Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-13, Page 3------------- -------- 7 9 H -7 777- -7 7777,7,_ Z, -Z ROU"T"OffIT WORLD by brigands and-lield Tor $50.000 E INFLEX 13LE, INEXORABLE, IMPARTIAL. SUNDAY SCHOOL tr11 L.0 REVISED REGULATIONS JuSTIC -I i raillsom, h" been releasid. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS Owing to the failure of tile viteat. the NOWS of hay, and . potato crops in Ireland, INTERNAT1024AL LBSEON-.-No. v weather, the Nov. 15. Im. 0. _a�,J,,ed by pirlonfed wet face t Important Circular issued by the. 1A M. Cream of Z mb rm are ce witl w r e of Ganadian. Trade fa and stArvatioxi. A wifter in the Contemporary Re- Education Dpartmpt. Blessilig t.,lion I King., ix. 1-9. Seven Days. view some of the -New hh hift- York C11=2 tta ken to (,-hewing to- for the fear 18961 ace�Jerusalem, CANADIAN. bacco, adding: "Think of the Venus - TIC Persons. -Solomon' The Lord. biting off a chunkof plug." Commentary. -i. When Solomon had, do MI INTERESTING Tfl STDDENTS. wonderland. finished the bbilding-Solomon - built. E017TOW still unWet, The Penitentiary Inve8tigation'tom- The London Daily Mail's Colistauti- Sweet eyes by as'cotumenced work at King- nople, besides -the temple, and the palace, a TO yullA118 world Is rad Mission h correspondent - says: "All -BRITAIN' BEYS MOST 4REBLY ston. A'palace halI lant _79t. thoroughfares le�&ng to the Ylldlz number of other buil(lings.--of which Of splendid truth Every Candidate -at Normal College Touched by t Charges of bribery - have been Klook are blocked *Ilbh troops nightly, mention is made in verses 1,549 fol-. he golden haze of 44* After IBM Must Take Vjue Colle.-e - where hopes a youth, brought against a number of Moll lowing our lesson. Such build' fearilig Q -at the rabble will atta.qk the ings were nd JoYs are ever rife treal, aldermen. Palace and the Luropean quarters." Of the.Things Thatlauad,a Has V) course-DistrictExanihiations Abol n6t only in Jerusalem, but throughout Amid the nlyster.* of life; I I ishad -Ch4nges"in Regard to Optioli a his whole realm. And seeking all to understand, It 4s estilliateo that 550,00.0,000 feet The English municipal elections last , I II. Chron. viii. 6. Of Iumber werb'cut in the 'Ottawa week indicated a cliange of opinion in Sell Control of Orgamization. It! 141111 This dust ]lave been thirteen years The world toyou Ia Wonderland, after the dedication of tile temple. 4 district this. year. -favor of the Liberals. lit- -tile -Ipai I Thompson of the'Collegir pro I turu'and watch with unshe; t'hodist Church anti Parson- vincial towns tile Liberals gained Print 2 The Me The Lord appeared ito Solomon The- furrowed track of elided d tears - iate Institate. has received. tile follow- tile second time -Often may Ife Lord years; age at Wellington. with -a house ad- many seats, while the labor party T11A have appeitred .. to Solomon I -see -the eager hopes that Wane, 17 bailding the temple (chap. vi- 11) and The 'Faith Joining. were -burned. suffered badly.' Tile' Liberals, gained qOOD.3 T PAY' THE DUTT' ihg circular from the -Educational both while The OYS that lie In deathless pain, five seats'in LWds alone. tawa.despateli sW9-that Can- Department, containing man� Import- U� aft�r it was finished, bat this wa�6 the coward that faf"oods 14r. John Walket-, - a well-to-do farm An"Ut 6 Outs should -second tims He had appeared to him shake,, The LondonGraphic as3erts that it The erp or. Camden township, committed- ada's foreign trade -lot the f1tital y( ---.r aut changes, which 4t d sideldo -by drinking carbollc� acid. leimis on reliable authority that the ending.June 80th. T,39.6. J- aiowt-'by -know of: at:nIght in ii dreaui.'Both these ap- rbOuls that'faint, the hearts that .d . . broke 111to All Saints., Marquis of Salisbury has decided -- to - t\ - - -A- z breAk. Vandato ievacifiLte the Islaild of Cyprus, and the returns t(,. %.ue fuetaim; Depart- The revision of tile regulations has pearances occurred at important peri- Tho -Truth -by . livid lips bemoaned, �Qurch- at -Kingston lad did - d lot of - that It is understooid that thladeci� ment, shortly Lu be published L In the been for some time under the consid- ods. in Solomon's life; I 'fllO Right 'defiled the Wrong ell- ge to the church property efou ha�m cleared the -way for common eratibn of- the Eatication Department. X, 3. 1 have- heard tby prayer -The & I _,aag b by - throned - 1131) Dobir- Known as the trade and This revision has involved careful prayer offered Solomon -at the And, stri;vIng still to understand. navigation tibles. The total figures st The new wharf In course' of Con- action of tiho poWers Ili Turkey. ud , a largb - amount of- Correspond- .4 struction at' John gave way and'- dedication, and utter6d with a full The At tile anul show 'of cage birds for 1896 - are 'World t was damagod to the extent Of $60,- -beat glven'in comparison enc! and numorotiA interviews wIth 7 heart, aud upoli his -knees, and Which O'me is Wonderland. at, the WestmIustA-r Aquarium. durinl� -The - regu.; then by and by with other yea-Irg. berm of the profession he aD much,wished might be nigh unto A little time' -ISJWM tile pa. -,t week, the Interesting fact Eports. Import.,;. z%g.Trittle. in press, and *111 be I God day and night. that he might The Ptiz7led thought it'961f.ma- 40 A(Y.485 Public When, I.ke the throb Of distant dru staff and" develolmA that hundreds - m`em no - are -now The London- Advertiser of. canarieSt 18W ....... . . $121,013452 $118,01 I.ULK, $239,LP24.8&2 no maintain his cause and -the cause of . die, nd with the consolidated. High and 'k friends celebrated tile 33rd anniver, wrejLs. finches, -etc., On exhlbitlon INW. .. .... li3,6�KM3 1I0.7?51,tis2 221.42 Lku n School Act@, Which are' in., ins V his people at all times. Chap. viii. 59. The call InevItabi comes ey e 'r 'by were shown to have been bred I LOR­ 117,521.911 sary of the founding 6r thu.1)"PL ) 123,174,1411 211,0110000 tended to remain without material He nevek uttere-I a mole impres-ilve or To bill ring brain and weary limb ...... . .. 1IM564,352 129.074.268 217,638,620. r Morran for the a le when the aching eyes grow idb4, change for five years. It is intended heartfelt prayer than thit one at-th a banquiet. don by artl�ans of the east end. 113,!W.37;, '241,311,143 And The trial Of robert British entigration returns, just is�' lid cc And fast the gathering shadoW_8 cre 'This allows for - 1890 -an increase In to- transmit as soon as ready, and dedication. In this seco appearan urd' of liantiali Ilattoll, Of HOI sued, show.that during the nionth of witliout application to this the Lord referred to that prayer that To lull the drowsy sense in er -depart- ep total trade over 1895 of nearly $15.-- lalld, 121st spring- was COUlmencedat Octolwx 2,001 persons sailt-d for Can- ment, a bomill'copy to each- Board of qnd 000,OOU and- a decline of $:i,000.000 Sokinin itfight recall Ills desires WO two shall lumber hadd In hand the Assizes 'at V), Innipeg. Ittlit, against 1,769 in tlw- preceding Trustees. It may be intimated in the 'low 1894. The O'xports are the fith at that time, ha -and be assured To Vvakeo per Ps, in Wonderland. be Llvut.-Col. LindAay therumo OctoLwr. For tile ten niontlis of. tile largest In the lilstory of Confedera- meantime to teachdre and 'students that God ]lad remembered him, aud -7th Batta�lion of London is year tile number'was 21,316; for tlie enquiring of you, that no changes -peopl THE"BUTTbRFLY BRACELE T. that, the on, which speaks well for the stabil- the e Israel. at)uut to disliand ur that lit' has any saine period last year it, itY of Our natural Tesources In fish, have been mkLde that will disturb th I have hallowed- this house ...... to put organization or 4 n of reeiguing. There is no doubt that the new Lord Idniber, minerals and agriculture. The Work of the schools. -As A 'Uniclue Specimen the Seasons 7�� illt-lUtiO �My nf4me there forever Sol6mon For the examinations of. July, 1897 -I' Mayor or London, Mr. A. Faudial-I 11 offered it, so God accepted it. in per- 'll a6uve &To -total imports. The follow- P -1!%rupiis rroin Jewelry Novelties. Abbe ProuIx to to the Montreal Star: havo no li�s, svill signalizo his year cd office by Ing. talyle shows tile value of guods there will be no changes In, the sub- petuity.- Spepce. Solomon Gedicated jects prescribed or the mode of -con- One of the novelties nf the Jewelry tttribut- great. brilliancy. Ito to com- importeLl and entered foi Consumption, it, but God. h6lowed and sanctified it line is the butterfly vich nils8it-us tit Is : ., - t Be rs. memordto the Quieen*s reign by raJ8- due Ing the.examind-tiom. In view of bracelft. It is to t$- I)y anti the duty-paid: -of stealing apples) -01j, you y to His use and seprvioe.- fison. I li-�,ve be wOrn between the elbow and sh titv the Changes that -will afterwards J UDGE.(to bov convicted oung wretA,t �Whzt %ill the oul- ar ing the islim of L1,000,000 with whic For Into operation, and in -view, of country come to if such young -vandals as you are allowed.to rob our orchaidi atid tie (in calls appointo it by My 'glory to be the der, &ud on n6 'Come, account about 'ithe I where I reveal My fd free tho London Publie Hospitals- 1) p ace Itraty if reciprocit V, 'doge'taild? Two years in the penitentiary.- wrist. - it is formed of a Perfectly P16111 roril debt. special provisloris *w1flch are in force 'on our ISM Lange.1 Mlne�eye&-My watchful and tight -fitting band of flexi -In Ir the 1,111tud st 'It 11) 17AS7,1269 only for 1896 and 1897 and Which NvIll cro aristocratic -Prisoner,- you are j ustly convi'cttd. I` feel horty for you. N'ou ble ativA will probablY vi` -embezzlei) tit.;. Thc- vlue of pr6lit I gracious provIdence. Mine heart-ly gold: Ws.11ill, ton In al)(glt ,Ix, mon -rty in ls�.Il 22 4. 113.0433,Wou 02,7,11,11UO I9,37P.S2 ntit appear In the new regniatione, tile have by stealing many thousands of dollars lost your'standing in the coillitlunity, and your -xempli! award of I I in feelines-bave suliered by imprisonment. true and tender affection shall be to - office Oil llis I-4)lt"()n is t flied by the se is a hard one. Tile L; following- formation is given: Your ca 'oiUIIl1)izL wamA burn- kiveii to Lord Portinan for In vi %Vcf your pre vioui ward- this people and place upon con - tell in britKilt L ectAility, iiid considering that yLott bave paid back part 4-YOu dition of your obedience.-Benswi. z of ground required by CONTINUATION CLASSES. resP 0. the money sto'en I will I Ica This shows tile r oft wit� threb Month 0* ed. .-it lot Of il"110 s ir. and tile 6lieffield duty to have been -3d.3. ill 1895 It The *ork of these. classes -is jail %%�alk ...... as David thy unit'llta Itve b;'011 10st- pro- 4. If thou wilt ant plil�'iiv railrcyail for a site upoa which to T.[10 PUBLIC -0, righte6usjudge fathow. ty of licart - When was $0.5. and In 1.894 -it was 30.8. vided by the Public Schools Act, will _.-Integri iti.. -tit Ottawa, station 111d hotel, etc. Tito The last year -of the old tarUf - wa,4 be that require.i for the primary ex- David Is here, -as in chap: 111- 14. beld :01 must up t4) Solomon am, a model in keeping Say that proi)erty djoins forty-six acres of tile 1$94. - Here, Is further ovidenw that autination. A first class teacher woutti tie encouuwreil in -111 11 Jellovah's commandjuenlo,, it is not be­ l)r0%_t'IIIVlItS 11t, -,;t. -kildrow's I"tilli vi,-Jons regarding continuation classet ed' to relieve the people of any* I)ur-' Ill, if satisfae- im- change I.- due to the stututory pro - for which tile rail -- Is Ou the revWon of 1894 wem not intend- have Charge. but. al)y aecond-c road w.t..; conipelled to pa nioretlian teacher uoWI employed. w: A LIGHT vause David never broke- a divine.]&w, Ized River. anti to the varied -courses- that give or never sinne-, bu became lie kept denf3. At all evento It didn't. Tihe tor W the Inspector, be deenied the city kniong the alul-1fdalent, Tito London Published an vailuol,, of free goods Impurtab was ai qualifled f OTJ the purpoWs. of -the ae14 L�enior leaving. estitilding. After :[8,z!T I the first and chief command- -ter, for wIlLelt Muntret pro -lew s long its lie retains his present posi- eery candidate tit . the exailia- iiiter% had by.its correspondent follos-,;, 1896 ... .. tfol�� of the Normal College will be Harve uelph, Sant to Ja to a,,k the Legi.4tatimo, is out, to aq _trt- CEinton with Pro_-iiderit, elect �A tion. -Thalregul&tlons Wilt provide for y, of G 41 for wuI icstablLulf'the iltrate ...... as I thorize-a tax on. a3l lots Of land. in $43,347,12 required to take the regular coare This was a rehearsal of th-e Mr. 31cKinfey was sked to 18,95... ... ... ... 46,694,85,6 an. -equitable distribution of anygrant 111)(In witicii. cliurclii�s anti .1 nglitnd. He re- 1894..-. 5 voted for the purpuse by tile hegiH. 6f traffilug t that- institution. Tile. ... ... ... ... ... 0,314,801 'the College to Three Moahs. cove-hant made wdth-David, who )lad ellaritablO itistitutious are erected. pliett: Not threctly frolu,ine. but you 18�1)3... 51.831,4459 lature. removal f -Normal communicated it to Solomon,- 'and The I.uialou Thut-s. renirks that it May ;-'tY thl"t 'to Words v�ill better .8� Hamilton Will- secure improved facili- 1 2... 47,818,206 PUBLIC SLHOOL Lu.�VINO. #hieh Solomon haA luoted to the eis forthe traiiiing'of fir - st-class Pub- LOrd.tn his dream at Giben, Ind also 1)"IeRt.- thall "livace on earth rs ECnd assistant High -England ' Lest those �vlio thInk an excess of This examination will lie conduetet lie School *a6he WHY IT -WAS MAU SO LIGHT relaed to 'Hiram, 'in making plams It had not expres. my towards I ti taken steps to prelveiiL tit(-" sifil good will to tiports is a blessing should rush to. under the �existlng--_ regulations, for ri lie s. - School te C I r ion." Tife.-c second and *Ith him for buffiding.the temple. All tiit or i;onilent s. 'e s the co%clusion 'that tile tyalatice orl 1897. Unlfer the revised regulations, tllir-d-clasg teachers will, therefore, lave fjullti- it,4 way to 1.:nglai rmed by Mr. mcKillley,s -Iiich will affect subsequent exanillia- receive -their training at the 'Normal knew his SUCCROs and that of Iraet trade in 1896 wa Ili Canada's favori w '9ye ni a I !:d ' thit; was familiar to Solomon. Hb we 3 Can- cordial Tilanner. dding that nobody -should be stated that the exports.� -)r.tw ttle, 6"L;Utlint L)euu It tious, the course of study will be qcliool,�, and the County Model &Ilools The Defaulter Pays Teii-_,Thousand Dol- depended upo illall axtic',k�- lIK-4tiolt could lie more un- ti obedi&e.e and loyalty .0fectell and uniissunkin-, the produce of Canada, &mounted in slightly modlfied� nd the answer respectively. Por tile purpose of lars in Restitutioxi tb the City- He to God. -Ill t.ho prtqlti� - 5,337, -as against the -;�Mr Osler 6. If e s'liall at all turn. from fol - 1896 to $109,91 papers read at the.Fducation Depart meeting existing condition$ the pro-. Entera a Plea of Gxiilty -ter has elzi-ilued t1k:tt: 111-S elieut is- ell- G RNIEJUL. imports of �UO,587,000 -eatereol� or ineut. Any Public school leaVing eer- visiolls of � tile present regulations Urges Clemency -Judge lowing me -forsake my t�ervice, 'dq- to a trial oll Recounts Till. tt)wn of Alberni, (.)It tificate granted heretofore, or 0 Butterfly Bracelet. the British C(,nsumPtIO that (circular 9) :tuay apply t candidate -i Sert 1%ny altar, and go anti serve Tge, but its 04unihian coia.,t, lis lieen maile a port Extenuating Circurrisrtances. tions- to the, OUR BEST CUK+ON1EIZ8- may Ile awarded hereafter, %vi -]lave adinitted to the Normal.College dur- other golds, anti thwi break � tile Cla8fied with a large gold Jewel- Pm-litiss is uiiabLo w bear tile exl)t'lls.e (if entry, for gooJg. the same . value as a certificate - of' Ing the years 4896 and 189 of & trial, 11*3 that, t 1 0 t�elltclav#_, - The - following t�ahtd sbowo how .7. Here, (;Ll('IIYII, NOV. chapter in covenant vow made 'between God spagled butterfly. The costly Insect Sultan has pledgmi having pass'ed Forin 1. The holder of aus in ot her: Instances, it ifi; desirable to the was ri,ached yvLer- and tsraci. Tids w,,,ts it stern %varn- 19 80 Polseq tollat at every m7ofement hill's"If to- -much of` Canadian exports. wa.,, take" reasonable attelition: to the day -when the ing to shun idolat�Y here !lad been Of the weamer's arm the gleaming pin- to put intoo-luniviliate i.xeeu- I t Britain and the United a. Public school leaving - certificate will give el)y C.VZI_�Jii 8: not DV reilifireki in 1997 to ims the clainis- arising under former ri%ula- city. left tile eourt-rumn . to ItI)PIld no suh tQndency in 'Solomon or Idra6i Ions tremble, open and shut. It -is a tion certain reft)rni, in,Armonla. States rot-4he past five year examination of Fowin 14 1 -9ttled cut- thrce - itiontlis Ion thl" commoll jail, at tile time of the dedication, ut m fi ornament, and nowl] It is igh tions, -and to aditere to a is treported tilitt _y0ar G. Britnill. U. S. school. agill cent, y the 4'r 4L so riculum and-unifdrm re(luli4inetits af- without hrd I.Amr, a� i punislinwnt tI vears o ti Le f prosperity had af X%'Illiani Pai(I svviret vi.4t to 1896 $39,740,201 jected most conspicuous thing about tile -61,856 900 41,297,676 FORM A. EX,11,11INATION. ter a fixed -date.' for Wei thefts na Solomon and his court, and this Kra. wealrer"B'PersiOn. a.v d- A conferene. Col. cious warning was a blessing intinie -0tory by Mrs. tht c1tY diii-hug- 014- r4-cV1)tiorr- of tile 1895 "hir.;Pectors and from %%hit -h por Cz a r. --15,809,00() This examination Will 1)6 conducted principal m' 1wr I,ake 1894 ... .... ... 68.538:85C, t�ailcd I'm tho Stu. vi.;e students making- nquiries re- dollatti,. �olictor for [larvey, Mayor Bee Tho. Japanef3e C;overnnient has 3893 "080,000 43,923YO10 arding the proposed changes" that Lamprey, City olicitor i;utlirie. Ind 7. Then will I cut off Israel Out of irA-1897 a�s-iu-1896. After -1897, Ili of d nd given alone, to Solomon. A Neat Free. lierior as a enttle-boy. 000 0 t n 'the number of exam- 9. award( -d to Anierie-azoshipbulider4 cion- 18t12 ... ... ... 64,906,540 38,IMS, )ro: r 0 lease ill -tile existing regulations will g tile land --The ruin of Ilia king An Ottawa; girt wus tin her WaY to the Form I.- examination w ov- inembers (if tile i � colllnlitt�ee f et- tracts for building two swift protected Of our totat exports therefore,.- of dom ruceived it I' ern for the- pr(Iient work and Vint: the City Council .1teld Ili tile would be the certain consee -d wht-11 tile rul Les took tbolished wid for 1�6 marrit c o'countri every candidate �r Irom $121,000,000 these t Tile primary standing must hold -Public or rrhing his or his children's turning to 10 t4 114-r f; tsi6r'ilt Missouri, ell detailed inforuvition respecting tile iii6riiing, with the objp $106,0.00,000, or 88 per cent. tt� Ijay her furo. Out cholera is reported - to hve school leaving-. certificate, unless he revh.�ed regulations, cannot I)e_ given ;It a -settleffient of Tlle civil 1 d o Is. "By one judgment after another, broken out ol� wali,01 Islnd, nd the 'other important countries to- . WIllell until COTlies are ready f9l. istribli- tion. It -was lerned'-fliat the iluntettiaLU our goods were as follows:- holds Form. 1. certificate or &..com- ti'l they begolue the most despie-abl6- tit') Yuunpl' Indy finilimls attacked re saiij to be -dying WIP sent tion. soutative. or tile Ilm-NSE-41 AM PeoPie under the isun, - thougi) they ly Licclred ()fr. ul, inercial certificate. - Pupils preparing 44 by till- hundred. Countr 1896 1895 will tto its 1wr fathor dusirus. 'evorts re curr-Alt that, inssa- West ladles ... .... $13,8'L0,00() $.I', no for the Public school leaving ex- nd ldernif-ft tt) make any were then the most lionorable�"­Ben- itLl . 11 72, OLD VOLCANOES IN ENGT.4ND. settlemeiit conditional )it their using son. These threats were remarkably Cro -ill r In Newfoundland 1,782,000 2,325,000 anduation *of 181)7. or pupils prepar- I I has occurred in' Illem. Ing for the Iorm. 1. exaZiiination, need their hirluence with 1he .('rowji to fulfilled hoUrS 111�,eltjS the- :,42itt)(11 dairing the Babylonish T� villge, near KalEwrip. ii(I that C)(f Australasta ... ... 517,000' 417,000 Caused the Great drop 11(� crindnl -The tivity :is ; by t his,aun ounce nient make no change Belief" That They but the destruction of Jeru- or t%% f) l)t-r-4)iw have been killed. ... ... 757,000 626,000 ILI their- purposes. Iligh s6hool pupils Dikes Found in Various Sections. city's repre---entati-ves, however, re-. salem by the Romans, and the state praetic;tl rzitifwd- 'but olit 1 -1. - France ... .... r;81,00o .35,00o 110illts have to ]PC" colffirint-4 1Jy tile It-fis ruore-41 Ili Berlin that Prillee who do not hold Public school leaving ftvied to the cHininl ction of tile Jews, to this.verY day, are -'the Bitmarck's revelations it all Sir Arelli1xi ol Ceik in. re- I regakit to tke Ckina and JAp 659,000 378,000- ur --emn-merciat certifimies and have ie, F. I. Ili a t all;_ their duty, th4-� Wa.� to most extraordluary - accomplisliment lecture before the Glasgow -Geological rt -cover to the city t1w wout, Th exports to the W assed the Form 1. examina, ion treaty were made in re est Indies a not p. t* v T -11"t Of them. -Scott. This house _,wIil I it voligo for the Emperor fligmlfing tile -the, somallest blace lago.-rrhe expoirts. should, if they desire to) get -full pri- Society on "Th Latest Voileanoei in had- takeu.' ' AN-ftit the Cruivit cast Out Of my sight -Instead of liav- Czar from to France in 1864 were $515,000. The inary . gtndirig ln� 18t)7, at tho British Isles,19 saYs that the sub- rested the duty.of aflitInk'ering ins- ipgHis eyes upon tftL,>pla4w -securing it visitilig, thoPrI.11M. write, ePrince treaty with France into force the Forin 1. examination. Irigh school tice� nd with the-pf-fformance of unt(_1 it ro C ion, 0 excic-s tbat t, ect Is one which had OCCU -rP- His gloriouus i rrederik Charles of anti mis- October 14th, 1895, pied him th t* ;elialiowing it by iiPapal able- pupils will not be. llowc�l to be ican- uki not interfL preaeZ, God would Alm - ter of Emperor Willim, -given WHO WE BOU(;H1l1 FIZO.M. didtes-at the Public school leving closely for the last tw6lity", and more The result of -the. iconterence regard it, and refilse to� make it His twen r hirth to twins, boys. III-Incess Mr- entoer6,1 for con--itinip- examinatlun un:til after 1897. especially fo the 'Aaat seven, yeax_s tiuit Col. offered, alld tile dwelling place. tht- I"nji.,gatiait, and that -Lt Is The. imports r' 0 P'The�e. Wands of ours were especially city accepted, $10,000 ,4 a full �vt- 8. At this house�-wlllch is high every' �-r Forbes - lready has two ,ons, tile tioll, - from Great Britain :lull tile DISTRIC'I,'- E.X AMIN ATIO--.\. i I - - tienient- of t I - either in very. prutniblo tile Luv. F4tIt" Ider lm)rn ill 1893 :1l,41 tile, wconi lie cilvi-I witilout 011ie ;Scotell ruellil;er of tho Order of United States last year aud the pre fortunate in tile wonlorfully Ishall hi, %V -.Il LO 1111poilit+.d. horn in" 189-1. coding four yea-xo were its follows: Distriet-examinatioths are now aho OM7 reference to the crinihit.1 of situation, for it was built on Islied and the Public school leaving ex- plete record which they had " !thin G. BrItab w THE' TRIAL PL!-:G.I_X1-- a hill, -and therefore conspicuous to ALI Edixion1on, Man., bays 'Year ainintions-will take their place." This their borders'of the history of Vol - '$58,574,024 eery 1-iPholder ;_ or " high tile jury ill- tile ea_ -A), against HORRORS OF A PRISON. 1896 $32,979,742 will still further lessen. the number (if callic acion.- He supposed that there The, alwece (if 'Mr. B. 131 in - rea- Me-. 54,634,520 tbi� morning 4cawipd ij- djournment Pect to Privilege� honor nd renown; 1-;,aW-E11!tt Uild Charlia Joachim for 31,131,730 examinations and. give every cortfli was 'I'D area of -equal. dimensions on Thls'-6irt illustratm. a Captives. In MGrocco Are Subject to Vlpx4y pretty tile inurlur of Pierre at l,lanii 180t ... ... ..... 1. 38;717,260 53,034,00( catn- granted under the Pegulations a� V10 surfim3e of the- earth where the - the fternoon, at Or this house " of the Most High," not- mode of fashioning a child'e. frock, Great Earbarffy 181)3 43,148,410 58,221L,97( 3 oclock. The court-buil e wa-s crowd- withstanding all its beauty and niaol- from Vie latest Unglis Idea. The lab - Lake return;_ -.1 it verdict of-.914.iitY Of 'I'lifying value that witl be of service StOrY'of voleanic action had been re- m 189-9 ... ... ... ... 41,318,000 53 137,00( !In' IlWeence, shall be destroyed. and r& niaus�hughter, nd tile pri.sonersweie 4, Whon the pritoner in 'Morocco hears I Ili ny subsequent'c0lirse which the corded 80 completely and with' s-Llcll ed to tlie oors; no - L I -seat was 'lie $32,979, main in such a state of uz r-Ic etamine, mare commonly 'known �t W� lilb�ret mail; in a.4 in �MaiiiLoba the (Worm of thejall ime lkel,1114' Tho duty. collecteAl oil t Ilia vacant, and the pubfl and 'e- as basket Cloth, in color the brightest o,."teuceLl to tell Yt C y PU1,8110. wonderfully volumilli&.us details. gradation2 s to be a'striking mouu-;� Pointouti*ry. 1.1ary (iray for i.( -.Dg lie knawis, if lie be- poor caid ithout OffO of imbrto. from Britain nanountoi PRIMARY. 1"roln the eftrliCSt geological times feAed - rem.nded one -1 J . that oilier- t -Ono of cadet blue.. FfUtting the frock ey cas�e whicli wi.u.;.ofte of tile Illeftt of the just judgment of � God.- UCCA,ss6ry after tile fact, will be -tried to $7,358,514, and. on the $58,574.000 they harl au.Wmost cOntinuoii-i re- Hary Over the 8-holirders is a short baby frielitts, however . trivIaA be the offonce fro States it was For Primry standing im _1897 tile most famous.trials heard -in the , J. r. & B. WhY hath tlie Lord done L*�aaeri t ell is conceaaed e back ifor Whict, he Ilits been impri-Ionet-4tht Of Importa Form 11. lit ecKrd Of vOlcwllc eruption along the thus-Thils tile d6wnfall and inisaries yoke, whl' h $7,767,992. Mt 11 goods tliprefori� examinatim of ust hp -taken Wearteril border of the - European con- Province. Mr. Johnston and, by a. broad sailor collar. which follow -B who Ils 1141-a cf)lIIIIIitE,Ni for tri;tl, lie may possibly not 14 -rave those walls nd ls o that of Form I., or the'llul,11 of Israel VrOuld- become a topic I paid 22.3 per centtil American goods 1p tilleat There were once'ative vok' Mr. H. W. Peteron 1i'lleared for tile. )1 the shoulders, meeting at a triple charged wiLfi criniout! li! 4.1 'it t1143, &Mvo. It Ia it matter, tr; umifferenco, cc -in favor school leaving examination, uniesstlie F Conversation 'among 'the - people. if writes tile Eaxl Of Meath, Ili "Nine- 13.3 per cent., or- a. differen candidate :has received a Form 1. cer- Callove along a gxeat valley etween CroNV'n;-1%Ir. B. B. Osler nd Col. Mile- y Watteau plait at the front. 4P intaaw ( ()f - 9-�, Bee- . t1fe forsook the Lord _of American goods to the extent tilf) Outer Ilebrides oil tile we -it nd d6nld -appeared -for th4! defeitee. Ifl, -Tile guilty, elf -convicted, A band of coffee color lam ingerVI Information agaill't Mr. clam -g- tt*nth Century," to tile authorities 9 per ce L tificate, a Public sellool leaving, cer- 11 ge tiliei� T;od alltLlOr 1-11) It lit I %% iT Ll t 10 mamiand of Scotland oil the cast, badwick, -enior jud A, in the �ollnr own on im, hiM %�ItN tilt- how nizuty are it prl I A Honor .1.111g, C ft Is se and alsa d tile u sot ed, for these - certificate, - a Will they extended ft-oin the soutit of of tile i,'Otlaty, took ]I' r �eat oll t libul- . For the year Just clos"I Canada lill tificte, a.conimercial �elf-eontlemned Israel wer o fnitigmting the I)IIi'll'-d Ill of Wretched captiv"are lio cause of ex- chased 'from other countries compared distriet �certificatv or :I third-cla aekliGAVIedge with sha' W&Ueau plait -at the ckmeeriung r. sIl Anistin through tile line of tile iliner Ilench At 3.30. The pri-oner, me that they rrI tolls circ'ular SC(At. i,,ozise to the sta-te. ' Tile prisoners with 1895: certificate. theinselds - were front, the saime idea being ca, ed �Out .1lebrides, far nort.h'intcj fietween I d the ruin Of the tem- around tO skirt about two inches -up which %va-, thave to purchase their own bread and Country. 1,896. 1 . 311-NIOR Vic Faroe Harvey, sat iii counseI, all,. Ple. (See Dent. xxix. 21.) Their sin from the extreme edge. whiling the e-1,ainc ';)f tito C4 iii water, allot to pay their jailer 189-5.. Wei Qd beyod thean intD Iceland. was :ifi interested bal- , unevi.otiollal was read -in their punislune -a. Many $1, nt. They clutioll a Germt.iny $5,1)31,459 It sImuld be understood Mutt -It 'I -he prl%ent Icelaaidlc vocatiocs were '9pecttor.of the proce(-dings- collar to ]ace, suiting the insertion lit ttachvil, I %th,lCil t114* a mail Imprisoned for.soule light debt, 0 . deserted the temple, theref6re God tle�- elation re�niliated. which lie Ila% loirg ago- disc haged, is France 2i810.00?, 2,585.00 primary certificate granted on -tile tho lineal descndauta of those wiliell At 2.30 the legal aentlemen in- raerted it; thev i1roilarted it, design. The sleeves a" of the usual 24, 1 Cli.ina and Xp'n 2,679,661 2,528,110 former standards gives -no exemption' 'Were lit netiOn ill the CQUILtry in ter-' tiluatf4i they were re.-ifly to proceed, w't" hill Pattern, simply banded 'With Jac& still detained becuse he is unable to 7 - - - ' their sifts awl-lq' firace� Humble. 19NI 0- West Indies.. ... .1;895.741, 4,956.000 froir. any of the subjects (if Forms 11. tiar -'times. -,in(] High A-eatjier _-id it,common, there- Inemblon for a finisih- at the wrists. (L-tughter of 1111111.111V, of Cro­, Meet the debt lie has contracted t fore (�(Wi Newfoundland. 551,412 739,850 nd Ili. The holder of primary- cer- story of vt)lcan,.)(,s.i-.i this coun� was telled to hrioL, in the I)ri-- P-Tofafte(l It '%'It" Judg- The contrast between a vIvId adet Crcwk, N. .1%, coulluittet-1 buic(W by wari!8 his jailers, and which his. forced Au,4tr1fISIIL ... 213,W36 Not tificate ss was to be found. by'the elole -*of oner. Edrivin amd I blue and rjoh coffee color !a a very grainted this year. unle Ile try 411tA) Inellts- I -lid it %%raste.- 'drowning Teit-cllingm�(,xod,,s visits llcrzelf in tile _Ntvshwaak Eml)tiv'itY -daily inereasw,. , to 111, ellil_ TO!'.kL TRA -11K. wits it Primary candidate before 1896, Volcanoes 1n- Iceland.- and one of the the court with As JiB pleasIng One to the . ; d "tie sense. River. ,iio had reAded with her un-.[ it some prisons tbey &re only per- SPI ren prove His tender love Ind care has no claim under regulation 121 (1) most prominent features of the rnod (;ct betweeh. hi.� COUTIA . :1 Cie. 1)7iD:el 1:11io-tt, of st-tilley, uver t mItt()d to receive a Aupply of fresh Canada's total trade with tile ellief ern t0i)k his for the wolfare of 13is people.. lie -with - conform to regulation -10 of s in tilat ouiltry ws that kill all s features, �id-, and niust volcan.oc C ght 1), or overspre�td hit ri odular Skirt. since- sho' Wa8 a ch.11d, and Vie family wator every secoract day.- W - hat till countrleg� trading us for ti e circulur 4., anti must take (if the Form VICY did liot form mountains like but' it W119 Only for an instant, nd Comes in -SPeclal -visits on importnt re -Lived. leaving her sitting ill till, amount of suffering t.his lileas ill an year jui-it closed compared with the 111. eXIL1111fiatiODS therein defined. Tile Aetna, '_ r N'es lie soon resunied his � usul demeanor mttwrs. All God'o �romlses are inade �itchen sewing Th6 following inorn- Airleall climate,-, anti Ili the fetid at-- year previous as as followjg-: uviu. - Their dominant - witlf conditions, tht we ma meet. 1895. regulaii,it .12 (1) of circluar 4 re- featureowas the . -production of great -of coinp6sure, if not of unconcern. rounri. musi)liore, of dungeois, ihose I her could 1e _ Country. 1896. rectifilie The Crbwn counsel, Nix. Johnston, If we fail to receive the. fuirument ber lif0c 1y to be fount] In Ilorfieco, -it is difficult quires cnalilatem to take at one ar fissures. but there were of promlses we cannot iay the blame sg bo Great PrItain $92.988,000 ndnatloin tile: followil ILISO CalleS. I-I'veryone w d- -premented seven charga,-,i of enibe7zle- river a fur a European to realize. Ili a Moor- Uldtel State" fiS.324,22r> u5.9iJ2,0() ig sabjects of . ho has saile upon God. Our own sinsr condemn us, was found floatitig in tho . Form II.: English gramutar anti rhe- along- tile shores of. the - Cjyde was ment -and theft again4­ the ccused. tanley fall Prison the -ca. ptive-9 steel) -half (;e if God takes His pirit "away from us, short dittanw heloiv tile . I rMally 6;668,9bO 5 2,1`135 toric, axithinetic. alu I-miensuration I and familiar with. the dykos that rose up, The otber -foiir ere duplicates - nakletl �Cyn- the mull floor. - They .;.9��G 9 czome of thesp, ailly I I)ecause Ive w1JI not entertain 11im. It was covered by nothing'ex e France ... ... . 3,392,442 45� history of Great Britain and Canada;- SUIlletillINS-With singular ait I' under nother prominence Cep -L ,ulg His Cause suTfers reproach through htgo',.vn. over which th'Pre. are all huddled to-' ther one Apart- Nlow7follnoll,nd 2,383.7'51 :';,065,000- anti of r6rm Ill.i English composition, uld'19 tho shores of rrall. -Bute - and w-il;s a loose wrapper. i ment - without distinction as ro- West Indles 4,105,741 8 E'liglish literature, algehra, geometr tho Uumbreas We ire ready to oroceed." -.lid the disobedience of thow who pro- gaxds crime Or Innocence, for majiy Cilin.t Y, great, wall-like masses anti fess His name. UNITED- STATE& - ancient liNtory, chemistry, and (a) (If lack r6ck' r. Osler. Ili nnswer to -a query'li-iii simply thrown * into 'prison Japan ... ... ,380,331 2,906,5, 71 through tile sauttstone ThbughtS.-In thhs visit from '.\f -w Nork caiiiiL-; will 19' oil fieCount of.-thi--ir repute wo-tith or physics und hotan.w of (4) Latin, or TIIe80 ttykes markea some (if the ilk: 14i.k Honor. _6od Till--; trade Is oil the 11"hi Of t0tid I' (p) - sureo Produced during the tinie of the to Solomon the goodnew of Go,.i is (c) Greek, or (di Frene I, or mr IIRISONElt PLEAD -S (it'ILTY. �z- .011 Decem1wr Ist. pro.-,I)6rIty, 1�y Otis officials. exOortm and goodh entArbd ;oi-- con- man. -*This- regulation is now 111odified early volcanic eruptions. You lready _. tell I Ple i;hown- in Hli�- greiat promises,*and 7� Pr4uK- fleary I-.'. Parker. fur more who, by" prolonged and Tie eruptions appeii ed, to (,I tte pumption. The fajIln_­ off - in the to allow tile uusucci��sftil va His - severity is hown in the th,* twenty vears professor of Latin 'hietimesby torture,ho nilidates itt r have of not guilty," reniar 1; t?d the . judge. tl&enient of tile disobedent. The Lord so PC) to squeeze trado with tile Wcot Indies is extra- the. junlor leaving Ili- 1.896, -or a pre. begull with the'fortuation,of thesefis- 11r. Oslejr-1 t4l helialf of 111.1' had at q)artm(-)tltfl Boston, is moneY out of theni or tli.,cover where -)US year, -]]ad oralnary�' Over 80 per cent of our vik who ]lave been awarded a stires. Tbey ha thein in Antrim, 'Mull, given 010onon that- I)e tlwy ]lave 11141den truaure. Client, W withdraw tha t Plea and en - dead. sked, and Ix -sides ricliew. dignity, and total t ratio - with * the world was certificate of having passed In Part Rum, Cdfina, Sanday -and -Skye. The t4.'r imqteajd a plea of on ll Of all evelifut, it is not unusuaL for t he A tole -wrvatorY tlK-; - T)rl.-4unefs to bei all bound t' ountrio.4, Great Brit� 1. of- Form It. (u�itli inner I-lebride' n,� ell He had su Igram from Lick ol; or itliout s were mefi-ly fragments .,,e-vp ceporled im 0- ain and 'tntes. - Tile 1physics) to -I (I _undertaR to Haxvard- Collqge ul, It two r ]I. ell tho United -obtain it -junior. leaving Pf - what may have been originally -.t -_Nlr by ; Chain pllsWtig through % oin Ali- . Peterson tiloyed1flo, t lie sent4 ne . e nounces tile diHco % fzy- or a faint coinet total trade with the lhiit,�d States Certificate In 1897 by taking only the vOleanoic Platead extnding Ir of tile court. PRACTICAL .1.1 by 3Err. am ag3lstant at Lick. an Iron collr; which each eapTve wnti greater than in any year- ainde subjectF.-above mentionf-I triin I (if Form -111. 11 the mouth to tile fiorth of Mr. Osler asked the (­�)usideration of The design.of Godin thits second wedro4. thus niaking it necessary. for conredfiration except'orle, 189.1. -All Th special Provisions -(if 12 (1), will Tile sudeessive overflows " P' This akirt may be utied lor all silks was I. or of flit, conrt before euteiwe was liasseil. pearance to 8olomon,-which was Ili tile gether. Open al- ve ures for 1806 are bas It Tould be traced Ili layers Ili Old He first clled atteIItj(.,I__t) t-ile _t ±bIt inateria"There The i�chooner Waukes;lid all t(� rbse or sit "' lie down tio- til,, 'alr� - fi� , , e or ally'narrow-wk wrecked in Lako Huron owing to sub- no*t ]lave, a pla& the revised reen- C lit. uncleamied cess- fit it- dream, was to re-wesure Win that iiain and Ject to correction before thf;yl'appear Intions, and will - p idi- rivWr channels-, ifud these, layers had that - -r -ill 1)(N,4i -tile U) tile I - Am four gores on each side and A front conduct of a drunken Cal pubt within the-prismi -told sometimea I re-titution 11, 111, IPA enrne�t prayer was still in remem anti' of the seven Persons on (ifricially in tile blue book.' dates dfter 1897. beens repeated.at least, four 'times Ili,, brance width. 'rho Pattern is =arkd iwji6re to 1 the indescribable hormr will mis- city I%v his client. Tliv, City before hiau, and his cervices ward oni. It ohuld be laid straight On the ma- y one was saved. ery of the place. There is no ins SENIOR L E A -I N 0. tho history of tho plateau, as mhowW was here present to '.,.iiv tht-the ill building so great a temple for Hi pee- The' Czar in a Presbyterian Church. Ill tile Islands of Canua- and -Sunday. cit were a4ec ed, and also The argurnent in the appeal of Al- tion, no medical attendance, no al- The sa-me- regulation Is aho modi_' y was matimfle.d. Theu 1w urged cle- OPT that Hell From--.Ule beg!nning of. fliestory. we ;ff fonso Walling, convicted of i"cknes` If a I'lan is en, w tied if or - senior Waiving, so - as to a I- tit niency on the non-colitiv�tatioiw ple. Oe-cepted that templq"for H.3 - by the Ill tillable to drag liluu4elf to the e:end the prouction of f1mure seem; -wiliell paved the CroiNn frot'a inuch Jug -Place among the children of If, ing Peort Ilry-7-ti, was heard The Que ith tile I ieror and low thosO who obtainqd a Part 1. r, Reflect ons of &'Bachelor. or Kviltucky Court. of A qx-als at Frank- I - 1010 In tile a whi EMPre8g. drove. Ili a ciosed'landau Form 1V. certificate -ell to ]lave been'thiD flmda:niental faeV experime� His.ellent hd ic-xit 11[s <�frice, rel. -Tile covenant Fhould yet be un- it would -be a good deal - more sell- by a pair -of greys and Or&- com There was great difficulty in 'fixing fort. yestrdilty. DetiNion will I)*,- re- tile bread and wate� is lie ceded bY nit outrider. Her Majesty Plete the couroe In 1897 by taidug- the his 5 socieiy, and had broken, and continue 'so, as long as sible it the men- had Chaperons. _Ioition -in age, but -within ti 'lut few already suffered punIslinlent Israel met the conditloni�, first laid Just because a woman1will -admit served- for some cla ys. mmst trust to tho-mercy of lits lei- was dressed in black and wore a black tile remaining' subjects required by 6 Tile inonthly compnrativp statement Jowm to supply Iiiin with focyl. ]ace bonnet. Tile Empress was a the former regulations. The _ new.. -ail4juths, in- the course olf their work iiy two month.,;' impri,,4*ninPnti There- down. BUt added -to this re-asurance that she is jealous. doesn't prove she t.tir ' tile geologivil survey, 1ley [lad fore. lie rippealed for 1 light en- God gAve,warnifig of What results lqLn!t. e L Only 11,11011 death overtakeN the requir6ment.9, aa -defined In regulationA Pd. Ia a sea -green costolmoi with boa- -niteil- StILte9 kIlOW4 the total iecelpts- 'POO -e of the receipts aft(I expenditures of 'tit r migerablo wretch do the guards 10, will govern In all cal3es after I �Icolnie -across evidence whiell -would ten&. must follow amy tendency to k1olati-y. A man never L lieves that the girl I net to Inate It. The Emperor wore -a . enable them to. spell theii Way among 'Mr. Guthrie, on, belizilf (if file City; The goodnein of God'is clearl3f set lie is gQing to marry could evergrow, fiw the month -or October to have be*4tIr themselves lit their own inter- black frock coat, ljg'ht trousers, and HIGH SCHOOL,& the dik - titutilwa n '_ 'fo7th In'thfig addi-bss e$2G.2S2.k29. and the iiisburse- cwt anti remove tile tortured bod:V1 e4i of the Whole western high- taid that the-r0s tildeloy the unto Solomon. as fat as, her inother. drem hat, and the Prince of Wales It should be. understood -'tlja Iiinds. -The volean6&s.' however, be-. prisoner was iaisfact,11-y. The extent W the.promises was broad. The man who puts off getting his was In EUghLRnd cowtume. Ili attan- I - ments $83.971!4,:.177,. leaving deficit of - which at length Ilas found relief certificate. Issued by, the Educat ged t *0 a very recemt perlod-to h se briefly. - Ttie They were maide on reasonable coinfli- teeth fixed. befoxv $7.695448. .-from Its, overwhelming sufferizigs. dance upon the Queen was on6 of her Department gives'the holder a rfgtit lie gets indrel6d Is line actually younger than the soft lie, wpm otie in, which�'the tions. They secured unto Israel the ;always -too poor afterward becalfte-te The pblice-flred hpom a, squaid of When a prisoner is n absolute pauikr Indian servants. The I o furher control ; the 'grace, guidance and to pay for anti utiablo to purchase food, the all- gener" 1?(xjy of to be -Put In any Particular el 'clay AD 'Which London Is -built. That Crown Iad n' proto�ction of the has the dllildren!� -muW1c negroes in the t�_t_reets In Winchester, the 'congregation had menabled be- of tile school* Tile form In wAch clay there befdre t4ie voicaucies plea of guilty relieved the Crown of great God of -heaven and earth. They lessom -ten men wl�ro thoritles give him (Indly a pint[il piece, fore tile Royal'party, who einfered by a pupil Is to _ be placed Ia a- matter 't46��b)aze forth'. IR closing Sir n further responsibility. He left the had bean proven for mny -years. Th ey , Ky., and In the flgM of% coarse breaAl. provided by religious Wllen'D Avoinan's first baby is -four wounded. of wlionkffhrce will die.. Tito the private porch, arrived. " The that rests entirely with the prinel- Archibald referled to the subject of matter Ili the hands tif the court. covered every need -of the people of -months old she isn't happy -till he eniloviment. sufficient to prolon e Rev. Dr. Colin pal' of tile school, who is responsible denudation of watd. -which lie , de- A LIQHT police Ra they were trying toarrest Israel. They were to be perpetual. takes it to a photographer and has a negru boy who smatelled papers agonict or starvtion. Campbell, Dundee, who took for his for Its - organization. As might scribed as one of the mmt fascinating . its picture take sitting on 11 air The severity of God is foreshadowed n h from a nowRl�oy and trampled them tcxt John 11. 3. 'This beginning of have' been expected, some difficulti-s departmenks of :geology and -one. His I - lonor thei proc-eded to in.41ia Just Judgments upon sin. Them rug -with all its clothes olf. Bradstreet's on Trade. miraclew (lid- Jesus In Cana of Gaill sentence, recounting zilleged extenu- undcrfoot. The-h-Le-MOes resisted, and ee, Ill ICIW-sificutlon'are dfte to the lin- vIlich gave valuable'ald in enabling was temptation surrounding the lire of When a girl complains ;11,011t ow reOulsed'the police. but -they returned and manifested forth is glory.' in portant 'changes of last, year -1 ating Circumstances in the case. Uer, trade at Toronto is fairly big pts a the', them to determine the aga- of differ- titution )lad been made, lie said, at- Sdilomoni therefore a warning was nol- nonsensical the fashlow- . are she yer following tile oermon the- High School course, and toth effort ent ce4sary- This must bo'counted among means, t J -if., 4uuetl as t with reinforcements. Fifty shots were i;atitifactory, and the outloo - I for sa n re 'was lie. said, Icemen I . made reference t . the "t' f isfactory to. tjie city, the prison 1 list about t he Ill ro-vemc%t. Demnd for winter 0 meet within two years the reason'- no -Place where the geologist could or thb blessings 'which God bestowed man who is alway,- tuyllig 11 'is fired -on both alde�r. Three Poll preacher Queen's sympathy athid her own able claims arISIFIg under the fo had ost his position ill -society, and were glightly wounded. Three il��roe.q fak�)Irlcs is aktive, am is,that for mtaT rmer otudy that subject with more profit Solomon. Alone, -in the silent much tother to Put OjA hi dre6s-suit. were mortlly wobnoledi. Plet; from Manitoba and Britfnh Col- sorrows with the sorrows. and suffer- regulations.-- These difficulties niself- and benefit to aglence than. lie liad -already- suffereit nuicit -by upon. The woman ho fusses and seW.. will, to bI lidium of the night, this caution, this prim d GRE- AT BRITAIN. The ings of -her people, and Aaked tile 'it Is presumed, disappear after n9xt -Y-ng the onment. He woul , therefore, pr6v&ii�tive against idoiatry was -and laps'11ic -,bildien for an hour export niov#3ment of blessing of thq Almighty on her chIl­ Yeary and the now currlculu 4 0 north shores of the Faroe impose on Iiiin-what in"tily would 110 Sir Peel, it appears, has grain nd apples from, Montreal i44 ae- In. - as* I[slouds. wbere there wive the finest doubt' consider a givell -to Solomon- It w1aI9 PIWnced by Wore Sunday School thne is often dren's -children and all her des gi In the circu light , sentence, - but a review ofthe promism and blestlu& the same oite who sitj in ttled -down 1 noveiist's cart%,r4 tve. 3"In'buraeturers of wool and - con ven lar inentionedo may i9ea Cliffs In Europe, soine of them one which lie and the (town offf�ers the parlor e ha the Emperot and Empre" Of Russia, purposes of -the secondary schools. In Stsconsidered would meet the 'ends of me dantot. Alluding. to th presence of be expected- to answer fully -for tllC- 2,000 feet In height. -Edinburgh whIch had been reahzed in 8GIomon's all -the evening with tile blinds up.-gnd His second novel *111 shortly appear. Ing Of t t city have agreed to hoften c�rcolits one . month -on malps lie that lie mighi recognizeAlle Lord plays hymns on tho melodeon. and a . third Is said to be well under he prayed - that God would bektow the revised regulations- the -course of justice. He Upon t4enteneed -Harvey t way. for spring find fall. delivery, 1897. 0 In the wurning, aig he had before, at There, is conAderid),le activity in -upon their Majastes a long and IlfiLPPY Study Is almost identical with. that. three niontlis' imprisonment on each Air- Edward Jobn Poynter has'been 4 Heroism of a; Bishop. 01beon, when meli great gifts were Wit and Women. found in eircu, ar 4, but, It may be -;harkge, tfie sentence- to lumber shipments from New Bruns- life and -a prosperous reign. As they run con� pronAged, God was ever the same. Aw_ elected Pr(tKident of the Royal Aca- wick, where -the prc)sp6ct is for -a find bow happily mnited in tender ties stated that both geometry and bo.t- A typiciii Example of missionary currently -or, In other words, 'Rushitud-Stia2me. but my wife :al - (to of kindred to the Queen, � so- might heroisni. says the' Wemtmiuster- 'Ga-' -nionflis for all the offetim. t " ree ful Indeed were the Just Judgmeut-�, *et Ae my, as the successor of tile late %Ir . an'3.r w4174 wants me to xpme�nWi I;Lrg,(! lumber cut. Wet weather lia will be Included Ili the.require- they were no more- terriblia thah the birthdayi - but to 'forget her -age. John Millais, who died In August the iwoples of both countries be ever ette, 18 report ' ed from Rnbaga. Where There was an audiblo Oh" from interfered witil agricultural -inter- ment4 for the Putolic-'School leaving SUL '01tift would bring ttem to pas last. Joined together in peaco and loving exainInstion. , S* TMbighbor-Look b6r,e, If $jotlun- Pst-4 on Prince Edwurd� Island. Rank the death has. just-occu"ed of Bishop the :crowded court -room when Ken- They would not come unies3 urael 'Vicar -Apostolic of North-; tence w.m pronounced. M:� Wi%­ Tile Manchester Guardian says Ut N cloartrigs at Winnipeg. Hamilton, To- concord. During -the service-, which SPh.CIALISTS' SANDING. Guillerman, _100nipeffed thiam to be executedi Solo. J107 me any ore I A whispered among -bl-metallistw that lasted an hour and five minutes, the ern Nyanza, during his first now 'hat.* Theli yi6ulll J_jVe 'to buy I h. kingdom wzw in its highest lffr. Joseph Chamberia" during his routo, Moritreal and Halifax amount- Rmperar conformed strictly to tile As stated, In previous aullOullce-- tion" -of -the. wild and extenslVe dIs- The iMan In the Gallery, on's lleWr. One for 3,.opr own ---Wfe. to the -United �5tates. became a d t;u.$21.356,000 la.ist week, slightly order of hl% standing at prayer "Monts to cAndidates, after 1897 an trict Ili )!Is charge. The prelate, who glory. Would his we it in its greFht6ot : In OxCiew of the total -tho previous wors honor A laugha I at a shame? -It. all when a me 16 -swo --he -kale" coal- and sittl while singing. -it was degree, as�Vefined In -circular ble Incident iappened depended upon the little vert. ng expired In, the arms of Ili$ brother week, not quite 5 per Cent- leP3 r Ining - when the Royal party' left 2p will be - the only . non-profeissional. concert at the Sheffielil. Albert Hall- 0Gn(Ht10n "if " ThIS Isme! might . con- w1we hishings are."biat �dter -0 a miw1onarlem, . from exhaustion. and The Cbnatantlnoplo correspondent than the corresponding total -19-4t - church, and they drove back to standing accepted for appciallits In on 4 recent Saturday ni�-,ht, says tr0h ThWr Powier- of choice irap ;lot -married his -wife Ia," fatigue, after - undergoing countless-. of the London Times ffays- 4liat many Year. but 5 per cent, larger than tile the Nottinghamshire. Gulng.) Express. impWred, Life -and death, were set I'he Is Winoral in closed carriageis.-roin- "a departments therein mentioned. hardships. had traversed many hun. W h Turks. have been arrested for a plot like totat In 1894. There were 48 burgh, &,&Ama& Candidates,who apply'under the tem- dred miles under the. burning heat of Ile MISS Gertrude Bingham was 101re t�hem, and bleming and cursing. Willie-IDAd ;,eauglh thalffle, + to pillage Constantinople and massa- business failures reported 'throughout POrarY I)rovislons of - the circular rO- an equatorial sun, oftentimes -waltig-_ -singing a inan in the gallery WAA e Jaht Id ere the -Inhabitant& the Dominion of Canada last week, as I Thickness of Gold talking loud enough to be wba, Lear. ferred to.sliould r6member that they to the walst- through rivers and tracts ileardo d HoW. He Started -Him. Vol _Uj I d In Did to TheLondon Times announces that It COMPared -wIrth -80 the previous inst makegood their claims In 1896 of country- deeply covered lie d1d not -heed tho.1*111021strances of "T.o start One dollar*9 worth of oroll,ary com- r 189 7, if such balky horse drop.'a and with 86 respectively !n Is said, to sufficient can b6 C01111 -if For a great pidt of his Journey lie will Issue on November 9tit a fac- iy merclal,gold lea, it, Vrlth snow" thoid- tear himi The was pebble in 0 SA_ — I" simile reprolUtiction of the Times of ch of the c Pr6fes -Penton so he �fvlund Zlm 4rr lar -.Veb- - rreiponding weeks in sidered. 'The new requirements must wr a Clever, 1895 and 1894. to ' "cover ah area. of 900 square inbhes, bb, me endur6d iAaivatioA for days together, Cro Mu November 9th, 1796, containing Wash- by all candidates art er -next -and t other times subsisted, fjolely on 4460 it into tfi6 bdii0s' In otheir *Ord% that 900 square imeh�w t sketcher and 6haqQ*9kAph1st. Th6n b- nd 360fit Tocke hai& b' lei a . - "Stilablo-A d Ington's farewell ad year. t J11M, In the gallbk.y 'contintiod,'his draw Of gold klave been powded or J)eaten scantk supPly of ban He bap. Beware auas ear. wa W' A-0, d nrlpftrdi : A ur m%" ltondon society is delighted at the out of a, lump of the yellow etal NORMAL COX�LM E. 31sed and colifirme (2,000- talk- " -1 - on Z Mai at engagement of the Mar It 11,10 becOliie� 1L common -customs whiell welgh6d 110 more than -a gold The course In, methods at tbe-& natives.. uurneyv ,He- had :1W quit of Water- hooi durIng hIs J -bee boi 'Our to 6, -elf , foid to Iady Beatrice Butler, the friiitful of harm, for; persons muff Ing dollar. Tble gold lea, -thin as - it Is, of Pedago H610) eiia only -recent n iioaftted b - al M Lost -V S_Y (Norpal Co f 7 it leading beauty of the.day, daughter from some"ollght tTir,oat affeet0ur to to thick when empAred With that Inationsp which now-vinur Ishop _11aInkilow, -o - tile "Upper, _31a"fit 10m, M-9 Isanodifod %6 a*.- aces �mathe. -(formerLy Of-' purdlimse the Conveniently pripared of the Marquis of Ornionde. ' WhIek is now - b01111k made by a - Mattle chlorade of potash � lozenges, obtained efitly dWove nd 0-1 e worsted mills of D&W ). , t bbligatork, rom any drugglatt and which are L ift ]h -h Pf 9. BY this pr bb The-extenstv 9.1ft e03 the "Yellow metal" Is do pelted s oon & Sons. at Bradfords, An fib firg., TI e bave been destroyed - by indiscriminately. AA ellilorate. Vfth. e1e0WCIty bat n ;#_ I In a L ipm.,-, of potaish 11013t J to a great Irritant to. both' lighly polleWj� is lom on buildl6go, machine an I