HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-20, Page 3�T 51. 4 MOB OR .......... "—AW MF5711717 ----------- ff ID un aUCo, considering the nature Of the OUGHOUT THE WORM ve6 e, until after Sunset they seemed to be - D OFF "FAMINBI RITES -OF SAVIGTHIS1 com, SUND sel aAd her siz 11,500 tons dis- TO HE.& mad dance. his pompa 'OR LITTLE PEOPLE. 20 knots. devOoped by engines of 16,- of -them paused tor an instant- In.his ------ P . - Her speed w 11 be over AV- SCHOOL Placement e more fmd more frantle. If one. the Mani of the Jews of .500 horse -power. She -Is only second Mons would 1NTJ1JANATxQNA�L LEISSOX�NO-.WII., f rstrIke hbu with their whipe an(I goad In Strength to the Powerful find Ter- No Ukelibood.of serio NOV, 2.11. 1896.- atioala him on to -renewed ener ' and fren rible. In one WhInte the Diadem can UT SuffOrilIg Horrible Tortures by a. Fan gy ZY discharge from her gun armament WANTED -A Seven Days- and all thiLt time Wither a -.cry nor LITTLE GIRL, 1'5.200 pounds of k4iot, and silo is fit- in Ireland.. even a moan escape [towards of Oheoj` Where have they gone to—the little .4 from the lips i(nim—Prov. ill. m7. Sect in, low 116'Xico. -them girls ted with three torpedo discharge of one, of Time -- B. C. 1-000- PlacePW5abli "When it became really %dark—twi- JernoW. em. CANADIAN. tubes. two Of which are subnwr&.d. With natifral manners ''and natural Both parties in' Quebee are pre- GENBRAL. light In that section is of very short * Persons—Solomon..- CUT Paring for the local elections. duration—they d ceased both Who � iovWt 40- helpr dollies and like the, It is the'eabbits which are tile WILL TURKEY MIKE REFORMS FOR, TIMIE DAYS EAU IR (3GMMeUtarY­1- My son—Here again r their'ehanting SU %nyelng and,each t trouble In , Australia. —,In and -8010mon speaks a4, a d ' 0 something besides the yage- Mr. George P. Creighton Ila& been New Cale- one the WISD - maU An Zak f THE NiSWEST S. mouthful. of V;I%Le -from father to his son, amd since he speaks boys appointed Treasurer of Owen Sound, 'donia it seems to be tile -deer. grinking a Amb Tlato dIstreso it, India is Increasing. assadors Holldaylng-A Milita&Y They Walk on.Tho a skin poupli or canteen hung at -Ills Words. Inspired by fte Lord,. we, -Designs AraGrowing Zlu. Bank clearings at Toronto and - rns, Carrying- Heavy Waist, - they - all retired a short recei th as Wor - Little oW wo' in There have been, no, rains tI fam- WorksS&hemeof Great Dimensions ve em do from the 11rav! men in plenty I find, as the -Season Adva�, UIP09 were much larger this week. WoundIlig Crosses . auct inflicting distance- from . thei knoll and flung only Father - t6 His - children U on Mature ners and old of Wnd Into districts, asid, the price, oJiLkralli Devonshire Club to Banquet Cham- in man rlashl& -now doinaa(b t Mrs. Arthur 111per. of London. was is rl.9 Ing. Stripe P S—Story of -an Eyewitness— 'themselybo tip6ji Zlie- ground -and, I. earth—.By th,% term He shows His berlain—The Cairo Appeal - London's -And This Is the Nineteeth Century. suppose, their Physical exhaustion al- Pa"Atal lov.@ and care, and also His Little old flirts who talk 'the go knocked down and fatally -injured by Heavy floods &`boaIW9 Ot their Lleere coniorm to the general a trolley. have Occurred through- Water Supply Frj)m Waies. lowed them to'sleep, in spite -of their, authority. In Waking, wh vie with eAch o- Wn, and- the Plailn sleevl/"*' Out a 11arg0section, of Bosnia, and 24 Of all Ile He nikkes And ther in stylish longer seen -16 gowns for WAA The h4lf-yearly statement 01 . the persons are reported . to have . forms of religious �fanaticism- wOuP4s. We, too, camped. Where we duty PIUfin, Since childrezi are under 06 clothes. CaSIOns, The o full dr-*. T., " been A correspondent in a London lettter: hirred and draped-sh and lace garniture is Bank of wout the were, that we might see, the rites the rule aAd Ju4gm t paxents. Little Old bellesi who, at nine and ceedingly popul. for th real shOwd, net PVOfItS drowned. Most'Peculiar O�- has next day. en of eatre of $603.850. A - Radical attempt to defeat in endeavoring to obtain from.01ficial 'been di 'ducl horribi F0r96t not my lalw—In Chapter -I., ten, with r1bbon hern part of New Mexico. heir chant law of hits and Ito allent Yeatur-es a,;, we, Ron. M - the sources further information regarding - Wovered In P110 of the 'valleys "At sunrise we ware.'aroused by a eon Is Satprted to forsake not the Are sick Of Pleasure and r. Flshar spoke on the co Fiench Ministry failed, tile Govern- the In, In the sout ther iedOmmencement of tired of men; shown mother, which referred tQ Weary Of travel,- of- balls, of I storage scheme before the St. John on a 'pending- famine In -Irelands a '.ftere, says the New York -He t from Tioliett�. ColiTiRence motion. - representative -of tile - United Asso- raLd, this 11 an illustration'\ Board of' ment Securing, a majority of 99 Which, as the day. wore On,. becZT; her repeated trabilug and standards And f1fi-d no now thing Mider , Im' elated Press learned that although the barbaric roligio louder and wilder than ever. Witit raiload'up to direert t' the sun. a-utiful long ago, 9"71 In black It is, to Chrlstlanjty�­jv pr4etiqedby dried- upon their bodies they com- law of thy Plome dear little children I used. to 2, -the undt6ra',Ztein "a showiya rig. s- a r -f&ther1eoome the prae" -they meneed again their flagellations. Of- thy lifO. Let thine heart Glc -know, lie cut "ect of self -torturers, stmUUMer, will nOWbe dervish li&4 been captured by the the failure of the crops in manyt di U -allied, a y before scarcel� e Once, in "the- be Kootenay, under the customs our- 1. 1 a—s-trangely A tile blood: of the 4a he Iffe in patlis vey of Nei Ail Austrian offiep—rdisguised its it local Irish afithorities reported o F Of virtue'aind righteousness. Let- the One Of the-prettlest deRigms for the known as - r. Steele. British near Suakini. -Ile. is In t tricts, the Official vlebv was -that no blaE Nft I term tj or. as keel) my being of k Holl. Mr. Tartohas written A let- ploy of the Klialif.l. 'WrIous or widespread ranii— I 01961ves 11 861f -D LIKE Ir V co andmen—k-1, A C, v Q -11- -.4. -" ' 0 W It tale 13-rult3l A Murry as - lambs a% ter on the education of -the French Of Socialists denianti amnesty for t ticipated. A leading -Board Of t#Y life to folloW in the- -waS- play, heir of Trade These people are as Peculiar In ap. "OU. tills Second day (Friday) these 6 of Mauftobitt, 'which he finds very'defec- political friends as t1w, price of slip oficial said. there would be distress pearance as they are in manner and fanatics were wildest, wMQOm, and obey all divine directions Ana laughed and rollYcked the live- tive. porting tile vote. for tile Czar's -enter- of a severe kind in nildny- disitrJets, Pust0m. Tall,� Slender, unusually ema. of alL Temporarily most frenzied make the will Old tlie -affections s u ; , lZing da' Aoubtedly ivaatl(�g. they were un- b- 7. Tito early closin- by-law in Nfon- tainment by France. but no- -actudil, famine. clated. with the wild. roving eyeS, and Their eyestiol-li Ject to, God's -Precepts, So that uljodi- There can flow be no really extensive quick, Jerky Ili(vements that of -ten and ' ed . They thought not at all Of the style 2. treal has bipen declared- void and a - Tile South Australia Ifoulse *,oif, As- famine 11, lrel.lnd, t betoken, -insan gleamed.; they foamed at the offee''will come from the hoa1tt. lot,of suits against the city are talk- sembily Yesterday pLissed tile second he arrangements. - it 2. Long life of their ciolfhoes, Y, these men. - half Mouth.. Many- of them, after scream- -SUf.&-I5 th and peace shall they ,told They never- Imagined that boys were ed of. reading- Of tile Governnient's -bill to for relief litiving twen so perfected savag2l'i, as they are--�Jlave yet a sort Ing and gesticulating most. trantical- 0 value Of Piety aiid wor- colo-red that the central alithoritlew in Dubllii (f majesty and innate -themselves upon tu Pile of ality..- "beaux ractest. can assist th ' I dignity about lYs flung o hurr_v WhIlAoilltemPerance and vice "Other girls' brothers" and "mates" Ontario winter -wheat Sold at 90c restrict -tile immigratiou of them. tiat 'will at first Impress a Mon. to death .-temperance, at a point lit tile weettern part of, tile 0 local amthorlties at al- cactus and either WIT Intoj a catd- Overl ent hits tIe&`dVf ed among the Splendid *fellows to help them. play. of Aullor it wits selling at 65c. ot estabilshmen I Castl�- 1-tutliorlties have teen warned r them. - cacti, , seen follow Pdety� bring. lie stranger invOlulitarfly with 0hastity, honesty and I Word they. Provinee, 6rr Saturday. lit tile middle i The Russian G Ila most a mOment's notice. The Dublin awe* almost rOve'refice to a Sense of leptic. state or roll Zdustry wiiich t of tit InilicTl fing- to enjoy the agony. III Shut. In oil every kil FO! eitlipr by deep, It was more like a, Scene rrom Danie's -see U " P, OWtY aind's long' Where* have they -gone to 2 If you atoms I I rint of tile WhOlcsala refusal of,tho smalter ThO following 'jullectors of eu in Moscow.. until,now tile -in ';qvine,o, or by a Inferno than anythi 11et not M46r ajor' almost farmers t -impassable ng to whic I 1 3 - Part of th burning, Saudi deser I CY and truth forsake have bevu appointed: Alr. IL 0. -Fish, PiLY their rents, on th one or them. anywhere,.send ljgr- to Bierlin; Mr. Alex. Brownlee. Ba 0 Rus"1811 cOill,"ge has bColl shulilo ground of inabillo'. Their lit, ifle t, those "-Self- can dompare .1t. -thoe--Lot UO Practice or thine vut me. r rW' Ila ve IT * rrie; Pxecuted abroad; m(,stly III France.and crops have.1-tel ved alp I III England. t night they again eacli'drank 'YOU -of the beilefft.8 of God's promintis. TO one of these dear little girls of Mr. J. 11. Fraser-, AVallaceburg. 'it destroyed. anilthey g6 Polated life for Tlia Mercy Out Of Your reachO, aXd deprive I would give. a Medal of purest gold Ila neratluns, marrying and interniar. a mouthful of ve. nothing to pay retit with. A, committee Ila& been appointed to Naval Lieuieliant Do Geerlaelie, the rying among theras6lves wine, but I noticed. They are needed &I constant coru- old, ILL III-,' DO IT? Ila until they When they left the knoll that many panlons, -&w mad. will enquire Into the charges -of systematic organizer and leadt,r of tile I rojected vO- all grolva- Strangely alike 'Of them -the older men especl become hiin- With an innocent heart and an open and, robbery in'til- ;it 111don County Caun- Ailtarctic (1XPedition, inforins 'tile �s- -tile. fact that title still more strangely, Unlike the rest looally- Self Unmerciful and false to, his grottt, I for tho plit"t,^.911toen 111011-th.l. 00clatted Press that 17111t.1,11"haS prom-Ise.1 to of the world. In i'Ppeara 'werO, so weak from'ioss of b d in shalle ad el lit) will st2irt execute sweep- nce they be. faint r lack of too trust life, vOld of kindness. 16ve-and Who knows not the meaning of "flirt" froln Antwerp oil July l5th, on tile ing reforms throug1tout his dominion, 1-0-Y evidence of 8 well 1 d they could f&ithfulue Tit(.* conitnitUe, of Brandon eli.,ctors rom 'go. Bind them about tliy pan sh as as scarcely ctawl.'- or "style." amor La Beigieft.. his promises �ro still -looked at its radian descent, and' this is carried out nt Orning only nee . k��oxblblt and maintain them ai- 'N$ to receive the reply oil tile schools k - ad ways When once -in thy. ,littorney-Ueneral bY those liere who have if In their Savage religion, Which Seems Out halt the men were -able to re - lack I WORAL the Middle thy I ire sett,enient from m. Rot vxpvrieiice (if 'Ills artfulnes L mixture of Christian as God's rkh- gifts, adorn THE EARTH Tliq Siamese, as a cl, al�`Conseque ly next In anq fanaticism of turn to thibir self-tortqre at tile' k ol siftoll nlL-t at Brantl6n with jDlosed �Ovelr -ambitious in tratle, and tile 1, f g. '"'I hifentioni I spite, (;f Ages and Indian supersti- -'-the others Little Jolla sat' thinking. lie had stab- i tilt. tion and stolellpm. *,Jay -stiff and. apparenll�(IY into -thy life door--+- greater part of the Small retail -and this n [0 With them, cherish them, w6ave tholn 'llshmont" anti variorus kinds f I filet that,orders have alrelidy Fl -tires whicli'lirc colilint, to hand �s lops Uncousci and work them out- by learned something at school that for tho getting into effect one where they had flung AN ISOLA Your actions toward othem. wondered why he had not. TFI) PEOPLI, themselves the night before. Those your we '1911 a _althy. Posse*,On by.y.,,, I� in the-lionilnit,ia I)epartineut of - am In the littilds Of the ('tilt o 0 tile reforms PrOMISed. ,,e day, and J. Prov noticed those thingwbefore.' ex�urt tl I tte-r- also furnfiih tile 1:1 This -sect na b rs"between. Seven -and erses, IntlicatA,- that the rade lior tif tile eight I -.who were left, however, continued I the Austrian Ani- tit His mother watched him fqr a few mousseline a 1a16(TUSq l country. I era[- Use of the;se gifts. and hk-rses is nearly to their rites with unabated -ardor, each u �a L,:,, ,�,Von Ullice,, 11.111dred peuple, but their native Write tit( t r anal dean of tile tlipluallatic -tabilb of thine 1-1 - UetaJre; the up� that of last year. V-11IL-Y Ili so laaccogsible one Seeming to delight In tho* fie upon the minutes, and then wanted to know Per - sloev that tilpy have nd- eart--4vl,,,I,e 0 Or BELtin. Mhle design �Calls oil. who for tile 1) as t corps. 11-1.9 gone to Cairo to spend it not 'Your whole life, Your OffectiOns mid W -hat the matter was. for two and- a half yards of S&-tln and Jsil tortures lie could Invent for film- will be , influenced Nothing," replied 'John, " I was about Yet been Mr. J. 11. Pip 1 ri Ilailithly. M. Nt�lbloff, the Russiaft Anf. fluence, being beyond the reach 390me.of them bit their hands a 1111 tj two of the monmenne. ONE TDAR IN GERMAL touclIctJ . by outside In.' thoughts, nino vezu-s 1*en accountant tit ' bassadur. was In Vieuna oil -TuesLl4y and self* wrists -until 1helr controlled Only thinkinr." The bittterft dral*ry 'tinfulked in the, Montreal bramell of the Bank I almost the knowledge Of tile, modern 'Lad 'teeth met ; 'will, not' by th0m,and Wbpre tlio�y -- night. Ire is going to St. Petersburg. in* I easily- be erased "Thinking,"" - said his motheri "Of ev l8slunary, and, with iers- crushed the-eactus leaves ase shape at tills WX*A with the advent -but One or two otl In ton- In so do! of Montroal, how tieen promoted to llitrou Von Satiriiell -Jeltseli, tile Ger7 , their hands' or put them in their -will U9 the- outward- Iffi) -.-were you thinking,..John?"' 7� i I r be adorned,, what III You guess if I tell you some- modish. frill, Is particularli destrable man Ambassa-lor, is some ur moutils. and the inward life tile 1xisitiou of Alitnager (V thp-Kings- For S acing a Young 19elandon where in ti- uffs excePtions- tu the modern ed, �Onsequently in customs it. I hudd6r now to think of, quickened tit. ton, branch. rS)utli (*ermany�., Unless -tile Sultan tlll� eligion they by these Ing about it 21' His- mother said she s�trings 'another* I am.sare the penitents them- divine attribut(.,-; won, massacre, diplomacy are allftost ex. 4- Favor and good understa d, so John began: The qu(�stl()n of tile removalt ul the :it CoustantinoPle will have noth' lauldn r refathers Were h T 1.--: ndlng� w4s thi embargo oft Canadian eatti" will be girl. acZY what their to selves could not havo�been more glad grace crea ing twu hund�.a alld wisdo 9 hidh at- nking of a lift ture of tile Lo to() for jears ago VW that third ful. day life amiable Eind t lives in the earth. His body is 3� a leading topic in the speeclio-.4 nother month. %I. dread - to tha C. -They -are suppmed to offecessful. God will was over. 0- and wltu�&,j to I.& Liberal citntlith�te-t during tlio'bYe- the French Aniba%atior. Of the darbig Spanish ad iib descendants esteein it S' I&f t and shaped like a cylinder. One election frampaila in E"t I -r df d '4200, F alone I­Cima 'it his post, aild lielias- came to the -" Early- the next Morning Sunday various ways, and. Man Will- _ " - end is pointed and the othen- is flat -OR �BRkACI[ 01 pR0k1S,,,,. venturerd who mm- und llerb.vshlre. been ihstruetol by Ills Government to querorg 1 New -World With tile eon- the walne-11 came, singing merrily 861OUS that divine help is granted to and trowel-shappd. Near the. flatend id weiii- i ell)wly watell the application (if the 11 the seventeenth - century, and clearing the cactus - I rom the path You. through yo is a thick, whitish part -tliat is callbd .11r. Janiow 3J. White. Lilwr- lit'sliatch Tilt, tit- LLuu PeMaps of Ur gracious condiwt; nItLIlt fi)tl J.'t)rfit 4 sed rus the Priests who fol-� 'with long brushes, -made from -the toward HIM. Dlvinj�, gra the girdle or saddle. 1*. -r or Val -ria r.-Itire- a ' nil "Ifin sitting of th" Iligh Court of.111 I roilli refor lowed in their train. Oil the 6riginal boughs of young trees'.�They brought dom. load , Ce and -A-dA- "Tho body is made up o A BIG, I - a Man to ibe loyal to Got i,, I a kreat -head of -tilt- firta of J. F. Whit- & tJ00 Opened 'here on -Nloudly 1�-fore Maternal Edde they are o Indian ex- food and wine'lor the fn�, and oint- and true to his fell man Joints, like rings. -On the Un - CO.. Iiu1jt,rto,rc fir testiles. .-\e%v York HOu I . Er justi(.0 3,c.1111 hon. Tiff. ("Iblil�A'COuncilg, arranging tile OW, men.- Y t. .6 - traction, being descended from the Ifi- Went to dre e'their His ljf�" der side Of thes *"%%1Iq; tt: iere are than wiveq t, 8 wounds. Most of caJUnot be obiscure, but w e rings are small birls- raluolit IP&-isla.tioll for - the 'cout- 10 Spanic tile men devoured -the fbod -ra, IIF be zf.- - city. hits' rt. -i �tivd Ill. lirlsonom in tile jall await took to veU0UX- light In the ties, which help him to move bueluess CoLL-1-deratioiLs but somo aceu itrg trial, - Ing so�ssioll, 11.1vo deciAled upoin Oliell- themselves In MeXI-CO. ly, but world,. a testimony un and lceep -;ed e_o, I ­... Y Of these' 601ne'of them were tod feeble God. him. from igiinninm I . it, h R ;41-�- -1 Lie Aughi-t awtilian trade ituproved IS lale )PpIl *I c-sS wIP tile f-dileation bill,- k" returned to Spain with the to do more than sip a little. wine-' There is a hole on tile u - nder side somewhitt. in (yettA)er. Tho exports, out oil ball. Thei 1`1111MV0d bY -I military works bill, and conquerors, but others remained In home. made stuff, of course and these I I t the Lord Fith all thillil nor Afim with into which he. puts froih Canada to) -E figland ineret).sed I three hiry clim- ill laborato nwAsum their ne, 'Zrt �o in Of the first -4 11JI41-two lioll-jury av� dealing with W home and engrafted their would not, have been able to return. when He hasigivon you firm filiq, rhii5 10 ten per cent. during the tilonth, and I tiQtW master..;' and religious customs and traditions upon grace, an(I 11 tod-OA -tube runs -frodt this� Ig thi 3INS %Inry .1. I)PUtUtIllent of to the village had At not been for the r 14 twentoy-nine per cent. for V -Nl('I)tjilzt tf Alles her weirkinen's- coneiI4It;()fI the barbaric Indian forms of worship. IT Woes Unto You. Rely I Ph tile body, and is near - I full Tied I p 0 tit pas t eo It,, i 11 ftoard. Tile assistance q -the women% 3' always filledivith dirt. -try The result of tile _ uPOU' Him for Just above telt mouths; of the year. A J01111 0,111tilley rtAr milit, works mens'Ure, was prepared mingling d, tile two� ' REA;DYFOR ..a continuatiob of HP4 the food tube is another tube that I ireacil o)f proniisot� or Ilir ANOTHER YEAR.. help, alWays admitting Him to The Cabin, ri.igi,. J;utlt fur last yviar, but wa--s postponed ow- N Mainly to be seen in the religious Of T I'M is filledrwith red liquid, and i et adupted it report frOlif I)II-17ties are nietul;er.j of tilt) j-atII1,1i(. ilIg, to tllj� ex he penace of th the source 9f all Your spiritual lgQ.IItcI41H of tho Parlia, rites Of their descendants� who t . Coe men was overg I sup- ille Minister of Justice, recommend- 'Vliumii alld the (liqi-nee jvzl live hey bad completely wiped'out their Let no part of Your heart ent lIff' Posed to be the blood. nivnt:try b"U-ItIO11- It -S pt-0110SILIN Will s that thv , lives Of the grossest im�iorallty ertai;i: He has no, eyes, no-Vars, no t-- Ing that the sentencot of death passmi i,ruitilse or untler."itallijilIg V) ivarry attract tile typical Indian and Bills *of the past year and now had ally distrust. but -be a true believer., hands, upon because 0 does not need mmuted to imprisonment for life in G Y. Arthur Prenticte, at Cobourg Ile 1 waa oil tilt% RtWntlotl of tho I -'tiro- Cruelty during fifty-one carte blanche to live and Sin as they Trust implies a belief, that If . I - od i. -i, "He stretches oat his long body *!oil tlk,it *110 PON") (overfinjplits concermid in' tile Of the. -Year, then during the re- liked -for the next- twelve months. ' -W1 co Weeko able to do w - an rlaglo-'wais not the tlie I rapid- of 1.,nglisil arinaniout Mabling week do hat H18 Ill; wise to-do and can feel 06 Slightest jar. His skin the Kingstou .1'eilitentiary. Ch Penance for their sins Later in the day, tliose -who were what is best, and 11rch, and tlllt thO defellilant after- for hoth ffe 1 o lind tl(.f usivo pur by the Most barbarous Methods of good' according to is, so thi woman. hereelf - queen wMIs aseertallied 0 us- v able gathered at tilt, Holy Tent for His n that he'feels the effett of 4-ning rbors of Bri- - promise, t1l Sheba. I.nipirless of iniffit, (atle.ou N'lc­ tile Church Were UkVlLt.&t the great feast and�celebra all our af Irs leaving 9 control of heat up A that tit(- rules tif Tito military Ita Solf-bOirture ever inve-ntj)d by mail or us tak-in tarla's granddaughter by franchise," Of second -co 111-1 I-ria9v tain tl�o to have their a devil. tion of fa on it, and ' that is why he in- the year--str if On Him. Loan Us free to leau comes up only at night, or in damp a Airlesq 0 of our not unto thine own un- places, and . heJ Fig. - 2. ha.% written to Premier Laur C. -,tint:rf, that niltar. ITO kuOwn, as they are, by tit � near the -tanding-Allake It subject to. -all this'thin skin. ireathes rjght through Ill gowils ed milk. t1sills. To tills it wits I,*- crvzised, and the work.i at Malta, Secluded vaid cOmParatively un- Christian E" we stood u of dotter or--figu.r itr. Piled, on behalf.Of tile ter derr This -sleeve, as IllustZra ng- Kong,* 8111gaporf. .11141 e rest Of'the 'door and 'Watched tile- revelry unt I 13dom and goodness, Nour, can you guess ?�, I questing the inimedinte payment of a dibTensatioll. C6111,1 h,-tvt 144-11 got.. other stations are, to To-- - vulargoll world, it is seldom that a WlIIto In, I GodIs power. *i _aiti- ted in Fig. 3, niniety-elvIlt hfllion dollars. Tbp Jury fouull�a veriliet f(ir the litain- has the an near evening, when the -feast turned. except John. Is embellished it the top with a - t and strongthened., Conjoined with this God in- He had tiff, dama I since it cannot be rare, cu Sir Ua.-inkir-cizowski is m, lie atiallu- OpPort"tS Of wltnessing -into a drunken spree. Alen and Women spires it. talked So. fast lie was nearly Jet buckle. ges two hundre4t dollars. -4 military works 6111 b; it'scheme, for their ritesof self-torturg-aind so-called drank and sang, and danced -though wledge . Ill out. of breath. Striped -novelty OIITII im-Seek Hl �: - " You It velvet ribbon, such 1.4rator of tlic, Goveriiiiii-nt, of Untario e6killY t-110 action for 111,11it-folLs aiding the rolonial (;overritilents !if PUrUication. But last year a Georgian very djffe Counbel and direction in every undel- this Tittle creature is, John.1, Y described, deoorates 6. Ackno aven't tOld life of what uso� as w4s recentl during the alr.,euce t,r Ills lionor tile Prc"W"'tion., brought i)y Nl­rti- i tho liroteettan of their' hnrbo�s. on the knoll. Then we Crept away, Wn His gracdous. help the 641343neh" Sleeve shown Jn pjj. 4. Lleut.-(;oveinor. Wit') lt;w beengrant- �-Illkr agaJnst JIIIIej joillis girl, Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, biDlIfg In rentlY from that- weird dance taking;, o *d two r6(tnth�' ie..tvo of absence for Milliner township - %-,is if . i ill,, I:otIl of Tit(- Government. will ask the lloll�;e Now Alexleo 01.1 a Pleasure -trip -with for the frolic was growing. coars anti WIVY," said John, " lie. is useful in art of er t 1), tills ajmoot support, in every success: declare Hilll' gardens. to loosen tile sail'and eat up b* - a Party, hodrd from the-Indlan guides and, more Indemnt every minute, and to be the source of all Your -fattli-- tile dead leaves. Now can you gues the purpose -or Visiting England. Ills Lortiship olll, l4g.,ti olki.(vt Y.: 1-0 vote, supply for a firs at tilo e.l( oil rAsed, s bill bE. Incredible stories of the- selfm we did- not want to lose owning, Hi 8? )fg% of the, pillilltiffs t­l� military work fore, tilt, wita '$ The tuspeeti,r-Gezt-ral of the -Now- . *,. - Inflicted puni hit, ut of till'i all respect M In every providence III' am afraid you wi4l have to tell -Tito grall,l Jury ig-norp(l. the of tlm current financlui yvar� "Bet. S e Strange for the men. s 0 hill Tim Devonshlre -Clulk givo�s in 11011- whose courage And otoi- wisdom, Hig Power, His 9OOdno&'His fountliand coustaltulary has cism we had so admired me, my boy," said his mamma. u agalflat Anil Pottt-r, vii.irgint- extor- or -1 Determined, to'see to as to -Mojintreal with a warrant for the iY 14intillot to Afr� Chamberlainn. r'llerself wife- fore by -the day % be- 8OTereigntY, in Such. a manner Why, � tile earth worm, of course,,, Make beast, Ualitain, I)ells e, of the of au Indecent ;Iwch Price ltll(,Ilt- thtl nilddle of Dtktf-niber., The S ally truth in these themselves, arrest (if 1 t1on by threats tU ItCCU,C' their there wa Owing them j of Plehi;e and glorify Him. Direct ticy. said Johni. I 'Issa.111t. - steamer Tiber. OtOrIes-particularly as dt a Savage revel.- Paths ---Secure unto you 0 sank' tile fx:.et date lilts been left to 211r. Chain- i Uccess Ili His mamma was well Pleased to TO, -day the trial _the Indians life and a triumphal death. He will learn 0i Alexafider I -ma-ke If 90 i much from her schooner Ifaggie ou Fritlay'last, can 1 -w.lk; cimcluded of herinin Idniself; who intends to said It was almbftt time for t to rites of -little boy, -,amcett,of I)III falk,eliarged -h,,, "Purifleatioll,,lor tlia:t ARCHAEOLOGN; OF IRELAND Point out ways of usefulness tind Jew I. and lie has promised to tell her more 6 0 Ing the loss (if thirteen lives. grent recnsli speech on'the. occa- Yearlo occur 1you Into them, without confusion., tile Seduction- 'If - -MIL179,1.1'et --she - Indu�� lie band to bribe Many Interestli' t it some day.—PrImar Educa- 4 Tito skeletoft of 'a man, supposed t6- Black, & girl bet-weell tll<� :1 hus g Relies of Former Ages abou be Pet4 r 7, Be not I ge of four- One of tho n 1� to wise In Your own- eyes-- tion. --r -NIC1,01.tii, wits turned nil by I teell and sixteen Vva r . LONDON*S WATER -SUPI,Ly. gaide them to -;,- 112itighter of the'valley Uncoverea Recently. No more depend upon Your 'wn Mr. Weir while Noll-hing on his farm ! .15aultiol 131 -R -1c, of"!'. Tito alipplY of London with witter Beet. The L%h1L$Ited by. the strange dom than Upon WIF� HIS IDEA OF HEANTEX. - went illto tilt- front Wale It] SlumberIng bone your Own Understand -m -til"ll' "ll many i Tile little bQy. Was going to Sunday In South I)orelaviter. INIcUllan work- J d0flanditnt Faweett 'it a iR an ()I(T Kelipule flow- an W a peaciefu 1 9. Conceit Is as ruinous as eelf-reli­ 8 Nix, re- luctan't as' -- .,as at first very I n - - ed for Little 1,r(rj., - former Occupants` I-alld- den -led- absoilftely til:l t lie 11.141 had vived. A MO"LiUg paper whitth re- men) a tanTKao 0 11 Indian tribes COM field lit Ireland Are buried vil- iance, and -to its, tvhn brother. It re- cJIOOl for the first time. Ire had Of the farill. aiid disappeared tinder wiy improper relations %%ith t, 8 of awe of this ies W -tell. learned Illuell and had had his curi- 0 -ircunistaucc ten years lie girl: contly announced the resolution or tile one' but love lag h Once stood -In the heart. Jects th13� cOunsel-,Of God as self-rell- tosity awakened on tile, RUbject Suspicious ( - pr retg4ives In the County cotillej Id inallY prove 'It 9110 fi-lit been. r -tinning Og I if a�w d but Sal(l tll� stronger tham, , to - Conceit of tile of -the pri ance, Ignores It. �r - ail meval forest, engirdled magnifle- ()tile -%v after Lilin, and on one occasioll, Invet- to conduct the - by Personal ability; self-reliance oi.epenili,-', i:e If I, orld and the Deity; to wl om_ fhv�w of the schente, vagriiely� statF,f 'lle Consented Ill tOothe d d spot. the waters Or I Ome Stu$ aty At beea told to look, with filial General Maila ger Hays, of tkhe Grand 1119 film at a dance, said -to Itini, that that It would ecst:many million,; stor- The couple found nant pe upon'it. Fear the Lord, depart fr;6m afreet, Trunk, who haa returnexi to Montreal 9110 had e4unio to tile colei ll:�; loll tll:it ling. L,,has been calculateil that I' the 10 eY more lake. . The rxIsh farmer of: to -da y turns evil—Magnify -the Lord and avoid self- itself. !On. One idea that had fixed from St, Louis, think eon 'e- Per-IJOU than they had n 'cipathd % tile -vel.Zinloy i Ito was a (lead gaillo sport, aiu] mlit. tw , I, lid amount required for tile -but having Started, deter ne not t UP With bJs plough the Wooden pil�- destruction. Reverence God's wisdom, In his Young, mind was tliat,,�h -21V and reject thine own ig� Deity residell rsoilieWhere in spac AdmiWetration will be, ii. s.trictly husi- tile', proposett to Ililit to r purchase of tile water emninirde; no%%, Upon: 'whi turn back and finally reacel tit Ch ' these lake - dwellingi3 new one, and 'will be fully alixe to any w-Ith her, but h toid her that fie 1111t, holdl.W—the ninnopoly of tile f4upply, "Valley or the e :1h6ve Ills head. -- Not long i o p .1 - advantages to ho Obtained fi-( a Wire, anti two (.Ililtll.4.11, Ill(, w. �Il alid. tile cost of thoworkj, front Wales, urifie n. S. Health to thy navel, 'marrow to impressions liad been made It .)tit it re dlaxa Call I rof " as tit In- reSt0d; tlwy axe black With age, -but 3 er 'I man wits taken tO walk by'llis cou c1procity treaty betwet-jo. tliv two 'lot give them f(ir It,[] t1w gir's i I ineludingi the huyino up of r- thy bones.—Without strong muscles AlieyNble�se YOU. can yet trace the,mortise holes and sinews to hold in place the bone s1s., countritee. It 're - igrlits tinder NVOM012 aA(I chIldren',are exem s As they approached 'a hill- tile ,;mail to", fir Moigilletholl (lithi-r. tile land classes net, trip c(kst would from PuL11811mentii.and remain P Which.the anclout Celt ma+ - With ill of -the body there could not bo Thc& Gibbons, Oeo. t,l:ty I)avid 41 groat (le'll of "t'"'I' ('% hLINIC0 WILS' bo,over a hundred. willi(in sterlin at home 8 per- boy was'Wen to be intently looking This onormoiL4 surn v()11111, 9. during this week. -The Men retire '1�rlmltivo flint chisel. feet health. Without marrow and Jo"h Dow-artl havo lietit Keii� 91"I'L of the 'Alliost contrmlietory (of course, Ile alouei to- in the upward-. "Oil, Annie," lie extilainfedin bones they would easily break. ralseil lky 1,)ilt it would cv-VQO or conceal themselves 1ZIle archaeologliat, S'lliffing"quell a feet hea, Per- an aw-ed tone, " I think -1 tenml by Magistrato-Bartlett W 23 i el"iractkr, leaving no (lolll)t (At flag- In tile ravinep on MO y 0 , oly -know I call to long life. 'kee Ilry heavenly ra,ther over there." find?\brInge along his navvies, with 9. Subgtan - -first fruits.—The laws Annie looked. in the Airectiou indimt- This. odd 11 two yards their a ce, ca* 'or inako the Lotitlonets pay. for a long Neek to last and oslierwLe Prepare t or tit#- other. time more than is exacted froin thpin months in the Central'Prison, Toronto ritnt perjury On 0110 sidi Udu H th Is necessary Caxrife, Kavanagh anti WIT Out-, of thet contetited .4- in tile of thn othle-IN-b �w sun were al point by tJio water c themselves for the active tortures __pad�ooj, and Presently the bouried Of. tile Old economy directed that of P n on, and gives a very 10 -wed to go on sti4pendol-senti., cast, i as whether onlOwdes. Birminglinin of A. There o Frea hv,,f v a$ter crannOg" Is exposed to daylight. all tiff- fir [Unish.1 ice for knew that tllf� (I �Mgrgart Black and other -great centres. are the L st fruits, an olfering should tit(, hill, Ili -h Ili tile air.' burglarizing the "(-ire of Swith & erf-11tLant was mar- collipeti- Part of the"Week, These There to a circle In tile stockade of I* preAented `nnto the Lord. repairer at Work at tit" top Mand for estamine are begun This. TaVI ivater-bear- commence TU Thursday and Piles "which -kept the artificidl islet to- Was a thank offering for tile III s-- of an electric -wire polt I - gowns, the trfG -in ainly kripw that lie was Ing orea In Walv&'Llve by, a Marc i from their 11 Holy Tent 11 es of 4 1 sleeve fdr dinner ofr� Wfnds�or. i rlf,d. silo ce tore w1th London for. the rt, Capt. DeWitt Cartter, tf. the wreck- 9 lit a houso of his -own ritool already (or 'Church) to gother. -Infidde are layers -:of' cross ings of life, an't a cfttributi goWns, sleeves,of pemn ae it with it diaws -it, - a ka on to the xter re'puted- wife, -1 wat*ir from tile Welsh Takes. from the prinelpal village. , I t -%v 0 Ing and salvage fir7n of Ca Oil 90MO dLtance 1)4�ams, hurdle work, brushwork clay, support of religion. This is still a POOR FLOSSITP P�xrt Colborne, roixArts a large 41uajl- Children. but silo THr CAIRO A1111E.AL. peat, and other matters, Flomle LQ sik years 61-d. l4ilyS sill, took his THE 'WhIch formed duty -'All spiritual and temporal bless. llamina," 110rlli�#E CERE310,xy. -ill- -Y if I get married slip c. tity, of -wreckage coming ashore above (')w" word for it tilait -Afr�. 1.'.Iwef.tt Tit(. appeal agaiust.decision of tilt. The party th4 successive floors of thfi dwelling,, Ing.; -0611)e from Gott], and the laii is One dl it Ve tr) lravv :1 Iltishand like her thirty doll;tr.14 Itlitil "-nt hor -�JloLi;l th,,v,,AnKIo-Egypti.LA (;overulilent front 8 X Sugar' Laid, two roilles wot.of there. wIls not bit+ wil'O' that ho load rIN IIIIxed tribunal tit' Cairo, -forbidding Managed to secure a continually renewed, perhapo� -as they to lay Out our meiMo, not for self! If will I f Part of. thei b-aw &flil stern of Vhat Poultiou near the Path froul tile slowly subsided to the peaty bottoln. enjoyinents, but for the'glory of God, Ila to her father, No) that he 111, 1 .1. appeaxs to have been it fumbvr barge, - Ig I t 0 Lir k Ing on the Caisse of "Holy Tellt'it to the knoll, and -of the lake setting apart a certain p Yes," replie.1 the mother, Tvi to Michigan witi g the"Ijub"e within -sight Of the lattdr�-thoujrh ortion for I I - th beping the name of 11. S. Wallbridge, I tilt, proNecutrix. ts IlPht-for the expenses of To"day ;6 lake -and Itts waters are H FS chuse directly, and Using the rest,' 'L unw-A smile. me� as horte. Ithold from God- is -And if I ti(,,I,t gft ni.,rrii-d will I a gola expedition. is to be heard on tlie what they Witnessed there Mrs..Mont- which thew I preser�ed, to dishonor - ilave- to bp an (11.1 Illaid lik(- Aunt h& co Illattvr of fact. I.,jiweett 11, s been tile DOn themselves concealed from view—a7ud' represented' by a layer -of. peat in eonsistently.'to wit I`11,1rrj(-d for rivo,'yv;trs. Sollit. I;ght l7th of November. Tile Foreign Of- goMery tells In theie words. Him, and rob ourselves. A woulan Ila. Iliol a com- relies lie Wei plaint with the Quebtec Police is tfirown oil Ilis flotliet4tic. rt-Intions fice Officials in -London have reiison., tWArter tcigether with samples of the ancient .11. 12. Despise not the chastening i Rate -Magis- It tht, fact that w I,en , - - . � .1 en Of the Lord trate against a Lower tooiwn clork for h(- was ab- Iiere that the resistance of' tile some time I saw `6 knives, chisels find axes— —Correction, dl Y to bc watching impati VY for Irishman scipline and Yes. Hent for it Ativ- nionthis Ilis %%-if a proccosion of 150 stone, bronw or iron' instra' -according to the ction; Teaching is necessary 'to pause--- it's' toll, I the very serious crlrne� of attempt at P swoh, Frtencli Government to appeal. will Mell IvInding slowly along the patif, 44 lei and - often 91 -svoild f',11' lb, Women, I in't it ?11 Mi inforinAV011 agaill-A ]lin, for d(- lie relnxed and that the decision will Period of his clVilization. .- The Irish render te, i'ng effectual; criminal assault. Tito Offence, t4rJok sc - -t Ix, in favor of the Chi whick hail evidently been Strewn h craniiog" was -a anodification of the correction— pkaeo in --h Lower Wwa (Try goods . -rting her, und hail 111111 ar�vstvff a t e is required, to bring the Monday week, Ail -souls, Orangevifle. Tills w night before, With freahl,y lake dwelling of''central. gathered Europe. mind in submission, withou AN APPLE Pp.0BLEM. el tore on, ;Is after she had COULDS AD117TOTED. leaves of the prickl t Irbich it b0conlo jenlous or Alargurf-t . it.lack. Y P8ar—A sort -of Upon the topic of the la dwelling i cannot acquire knowledge. 0 -upon a t� (lay. The offender L4 a miuried man. %411, Cactus gro ke- nee . . however. dr(� tilt- last genefal meeting, ()f tile 'me there were two Tht.%,woman, wito Is 2-S years of ago. pptid the- pro.-4vu- Wing In that section, 14 The merchan -01d. then. 'who sat in the tion after Royal Cork Yacht Club, iteaves are- Covored whose ages, -which were Aui to - prehistoric dise Of it—The -market early -kif.-Villgr lier husluin(i ,nit tile names Of 'With the sharpest ages, being practically the same as traffic, -or traide, or bu ' very morniting and sold appies-Each is rAther good looking,. and. accord- I E. T (fould and now' ard Gould, of tile thorns, which, when touched. be- the ag(�S of stone and bro=6, Dr. carried on bT - sinesq.- that- is- I Ing to her story. she hail entered tho. hiEtaring- IIJK Pxl)lll lit, 10 ons. Air. (r. 6, 4wiv, it. Hentie I one had thirty apples, and one of -the ts York Tac4 Come lnibeddW in til Iriesh it must be a, storo in question Llad.szep is Cro-wit Coilli.�4-1. anil 1.,I-- t Club, were addi.(i to —toward Munro, the Secretary of the" -Scottish. biusiness to gain -wisdom, ventur Old Dien sold two- for a cent, and �the to fw-k employm4nt 4 -knoll some dist"ce awaY, e all gin Meyers. Q. �'., 4144F.IvIv4I tll() list of hoii6rary members. This Tho jury which Society of 'Autiquaries,.. is a pro- M, as a stock- in trade, and 'willing, other old man -sold three for acent. tive point. found authority. found it ver(fict. of g1jilty. with a r4- I noticed that they wer 8 in that way the first old- man goi as d-sti-amstre&s. list foils ali ('xclumive character, the Seemed to be their- objec part with ail�for -it, a tile pearl UNITED STATE& commendation to inurcy. Ills ll(il-41,,ftip nlemlx�rs now being 'ItIllited to the a konOst Dude, Thepeople,who tlIM elected to keep great - price ; lay -hold on it, as oil -fifteen vents for lils basket of apples The, Official of the 1�ukc of Edin- and each One seemed t ti sentenced the opron(t.1tut to lem8elves aloof from tlle� ellemies- election returns from :L Year lit burL to Wei t 0'0 r .1 good I?argaln which lnight-jbe lost while the�seaond old mail recelvedte� I rh. tile beneath M f airap"t p'q1tg- Weret according to Dr, MI tio, ODntral Primm. trim fleFt-II(L. * gh unro,,pas- by delay; retain it firmly I uents; SO that together they made broke do -wit of, rt-celvijig ttlif. ly heavy . est losing 'lit Admiral, Flag Captain antl st-Iff burden borne toral farmer imm"' nts from the -cast it we lose all. Polinsylvanla givro �,%Iemjcs. mt,Kittle IA)rd Lieutenant of Ire- upon JIITF and Hobart 309,944 plurality. brit,P- offteers (m lloul_ l9ra tw4inty-five cents each day. But one t(vilce, and gril)bed nioll(I-wIll; tile Queenstown Ktatio'n, Of Purtoj)e. They were of a. bigh fie- 15. 'More precious. than ruble Ilay the old aPPle-mxLn wlib a6ld three I .1st 1)1.iflw (k.fleral eommantlin�g the Vork Dis- -tl aw that gree of civilization, for though their. urchase an entrance sl k to� go tjie -On the 10th tilt., tile Urit, I" "'Or- tiken from tile court-rooni. antl Of 40 they came nearer I These coind not- p S—For for a vi -int was too c cantile, - steamor Boyne trict, tile (�omflyfxlorp ant, Vice ie burden wap a heavy weal*w and- tools were but of stone or Open a way -Into tile I na ke a tof It, Off A irtio IYITI Willi found. fly tilt. gi.., tit -fore of tile cross, rudely into Ifedven i; Illoo . 'It _t r ,t nd -he asked Ills neighbor to ILoy.11 yach, -trunks of two young or bronze, they could use- them well. gre, Iihquke JT truth. Earthly apples and sell them for him. s. lin"if-di"Ply .0- stfviling, onts. Tilt- tria-I %,. Is po. we,can glean dt -be compa other orld man very- kindly -tt*--k on board it boat oad of- jury 191111bit John AT. Alortirn(�r. for drlol "It mesquite tied t gether with All together, so lax as VIIIS tile �;myrna.' atl made of the stor ak escaped trees; terL st- thongs evidently 0 9-1411 Of any sort cann red - tile Turks -14-tilauded'their rettirn. pomed. WILL DEPE'NN' (; E -e IT? of the skin of Sume any -idea Of the life led by these to Tito captain -A pre- - - the 'value of heavenly PLO&JOSSion�. oonsented to do, and when lie got 'tile Boyne refilsed, Tho possible. appoilitlue animal. Tbese.crosses not only hild historic inhabitants of central 7N,-- 16. Tn-her right h--. . to ti— J.4- -r Oil 16- 11 1 4 - kad on �-A; A 01% rOUgu Dark still �left on themp Is' represented as 0 11stlu `Ub w &in 1.110 Two baskets and tile uniteol -,-�tatea warIbip Alin A MISSING ARCHDUXE. e0Y X Depew to, Succep OPe, it Must have. been a, fairly quiet handing but her.*'L'-'f gpples, be said to himself, ,.I wi e fu I said the reftLgc4ta should -safely etve Strange Dii4ppearance -� T)ut All the apples into one basket, neapolLif suppqTteol his refusal find Afr. fttyard but, to. make them more�palnful to and. I one, coinpal-ing very gifts. From the. right haind the most 'It' c is American Ambassador to Groat carry, were In addition studded with f�v ab with- inodern--imasant life.. 1�aluable gift is gifen or for it Avift be Mg. 4 of Archduke Balt"In -10 11'ailed here -%Vith laudit -sat- rudel spikes an the most de. easidr than picking IN the Port it -he had tt> bombard 'tile 1 Tho�rr -of - earthly -blessings. Left the'll Out of two baskets.11 So- lie 0 the shJoulder, and It& John of Austria. d pieces of flintit which k6 age car sirable sOle, shirred tOWIL 'eactlon- It is said that Mr. I)o1wjw atf every step pierced th ne to an end when put t, W41,110 speaking recently' ,,..it 11 an -I.Illg_ dem Of the unflinching 0 bare shoul- Iron found Its Way Into the hands Of hand, riches and hondr-These follow -tile siXtY apples.Into one basket, and Ished with -a puff -of-brocade, for re - GREAT BRITAIN, kt. tflall cable- 4% Cantonal court lish P011tichm admitted it& Penitents' men -a revolution In Its'way, said in orders'.and make long life a pleas bePtion d-Isi ' It - a Xver - Dr. fie said to IIImsoJf, 4� Nowit *If I sell two, ese are new de- st. (,illl to nesi to accept"the 'post if it',we. Y man also carried a h Munr% far surpassing- in its. in - has ordered tilt,. IL-tilk or eavy Ure, -affordhig opportunity. for.much apples for One. cent, and -my old Tito Theosophic.: (�rrmaolp ra of- thong Of Plaited rawhide, with Which I luteilee -on human life an d-evelop.- benevolence. - � friend sells, three.. for one cent, that ("f 'N 1 r `4' litilrdover to the relatives (if tll(. ' ire ficaled him. Mr. De * wOuldOcertainly hol lashed hJMS61f at almos Ment that 17. Her ways are ways of pleasAnt- in the samething as Eelling -five ap- ,ringloy alid her oix American ilis- PC, y� Uiro 4 reporttmi its very - IIIgh(x-;t cir- step. t everY or electricity dectwns­'of a Bachelor. CIPleffil in E or tile long-'rilksing Archoluke -Julid bO -a POT80na, grata lit tile ltb am e PO t lift An the prOccAsion Passed me I V�or is likely to.- N;ep()ruuk Salvator. of Austria. '4[ 604) - 'lea, and he Is universally Popular. noticed that has brougl ness-True Piety affokda tile greatest Mes f6r two cents. Thereforo r win When a gin insists- that blood was �tre London - Ch I and. most satisfactor a 0 Salvation Army. 000fr., deposited by tile latter TIT]--,- ARBITRATORS, froM gaobels amin ronclaW, pleasure ba she ca Gen. Booth, of.th' I - I --. RRS 0 N N I ,'L. -'0 In the back and-- shou - onio' ymeni. '�ell five for two cents.- -- When lie fiat On lli�r O%in rublyers she hasuft got annOunces that the Army W to exte tO JIfL4 departure for Nouth Anterica. Sir Richaxd W ders of alm Her Paths are pea 0 load sold -the sixty a`pples. lie found lie a little foot. qI11 It ebster, Attorney -(-;en- pot every man. from tile, contention and, strife', belong to, the �,Intd only - tio-enty-four cents, Tho main reason why women dont which Ito operations to the whole of tile tit, t tit! Arcl (nice, oral, is Supposed to be disqualified for horrible blowb Inflioted by the alread A NEW MAN. downward career; Peace belohgA to -right; because there are' twelve because there no' Malay peninmla. o wiljs tile Younige9l; son,of tile membership in tile Venezuelan blOod-soaked I cow Y C. G. Oba rk's Palls, like flat,3 is 'a garret (.1 -and liti-t-to Loopol(l 11. Arbi- bides." But th ri I , to savo u (if Tuscaux, tration court,as 41o,ig com itted to brave ese ;F.In, Jeweler,-4--4EU, tbe-reeonelled converted man. n SixtYs and twit S 0 Is a New Man Since UlAn _Ve twelve are p old trash in. tit, flag- rinotinewd Ills �-irxk -creatures did not wfuce. on "aiv It wil The7 British cruiser C the ind all Jfiq %u$- an opinion through his advL4ory of tile they-weut, Still lashing themselve Great South American Nervine PRACTICAL SURVf@y. -But If the other old always be a question Whe- 8 Testimony lsErfdoreed by Thou tilan, ha been there, a nd each one woman gets- more , enjoyment to an ir- British came. -Sf at short -interva.19-their bare feet ands of Others. Our duty am children of God 19 clear. had of ship of the North American i3qua- trian nillitar-v tgtitu. 0will His I dron, sailed from Halifax for Ber- riletincliaJkle 'rrf ir Edward Clarke, ex- -- I apples Separately, they ther a A In Out Of having ]lei husban -go -.to muda. with Vim -Admiral and in& Sir Frederick ly � arked Out In this lemon. t udence of rch with, her On SU11daY or ou Marshal Areliduk- Albert, lfav� Pollock,. Proffewor of Jurlspr' I ha ve been greatly Parent. requests his son to keep in -N - quit -1 Pwith, the late Solicitor-CAteneraj, Implanted at every step among the Mir year The -virou d Lady 1`1441 1 prickly pear lea0es, who ave fred. twenty-five Itu Erskine -On board. She­waa accom- Ing renclunceil Ills r' - se slightest troubled -With nervous debility .7ow. 110 - cents. c panted by tdio, war ank, lie went Oxford'UnIVersity, are also disquall- ... I t - t exp 1,�, Of hI1vfIIg - his staying ship Partridge. alpr touch Is torture- to.a and memory. the teaching already given. fal tied It. - - at home to throw up to him all the rer -to ();141 under. the. name ol''JolIann fled, the -former through his opposl'- What illeso sensitive skin. affectfon of the kidney& I believe I There Is no ovision. made for a Pos- 4 - t �of the very proprietary medicinto un- sibility JOKES FOR LITTLE JOKERS. week. was last'heard of in South Alon to the British claims, amd the his time. I do not thinu fria- + I, forgotten that Rio Janeiro nows Just received In Orth. and I tered 'at t In L MU4t have -our- tried �e London from B -it -h ­­' +h America '-we I of. having urdeb I W licit 101110 110 tills I&ItUer . v, - ST v Duli 1 none seemed to teaching; or any excuse accepted on n men. c0mLlIet0.F (limippitared front pul.lic surmised tha�t Lord aallsbury 'will se- agony Of this slow silent -March he give me any relief -until - I had tried.' account of - ziggleet to. gwdmmfng on'a full stomach. Johnny- irl looks :awful F% the, emigration, of Canadians to- Brazil by his support of th6m. It -is anything con.ld have exceeded t Motlier-Johnny, YOU cul -t go i o-� wit For Wo has proved a mistake.' knowledge. learn the She -I think a g l0ct Lord Heisohel.' formerly Lord flint -studded cross pressin t tile South American Nervine. To. my sur�. Wher's �wlll. *Tlie7 standard -Ai obe- Tf You'll Only lot me go, III Swim; on cheap whdn .6 great dlence. and that from the, heart, No I" back- He -She may 100cAeapt, but you London papers prefer to encourage During the prf,gr(tis of tho ch a, 9 - upon Prise.the first bottle gave ine, he first becomes en JI'Vitnese war -at tli(. tilll(,� tilt! in!)- High Chancellor- and now a meinber their shouldere'from. bove, and the reliet. 11, -have persevered in taking it, ed gag -- the Yankee Paperft In their "British faille- Of the Judicial Committee of the MAddening'Prickly Pear Pressing from -and can Say that I Pretensions. Or Intentions to be are Mother -Johnny, why did You not cau -bet she Is - ndt, hackdowW' idea of thet Venezuelan of Field -Marshal YlInlag1l.til. bMrau to COUnCil,'and r Privy beneath into have not felt so at all Included. The -rule is to]] me th be known ord Davey, a Lord of the soles of their -feet, well I& stridt tat you were matter, believing It will meike It ettoler an extraor(linary AppeW In Ordinary d'nd also a member Wilt nA: d you get Llbitil:l, to tile effect Of t 1701111d currency in 1% RPh`0011) JOhnFlY-'Wn1t to tell Jack f0j)ropo rumor years, I -do hqartiJY recom- and definite, at b ghtY at- Kate (acidly) -now di for lo they Inflicted upon themselvel§ mend th the same time last t Sena Is great cure.?,, and reasonable. The authority to "men everYffldng. se -to you, dear? Mary tha Angoce of tile to ho- Judicial Committee of the Privy the additional pain of heavy blows ratify It. that the - rnmou,,, Jai)ilnesa military Council. Irbill-the, raw hide lash. Idon' undisputed. - It is a father 1461d him that �,(ju vVere linadly Aft It lo.atated that the British Go leader wao none other than the long- ever chme as near fain t think ..Queer Weapons. over film - 111gent-O'lls 'Peach love With him, and was vern- child. er-If tile cIcck 'were -determined ment haa decided Sir -nor ting-* before to Strike Missinff Arefilluk -John.' -.2%lawy coin- NO SOMe queer weallDlig wLtjl. will -fourteen; Wlftt time would to have him at any -cost,"dearesu to prosecute A-VAIL. he- Father is it be9 Daughter., I. -at 6c, time.- Adani Soper, of Burk's Falls, Pon hospitals and dissecting rOOms, and rg becoming --aa children. His ability st�mq ille Intelligent Papil-Time. to am cdavinteed4 cldencA'91were point....] out havo 4 Since. I have been- in ch, a, ' Our dependence tooin t Halliday Mac4rtfiey. counsellor of the nd All Geo la COMPiliny.'from Screven, was _to. clock f(J be rePitired. Mr. Lampton is reallY,1n 1OV6 1�itfi I,) rumor.; As the ReInediesfor Kidney Disease r No other gruesome places. -but armed at 'the begiming of - sustain His-.chlldren Is'with Little in IM aceuracy dec1qu Avail. Until H nothing the rebel- out doubt. Girl-Mamma,.willon-do. eagles yom', ,-Why, Mammal" '"'He heA Chinese* Legation in Loudon, for If to [4live forep to tl* bat share In the arrest anti detention of peopf e Used South Am 0 ever affected -me like lion have Just been discovered. Gov-- ustible. His 0-7 thteir- pra;yer3 2 Hamma- d on Col. tilt., erican His i`�80urcw are inexha Sun Yat Sen. 0 In Vionnit'still remained Kidney Cure -To -da -V He is a Well self-inflicted �he agdn'zing, ernor Brown of Geor 10 Eagles quit kicking your og y011 -are, . ­ - I. firmly 0-redit Where it As t March of those fanatics. gla; ordereed a acquaintance. with us is Perfect. His toldn"t MY prayers, chfid. Little Girl- ndt lookiliji2t con'v"Iced tb4t JOhatill, Ortli was still Man and oivqs the ve boy Passed me I regretted from rgla soldiers. amd Whkit did Since the release of Mrs. Castle from alive. 11111 was Illdi Is Due. lot of pikes For Geo for us Is supreme. His will con. Then r 1h 'the -depths of ray . govemew Bay -they Wc-rmwo3d Scrubs Pillion on Tuesday rig some refilote soul that I had those gave the Idea iiir the weapons cerning-US exceeds Our highest, dion.. were birds of I doWt know," cried, the, prey for ? '4-4- Ond human conception. town Row SO, Johnnie WI, or a burg - Island, frQni which he would one (lily "Fw a long time I have been, a come, and would for the moment have fashioned for. the Screven co ksmttli. ceptions. Hisl I&M-10- a guide. Hia We've got the' meanest teacher In ther y0ftarem.y husband -"wfie,' her condition health- has been so reappear amongst Ills of They were. mae by-- a blaempany' wisdom is bey _Feminine voice Ili the6-Darkneso, lo d frIen1s. The- gre4t sufferer from disease of the given. anything to flee from the Sight The *Oapon w y lax, -but I'lugoing to on AM dangerous that the doctors now refuse mother Of the opera. Singer, Nattlein kidneys.- The pains I' Suffered Iiiere of Lt. but, In a few mjnuteg .(t as practi His power ex&*& ail oihe41%j she'Went an' took sick in vaea -gide. and her permission to Sall for the United MIz-zI Stubel. to whotn'thc Archduke the severest. I had tried all. kinds' 6trouger. and decided,. as I felt knife. a;m%t a foot I eft-Ily a bowle grace -to sufficient for e , a the sai1e had gone haadle.a I Ong, fi�et In a. tionjy -States at present. was married,. announced with eon- Of romedlefl, but all to no avail. I thus far- to Stay and see taw Ittle more t in, life e 0 - Mob han 4 foot in Pond mother -DIA Ali have a nim -very unpoPular with all classes of are tliv - thing-. length. Attached to the handle wao Our reverence for the Pit t line at the Picnic �) Little Dldk-�-Yes; Iq A1GOX7 The Marchioness of' Salisbury. to fidence: "John find my daughter was -persuaded to try South Amerl whole be her should TO J= e' anti nOw that Archduke can Kidney Cure. Have taken halt a a - piece of 'very strong ela exhibited under all the vailed (�Wy thefe w"n,t*enougll English society Ili -ccamquence, -01 Albert fa no DANCE OF AGONY.' atic eight Ice cre& n Acute Sufferm I!roA% eum2a InOr"th"Y will sotin come dozen bottles, and -I � ca co - or ten feet long. The idea wa's that Our Opinions i �- tio-Alim her ungraclous manners. She has . a -back-' nfident- 4 Cumstances of Iffb. elf It"' chke. I aln7t a bit sick." -* -,It 4 -Aeuts'-1th ent '-H4t*&by:SouthAjfuer A ly may , that t4c).dfi:y I am a 'The lomg ProCessfan of quen, 010 this vvepl M- should. be de That's the pre' Tito declolon of tile Canto- cured wisdom, Our ttY WhIto cow that queer -habit of turning away her head and young could be hurled -at gn ferred to Hip - fean Rhoulnetic..,our W Nft-en Z� 0 e ­ nal court mant and can highly recomr#end thin finally. -reached" the knoll- OPPOheAt and would rebound. Into th us tlIeL RICO 'White milk," sald'; Had W-611-NPdr-Go when she extends liter hand In greet- looks like an abando e_ conduct should'- gives bpro 'at. milent of hopf-I)v great medichm to all Nufferers- iron, re thickly -,of, th9lowner. -It could tbu.9 1101JUMBil0st wo,bitft- r thet country boy to his little city -'frt a U­'�D' end,. Of A jmyerat 11vto., MIS ca, And Is, that the +irown cow:- -ire. UN friends -that t than the be by our which Was covered eveii'mo hands Ing, -even at her. own receptions. lie Arcliduke wi kidney trdabl(xito Path with prickly uset me nge. Use 40� "The Prinelp" of %clologyp pub- the over return to tile wo d. it Ile lf4 still leaves. and isloo, other varieties of eac. The blad6N were should enlist our. highes -sy ithht gives Us Herbert, Spencer's third volu rl pear alive. He Know t mpath �eoftee7l` If asked the 6t What XQ'Was About. tl' Upon thei top Of this knoll th and Wt.' arp and our bem�, SuPpor% .74MMA. gren -.suf lished on Saturday. completes ey re, task. be&u 86 y '01 understand pile, ppipt. NA ­, If 'I --- all lWd tWr hes;vy�vrogm In & His hondli "Od twry beftrb -Ouroyes. T 't`w'a the nibthor jil a eft on- -,In t�Z eaw ago, and Not Much In Apple ShiPping.­ You -have -mar � th6 o we old iiw �- : - - 4 --- . the =rled, Jones 21, -got then joining hAndsi comm Our SPOMISSIQU.-To- 'His W 54-fiklft, danc- pOns-prov A Onced hi - I"-- I London 0mesAn an editorial of co - When W not loatted-1 disc 2t d 041WA100 .'a IM100-WU � � -44A . rather vilk- lp, w , � .. ;: 4rAC=d.fhd1t`3 t,-;X- llne�'Olioufd , ­­­ - _ _,�X - T fly, 'near Por- "yes, my 139; or n W. Lindsa =g- about, t1wol., sing J1114 as packing - the- meet, gratulationsi only echoes what al -I the Oer IVO done It at ebanting,t. T frIcud, -Aod Rules. -as n myw Some excep. 'last." )Well weird IncanJa;tlon ihw-pofth -- -- -, Mr. Spen- -have ever hear ', -% �,,. 3, world feels. Zor years bdek tionally fine KnIgsthis fitij, he - 11L d.. The wordg,-,-- b I W.- 'then Dfir have been impeded by "BY love, You've. goi c6 a mtXtur 6-1 RecV.-W- ftoe d 'J cer's -of �,ab -"col V't 'MR -Ulf 46 -Awk.As�ku labors sorted a row in one urage td hialf grqargsind, a nw §114-4M barrel, asking get married In- theg a of-bidian and a7,ort� or In-Aw - -Wd- - -.-'.d'- 6 dAYS when wo. generate SpAntMb, rT , Ini'dmw, thl a witi 6614� th Illnesses' Which hardlY any oither man the Purchaser to- cPrreSPond with him, L"d their IAL -know W--- W WW -the"Pilees at 'Which -dres".11 and let him we" are So extraXagahtlY - tond, of :sW To could have' struggled through, and in -ityea, aW fr .�Wt - 4. - W�42140w, whwh ir 1� lid, mal RT th h or'thw of the aPPks were oked U it ow-- 71110 - A-Im ,41% . a ment i Diu I'lo Lhe confem" `ma7 audacity In tirst. day a letter r LIP �,r 21. -- lwftilll"#11�- - � �. , 1111re*W - . 1RUb th *-i­ waa- T - .. ­. � ��! I IngwE gm 7. 7� Z 1, -4 -WW 4411111 ntfw4v if W� 1, a