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Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-12-25, Page 4
aee • L MAK 1140. ottiMt s . axt!`%tt the Meda the per too t.tt1t'h.'Ue a. 41"il<�ls»1t(►ats.,stt. R[r. �i ttlir►ttt J Sen tet Ii. ttR►it , e% �V qa% larF»srt►uot\h, to Muer .114v40 aCiath• of li`hst''°4 iaihodi'4 the 01-ARN'v-al\ti`l`n-- A it h aw. �te by Ptri et\wr •a I.whew. . g A nags dew f. K- lie a A•gHel ��awta h. ▪ fki.o►tra Vii,:. lr yyeet dance • Rt:eata it . $pair)!. reel ����AAby h tgev. R. lff. n• �ho bii`d a fearer_ Sar' niche. 1My , a -t �hter of Mr. Samuel iss Raelara3 b j5- A to a reah. e£ West 141tally �le on th ndco�t. (,f i alo3 ,f n the dtiriat , l,v Rev. F. A tIcLennan, • I..oderick ZLcL,:.d,a of Chicago, t.. dery Inn lie1)ouwall, youngest d(►nehter ,f the . late Peter Mc D.„ 1_.t'.=. - a PIN WM13E—CA MF.la3 - _\tthe bride's a Lome oi► ii Ball ;.}ay;Dec. :} rd } A. Ma ay. air. William i'in(•..mbe to Catherine. daughter of the late lir.. Ii'incen Cameron, Lucknow. RIPLEY BEER-- E — MILL, ' l • sr#>in first . Lea eta. r r -:Telt: v;.11 t11 y 1:.11 the Fest' finality • i T: t. tt. ' ..1,1 ank:n:; Oatmeal. 1 au y,a1r r.:ts we.l ' e. i- ':t es.nd a e wi:I satisfy vee i'f quant:te aril tl'...1. itv' f 1.41. Large eteck . fted •n h mai and - gold at tC -e prices • -- ▪ Oat Bulls 44.50 per ton Dat I nst _ G 50 per toss • Oaf Chop . 10 00 :ter ton Pe as.g.t Baarleye oP 13-00 per tori Neat Beds S.00 per ton • -. Prin.- xi loud of oats and tet the meal home with par. • .. t D. McGregor. In the High Court of Justice; Chancery Division. - In the matt --r of Partition between Annie H nuet r t,ltiritirf, and Ameas McDonald, nary Mc1.eoa, Norman 1Io )onaid, lath- er ue Maxwell, Isabella Maxwel3„Sarah Mc- Donald. t'hri--tena GrirOth, Elizabeth Mor- zi:oo. Peter'McDouald, and John McDan- ali, eelerda:tt.... ate From now until 'the . first Of the New Year, I will give a large crayon protrait free, -of • yourself or anyone you wish, with every dozen of cabinet photos. LRT.TREL AVE: - M. CO RIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in t;i1GKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS - I have in stoek the following Apples , Ilaclting Black Lead , - Blue Baking Powdere Barle' , pot Berth Brick Beans ' Brooms- . Il�sketa Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery Canned Goods COC•'a Ch isolate ''o: u, ranged Corn meal - Currants f'nrrie Powder Cream Tarter 'oanut i: • the II•'norab e, the jud,: _s of the Chan - t ;o ;t..y l. for ,- itario. Flour always of the toin hipef ;iirdose, in the C:'unty (;f i Brute, mafried 6('mx11, shwa nth as f..11.,wvs_- f - 1 'J..hn lIct)-',:1d, in his lifetime (+f the 4 eery 1)ivisi.•n, of the High Celia of Justice 4-1 The titi..n .'f Annie Houston, 'Dried -Apple Extracts Fins fish, anned F ieh, dried • Gelatine Gingers Hops 1 Honey Ink Indigo !Lieerice - Lime -Juice •Lemons !Lampe - .Bard -Matches Mince heat Beat Zlacaroni }Mustard Meats, canned _ . Magnesia township of i ialoss, in the County .+f R:''. , yeoman, .lecaased ev s•i.....trea-Le _ C ,w-' ..f- all are. tin ;'rear that i ert-ti:1 tract ..r parte E. land and premise:, situate lying and bei:-•„ in the -township of Kinloss, in the - Cam tv , f Brice, and bin, composed - of lot malar six in the z- urth coil ea:ion of the said t- wn- ehip of Eiitloss, containing .by atimeasurement t.r,e hriudred acres. be the same more ora Jess, 2. -Upwards of twenty years ago -and. while ` i a watalecatee of the t'reven of the said lands en'.1 premise-. the seal Jelin Jtcl),oaid de- Farted this hie, intestate. - <t. The 'aid J,-hn Me t)or.ai't left h'tn surviv- ung his wid.'w .n .`ceased) and the plaintiff and defendants an• 've named, A. The cr. 'ten. l'= letter- -latent hearing • eve the 4ev'gtth a y , t October 1S96 did r-.'.' and c•'nvey to the -plaintiff and defend- ,-- . 'he real estate lands- and preniires here- . - hit . = de:scribed, • h, plaintiff ar of the defendants are each en., d re share eerie ily, share and share alike in the said hereinbeforeydescribed land; anti prempes. a. The rlaintiff submits thaw she is entitled to a partition or sale (.f the said an ae srgte dia ision of the same or the p• oceeds thereof, . am. cast the parties entitled teereto. :. The., said farce (' !and has always been Attn. and Fs -chiefly available as such laintiff ard al nature andcircusmstances of eau! land and .Premises and to the number of persons. entitled to share therein, it. wnu!d be much .more ad- vantaceous for all parties that the sane should b. oiI and .the proceeds divided. amongst the parties entitled thereto. t The plaintiff prays :-- . 1 That the said lands may be sou, t and the -pee_ ..ds thereof divided. amenget the parties entale 1 thereto, according. tr their - several b • .r proportions. 2. That for the purposes aforesaid, 1Il pro- per ..::rection may be 'elven and accounts taken, and that the philetiif may- be pail her ts ..f this suit and may have such further, d etle r relief as may be just. Dated" this 16th day of December, A.D., at Lucknow, in the County 1.1 Bruce, -IIL"GH MORRISON, Salicitor f. -r the Plaintiff, Nutmeg Oil. olive i311,- sweet oil, castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails Peels Pipes Pickle - Pearline- I ea-,. c anned Pei q'er I; >xisins ti.ice Rice Flour- Slate Salt Selreon . - .aartlinens . aenua meads s :+ugar Syruoe on hand. 'Soda Soaps Spices :iterate • Strawberries, canne jnlphcra • l'aptoca • Tomatoes. canned Teas "Cnbaccoes - Vermicell' Vinegars �Vashboar•ds Washing Crysta :Vn(�denware 'Whit1Lg DienerSete Yeast Cake:a ['inner Sets Tea Sets Water Srtts t- re m Setts Eei-iy Setts oilet Setts CUSTOM TAILOR. Allies Block Having opened outbusiness • in the room ovtr Mr. Wm. Connell's 'dry goods store, I am- prepared to turn out in the neatest `manner- and lat- est styles all - sort of work - pertaining to a first-classtail©r shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A- call solicited. -i To enter my rc•oms pirat=e come by way of main up -stair. entrance of Allen's block- G-_ s M A -RT DS - WANTED XI' THE _ unknow saw Mill) ft elin, basswoods birch, e black (Ash, butter - and .other marketable wood in any quantity for . which r am prepared to pay highest prices possible ear me to ,tlo. I lir nieasure- men t guaranteed. • Jaraes - Lyons HERE[ +hc • rip on Reid's It is He ricrul now I 1 have, just opened out a first-class grocery store in the village, next door to Gordon's- butcher . shop, supplied with a choice selection of all kinds of groceries. I have just received a car- load o`f the celebrated Ogilvie flour. - This flour need no recommendation as it is guaranteed to be the - best brand of flour that can be procured.. I am now prepared to meet the wants of the public generally- in the Buie of flow -land feed: I defy competition and hope to solicit a share of your pat- ronage. Come one and all and ex- amine my stock which i -i the -hest in: town. Wishing the citizens -of Luck - now and vicinity a merry Xmas as and a happy New Year. AlsoKEL TRE -LEADING ft Oadartasoas and !rntnro Dealers Have the. largest and most complete: stock -of Fine and medium Par or. Furniture, Bedroom, 'Library and Dining- Room Suits in the Town. - : Also a full fine of Curtain Poles and WindowShades. Tib UNDERTAKING DEPAR TME T is complete in every particular.-. Calls promptly attend- ed to day or night. : -Shop . Next Door .to Post Office. Campbell st , LUCKN.OW. PREPARI-N.G. H RISTMAS CH RI W ,L SOON flE a ha,obeen preparing the ipublic: We laav' sn ply of q' �i K Arquimoou's best selec Led raisins —Choice lotof confectionery —Try our. Kncora tea in lb package —25c. Sure to please. lovers of tea • -----Clea -Nut --ron clioiic Other lines of good t as from 15c to lb. Our stock ;of crockery and glass' is always coplete.- Wishing y merry X nay a d- 1iappy and prospe ro SERE and we -- or the wants -of - added to our , No. 1 Flour and Feo_d always kept an hand and deliv f the town.. f • Paradise currents - ; , dates, iemou, orange and - cit- -icing sugars and ' everything in conies forthe holed .ade. e. • Baker and Donfectioner• a Dealer in ail kinds ..t�f Groceries, Canned Goads -Confectionery, Et e. - - Bread, Buns . and Cakes . . Fresh Daily 1' lt:ii''• 0-ttill.11ll itl.tl Corn, meal al s en h:tud Along the wav we -- Find many things which- t Would relit (l e3C rttrage--- - - i\I any plit ple-- Bad w: nth;'r— - Rotlgh - 1 taus -- An -ti h:ird tlillf`S, but -- We are r!citlg to do the— Best we can this month— By selling cheap -- _ GREAT C!ear!ll Dress Goods--- - `Voc-Ilea .Goods and- - -Mantle Cloths away— - Down in prices: Suit,°the times— - - Millinery at cost=— A few of those lovely— Jackets also at-- C.ost—A- great -1 • Reduction in Corsets— Berlin Wools - . - p_nri,Silks in all Colorsfor CO PLIMENTS-OFTHE SEAS i With this issue of the SENTINEL we wish to thank all those who during the year 1896 and we hope to -be favored with your Year. During the Holiday Season we w” '�• _ ..ria °ff lo BOOTS and SHOES at DON'T FAO L, TO SEE PEWRT'S. OUR :— I have decided to sell out My slimmer stock at a great reduction so as to be ready for winter stock coining in. Any person wanting Boots and Shoes can rely- on getting them at right prices. Call and secure some of our Bargains. John Peart. T. AGARucK G� I �. �. DAVISON� MAPLE LO WANTED' N =W — FURNITURE Upwards of 900,000 feet of WARE ROOMS. Having secured the -Premises lately occupied maple logs wanted at Mitchell Bros. holler Mills, by G.W. BERRY as aFurititnre ware Room,. I have recently fitted it with the newest de Lucknow, Ont., for which of of all kinds of Household Furniture, Aa t.) quality, they are unegn:died. The price is - the highest cash price will away down.. All goods are bought for spot Abe pa -1. cash, therefore I can sell at as - inti. BARGAIN TABLE. OratiiteiVare -patron ized -us ronage °during the coming bargains in Ska,tes Tinware Axes . Saws Lamps and lamp g tfi • All overdue notes and accounts must be settled before Feb. 1st„ 1896, as our books. will be closed on that date and notes and accounts handed to our collector.' ei La E People want_ some goods this -fall although times are hard. We have a large assortment of goods left at, hard times prices as we are ^hell - Bron* CKN try ttl tia T uip GS IA for the GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. Our stock is well assorted in every, . depart- ment All kinds of goods going C7 cheap as we "la by J nary 15th . Out lower t an Now that winter is here a.nd wood and logs are to be -e secure the very best -axes and cross -cit saws that are marl heavy _drudgery and weary toils as light, as p end is in . seeing the largest stick and best assortment available. ;tufts -1r tion tan be as fully realized:at • 5 Taylor's Hardware, anywhere in the county. Prices low ! Terms cash I 7-- eaa ere