Huron Expositor, 2016-12-14, Page 3Wednesday, December 14, 2016 • Huron Expositor 3
Health Unit prepares to begin wind turbine investigation
Many people attend information night on
December 6 to learn more about study
Justine Alkema experience a negative health
Clinton News Record impact from an IWT. From that
information, the Health Unit will
In early 2017, all residents in analyze where complaints are
Huron County living within 10 kilo- coming from and how various fac-
meters of an industrial wind tur- tors could be affecting them such
bine (IWT) will receive a form as weather conditions, efficiency of
explaining an investigation to take the IWTs, proximity to the ITWs,
place by the Huron County Health etc.
Unit. "We want to be able to look at
The Huron County Healthy Unit 'this is the group of people that has
is the only health unit in Ontario a complaint on this day at this time,
undertaking an investigation of and this is the group of people that
IWTs, however Health Unit Epide- do not: And then we want to look at
miologist Erica Clark pointed out what's the difference between
that "other health units are those two groups - why are some
watching." people having difficulty and others
This investigation, being headed aren't," said Clark. "We are expect -
by acting MOH Dr. Maarten Bok- ing that the group of people that
hout, has been in the workings for a have a complaint is going to vary
while at the Health Unit. It was first based on the day, the hour,
initiated by acting MOH Dr. Janice because of different weather and
Owens last spring shortly before operating conditions."
she was let go by the Board of They are on their third draft of
Health. the survey format; at first, it was
This is a different study than the quite long, but they have intention -
one currently underway by Jane ally narrowed it down to make the
Wilson from Wind Concerns complaint tracking form short
Ontario and the University of enough that itis easy for people to
Waterloo. In that study, the Health fill out quickly.
Unit's participation is minimal at "It can be completed in under
this point. Also, it is an intensive one minute," said Clark.
look at audible and inaudible People can look at the third draft
sound effects in as few as six of the survey online, and the
homes, which is quite a different Health Unit has invited people to
method. offer criticisms and suggestions by
This investigation is actually con- mid-January. At that point, there
ducted by Health Unit staff; Dr. may or may not be a fourth draft. If
Bokhout and Epidemiologist Dr. a fourth draft is not necessary, they
Erica Clark gave the presentation at will send their plan to the Univer-
the meeting on December 6. sity of Waterloo Research and Eth-
The investigation is completely ics Board. Once the project is
voluntary. The distributed form will approved as ethical, the investiga-
explain how to register and partici- tion will begin. There will be a
pate if the individual chooses. To media release at that point so peo-
participate, individuals will be able ple are informed of when to sign
to file online complaints (there is up.
also a paper option) anytime they The investigation will be done
Justine Alkema/Clinton News Record
A full room of residents at the Huron County Health Unit on December 6.
seasonally with results released
after each season.
Clark emphasized that all the
information and complaints they
receive will be completely confi-
dential, and moreover, will still be
in the ownership of the individual.
That means if that individual
wishes, they can call in and receive
a summary of their complaints,
order the complaints be destroyed,
She noted that participation
includes anyone under a non -dis-
closer agreement; they are still per-
mitted to participate in the confi-
dential research study.
There was a long question and
answer period at the meeting -
much of the meeting consisted of
questions from the public.
As for what will be actionable
after the investigation is com-
pleted, Clark commented that, "If it
does look like we are able to iden-
tify a set of conditions under which
people are more likely to experi-
ence problems, we will be taking
that forward to the Ministry of
Health and the Ministry of the
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Huron County Health Unit's Epidemiologist Dr. Erica Clark and acting MOH Dr.
Maarten Bokhout at the recent information night on December 6.
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