HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-12-04, Page 4• rhe LUCJcnow EXPERIMENTAL UNION Prag pamms of the Ontario Agri . cultural and Experimental - Unlon Muting We have recei+<ed a programme of the next annual meeting of the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Union, which. is to be held at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on the Toth: -and 1lth of December next. We are pleased to notice in this programme that the Committees appointed to carry do experiments throughout Ontario with Agriculture, Live Stock, Horticulture, Apiculture, Botany.- and Etomology, have all been • active in their work. Each Committee will - give a report at the meeting- of the results oobtained in 1896. In. Agri- culture alone 2260 farmers throughout Ontario conducted experiments during the past year with different varieties of grain,- roots, potatoes, corn, etc; with different mixtures for greenfodders; and with different fertilizers with oats end rape. These were all practical experiments, conducted by practical • men, and the results when presented at the meeting will no doubt he • exceedingly valuable and interesting- We nteresting.`ya are, iii fact, impressed- with the practical, nature Of rhe programme throughout, and . believe that . the meeting will he instructive to those connected with stock-feeding,'dairying, bortieulture, and with general farm work. Besides the presentation of, and the discussion on, the results of the co- , c'perative experiments conducted throughout Ontario, addresses will he - delivered ' by . tete following noted' speakers; Hon. Jahn Dryden, Minister of Agriculture for the Province ,of Ontario; Hon. Sidney Fisher, Minister' of Agriculture for the Dominion of Canada; . Prof. Chas. E. - Thorne, Director of the Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Wooster, Ohio; Mrs. J.. iloodlese, Principal of the School of Domestic Science, Ha ria i 1 ten, Ontario; Y. r.- Thomas Greiner, authur of "How r cs make the garden pay,"et_c:, La Salle, s;ew York, and WM. Rennie, Fares i aperintendent, Ontario Agricultn ral College, Guelph. • On the last page of the programme is: a letter from Thos. Hunt; Profes;or of Agriculture, State University, .from which we quote` the following: "I QM convinced that the Ontario Agri- ' cultural College is .carrying on throdgh • Oil; Union the; most comprehensive and systematic series .of co-operative c•gricultural experiments on .the American continent with which I am familiar." _ From a -letter written by Prof J. W. Robertson,we also make a quota- tion as follow,: -"I do not know of any r.rganization which illustrates more €ully, the- great gain which comes to the individual members of s community, throaigh co-operation, for ends that are good, than the Experimental ZTnion in •-arrying en co-operative experiments in Agriculture." _ As the Provincial Fat Stock and Dairy Show and the -annum meeting of the Dominion Cattle, Sheep, and Swine Breeders' Associations are to be held in Guelph on. Monday,. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of the same week as the annual meeting of the Experimental Union, an opportunity will be afforded those who attend any or all of these gatherings of the Live Stock Associations within the one week. All persot s desiring to attend the sweeting of the Experimental Union should write to Mr. C. A. - Zavitz, Secretary, Agricultural CoIIege; Guelph, for a - programme of the streeting, which gives full particulars regarding excursions rates on the rail- -road`s. am other matters of interest. FREE CRAYONS From now until the first of the New Year, - I will give a Targe crayon protrait free, of yourself or anyone you wish, with every dozen of cabinet photos. r �-+L coo VEN. M. CORRIGAN'S Is the place to snake is ur selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS I have instock the following.: Apples Blacking Black Lead 5 Blue Baking Powder Barley, pot Bath Brick Beads Brooms Baskets Brushes. Si=chit Coffee . C‘.l,eetienery t auued Goba. Ch-colate Cern, canned- - Co;n meal • _Currants ' - C'urrie Powder - Cream Tarter !Dried Apple Extracts Figs ,-Fish,- anned . ,-Fish, dried !Gelatine' IGingers 'Honey ' ;Ink ' Indigo Licorice Lime .1 tries !Lemons. 'Lamps .starts Matches Mince Meat MeaI • Macaroni • - Mustard - Meata,canned Cocoanut - [Magnesia Dates A-1 FIuur always on IOiNutmI,eg olive Oil, sweet t)il, ser ( )rangas Oat Mcaalto Pails Peels ,Pipes , -IPickle _ IPearline IT, canned ' irepper . Raisins Pace !Rice• Flour 11",s " Salt Salmon ,NS,: rtienna tirade ting3r 'Svrna Soda Soaps Spices i$taxch IStrawberries, canna Sulpbera - ' 1Tapioca . Tomatoes,canned -ITeas ITohaccoes - Vermicell .Vinegars' Washboard 14 j!Waslsir g Ciysta I W;'oodcnware IWhitin� Diener Sets _ l`eac:t Cakes Dinner Set- . i'he.t tiet• Water Sitt. -Cif-ant SV•tfx rroil.•t Setts - MARRIED TOPP---McDONAGH—At the residence of the bride's father, on Monday. Nov. 20th, by Rev. R. Hall, Frederick George Topp, of Toronto ealesmare, to Flora Alice McDonagli, of Ashfield. ALTON--BLAXE—At the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. R. H. Hall, Kate Evelyn,daughter of Robert Blake. to Herbert Alton, of IA est Wawanosh, oq Nov. 25th. liar a Matter of 501310 korty Years or. "ilosepls Gardner,. stove dealer, of Bath, OntariO, is a great believer in Dr. ease* Kidney -Liver Pills for °Indiges- tion* constipation, dyspepsia,- Bright's 14 disease, rheumatism, And. kidney, liver sad stOtnach troubles generally. -sr was troubled for over forty years /CM- 4ndigestion and _constipation." he severe headache. I spent dollars and dollars mithomit result until Mr. Bail, out drugfist; advised me to try Chase's Kitbkey-7.4.ver Pills. I did so, and must eat that they are the only remedy that gave me relief. I would not be- with- sant"thena for anything." ' Kan? People/suffer from rheumatipu. !lad blood and diseased kidne3rs bring mill remedy alt this and etre rheuma- gem sciatica and all. kindred complaints. We* is a sample case : Yliar boy was all crippled up and ,--orifered awfully with rheumatism," 'writes Ma II. Wills, of Chesley, Ont. " tato had a touch of diabetes; The 'doctors could do him no good, but Dr. - Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills completely eared him." _Bold by all dealers and" Etimane0a. Rites * Co.. Toronto. 25e. ' all other remedies fail Dr. Cllage's Posed and Tairpentine Will cure. - the worst atonic cold. 23 cents. - BOARS FOR SERVICE 'rim UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP thoroughbred` Berkshire boar, and also a Medium Yorkshire wbite- boar. Both these animals are of the ehrdeett stock. and are the hest in this part of the country- TEnms-z- at time of Service, or SL25 if not so paid - /or pedigrees a id other information apply -to bkIEEP ESTRAY • HoIyrood P..0. SM RT, ousTom.TAILOR. .4.11122.'s Block Having opened out business in the rOorn over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I am prepared to turn out in the neatest manner and lat- est styles all sost of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaranteed. A call solicited. To enter- my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allin's block. Ile_____EATIZIA Baker Confectioner. Dealer in all liinds of Confectione.ry, Etc. Bread, Buns The owner of a ywatch ot clock Then it is to your interest when get ting it repaired to place it in the hands- of the most skilled werkman you can find. This you will do by bringing it to or Lueknow. The goods sold 6y him here anel in Wingharn from 1571 to 1879 are giv- ing the best Of satisfaction still. Re- established in Lucknoiv 1894. Pleaee remember the place, in the old stand 1 eon ri. Along tie wiry �t•P�— Find many thin ; which Would discourage— Many people. . Bad weather— Rough ea t:her—. Rough roads And hard times, but-- We are going. to do the— Best we can this month By selling cheap--- Dress Goods—° - Woc llen- Goods and-- MantleCloths.away- - Dowlt •in prices : to-- Suit- the tinges Millinery at cost— •. A few of these lovely— Jackets also Cost—A .great— Reduction in Corsets Be lin Wools and - Bilks in all Values for . . Holiday Trade O DON'T FAIL TSEE. OUR BARGAIN TABLE. SMITH. People want -some goods this fall althotigh tithes are hard. Vire have a large aSsortrnent of goods left at hard times prices as we- are - T` L L LIVE To .have honestly we must swot* wo. When the rewards of labor are small the mereant who wants to do business- must- be willing to g t11 on small prpllts. t Close cash prices are what we Offer at all times, but for December . we will give SP_ ,IAL PRICES ON FURS of ail . kinds,MEN'S- a1 d 1OYS' OVERCOATS, GLOVES HSIERY, etc. -. Come and see. what we are oi%ring, ���� and OVERCOATSBOY1S' Gloves, $OS7.6I'y, etc, GONNE • CHRI rocery WILL SOON BE HERE and we have been preparing for the wants of the public. - We have added- to our supply of • ---Choice lot ot confectionery --Try our Ktneora tea in lb package —25e. Sure to please_ loo-rs of tea. s GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. . and Cakes' : . Fresh Daily Flour. Oatraeal and Corn meal always on hand —Cleaned Paradise currentS —Nuts, figs, dates, lemon, orangp_and cit: • —ron peels, icing sugars and everything in —citoice groceries for the holiday trade. ( tilt r I i.:tes of good teas from 1.5e to 50c a N lb. Otu- stock of erockery and glassware is alwsss complete. Wishing you a , JO ELLIOTT • _ o. 1 Flour and Feel, ',4Iways kept on hand and delivered to any part of the town. • Our,stock well assorted in every dapart- ment. -All kinds of goo& going very cheap as we :want to -be through selling by January /5th. Our goods are as good and Our prices are lower than any ,others. Prices laterson. Clearing Sale in BOOTS arid SHOES at PEART'S. I have decided to sell out my- summer stock at a great reduction so as to be ready for winter stook coming in. Any person wanting Boots and Slioes can rely on' getting them at right prices.. Call and secure some of our Bargains. next to Mr. Lawrence's and the- eX- press and telegraph office. stook consists of and snver Watches, 'Cinch% Silverware, Diamond Mugs. ding et Engagement Rings, Charms, Bremen% Ear -rings. Bracelet, Fine Cutlery, Violins, strings and Rows • Now is the , Time to purohase - Your Skates • As you will WATCHMAKER.- A MAPLE - LOGS 1. WANTED . :Poole i(m.ust _ffivo etpoories.:,- WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF SKATE REPAIRS - AND STRAPS and The great question is where to get them. . We keep the best qualiiies to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. TMALS Black, Green and Japan are uneqUalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and prices. . OROCICMIri— We have a fine assorttnent cf dinner setts, tea, setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. John Peart. Upwards of 900,000 feet of maple logs wanted- at Mitchell ErosTholler Mills, Lucknow, Ont., for which - . the highest cash price will be paid. Mitchell - LUCKNOW. TO PARZEERS. .AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY is now afforded 1,41 farm,ers with small capital who desire to obtain impreved farm or stock ranches, with irrigation, buildings and fencestin the District of Alberta, North West Territories, on easy terms. The-reising of horned cattle. hems, Sheep, and pip -is rhpidly deyeroping in the _District. rhe undersigned will fainish information or filHAT VALUABLE PROPERTY SIT- ". nate in the Village of Luau* and he ing 3 saeres near -the gtat ion and 13 acres on the west side of LucknOw, now occuPied by Pet.r Watson, and that part of blockl G, on the earner of Campbell and Stauffer streets. For particulars apply to 1071 18 . M. CARIVBELL DAVISON, FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. Havidg secured the Premises 1...ttely occupied by O.W. BERRY aa a Furniture Ware Mom, I have recently fitted it with the newsst -de sikns of all kinds of Household Furniture As t 3 quality, they -are- unequalled. -.The-price is - away down. 'All goods are bought for snot any rwrson in the country. -Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save this at helm? When at A. T. DAIVSON'S inspect and be e.am- berry end toilet "All kin of flOur and feed kept constantly op hand. Goods delivered to any part of the town. • McClure and iliallough BE:READY FOR .THE We have a lalte Stock of all sizes and Now- yoku get the advantagav STICKS HENCE • Furnittire.° BilSi ess DeOde Wie cy_13.6y rBest- .Wrjuger. -IPOPELAR-_ :CASH :HARD DEPARTMENT rduc ted at the old stand,--ahieh his been entirely retrovate3. BOAR FOR- SERVICE rftHA.T PURE BRED BERKSHIRE a. boar."Prido of Huron," sire 'Pride of Brame, (3529); data, Foreat Beauty 13592). both bred by Richard Rivers. of Walkerton, and tracinv to imported stock on &Ali aides . for generatioos back. Tama- $1.00, stricay as& Soles to be returned three times if siecessary. Hut* provingin pig the money herefunded or another sow served. A reducUon to partiea bringing two or more sows the same season. L,also offer _a splendid Weaker ram -Isath for date. - ROARS FOR SERVICE • :141B UNDEBSIGNLrD WILL KEEP A°T hived celestes. White boar and Berkshire bPar for ser- (amaikarme registe. red in the new R 041. IstriCtlY cash nlartapply to COMB TI) THE PREMISES OF THE undersigned. lot 17, con. 13,' West We, vanesh. on or about the firat of- October last, two- white aged ?lumps, The oWngr is take them away. CATTLE ESTRAY1 TRAYED THE PREhl;S*S OF the undervigned. let :37, con. 3, 4inloss, about the middle of October, 3 vearlingiheifers and4 yearling steer'. Tvioiof the heifers were red and one roan, and the steer was 'Spotted red and white. Ady persen giving such information as may lead to their recovery RICHARD CHARTER', Whitechurcli P. O. BOAR -FOR SERVICE g purchased the Fnrniture Business of 'Mr. ,G, Berry, e have moved the same, together with a large stock of th latea styles and newest designs of Fiirniture, Curtain. Poles, Taking Care of -Boater: a Spec - The Embalming Fluid, material and agi- pliances used hwie proven to be the most effectual that have ever freed used for the past -twenty yeang. ifirPicture Framing and all kinds of R • LUCKNO Pictures and Window Shades; also a full of UPEOLSTE GOoDS in Turkish Rug, Silks, Plusli, etc. richly trimmed with fringe, • pairing done at the old Stand. CEO. H. DOUGLAS, NEW LIVERY. fikingt LADiES' MANT AND JACKETS Nozt Door to the Post ofile, Luoknow. itriidertakilig as -Specialty , . Charges -moderate and calls both night and day promptly attended to.:.' WO solicit the pationage of thca village ana. stir - THE UNtoliRSIGNED WILL *snr for service at lot 17, con. talriyetit- THOS, 'MILLER. St. Thief* P Vanilla -VOL Dining the month of December, we will clear the Valance of our stock of mantles Pr ices- Reasopable•-: Rigs delivered to any paitot town tro