Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-12-04, Page 1`41110010101001s
- e
Can he had than
exquhite styles of en riZ
went -rings that I am
CyaIs in single sta,
twin and cluster settinj
etc. Ourrzng stock is n
Marquise in ay/mak
Oearl, tarquaie and
eralcl combinations.
Solitares zlidiarnan
"earls, .2-iebies, saiyhfr
ofials, faknets, tutqnoi
sinsfily fiar excellence.
Jeweller MIMSTRO
The West Huron Teachenn A
iation met in the Collegiate Inatit
Godericti; on Nov. 27th sad 2
with very good representation
all parts of the county. Papers w
read by different teachers throw
the -County. -prod
occupied the elniir. The election
officers resulted in the following]
elected by acclamatina :-Pres., 8.
Royd, Belfast; Vice.-Pre111
1Cate Watson, Godeiich;
\GeO.W.giilman, liurondale;Etec
-committee, Thos.G.Allin, ,13, D.421
sr.A. Gregory and
Vosper, Resolutions .were pamed
a vote of thanks was tendered to
Parties who furnished the prograt
lor an entertainment -which wise
on the evening ;of Nov. 27th. .
A Capital 211---1-esting\' \zit SIM*
.of West Wavratiolli, .
The firstaupplementarktneetini
the West Huron Iliviene Insa
was held in gintall on PliasY 1
commencing at 1.30 p.m., _Belk
chair. Tti opening the meeting:
president said it was nearly th
years Since the last meeting .tf 1
W.H.L was held in-Itintail and
seine interest was taken in this Ate
ing as in that, it_ was bound to be
8Th pre ident then called upon
McD. Allan, of Goderich, whom it
,ject was the Picking andShippingFruit. He divided the first PIT* A
hi subject into threiparta :
to Pick; 2, When to Pick; _3, Howl
Pick. The subject was very Ill
esting and much needed. The
part of the subject Ivalit:ShippingAiii
The speaker believed the Old
Chipping should be Abandoned.
tiaid the proper way to ahip
oxes that would hold About *bah -
it was more satisfactory to buy
d seller, and iz would atop therfra
rried on in placing a good setting
th ends of the barrel and only
d-clasa fruit in the middle, t
vers to be suspicious. ,:reno
ended farmers to ship their
ples, that -saving the middleman
ofit, for in times so close $11 *okay
require all there is in Monte
m pay. During:his discourse
many questions put relative
fruit industry, all of which we
y satisfactorily attewered, as
tners found a man who mad
subject and the fruit probl
fr. Heaton, of •9oderich, next
ssed the meeting oz The _The Farmer'
His discourse Showed that Ji
given the subject 'a great deal
attentively listenest
t the eon of the address a- qa
arose as to whether tin paper
that should come before the F
Institute meeting, the Presid
g that we could -discuss the
as regards taking a vote of, -tb
itute upon the scheme iet._fo
he paper, it could not-1040niii bit
r. Heaton badtiven-rbis paper
deal of thought lin& -wished-
k at the • DungallitOrt
ld leave that with thein
was moved, seconded stnd
Heatonlave the'pri
ing his -paper on the Wok.
ungannon in Auttesays-- -
is cicisEedutshrtie afteossaarnetai, asjI
ee trWiti4ngt'PrOpasi411-
from the president,
Rintail oa ther-,-JoiceoesTOCL'-'
logs; song bylCorgitt Ashton */
31011111thy And E -14106011
en. Allan. --The -speaker said k
ered from what iniflad.Aeeu,-
action should contrIbiLWAny
0 lawyers starvingl
teutahtiathreant att. POOtereiv,
, as an incentive to -beau
eking home pleasant. ,Ho
let that School tritstees -ought
prize to the best collection
re kept by theist:helve. The
was followed lew song by
Ce, Mt* On virilini, sang by
ng 8. u down °v theenr.-13b hill," and wasi)11n
tilemr'eseSddteitnyulte°:-InnKli_40411: for
- LiiaKNOW..
Capitol paid up
Reservl Fund
fotat A a:sets -
Oreaident -JOHNSTUART.
Vice P-esition t -A. G. RAMAT. -
168 947,866
A. T. Wenn, A. B. LEH (Toronto).
Ceshier--J. TURNBULL.
StVi „VIM LANK.—Hours 10 to 3; Satur=
4, 10 re. 1. Deposits of Si and upwards
--ceivect interest
S t.).?POS/TS also received at cure
rutrates of interest.
1)/4.-1.F1'S on Great -Britain and the United
States bought and sold.
• Solicitor Conveyancer, etc., (late
Gamer mt Holt &-Cameron, Goderith). Offic
up -stairs in Allin's new block. -
E .• Solicitor, Commissioner, otary
etc. Marley to loan, Office oe Moody's
Barber Shop.
a_lr ter s, Solicitors., etc., Goderich, Ont.
Sariz6In and Accoucheur. Surgery
•tver -F:Iliott's grocerY store. Office hours
from 9 to 12 a. in,; flora 2 eu 5 p. ID. and from
7 to 9 in . -
'VIoD. GOR1)ON:2.1.D.,
M.S., MX.P.S.O., Physician, Snr-
g -In. and Accoucheur. Upstair, in Wm.
A' lin's new block. Residence -Ross streA,
behind Cameron, Murdoch & Co's store.
- - --
FIR. D. i;EDDES. - V. -S., CALLS
fl either • by mail or telegram promptly
ttendeti to. Charges moderate. Residence,
Outram street, Opposite Dr Elliott's and
.econd dlar north of. SENTINEL office.
TR. A..1. GIBlioNS, V. S. V, D., Hon
Gra•Itiate of Ontario Veterinary College
and Reg;stered Member of the Ontario
Veterinary Medical Society. Office . and
residence, rare door east of R J Cameron's
pump sieT,,- Cam phelle street, Lucknow.
Dentistry and Sureical Operations specialties.
Calls promptly attendedtonight or
. — e_
----ewe: Ll'e t.NOW 1.0DG E
. Order of Foresters
meets in the Oddielli,we'
Hall en the fourth 'rues
clay ef each month. at
730 o'clock. Visiting
brethren cordially invited.
11, J. 1.JNIsay, W. A. LewRENcE,
Chief Ran .;er. Recording Secretary.
— - -
-4YLKedleo No 22, meets in the Odd fellows'
Hall, on the second and fourth Thursdays of
each month at 8 o'clock, p. itt. V;siting
sisters and brathers are cordially welcome.
nes: T. REIT>, Mn'. A.„ a CoNGRAM,
Noble- Grand Secretary.
• ri 0. F., Cot:RT
• ) kis Sherwood. -No.
59, Lu. -know. .:N4Tts
every first and third
M.aolay of every
month, in the Orauee
11.•ll. Visit lug. breth-
ren are eardially. in-
JoHN SCOTT,. ('. R.
.j.1). YULE, Sec.
1V0, 428, HOLDS ITS
re..eular monthly meet-
ings in the Orange Hall, Camp-
bell street; Lin:know, on Tues -
,day evenings, on . or before
the full moon. Degree -night
on the- second Tueeday evening following full
moon.' All visiting brethren cordially invit-
ed to the meetings,
&mins MCKENZIE, Wm. TaYLon.
- Secretary, W. M.
WO. T. The regular monthly
V IF • meeting of the Wrmen's Christian
T.triapera.nee Union will be held every second
Wednesday of eacb month in the Odd Fellows
Lucknow, at 3 p. in. MRS. J ,StaEit-
rug, President ; Mits. HORNELL, Secretary,
- Lodge No 112
_meets every Viday evening at 8 o'clock in
'their. hall, Campbell street. All brethren
cordially milted.
Noble Grand,
A 0 U W
f th_e
T . r r• K X le W
, .-•;...• N.. ..../. 0 j IA kdge .,
"" .....A
Ancient opier if
:7 aa•• -Vnited 1Verkmen,
...--,.., 44 7:: meet.; in tio• Aid
, AT - f,.iL,w.,,' Hn
u, • .n the
...-- ....%
...--/ ,:` Ilst :.t.ti s,tond
- ' --`'''. ,>: ., ,\:\ ' Monday tvenin4s of
'N ,-""
: ' \ • each month z t eif•ilit
• . , I i " ‘ o'clock, . Nieiting
brethren cordially invited.
-Master 1.Vorkman. Recorder.,
IVIBI•0:TS,1,1 rENI"IiRY rnA Y NIG ifire
ilaronic 11 afl, Havelock street, •
Worshiaal Mnst:4.. 'Secretary.
Tt la
Kt' WiatIV-W
Dr- Newton, II, D. S. D, D. S
Honor Graduate ef Toronto School of
Dentistry and Doctor of
Ali operations in Df-ntiStry performed
with care and an endeavor to do all work
satisfactory, , . ,
PILLING -With Gold, Porcelain, Silver awl
copper amalgam.
TEETH -Made with a view of preserving
the natural kppearanoe, and. of thebest
• qualiti.
gXTRAOUNG-An a plitation made to
the gum for painleki extracting, it has
been tried with success.
OFFICE -In Mr. Allin's new, bionic
.. up stairs.
P. S.—Wil1 -visit- -Ripley, every
Thursday aftet noon.
elephone No Iss
office la the building east af the
- $iesTfillat Printing Office, - •
• it'Llat. soecffitmtionsand estimates for build
a..a, wilis, ridgesieto., furnished
on hor. notice.
Will pay for Ithe
SENTINEL and Weekly
Advertiser from now till
January 3898. Sub eribe
now andget the baance
of the year free. •Son-
xxzz, alone 81•00.
System— Renovator
•And other tested remedies
- • -FOR--
Impure, Weak and Impoverishedn for
Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitatio Weak
Heart, Liver Complaint,. Neuralgia, Loss of
Memory, Bronchitis, Consturiptin, Gall
Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and TYPiri ry Dia
asees. St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities
and Generail Debility.. •
61 per half pint aini 82 per -
pint bottle •
J. M. ildeLEOD,
For Sale by A B Congrate and Harry
Days, Druggists
fluke( ittitautv#eatittel
Lucknow, December lth , 1898
Manning Ave.,
Toroato, Nov. 27th., 1896.
Aditor Lurkilow kYentinel.
DEAR SIR :-Referring to the .disa
patch noticed in lest week's SENTINEL
to the effect that "Premier Laurier's
settlement has the support of very
many Roman Catholics and of every
Protestant • body in Manitoba, except
-the Baptists, who want purely secular.
schools," let me give the editorial
reply of the Canadian Baptist, which
is as -follows :
"Baptists, as a body, .do mast cer-
ainly want purely- secular schools
That is, they object to -State religio
ud State -taught in every form. Th
Willagr and Vinnity
Christmas Tree
The annual Christmas tree enter-
tainment in connection with the St.
Peter's -church Sunday School will be
held in the town hall on Monday
evening, 2lst inst., at 8 p. m. The
programme will have its usual attract-
iveness. Silver collection. • All are
Box Social
A box: social. under the auspices of
the Kinlough fife and chum heed will
be held in the Kinlough echool-house
on the evening of Thursday, December
17th. A programme consisting of re-
citation; voce - and instrumental
music, etc., will be given. Admission
15c.; ladies with boxes free. Doors
open at 7.30 p.m. Come one andall.
.Hookey Club
A number of the boy's gathered to
gether on Monday evening of last week
for the purpose of organizing:a hockey
club for the coming season and elect
officers. The following wore elected
to fill the different positions: -Hon.
• Pres., • J. S. Nichol; Pres., J.. G.
Murdoch; Vice Pres. J. Jewitt;
Manager, J. F. Berry; Pres.,
D. N.
Lawrence; Sec. Treas., S. West;
Committee W. A. Lawrence, J. E.
Brown, P. M, Gordon, S. West and
D. N. Lawrence. From the above list
-it will be seen that the offices are all
well filled, and with such a staff of
management and the many good
skaters Lucknow can boast of, we
expect to so Lucknow defeat Ripley
in that return match which was tie be
played at Belfast a year ago last 24th
of May. Practice makes perfect, toys.
_ Russel Cozrzedy Co.
A good sized audience greeted the
' Russel Comedy Co., in thetown hall,
n on Monday evening last. The char-
questiones, is there anythirig in the
proposed arrangement to cnnflict with
this prineiple? We cannot see that
there is, The only two points that
could possibly ariseIn this Connection
are the loan of the school -house •and
the shortening of the school -day.- The
ProVince is neither to teach religion
nor to pay anybody for. teaching it,
nor yet to .compel anybody's children
to receive such teaching The, purest
secularism does not, so -far as we 'cad
see, require that the State should be
churchish or disoblieing to the churches
and the toashere of religion, or should
refuse them such facilities for carrying
on their work as it would grant to -any
oth r iespectable bodice ofcitizens, for
the promotionof temperance or any
other good wqrk."
We therefore take leave to doubt
the correctness of the dispetch refer-
red to
:Yours respectfully,
:South Edmonton, Alta., Nov. 19.i%J-
1. DEAR SIR. -Having just been
re-engaged for next year as Prinoipal
of the school here, at an _advance of
8180 in salary, it occurs to me that I
ought to "pay the printer" and so -I
enclose $1 to renew my subscription to
What's the matter Veth your. Holy.
rood end Langside correspondents
these times? If they have finished
picking apples I think they might let
their distant friends !show; thropgh the
•SF.NTINEL, what is- going on in their
respective neighborhoods.
We -have had a magnificent fall here;
no rain for over two months. Our
first snow came on the 4th inst., and
vei." have .now -splendid sleighing.
Teams have been crossing the Sask.,
watt en the ice since the 10th.
inst. -The weatliar is beautifully
brightsand calm with the temperature
at night hovering around 30 "degeees..
Wishing you continued success, -I
Yours Very, truly,
D. S. .11LteKenzie.
And the Corpse in a BoxStanding in
a Shanty. .
Topermoray, Ont., Nov: 27th. --A
week er ten days ago, the- tug Sea
man, f Wiarton, called here, hound
for: Fitzwilliam Island, with two 'Am-
ericans, who were going to eurvey and
value timber on the island, the Sea-
man to call for them in tivo weeks'
time. The men were a Mr. Austin, of
Detroit, and a Mr, Rankin, supposed
to be of either Detroit or Big Rapids,
Mich. They were accompanied by a -
guide from this place, Geo. E. Belrese.
Yesterday Capt. W.A.Tison, of the
Seaman, was obliged to take shelter in
Rattlesn5ke Harbor,. on Fitzwilliam
Island. Going to the shenty occu-
pied by the surveyors, he knocked on
•the door. ,Receivinerino reply, he en-
tered,_when he was horrified to -find
the body of Mr. Rankin in a box stand-
ing against the wall, with bruises on
his face and body.
Pinned -to the dead man's breast
was a note, stating that his -coirirades
had left for Topermoray at 2. p.m., on
Tuesday, the 24th., to wire.
As yet Austin and Belrese have not
reached here. It is thought they are
on Yro Isle or Black Bill Isle, being
unable to make here, having but a
small yawl, and the weather since Tues-
day night having been very stormy.
The tug Searuau left this morning to
look for the missing men. Mr. Rank-
in's death is oeheved to have been duo
to an accident of sent° kind.
.Fitzwilliam Island is a few miles
south of the southeasterly point of
•Grand Manitoulin Island and is se-
parated from it by Owen Channel. To.
bermory is a small -village in the ex-
treme northerly part of Bruce penin
sults,. and is sixteen miles from Fit-
-Pay up your times before the 15th
and save furtheit' troubla-J, IT.-Eoes•
acters were all well taken and -the
solos by Lela -Russel and Baby Tedie
brought forth well 'deserved applause.
Teddie -is only about eight yeare Old
and she brought down the house in
her different characters. The drama
played was "My Partner" and was
descriptive of life in California during
the "gold fever." They also gave a
one -act farce, "Trilby's • troubles,"
Prizes were given for the mott populisr
man' in town, the prettiest little girl in
town and the laziest man in town,
which were voted to Hugh H. McKay,
Miss Annie Cain .and Robt. Durnin;
respectively. . The troupe is first-class
in every respect and should thee., visit
Luckuow again, we feel sere they. will
get a huniper house.
November Wedding
The fesiience of Rev. John "Mac-
Nabb, Gough -street, was the_scene ot a
very pleasing event on the evening
of Wednesday, Nov. 25th; when his .
eldt h
daughterMarguerite, was united
-in marriage to Mr. Peter Kee, foreman
in Mr. D. C. Te41or's establishment,
The ceremony was performed by the.
Rev. F. A. McLennan, of South Kin-
loss Presbyterian church, assisted by
the bride's father, in the presence of a
number of friends and relatives of the
contracting parties The bride, who
was attired in a handsome dress of
silver gray, looked charming, and the
many r
ceived o
esteem in
held in the community. After the
ceremony, the bridal party and guests
sat down to a sumptuous repast, the
tables being filled_ with all the del-
icacies that could grace a marriage
feast. The -SENTINEL extends to the
happy -young couple its heartiest gobd
ch and beautiful presents re -
the occasion,evinced the high
which the young couple is
Faymer's Institutes
Following is a list of the Institute
meetings to be held fn -this division
during January. The speakers will be
i'bos McMjl1u, Seaforth and W. S.
Fraser, Bradford: Brussels January
5th, Dungannon 5th and 7th, - Kin,
cardiac 8th, Holyrood 9th, Teeswater
llth, Wroxeter 12th,. Clifford 13th,
Mildmay 14th,Paisley 15th, Port Elgin
16th, Tara 19th, • ElmSvood 19th,
Durham 20th, Kenilworth 21st,
Moorefield 22nd, Drayton 23rd, Alma
25th'.SUrplementary meetings will be-
held later on at Hepwoith February
9th, Burgoyne 13th, Southampton
15th, Malcolm .16th, Chesley 17th,
.Glatnis 18th, Ripley 19th. Instintute
officers are expected to make arrange -
menti beforehand by , haying it
advertieed, a hall rented, &programme
for the evening prepared and to secure
the consent of some leading farmers to
read papers on agricultural subjects,
also some ladies to -get up papers on
some phases of home life or domestic
Died Far From Home
The sed newa of the death of Mrs.
Wm. Mellis and daughter of Mr. M.
Campbell, of this place, on the 8th of
_November, in Techancutifee, Mexico,
was received a few days ago. - At the
time of writing Mr. Nellie was serious-
ly ill with a pernicious fever and
mote only a abort note telling of the
departure from this life of his beloved
wife. Mrs. Mellis was widely known
in this section having been brought up„
here from her infancy and had her
home here until etrout eight years ago
when she with her husband and little
dauqhtqpf Maggie, went' to Mexico.
She in the i.Oth year of her age
aiI the news or her death is a sad
an honey, weight of regrow to the be-
reaved parents and friends in 'this sore
trial, but we are assured that there are
many whose hearts beat in deepest
sympathy and condolence with them -
many who share their sorrow. Friends
and acquaintances sympathize with the
bereaved !unbend under this sore and
heavy stroke he is ailed to bear. It
was to him ji sad bereavement when'
death claimed his only , daughter,, but
the weight of siorrow is greater still
when God has called away the life com-
panion of -his joys= and -sorrows And- g
left hill a lonely Win init far °Vali -
It is earnestlyhoped.thesielif.r.
by this time is compleielyjesto":
health and the eariteat O au -11-C-
'0,1 his tign,dil '` 6
I110100W ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4th1 -1896.
consolation may sustain and comfort
him under his sore trial. The Meads
of the dear departed one have theinine
forts of religion to lighten the heavy
weight upon their hearts. Their loved
one is gone to rest with the hope and
faith of a glorious immortality, and
through the mercy of God, the grace
of our Lerd Jesus Christ and the
adornments of the Spirit of God, they
look forward to a blessed • re -union,
when death shall never enter nor tear
bedins the eye.
Card of Thanks
At the regular meeting of Sepoy
Lodge NO. I. 0. G. T. on Tuesday,
Nov. 24th. It was tthanunously
passed that we extend our thenks to
those who so kindly assisted us at our
recent concert. -L. Malcauq, Say.
• Another Change
The G. T. It. has again made several
changes in its time -table, the late
change not -proving satisfactory to the
road's patrons. The early ttain going
south now leaves at 6.25,ruuning solid
to London and connecting at Wingham
for Palmerston. This is the only train
in the morning, the next train going
south leaving at 3.05, making connec-
tions at Vi7ingham for London only.
The mixed going south now leaves at
4.54, the old tithe, for Palmerston
The trains going north remain the
same, with the exception of the mail
train, which now leaves hero at 1•40
instead of 1.53.
. ,
-The schoot report ..dei crowded out
this week.
---Mrs. Dellornsll is visiting friends
n Wingham. .
—Salt for .ale by the barrel
t Z. Elliot'a -
----Wanted About 15 loads of pea
train I. G. Anderson.'
-Mr. P. A. Malcomson spent a: few
ays in Goderich last week •
-Services were held in all our
hurches on.Thursday last.
-A few siolins at cost; wood taken
exchange at Mrs. Smith's.
-A couple of Kincardine boys were
town on Thanksgiving Day.
-Mr. John Martin,. of Wingham,
as iii`thuvillage on' Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. D. Carletoa, of Kin-
rdine, spent Thursday in town.
--Mr. Thos. Lindsay, of Detroit, is
iting at his home, in this villag
-A number of °Ur boys took in the
St. Helens social on. Thursday night.
• -Mr.. aud Mrs. J. (1 Anderson
spent Thankegiving day at Dungannon.
-Arch crokinole, the popular game
this season at •Berty & C's drug store.
—Anivereary eervices in -the
Methodist church nest Sunda*.
• a -Miss McGaw, of Kincardine, is
visiting friends in the village and
.vicinity. •
--Miss Annie Lawson left last week
for Sauhle Falls, where she will spend
the winter s •
-a-Mr, John Saba, Of this village,
has been called to Barrie to bury
his brother;
-A big variety of five o'clock tea
sets, chocalete sets etc. at Berry 4.
Co's drug store-,
----Miss Hannah Hunter, of Kin-
cardine, spent Thanksgiving • with
friends i • wa. .
_Mr. and leis. Wm, Boyd.' of thio
village, spent Tlesatgieing Day with
friends in Clinton.
-Dr. McCritnmon; pfdltipley, has
been appointed medical health officer
in Huron township.
`-No rags or short stuff. 11 you
want best Sc cigar in town it to
Gordon's drug store. _ 1 en
-Mi. and Mrs. Louis Stewart, of
Kincardine, spent Thanksgiving at
Mr. Geo. Matheson's,
I have taken theragency for che l3e11,
corset and will promise a perfect fit.'
Try them. ---Mrs, Smith.
-kiss Jennie McCrimmon, of
Ripley, spent a couple. of daya last
week with frends in town.
-Mr. Ford Wheeler left on Thurs-
day last for Rochester.. He will be
missed by the boys of the town. -
-Mr. Robt McNabb, formerly of
this village, but who now running a
tailor shop near ilinclsay, is in' the
--Mrs. K. J. McLeod spent Thanks?
giving in Kincardine, the guest of Mrs,
Dr. McDonald, fornierly of Hammond,
Indiana. •
-Newton Longeereet = and Wm.
Pincombe spent a -couple of weeks
visiting friends in and around St.
-e-Mr. Wm. Walters arrived in town
on Tuesday with Mitchell 13res.' heavy
draught team, from that lirm's mills in
Berkley. ,
-Mr. Richard Stinson returned
home on Friday afternoon after a trip
to friends in (Meshy, Owen Sound tind
-Mr. Angus McKay,- of this village,
who was away alithesummer,veturned
home on Wednesday ?light looking hale
and hearty.
-Wanted, a carload of fowl and roll
!miter for the Halifax market. We are
still, buying dried apples at 3 cents.
•G. E. King, Wingham. .
-Shoild you want games of any
kind, call at Gordon's drug store,yhere
you can get anything in -the drug line
both good and reasonable. •
-Call and see our cutters and bob
sleighs. Odr stock is good and pricei
low. Repairing promptly attended to.
-Hildred's carriage works.- '
-Our entire store ie crowded full of
dim novelties yotelinee n ere else.-
More different chases,: o and
away --clown price..-43eir
"ru• 4. 44 Plurr.40-?Bloq
;=.--ltemember . the Y. W.O.T.11
meetingat the home of Miss •Edith
Smith On Thursday evening at 8
o'clock. All interested welcome.
--If you want any wedding or birth-
day _presents in shape of fine china,
celluloid, etc, fine articles for little
money, call at Gordon's drug store.
• -Mr. Wm. 'Hornell, of Lucknow,
late with the T. Eaton to., Toronto,
has secured a sittiation with T. A.
Mills, tOwn.--Wingham Advance. '
--1-Mr. Hugh Dyatt, of Leadville,
Colorado, who has been visiting eth the
neighbOrhood for some weeks, reehrned
to his western helm on Tuesday lad.
-Lost! Oil the main streetof Luck -
now, on Tuesday evening of last week,
a Persian lamb muff Tbe finder will
oblige by leaving itat the Serritree
office. -
-Mrs. Joseph Mallough who has
been visiting friends in the vicinity for
three months past, left for her home in
Wheatland, North Dakota, on Wed-
nesdey moaning.
Patron of industry paper,
establised by Mr. Duncan Marshall,
formerly of Elderslin at Charlottetown,
P. E. 1., has ceased to exists owing to
want of support.
--The band pleyed a number of fine
selections on the street on Thursday
afternoon. They had a _good number
of spectator*, and theft playing was
well appreciated. - •
-J. G. Anderson has closed his
evaporator for the season -and his cider
and jelly mill has bon closed for a
week but will open up again as soon
as the weather moderates.
-Mr. Harry Gallagher has opened
up a harness shop in Graham's block
three doers west of Little's shoe shop.
We bespeak for him a fair share of
patronage from the public.
-The regular monthly meeting of
the W.O.T.0will be held in the
Oddfellows' hall on- Wednesday after-
noon next . at three o'clock sharp.
Temperance workers weledrne.
-J, G.' Anderson has been doing
a big business in apples this season.
He has used 25,000- bushels at his
evaporator and jelly mill and has
bought 7900 barrels for export.
-Karl's Clover Root, the great
blood purifier gives freshness and
clearness. to the complexion and cures
consumption, 25c, 50c and $1.00.
Sold by Berry & Co., druggists.
-Captain Sweeney, -IT, S. A, San
Diego, Cal. says: -„Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
-ever found that would do me any
good." Price 50c, at Berry St Co'
ST HELEIVS receive you into His kingdom for His
Will buy the SENTINEL
and Weekly Globe from
nowto •January ups.
set them tin Jan. 1st.
1897. Subscribe now.
WHOLE NO. 1193.
wid Appear Somewhat late.
last week, some of our
Aa we were behind- wnitehwso,trhibsuisdgsueet
Miss Maggie McCrostie has return- W. G. Anrew, Ass't Sup;
W. Hunter, Super
ed tb Forest.
Jennie Murray, of Langside, is
viaiting friends here.
Rev. S. M. Whaley was absent on
Monday attending an ordination ser-
vice in Ashfield. - • -
Ey a vote of the congregation taken
recently, Mr. Henry Woods was elect-
ed to an eldership of the Presbyterian
church, made vacant by the •death el
the Hugh Rutherford, Sr. .
Vita A. M. Clark attended -the
teaiilier's convention at Gd ih
o er c on
Friday and Saturday. -
Dudean McDonald attended the
fu tient 1 °fills cousin in Guelph recently.
The annual meeting of the Bible
Society was held in the Episcopal
chuncli on Nov. 20(h.
Miss Bella McDonald, of Louden,
retuanecl home on .Monday.
Sam Fox is visiting friends in Gara-
A paominent young man in this
neighberhood bas turned his attention
to the development of whiskers.
Tom Joynt's face wears a very bland
smile 'these days. Tom says he is go;
ing to defeat the Grit government.
A Simoting match was held on Thurs-
day af et Trtoon, for. turkeys.
• tie' Canvasser for the public library
will sao-it be on his rounds. As the he
is only 50c for one Member, 75e for
two and- $f per family, for all over 12
years, the membership for 1897 should
be very large.
• John -Hanna, of Wingham,
the district last week;
What is the matter with a leap -year
concert,. ladies ? •
On the evening of Thanksgiving day
a splendid supper and concert was
given by the public library. The pro
granime, Was first-class and the attend-
ance lame Mr. Whaley fulfilled the
duties of-chairnian in a very creditable
manner. The receipts amounted to
$3 j. 25.
was in
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bleke spent tyre
weeks evisiting friends in Hay, Ilderton,
London and other places.
Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Johnston and
children, :of Hay, have returned home
efter spending a week visiting frietrds
Here and attending the wedding of Mrs.
Johnston's sister.
Matthew 131ake., who is attending
—Bring backwhat you borrow the Collegiate. Institute, and Wm.
is the title of an address by Rev. Jos. Treleaven. wile is attending the Moder
Edge, to be given on Monday night. •School, Goderich, speet Thanksgiving
The excellent choir of the church will at their homes.
provide the music and song. Silver We Hs Reed', ex -teacher of- Belfast
collection at the door,' school, has returned honie after
-An Albany man killed himself a .
spending some mdriths in 'Dakota,
few days ago becaus'e he "could not Algoma and other places. .
trust humanity." •When a fellow gets , Mrs. Hugh 'Phillips, who fell, last
thoroughly grounded in that belief it Sunday ai.C.i broke her thigh bone, is
ia &way); a good thing for humanity doing as well as Qin be expeeted,
when his funeral occurs. • On the, es ening of the 25th ult., one
-The Rev. Mr. and lifts of those-pleesing events which. cause a
entertained the members of the Trustee ripples in society, took place at the.
and Officisl Boards and their wives,at honte of Mr. Robert Blake, Ashfielde
the parsonage, On Thursday cvenino the occasitel being the marriage -of - his
last (Thanksgiving Day), and a very'. yoingest daughter, Midi Kate, and.
pleasant time was spent. , Mr. Herbert Alton a prosperous youno "
e farnor of Wawanosh. The
. Joseph Mee,- of (nide wore a beautiful bridal veil and
Gabriel", will preach the anniversary wreath, and was ass teiul ly attir, d in
-sermons in the Methodist church next cream serge trimmed with lace and
Sunclay at 11 a. in. and 7 p. Mr. ribbon. Tho Rev. tt. Hail, of
Edge ir one of the cleverest preachers
in the London Conference. Lucknow, tied the, nuptial knot in the
presence of over fifty • -•t d t
r guts s.
-The following will be the clubbin
slit of the SENTINEL this. year:7--
SENTINEL and 'Western Advertiser,
$1.40; SENTINEL and Weekly Globe,
$1.50; SENTINEL and Weekly Mail
0,1.00; Sgerravet and Weekly Sun
$1.50. •
-Mrs. T. S. Hawkins, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, aShiloh's Vitalizer saved
my life. I consider it the best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever aged."
For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney
trouble it excels. Price 75c. Sold
by Berry & Co., „druggists, .
-Within the past week a number
of subscribers have called to settle up
their subscriptions and a number more
14Ore fixed a time when they will be in
a position to do so. This is what every
subscriber in arrears should do, and do
it within the next two weeks.
-Mr. Thames McDougall, who has
been away for the past nine years in
the Western States, has returned home
end we are sorry to learn that he had
a • serious' accident, having been run
over by' a car and getting his leg. and
shoulder broken. He had a marrow
escape with his llfe, bet we are glad to
see hine getting better so rapidly, and
he expects to be as well as ever shottly.
-The sympathy of the community is Part I
extended to Mrs. McKenzie, relict of Rivett,
the late Alexander MoKenaie, in the he,,Tdhea so
beteavement in- the -death of her son
Alexander, who died in the village on
Wednesday last, aged 10 years, 3
months and 11 days. The funeral
takes piece to -day (Friday) at 2 o'clock
pan. for the Kinloss cemetery.
Soy's Own Annual
Girl's Own Annual
and the biggest 5c and lOcetoy books
in the market' at Berry & Co, the
chemists, in Murray;si block. -
-Dr. He H. Witte of Palmerston,
is the object of a coremlisaion which left
Toronto on Monday. Some 18 years
ago he started in life to heal men. He
got tired of this, and, in 1880,- bought
an 80_jacre farin near -Kincardine:: In
1882 he tindflenly disapeared, ping off.
to the Northwest, leaving the farm in
possession of John Thompson as tenant.
asking him for rent.. In ''the tnean-'
and .11sttled- -Palmeretoa_rpleti4:ii
few ,ontoll7soste.0 siint oaieemade a demand upon been
After the deremody all sat down to a
sumpttious repast to which they did
ample justice. After ,.spending a
pleasant time in listening to , an
excellent -programme of music and
recitation and other atuustement, th:t
guests departed, wishing long life and
prosperity the happy couple. The
bride was the recipient of many beauti-
ful. presenta
(From'another comes onden
The following is the standing of the
pupils of 5, S. No. 5, for November
based upon deportment, punctuality.
and recitation viz:
P. S. Leaving -31 Brown.
Entrance --..=0 Brown,' LT Gardner,
F Anderson, 13 Gardner.
Jun. 4t1 -e ---J Runter, H Reid.
Sen 3rd -1 Hackett, J Hackett, G -
Hunter.• ,
Jun. 3rdse-R Hunter, M Gardner,
•M Middletoa, It Middleton, J Qerdner.
Sen firown, T Rivett.
• Jun. 2nclis-3 Gardner, J Hunter, R
Reid. '
Sen. Pt 2nd -T ElecketnW Hunter,
Jacob Hittite?.
Jun, Pt 2hd-M Hunter, W Everett,
H Speers, p- Andrew.
st-eA Hackett, g Speer; 0
&ere teachers and friends
urpriee party at Mr. J. H.
Gardner's residence on Nov. 24th. A
very pleasant evening was spent.. .Mr.
W Hunter Wei chosen chairman and a
velar interestinig programme of ecita-
tions, readings, vocal and instreinental
music were given. The object of the
party was to 'pfeeent Mn Gardner with
a beautiful easy chair for filling the is goi
office of superintendent of the Sunday
by R.
School for so ,tnany years so effieiently.
The following address was read by Mr.
Joseph Hackett and,Mr. Gardner mars ffifitti
a very siitable reply:
The wedding bells are ringing
merrily. Ycung men beware or you
will be caught in the snares of Cupid.
The revival meetings at Hacketts
are closed for the present on account
of the bad state of the roads.
Zion Sunday'Scheol has decided to
raise money for their Sabbath School
by voluntary subseriptien instead of a
tea -meeting.
Adam McQueen and Angus Nicho
sod are working at culverts on th
boundary. They -have the assistan
of Edward Grundy and Jas. se McDo
- Miss Susie Hamilton is visiting M
John Nicholscn,
Jas. McDonald is vikiting his unel
on the second concession.
Albert Towle is ciushing. grain fo
Mr. Giryin, on the 2nd.
Dan McDonald is building an ad
dition to his house.
This Presbytery held a special
meetitig in Ashfield Presbyterian
church on Nov. 30th, Rev. J. L.
Murray, Moderator pro tem, and in-
ducted the Rev. Alexander Miller,
lately of Mose, Presbytery of Landon,
into the pastoral charge of the congreg-
whin thole There was a fair attend -
and° of utembers of Presbytery_ and a
-large congregation present, the church
being conifoitably filled with a highly "
interested and appreciative audience
Rev. Mr. Maxwell preached an excel-
lent sermon suitable to the Occasion.
The Rev. Mr. Sutherland delivered the
charge to the newly inducted paean. in
a most solemn and impreseive address
and the Bee. Mr. McLeod addressed
the congregation on the duties toward
'their' minister. Mr: Miller enters upon
the pastorate Of this congregatioh
under most auspicious circumstances.
The vacancy has been the shortest in the
history of the Presbytery, being only
two menthe, and the call is most cord-
ial and unanimous. A warns welcome
was giverby the congregation -to their
new minister by a hearty hand -shake
as- they were retiring from the church.
Prom this happy settlement good arid
great results- are fondly hoped in the
edification of God's people and the con-
version of souls to Christ.
„ JoFIN _MAONABB, detik.
Lucknow,. Dec. let., 1896.
Elijah E. Kidd, of Toronto, said to
Have solda Patent Bight for Huron
County Turentv Times
The Detroit Free Press says:da-An
alleged 'Swindler arrested by
Officer Jackson last night) His name
is Elijeh -E. Kidd, and hoine is in
Torento. He claims to have the
tight on a potato peeler, and he
selling the right ti different
all 'through Western Ontario.
Elestruek Goderich tbout the middle
of Auguste and EO'CI the right to
Wilmer Smith, of that town, for the
musty of Hume, Afterwards it • Was
alleged he sold the right for the same
county to about twenty different
persons, charging $50 in each ease
When Smith learned og this he had
Kidd nrrested on false _ pretenses.
Kidd was bailed by Thomas Hill and
A. M. Polley, of Gederich," on a bond
for 2200, and he westa appear in eight
days for - an examinaticite Ia the
meantime he event to Owen Sound,
Walkerton, and Blythe, and in all
three pieces he' was arrested for the'
offenc alleged to have been committed
in Hu u county, as the officers of the
sdifferent ns,did not know that he
-was out on bail. As soon as this was-
lea'rned he was released, but he did
not appear for trial on the date named
and his hail was forfeited. A Warrant
was then taken out for his _arrest on
the chargee embezzlement and for-
feiting his • beil bond, but the officers
:were enable to locate him untille was
captured last night in -Wiudsor, -
During his ete,y in Goderich,. Kidd
becanie acquainted with Julia Card,
the 18 -year old daughter of Levi Card,
a prominent merchant of that place
The girl became infatuated with Kidd;
and a plan was arranged whereby the
two were to meet in London with the
object ef becoming merried. Thi was
sone:edam in September, and sincithen
the two have been seen in different
places between Windsor and London,
where Kidd is said to have sold the
right on hie - potato masher, It id
claimed that the two were not
Married, although both the woman and
perfo ed, but they .win nut statii
where or when.
. The two reached Windsor aboutten
days ago,•and- for the -first. few daye
stopped at a privat5 boarding limns on
Pitt street. Font. days- ago they went
to the Soft Reuse and engaged board:
l'he Chief of Police had received R•
description of the man from toderiele -
and reeognized Kidd en- the, street,
veite d d 0
in t
at M
itt D
the v
by M
this s
the 30
and m
assert that the ceremony we*, 'give a
Mr. .1. . Gard/ter rapid strides the-lastitu,teersa Mak
the officers and teachers of Zibta Sunday
thank you for' your efficient servicease
superintendent said school. for such
a length of thee, We have pleasure
easy chair.
School have met here this -evening to
in presenting yolf with this
as a alight t9teu of your valuable
r ay, an %lei Jackson -went to
tha, hotel and arrested him. _He was
locked up and will be kept until an
officer conies from Goderich to ta
him baek. The father of the'tirl has
been communicated with and it is_
expected that he will come after his
daughter to -day.
zoreitiligsantheleolltabit,iegle4ittireM, :vet
non �f muaic;
one4atilielrf berasya.:: 01101it1 - 1
or the younitOeople- *tau
ken eamo
394.1ilo Wm. O'Laughlth;
Otte reatieintE,: thearationsaad responsible :Elijah Kidd, who was Tarrested on 1904 the farni
copeeigely.io9lin of rot:pitteontdec:nnt, a- ewchoiit74 4,Tiohilinrciaide.Tantrginhatir lather% t141341-34.:7:111-,01 by
its intrinsic v4141448 a -sniall 'token: -an 'Anomie of the Windsor -,ittflice_,
of esteem in witeh':i4u Are hildlay-the tion. The,' authorities at C
:14:.fti:ei in -114,11- eibeet uteittititst'ieseee eljtiO4ed ,
have -a