HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2016-08-17, Page 66 Huron Expositor • Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Some locals furious Bachert Meats is looking to expand
Shaun Gregory
Huron Expositor
Derick Bachert from Bach-
ert Meats in Walton Ont. is
looking to expand on the
company's property, first he
must get the approval from
Huron East and then, fend
off some angered neigh-
bours close to the vicinity.
Due to a business trip,
Bachert was not present at
council last Tuesday; the
owner of Bachert Meats
and his father, Marvin
Bachert attended in his
absence. Beside him were a
few frustrated nearby
neighbours of the meat -
processing and manufac-
turing building.
This has been an on-going
complaint from Tom Wil-
liamson, with the most
recent heard by the Exposi-
tor at a Huron East council
meeting last October. That
was when he said, "It's really
the smell of death, rotting
smelling death," a comment
he made just outside the
council chambers October 6,
Derick, the applicant, has
requested a zone change on
a portion of the property,
which works out to be about
4.62 hectares (11 acres) in
size surrounding the present
abattoir. The 24 -year-old
plans to have this approved
with the hopes of building a
new house as well as a place
where he can perform
unique cuts on cows and
pigs from farmers as well as
the general public.
Some of the Walton Ont.
residents including William-
son are worried about the
possibility of the company's
expansion; they said the
alleged smell would amplify.
"The problem I see with an
expansion is more numbers,
more saturation and pollu-
tion in our local drainage
tile, ditch rivers and Lake
Huron," stated Williamson.
"And that is a real concern to
me, your water table gets
polluted the village of Wal-
ton gets polluted:'
"If you increase your pro-
duction you increase the vol-
ume of water you truly can
increase the volume of blood
into that system everybody
says it's great for nutrients
but what is the saturation
point. I'm an environmental-
ist, I want clean water in our
According to Marvin, the
smell is not as bad as it
used to be because he has
covered the large cement
contraption that holds the
entire animal waste and
such with several large
bales of straw. One of the
members of the crowd said
last May she complained
about the smell. Marvin
admitted that the reason
was that the straw producer
took a longer time than
Living in this rural part of
Ontario, Marvin said there
are odors everywhere
including where he lives as
Last week, Marvin Bachert, the owner of Bachert Meats explained
to council about certain smells that come from his establishment.
He said it's not as bad as people think it is.
'All we had to do was open
our door to Seaforth tonight,
to get to council, to know
that we were in the country it
was a nice sweet country
smell;' referring to the scent
that lingers around town
more often than not during
mid-day and on.
At pretty much all four
angles of Marvin's home,
several different smells can
Photos taken by Shaun Gregory
Huron County senior planner,
Claire Dodds listens to the
back and forth conversation
between the gallery about
Bachert Meats looking to
expand their business.
be noticed. He said east of Ministry of Agriculture Food
him is one of the largest sow and Rural Affairs (OMFRA)
farms in Ontario. and the Ministry of Environ -
After it was all said and ment (MOE)) to see how
done, council decided to dif- their approval process oper-
fer on the decision, Huron ates and what would be
County senior planner, involved in a potential
Claire Dodds said this was expansion similar to what
partly because they need to the Bachert's are requesting.
look into the neighbours Dodds is optimistic that
concerns. council will bring it back up
Municipality staff will be with a decision in the next
connecting with the Ontario month or two.
The Mayor of Huron East defended his actions
Shaun Gregory "There has been a push back
Huron Expositor from staff right from the
original suggestion of shared
The Mayor of Huron East services, and there are coun-
has been taking some heat cil members that do not
lately from a few of his politi- want to discuss suggestions
cal comrades, by saying that that there may be a better
he is not a team player; he way to do things other than
believes the opposite. what we are doing now."
Soon after he banged his After reading the comments
gavel to start the August 9 from the local newspapers and
council meeting, which will be reviewing the Huron East
the only municipal gathering agenda, MacLellan said he was
of the month, Bernie MacLel- not surprised. However, what
lan got right to business. truly caught the veteran politi-
For those unaware of the cianoffguardwasthattheGrey
situation, at the previous councillors,AlvinMcLellanand
council meeting a few coun- Diane Diehl had much to say
cillors from the municipality about him talking about shared
felt "disrespected " by services to other municipalities.
MacLellan for taking part in According to the mayor they
different meetings relating to did not attend the recent Clin-
sharing services with neigh- tonmeeting concerning shared
bouring boroughs. In the services; this would have been
mayor's absence from the an ideal venue for the two to
July 19 meeting, a few stated voice their disapproval of the
their opinions. Not being mayor's choices, he remarked.
able to defend himself, some Alvin said he could not be
of the ward representatives at the meeting because it
asked that the conversations was his mother's birthday
be ended until MacLellan and Diehl said she also had
was in the room. prior arrangements.
In a prepared document The mayor said that the
MacLellan addressed those back and forth battles
who believed he was wrong for between he and other coun-
attending certain summits. cil members have resulted in
"There seems to be four or a ratepayer referring to
five councillors who appear Huron East as a "dysfunc-
to be determined to kill or tional council."
find fault with any idea that "If this council isn't going to
would cause council to work together to try and find
examine any aspect of how significant savings, property
the municipality operates," taxes will soon exceed people's
MacLellan stated to council. ability to pay. Itis easier to cut
Submitted photo
The Mayor of Huron East
prepared a formal speech
to council relating to the
comments they said about him
when he was not present at
council last July.
up someone else's suggestion
than to come up with one on
your own" said McLellan.
"I am open to new ideas but
I haven't heard any yet from
this council on how to signifi-
cantly reduce our costs!'
Later on in the night, Tuck-
ersmith Coun., Ray Chartrand
told McLellan the reason why
he and a few other municipal
members were upset was
because he requested the
conversation be brought up
when he was present. Some-
thing that did not make much
sense to Chartrand.
"The following day you
went to County council,
whether you knew form a del-
egation or not we could've
talked at the Tuesday council
meeting. 'hey I'm thinking
about going with Tyler from
Bluewater" Chartrand stated.
Realizing how much this
meant to some of the council
members, the mayor apolo-
gized. The next council meet-
ing is September 6 at 7 p.m.
You are invited to attend these area churches
21 Jarvis St, Seaforth
Church Office 519-527-1522
Rev. Shaun Eaton - Deacon -in -Charge
Sunday, August 21
Worship at 9:30am
Coffee Hour following
Everyone Welcome
Worship Leader: Rev. Elaine Strawbridge
August 21 - 10:30am
No Youth Sunday School until September
Grandparents Day
Coming in September
Everyone Welcome
For more information view our website 11
www.egmondvilleunitedchurch. com
AnAssociated Gospel Church
126 Main St. Seaforth
Interim Pastor: Rev. Laurie Morris
August 21 -10 am
"The Children of God"
August 28 -10 am
Teen Challenge Men
August 19-5 pm
VBS Carnival & BBQ
Tuesday, Aug 23
Youth Group - 6:30 - 9 pm
59 Goderich St. W. Seaforth
Rev. Dwight Nelson
Lorrie Mann - Organist
Sunday Wo rs h i p
August 21 - 11am
' Nursery ALL WELCOMEProvidedasNeeded
Last week, Marvin Bachert, the owner of Bachert Meats explained
to council about certain smells that come from his establishment.
He said it's not as bad as people think it is.
'All we had to do was open
our door to Seaforth tonight,
to get to council, to know
that we were in the country it
was a nice sweet country
smell;' referring to the scent
that lingers around town
more often than not during
mid-day and on.
At pretty much all four
angles of Marvin's home,
several different smells can
Photos taken by Shaun Gregory
Huron County senior planner,
Claire Dodds listens to the
back and forth conversation
between the gallery about
Bachert Meats looking to
expand their business.
be noticed. He said east of Ministry of Agriculture Food
him is one of the largest sow and Rural Affairs (OMFRA)
farms in Ontario. and the Ministry of Environ -
After it was all said and ment (MOE)) to see how
done, council decided to dif- their approval process oper-
fer on the decision, Huron ates and what would be
County senior planner, involved in a potential
Claire Dodds said this was expansion similar to what
partly because they need to the Bachert's are requesting.
look into the neighbours Dodds is optimistic that
concerns. council will bring it back up
Municipality staff will be with a decision in the next
connecting with the Ontario month or two.
The Mayor of Huron East defended his actions
Shaun Gregory "There has been a push back
Huron Expositor from staff right from the
original suggestion of shared
The Mayor of Huron East services, and there are coun-
has been taking some heat cil members that do not
lately from a few of his politi- want to discuss suggestions
cal comrades, by saying that that there may be a better
he is not a team player; he way to do things other than
believes the opposite. what we are doing now."
Soon after he banged his After reading the comments
gavel to start the August 9 from the local newspapers and
council meeting, which will be reviewing the Huron East
the only municipal gathering agenda, MacLellan said he was
of the month, Bernie MacLel- not surprised. However, what
lan got right to business. truly caught the veteran politi-
For those unaware of the cianoffguardwasthattheGrey
situation, at the previous councillors,AlvinMcLellanand
council meeting a few coun- Diane Diehl had much to say
cillors from the municipality about him talking about shared
felt "disrespected " by services to other municipalities.
MacLellan for taking part in According to the mayor they
different meetings relating to did not attend the recent Clin-
sharing services with neigh- tonmeeting concerning shared
bouring boroughs. In the services; this would have been
mayor's absence from the an ideal venue for the two to
July 19 meeting, a few stated voice their disapproval of the
their opinions. Not being mayor's choices, he remarked.
able to defend himself, some Alvin said he could not be
of the ward representatives at the meeting because it
asked that the conversations was his mother's birthday
be ended until MacLellan and Diehl said she also had
was in the room. prior arrangements.
In a prepared document The mayor said that the
MacLellan addressed those back and forth battles
who believed he was wrong for between he and other coun-
attending certain summits. cil members have resulted in
"There seems to be four or a ratepayer referring to
five councillors who appear Huron East as a "dysfunc-
to be determined to kill or tional council."
find fault with any idea that "If this council isn't going to
would cause council to work together to try and find
examine any aspect of how significant savings, property
the municipality operates," taxes will soon exceed people's
MacLellan stated to council. ability to pay. Itis easier to cut
Submitted photo
The Mayor of Huron East
prepared a formal speech
to council relating to the
comments they said about him
when he was not present at
council last July.
up someone else's suggestion
than to come up with one on
your own" said McLellan.
"I am open to new ideas but
I haven't heard any yet from
this council on how to signifi-
cantly reduce our costs!'
Later on in the night, Tuck-
ersmith Coun., Ray Chartrand
told McLellan the reason why
he and a few other municipal
members were upset was
because he requested the
conversation be brought up
when he was present. Some-
thing that did not make much
sense to Chartrand.
"The following day you
went to County council,
whether you knew form a del-
egation or not we could've
talked at the Tuesday council
meeting. 'hey I'm thinking
about going with Tyler from
Bluewater" Chartrand stated.
Realizing how much this
meant to some of the council
members, the mayor apolo-
gized. The next council meet-
ing is September 6 at 7 p.m.