HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Expositor, 2016-04-13, Page 7Wednesday, April 13, 2016 • Huron Expositor 7
Calling all Poets ...perform at the Huron Poetry Slam Thursday April 14th.
The Huron County
Museum in partnership
with The Huron County
Library, are hosting the
first ever Huron Poetry
Slam at the museum. Will
Kernohan, Curator of
Engagement and Dialogue
at the museum said, "We
are very excited to partner
with the fine folks at the
Library to bring this
exciting event to Huron
County. Poetry slams are
energetic performance
poetry competitions
where the emphasis is on
the connection between
the performer and the
audience. Poems are
judged on content, deliv-
ery, and originality, but
that said, the points are
not the point, the poetry
is! April is National Poetry
Month and we want to
give Huron County Poets a
way to participate at the
Opportunities exist to
perform in the Open Mic
section (for people who
would like to perform but
not be judged as part of the
slam competition) and then
the slam itself (rules: 3 min
time limit, original work
only, no props/costumes/
musical instruments, mem-
orization optional, no hate
speech). "We are asking
Poets to perform their origi-
nal work at the museum to
celebrate Poetry Month, it's
going to be a great event,
spots are limited so please
call to register" said
Featured Poet and Slam
Judge for the event is
Holly Painter. A spoken
word artist, public
speaker, and certified
teacher, Holly Painter has
spoken to over thirty thou-
sand youth at school and
community events in
Ontario, and performed
on stages across the coun-
try. Holly is a three -time
Grand Slam Champion
and Director of the Lon-
don Poetry Slam, the
National Director of Spo-
ken Word Canada, and
testament to the fact that
your biggest fear can
become your greatest pas-
sion. Don't miss this excit-
ing event taking place:
Thursday April 14th, 7 pm
Huron County Museum.
Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance holding community forums to help guide strategic planning
The Board of Directors
of the Huron Perth
Healthcare Alliance
(HPHA) is pleased to
announce that the HPHA
will be hosting a series of
community forums for
residents to provide input
into the organization's
strategic planning
"It is important that our
strategic planning process
is open and inclusive,"
says Mary Atkinson, Chair
of the Board of Directors.
"We are seeking input
from our community
members to help create a
shared vision on how we
will continue to provide
high quality care while
improving experience of
our patients, their families
and our healthcare team."
The new strategic plan
will provide a roadmap for
HPHA's four hospital sites
(Clinton Public Hospital, St.
Marys Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth Community Hospi-
tal and Stratford General
Hospital) through the year
2020 and include strategies
to build upon a number of
transformative changes that
are occurring at the health
care system level.
"The changes we are
experiencing right across
our healthcare system are
significant," adds Andrew
Williams, President and
CEO. "Ensuring that we
continue to move the
organization forward in a
manner that reflects the
values and expectations of
our patients and their
families is vitally impor-
tant to us. As such, these
Forums will be one way
for us to hear about
patient experiences, top
care needs, how we can
improve and what services
are important."
This public consultation
is in addition to upcoming
engagement with numer-
ous stakeholders includ-
ing HPHA staff, volunteers
and physicians.
Any resident of Huron
and Perth with an interest
in the future growth and
development of the HPHA
is welcome to attend.
Guests are asked to RSVP
at least 48 hours in
advance at https://www.
hphaforums, by visiting
www.hpha.ca or by calling
1-888-275-1102 extension
Community Forum
Dates & Locations
Please note all forums
will take place from 6:30
pm to 8:30 pm.
Wednesday, April 27,
Clinton Public Hospital
- Conference Room, 2nd
Monday, May 2, 2016
Seaforth Community
Hospital - Conference
Room, Lower Level
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
St. Marys Memorial
Hospital - Meeting Room
#2, Lower Level
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Stratford General Hos-
pital - Education Rooms A
& B, East Building, 1st
For those unable to
attend any of the commu-
nity forums, an online
survey will be available via
HPHA's website. This sur-
vey will be available from
May 13 to May 27, 2016.
Hardcopies of this survey
will also be available in
the main lobbies at each
hospital site.
For more
please contact:
Andrew Williams
President & CEO, Huron
Perth Healthcare Alliance
Office: 519-272-8202 /
Mobile: 519-274-0021
andrew.wi I I iams@hpha.ca
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