Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-13, Page 2-A. I: oil IN 0A 4 ATAMM AUTOMATIC CAR VIONDIOR. MENU AM BRUS9. ,Wrls. rdugger Wife of 0"t. 0harles 'mot Relier Brl'y repeated; acCcrmpau- 4,yrangement. That Prevents a- Bod.y no, B., A It el"WO of ++--e+++ phrases eagi proposal has b(len made -serious - ragging Under The W Four ...... Lish and distress. heels. The years' :.+++++++..,.++.:..+++++.: ...... led by Cri& of. anat In - New 'York cjt�, to form al doe- 'to �Dp. lagenUe're's He spok0to her � soothinglY- "Come' t'ca:f fenders are ly - She Owes ++ an ImagI1140 Patents 1pr stree toral union, which Ishall- am to it Cure for the come I you are: fighting ++ to be almost - nu ' merous as those for 94r -tion 1p. the "it affords me great pleasure to couplers, and yet few of �ihe arra'Qge- metropolis is kept 1p 'to a �certalu ocnilmend -to Dr. Agi. W's -Cure for -the . . . . . . W rt. I was flilleted E " 1" T E thought that prett es standird. It'is. ail d bY t + Spectre. It Is your turn now as that medical - rem4nera afraid -poor sou would have MANIv -D I y' . white hand AN REY I! Who . . . . . . . . meats offered the rallWAY COmPaId �e pro- Rea sorely 'a oub accoi: I th + am g. could have done it And yet I �bre heart tr aira moters that certilln. brethren 4ave-re- -ecognized In possess th4 essential qualities of r the.heaUng.aq to a mer� trade. olizzineis, t ion. ail -01n: t ring A Heroine of 'the Reigh of Terror. not surprised. I always r duced you my brother'e child. Blood of our pricity of construction and effective Sensations. zVo four re 'T I - would hich are requ ness In -working W Ired to blood! -Don't, think, dparp derstand. George W. Crt4i;s. Here's a turtle �Story from, Ken- was treated.. by Ph no. and blame 'you, if you could Up Me6t the demand. �ed tucky: Albert-Keifil,asaloon-ke1OPer. used all remedies kno * to man. I THE FRENCH REVOLUTION- But fiere lie made alslight, move, man, of Barren HUI, Pa�, has de*bs determined to try Dr. it Cure A THRILLING NARRATrVE OF head dropped from fender which possesses many novel of Lexington, cut tPe heads off thre6 first dose - gave me -for the Heart. ut. The aching a pany- large turtles Tuedday' morning and me relief Insid o ty . minutes. I By PAUL PICBMT. his, arm.: a- ad. rolled It atares. As shown -in the'amm card a name fall from be .1 ai ne f e gement il)n- �aj in *his i-kLek yard. ]In the used two bottl and. feel to -day I pillow. He It tit prepared Ma D bit '0 id ink illustration, the arkall threw th( I -Anguish on the nothing III WV. the vicinity have been co letely cured. .1 - 61 -fas- her lip& that Ho W- y gists, of a front portion which afternoon a dog e1111116 In hilit to hear. V -new Idea presented Of the turtlR heads' one of which VQ- An itiLm-that had never oe- tened itsc dog's leg with itself. 0 -If on t4 otat6 Finger Puffs. but 19 took' hall come there to accomplish, clIrreol'to-him'b6fore. such force as to bremli It. se skele. until tlll. `to st. ree And. afraid of the darkness, bf thO -Laurent de' Laverdae! What! f I four pbtstoes and boll I can." she sa. A litme f . -b o u n g an. ha' n '10' �danette rose. "I nni g, -'ug to do all Y -d ar to piY dPOn the 111011th p hatshe an -� Ob. Marlette! . But lie With & tjdAespoonful of but J� ton trees, or tile probability t that in ffl C� uncle. I bel'eve that I can save him. night to the Rue Lept to disej.64agq the dog., mash some r asid Season wItIf a half -teaspoon - might run aga-lust had never come but once Her eyes shone with it strange prowle lie- might mar her de.-BussY, -and she had - never meur gs h�ppen In Ireland. A of mat and a quarter of a teaspoon - r, and that a did not last Curious thin egg brightness. Her face seemed to reflect purpose. 116r eaknes tioned his name! ts ago a linb,,,a, ful of pepper. When cold add one few mont rAll and best wen. WitiI flolur6d hands g. be'r hand on her man conVlnuled to listen. Ipa .Site put d, to pay and was gilven I thin her. The old ma me hope N%71 . The old MOUld brW finger puffa and fry to a dagger, and' felt prel)ared to'defend Could Unly have menaced that mail, I -C not a light, brown in coit6lene. Serve in a ',All, Nettle I" he 1111& herself. too ? I -__/ i - was supr'kd. tern., Soon, after ibeis wa, wIllelf I have met L no one. Site heard no Tien, lie recalled thO toile in which swered. "the Serlptures, B�t She atery Blood and Flabby Neltives Are file Ones trace of t1ils or sleepers tgbe found; hot dish. poared as"though by jixy years, sound but the beat of Iter - own feet site had sald the night before, "Uncle, People With I -IJ theyic.had disayr It, read -so Mtle for ther last f0un�d lad done -the- grand stand PAIN BANISHED AS If) BY MAGIC. talus. upon the frozen grollud. Site Clamde shall be freel" -Sit(-' I mag Last week say that fal.th can rv�mote molull iubourg Pols- the deed for - Claude's, sake --for no erected in the Erinisc6rthy� Park for a herself at inkit, in the Pi st Diseaw-'Are Due to Thesig CaURS. Nerviline-nerve pain cure -is a but it -will not open prison doors." oniere-. As she turned into it It sharp other. it wag -for Claudel Wbo igared.1A a single night and itive 'and an almost instantaneous show dislapp btst -came a -dins her like a whirl- Claude's wffe -for Claude's sake thad seracli warriitol ledy for.externat internal or local 0 "It may- open -them, line galore have not been ShL' Oft wind. The sr row began -to fall. At the -Wumphed Over her- woman a nature. A Novel Car Fender. able to find"trao�e of a ejugle diver of* wen y hither- painw The most active Iremed The day wits grou g Biigette ill th4v sime moment a party of sectionaries, The Strum must biLve been frightful. atesas an ordinary fender in piciang board.- to known falls law. -Short of Nerviline - the rot,n4 anti 1xd keep tile S!Lk Mail entered the rnul)ot;r.m ilid be- lion struck stai-ling. and the result laY On the bed before UP it. 1person w tent power In the relief of nerve passage.sent her t t escape ljotice. There and Re- uld I the obstruction: be a Obilt I or u1cId6 has';Come-to be about as for PO it pabi. A trial WR company., Then s e oPeuva the out- hina it tree o irtm. so Young! So lieautiful!- Tears Sho 8 1 demoneltrate. ic%ras, tile click of weapons. A lantern. mold eyes. poor Claude I k pills Renew the Blood a grown person lying upon the. grolm, COMMOIL side dour. and st )d oil tilt! lAntlin came ditto his Dr. Williams' Pin so pivoted as m=g Russian phYstelansas ofthe Men, might have, He had- baen good,_ and kild, and pa- -this' forward fender is'. - universities. The We annot see the -sun Itself, We She, 11stemied. Suppoe the' Old woman 'let" by onL;A Avonin abroad alotI6 by Vent, tender-, 610vtog, and rue. She front and P s.over 4, els in- German' Oldentle SO waitin., in. uncer- store the Nerves—Read -the Evidence.. - t6 be raised up In 6 1311 D only the cloud or vapor -shell that should fall her? :aSO$ a 'Isive, uncompromlsingly' IIOU­ the body. In -doing ad It rel adon Lane6t explains the e LC night. But the man ullio held it was was tmpu covers -it, like the mantle of a Wels ta:nty was aimo,�t ln,,�tipportable. ng witil tili: wind. and half- e6t.strong-of will. The'eurrent phrases weplidaiy fender . -in Iront, of the tlie Statement that fees are tragi- bach burner. silo heard it 1�6avy step atruggli teby At last -,Liiiitvd by the snowflakes; Ilia com- of sham patitGtIsm were to her wheels, which falls down CIOSO to latest advices ,received from tip the dak All some one was stumbl_ liest cally low by reason of the Presence The himself. were making horrent. Had they been man and w1fe -kg and prevents even the sm-11 'I'liere were ianions, like tra( ywhere of heavily endowed-dis- Manila. say that Gen. Blanco, the - s. The ever staircase. [S It, Y.( )rm. They liaano in happier times each miklit.11111`0 SUP- obstacle* passing under -the wheel en happens that I the Philippine 'Islands, ex- �n tilt) Llark- head against the ,;t( ored I two fenders - rem -in Ili lea. It Oft Governor d a few whisp a this position pensar 'into -ye�,; for and thfiv passed on at -was wanting in the other. plied wh or 6 cents, are amp out tlld*rel)eUion in carryl ould some- con M to'l charged f,i an office- Col hard taL Col ness; then aette V;eut -The WOmantwho was t1tere-not a ey Uved diseases fIfflict- liav6 spells of dizziness, accompaW until relleved� by Collapsing the only twenty kopecks igultation, and ug a large bun- But -1 the days In W111,01 th There, are very fe I Ja ter�r�l "Y witlilli three weeks. her own room. - murderes, but all executioner, as site -the d,fferen ents t ave their by-parus -in my back, that w tor -k qutL) her ward ce in there teperam knuckle. joint, when , L forwrird through eritIVng about Ing. alaukInd tli&t- do no It -for days. Frequently the � -first even thdt small sum. Is, tunate bred .4wt- en times "last their ormal �positlo.' Ther�e was an unfor die, which'she BUD In u e -her n robe. Site. met no made them look on ev in a depraved or water con- 3t togleep, until near morn 4,0 wedding the ot ff could -not go� lovll III lect. itie fall;n a e ent point of view. origin illustration the feiisdera are sl g at along the -them from . dIfir f pia t 'wedding k minute fter she :Ltlllk Brlgltte*?4 ed Ing.'and when I arose -1 felt . wore )n (in the moving car. ivhklO Citizen kp - Y. -L'acle," oI*--tac!es. Slit, we They must have'taken oppOste slides dIt in 'wW-10011 ulent t6 I their po!!�Iti( - Jes the potion The production or[ a Japanese paper 'ftew o the organist place Ileside more vr ion of iffie blood, or --tired than when I bed. the seco t illust 'Mi 'Ithe C�= i) z t 0i raubourg. At the c'orner "-;the Rue in all things while- ti e conflict 14111 ves. To be lipAlthY ra, met- by -as a anti shattered ner the -ruek up "She MAY HOT -18 Been Bst- ,she said, "wo-Uld You like to Iletites-Ecurees stir) was erhape, had triW several medicines.. but gOt y wo he object Olt, I it, far greater undertaking than It di, went on. , Laverdae. -P tell and fed, then I tie- they wo st 0 have only ter Days." -all 11%0 Ut. -r little wIlfrI%vind. The snow 'site saw.them no il h track haTd assee nder' the buffet rol Iltlt. in anoth( man wilio saw thIngs as - the bloo&mWt be kept r Dr. Irill never go tilt -for it terflihied to try Williams' Pink is f or us. For instance. we WJ ihe nervew f Y tweuty-S t3reativ,;, my poor, dear blinded lier, took'refuge There n2ght -have been that I)Oud be- allot 1itiong. To secure uplo of bf- the forwara fen( the front flo-ing ix letters to distinguish. They V he seeont ar a s-hed. But ter. I bad tried a co slightly raised, - whil under tI � 14- of is rt�niedy Pills. Ar improve- phs. Now, it Is- 1111 let U, Ili is tween *the�r souls. ember th condition there is' 1110. la�t -boxes -there was a decided I the acks, pre-- have 5.000 ideogra] for pl sant tier tijil not falter. hs tile old man tr10d to rem - ti fender a down on in. dreams. scienco I- coula, �Ieep better.. -MY vide each CO C.0 a z-ake," ,ho kept on repeat- n( W J g linder possible for them to pro ISSUE NO 47 1016. ea. all hecould about Laverdac,"suddenlY ) It to medical venting anything froI4 pa tile, for L, I a ir s 015 ivith ,ought May, gix:e on it is for catide's ake! per- In met with suciIi great guccess, its r. n to took for lie who 1119- ollected tilat � lie lind -been- p it r c -and I begil the car. The two fenders ar ad- positor &000 pigeon -holes, so Von, he rec 'an holl ore the i be they have mAde a careful calcu eve oit a*dark eute'rprise. justed that an� object;t1lat fails latton NOTE, Just haps I nilly savv hini. too, and Eintlie; that room - and- - looked out of those Pink Pills. - Tbe.v act JUYL meals, balf r her these 9L I d- dreallis lie has accompli-A(A -it- one III, as to. the ideographs most in me, and repi ring to any of he woman w blood. and, nerv6s, usua for C:atitles eake-most - fur -Int.lows when t 110 Itall I -tillie. l continued the use Of caught by the forwarld P ach comooj;lto has two or u Mel tg, please mention thh feels for I hut - X% I- promptlY upon thO time iouger and lk; three St Oild-lfe knows." the Pink Pills sonic* vertise n -t-iled Marat was carried past, to pr under the buffer roll alightly.ra.kies it hand had done it." the _of t, thus drive disetuse froth the s.Ys-- found my -health fully res1ored. ' I ows dowu' quick-witted, qUick-footed little fel- z%t tliat moint nt perceived perh.lps- tile til,tjuglit, ak'ng and fiiatically thr the you re getting and auto Palm. about -collecting Ideo "There-ther bon. tl q. tht li-d into tite garden of 6m. The following-. strong , state- mfriend of r ily had tl'4'u t, now -an enthusiastic secofidary fender andholds It el� ie to low"ho run anti such 'vengeance upon Pills and will Ores r mansion. It looked like a black lis from caseto Case. excited. Yuu woman. ho7 liave 10en Dr. Wililitils' Pink -the traP-k until relieved. grap ,%rp. you .tire come to that Othler mont.,; fro9k persons W Recent bxaminat on of the copper 1 -*4 ALL SINcERITY" your ey" are if the wall, and- look to them for relief f C you seem tiolv in the whitellum k tilat mijinent Bitgette came always tA At -that W46 SgUID repeat tbut for rurlty, Flavor you are qui tile wllit(-nit�" of tile snow that filled kA me." -3-0 wtith. a letter; A- Man had left it. and cured, prove their effiencY ness attac MAN A14D WIFE I,$ DISTRESS mines on Ml�u t Sinai reveals and General EXC-ellouce to 11ave fevi-r." -MATISM. to me the Yir, and lay upon the pavement as front Claude. RELEASED From itia't timt he had ruh away. It From Chi poor a difficult to work, If Llont- that street. He vli.-'Ie 11 -VII K�DNEY AND, LIVP'lt TROUBLES -onto Catarrh -But Instantall- the ore is' I,etter in lirr lifo. -The fle'111L-4 The old man broke the seal, Mr Frene CURhD. which acc'c;untg for... 'fact that been -A. T. Ciallarit, of e6usReliefFoilowsithe Firs never take no othe road in coming tard plasterL4. Lgnew's Ctit arThal Pow 'CL)UId cation of Dr. .4 went gette appl!ed tile 11111b About the,. apt. 8: I.'dima Matson, wife. doued 000 years evenin- from the sitting (if tile section, which age, I,. i.,, r., writes: of G It ran thu der-Donit N-eglect the Simpleil t Cold . they were aban on talking, of old tililt Brig October" 1894, whilel jr of No. 10-Allon street, Into iiian was held in the Church of t. I.azare 1,Oh. my beloved, I ftm 'to See YOU beginning or osepli Matson in the liead, it May DeveW though In the"days When copper tirOught in the ,UI,P- s: 11 For several - Disgusting- Malady ..8-11110st 11901 thia only av -*table substance. for ADK a 1, appetite. in the 1�'auliotirg lilt ' Nord. 111 such no inore in my prision. I am to receive w&.4 digging potatoes one . w(,t, chilly Halifax, -N. S., write This was I Ila said lie thought -he IwIl weather tile flatterers and 1;arasites none of Y I ettei% 111ontlis in suffered- Berore You Can Realize wood and stone, these mines we)re,,the. am not to be very bad cold, the 'year Bochror, � Buffalo,,hays-: 'if oitt Can day. I contracted TRA and I!t- sA,nt for a hottli Of tile monster would not be likely to -.Veil the consolt' Severely frofn derangement of thekid Rev. Dr. of enuse of -frequent virars� An Interibst CEYLON Only produced would ho) alone, alto on of writing to wine, such -; 11, 1 'tlY followed. or rom. which I My wife and' I were both troubled see Idin home. Inpass,:ou of une of my and rheumatisin Shot neys and,liver troulde, f Ing point brought to light -is that ary let hini You. The co m the medi- precisely the wever had a TIT01 Lead Packets Only on great I)I,-nded 1)y tlit. -me to, send you these a time, I Paid blit, little attl2ltiOn to f6und little or no relief fro ith distressing catarrli, but wc havO- the aneleAts practiced I to w tili- goitlen jallors perml, -r grat;p U fill the s prescribed by- iny Physiciah. I freedom f Om this aggravat- used at the prL- Never to blIM All K"oer* pour tier �out t Site tightened lio, p few last I'll&.. Orders have Come fGf O-stiffnelbs einc. e joye r d met -hod of, extraction liquor and itrank it th it of her dagger. Night anti tlip pall, in my body or th flesh,- gre%ir-, sallow- had with Sold'at 25, go. 59 and 60 cents per lb. lost in ir� nialady,since the Pay w6 fin -1. use day -namely,. reduction confluelm-11 of sent nt) olir s0ll� am to be shut But in the coun with 'Agnew s Catarflial Powdt-l'. Its zen Andrey lip :n the cell In n . ly llml*. inch troubled and illay I appetite and was n Dr. charcoal combined with sillelOas now began age,,I-,fe hall grown ST t came t Ick. I;Ilt to pply rltpu- . twenty Years oy tile most grateful 1elial! ithift ten lie -and t.hou action was InstaJhtaneous, leareoug fluxes. to sw tier face 0 a nionk. on the third. a few, weckv I waa confined o t 111S)Innit, gh only abPut giving ca -lie was happier a Ica E 0 thl. olit I M!ln once belung-fig tuned for hurdenwime, and it was e Brigette tile ni*xL morning thought. by quietly bout tile liouse its usnal. She story of tlii�s pri,on under Brigettv'-4 r VLM, for lie ns a beYever. He minutes aftcr1flWsj applicatioll. W' III some things the Japanese point of giv.e V011 .1 had been ver illuell astonished to find thall I matte remedies which I Collt end to hulilaulty. . I I IERED 113YIK Bu could look up to IleaV011, and see,lits efit re- int-inlate -friends that rdy health consider. it, a godi; y different from that o t vew is ver E- STOMACH 116.D.C: uncle." St. Wet Sp6t,-i in tllf- IlUSSag0, the tractis -it weeks without ny lien When so it, til. Li L�een walk- trite country 1,�Ilt my heaven. everi. was permancutiv undermined. And.belleve that no case 0an be IT RESTORES aid t. it ­eoming has tieen thy presentle. ult from tlicir -use. I then drolt I h,,1(1 'becoille illillost rudifferentt as t()' chronic or deeply seated 'tj.,�,t - it other countries. T.Jie track Of e -- -ALTHY CTioh ANn TONES I Vhe thouglit a-4 y of fect that hu th TO HE Kift-4 to d L-een fall- I my belovell.. Ing (104 wen, t, ill tile sllo%v whicli lia ver see ga ato the t-ite future, I was persuaded to take Immediately - reljp�-,i nd Kama7-Kurd Railw6Y Is not fenced- in, 11 ehd . - it lots . Nfadanle Matiette Perhaps I sliall nt you any ped them and i ve 111,76elf I' [link Pills.' will . not (1 . n- all iiigl Farewell. long WA I V�c I a. course of Dr.,wilildnis, I Permanently cure.'.' them both. to hi"' couraze 9 being ore. hajld�4- of it doctor for treatment. And and crossings rarely have gates. A peaceitil t.� l.er i, wplit I:aek, aiL varly -riser, am thIne. Qlaude." I f; un(I relief. very soon. gained fles 1)oy, carr3 IT, my -8 To Ir g ad to get out-otit of it bed in which . -- -1) ntld duwn for uparlY tI 11 that inedi- a3lil) wat4 enabled to sliDep soundly. and ring a child on his back, Her first care C:tizen Andre), %valked t, iree months -a He Was Theke. on the line, was recently. ti, t)1)4.n the ell straying t(> her own roorll� ifl tie cioula not as. soon as it was s hand. ipable of accomplit4lillig restored - appetite -recover let, site the room w1th this letter III fil. cal skill Is c, with , - re her Imi-vall u7 n. I feel myself Brwn-Is there anyone in ti.,-- an engine, and both dra*er of Brig.-tte. ' tliL-; morning. how was iny former complexio boy and hall taken gold ft -r iLoyenne t,ver. went, out 1) lie He could trace In it presentiments of ded no relief. bOdy )tell e name of MilephOtson -child were killed. Thereupon Hure site maue r 11 d affor - tc) DF. - Williall& Pink. Pills ment by th inoment 0.1 eoni!ng evil'. Ile stook his ea . - I eOuld indel a d the atild had it ILI)Ijearance. Brig-ttt! hall, abi ISual- t not burned mo that health, after I baAl Sentlnel-'Man! there's two t6indred the rallway company prosec te let. obably.dl.d not know, when blIstcired a for 11)y prewnt in niur- go ,nll stand it, flit. iluetie bofore- th Claude pr tiff- - xpended --nitiell TllCneY for medicine' andfifty-five Macp In t1m. regi-- father for"allowing his children to put t had 1111plivned to tils, get no reacr. Uy leg.;o %vere e the ramP- ijutcher's This had to be done lie %Vrote, wha physicians -front which ment. trespass, and he was fined 10 yen. derouA in I, I Illeu! But tile monster as s soia LK a prescribod 11 fi* it s anti helpless and. I, w light. -khe mtoimt and very morning. stie canie liaek 11 enemY. lar Ali! but my friend iij Sandy Some time ago, at Osaka, a COW was 1 had . deserved Its fatC. ClAude would til wag entirely gone I derived. no benefit." Brown- CANADA RUS13 held it in it wits midday. boil, my -streng ran over ;tnd the owner was fined 200 I it lotit, for thr4ro woul(I be no house W�, '114 .%noruy�ailed to her. andshe i now who had I had to lio turned over b'.vi the -,t RHEIATIC SUFFERER CURED. Sentinel -There's hundred and yeni besides losing 'his cow. CHAIR AM ONT, -irked Wn. Manette went tl) hezilue into his to. in Ivitli more eager- one !n power any inter- and res- its con - in, er$ectiting him. 'His. -uncle Ue. of Sheets all(] blankets. I iWas Mr. Angus J. McDonald, of P twenty-two Sandy MacpheTsitm !I' Still holdg a,'olpelded lead over small Her face showed est :II P � I -the recent keneral Methodist wardrobe. W111011 2t"'tt I" t nesz.. than usual. �..ays licen a the reilment. At templor&rfeg in Shorthand and businW8 daily growing wea r and my co Closet adjoinin-g. returril-I with tile was eager to te:l'' wulll,l f:n(I - some means to let him nd*- cotit, Oflt- o%'ersken. the Sady Mael? heroon he was not forgotten. He v let i III of riietimatism for Brown -But, Conketence ;it. Corning, several good bundle. and 010 nf�, I it. 1), ack clo:1 k iiini that it report w ' s in icirctl.at.ou kllu%v' that tioit more �serlous- Hope of recov 111 years. The 'trouble first cam has red 11111T., Oil %vould never fall him. Ile liad grown idv stories were- told, -and one%that caused OVER 2,000 STUDENTS fell -out, th tfiL- President of the Sectic hat, ine at my former lionio in Willialtis- Sentlue17-There's r hrhve and frm. bad almok;t. vanighed, except t �ort-seveil Sax. more than ordinary amusement was railned In this College since head handkerchief. tl," I I olss"niere lind bten ki1ed. - A[- town. .1 bw_anie so bad thlat I was Maephersons with red hair.. Have been tl L-irt. stripi-d wIfLa lie herd the I He formett ii!s plans it once for .vlllle there is life- there is hope in o and the print -I c-tt-11. Citut it Andrey, i release. As soon is Manette I I tortifre I obliged to carry a cane when walk- Brpwu-WC1l---er-I hardly like to related as follows: Three ministers it wgig est�ovbilshed 1875, and are red unit blue, V-1- I,:,- tv, ! untlerskirL ietl olit ;it ter tl Macpherson I Baninj of the be foiand in nearly every town and city wws. cr Cla"de 1, irm% mouth.1; Of suel ing, and to go. at a slow pace. At mentjn it, but - the ere interpreting the. int on this Continent, holding Choice POBI- lit a should be a I.ttlp better. Ile Would ask nd the t)4. .1 go.�ti tiong lor to gIv(rDr. WillUnis' got the-er-pr-the cy - go witIl ilial to - citizen- *as' induceld one tinie I'was'coiffined to my bell. wat to am has text "David danced before the ark little wori-tool 11toyelln" ft (.it tht! elinge In hini. Gregolre to for three Months. I tredmanv med Ir4t, minister said ldom L am s6rry I-Baz:re. Brtgette, who was putting a Plnk liflis a trial. I gave 111) of the Lord." The f 001 it Canada which Lamblet- had ouliTt4-tI however. that he C40i)l baud . nfl' some or wilicii ea6ed-tiie Paiil,-. Seiltinei-A' the Macpllers(mi.i hav I e anyone ought 'to know What that It to the only 6 20 yeaTs without began the itse- chies, meant. It mea r te ,nkiletl- for Cill-j. age ou -the head of her m, othr tr but n me permanent relief un- got tile Itelli!-The Sketch. avid danced has been rw I i cept the aginst 4. gave a slidden start and a 11ttle days , _- 'I at that D 2anagement. t *Ili.w on. N( L 00-1 . many 0 have I'll tres. th 1) 1,. it gr , t ord. The chiarde CC a would. hrdly n,! Of -0 til I Ic. use of Dr. Williams' while facing the ark of the L department, --k �pj-ecll ;it once: oh I that UIlY hail scream. Then, -wWiolit a ord. she ced -F4)r C01d0gUe W either Z_11c, (Itric -ly the adjLynLng closet. and had pat�;sed-until there was a marked Pink* lave usect, in all about HOW'S THIS? second minister said David dan when site oft I-verything his too. but in in- rushed to 6 or wet .;otlies, lition, and I a dozen -boxes. and -under the treat before instead of behind the ark, and AddrOM' gh- brought forth a Lundi Improviement in m -.v eon( - ' 'fer one hundred dollafs reward D. McLAMMAN & CO - Ile slippi -d on till. it-.*, roU othei Inshion." flOOT. "I did t1le tL-;o of the pills Until inent. y on- We o unot the third said that It i . w tentler skin -it witleh site filing on the continued progress has been . -c simply meant Ch&tliams Out. tt uclied ti The 0111 M2111 1')Ql:e(I Lt lier ift gr.�. and satisfActOry. - I liave for any ca4se of catarrh that ca that David danced before 'the ark ness. '-!A it ) - 'hUt DONA I fully L etinous F Id site nivall ? not know,'� sho sa'd, ' -as goo(] sill ver. hAvIlat COLL, ww cure.d. I hve red by xill' Catarrh Qure Made her littl' ded the use of the cane and be eu A- dauced. put on tl -inL -, n- fill madame went Out In discar ............. I V1110F !J1d141r!f ain a Wei the und tka 1111JI11W. , .4.,If tile I pift due. t Is. perfectly estOred and It is all o 145 pounds. . In a; word .1 the Idst 15 Years, The recent crematilf of the re - lie Avas -answprcid that slip Where could she 11ave got them?" wer of Dr, Wit- new I attribute. my im- V. J. . Cheney for WiorablO Mains f George Du Mattrier has re - ft -wrest raniblf-�4. -it w. s rather' dif- pened. iand I e tocl. 4 _altll r- , Manettle it. id anyt1iing, It was III ti�llcjq clothes. my limbs as e, UL' I ll�LU, MY Ile itrbigned, li�Lve kuoW11 -Pe -10 ficult to tie'on tile handker- was stili aslc�ep. Well. then, Ilrt- libe opened the bundle. - The- black to Cho wonderful Po pr . oved condition entirely to the use a Dol - believe him rfeetly b ft- vived interest in the gradually In- clonk fell ont, and tile cotton sk-rt; Hams'. Pink 11118, which releaed nie . of Dr - Williams' Pink- Pills'." in -.111 business transactions and chief en marmottt- 1. not wish gette inust fielp him to dros.-i )-- quick- 'of illy able to carry out all Ob- pro- Stiatford, Ontaft to sholy it single halt.- Tliv Jacket ly s possil)l.� ; lie hiwst -g(,j llca try anti the k4tted petticoat. On one from pon,.-anil thu,; g . ave me a new. Bew.1re.-or Imitations. Thegenuinq nancl. beir firm. � creasing use 9f the incineration Thousands of our former stailerkta attribute Vas, of a s a!n lease o d only in boxes tile ligatIOUS - made by t di -g- gists, cess. The number of- such reductions wa- much too large, I)ut tht � hr the news -the lzy-liones! -Bri- thp Jacket bleeves there was t f life." .11ink Pills are sol tilt. ettmk would The old nin anti the- ser- to full West & Trittax, wholesale, S- theirsuemm In butainegs Itte to the thwough flence, gkte tnade and was tho- first of blood. DYSPEPSIA AND TROVI3,11' wrapper around wbich--lRars ti ti ived In our school. Now BW- n(A conseq to ashes 'is said. to be constantly, erepara on race little it �Vhpn she put it, on. Then to enter anettes chamber, , She vant lrykeol t eiLch other. CURED. trade mark "Dr. Williams' PlakPills Toledo, 0. - i ta an enter at any timle. Modemte rates. theni-V -tie people.,, Plus Waiding, Kinnan;&.WirV1V%wIIOle- growing; though, as yet, of courstei 0"D c A splendid college. Theles iug -it It Up ruslwd back. frightened: had Nile got colored pink, - 0. Board cheap. she Vook the slipPe Lng of Citoyenne Mr. - M ax k; 3 - K el Ined Y, Of for p. sale druggists, Toledol the percenta rivial and prae- �anaoia. WrItefor our her sleeve and niatle sure tha-1 t)Y 0111 was in a high -fever nd dill Ili)t septyl Brlgptte knew noth' sold in bulk, by the dozen', hundred or . ge. is t, commercial settool ta C LLIOTT,'PrincipaL en. Inter- tically, ins!gniricant from. the under- _ircul&r. W. J.'E (Inick movement it to know her I Lamblet's Fecond visit after.dark the town, Says: "Ican ConSelentiOUSly" re- Ounce.- or tukerl fr-.Om gifiss'lare, . or sold- Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tak 1,31(ym site said Infilly,­ acting. directly upon tiv) blood taker's tandpoInt. Kate Field's re 11,1glit before, firmly. shyou th'nk we ought commewl Dr. willifLato'.11ii I ik - Pills to In boxes.wbich do not bear our t ' ratio nue6us surfaces of- tlle'.-Tstem- mains are to -Le -cremated; Julia Mar - he prP-'.'-,FMtiv �'!don't Ulf] be and I e -Alter slie was all prepared s - tre-rntered the room. nil Citizen those who may be suffe77itig from dYs- mark, are vile imitations and sho -TWENTY stood moment bf-fore the great Andv�y rollowe-i tier. 31anette, ivitil to 'of years promptly refused. Ifyour 'deale.r does- Testim011hoW sent. free. Price '75c. Per lowe Taber Is reported to lipive made toENITS WANTEI) 4 Sold - 99 vislon in her will for cremation, us DOLLARS a week--ito -supply her face br1g;it rett n(l her eyeF 01tizen Andrey inade a sign of. as pepsin or liver troule. I genuine Pink Pill. theY bott-l-'. by ll dru pro long thosdWho have Ideelared ;c mers. freight c,harges prepaici, gla&-2 over her inante3pi"ce. she wore complica.tiot, of not keep the she hoped Sbe'was r10it; they'inight be Suffered. from ibbia wl I be sent by mail post paid t 50 and an returnable; -no c the popular livery, which ]Illy 'to.qslug on the The oil] sent ae -PlIa outfitIree or apitgl to avold if discovered. He troubles, and so'bad-was the-dyipepsia, In favor of.ineineration would enatile her after ilark man lwntll�vvr hur. was delirious mute witnesses, gesel of cents a -,box or six. b4ises for $2.50 He -Had Stopped Grow -W), l7equired; exclusive territory. patrol, or self- to burn th-but lip. thtt I could not touch -it mo: said wheeler Wilcox, Maishall P. Wilder, & CO., beinp stoPW4 by nY and raving- MY listned to what stij. I took upon him S. Raimford and Bishop Pot - ,roup - of patriotic citizerij;. I but not in that chamber. The smoke rood,of any kin .cine Co., Brockville, Ont. his friend Brown, vOtom.he Dr. D. Win. TEA IMPORTERS. d. I often finii d it dit- by -addreSsIng the'Dr. Williams Medi- You are growing bald, I t- G. MARSHALL tie nai as sayIng. Jo to make suin that lier face JrI-t-te in smell there would never do. ficult to obtain sloop, anti w,hat,lit 11 ter, Prof. Charles, E, Ilot Norton, I nd the several daiq- Wanted to lust I (It these timai was ad not seen for Idorf Astor, Edward Etexet- her eni(Aion- It run in-! jr--t doeto-r. she, sald He rolled up the- bundle and t . ook it I dild got replied Brown. But Wa Dudley betrayed no sign of - I - roanim This. of PROHIBITION IN BRITAIN. am bald, Pindrew Carnegie, and Charles T -0 CHEESE FA'CWlty that he was imperoltivel'y. Tho , with him to his own room. broken by horrid - it I am not growing any mort'- I did not seem to her PY. wai-t!" lie !Zaill I (�Io bu continue(].) - . roe Was the result. of tile ifybpepsla. Warner. FOR SAJUJP-j Plant. Ali mew. Ap- 'Manette Anfir old t.-rVnt wnted to Ioan ovpr her WJ my. discoWiftairel A Source of Weakness 'to Any Party ply -to James McComb, ArnbtL OnC Manette Cezaron q mI,4.tms-; in lior'turn, blit -hp waved ftt In addition to Sire was a woman4�iLllout to 410 it ter- was sub- Espousing It. THE BABY IS CUTTINC. -TEETH Dr. Thointo -an expert in the edu- g yps!-it tiOrrible. She tl,.r' away with lits hand, sayin was added liv'er COM n, 'yourself it yon Set rible thin ject to dizz.16c"i, I had it Pal in, tile apol . says Mat a MOd- (Aberdeen -F Be aum.olnloi use that old w1ell. catin of deaf mutes, _ looked. (,If curiously. want no d()ctor her married befoike pur it her, Oth ng a 1ANDING FI mtdng"of ree Preg; aRST IN txwk - and bl( the and pal , but the 11�rlit her lino -10 hall re-. . 'Brlirotte very much surprii- I . I At the annual- ineet4ng f the United tried _ remedy, Mrs. - Wi;nSIOw ificatio, of the telephone promises to fog f 0 e - ltt I - . wnij pale, haggad and despondent. It I ing. It soothes Light on Drrryvo�ll inarked -wa% in lier %Vai; goort oinni' lie aid. "Pa! Illance, held in Manchester -Syrup for -children. teeth - the education of vers,";& oom& -ItIl : J - rp will be remlily seen. that I was in a Kingdom A h I, the child, Softens the gums, a -I lays air -be of material use in to sexual adence, by 1% J. jet - of it. -That light mu.%t not 9(y out- If merl y, no , lf)ptor c it� I u I ring and Th. D. It len-are Amniad you sig that I out ha114 exaintilt, HE WHOLE WORLDI WWI . condition, I kept docto yesterday, Sir Wilfrid Lawson aud "Llie, best frag- ferimi X D., ier ion. I wind colic and L those deaf mutes who possess a. ly need a copy. Agents wanted In. every it did it would lie , slightest sure her, thr firle Of ',Now ny onv who chooses can. ome I dosing MYself without 1010 -friends qppear to,liave been repeating =VyU`rM0r diarrhoea. T"ll,nty4ive nleiit of heaXIng power, and it has the Colin 2 to 35 peresy gas ead. Bond for streui- It rout t was fallin beefit,.and finfuly gave up in disgilst, t advant,-g 0 over 14 tulatedwel Mention. per and kill the df-nr finpertan se would be e3ftinet. inight eotn­ here and out the old talk bout the. determLilation cents , bottie. folfowing lier purpo reetbig that I would have to live address -j. U NIoRkSa C0..M ruj %%-fit look r4h; tnade-a gli-sture which epre,-s:el chilli I)y flii,4 ignoralleg.. m.y I.ife I[, this IIILupable . cW(lition. of this organization -to put am end- to the sLig-0 speaking tube that is so est, Toronto. Can.- wu-% fully ri-olvk Poll I g eat the wires street W 1. She left ft. ­r I Inarn - I r iThe Ho e of the Ailing and Comparative MeritO.. that she tion she deat aboitt when. I was at'. P A frielld suggested-Dr.-Williafils' Mk the drink traffic of the c6untry, the times, used: -FIMtIY, thut be Coupled I from several can .-AGENTS WANTED her room, with preat prc,cau file t was my disgust at. re talking about t,lleir re- SURE DAELY� unclosied the' outldu door I ani,qufte capahle of de Miserable Everywhere. 111119, but so gm& a nrl shut aling pteol to . be progrew achieved toward tilat pur! They we and Jorking 'Paid: up t one tMsulitter, and thW a ev where. Staple iffoode.. D,tnnnd- mod -4-fel-t7ten, 8 spective wives Waftrhisb*ork. Writefor It fter her. t4ts - CIIR('. L kno%V all about Icille that wit verAlht- pose, alid the Prospect of more or les �alcnt for teacher can Instruct a group Of chll- never guiRpp W Prfane. But MY friend 9 - -.! My wife - has. a perfei econdly, fullinformatidn. Cataloguebef200engravin When she was; In'the 4trret, the cold fvvers.' box oaxly suceess. One Would think -it must ileYng orderly; she keeps eA-,-rything dren at, the same t4me, and, s tree. The Queen Silvefware Co.. Von= vere than 1b. F:a1d tlli."4 1--i ;I I�Jnnt, ocr-hndway, ent find in the end to that, ag it -is nd necessary for the of the night secmeAl lesit lie or be With apply his mouth close to QM ky -, I difficulty they can screw in Its place." q -ft 111111- ror n old habit or rallying thought of -wife teacher to h ed e E 0 0 D -KIDNEY PILLS Or P1118, fuld 1 took them In themselves- up to this tter, tile pupils have a full tplease him.thail from any 11 That's not1ting to what 'iny form grey. Not a fitar eould be sem 4trongth and ]its resources I th.e pr. cond box and, to my performaill0le - The- WAY' 'Bile keeps ev,!ry�btng. the trzin81111 QAUSAGE CASINGS -NEW IMPORTA- I beneAt. I took a se does. pa. and lip l dringer hd nd-.v tken pos- benefit Year after year. Tile cause, of temper- view of h1a; facial expressi 0 tions of prime Ell the heavens. If. datonlHillnont I -Was deriving coln- is just out Of sight." . - the case _glish shepp and American wny alonir the mov46ments, which is not bog "s; rellable guds at right pricep. , L B She walked a litt wwp,4ion of him. from them. I Continued taing- them OACO 18 making Progress in th,6 when Ile hao to direct his attemMon PJi= B &CKWELL A CO. Ltd. Toronto.. Rue de Buggy. The re4'o'IP(`t16n of the Tro strnightpried hinisvir. Th. Despair pr Imitators The Admir y, "d the evils of tile drink a"I I ikat cured. DO you wouder there- MuWtl - Marriage is Not -a Failtire la-gt tme she brail alked that street rf-urned'the Old expression- of strong ation of All Users. that 1 now consier Dr. Wilriam,;' trade arei being oubdued to a greater and his vo!Qe Into) the mouth Of a alone now hauted her. - -She turned will. IQ litI stood by the 1 Ila - t or - lew extent as- the years succeed it Is With pIt"Isure thai Nve call jM. eakii tube or trumpet. LODGE ho*Pver. along PI k I tio greatest -inedical 19 !a. the'other direction. lilq nlece, IlRtenin� lnt(-ntl.-; to the In -OwIl other But tills advance is -en- 'oader.4 to Gar - and the 0Tft RUP coli(-ront words tht -dro very of the 19th century, fund - will tAfoly ao t4e.,,Ittention of our.r are The most gigantic turtles that ex - the Rue de Tb'onvil e. very lifr fr pped 'from were the leaders -the first' in ways recOm atend them urge those art frumn any action ot the Stoves and Ranges. T)1eY droppell the Ajliajlco nd the exitreme. -acknowledged to Ile the Nlt- and ages appear tP verwi lipq hile the woriti to keep LL ilistinctively kid- W Ito ax.o muffering, but may be as skep:- - part of., tote I durl-,ig the gc4?lcgiwl Souvenks, lif,r temperance party asnoviated with it. �O, Way r(long Which had (ITIVOTI bck on 11rigetto, is, . t- no more than is often ked for to ha:Te inhabited the fQothille of the eD tllpv tobk her ,oil, n y pill treatmormt on the market Meal o I wm, to try them aM learn. demci'aPllf! COVlay wil rlspvil lind.q. kept oil sa.yIng, c a Of temper- Marriat and 'w" name To them, lad tile caus, nit Inferior ar -,,i is not no. The.jshella and --to t1li. Of 40ath- at� intervIl Is. -this -d Dodd's Kidney their virtule." 9 . Ince, rekirin Vocle very Ittrtle. -Some- ticle rQ Garland Himalaya mountal Emblematical! . y to the Abbayp a failure In homes whe socitt b1i all be- y to wbi -hgu4 got ap Vft. sent to' eWC11Y site was kit ed. e Pills. -CURED thwe eitinct Cr6aturegs gi. i4be bad It'lled. aull All of :I sudd-n her_Pves fell on. t' This was a trifle less SWOLLEN ANT) DROPS - ICAL tdines, Indeed, it a distinct sc� Stoves and ranges are USE-,, - W rO, bones of Surely that was better titan to I've 14li- than a dozen OiLally Wash out of the Will e uttervil in exclmation, back from them, as wbell-theY cOM- us: (!astomers. whIch occaal liappineSI4 years a Dodd's Mrs. Alex. Ross, *Broad Cove, N. ., commend to our numero i smure an a stove r range. a elegant Rolled G61d Button when.all lUe's hopes nd ruslied up to.tho fireplco. Diner of 1896 pw.3ed the defeat of the Licenbing Bill who may requir h en buried -ov -t !-hs Kidney Pills would eure uny curable says:- " Early in thP Stu were -er! Wha Row tltfrp'wnR ManPttf%.q t I bail of Mr. Gledstoifea first Administra- d.1' for untold agep, prove that they were Ith screw ana spur fasten to tha or the G a rl a ing. These Buttons are Manette walkc4l very fast. Ylpr paec i4hoeq; The poor thing hd had kidney disease, and that -they I . ind I w ' s taken Prior med tion, and thereby cbstructe one beautifililly-nisde with ip %vu-nt through y wa -health. I gee ore than- twice as large as -any speel- -was almost a rtin. St timir. to t.qkp orr il lipr 06thes find- cOme- tO-Sta it ys cnj;)Yed good me"u.m -cht reform ever, brought be- Growing -POtun4l�'! men of the tortoise family which now colored linamLited centres, same str-eet% thnt File- hd trav- put out of ght the things once br- We now say that Dodd's Kidney -wPak anti easily tired. Then my arms* tigh parlialutc-lit. it is re- h6 shell of one iiaking a suitable present the fre the Bri MT, wi-111lw in a epect orqeAl twelve days w*th her to but Pills. will cure tiny -ktdoey disease, hands and legs became swollen and -Xnen Of t nging tn-Citowninp Lainfilp ported that at yeaterday's meeting If you have a sl - mpusters which'May to a f1riend. -n (;revoirp. when they and we -have testimony, from thous- pained me to�rrlbly. illy trouble seemed v ol room -try growing p2tu i I i a. Take 'of thelsO old-time unclWand ('!tlz; thf. Aloes. pl-leeft to dry berorw the Mr. W; S. Calne sought to make out 0 lants N-filre teY be seen in the National MUSCUM at Cal - went, to v4j.4It Cil!v. On reaching -the di . 1-nl,- eintler-9 on the llearth,'hd.limn ands or persons cured at various- like dropsy. I tried several doctors that at tho-last election tlie."Llb- up small garden p cirtta is 6 1-2 inches thick, 12 feet an(I medici ar. -frost bitten. Pot od Pont'.Neuf shf- found titat-the dark- forgotten w lien, Overcome by mon- stages. and took their ne, but got- no eat who -sup- thepi in 90 negs seenietl to settit' (town on her, the tal sufft-ring n(I t)r)mlv ratignp. Rile lfes,'Doidds Kidney MIN have More -relief. - In fact one of them told me I r0iloving all a fraction III length, 81-2 feet bn ported local option. One would lie In- earth, and trim them, *d -DoMinion Regalia Co. Sir buds. place them in a cooIJ rt!oin with and more than 5 feet in height when water swashed aga*nst thf� arches of h. t d Ii it. V.1in tham kept"every prorolse. We have could not he cured. In thia State I Bar- terested to know g lie Included 0n dovp Upon I er lin until I was ad- nty of sunlight . a d ""P well standing upside down, like an Inverted TORONTO the betige, and plif- of wNtl came nd wearfns--:q halt nlaWred her reso- advertikied two.years for the particu- fered for Some tinfe William Harcourt- artiog the candi- Pie Manufacturers ofall Lodge makig her viRed by a friend who had herself watered- Before manjnw4k� one will lars of any came wherela, they 'had 1111tion. - fur,onsly from the -9t. - dates who benefited by the champion amply, s and Uniforms, face t:ugle, as If slip lind bpen struck -11,1 w. ollt la -4t ever falled, but tfius far without a experienced great benefit from the use illitity of th is -cause I The fact or tile be -repaid for -her ronble. Requisite by tfuy hall -s -ton". I;ilt KhP did not 01Lht ?., the F;ervant single reply. (it Dr. Wilitams' Pink Pitts td try them. matter to that the rejection of the 'in Bondage. 13adges, etc. eeMen passed ber, crowdng over. And suppow, mhP had heen' an- Wc'have constantly* aimed to reach I did so..aud after taking a coupleiof itching, Burning Skin DisesP6 cured for to th left 1)nk, I -tilt so I.Tisignifleant". g " We- want boxes could -- notice no im!)rovement, great champion . of tite Local OP- 1 -1 " No woncler they* call marriage the and benefit the asses. whole 36 cents. . i . - matrimony. $10. - I - e -red the Old Man roqghlv. turning tMon Bill- Wag typical of tll4D holey bonds tif Mut a etoypitne, did not attract their not- towardii 11rfg-PttP :i.,A )w spoke. every sick- Mn or woman.in Canada nd was discouraged. However at the r as that measure OiLtment refle,%Ts In tered Mr. Henpeekt, as he gazed at-bla FOR T-WINTY-SIX YEW 4 Onp only rvmrkml-. In rt-tPrence P0 that Inst niVbt ho lmd ittFfTnpt- to know that all but one In every earnest Solicitation of my f;iend, I -.etlectton' In Go -fa ord RoeebeiY WaH o Dr. Agnew's slt- rlicum., numended socks, etc. -Judy. 3ace. that- "016 must have a Ireginil thing—a twenty 'who are, glek can be cured continued their use and: was on my was coneerneed, L ne day, cures totter to her I r -d to (1,) a very f y that' the d head, eezemL, barbers gooil pa!r of legs-', g. minirl you 19uppoge by � kidney treatment. Sixth box when the lonlied for Im. complaining -the -other da the gen- piles. 'seal and'- all erup- zron. the w*fp 6f Allp flrf-aarili thin few of the provement came. From that out It -policy he -contended for at � Itch, ulcers, blotches 10 Manette Ce R110 bad donp It ? 1;llpnosp flit lipr Comparatively -only a teral election had not been &dopted. tiong of the skin. It to soothdiligand- DUNK t: priweer at St., Lazare. did not walk .1 her husband mdn her rIRk millions have as yet -, learned the was steady and- rapid. My'llinbs as- That the suppression of tile House of t styeoU that U'911t.'She pushed or- -1 size and shape, m quieting, -and acts like mWic, In the tLe-K loping- Tier own lire. nd Invoirtne: ourg truth as. to the- Cause of all their sumed their normar y Lords, . because it had throwa, - out a ward --she ran f she felt -as a tiold!er sufferIngs. The death rate of the Do- appetIte.Improved, and by the time I ertre of all baby liumors. .35 cents. in her peril ? Rule ill- which the GladStOU- might feel when Ordered to charge. "ion DImi fri . -.1 141 -m-Inlon ling been lowered; and to the; had taken eleven boxes I was it well Home ent itself was raid to BAKING The new . 1;p!rit that animated tier extent that Doollds Kidney Pilis be- woffian. . I make this 'Statement to ian - Governin af For Insect Sting�,s was, ref ti- 1. -- - - tue. in ad settled the questIOU 'What ClItIl fill,! 11,LVe (Inno? he who" those In doubt as I more Onw 01 th WOW& Insect; otfenders Is now that she It come knowir as life savers, it will be encourage Or., to the judgment to;f'the cons e no virt which had made hor suffer Ro nineh. UqP(I to he -so geptle, so -tender." about taking this m6dicine. I believe tuencles, would have been a r to the 91111reme of 1, ,(1 to lw-yei,; But don't ask lowered; further Still. and that,under popular measure than the Local Veto the mosquito. Its FdZO, is Out, Of all Pro - Pow -DE now nerved lie fort, i know Pothing aft in every case of -kidney suffering it-, tile best on earth Billf to which the other 'd poilticni, portion to its rairagea till - it - has the nasty taste of IZen. Anolrey had been right; nif- anv question,;i. *here Dodd's Kidney Pills -are known,. Providence It cured me." us and flown -away. Me PaIn C1 giving the first otung and cle hatt tlescribed yet. I rri fmid to iindprstand. Anti. twin " insisted on alleviated by battling with her heart. " her un allable but not used, it Is like view- C Caba in wich . honev hawbeen MIC . ST'SA Lit IN. in thp.past, wall Dow a heaxt. Brix-ttp. It tvl;l pot (it) to.,i)e arrniol." aT plaAw In the party lyogrammet ma CANADA. Ittip Ing the promised land and refusing We1l1LndPOTt, be questioned; but, there were fe�v wam water You would hr -i ent In 1, Mr. F rank Dunham, cod iver oil. of stoUL-- to -enter. says feed iM a, duty, I we members of the party who blessed Sli put. oonfuls pavement caused bits� for her wtko!l been cured Out-- The- proportion Is two `(�miap A bad Place In the To all thlose who have j(-rked the -Yeg-ves. I know that. lint If sufferers William Harcourt for. the Choice he r-r%S A-MI).N. her, to tr'p Slightly.hud tilIR tens by Dodd's Kidney Pills we any: Let t -O YOU as wed' as to other derived made"-Vf a Cry to go to Derby. and the Of honey- to a Pint of boil1bg w5ter.. ke FARMr--n her Sleeve. Its point ran Rom(- one 'eornm hr-ro nd threft ight shf6e, tell of your cure� to in , on onade of menthol Old alcoholl, ake known the good I Then wh ta to ped- rs of Dr. Williams' utry with. Sir Wilfrid Lawson n;hd. A IoU ng 10r% 41agger arm f3be put her finger up na walk In from the use �Plnk cou of the Alliance no doubt wii, lie found of groat. usO Id subdit.1 y ERS into her write all the facts and particula pli, s lious ... 4. tii-v Oin-tv their warrant file friends no ought th r WILS Wet W everybody. - T efft of the suffering and ly rundown In health. I z could - not go th Itted him- dramf of- penny- it c Aesif'OUS'Of to restoTp her oleeve, , t to It.4 place. to us, that we maY.Publiall them for pills. TwQ years ago I was complete )f the lrrltattok and s*Ming. 11eii she withdrew nd carry off on rk e. at. wheft the leader o: F or sand flies -One, lear. Tlia f!ngP den exclumatl6n. to lit, it I)riv#-. -r-Inn. Help the ben airs without sitting down - to Liberal party thus COMM de CnS�lte gave a Sud On the mo to care for tier. Don v bring any spalring everywhere. up at royal and one ounce. of eall- ,ut, it of pain. rest. There Was no color In my lips- self and the. Government of which improving -tht was not a cry lint It w�a doetor lipre.' TT(s might betraV ng.'* lie -was a member to- their pet meas- washed over the Skin often prevents contrarl aking D and I was qul" ambitionless'. I was b they are'f4ld to dls- wtocii should 'n . tile kno%vledge t her en- He bad done, 'wisely In ape ervishes! Suits of Mail, Store at the time afid ure, the cause olf permissive prollibi- tb ='161 Of Scented -Vm blood seemed to,, give clerking. In a tUhk: e peftenkily doubt wiser now, thoughthey her -own The old story 'that thO Dorvialies tiom Was oin' the eve of- victory. -They . %ena, one 620nt. thup to the old servant. What would I -thought I would have to give UP' of the remedles adylsed 46k -mosquito courage! 11shap warned her have been the use of trying o con- lf(issesed Swords and coatH of mail My position, As it was with difficulty' are no inspect U at Upon Customers. &S to bites. Neverthi'lew tilst, mbe hitil ceal from herwha% She could -not fall datIng back to the Crusades Is C() I Could I took wont- admit A. They still ILONGIIE dent. W in sonie seaside places there Is a very t4i, 19. PrU �wly, especially to dli4cover. it was far -better to let firmed T)y the capture of some of these .6m olloctoirs but - got - no think that thdir policy is. a popular, more H!c - medicine ft -troublesome tweet. the, aai=y, that tte-r go Is sting relles after the recenten- -to be almost invisible, be Iler share the secret. She was to be 1.beesme low and a winning, one, but in view of #ltreet..4 aroullid the Hallf Intere permanent relief, and the is go, SM&B as through the trusted. Citizen Andrey had become to on the. Nile. The history -was UO what took place at Derby. and P n that. baP- the man he. had been thirty year'; "a Tla t was so cold Writed aZit'Viblight there tile market.4 of the City. L� 'of gtl r a lady. w1lo. generat -vesult tof the election last. This bites 00-afikles uIlbifitc1rullY, a9 help for me. One dio well to 06� bwdS , and CSUL e wiided and the Wind wa`4 was -familiar to ginally In - Palestine, and foUnd again --a OR _g1VgII 4bove wore abroad. 'before. when danger came Into the store'tO- Purchase ROMO year, It, to Ifteredible that they h Id the reiinedlee _and 'o few P;,OPlO I off by fn pily, for her, rompt' decision eceseary. after 7oc) yearpAn. the Soudan, would Said to realty believe - anything. of - the sort. no lights except In the I bim. and p �utocklngs- -were of Dr.'WRllasnal Pink P1114 by- im� WerIng open-,wnrk�'� There e 11, By him Orders BrIgette set to work make ',.a breathless chapter -of ro- 9. wh:� don't, you . try, Temperanco reform, as We have - said, in aff COA I al df 0"OTeL'Stiing: It Is vretl doors War Toustard pamters, to he me, T, raul surelyi -it somewhat prepare mance. History plays the romantic pinU pills �f Well I followed her ad- la makim way iA for a, day o,V.��Cwoj bgve Ivine 4110P avoid -�*Jae "d'4 IgL stret re y with -n tile .10, to keep closed. the patienVa feet. She was polle put on scale tbat the nimt idar- the rebult to ow Slowl; but the Special , SOW00I drams ion a n Mu er, of-Syd y .0 in Mutes Irroill ime" + HedIrt TH arat- there Was the same lon" vice, and 31ont ta be careful tG keep wet, Clotho to Relo-draniatic wright. may Ch thwAill"Ce is identified few Ing athe stag4ji well as ever -1 -was W m 11foo and lence, broken 011117 -for who, even on af,'PlAk, Pills uness. 141, j game at bar head constantly. and a little It'WaiLever In so ampo the geneiii I latt; ­- i4e eir Wrt of homo.-ma7de Infusion. Th per a BrItIsh exped!&fpn In the- ecary Soucl, ... ... flung IM -un her k- -VVa9 1110 poth of tbe'r WOO-" ess yq.;� r need to send to -an a In encounter Arab warriom clad eby, the of the street, I opium was envyo, the wind much In eie - -,Q b6lieving its o U 80 tile Str b- va! to be iven her In gome would have ventured to make the offt- saved -me r mli� t " i 0, "d tr nCT#1VUQYv on foir- anything- to cluilles the nerven. Leon's ro im the mall'of Uicha/id Coeur do a, ened her -P 4