HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2016-12-21, Page 27Wednesday, December 21, 2016 • Huron Expositor 27 POLICE BRIEFS Patio table, bicycle stolen Huron County Ontario Pro- vincial Police (OPP) officers are currently investigating a break, enter and theft from a detached garage in Goderich. The victim reported to police that sometime overnight on Dec. 11 someone entered onto the property located on Victo- ria Street North in Goderich. Once on the property the thief entered into a detached garage and stole a black, green and white CCM men's mountain bike valued at approximately $600. In addition, the thief stole a grey, glass top patio table val- ued at approximately $150. Any person with information regarding this break, enter and theft should immediately con- tact Huron OPP at 1-888-310- 1122 or (519) 524-8314. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 - TIPS (8477), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward of up to $2,000. Driver rolls vehicle then refuses roadside test A 20 -year-old from Strath- roy-Caradoc Township is fac- ing a charge of "Refuse to Pro- vide Breath Sample" stem- ming from a single motor vehi- cle collision that took Dec. 9. Shortly before 10 p.m. on Dec. 9, Huron County OPP responded to the scene of a single motor vehicle collision that took place on Harlock Line north of Hullett-McKillop Road. Upon arrival officers noticed a Chev- rolet pickup truck had left the roadway and came to rest on its roof in a creek bed. Police were able to identify the driver and upon speaking with the driver the investigat- ing officer detected alcohol on the driver's breath. A demand was subsequently made for the driver to provide a sample of his breath into a roadside screen- ing device. Ultimately, the driver refused to provide a sample and was arrested for refusing. As a result, the 20 -year-old from Strathroy-Caradoc Township has been charged with Refuse to Provide Breath Sample. He has been released from cus- tody with a court appearance scheduled for Jan. 16, 2017 at the Ontario Court of Justice — Goderich. He also received an automatic 90 -day driver's licence suspension and his motor vehicle was impounded. Racing charge laid A female driver from Port Stan- ley has been charged with Rac- ing following a traffic stop that took place on Dec. 6. At 3:26 p.m. a Huron County OPP officer observed a Jeep Wrangler trave- ling eastbound on Mt. Carmel Road at a high rate of speed. The officer confirmed his visual observations of the approaching vehicle with a RADAR device and confirmed the speed of the rac- ing vehicle at a speed in excess of 60 km/h over the posted 90 km/h speed limit. A traffic stop was initiated and the driver was subsequently charged. The 46 -year-old from Port Stan- ley has been charged with "Race a Motor Vehicle." She has a court appearance scheduled for Jan. 17, 2017, at Provincial Offences Act Court in Goderich. Her licence was suspended for seven days and her Jeep vehicle was impounded for the week. Exeter driver fails roadside test A 23 -year-old from Exeter is facing an Over 80 charge fol- lowing a traffic stop that took place last Friday night. Shortly before 8 p.m. on Dec. 9, Huron County OPP offic- ers received information about an open alcohol offence tak- ing place on Main Street South in Exeter. Officers responded to the area and located the sus- pect vehicle, a Chevrolet Impala parked at a convenience store parking lot. \Upon approach- ing the vehicle the investigat- ing officer observed an open container of alcohol inside the vehicle. Also, while speak- ing with the driver the officer noted the driver had been consuming some alcohol. As a result, the driver pro- vided a roadside sample of his breath into a roadside -screen- ing device and he registered a Fail. He was placed under arrest and was transported to the Exe- ter OPP Detachment for breath tests. He subsequently pro- vided two samples of his breath to a qualified intoxilizer techni- cian and both of these samples registered over the legal limit. As a result, the 23 -year-old from Exeter has been charged with Care & Control of a Motor Vehi- cle — Over 80 Milligrams of Alco- hol. He was released from cus- tody with a court appearance scheduled for Jan. 26, 2017, at the Ontario Court of Jus- tice — Exeter. He also received an automatic 90 -day driver's licence suspension and his motor vehicle was impounded. OPP participating in province -wide 'Lock it or Lose it' campaign Huron County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is reminding motor- ists and passengers to "Lock it OR Lose it" when it comes to their vehicles and valuables as part of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police's (OACP) annual "Lock It OR Lose It" campaign. Ontario police services have launched this year's "Lock It OR Lose It" campaign dur- ing the holiday season because it's easy to be distracted and leave vehicles unlocked or valu- ables in plain sight during the holiday hustle -and -bustle. During the "Lock It OR Lose It" campaign, police officers and auxiliary officers will be check- ing vehicles throughout vari- ous centres in Huron County to confirm vehicles are locked and that no valuables have been left in plain view. Members will place a small notice on vehicles checked indicating what safety precautions were neglected and offer simple prevention tips for drivers to protect their vehi- cles against theft. The notices also congratulate drivers who have secured their vehicle. This year, police are partic- ularly concerned that auto theft rates are up for the sec- ond consecutive year. Accord- ing to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, there were nearly 79,000 incidents of motor vehi- cle theft reported by police in 2015. Between 2014 and 2015, the rate of motor vehicle theft in Canada increased 6%. This was the second consecu- tive increase in the rate follow- ing ten years of declines. Huron OPP has also noticed a recent spike in the number of vehi- cle thefts, in particular pickup trucks and recreation vehicles. Motorists and passengers are also urged not to keep personal documents such as vehicle own- ership, insurance slips, credit card invoices, or other docu- ments containing personal infor- mation in their vehicles. Iden- tity thieves are looking for such documents so they can assume identities, secure credit card accounts, lease vehicles for export, and even take out a mort- gage against victims' properties without their knowledge. Huron OPP officers have also recently investigated cases of vehicle theft where firearms and expen- sive power tools have been left behind in insecure vehicles. Please protect your vehi- cle and valuables from theft with a few simple precau- tions. The attached graphic contains the Top 10 Tips pro- vided by the Ontario Associa- tion of Chiefs of Police and the Insurance Bureau of Canada. ice..' Y YCLE TIIE IPRIDESMEN (EI.IEl�ll 'i9ihl .' OVER* ,°YE,HSnr1V'E i40M x MAKES GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT x SUNDAY, MAY 14, 2017 2 PM IN THE SQUARE Tickets available in person at the Centre In The Square Box Office Kitchener. Call 519-578-1570 (1-800-265-8977) or online at www.centreinthes • uare.com FOR MOVIE INFORMATION... www. moi ieI nks. ca u -u vy,,L ll.800.265.343H FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF AMANDA DENHAAN AND CHRIS GRINT INVITE YOU TO A BUCK AND DOE IN THEIR HONOUR. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 9PM AT THE SEAFORTH AGRIPLEX. X15 AVAILABLE AT UPI OR AT THE WEAR YOUR FAVORITE SPORTS TEAMS JERSEY. LUNCH PROVIDED AGE OF MAJORITY ATTENTION READERS Take ar vanla e dour pricing for HAPPY NOTES Includes: Birthdays, 4)Ini °ersaric Weddings, Engagements, Graduations etc. i1.4PPV 11R,r'#'f).4lY 1 [.ruc in Pc rSOIE P 1 (Duo) Leve 114rrt! 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