Huron Expositor, 2016-02-24, Page 1010 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Huron East budget cuts begin to level out 5500,000 deficit
Cuts, Public
Works on short
end of stick
the province of a signifi-
cant decrease in finances.
"We started with a gen-
eral municipal levy
increase of 15.4 per cent,
Shaun Gregory which seems a lot, but you
Huron Expositor need to combine that with
the county and the educa-
To level out the almost tion rate, stated Michiels
$500,000 deficit, the first in a phone interview Feb -
draft of the 2016 budget ruary 17.
was prepared and pre- "You have to combine
sented to council on Feb- our municipal levy, that's
ruary 16 by Huron East's the money that we can
treasurer/finance man- retain with the county's
ager, Paula Michiels. money that we collect for
The nearly two-hour the county. (Add to that)
discussion in Seaforth's the money we collect for
political chambers was education and that usually
braced to move forward brings that down."
despite the saddening Following the cuts, the
news they received days 2016 budget's first draft is
before Christmas of last in a deficit of $367,700.
year when the Ontario This compares to an
Municipal Partnership approximate 12 per cent
Funds (OMPF) notified general municipal levy
"It's going to be tough to swallow, but in
light of what we're facing, when we're
faced with a half a million dollars' worth of
cuts, and this budget includes cost of living
increases and inflation," said Huron East's
treasurer/finance manager, Paula Michiels.
increase, which will bring
the estimated combined
2016 tax levy to an addi-
tional estimated 11.2 per-
cent. Michiels also men-
tioned that she reviewed
with council cuts some-
where in the range of $2.5
million from various
departments and she has
highlighted any major
changes in the budget. As
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Michiels said. "We're just the cost of everything goes
trying to maintain revenue up and it costs more to fix
neutral from 2015 based it."
on what the province has Though Fisher is not
cut us." impressed with the cuts,
Seaforth Coun. Bob he admitted to being pre -
Fisher is expecting several pared with what must be
phone calls and com- done when the municipal-
ments from concerned ity faces such a large defi-
residents from the area, cit leading into the New
especially when the Year. Fisher compli-
budget is passed. He said mented his fellow col -
he understands the prob- leagues in this distressed
lems that stem from time.
it stands, the Public Works budget cuts. "I can't compare other
will "definitely "be the one "That's the big issue, how communities, but I'm very
of the areas to be affected long do you let these things impressed what o u r
the most. deteriorate? We have roofs administration and man -
"It's going to be tough to that leak and we have roads agers do with juggling the
swallow, but in light of that are slowly getting funds," he said.
what we're facing, when worse and worse. What do The second draft will be
we're faced with a half a you do?" Fisher stated available at the next
million dollars' worth of referring to the cuts that Huron East council meet -
cuts, and this budget will impact needed con- ing on March 1 and the
includes cost of living struction in Huron East. final budget presentation
increases and inflation," "You wait longer and is on April 5.
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