed them that they
would need to have a van pre-
pared yet again. The motive
being that the second wave of
refugees is expected to land at
the Toronto Pearson Interna-
tional Airport on March 9. Part-
nered with this latest Ethiopian
buzz is the news that's breaking
in Seaforth and the rest of the
county that this privately sup-
ported venture is to be part-
nered with the Clinton Chris-
tian Reformed Church.
"They've been really respon-
sive, not only to the fact that
they are helping a family relo-
cate to another town, but they
are very responsive in helping
our first family as well,"
explained the founder of the
Melady-Powers Seaforth Refu-
gee Sponsorship Group, Brian
"They are providing two of
the biggest things, one they
need finances. The second
thing is the church. That is why
the sponsorships work so well
because they already have a
community of caring people
that share something in
The church, located less than
15 km from the address that
Ambiya and her four children
Ahmed, Yusuf, Fatuma and
Sayida call home on Seaforth's
main boulevard, is reasonably
familiar with international indi-
viduals such as this Ethiopian
family. Approximately 100-200
meters from the church's prop-
erty resides a family from
Colombia that was sponsored
about five years ago. Back then
All numbers are
from reports by the
Government of Canada:
• 28,194 is the total num-
bers of refugees who have
already arrived in Canada or
their application has been
finalized but have not yet
taken the voyage to Canada
• 24,092 Syrian refu-
the CCRC were more than'will-
ing to step up to the plate' in
assisting in the humanitarian
efforts and Melady said their
dedication to the world-wide
refugee crisis continues to this
day. In 2016, they are still
actively committed to assist
Melady and his significant
other Vicki Powers in the day-
to-day errands required which
can at times be routine. One
such task for the church's vol-
unteers is to drive Ambiya to
school in Stratford where she's
learning English as a second
language. To sharpen her Eng-
lish communication skills,
Ambiya is also enrolled within
walling distance of her home at
the Centre for Employment &
Learning in Seaforth where she
attends classes twice a week.
"Having someone that can
speak some English is a huge
advantage and that's one thing
that we've learned (from) for-
mer immigrants that we've
dealt with," said Melady who
also revealed the father of the
second Ethiopian family to
arrive speaks `some' English.
Melady did not corroborate
on the child or mother's status,
however he mentioned that the
father comes prepared with 12
years of formal education.
Unlike Ambiya and her chil-
dren who were stationed in one
of the 20 refugee camps the
country offers and were subject
to the hottest of temperatures
before arriving in Canada, the
Ethiopian threesome is cur-
rently stationed in a Kenyan ref-
ugee camp. Seaforth's second
soon-to-be family made this
decision to avoid from falling
victim to the hunger that
impacts tens of millions of their
fellow citizens.
"That's what many people
don't understand (about) peo-
ple from different refugee
camps. As a refugee you have to
get out of your own country to
be called a refugee," Melady
said on February 26.
For the time being, Melady is
waiting for his second wave of
Ethiopians to join Huron
gees have arrived in Canada
since November 4, 2015
• 61,391 text messages sent
by the UNHCR to possible can-
didates to see if they are inter-
ested in coming to Canada
• 12,412 resettlement
applications in progress
• 4,102 refugee applica-
tions have been finalized
County's rural population,
which is expected in less than
two weeks.
That's not the end of it; Melady
has his eyes on another
project -Syrian refugees
Melady is a go-getter when it
comes to transforming the lives
of refugees to escape the
impoverished lifestyles that
they're accustomed to. After a
few months of talking back and
forth to the Kktchener-Waterloo
resettlement agencies the Syri-
ans may be following in the
footsteps of the Ethiopians.
As reported by many media
outlets as well as Melady, there
are presently hundreds of gov-
ernment funded Syrian refu-
gees who are having problems
finding a place to live and as a
result most are living in hotels
in the Kitchener -Waterloo area.
In some instances, according to
Melady, they are so frustrated
by their living arrangements
that they are requesting to go
back to their homeland. The
explanation that makes the
most sense to Melady is for
these people to venture to the
neighbouring rural communi-
ties where housing is more
affordable and available.
"The number one thing
when it comes to being in a new
country, you want to be safe,
you don't want to be fearful. So
this idea of convincing them to
leave the big city where there
(are) hundreds of Syrians to
come out to a small town where
rent might be half the price, but
(on the other hand) there are no
Syrians," he said. "People like
Ambiya have done it and they
are loving it. We need to con-
vince them to break away from
that pack mentality."
"I'm hopeful to say one of
these times some of
Shaun Gregory
Brian Melady and Vicki Powers stand in front of the home in
Seaforth that was donated rent-free until the Ethiopian refugee
family are settled and can take care of themselves. On March 9, a
second Ethiopian family is expected to land in Seaforth.
these families that are with the
resettlement agencies in Kitch-
ener takes us up on our offer.
We've been complaining for
many years that we are losing
the population, losing high
schools, problems with hospi-
tals. We need to attract these
people to come here (Huron
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