HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-20, Page 2.... . . . . . . . .
d 9—S
s 1+ dred POWNY d
++ ++4 You, - a hot:
++++ ever- wholly forg'ottenithe rencIO7, -to BRUSII,�
ut t vous know how-mudh ftco.uld -be made 1" RRY
-that 3 W90
produi:*," for the rwoDn
-lobt *no
To' pre -dl
man advanced t ards hful, not been gettl pare this , fall, je
ho(Idlug[hishatin ble,haT and with �ng an the buttOr out of Germalily has a poptliation,'of 51r. dozen large cyatoi�g , and -the
RN -m'acll ce lering not a little It. Mile, old, ckWew way oif guessing-
remony, WO&I 1170,284, accOrding--fo the consaw of juice well off. - Butter tile,
at the transformation lie beheld In 1895, the results of whlak-&ha�e just Algli and when very hqt -the
MANETTE ANDR, OW1. prevails to a sad degree
With fintroved dWry briedo home d Bleseft to -Manklud.
the man whour he had seen that morn-, A-Booll 10411, oysters In -layers. -Brown --On
dailrying Incr6qm, for the. farmer who I Published; 18,50108ol persons are
A Heroine- ot the Relgp� of Terror. In in the tattered carinagnole. does not like both sides, And add a little', -bUWW
9 AGB URFI- has h1sh. grade wws to, gaged In agriculture, 20,258,241 - In when cookin
to formls a brown
It was growing, dark In tile gal- 1111ning and mithUfactures, 5,966,8451 skin, whleh to the U0 flalvor of -the
tortes; a waiter w& placing candles Unless marketed as fast as -dug, -or 190 WOO tajdtc�T with h -rich. milk, g. Th
on the tables of. the guests, He came tv Ithiii -a day or two aftlilli'diggifig, When lie can pa.eawy make It Into The Mife,of a Dyapeptfe�One of. Colistant �ummeree, 886,207 in domeptic oer- ontera. Season well with salt -and
"a for service of Pepper and serve hot.
NARRATIVE OF up behind Gregolre� as the old gelitle-- potatoes'-sliould be apreAd out bil 94 Misery One Who gras Miffered From t)1c state; 8,826,862 persons are n
A THRILLING Z choice, rich butter at home, Videt and- 2,885,222. in the
THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. ]the oft w - hie gilt edged butter find city pus- Ot
an was making hN b7st b,)w, aw here there Is good vent4aiMon tomem who will poy him a rotlad- price its *-Patlgil -Ppints the Wwv . to Re- elaselfled.
�Ry PAUL rZI&RET.. silhouette of his - peakeQ profile fell or air, mud whpre tli.Vlare ait'-the the -yearr around. nowed Health.
distinctly on the marble - table. sunio, thue w . ell. protected from the The bad bittter comes from the farm Vesuvius Is indulging in a. vigorous 188U E --NO .48 1896. -
Citizen. Laverdac,-" eald this poin- (From the Cornwall Freeholder.)
P! t ttf t t f t fttf 1`::I�t ft-& --polls personage, " permit me to salute where the maker Is ignorant, -dirty or 01*PtiOno which will leave It quite
-------------- TIwro -can not, be too much care clarebm, where the Cows axe milked at
inyou patient virtue'and unconquer- tak-eu in keeping potat.oes dry' during the canveWenciB of the hired . man The life of the dyspeptic Is proverb- 91110ther -: looting mountain -by' the NOTF4
Thoss' Mysterious - clothe.a must dk- 1 hoarsely: "Olit Nonatte—could you able resolution."
appear. 'Ali. No the winters and - Lit 6 low tempera.- w.here the milk � Im straimed Into the' fully- a mtherable onei eliciting, univer. me It is over. The'. engineer- at the. In replying to ahby of theme ad.
ttle. my poor chlld,�p oury understand!- Ills sonorous voice, the black shadow turo.
It Is the llavlug too Much' creamer when the. hired girl gets sat VOSUVIlls Observatory, finds. that -the verttwments, please mentioli this
-be'thought. - 110 commiseration. Not so much be -
cut 1111t. happily for her, she never did.. on tile table. arfil the attempt at era- 1144ight of the mountain has inereased PAPer..
Av You carried warmth and light which cause then' ready,. wiAwe the Cream is removed luess of the -1 - -
Your Purpmw without a word I" tory almost amusLd Layerdae. A half to sprout,. Do net store them too apy.tlme within. from. one to four daye Cause of the actual painfil - QV 100 meters..(about 328 feet) since
-The -PatticiXtA -alld jacket were smile played a moment oil life lips. But early. --4n- Short, whom butter making is a allutent, biit largely because it pro- tile ieruption bega14 and -a fiery
-04 tilt- second of 'Vent It-iiin Ire of tile. In a moment tile, thought that preoc- The method of hauling thei manure -Side Issue aM all otber,dutles demand JOCi9 its pessimistic shadowi upmall otream is flowing down north of the 139 ALL SINCRalmy,#
S0011 committed to�tha� fl4meii'�4t was year III., the Criminal Tribunal Ex- cupled him checked I all merriment, and to the fields and spreading it ast Arob ttenNon. A,Wo del Cavalio. in thel direction of we again repeat that for rarity.- Flavoll
,trange. the oil, 'Ilan thought, that - traordinary (that was the legal lie- lie resumed Ills look of gravity. ft Par' as mades the concerns of life, and here they sit. tile FosstiVella Vetrana,, and the lake and General Excellence
signatiou of the Revolutionary Tri- don me." lie said, 11 1 did not hear your thereby peralittilag It to Tibere, to such, w thing as'thie cream like a deadly Incubus upon every
the, eight, of the blood on them, caused leach -whera'it will do,the most goodo getting too sou 1k hDt weAther, and ell- of burning lava along the Atrio has
90 little horror. buuni) field a n4entorable Session. It arae.lt! PlAwellf's the additional advantage not sour at 64 in -cDld;� as bhurnIng terpFIBe. An Impaired digestion gives rtiachod'' a circumference of. 1,500
took place- Im. the 811.1110 i,all where Gregoire, fin please yon. Gregoire. t pqrson to The
that It alds In keeping t1dugs Lieu art a temperature too high. or too.low, Irritability that- exposes' the ilieters (nearly MOO feet). spec-
II0 I&Id the garment -8 'on the top hunt-trptIs fit Innocent people lind teen receveur do routes, and a citizen de* nibout th6 stable@ and barnyards. find at no time'didinite not getting much annoyapeet, I besides being - ex- "7LCle to splendid Ili the extreme, and -
of thft fire (In his hea'rth, but they condemned, but the spirit of the voted to tile service (if humanity- . Do -not count'It oo, much work to out the buttermilk, alatting by gues' 'Iktlndrieds go to gaze "SALADK
burned very slowly. Ile poke Place Wam changed. The same black Claude Cezarqu' was my ssistant." trenrely trylug upon others. jipou it.
d them Laverdac remembered him at once. make a coul"t' heap', nor think It and working the butter by maJn We an
plumes adorned tbe. hats of the 11011"onse and Smacking too- much of Strength, jinsteiad,of.with skill, and all aware of the vlue of cheerfulness A courtship ' remarkable for Its CEYLON TEA wit)' tile t0ni;s. catterl"111-0 the black Judges, but tho befeathered headgear H0 118:8 heard Claude speak of Gre- book fairming, arguing -that you can there to such a tlii4'as flavoring it Ill IIfe6 It is' it flower of the rares
'Crust. as, they %,- er,,T constimed, 1 covered otlii�r Ireads. There were golre, and some one else. He said, not make It contain niore w4uo than with &II the sulelis Of e a t length is that of Abram Marts, aged Never had & rIvsL Load packets only
Never In bulk.
'forined over tiltiln. The became I twelve juryiiipn ts t1kore had ithvjlys hardly above Ills breath: " Claude It had In the beginning as manure. worth aud-�strongest attractions. it years, aad Miss Sarah D. Willi All grocers.
th kitche
Cezaron—was lie not-exe HORWCULTURE. ams, Sold at 25, 60, 50And 60 cents per'lb.
been. but now ti,py vere its anxiou that. yiou aie saving - all la a tOLLIC to'the -alck and -a disinfee- _�,ed 57 years, and tife scene is Dam- f,
fie was abotit' to open "On tile 8rd Pluvolse. H6 wife Its virtue In thli way, and put- p The c
SUffocatin cuted Itoemember.
to, ite(lult s their priAp'cessors hail who I - tj ommon farmer'c4n ad well by tunt. to the healthy� . Those t -wicus, a quaint little Quaker village
the - window "when lie remembered been to co-p4leitin. They. iii -A not stand oved him most. tenderly, was noi into a shape for even diAtribdt6n. b
_g _lt Com. Ining Ills vegdtable',garden with hlngs of Kentucky. Both bride' and groom
able to save him.' Her frleu& were that destroy a man'm habitual eheer-, re among the weKIthiest members of CONSTIPATION -
It would bp unslife -�o �sond the lit dre�l ol tilt- cruel pox -marked face As thtdr grandfathers did, raijin Is small fruit entdrpriso. It gives
g is
Li long In doubt If she would sur K, CAUSED By INDIGESTION. �K. D.C. and
and siticit ut burniiig wool Into of Fontluler-Ttav lilt' frlliml by Ills y1vo the saitle crops. In tile . Same way, him i little Inolrer room ill which to- fulnesq, leisen his 4sefulnegs, and ought' the Society- of Friends In that state, 9). O. -Pills, are guaranteed t
0 as been able to work He Can- 0 CURE
11� long. tritight linir. The -.new public him. But at last she 4 keeping -tile same stock and feeding inke longer rows'and tifid for forty years met each btfier his trouble or money reftinded.
the �street. It would llave,tb leave Paris. Site quitted Itsoon after -therefore - t6.'be�. resisted by some SaMple& K D.C. CO., Ltd., New Glasgow,
a"c stated It fit - the same mannor putting tip have*.lno�re turning room. The small oit Sunday at; the old brick church Free N.S., & 127 State St., Boston, Mass.
tilt' upper - story, . btit that A# ts his case gravel nd tilt) ferattely. 110 tile days of :Fliermidorl anti our happy. with the same little I fruits can be more e"ili kept f drastic and efficient remeilk. . The
Oaks, waste of ee it, their quaint illage. The attacht-
empty. An old lady hall lived thci�e! thertl., Ile stlitt tit 0 deliverance. duties tha,
see that n feed, vaote of nialrure, waste of froin weeds if p1pntod - In tile mi.ddl . e . t devolve upon the average ment between them began when. PAYS TO
w4l(me Son had'-fountl' to es- : outrage ' Laverdne Nvas.unahi� to speak. H labor, many Of --the presont genera-- mail and woman are invested in Alias Williams was a rolay cheekedgirl. IT
a was done to- Innocence, tile Of hiS gardeoFplot.
Ili! IrQnt Paris, unit lie hilid gone So
1 "daughter.of the skies." That day luestioned hL-4 v1sitoriy Ills look and tioll E�mm to -Make a lIvIngs-but 11.0w '_ Light. and a much d , lfflculty�as'to put a premium
Into lit -ling. that Ir are the great motors (if 17, but the only -love making. -was
s!w iix�ght not bi-, 11'r Tribttn:a I h..It, llnnounct�fl - seven ae- -manner. much. better epe saime n 161' Plant growtft,'and cannot Ile with- a andlo and a minuteis conversation
e the cruel lw xviii�h *'The Cltbyeniie- LOzaron." tit light' (10 OIL hopbfulness. The relation between
quittal. sit id 0 r4p-
4. nd rot one conviction. ..tth tile bet" methods. held from any plant.ditring at the church door once &-week, yeaIr
proscribed the relatiVL% of goire. "has gonq to livc tit tier o
Ali tile Prevalling moods of the, mind and i n and yegr out.
1, .One The inst mitti to 'lit! actliatted wit" Clover is one of 'the boot autspil- veftetaftii*4tlrhpxOpret'nLi4le1iingeliould
Nenette!*' lie inurnitiret house at Velizy,-'witli her Uncle, Cada- erg.
be delayed until the
a surry figtire, dressNI fit it tattered The roots- pe;wtra,te the Sol[ ground is frozen sthe health of tha dig," tive apparatus
cRUuQt efface the traces of thy crime,
I caringnole. As lie lvit tile Ilall of zt-n Andrey." to a i dejilth, loosen.it and carry hard enoUgh'to admit.of driving over From the reIibrt -of -the Irlah land
Without suffdring--for. iL %vas a crime hilliNfIlf than do VII is close and valid. Hence' It Is -not
-n midionvored to speak -is essentially
laut food. Ever$,, farmer .-true of Straw-
lusflce, two- tit( Laurent said, more to P it. This
10ay what We will. to kill is it crinte, to Gregoire: Ion to the end of Marel
to hini. Both Avert- strangers to him, berris% �t mmiss I, this As
��_,and always mils Can afford to at le�ot use till$ meana firprising that inany would-be bene -
forgiven thee!" 11 Mid to each other. To. one lie said that house should be stored lit yeaei it appears that since 1881. -in SINESS C
t 1)1�. 111t mav -it Ile it lewmortl.-4 only. the other, an elderm. she flittl pamsed a happy childhood 6f feeding and draining Ills lund, even, Apples a celtair factors have caught the patronage.of aw,000 - cases fair - rents have been
"8110 Wfl,-4 attilch0t1 to, CAN
Tilt-* old lan a if lie call not afford a -subsoll Plough. having thdrOugh ventilation. An ap- -But ferers from indigestion. 41PHATRAM. ONT.
All was burned tit lix.�t. 'exed ly inan. e%-ldvn1My with= hit is not thp f&ult of tjle�plajmU ple Avith a mouldy smell is not appo- Judging f ized by adjudication of the land com-
pt the sa�a U'regoire, " I have ng PY results Dr. William ' Pink Fills is isslouers and the elvil bill courts, Still holds a d&ided-lead over its cm -
cloak. which %vould lit, tha� hardest of some 1--ariuLd profes.,lon. !ailotl ta-,got usually, If It does iio�t thrive. - it _tI7I �. Thin canonly be avoldbd- by n-nA amount
ski]. He- w.,w itholit to Io tile ijest tnrotigh the ljr4�ss lit thile; to detmin something elseto Communicate, which must not be (IonLod manure, -food In having a free circulation of'good air. a remedy -uniquelit its success, there- In other ways, the.total temporaries In Shorthand and business
of annual rental so dealt with being training.
Ivith It Ile could, and unrolled it for Boti met oil tho stelis of the I feel iftay aromse tile tenderest suseep- Home shave. Place it wliere the If fruit ls�not thus Intelligently dis- fore. it ii -Confident -as V-,313,221.. which was reduced, -on OVER 2,000 STUDENTS
I the purpose. when llt�, like Bljgettv Pailatt tie n -I looke-I aft-er lit' t3blilties of your nature." Yoting feeders can jet It well mixed polsed 'of itwill -rot, amazingly. ly reebinmended,
retreatim, Laverdae looked at him a moment, a safe and adequate cure for acute tile average, .20 per cent. over the Huve been trained in this College since
1Y tilt) bedsitle of 1wr gave In the very finali pulverized Boll. If. apples are stored In bins the floor
then, Signed to tile. walter to bring Thw'I do Your best- to See that tile Of tile bins should be made of two dsilepalm- This claim is substantia,
a start anti a sliarp cry. One of citizens wns '.%laxinill- y whole c6ui6y. The total amount of It was established in 1875, and are to
The Span- anothe glass -of the fashionable lois for the purchase of land leaned be found in nealy e
r' lan 6xvindro. Ili; old 'Irieze (10 not die, from thirst nor satoth Inch slats laid an Inch apart.!nlen tile tea 'as tj following very town And city
L from it to er y experience, in cash by the land commission has" on Ithis continent, holding choice -posi-
tilt- ground, its blatto red. he cont 111141 small clotilcm,; it white liquor.. t�pettk," he said "Citizen from it gmwtll of weeda.
farme� counts himself In a
Gregoire.*:* apples should not be laid in 'too thick facts will-ahow. C10,213,115, of -which E589,060 tiom
blooil hittl dried n&*jIi it� -Isstiredly wilb-t-COUt l!ad replact,ti tilt- one of indifference, la.vers'. It I will pay to go- n
l"0111010 -i M00d, WhIC11 Il;LtI IWPU He had an air of to ' this. - &
1311P 'would have got rit-I oil It cro this aS_ woful Aitte. when lie inust give h1s trouble in storing them. ajid -bins gis. D. McCrimmon, of Williams-' ],its been repaid, w1ile the intbrest n
which disconcerted Ills visitor. "The pold by the borrowers has been 91, -
it tilt- feur had not flittila Iler Ine. HullW out,, of compliment; as It -were. thus made do not have to be rebuilt; tow�n, Glengarr Co., guffeied unt d
ot est - bearing note for a.. new has been runidng -for 26 years without
Misery from a 8
able or t -1101149 -lit. or action. The old to tile bloodthirstiness of the- period, m4n," he thought, ','Is clearly n gang Plough -or a harvester. for tile trouble and ex ell" are all in the 779,480, - leaving only .910,172 due Change of managonient�
I lie beginning, . P evere" attack of dys- from them.
tilfta's liantis trembled. -and Ile had rosurned Ills white Stock- prepared for what lie to -to hear." must 'IIXVIE� them; but does tier not do For estaftue of elther department
Ing%. The oth"'Ill:ill to It concerns tile CItLoyenue . Laver- worso %vhen lie leaves that implement - That which bw,WOUJAI-naturallys pepsia,- which Manifested it,4elf in address
--HO threw _t%8,tj lrge log till tile
oullm, Illan, lie began.
till fiervely. Laverdae PxPt)eml to all the inclemencloo of -the- Po%0 is confirmed by experiment— (Ase many unpleasant ways for
fire. aliti made'thuna lknow that y tla:c,s In one moment. was all that the p- th One of, the common Causes of pain D.. XcLACMAX, & CO.
The ebony. hampt. w tt- iiagger isQuu tile last person ne(1131tti-41 - by the weather, ur does so even for it week al�ove -tile brows is. the overugoof the, Chatham, Ont.
inttv I V, a a gave a sUdden invol- aige In late ant lous. Every
Revolutionary TrIl or two because hut convenient to uMn must be unsafe, eYes and the strain f accommoda-
)Unit ttelition. H litnting Of trees in full foil- which dyspepsia is notor
B the Uriminal 'Prilainat Extraor- y� He h9d not supposed stow it awav ? for after the groind Itrid- 'air Are cold attempt to take food wag a menace tion in constiintly looking at near ob-
&ontorted Ly tilt. lit -at. lit' flilLIg t'll All
itiore Avood. Tht- ruoin Ilk anetuary of rugenerated Gregoire could have anythir%g to tell Do not put dried up Stuff into' the they will not.thto t- roots toup- to every.foRijug, of comfort. until the jeL-ts.-Th�s pain, familiar --.to most
w on
Justice," vorr' him About Emilie. � Th6 dear little of cl
tit dinary At tile
0%7ea ; Lilt lit 1,1,4t intg- eet,-d Pregoire, A, whose sito. T6 make good ensilage ovey PI..Y- - tile Moisture which evaporates Stomach Was relieved of its burden by JRIOPIet is More readily excited. and
ment- lay 1�aong the ,it un- have attended ever Since creaturet Had she happily escaped it ,,list be- cut as soon as fully headed from * the leaves. With everg permanently developed among school reens vomiting. When'not -sufferi ' I
Tfiernildur. tkat I might have - the the generl fate? All I he was glad. out, nd then put in tII0 beat timS 10 Ili the spring before 'g 'Om- children In the public schools and th6
reckjgnizztI)l#%-hiL of He was thankfuI4 hat 6, weight to- tile silo at the presence of food in the �Stratford, Ontwio
Indrey'. ta,k viltivil. It 1,,,L illeasure of beholding innocence - once. Do not even give it time to wilt, the tree 0egins -to take on new stomach, girls of the high schools. The ocular 'firbousands of our former . students attribute
lahted ;in hotir. avenged." was lifted from Ills heartl - if It can be avolded. Silos are gatistac- 1growth. 'there were other-sympteing more or lwadaelle ia -often coexistent W-1
th their.succeaslu business life to -the thorough
'Whi'll lit' Wtlit 1411-i% ilitik _Vll1lPttL1'A :a.,t rnan.whoili thi-y acquitted Then lie turned very pale. He 118' tory with sume+; with some they -are less disagreeable - consequent to - the �llemie headache, especially In grow- preparation received in our school. New stU-
el,zilllh6r blie iw!rtt' tran-liffl. to-tillY I-'OU6 to 1010111 1 think I RhoUld toiled In silence, with clenched teeth. not. It is nut tile fault of thq silo. 1114 girls. Here is found dents can enter at any tilne. Moderate rubes.
Drigette ktlit inThere was not much. to - tell, but A stuall piece of functional disturbance of the stomach, Von a.eomplleatlon Board cheap. A splendid college. - The lea ing
ake� it coininunicatioi. He 166ked Ntizen Gregoire put it Into many wheat sown early CANADIAN, SUCCESS of all kinds of ner a Misery, due
tile enougi.i, aws lie stood there In. Will often att allLl' they such -Impaired t te-aAd appetite, commercial school in Canada. Write for our
ltbullt her 110,2141. itild n0w, misera . ract the files, ti) the eye'strain associated with -the circulrrs. J. ELLIOTT, PxinclpiL
P-,-It.It the s%l4tallre 4.9 Ow ofti-inall, his tiara carmagrolo. I heard that they words. will 9J to It and depuait their eggs unwonted languor, increasing apathy :vVIrtical pain felt over the. -top of the,
wa'0e, her drink it had arrested hini lit Drumairp, steeli Emilie wits (]call. She had -diet.] on a before. tile ulain'crop wines up. This 49- le Of
t pu* Boil may then be oltlitir burned or deeply is anemia
iNig-lit -on f ti r ij!g In ly ill tilt. Boi,.i de stretcher in tile street as they were REG.O.GNIZD ABROAD and failin ambition. Ilead, all this being charaeterist FARM FOR SALE.
"n ap4l t4t. path -tit carrying her from the prison of La pluilgliek! in; then a good toeed be4LwIth gregation -of tile symp. tlLere Is nothing like plenty of out -
toms produced The undersigned offers big farm for fale
ThP.Y took him to - ftlute No litreral InnAuring, Avill Usually send. relief - containing 120 acres. 75 of which are un 'r
Then tile proftimia Force W the Na:tldnal Hospital. a trying State of affairs and tof�door exercise and wholeapme, food.
w;!tviier, I)y one was near as. W cultivation. Allupland and good soft. The
.Very terrible t) tim. and there for tell months he site drew lier- lait the'YOung Plants ahead -) rapidly was eagerly sought. on
hit.-, rertisptl to (lime loge his breath, poor, timid little creature, no An Allierioall, C0111paliy Organized With _e 0,* the beat uncultivated portion isia timber. Buildings
her l"l. ftilti llinn ,at tril-re (!Ilr-- that tile inspets can,noi do them mpeli The latest Parisian' fad 19. the bone in ood order. Good'house. barn, granary.
Ang (4 Lh tiny. x, hile 110- name- that may have saved one but the men who bore tier till luagi.. Offices at"Buffalo. Physicians of hte� neighborhood w" - maghine shed, woodshed. pig stable
through the tog and darkness, and warraw diet which It has been iriscovr-
gette t joh (-t, ). At ili-glit site lliM But. citl;vn. we mLst tillmire Ills -STOCK. Consulted.. Hd�prescribed. His Med- wind mill And grinder alruoit:neW geawreencl,
Avas the er(-d is, If not quitelhe elixir of youth. with plenty of Water, lFirice.41,800, For fur.
strengtil of will." delivered their burden to the doctor i0ille waw tal�en 'and his directio - -
Alarli-tte Vartage,
drow*y ino.4t of trte titm.. "I le ga-ve his nanw. holwevvr. at last nbighbor has a flock of blieep no i her particulars apply to H. Winko,
In chargL There was no -official re- which drups utany twins, it A, 101 at least am Powerfill tonic food. Bone
to the Tribun: . -it wag Citizen Lau. cord of her death. . She had died in A MILLIONAIRE BIN"R 10Wed, but' unfortunately three Columbia Po, Wis.
site would gro%v it dis- warraw is now served in Parisian res-
r*-nt tie Lit no- prison. . Her husband w 9OW Policy to obtain. sorde of the ewe months of -the treatment roWht no
by tt rrilj;v % i,ion, but vert -lac," eald tile other. -11 1 Ould have Iamb% anti thits Poosbos that kind of
; heard it ald that lie was anxionq Me rel-ef,. When Mis. Me_+ t"Irants, sprearaw upon thin milet!s AGENTS WANTED—TwENTY
She rarrely tipokk- intoilig-vi.t words. to sought any tr e or tier in vain, had et,,,.k without inuch expense, and at Substantial I
At Such thae. w woulql .1 the kind physician, touched by the same time test tile �rvicticabillty At the Head of the New� Company ---The Cri -of bread in a dainty manner, iand.it is DOLLARS a 'week -:-to su
ellflallit 9;'t fil'WA of his wife. arrosted on t'll not
lte be the beauty of tier lifeless form as it immon expressed Itter Intention Of Said to be fL very palatable Morsel, customers, freight chrgesc"prepaid-
lay before him on the stretcher, er your own a Kidney Pills trying DrI. Willi f or
night. of tho Name (lay when Afarat. of breeding for twins.and* Fame Warned by Dodd' 0
rZ - They sent her a management. -suiih it� Pink Pills the Everyone eatij it who can afford to able; no capit;1
0� t
for the most part. �he ii!,ver ,tir rd u
night or two after frOln-the prison of copied tile ecrou or prison document course will ki Canada Wlns�the bonfidence and doctor laughed -and I buy It, and butcheris are furnislidd required; exclusive territOTY.
Her face lity I 111AIII Oertaiuly prucure more prolific breed eld the thought
IAL Force t4) tilt, National Hospital, of", Capital N cessary- for a Solid Syndi. In derision. However- Mrs. McCrim industry. Dr. G. MARSHALL & CO.,
the -pillowit. with licr hmg linlir tilf- i forwarded with each?- sick Witoner. er,. _Q . With "a, new branch f
cate. Ecilault, Of PaT'is,.pre3cribed bone Mar-
wa,4 in chargo at that perind.- ad told him- tier name, and h It is clat-med tha't the seat) in sheep i Mon decided she could not afford to ru'r to an anemic pdtlent[ as a tonic,
which ! This h. er TEA IMPORTERS. LONDON. ONT,
I tri I t(t. make iny wa.* I age. Her crime was that tier father hits been completely - %Viped out in Aus.
%Vhea cri,lA id Vii r -rt occurred Y- to tile man.
1jut tilt- eruwil�%vlLl gre I- was an emigre. As Citizen Gregoire leave Untried Smell . a well-recom- vdth immediate and mst gr
Citizen nilrvy, It i -v_ t,n uard, , at.. anti Ijost trulia, Ity persistent use of hot baths� At a time when Most business men. atifying
tip an.1 t;1., "I ight 4)f 1,411. It Yoll know him— " ended, Laverdae ros6. A cold dew uf sulphur anti tobacco, -followed by- mende Pi Tflialts The news Of its wonderful ef- FACTORY
room, gp)kt- to Jilin jLs lie came out. bill and d remedy as Dr. Williams' nk f�6c, t�s 8 -
- J" R S ALE 'Es'
stood upon his forehead. " Come edge one'oof sulphur antl quicklltne� at a tam- -lire resting on their,oarst succeeding pills. Prea rapid-ly, and av tile pres- Plant. Ali new. All'
ton) much in haste to wait, see me, citizen." he said. "I'l the result of the election, it is ln�- Hence she took a pourse of eim tinle bone Maxrow eating, has be- -ply-tD James 3feComb. Arnott.-Oxit,
-pnil hor throu, t. V.4,q1ti pXclailli. no degrees. ' Whatever
'011. )�(- my eye -i
nd onl said Ills Hilould Ile thk-even- at. the' Hotel d'Aligre, cidevant R the appaxent Cintlition of an inip6r'ted teresting to report. the -det" of a this Medicine, which after a fair trial c(,oae A fashionable fad. "American
ini.� ur(l&-r tile co:onna0ps of the I!alalg d'Orleans. Exedse me; I Orin bear no flow organization that- promises to was eminently suc-cessf ul. rm -
811014141- lo�e ytiu It 13r1gvttv+ shoep. it must go into tl' e Yourself it yon';1jeb
�knelt and praved for 1.or if - t pputation its a and 011N Prostration and general waste. married before pur
NN'e hall a mutual frlpn(l. His is nil Inure Scab. but It hum been Or"- business centre, -and milk or soda biscuits,- she became. chasing a of
more to-day.01 le buth-There enlarge Buffales r Ing only able to take stale breaa be PhYsiclAns ar reporting cures of nerv-
C!autle Cezaron. -He. too. I lie left tile cafe. 'the vision now CiLted at a great custi. bring many thou-, able E, ?y
na mo was
vparoxysinq eL i&- lilt dur* - '100 f 0 1 "Light an Dar Coi-
floor fellow, died1 victim of ty�anny.,i before Jilin wits- one of only happluess; sands of dollars here for local distri- to take a -hearty -rateal-of any variety, I -Y and by we shall cDmid t*
�.Io! vatching*. UU0 IlIght of Sluh and cold north o adopt i On," a compt sexual science, by B. J. Jef-
i�abl tilt, other, "if yon so co p te, L -un NV4,1 , butiou. This --has without the painful effects that once feries.- M.D., Ph.,D. It yoa are married you
The third thty id ilinoss _ -go. charmink.'so tender, In le r kill Your lambs and Impair Yeference to the P-14-1 metric System of the Frencli and
llOt-er if-ttpr Calm, froia i �niide. Thl.i hill' tell Ilim and'he whispere(I it forthe perloil It lasted I Little Emilie. the health of Your whole flock, if Dodd's - Mt6diclue Cbm anyt.with asserted themselves after every meal. burmy need a copy. Agents wanted in every
-tiale- f' -w words in Citizn 4;r(golre's ear.0- Avlio had made. who had shared that sulto of offices Inith T It' 0UIY remains to be said that Mrs. tho 2-1 o7clock notation which' is now county, $2,to $5 per day guaranteed. Sendfor
it was Lrouglit by thi. The they be not sheltered Ili 4 dry place. 0 Illcott Square iArculars immediately. Mention paper and
-1th Illu' h happiness. had tiled on a stretcher -in Build your sheite. Building, substalftlar� business men MeCrimmon. improved in flesh , and thil rule in Italy, so far as Govern
rs where. tfienorth- in - c0lltroli - and L, . neral comfort'froin the f -i address J. L. NICHOLS & CO., 33 lUchniond
of January. It reeiiwd nad de- '-On the 1wrron of tile line viv the street -.!--no one beside her! She eru call not, jilow through amplb capital lit - Ito 0 tat taking nic-ut -regulations apply. The children street west, Toronto. Can..
Hpaired too .400n. Ife wa.,. still ahli� to near t . lit, Bourse. where lenne. vho had si) loved luxury, and care rains (Ire back. Nothlqg of- the kind In � recent �f the Pills, and almost anything go- speculators anti tenderness, and affection neli them. tll"xe go- to school at 9. but they ate. $5 SURE DAILY;�AG ENTS -% ANTED
nd money -changers Vongregate. a In mode-rn civilized abeiety the a (yf such. & bus in I relijion to Pepsia bec everywhere. staple
to M years begins toequal the Importance Ing she Could eat with impunity. D - dismissed a 13, 15 oV 16, as the case
write. for tile letter Wil.4 _ an- ya
ette. as usual. It 4inted the 8ril Petite for pure P ame a thing less dreaded,
sport is 'yet way be. The courts
banflsomf- man of elegant appearance Inew to goods. Ili, mand
Pluvoi f&r tile COMMAnity.. ' Tile new company !Ind. largely belonged to the past. It 61,),te at -17, PaIrl, . Open at 10 and never supplied.' We furnish work. Writelbr
;I. a). rt -l -y much (I(- attracted muell attention. I -Two Not many days later LaverdacAvas ahead Of that for gambling; itrid it has been OrganiZed-for th& juanufac, Is little 'wonder therefore- that ament assembles at full information. Catalogue of 2W engravings
pressixf. m ileart-4, ;in i I cannot follows steppptl tip to- . him. In the Forest of Mendou and walking is against - the interests of horse she and adJorns--sometimes' not till free. - The 'Queen Silverware Co., -wontTal,
account for it, since I m confident do you want money- i rapidly. Through the branches of the breederWto permit race trai Aure of Dodd's Kidney'Pills, d remedy urges - the use of Dr. Williams' Pink 2-1:.- or later. The Government the- Que.
Ck gtLrn-- that bas won Pills upon others similarly afflicted. at 1-i anno
you love me. Tl,(- gotill atw who has I clianged ? Citizen. will you trees, arly losing their leaves that 19hig Many more would indulge fa oe Re unce that the.curtains will SAUSAGE CA . SINGa-NEW . IMPORTA.
I .- They year. by reason of the great droug Ili Canada,- and thili Comes to the Dr -Williams' Pink Plfla.creat.6 Ile* rj�iul at 21 o'clock- (rareI7 earlier) and tin
epinpassilon. on iny niisery pronAsed � buy �en l6ulK in goul?" lit their liatural.love for fiLst horses if linited States in blood, build up the - I ons of prime English Ebeep zind Ainerican
that yo Ile i wore ragge(I clothes, but 7 a n resPDXISO to a well- nerves, and thus in. and 0. in. are no longer known hog cas s; reliable goods at right prices.
u sliciult! --*,t thi,� letter the Ile It I of the sninmer, lie caught sight of there Wali 110 taint &bout the -posses- defined demand. There is nothing fie-, drive diseage froill the System.
--outd pay 1,)r 1'.i-; latipanljy if pr(�elotys niptal.q. tiley Avoul(I the apple orcharns Velizy. a place, Sion of them
In Ott railroad tlihe -tables. How- far the PARK, B &CKWELL &CO. Ltd. Toronto.
It 'been quit" read Ally '�hou titious� about the Preparation afid hundreds of caaes they have cured B
It should be for tin A ettract anette bi lesertbed to him lZi not tile browling and nothing doubtful after all other medicines, had failed, legal hour has made -its way with
new man low heon . got gold from tho pnekets of "th Strangf,r, as a spot sho-.1oved. There was red training of trotting anti �,-Ullning is Clalined to be -about its rsult86 Pil I ilic it Is difficult tot. say. In - Naples AIRSESSMEN-r syiiTEm. MUTUALP
over the prisor who lilt I live soinp c treesi horses be a sureme and of mer". equally respeatable, With Plete triumph, backefty thousands of axe -a marvel among the c
nil bowes who looked aR if liff might It fruit still unKathered on tit thiLs establishing the claim that they th" theatres not subsidized by the The Invortaut announcemHe'aNt'I'Lle
tilnere lit, caim-, we Ilave nbon't In nno, way q,, anoth He followed a-gr'een lane witich led the breeding triumphs Government -that is, all, but one or made this mornink of the amalgams -
tile V, of Ji)rsc'y - c0wR Or - of legitimate testillOhials -and indoraed. medical- Science. The ken-
Illa of modern
been subjecte to IURDY intlig�'nitle QOld Innis were worth thmisinndq of him to ge;lbn his right hand highly bred dogs ? It in because there by men an t1vo-generally annoftnee their opening Wiln'of the business of the Provincial
anti many. p-irti, n -A.' Onr cells are i frines In.,Lq-4 rm liouse"�-6elonging stands in tile way t, d woftlen of more than. nine Pink Pills are sold -only i.n boxes, soviething like this -_ 'i -Beginning at 21 Provident
tllflr valup 10 blig.liting pres- average intelligence. Becaus bearing 'the full tr " Dr. Institution of St,
to Nla,Uette. with all its out -build- once of ti I e- it comes . . ado mark
Searched. and who have any ob, vi)hnnePt dar hy. d.iy, Thp eltlwn thus to gambler. or4y, the froul, Canada, it is none th Williams' Pink Pills f o'elock (9 p. m.).1? Thomas irith the Mutual Reserve
�iem addrPsA ings. on its left the church. He aron pool box i or -Pale .1�`Ooploll
jectst very dear to- them have t] 01 plishell pitst tile mf%n -against' the breeder. e lea a
all taken away' Aftt-r dark we ar 'in Imp triumph.. It has won its spur, Protect ourself from impositl Fund Life Association, whose man -
0!, lit 1pnt gosture. ant] turned Into saw where 'fk door pierced the white - Our pastures are too short after the there. aVer on by A Matter of Duty. ager for Ontarlo is Mr. W. � J. Mo.
ot allowed W go to bed had br-f-n nnep th'. pini"i nnynl. Wall of. the garden. It was there- spring ll -100111 I$ off. We should seed for 'Therb is no More Progressive bust- f0fusing any Pill that do(;s not bear not our custom, to puff 'rti- 31urtry, -of Toronto These 'are the
in darknpis, Olf.'my f am ter- Arithin that' wall -in- that qiI the registered.trade mark a is
n.' I it -el timt dauggers t qwiftiv through tile tong house. that aint tile lter Summer drouth and manure, nem in Buffalo tham the big round tile cl-i of m chandij�e, but induty a to two
13, cast dow whorv� nt,thnt tirlis, of ity be would find her. the fields World's box -largest natural premium life In-
Luore, richly- for full food I)ISPellsary, -and there is every re ont, subscribers we cannot holpo Men-' Otitutlow In Canadi. Their a
thicken �ountl me, Yesterday my t He publied open, the door. it was not noon Bradstreet7s: on ggre.
-aR c0ne4lntrated thp very fire or tbP -locked. and entered a flower g'arden- front early spring- to late fall, and 0 anticipate imilar activity incon- Trade. ti"Illrig the -stoves gold under the name gate business In -the Doniinion
jailer toUl me that tilt- of Lrront eltv, 'Pintin;
X for PIfInsurp n nil have logs' of the expensive feed. nection aunt Ure
the S&-Vou Ilob4soltif,ry hwq beeti tssa- for lfhfrt' Citizen Andrey was sitting on A . bench with 'tile In act of T + "(;; Lrland.-" Garland stoves and ranges amounts to $86,000,000., The Mutual
y of action dft�er tile terri- Ing Of oil cake and corn. while - the Dodd's .-Kidney Pills- Every condition rade is fairly -active' at Toronto, Vj�-t no maire than other -first-class- ReBerve Fund Life, which Is thq
41nat�etl. br- it trup I Ife was probftl.,IY 410 OxMirlenepc, it lind passed thro under a tree. but Laverdae did not grass laetij- Grass bee adithere is , imProved.demand for go o largest natural premium e ompany in
my only ersanal. eni�tny. htit� [ cannot, A motler crow(] t 11 r4o Tl Ir U observe him. He' looked only to, f is the. beat fully 'WalTintA it. The new comp an ds, but are isuperior in many ways,
*'if tllo pl-Lep wards in quality and tile cheapest in price. represents men of . jar any Nvinler � goods. A quantity. of fleece Hnl)py Indeed'are Vie homes whic the world, has tor years done a large
house. vhere on a porch Piat the Our land - 11
otic4x al hN de. Thii jailor telN howpvf-r. after the ge . experience wool has been exported to t has paid
t- that Several pri.-t(mers whom I tbc% figure of a woman, all In black, with to rai a have become too valuable and business. it'llility, Ivith the Hon. States. Business is he United contain a Garland Stove. business In Canada, and
gTent bet or -a -Plimmer day-thi, 'Some wild -Howers In W clloaP grain or scrub Stock. F. G. Babcock, ol only moterately here In death Claims ever *1,2150,OGO
It takep enterprise and onergettede- -president; Mr. J. A. McKee, f To. but the tendency Paper Toilet 7ableg. It is duly registered under the Do.
he Levolut'on a--r--.v TrlbuTL-t I. Two have tilry. -tile elgliteenth cn her lap. She seemed to Ile t9y1ng Avith+, Oil to get 'is upward. There-ts a better
bave knmvu haive N -f -ii tnkpn before hott0st FITmmer OF some apples and Hornellmville, as a tiv at Montreal;
,ieon acquitU-d. they ThrOff0l thh, '- erowd. wlileh them with her thin. white hands. terininati out. of the old- rOlItO, &S vice-president, -and Mr. 0- minion Act and has a deposit in- Gov.
hat Blinn Yates as secretary- and treasur ernment bonds with the Insurance.
Tlwy ruts. but we must either pursue t demparaWdea for staple. good* _- at Quebec erf.'PO PITPer toilet tble is a
W'4'm"4ff Ifttis, to n ttra et hist notlee, the Nlanette!-but, alit, how changed - city gr -t additi
ire bppy! It. may bp my turn next. man r11ioxvorl hi.q wny.% e and collections 'have improved. on to the summer' e-ot. Department amounting to $1()B
wag tall ow pale higher agriculture Which brings great- Or - Air.: Babcock is'president; of -
give, change the menillers' of the
But do not: be filarmed. how wasted! But the er Yllds or abandon crop@ and the Busiliess has been fair nly.at Hal; Inexpensive and easily made. By this
I'd well dr H- wo-e swnll Batik of Hornellaville, owner of tile- '- Have 'Your carpenter manufctUre
makes me think I -am lili(-Iy to be tii I,,,( ')' greatest change was' in her pye-9, -our whole, attention to highl fax, but the tehideney-fa toward im, Provincial Provident . bi�come menl�
It Is only a. li�e�eutiment, Nt-ea t of Twilit A111V
k where the bright light of intelligence y bred famous Babe6ek Stock Farms once elftibir or square table, s )-ou de-. bers of an Institution with one bun-
"trip',d, with red, and a crnvh�t of muR- hail fled fore 'er. the home of the mighty,§4niliggler, and arket Is active Pirr'. Tack a piece of..cloth
provemept. The fM'm
Stock. . This is a 'new era, -and of
;ball prob.61y Iz long itionths In pri- , lin. 1rv- fflii%. Rut Ile too Chittiged cronditions. arounti dred and ten tholleiind members und
4ou- Ali, my away frf�in thee! T- Laverdac v and the present home f the beau- Ow OxPOrft Of aPPIO1s re -heavy. IV- -edge deA-p enough to come down over $31,000,000 -of Insurance; an
Mon with tho Plsicurp'sopkersi rnund e high pri Ut much destitution prevails on hery, half way to' tile floor,. sew to this, Institution that has iiedrl $61
tO Ailvii 'Inrthingr In com- anette -saw him, and ave a, sharp quality. which brings th Cos. Babock paid- $24,000, A�rheft it was the Lab- V00,000
may possibly lit, to of -ml yon prPoeen came nil to- Vie - porch. it Ih no longer the largo size, 1) tifUlF Stallion. Voodoo, for which Mr.. 11119 to the failure of the fig
inother letter. Your-; g I&AT19 Its life him. cry. The. fruits and flowers tlidt had This enables the breed abaft 21 mouths old, rifdor,coast. Protracted bad weather a -flouncee of tlie crepe pper, cover
asts. Claude." been lying In her, lap, fell at his feet. er kto sell the n _I . ' assets - afid An, equal. annual Income,
Citizen Audrey repented the ivords,l ff" gmv t1rod of pipal , quicker afd oftener; and Young Stock- more of -tile fmest b1doded--at -at Newfoundland Lfiterferes with the wl' the reit of tile distance'to'the and'wlitch has paid onto $27,000.0oo
Intr filF; wn*-- She turned and fled Into the house- ock ca ri %et. Cover the top of tile table
thrnugh thp tfirnniz. rind turnp(l Into H gains falster - and at I tile countr In liadlink of fish. Total bank clearings wil't the paper In death clatnis. It to *hardly
a P would have foilawed tier.. but Cit- (](lea - tilat which em expense than y. Mr.-. Babcock is: a -man of at Winuip and finish it.,wIth a'n-. POO- TAz4 IC4)g aR life Insts." Claude was on.- of the gallprioR. R If by is. older. Young vast business Interests,- an ec. Hmilton, Toronto, sible that they will fall to allpreclate
Fresh dAngt-r?4 oncompasse, Rnddon fmpT7YR,-. he m.lr1p izen Amdrey wals at his side and pre- VON d one who Mointreal and 11alLfax -amounted to otlt�!r flounce Of the Paper deep the advantages of this Change In the
fflim. It was p(wgible that ('111y's wav, vented him. boo - 10- months old hogs - and our has been wonderfully successful to overlap the lower one. set
�A ith the fr or n, babittip. intn thp 61 tl' iftY mutt everything he h In $20 563 000 last wee, against $211� 'llacressed securl
Peath. s4b fr from proving ill-; deliver- Go. Citizen Laverdac," he said. IT on sheep sell for better am undertaken. The 8 - it -rt with a liberal number of paper ty Which Is thus
the previouff week, and 2 placed behind theIr Insurance.
prices b(,,Lore they get too large and Elmira 'Wegram calls him - "a 45766',000000 in the samiliAveek a year ago. be
nee, mixtit draw--t1w net ' cioqer (,'Ire Coriiznt. nnd cientpa IllmRVIr lit It 18, Cruel to disturb by your pre- rat. $2 -
a talilp. P bows or rosettes, and the effect-,witi
iround his vietim'. Tit(- old YnRa drow sence, the Calmer s wealthy ! and publienspirited citizen
"Vitft,-n. wh"l,l yoll likp l . 1tI e 37 buslne�q
of her. She Is As -a failures - re- realty, Artonishing.
Is here among her trees,
ind pbolix T, MOUR and Prosper0u�- The iaA week, - Against 48 the Previous,
- f'eP err,me (lP e.-Irt. (it, a place f4 ported from the Dominion of Canada IF TI-Tir IRABy IS CUTTENG
iear Itanette's. b, -,(I.-- site as aq 'Aw. cut nil, fuid nuilstenNI Idid -Just tile k1nd. of man -to mak6 There Vver
lie whispered: '-Oh, Nenette I Ift. Citovenno AM- happy 110W an we can ever hope she mixPd 1Y.Itih- bran and ground FOR TWM.31 I
1ten you -4txwk that b qw, iliol you 41 tho w-ri Iter. prOPORIrg tn will be. She cotton seed,meal or ol,l meal, development of this new business will
Somebody was nt the door. lirlgf-tte rouse vantag" with fodder. Cior gr6wth and in tho olLe, year ago,'bilt as co.l:n:!)arpd rl a. Winslow's - Sooth-
9 her it will only be to'revive terrible n and 'hay Prosperity of 'Buffalo, was ftf+ler�,P. 0141 Amdrey went nd nn reminiscences. I -�L_eave her in peace. progressive to our . advantage i�l 46 two years ago-.., .-Syrup for children teething'. rt
allil�-s all pain, cures- wind colie, and
are not always President of the Dodd's. Medicine Com�
Ace with Citizen Gregnire. ()tie look essential; be waves. Descriptions.
jassictl between ths-m. Som ng ter His T)rpvnflfnz tpoilebt -all his etraw Pallof Cainada, whose 1i 11e best tomedy. for diarrhoea.
(Nit many Thoug4 Laverdac, looking on events or Well stacked or stored- and ell: a masculine goose. TwAmity-five cents'a bottle.
mn plac.,. or wits. aholit tbOnLrb t% ecim.Y)Inf It) of tb -baled. ready for use. terprise. have made A gander. to AKINC:
Ing aro too expensive for thie ind Will turn ntereat 'S
tnDw what you were doing 'him thf, faRliforlabir, liquid 1�f the day. and fruits. and flowers. If you '11v;� t1be'llaY. It ma be mixed to wl� give film a- -direct week.-AInd altke numer In the week M liure-and use - that old and well-
fle made n qfgn or 11F1.(;Pnt- nnt Parl, tri- remedy, Mr
-t ho nrtlornd: nut his'elbows: farmor. more ways soothes the child, softens the, DUNN
Tie- folinil 111nispif race to thr, table. anti 111(l 1)1.1 fi(-p In
I hn ndg. hIR In pity. stay alway. d be Ims learned that they than one. -Mr. McKee is B
-Ible had tak wuli f rolu big own point of view, hated the Do' nort pa�y a good for =(Y Kidney A goom to feminine 'for
aying a wlrd. Citl;e-n Awlrey drew n. a breeding. an on, -a coniPositor of 3111-
"Ilt nf CPZron WaR 1111111 and then depend r.
Grego�re eamf- In whhout first n, -IVR 1111 h9d (flAnInp(l 6n comina' RevOlutiou, lie . wan a Frencliman,-and and breadth of tile Dominion. X . gantler.
.o lappen . round Price Plils famous throughout the length A goat to a Criastu whose atmos- F] Jail Raws'
L4 country was at th4t moment lm-! upon "blood Blinn -Yates IS 712'allager"of t1i phere Is -inauspicious. has Avorked steadily at the POWDER
to (to aJI tile rest. This a - But- A - it
�iaek to tft film pasp, lut IliA perilled by foreign Invasion. He did superior g%mbol Is t1h1D -gait of a goat. caize for sixty-eight ear. fte is, I
;hook 9xisler him. At lit-st lit. fouild rr+&4�11 tllnt -what In AAmes of war and t' "blood" In an anlm&I is the fal0 office of the Charlea- L Fldller's - A gute is w1here you mee THE-COOKSBESTFRIE
"IR It Claw4c,- ?" GrF-golr ih1nJQP1f qf?r),11�1 Umult result Of Yeax" and years of care Newspaper aAd Magazine Advertising bomle t4ma you t her, mid is 01,011911t, tlie oldlest compositor.. In. living. TIP most mbu. do who havo lost'heart. rilings, In A sham it. the countrv, nor: is."Ifia, position one, fLARGEST 11NI but 'good surroun, t011igent treat- AgencY 91 Chicago and' NOW York, In
)nt Itis arm r4runil hI,, , o, , ;I friputl 11- 11,111 hd th- reqnlutinn and hope, and all home ties. He meet, -all tending to the- development and has ecently'remorved here -from worn in winter, and Is of- - lionorary inembership, - In. � the
to sald nothing. The_y went back Into to ,Tjrr,-r Rnlltlr�, eonflnilhillni-_ the Joined the arm 61 the - North under. Of the best. To got -City. .0n.to that
1, y - New York lwrge or small I proport!
.he chamber. (ire oire If -d IiLs'friend nr anti the General Pichogru. and shared In the any eal or lagf, WhIch It covers. FARMERS AND
-o an firinchair.- lit- dropped into it rriu,itv -r)r Ing good out of Thet 4ew business starts out under P-lauts for in( y are
i In r,4 hy IlN brilliant campaigns of 'the -next two t such. all anIm&1 it tile - A 'gout Is- ligestion tile
Leavily. On tile lly ',%fltnette. rtbgtinrier.' tbvr thn'toll 1119 Tiamp. must le kept on th . Most favorable auspices, wl Itwpi-jally recommended for corpul nt
r YOurm, -which drove back the Auj�- e up grade alwayR. - tb n 0' A grt.m4 on the t- dial' tea," Peanuts, are made- In e BREEDERS
nd Atill. wouill not hear DAIRY. Possible question 'as to . its sue- to a
villte, tv.-renme hN rMrilutlon trians. He had had previously a ter vgduo in floor
fie newa he broulzbt for a I(qlg Willie. or bN crluragi,, cess, and With -ever �=84amn -a bot wholesome amd nutritious soup, are Who &redeSirou
slight acquaintance with hie - general, B061tum the private dairyman can Ing. things bum y Intention of mak- t4W for caoh�
�Better So.— he aid t(A All th.-it MIQ (4v(,r now. - tVbnt he anti won his way to his confidence control the cowS. their feed and eare, _It 10 eally to see that A gaucheale 19 What broWned and used as coffee, are eaten 3 of
er for her.- 3z"Upredw."s a mpmor.r. And'Atft- an'd his regard. When Pichegru was a-Dd the inUk from tile t Buffalo '18 fortunate In being- made -Your friends as simply baked, br are pre- improving their
fine it leav are Continually guilty f.
He UOIC Out, (if hig prsoki,t a new_ nette viiq a wiflow. ell headquarters- for the States. It parod and -served as salted Nnionds.
summoned to Paris by the. Convention the cows - until the finished - Means stbek should
iaper; he tinfulde(I 1�_ 4,11,1 1:11,t it upon Prmr flillti- P,;or'� ten- to br gos� on the ma ket, he obouldpbreolubelet steady woft-- ior'SP9reS Of Pee A gw faw.hm you ahn at-, yet,you
wdrey'o knee,4. eak 'up the power of the 9' _pleo and kniti reach It ag&tn8t YIDUf Will under personwify
ee- no end of free advertising for the city. gnother
4--r. kindiv v1.,4ir)n9rV Rf�tll! , Tie hall tions. Laverdac was on to make a finer and"more uniform
"Report of tile Trib. II7r4I 1p tf his staff, and' pronuncl"Idn. Inspect A�_
MPQ wbon etlon. nob h1pnt- had the -happiness of taking part product than the Mali at tile factory to what eVery' MUM fS to llfln� Harder
inal, e4tabli-4110d i'11.1it whst av4jl- We street fights of the 12th Gbrmiu In who haS :60t this control', and yet the Chicken Te"Apin. A god LONG EN_
Ice. by the D(!Cree (4 larch _10th. (A It Vint - MU, alld some men to women, but they
riett- i4hotild lip rrpe ? (A e sections were mes, from the Take the dark meat of any fo�vl and lall mttIO when they a" shaken. LISH BERK.
great. mass which. co
"SOntenCPAI On the :jr(l ftillr(Ilge of T.niirpht do Lavordri frve lRo? - defeated. and - their- power. broken. farnw sells for less creamery Lent it up In small stbrAw. Ivat- Into A gwcon In the'French Walter who
ITAVf" Tind risery try bN Later. when Pichegra became In- butter to -day. tile Chafing dish half a L PW Ways " Yesdr I SHIRE Pip, and
be year- Agatho, Jolljvpt, reatilp I ,R. YTP lmoRt %;tpokelii It volved hi a- conspiracy. to -restore the A calf wbicli fig dropped in the'fall. cream, - rubblItg into a, as" two t - -of of flock of Shropshirs
A gri
table� IiindfathlBr, like a; clock the
'Marie Frnn-ol,%,� Vors-. dr(as- r R', t, dwyj t that tabip. 13ourbons, 1averda Started upon whole wallne naime, to
anker;.Loulsi Claude 0,zitr(-Yn; Fraii- Tt wts; tho, h, c was In his confl- Milk. &axtually fuI8' Of buttOrt tile 'Yolks or. 10un suit-
,Ihl.t ()f d to�be very Down
talking to bIffi-. dence, and shared his plans. and when changed to ski= milk, =eggs, a tOaXPOOnful of dry mu& ably ad
with & little tualed In- a If -all, when In a Priam very moderate,
ola Jean de Tromblay. ci-devant'l Q-ir that he 11.1fir e(Illirffi. fil primon. 101chegru wits banished to. Cae linseed meal. theh to wheat mid- tard ; add. to, the stock, -put, In, thig RlOribtind condilion.
obleman; Rosalliat ol'Al.bert; 'Antt)lne diings, oclover and enallage, . c4n be meatt Ren0oll all with-cayenn Address
oula, C thnmi, brute.% bad with twenty of his officers, Laur une e peg- A grialldinother. 10 ilso, ' when a-
'hampagne. priest irt4l Canon. 9111ilotinea lier ? ent
e 6 The BOW PARK CO., LtdL
u0salle d'Albert -was acquitte(l." MMW1 Ut I n
do Laverdac -was one of them. ready to put. on pasture In th - pring Per. and salt and - let( gi b _ n , relliet. Inness Is often a sign 6f
1-111, "PIV In positibn to There he died of the i0limate, Had In 900d shape. The spring calf Will boll. When. iready to serve, stir in a A gkillon, IN SRAWT1r0R06 *Mr.
vr,h'a,t you take, If you poor health. - A logs- of weight
Then follo0ed an enumerat'on or thp, _m'k"Pll rld- Ibla enq1i,lr1-F;. qnd might lie lived to escape- w1th. his comman- have but litt4o, advantage over t at glass of Nedelka.. are anoug.h.
auseg tha tone -6i i q - I foolish
der he -wonld. in all probability. have - a year G
.4n,in obtfilril ]ter. HF- mig Id, and In the end It will -have A ga0op is M :thia end of - the pr generally sho--; sorfiething is
death pdased on; thp five other4; nnt hF, ,lbTp to ct1k, W!
to binimplf dl been concerned with him and Goo 'cost more. ONE-MINUTI-1. CURE- FOR -_TOOTH. CrUlnule, Just when the men are get. LODGE
�'Agathe Jollivet. aged F0. convicted Wetiv whnt h� Caffoudal'in the cons ' rges Thke a wrong. If d
61 1 t4nx the a ittlior or conniver of c4or- ristiltd to,. fn t1l, hr)r)pd or what lie piracy of 1802 long. narrow -glass tube, ting sick of it and the women am ue tO 2 Cough,
_11� will.; fUture, but his in against NaPOle011. -and! have perish- hold: a pi - beVinning to enjoy . themselves.
in commup- not 3fugleal In potency and-j�ower, i !, an
to Ow Eln up Into thlo put a hAlf-pint )ene- A giWery is not Unnaturally played theje S� an ence and Informatt .1 pref4sinIr nnxiptr wfL,; to rl, col, X lung tr(5uble, or if
ed.on the scaffold.. %nd 'Sou V 1G Irs
-"Nlsd- - _q Repubile p ea -nerve. to, belIng-tompowd of gods inherited -tendency
_I 11 - ""It done -%vttb (TIM r -,ND.) of milk and a balf-pint of cold water. ' rating at once to the (lie out -France. Marie thn t preit.. t,Tnl,,,. Nerviline-nerve pain
tonder little ran- In three hours all tile Cream- wi cure - Cures .. -A gumption 0 ea Idaen behifid an
3tore. 28, of hiding a priest. turc�? TT� wonTil lem-Are nothing un- DEAFNESS CUItL 41 toothache in a. Moment. - Nerviline,- eingloging -W I to �Weak lun Emblematic of any
C"NOT BE D have risen, -find Vill show on Ithe
9s, take care I
Dile Cezaron. convicted of anno fn ft the In CculltenaAce;' Society to -wfimh be -
4t& MI nil hnr: for lip lind at least by local appIleat ol"
co- mel� UantftY of cream� and eat marvellous pain remedy A grumbler to -you or you long. Mo. sent.td Jewel -
talken part, In the Inspiracy ititoenreel sompthing hv biq pemistent tons as they cannot known -to science, MaY be used for bo�r, or both of you. neigh
Dept. will secure -an
elegant Rolled Gold'Buttor,
;ernal and external -rotol"tInn. The all nerve palm. - -Test at once its Of- A gmwler fly.the most nolsomb thing
having Intrigued TIT'VII f.. 'Id PFten ppd V ouquier- '!*lime Is only one waV to curia deaf_ Owner May change his opinion of his f1cleney.
sV� the Int Flo h,
reach the diseased Portion of -the car. 'valno Of tILO cow for batter,
TTIR nqTno hnrl not been - In- nesli, and t berd. ad find that the last is fIrgT, ith slerewand spur
hat Is by,--constktUtional on Alur wheedle next to 1% 61tale dust (od ese Buttonsare
4r,4, -against Hafirlot, and ftl�() qerlbffl tifloy, tile Ilst of em,gr#w. of , -liver Flypo-
auti ly-niakle-with
his section that arhi- Propprtv remedies. - Deafness Is nd first last, In 'value. PM n a Mgh- Q11, With
caused by -an ..44 Effective �Mreat. eAft, XWther will It It 0
had not bpen colif ied. Inflamed condition of the -In hot weathm when milk will-anur -ay. namel.rd tqritres,
aThe foil ot I phosphites, s a fat food and
,pared ThP-90 thfnp mugous I'll- bi a. few hoursi with hardly a vestge Owing n ice a posted on 91 good ng.aLlultable-PrOstot
ulvered tears 111,4 notarv. I hP find JnQt 1parlind from Ing of the Eustachian Tube. the walle of a A gazilet. fly gane When YOUL more.
w1ho bad given him a this tube is- Inflamed you havWkell Of Crcam'at tbe top, try puttbg. bootblaCk 'Shop In knoW hiDW-tq PW ft. causer� such Chan&
6 In tie-. He was rumbling- sound or an espentlafi,
dIed`e0T1511dFrrth1P f 0 acold Boston:
water Into it. Ice 10 et 110 aim whio Inws the In the
f ;lie 11elp Go SYS -is
�-tte loved Imperfect hedringo.. and you Ing, to gleep town at IntOrraim ftiban Its lie � ., n
enul bD nowerfal. and whe-n it Is entirely. closed Doat- will find yoW exMiments. Any o I vo,.w Rends tem that theta!
with water PrOve just ap satisfactory. in � &IN bMi L
or- getting on.the s w 11 �permaneht and.-Iln- ime!-i
4�!o In -
P)PTIP(I the perfumeil liquor that he resulU'and 1111106k the -In- have
now s t
h -en Ant before him. without tast- flammatIon can be taken: out and thl On MMY farm t1bb work of the water throir on them." ;p A Sioden neec� PrqVL t
t6n, ti e-_
InIr ft. but 11A, -hp raised lt'to his llpq tube reat6ftd to Its normal ty gad In 'When
conditions '110110DW1110 CaA be leduced more than rho Ortll in' ko
hail �%`bf 1half. for Bostoul little fani, the V10(m 10 _g
lg.�rt, ph Y
ppre another un;Me' hearing Will be destroyed forever It does DOP.-IMPRIrthe- -A J;eMre, -10' less- dbvlltln� G
ta ing-It..
ou'nd' fieph- til e
lit Il20 cen rA
A--feWer AhAn n
A man 11-Ppeared at the doo; or tue nine casm out of ten are caused- by, Slux decobt- tival-w- -help S C
*UtWr w1deh hW effect - of the- threat none of th He w" the'"ame Who had ac Itfabout ft at, all _10- Id, most locall so hailng been akin
catarrho which is nothlbg but a
brtuging.- n
T-taverdae as Ili "xtini flam6d co . udition of the'Mucous Our- POW
he '"de bfit,'WaY Out of the bail of fam.- t
and ult Oil
't --din
frew But Laverane We will give one- not, pKvg,ffTSj�potmtW,,.oU t t
Hundred Doiijiirp lfbeett to" bawtIdgroA a -A r A ir,,-
'da�Ug. W0141717 0l 1peninew V4* ed b,
thO OPPRO weze - ht
t''for th&ftL X
otherl- "Oh,,hookedoU '_ +, "
110Y a letter waa
h - EXAR"