HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-27, Page 4i!kOOIIn bouI tv, friday o4fitte 11t lbI, BIU o nD IONt r is Mafteii of Soule Forte Years or Moree dose le Gardner. stove dealer, of Bath, )atarto, is a great believer hi - 17r. "base's: Kidney Diver Pills for indiges- ion, constipation, dyspepsia, Bright's aiseaae, rheutuatieue, and kidney, liver stomach troubles generally. -fears '-i: seas troubled for over forty y th indigestfon-tend constipation, he -rites, "At intervals I suffered from Fere. headache. I spent dollars and oilers without result until lir. Salle dr druggist, advised ane -to try Chase'st 'daey-Liver : Pills, 1 did se, ed mit that they are the • only remedy t'6 me relief. I mould not be with` them for anything." • Many people suffer from rheumatism. blood and diseeeed kidneys bring ten. Dr. Chase's Kidney=Liver Pills remedy all this and cure rheunia- '3i, viatica and all kindred complaints. .e1$ia a sample case : up and vas all crippled a 2ffy bay ereffered awfully with rheumatism." Xritese Mrs. II. ills. of Chesleee Out. '*He also had t tlouch of diabetes. The electors could da him no good, but tlr. ChaseRs Kidney -Liver Pills completely Cored him."• nd Edntanson: Sold by all dealers and area d, Co.. Torontq• e. ' When all other remed es fail Dr. Chaae�'e Veseed and Turpt'ntele will cure Ittoref ehrocee cold. 25 ceuts. FREE TtI1S FUR SUPPUES,1897 The undersigned will receive tenders for supplies up to anon on 3Conda1. Nov. 30th, 1139G, for the supplies of butchers meat, butter, .tai and .creamery, giving price of each, dour,, oatmeal, potatoes. cordwood, ete„ for the following institutions during -the year 1897, viz : . At the Asylums for the Iesanelin Toront , London. Kiegst�• Hamilton, -1 -rocksilie; and Orville.; the- T tial -Prison Mercer Reformatory. R+formatory for Boys, Penetauguishene; the. 1nstitusions for the Deaf and thimb, Belle ville; and the Blind. at Brantford. . Two sufficient the due fulfillment of aeties lrequired for of chcn contract. Specifications and forms of tender can only tie had by making application to the bureau% I fh t� institutions From now until the first • of the New Year,- willgive a large � cra---On protract free, of - ourself or anyone you "-wish, -with every dozen of � cabinet photos; . DOAN'S Kidney Pills first proved to - the people that Kidneydisease is curable. Being the original Kidney remedy in pill form, the mails they have made, and the fame they have attained have opened the way for a host of imitations and substitutes, but those who have been cured of KIDNEY. Complaints through theRuse of this won- derful medicine, those whose -lame back is now free from pain,. who now have no headaches; those who have escaped from - the death grip of Diabetes and Bright`% disease by the - use of Doan's Sidney t e respec ve - ' B.—Tenders are not reanire.l for the .- sv. s apply of meat to the Asylums ut reroute, 3.ondon, Kingston.Hamilton. and•Mimico,nor t•, the Ceniralt'rison and Mercer Reformatory Toronto. The lowest or any tender not necessarily necepted. R. CHRISTIE. T. F. CHAMBERLAIN. JAMES NOXON. Icspectors of Prisons and Publle Charities. Parliament Building% Toronto. Nov. 16, 1896. MLE- LOGS WANTED PILLS AvE N . t e IMIE Baker and Confectioner. are the ones whose opinionse forward When scores of such people ce and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney Pills - oared them after other means failed, itis evident that the only 'Upwards of 9OO,OOO feet of maple logs wanted at Mitchell Bros. Roller Mills, Lucknow, Ont., for which the highest cash Trice will be paid. . e. t�he�11 - Bros. ,,LE,JCKNOW. CEO. H. MUCUS, NEW LIVERY- - CURE Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc, : Bread, Buns • ..and Cakes Fresh Daily for Kidney Disease, Bladder end Urinary difficulties, Lame Back, and the number- less results of disordered Kidneys is Doan's Kidney Pills. Be sure to get - Doan's. Price fifty cents per box, For Bale by FOR SALE BY BERRY & CO, aruRRisto FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND RICS. Prices Reasonable. Rigs delivered to any part of town Qs<tee and stables Inst south of ititidr-ed'a Cat'riade Work. TO F'AR3ERS. N EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY , . ie now afforded to farmers with small capital ' who desire to obtain improvedbuildings m or stock ranches, with irrigation, andfences, in the -District of Alberta, ,North West Territories; on easy terms. The raising of horned cattle. horses, sheep, and pigs is rat developing inthe piatrict. The undersigned will furnish information or answer enquiries (address) 11. W. C• Meexe Caleary N W T BOARS FOR SERVICE Flour. Oatmeal an d C meal a1wa} 9 (111 hand IR AT Clearing Sal in BONS and SESal PEART'S. I have decided to sell out my summer stock at a great reduction so as to be ready for winter stock coming in. ora, GI C ES CON S'1`IPAT10� � INAtGEST1Ott.7HE1 NE SS. SKIN. £Rup-noNS ON BEAUTIFIES �r COMPLEXOPJ. � An Agreeatee Laxative and NERVE TOMO. Sold by Dreggiste or sent by Mail. - 25c., 50(+ and $1.00 per package. Samples free. KO «0 :Phe Irarorlte TOOTH POWOER forthe Tenth and ureatict. r5c• For- Sale at Berry & Cols People want- sollle �,..tt�tls this #'all although s are hat d. - .Wo Ti ive ,. large <ts,ot•tmet t of ds left at hard tilts prices .t3 we are GOING OUT OF BUSINESS.; Ouirstock. i� well assorted in every dopar-t- moat. All kinds of goods going very_cheap as we want to be through selling by January 15th. Our goods are as good and .our prices are lower than any others. Prices later on. - ksit 1 1 N,11. --Clothing our specialty. people :must HE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for service at lot 20, c]n. 10. Kinloss. a thoroughbred Berkshire boar, and also a t;sediwniforkahire white boar, Both these animals are of the choiee>€tstock,. and Ta e the beaten this part of the . country- MS— $1 at time of service, or $1.25 if not -so paid. ger pedigrees aid other information apply to Hl;pihF THHol�Qa P. o. LUl 1! • • LADIES' .MANTLES AND JACKETS Dut ing the month of December, we Will clear the balance of our stock of mantles' d - j acketseat greatly t educed prices. These garments are, our latest importation, • perfect in- style and fit, "and any lady needing one should call and se6 them and get our prices. Have Groceries best The great question` is where to get. thein, but we We keep the best • qualitiiie to be had. We don't. pretend to sell them below cost, o sell them at a very close margin. TEA-�•-� Any person wanting >; ' oots and Shoes can rely on getting them\at right prices. Call and secure somc.of our Bargains: The o.wner of a watch or clock Then it is to your interest when get ting it repaired to place it in the hands of the most skilled workman you can find.- This you will do by bringing it to - R. KN OX, Watchmaker, of Lueknow. The goods sold by him here and in \Vingham from _1:871 to 1879 are giv- ing the best of satisfaction still. Re- established in Lueknow 1894. Flea'e Johui-' Peat. remember the place, in the old stand next. to Mr. Lawrence's - and the ex- press and telegraph office. His stock consists of - Goid and silver V atches,f'lora Silverware, Diamond Rings, Wed- ding 4 Engagement pings, f•hta ms, et, Fine Brooches, �lolinsg :tri gslarid Bows Cutlery,ntlercry, BOAR FOR -SERVICE ntlIAT PURE 1 BERKSHIRE L boar. "Pride of Huron." Eire "Pride of, Brant" (3529): dam. Forest Beauty (3592). both bred by Richard Rivera. of Walkerton, andtraclntr to imported stock on for generations back.torms n . cash. Sows .to be - returned three times tf ries sarY. If not proving in pig the money witl berefunded or another sow served. A. reductiontmore sows the same o parties bringing n$alao offer two ra splendid Leicester .ram or sale. g E.b fLANE. Lanes P. O. BOARS FOR. SERVICE �g UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP or service at lot 12, con 10 (E. D.) Ash- field, a thorauggbbred Chester White boar and saw a thoroughbred -Berkshire boar for ser- vice. ervice Both animals are registered in the new seise herd book. Teems—$1.00, strictly cash at time of service, or $1.25 if not so paid. For pedigrees and other particulars apply to JAMES ALTON, Belfast. P.O. R. - KNOX, t�T WATCHMAKER. NICLEOD'S System. ReuovatOr CUSTOM TAILOR. - Allen's flock Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save from 5 to 10 centsperpound if yvu buy from us instead of tea peddlers. - Compare quality and prices.' - - CR OCICEY'i-tea; berry and toilet We have a fine ss orttt nt cf dinner setts, setts Very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. _ - - T'LOTTRGoods AH kinds of flour and feed kept - constantly on hand. delivered to any pat t of the town. . - 1:11ld Mattough, a an • Having opened out business in the room over iVir. Wm. Connell's dry goads store, I am prepared to_ turn out in the neatest manner and lat- est styles all sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. - Satisfaction . always guaranteed. A call solicited. To -enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of Allin's block. G=_ S1�'A-RT And other tested remedies- SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE -EOR -- Impure. Weak and Impoverlshedn for Dyspepsia. Sleeplessness, Palpitatio Weak Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Lossof Memory, Bronchitis,- Consumpptin, Gall Stones. Jaundice Kidney and lirin spry Dia aeees. St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General Debility. bottle $1 per half pint and $2 per pint LABORATOitY, • - OODEBICH,ONT J. M. McLEOO, For Sale by A 13 Congram and Harry Days, Druggists 1LT VALUABLE PROPERTY SIT - nate in the Village of Lucknow and be frig g acres near the-sttatien and 13 acres on the crest side of aa that part of blockmi, now pted 0, byn the corner Watson,fCampbell and Stauffer streets. the of apply to Toe particulars5.M. CAMPBELL 18- ' LE ESTRAY CA'T't . FSll1NMTiSF R For 1896-7. Balance of 1896 Free! - ONLY - ONE DOLLAR To Januar!.,/ 1st., 1898. • RAYBD FROM THE PREMISES OF . the undersigned, lot 37, con. 3, Kinloss, out the middle of October, 3 yearling -heifers gad yearling and the steer wase espotsteer. Two of te heifrs ted sre od v An/ person giving such may .lead to- their recovery by • i OlIARTtit, Wl itecburch Pete., • dstyL -- Makes thousands of women suffer • in silence, rather than tell their troubles to anyone. To such Indian Woman's 1lelm is a per- fect boon. It cures all womb troubles, corrects monthly irregu- ' laxities, abolishes the agonies of child -birth, makes weak women - strong, and renders life worth - living. - - - CA,gg CrROCERS, M. CORRIGAN S Istheplace to make your selections in 'or our Sew AL Next 'R% eo1. • 3 CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROYISION3 1 have in stock- the following : Soda Soaps Spices ' Starch Strawberries; canoe Sulpbere - Tapioca - Tomatoes. canned. Teas - Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sets Yeast Cakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setts - Toilet Setts Apples Blacking - Black Lead • Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Beth Brick Beaus Brooms . Baskets Brushes Biicuitd Coffee - Confectionery - Canned Goode Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates A-1 Flour always- on - Dried Apple Extracts • • . Fla - Fish, armed Fish, dried Gelotiue - - Gingers HoHoney Ink - - Indigo - Licorice - Limg Juice' Lemons - Lamps Lard Matt he . . Mince Meat. . Meal - - Macaroni Mustard . Meats, canned Magnesia - Nutmeg Oil. olive Oil, sweet Oil, castor - Oranges. - - - Oat Meal Pails Peels Pipes - Pickle - Pearline Peas. canned PetVper Raisins Rice Rice Flour Sago -- Salt Salmon sardines - Senna Seeds ' Sugar Syrups - Jur iiiture Busili ess FOR SALE BY HARRY DAYS, Drug ist T. DOM R NEW FURNITURE - WARE ROOMS. Having secured the premises lately occupied by G.W. BERRY -as a Ftirniture Ware Room, I have recently fitted it with the newest de sieris'of alilinds of Household Furniture. As to quality, they are tineqoulled. Tbe price is - away down. All goods are bought for spot cash, therefore, I can sell at as close a price as any rson in the country. Why buy in To- ronto and pay freight, subject to damage, when you can save ibis at home? When at A. 'I'. DAWSON'S 'inspect and be con- - Sixteen Pages Each Week All the News of the Week. Marzot fterrts, Stories, Etc. Exce dent reading for Every Member of the Family. We offer good. inducemente to agents. Fcr terms, etc., address Adverliser Printing Co, LONDON, ONT OnTAFT3 itsTwastsWE quR Es euffocation. Send your nor:wand FREE Immo, ow. HALF Who can think address we will mail trial bottle THE DEPARTMENT la co iducted at the old stand, which has been eutirely renovated. We want to make November a month of large sales. :of waiting tial people al esu We give close prices now instead plied with - - OF SINTER WEAR. The assortment of furs of .alt kinds is • with the cities in Lucknow. - We self them at prices that compute the largest ever carried linen LUCIMOW0 Range • is as essential to a home as a spring is to a clock. FAMOUS al ACT1Vt- RANCE9 flasroven itself capable for e'very purpose. AS ALL USERS WILL GLADLY TESTIFY. - -0°The'y do Perfect Work and_ Save Fuel,,..woz--- HaVing purchased the Furniture Business of Mr. G, W. Berry, me have moved the same, together with a large stock of the latest styles and° newest designs of ° ° Furniture, Curtain Poles, Pictures and Window Shades, also a full line of Thormoaotoz Oven Dan showing exact heat withoit &Orate& Door continually drawing fresh, warm air and carry- - Basting Door to Jook at baking and not allow all the imat opening door. ing fumes from baking up smoke pipe, 1410h$E6 AED GooDs in TurIZIO Rug, Silks, Plush, ete., richly trimmed with Vert Door to the Poet Leo.oknow. Undertaking a Specialty. Charges moderate and calls both night and day prom attended to. We solkit the pa,:trQuage of the village and sur- rounding country. No trouble to '-ehoivr goods or quote prices LAWRENCE & JOHNSTONE escape frorn tbe oven. Heavily cemented bottom 'allowing no waste beat tolloor while baking. Duplex doal Grates. Out Iron Linings. 411414e o sizes for coal or wood.. The gmbalming Fluid, material and of - pliknces used -have proven to be the most effectual that have ever baen used for the past twenty years. OrPicture Framing 'and all kinds (if Re. pairing done st the old stand: thing topmast? • • WHAT'S THE SENSE —Of letting your Apples go to waste when you —Can get them wide into delicious -Jelly at my —New __Cider, jelly and Evaporating Works, ALL VIE NEWEST AND MOST IMPROVED_ MACIIINER-4 , BUILDING. ALL WORIC•GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY. AND AT LOWEST PRICES. , GIVE VS -A CALL. BENCE LIMON' TMISMENISINIONOI arefuli Decide Wisely 4 Buy _the Best .Wringer at a Law Price. •