HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-06, Page 2-0, 0-1 -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . M M Z�, 7 % M + -for a while "s in 14% FEN4� .101ABOR0 1AP Its Penetrating Fowe)r- v Mmes that made you seem + gette atiout a Gn a Py of, reeI an 4;+++++-1 .... . stood talking to BrIl unfeellaig. Now, medy, in the w t:++++jJ+f she with- me. No. re orld -*qlials. -harsh and sne d ............ ..... ......... ........ let++++ varletY of villmportan� matters. bliall their ++ I saying. # has been Just the other w%y. I had d sh' WWI- sons for Tillue-uerve pain curel.Neura What she Was tilly an many and absurd rea rin, art 90 .. - . of ++ (lid not- know great benevolence; I thought I Was ful breeciew -bred otI divorce that are. offered.lrt vourt. have rlielimaMsm are -relieved aim 4: In- 3 Then she went Into her uncles, chain no of pure lcfl frequenilY been subJeet of. amusement 'pains are c nee -applicA- "+ ber. The old man W41 Son all- the surplus heno and letici� 3 dozing in ills *as hard as -a- stone, but trouble has -stantly, 'and -the minor udlies And E;hge sat down chazged me. Ah,.deai 1 -If happier ured by a. rAi eltair before a 1*e fire. IP now and. feed the lay"M, hem I tisiders, but. thel-Most sen0eleAs tlon. * Nervillner-nerve pain cure -Is- + liber - ally; in fact, It th I MAMM'"I'TE ANDIRN'PALI Umes should ever come.. we' will go moFe to oil opposite to him fL8 If NVatching tilt lie We is no re min + tit an$] laugh ble. that has ever been sure to cure. ++ sliould-wake. But suddenly tier eyes ba:ckto VeEzy. and live as we used lo -to the contrary, sell every cook A Heroine of the Reign of Terror do, But now we can only think of vm" gind replenish and AGEXCII.E. In - the fell'on his--secretAt'Y he got -up . our -poor Claude."' --the. pin - brought to public notice was intro. T the hen MELANGAOL went to It very soft.�gv h01360 Of duced by a MaI nyan Inot wepk. Uu. ly- ed.)' Mix limp- with -the compost hpap, for spring. Then rid piece of 1 furniture held ]its (To be contlan. *ermin If expec The melancholy days have come, That the reas9`11 that vegetable -matter dia- Ida t. to get ed,48 der the head of cruel 'and abuAve' -this trdatmeint, he testified"that he secrets. For Instancel' the old deed of, Winter And saddening are -the sights "bet�ireen i Citizen Audrey integrates more readily under - action it is certainly unfair to leave tile was That greet the eye, but the days are A THRIMING NARRATIVE OF THE FRENCH REVOIUTION. partnership on the verge of nervous prostration. and Grandmaiso#. of'NiLntes. - The old of ammonia when mixed with earth chickew rok your wife to attend, not o BY PAUL PEBRET. - 1111111 Was asy unlesis hie ONCE A JEAR and then. take or demand the (OP1,9 n account of loss of sleep caused bV A marker to the nights. never quite o it there ls.no,alkaline addition. his wife " persisting in eating dry had tile- liceY about his person. At and chicken. money for your 4)wn 'Neath cotton sheet and countkrPaue 's under his ph- Y' use. Not only prepare for 10*18 crackers in bell." TI poor -fellow No paxt of the country is - w badt -night he Put It alwa.� her You sUivering -cry:"' When -wilt 0 handicapped by bad ro %nd 111144-41 t1t, 11 ONLY JUT DDT ought never to have max -Red. Ire II -1 ..... .. low. But the pper,drawer had no ad$ as in tile the -best of quarter% but land a It Thou, 0. thou haughty landlady, in, -which were keeping it should have sought a smoother pnth Pllt-,1011. -that winter quilt rho t down the Rut- ale 'rhlon- he asks? Then I would die. We lock. it was a�place id -.of at all the heavy worif In - Y Avon south. A.laxge part of the yie of life. from Put all. kinds- of,thin". ant] Manotte and then -tell her'to go In 4 -ad Vitteville. Isna ation- thequi*s. They shoula both- be- set free. -You very prol�abl c she migJit darI -.eot'on sedd'never reaches market be- cleana� crussid the Pont -Salut Mic.ivi, walk- I from a life too dreadful to thought It The DoWsAidney Pfll Calen WbL A travelling cremator* will here - there find what' she wanted. She high- Concerning incubators -and �art P ISO cause of 4he awful state of the iflaw ISSUE NO 46 1896. ed under the wall& of tho. Concierger- live i� for the Year 1897. apat w4 -tvith after accompany every German regi- -ed through tile- drawert moving xcessiv Oh. 'hush !' dear, you do not knov� look ways and the e e railway incubation, it 10 much ie. another and the worst of prisons. softly. careful to make no what you are saying. Yes- darling.,I the things chargep. tile introduction of reapers and mow- meht in iinte of war. � It consists Of a NOTF, P;Xss-x4 tile Ponv ;in Chang-. and ell know it Is very hard for you to be noise. The thing she sought gleant., To say that weeds are in no degree em. Many di3clared tbeir machilles lof baking oven, mounted In 'replying to any of these ad - huge kind tered­ tho lab of � dark and ter that sol- vertisements' 'Please mention this -1 alone. Ali. Nettie. my treasure, for ed In I hand.: eonquerable is.�gheer nonsense,- as is Would not work white others work - the , ittle time we were so a evidenced by the eputrast" betweeli be. on four wheels. . It Jfir said papdr. strets tilat qurrollads I a I happy. -But It was - a panish dagger, with ed- -the sam without trou Thence ' they, went - tip . UR 0 I -la el wretch, who has plotted kmna slint blade� about eight or nine SUPPORTED IRK Wn'fib the fields of the -diligent farmer- and some succeed with incubators, white: diers resent the innovati n on tht th Rue de formerly I for that cru be happy Inch' In length, triangithkir, and iiiiarp e ight es the sluggarIJ. Rost weeds come from others - have nothing but faillu*06.. grounid that'the machine is it 'to(, 01 against us both, we in "IN ALL SINCERITY" trie. Rue St. 1) a;-.n,l' theric on each or its t roe -odgps. It had r. -in once again." eeds, and are aunuals.'The work b Eggo-are high now. If You have I -lot vivid. reminder of the --horrors of war turned into tile Fuliour �of ebony. - Man- 'es this po -that cannot believe -what Idow hear short, stont,ha dlr% 0, His Heroic Sho�ulders-Atlad Mus in preventing the seeds from.- mtar- good, warm quarters for ul" The inyentor claims that the. machine We again 1repeat -for Farlty, and General Excellence as a- dangerous Nord. Vanette wauteil to walk fas Gre,7 etteexa�:minedl' -Itw. 11-:�11 One Is in! for the first time," s:Aid Citizen Have Healthy Kidneys. Ing. try,- teW dowim the 'old sit" 1341d will dispose of the -killed In a few It *8 hard to think -a% I prise up to this Monte n Ant the be barns and the best. farmerr4 or bricko or whatever you haVe. If glre, who had been dumb, Witt' k;ur:- weapon. As a. rule. we, find the best stockit build -comfortable Liousm,-Of iiom�ds hours, but It Is not improbable that_ rapid motion. tit; ­Citoyelme At that niompirt Citize lrey.bo- be ere - some -of the woumded.mikht She walked on, look'lig (town. hold-; I gn to stir - .4ho slipped It bstify, As the first to be laid oil ourl -table Wit st -wind-mill towers loom -up you keep the hen�;. warm, and f%.d mated by mistAke. - The invention Manette had not told, me one wort e ere the for the year 1897, welcome-th ing-up her 0 this. Is she (lUlte sure she Is not up her sleeve. among the buildiAgs. There are no them good mixed r&t4oi 'Lin, n skirts with one hand. for' The sick than oke. 44 Of 911 does ot find favor else*here.'. rained. -and ippearanoe of the Doild's Kidney Pill Aluem- the night it had gave permission for Ile sullied when lie saw that she was Tea a tie to tile bones, milk - and - ab SA- L AD A-, haal been ! - long drives of the c t egetable, meat Mn : mistaken? CII1Y llotted by the Dodds Medl- as haff�.,tltbr pav� - stones. the streets were full of you to see your wife. Citizen Cezarou. near him, tind urmrued: Have calendar, pul rivers when the drouth comes, neither ways good fresh water, you cart li- -The most promisin P I Thanks to Ills permit. I have brought you had an 1, Toronto, _X is nickel u led tip. Y pnore ews from Clatide ?' c1no Company, Limited any thirst among tile stoe" busy CEYLON TEA the egg -1 -to sell. aluminum, which orla At first lie'was oo confused by tier 'Prepossessing, beyond anytili-ing of its vercrqwd ell tield the raia Jill Puddles- her here." Poultry should never be o holps wit 8 tintes. - I Never Iliad a rlv&L Lead packets 0 7 Her othW; hand rested III tile arm of lie relly do this ?" said own tholight4 to know .vb,%t ho was claio hitherto Published in 'America' Make the farm- Arork as light and ed; space is too cheap for that. Let - alloy, seems to, be Temark&bLV wel All grocers. The ol,l gentleman Did at -once obvious -pleasant as, possible. -to the young them. hate - sufficient ground roon It z4over In huM ]ter compau*0n. -L.ty of sllb_ Claude- *,I -won't forget lie dial me saYing. Th el gainst. her though Its purpose is , - 1 1, Ardapted for cast! 98. - in this form Sold 49-25,4%.50-snd 430 cents per -lb. -it least. sot Of f arm f1psh Thade Iver shiver.' Site wwq It has been made exceed "bering that they caunqt it had thought Over this good turn to jingly pleaing folks, r6mem nd* also ample in which t r 0t, (caalngs) It ha a tensile strength 0 to ente hl, bY the fOrtun(Lte 0110100 Of & des3gn for see it f ro jects- w4th which Ile against his infamy." thinking. too. ;that raccidant d It has been c in. the same point as -do their b6d air is worse thaill cold air, land of 26,00t) to 30,000 pounds per square TIOMACH FLAT li�;. 'But neither zFpoko ft ..Ah!-yuu, are imst tile same a* taught 111I how *0he had best carry the cover, whic haxalingiY -elders. Routine work is tiresome to there will be. no thriving, in -it., inch With. thb rigi(UtY of cast iron. U t what Clied their niint!s- "he 'would hide It In worked out by -the axviot in red and SOYRLEft abou sitid Manette, tier weapon. youn or -old in itay calling. In many in a -load of road dust for thoiri pi c fi vi 0 HER FORM of tbc- you always ogr&pll, tile "clamic subject - u80 its Is e gra, EY is S.o wl le ts AIM ALL He xpla!ned the cliangt,4 herself back front his em- her sleeve. T�Wold man ' repeated blue lith ways -Calt- the - monotony be avoided. - before the ground freezes; - they' will s 0 DYSPEPS-1A drawdug, - the world. remarkable resilience and ductilityfit ProinLal. namps of the. strei-t-,; through can move Ills question -being, Atlas -supporting If we acquire an interest -in the want a bath now and ihpn. relievep alla NTHE MIGHTY CURER nations a It seems that these cured byKuD bracl�. "Nothing, -it 8111 ge T have li- al' no cleirer and per- agricultural journal, such a journal it lb too often thq' case j�at the, it for use lit manyrticI03 of military they passi tile ail- you to -show righteous an' r." equipme oved the' decrees of �;it I have hol advertisers' not content with nt. ways appr "At this moment I itin happp. Nc- letter to -day.; will become invaluable. -to us., Let us vermin. Good Clt;zen Gregoire. at- docor�tAft the g;��y hill -slopes and nest is the ha I piaw Qf, thorAies. not neglect it because We are M18Y. at; -well as e 01, tile sie of riette. Must I renew my sorrows in Claude.' Wn sides with their kem- BOtter r' A erions- custo,in. prevails in New Luis one moment lyliat has I There are Ifluts-theriAn, which, read- -suits are obtained loop straw_ ways put himself uor� of brief happiness? P�ned ? aq Citizen rugged Mount n ridding thel, But in vain lie frawetl bO Mammoth lettering, seek &140 adrolt- Ing to -day; -we will find use. for to-: of thml if the t coats of 1VlAte- Orleans by which the end of Cilly grown. as] ed of Ills cruel per - power. I have RuUervd a great. deal during �,hc imagination -and own if the ous sentences full -of front eckion of 11 oor boy? Do You. IY to, seize upon I morrow. appli Alwa-ys empty hat season is marked by elaborate and -is roused wash are appli lot. the last few days. I w. - assist it- to account for the. super- Manetto7 &.,d not- hear him. aleepI Pelagie and carried off to think lie Ill tore lit . to von ?'* Go a little out 6f the way, this fall, and sb6rch. a-- x lit which a:� m0ther impressive cermonles. This year a stratford, Ontw4O :Is n hor hedrt. Iraq. human strength -of the herole, -Atlas, to overhaul One thought alouc* %V - ison. I was taken down Afanett I 'I al over the o14 your machinery in gen- has hatelked abrood. truth 1111,1 this other pr ng the secr6t of Ili$ Power by mysterious personage, knoI as "Gen, Thousands of our former students attribute lie loves'me 11 Kiss e, -une site said. Isuggest4l eral; see that it is welt cleaned and Ile w -,,,l tj It me that with others into the courtyard. One of the best, foods for a chak9e ct- heir success in business life to ihb thoroup -him -as b eral Anthony- 'wbola," fixed 0 t 1*1 shall set, li-m- Municipal officers pased us in res -s He.gave a 1�ttle cry of satisfaction representing eing himself Bull well- Qiled wh9re needed. If not -put is purted graim. fPh�m ig no I 4tter --A in W sta- 40 11th as the datef after -which summer preparation received in our EchoOl. ills ported and redYlug upon a box Of away Pr be way of feeding corn meal than t Mix an enter at any 0. te rates. lionestY to tell ll�m t""'t 'view, holding thcJr lanterns up in and took her young face between in oper slipe it cannot ci and dents c sc:ous that- I do not, a, an's facv. They jeered at those two writilklodi hand.;. "M God bless Dodd's Kidney Pills. -expected to do .' service year after it, Wit boiled mmiled potatoes and was illegal, improper . . Board dheap. A Wien c e. he leading each m contraband of war, and on that day te for our turn 117:s love?" whose l00%4 howed any fvar anti von, y dear child." licUald. " I On the back of cover, in ELIew- pithy. year. In this regqrd " line upun line, milk. Cracked, whea is excellent commercial Bch alon- tile The Iss worjp, those previouily convinced r precept upon preciebt," seems neees- for the -little onw- after theY in - Many Parts of the city -huge pies circulara. J. W.Pwincipal. 0- - aret They 'Went n' e wli' wept or displayed illought you ould never come to k the streets. 11 es of ta'lf houses an either lian ow cursed tll(v' of kidney treatment of the hats were burned In n 1you used to do. Ali! you tile -urgent need ry. inent citizens IT PAYS TO e tL) lAtle gar- any emotion Tli(-n we were placed me.again, as three weeks old. after more or less -prom mase(l. They 9.0-1 Plate in cart-. But' what they were going ited against substitutes, imita- There is no business sued by t best tjleil hi -es were very fond Pu Much fat producing food is.i ts of - the geniiine had -.made .-orations over illem. SUTrkltinEng to do with us we III not know." a, I?ttle thing. - But. since those days tins. and counterfel man -for a livelihood which requires, for fowls when growing or laying, boI of iruit now Pills. In order to be successful-, more thox4lit, 'th - and should- only be used when r1ralsh- W- tile "It was all Cilly's doing," cried I — Are you sure you. have quite Dodd's Kidney lie wails. The to th6 cover; of the study and a No less than 13,220 tons of African leatess. hugLug o%,er t Manette. "Tile nl'(,rning of that (lay Iforgiven me Thus much W more scientific education Ing them for the market; and. it - !Is ti -well-tu-t',() "I am thinking of doing something' - Itself, We -have to say: The ar- than that rming in its various always' of prime -importambe to- feed ivory came last year into the markets houses W�;e T io�e oi we had been to see hi book of I. men-sllol)keepem� w,110 t evenng, us- feel lie had you in- his power. He i that I cannot explain to you, because Fn alf seem unanswerable, the departinents, yet it receives less in tile the flocks food which la sowwl,.f4weet of London, Liverpool and Antwerp, --n past time�!;. (-ama back"irou their -all uboutit myself. olo undenta-b.1%. - the greaf majority of cases. Tito 'anti nutrition$, rather than I j" -; - - - 1 aA; good as said to me: T can do 1 1 do not yet know to Ved its -nit fl`PJt -the fresh, hole P trable'and use enc -deri work to f e nd L.rea what I plea-ge with Citizen Cezaron. i Uncle, I need courage. and it w4.11 ginque, adul ful, millions of farmers do not makeli ftes-with w elopt�t of the Hin t,f -AbIxtyr- -only for the comin ve their appet ontlulles for air on the' montm,�rt-m-. but 'He is my prisoner, 'not the Stato'g., strengthen -me to know yott love me 'not g year, . but for per cent. upon - their investment, and 'supply.- Of this total 11,650tons rep- I The demand still c g known a �i 'it not be thus accounted for resent � fresh impolitations. The aver. graiduaes of -the tom, km "But lie gave you that letter.." I " you used.. to dor. On my part. I have aplwas. can I now called NJont Mrzit. 1�eyoud that said the conciliating Gregoire. given you back all mjr love." We &W apgured by the publishers There is a- wonderful work of w- .1 "VICTIM OF SUIATIOAs age yield of a single elephant is about lay the usmal. de011 ano progress developed.by thirty pounds C OLLE tt:on that StIr- Thank you, my Nettle. I was o 4011t are being printed too 90 ypstigation of ivory, 'so t Is - clear ANUA BUSINESS C ovel-, built . of Claude went on wita nis narra- 1 . ncq. that suffic �e time-evetay family rounds great tive. '*When we got here it was a a brave, strong man. You know it. around, that In du our experiment s:tatious, and it is that over 12,000 pachyderms-mdat VHATELAX. 014T, boards. nd all kindti o great surprise. The change was like Now, I am In yofir hanfis like a little tu Canada will got one to their. prew . strnge that their free bulletins ha#e been §laughtered -last year to -of noulti.popula- where successful' where a sort child. Net i lifelong ad the demand. It is rbughly esti. Studentsare every -Little thildren new life to We are permitted tc tie. stay with rrie!" ent ane vantage. And, no are not -more highly appreciateal'by Unable, to Work Though Strong ud- meet John piercei just placed as stenO- Ile live in common. We. take our meals But the door opened at tit adding "Dodd's Kidney Pills the mass of farmers. It. is in their, mated that frica cannot contain con fou.ndl lettige- at MO- 11181111J� Willing.. more than 200,000 elephants, so. that graiplwr in the Montreal ffice of to & Ontarlo NavI were playing on tile rass, or In t together in the refrectory, we cure. Interest that -the experts gation Ik ment; Brigettie looked in. making signs always 0 of itivesti- Riehiileii a.lonkey was tryin to 11 Aes. - gl a t, In the corridor together, and tile her 'Mistress. Manette, -.much our- ----------- gaeion*is incurred, -but 9ny do not at the present rate,of annihilationwe thle- Pr. hr0kV11 ELBCTRIC IRON smELTING, amy-' -1. Cart; a are -within easy view of the extine- COMP i�raze near at i prised. rose up at once, -saying: .'! I yk. for even their own state -bulle- rest of -tile time - we Pass in ti Arch. � McPherson, assistant book - tins. t�oll to a -stao. will be back, uncle.ln a moment." tion of the entire species. -ed great. hall. I have always been soeia- Bri- Great Hopes Are Reposed in the De keeper, -Goold . I)ICYcle 'Company, ette's dress. Methameall-, siLk, struk bte, and here I ean make frien&. When site got into the passage .9o, Important has the potato be- -The S14fferings of a Well -Known Guelph tile creature's head. gette whispered that a woman, was Laval Process. Come in all parts of the world that Citizen -Could Noi idove',�About It may be interesting idt.this time Brantford. a wall They say that tile Committee of It pa3ro.to attend the'beSt. A few Yards to thex 1L'ft%vzts Public Safety 1 thlilk-Ing of depriv- asking- -for Citoyenne Cezaron, but A process for converting iron prac- Its great cqmmercjal. value hits de- Without the Aid of 'a Sti�k-Akain as to compara the.relative bullion value For vaal that surrounded a park. Between tht- would not give tier name.. ' Manettp tically from Its ores by means of the veloped tile highest skill - of the ex- Strong and Healthy as Ever. of some of the money of leading coun- 01 address .1 - . . wav - In- us of thi.4 privilege, which is. so ACHLLN CO-, reat bare. trees ing their iturdy v cI, amber. where electric are Is announlietJ -perimenter and tries having &-coinage not much d1fr D. 316L --lChathamb Ont, n' back to tier own ell grower in � t lie hn- 'Pir.'"miwilt be seen the cry great, and tht the prisoners we i in Iron Age branches is t1to are to lie shut up, two anti. two, in tier visitor wa waiting. Site found as the intention of Dr. De Laval.well Provement of the varieties and inthe -(From- the GueI i -Meretiq.) fering in­�.. mber of t.til Ph reight from thesilver.dollar �roofs ut a nalf their cells. But what do I care no tier d tall. bony' figure, lit a short known in tile industrial world through culture, together with labor saving of the Udited States, together wit !Gtted w-Ith smll ve zsvon you? de black cloak, with a bead han4erchief his inventions of the'centiffugal sepa- pot4to Maclil --There. Is. perhaps no -business oc- that I it, My fortitu nery. Variety, soil, t1re name Of the coin and -its weight: short. saY-ng YOU -11 rator and the De Laval.steaut turbine. planting, manuring, cultivation, dis- cupation that any man could �qilow of black anti- white check.- iroffi whie has all come back to in(- You lovp me, POPULAR SYNDICATES rentem . E - iei he, b&YS ill lli-� I(-tter that -f - 'some whisps of coarse grey haii stood Hs recent -undertaking of reducing ease, diggmg, are ach, a study. Oralus. - Value. -ri. Dose Wint:0" wert, ult ettle. do, ou n6t'! 011, nly wl P. is., -directions." She had a - - -to' There are some pastures, or porti , ons that is more trying to: the betith- United States. doll4r 371.25 $100 For-iticeessful hod profitable Stock Exchange iC quite trur- th-at you love me?" out in several iron ore metallic, iron by means of ti N6wdeparture of highest finaln- i-dried-up face, the color of parchment, espread lcularly in'the winter-thap that Great Britain, cro*n 408.02 125 opera ons. "I would die for you, and that, is t-ife.electric are has caus6d Will uf them, that should. never *have been part 95 aid character. Write -r- way beeame ni, lonely. many wrinklem, and - 'two burning in of moulding. France, five francs 347.22 GOLID STOCK TRADING CO., Th w. nl?�-n lonneto best," s1w answered 'fervently. curiosity through Lurope, especially cleared of timber, and where prac- A'workman IeOes the Spain. five pesetas ... ... 347.22 70 (Incorporated) They passed. a group of me black eyes, which looked eager and Swedem It is understood thilt this ticable it would be better to allow tri-co'-ored "Ali then I am happy. Happier shop with his clothes4wringing-wet Germany, 'five marks.-. 385.08 1120 NerhaI Buildinir, rouges. nd women cockades. than deserve, for seeing- You"- lats anxious. I am Marc Larublet'S procesi does not cattemplate the such places to grow up again to from New York. y made me -forget tit tire rest site said. ral-sing her withered manufacture of iron -sponge. -It is Woods a a means f renovation or head liandkeielt:eis pro- perop M and a cold wind Russia, 'ruble ... ...... ... 277.7.1 38 The, -:e only leereIll lit t! a.400n. the hands in supplication. You know Posed to either mandfacture steel of future income. What robbers we chills him' to tjie, marr.6p, takdng. MeII dollar ...... ... ... 377.17 531-2 MF -t otLer groups, Iarg­-i more ag- love me. I- have not sked after our wh I came here." have beQn of our virgin' forests. a ready mark - for iumbagoI Japan, yen'-. .374.4 42 good uncle." (firect- or maitufacture a cast produe hint GUNTS WANTED-:7TWENTY gres-�!Ve- An Jid man who was walk- "Ali fCitizen re- Manette staggeredi and nearly. ell. which can a:fterwards be fitilized in -troubi The United States, Great7 Britain, DOLLARS --a, week -to supply an,l d the Siemens-Idartin- furnace. -In, a Cleafi'land is as essential o pleasm -sciatica and kindred alone. anti was on tile same err She recovered herself, however, an 113- IL Germany -and France, it is s&n, main- tomers, freight'charges prepaid; wed to -XLatte -and golre, "lie is -but a shatiow of him-- an' farming -as ricir. land is to profit- outfit free -or returnable; no cipitd! as thentzelves. bo laid tier finger on tier lips.- meaning to general v�ay it is understood in Sweden able farming. . Growing of renovating - mOulder.requirewto W a man of more taln the prarity of their silver coinage required; exclusive territory. her escort; and. not saw -.1119 a word "But lie 7,aq gained strength . nd say."speak low." tilt it was site. who that iron ore %vith. cai:bon. Probably crops helps us to keep ttio laild clean. than ordinary 'strength, and t,,> con- witli gold.* Free coinage upd legal ten - walked Dez!dde them. Tl�,r, ,,ere lo�; G. MARS�HALL & CO., e, i rout the PeO7 courage:' criM Mnette. *'Oil, Claude began to ask questions. -Has Mon- in tile form 6f' pulverized peat, and if we have a perfect stand of some- tinue at his work must alw der laws are unknown in these coun- growlsauji iI -,,ki eur ays be in triels. TEA 161PORTERS.. LONDON, QNT. (jawl they liad -You should liuve seen�-how he brav8j Fleur do Laverdac been. arrested -T' subjecting" the same in some form of fertilizing crop it will smother out good health, for- the mouldinF- shop pla roand theluI T 11PY f Cilly, how he stood up In your de- ..-Afy man sent me".. Ile thought a rotating cylinder to - hea�, after tile eeds. -If, liko-clover, it is !in- tc make theIr wav th-ro"911 a dens fe&.e!" AEonsieur Laurent might haVe comI which it Is brought into dirpet-contact is no place for an invalid. $Cleadca Relief in Six Hours. -Distressing proved by cutting, we can soon kill t It you get, here. We have not seen hila -now, not with n. electric arc of tremen- Ridney and Bladder Diseases relieved mob. These people hatl come,here in - 0 t "He lias 'alway's been good to me. Out all the weeds, and in -a- few.,years is by no means an uncommon alffic- married bih*e pur t,he flopi, (A seelng the return of cer for two weeks; this Is the fourteenth dous po in six hours b the " South - American 1py at He is almost my- real father. Give wer, reduces the ore to have absolutely clean fields. tion for f thi chasing a cc aild Once Kidney Cure." This new -remedy is 111,ight-on Dark Cor. ta-n pr6oilI W119. i' wa,;-, reported In him my most tender regards. Anti day." men 4) a crdf t, I to - f he -metllic irom' The melted iron,then It tins been'the faAhion,to spread 'by B.. ae katibourg. had bt-en etyllveyed t "Let us hope that Monsieur - de -flf,-,vs into large anti highly -heated the itread disease has lauced'a victim a.great surprise and delight on ale- v ers"' a compl, sexual science T.,Jef- rI before to the-Triitutial in a cart. my old Brigette ?" -one's self -out over a- large area of' 7married yod "Brigettai serves me�`wltil the -may havd been able to, get furnace, where it can be either manu- farming land with A view of reducing e m akes himself fraI from What of its exceeding- promptness in ferles, e .. la. D. If you are There was h feI (,I LIoW about tile n L-ureiy a py. Agents wiinted in everY wlif and holi- watchful fidelity." saffely out Of Ilari.s. my good woman. fctured into steel or cast into. any Lite cost -df production of -crops. This Jt again. In hLet some people declare relieving ain I the kid- ount $ r4ayguaranteed. Sendfor great bu- --re peace . y I I Lnow nothing of his whereabouts, suitable'foritt for further treatment* day'llas passed; th neys, back and every part I , tely. Mention paper an.d. "Tile dear, good creaturei Anti ill ings have changed. of the cir NICEtoLS &Co., 33 Rfelimond ness had re,- 'ears before. The friend Citi'zen Laverd-ae, and I any, more'than you do." Great faAh 1.4. repuse7l in Dr. � De If, the fa . ruler of to -morrow expects -that it ncurable, but tii, 4 -It is- urinary passages in male or fo- -address J. I& oun(i were SnUrlLu- for their ils I)rl.,t- jaekal% r Dear, III cried, tile old woman, Laval's claims, as his other inven- o con not we� are able 0 testil by a, VI male. It relieves - retention of whti�r street west� Toronto. 'These Who- had gootl places ty wife T' . ti-nue to hold his possessions lie 'ail in the fuirowsW'Iier wrinkled tions have proved so successful and pain in passing -it almost imme- Prey' Manette essayed- to ansWer. but her a 4.11 must -give more attention. to each 'd5onal intervieW With one --once at- I $It SURE DAIL.-AGENTS WANTED near ther gates were p.-k-sse I upun and voice was i3o-constrained that Clau'lf, f.LC(-- there slione, a tear. At the eight large company has- been forme indiriduat -ae . re and me, that it' does diately. If ypu want quick. relief and III . evez . 'Staple goods. Drmand, Nat&z;nal Guards ng . flicted with the trouble, ba"'Who, is ,where, pushed up, against the lost tier which, with tile. intention of securi its shitre. neversuppled. Weturnishwork. Wsitefor They. In their cried "Nettle."' in astonishment. of this silent Eo. cure this is your remedy, 0 who -were, on daty. "Citoyenne Laverdac," F-hO. salti. self -command, and responded by a- sob. suitable paw.or for actual work, has - No danger of over crowding. The* now in perfect health, thank.4 tohisr full information. Catalogneof20010129ravI tt back roughly. �*I nursed Mare's purchased several large water powers 6 timely use�of.the famous rem Handkerchief Making. free. The Queen Silverwareo.. M�n WIX turn, forced the cru, has been arrested, and no one knows lirife. ",His �mother never cared- for farms- m&t be redu�ed In size, for . e0y.) - Qae. The three V:sitoTs trove in vain to wheie she is now, imprisoned. The in the north.of Sweden. more than one reason. New metbotts here are few workpida - better Wtw'een bicycHU dud golfing aad make, tI x;a3 through tile throng sectionaries could not final Citizen the poor darlit. Shetwas a rich ma- I . - - . . in -farming wll necessitate it. The kn other outdoor sports, the summer girl and the.'coufuslon. Grvguire Put his dame, wlio only thought of lier owq A wise Tailor. Ow'U in Guelph than Chas. Wal- QAUSAGE CASINGS -NEW IMPORTA- Laverdac; lie disappeared. They are extensioil of Irrigating systems and - L4 busy applI ]ter spare time to 01 tions.of prime English sheep and American hand to leg hat.- saying: -Citizens, amusement. Ile was just to ifie like Tailor- dren, Parhaps . lietter know a as tile concoct�ng of the daintiest of tog or _two more innocent people to - Le Merchant Good morning,- tile. growth and expansion of the If b1 oods t riglit pricim re ia e g, please to When­he.greiv� old Rx, &CKWELL a CO. Ltd. Toronto. let -us pass." --ned. clung avenged." my owm baby. 1170 Mr. Truepay. What can I do for you subsoiling_id6d are destined to lead " Charley Waldron," for he has lived handkerchiefs from- the -finest Of- tin- PA cas manette. ple and fr*ghtt gave wt what wodld make us comfort- this-morillng-9 Air. Vruepay�l. 'want -"Ahi Nennette," Claude said, with - is cold and hungry. a-suft of clothes. "Yes,.sir. John, the in the direction of more intensive in_ Giielph almost - continuously, since ens and laces. W41i Yards -and Yards to h:s arm. The old man who acca"m able. Audnow lie L his a smile, "y6u are stilt,harping on I farming in the great West. of the most delicate! Valencielimes in - them, under i your old IdaI of x:engeanci-. It is ' unless they have caught him and shut tape- and book, please."."Oh Idon't he was three years of age, jind he DOMUGON Corn shocks do not 1 -net -I to Ile sma, 11 sertion she forms -about .76 York breath. i him- up in- prison. y Mail, seeing want - a 'suit to mfAa:%ur6. -1 want a lars now passed the 38th Wllra� post, Street, They M24bt not have been able to rong in Itself, and it is hurtful to flow- wretched I was about Monsieur Read�r -to procure ventilation, and.then we' th6fLnestbitof cdliweb linenforapre- AJOGALIA Toronto. think of It when It is impossible. rea(ly made -suit." "Ell ? il a ad Ji sent for. some Ida r girl friend, or a CO Ont. get through the denrie crowd hadnot Come, dear . let us put our trust In Laurent, said to me; -'Go and see Vie made 2" - ':Ya ; a . cheap one" "Cer- should remember that in the fi Mr. Waldren is. a MOI as ai i igew, dainty addition to tier own one of the 9,V-onal Guard.j Called Out'. justice. I believe' its_time is comin- lady to whom Ili,- s(-.nt me witti a note tainly, certainly. Rikht thl; way, months there arc -apt to be beavy worked at tlItat- business for 2" yeark; Let the 9. .1 MANUFACTURERS OF rains which beat through and wardrobe. ­Hola. there!-YO11' It may be near us now." U.Month ago please. I hadn't heard of your mar- and besides being noted -as a'steady tocraw pas 'He did right," sald 'Manotte. through the shock, lal ltei -corri is- Regalia, Unitorms, Banners 8. T1,ey are conI to luok " I rtnge." soh in EL ciag!" 'Hope.for nothing so Ion- as Cilly damaged Wild the fodder ruined.. workman, he Is a man whose veracity Rheumatism Cured in a Day.�Sonth at some of th(Y-r own 7 have been tliinllng of something. -I 'the lives." sald-AlanettN "unlesB lie takes was still in .11OWIS THIS ? It is a well�known and all Lodge Requisites. -s rough, citizeu doubt. But Ww— Lls- Large shocka, compactly built, - Mat Is unqueationed. American Rlieumatie'Cure, for Rhaeu- Thanks to th. me -in your stpnd. - Iff, deprive -,4 you d theii. r ' utogide matism and Neuralgia, radicallyalures Emblem atic Pins, Badges, cT(ywd opened a way. t;rogo-'re. when of . your liberty that . lie inay tlem; I have soineililng to ask of you. We o3pr one hundred dollars rewar t here that W. Wal4ren. had to in I to 3 days, * Its action upon -the CharmS, in 5ilve he reached tile sent:nels, waved. Cilly's We must speak very low." - f or ny 'ease of ca-tarr.h - that cannoi and form a watkirproof thatch. qui . t work in Joallary, .1896, on ac� )lot(] you as :L hostage. site put (ne of Ifer hands on d ba-'e-ured by Catarrh Cure. t - flied system is remarkable nd mysteri-- -0 letter to the efrief jailer Over Ills head]. the ol It is -a wasteful practice (y Gold, Enamel (,ll;tgo t4 was ad- lie would take my life woman's . s'lioulder. - Alarc Lamblet's o - use it fdr fertilizer. count of a severe attack Of ttlatica, ous. It re tlio cause F. J. cHj,-..N-T-1y & CO , Toledb, 0. wh e- -wed or t moves at 01 might spare- yours. If lie were put out oq ::cret fla.ul, way the cor P and for eleven weeks and..the disease 1mmediatefy diap- Chunced to be there. The "M wife was'lier own height *,r and she We, tho undi�rsignwl li'ave known n,'if It cannot b RECOGNITION For a" F ecompanivol the -in, hall libi bf the way, 'you might be'lree." I ground -at home, and brijig back tile to peaI The first 'dose greatly- berc- Societies. Manette, what readful things whispereal a JI -words in he;- car F.' J.,- Cheney,for the last In, Years, do a tap. 1�nojwing that he was: - TT0JJS Send 250. in stamps pr,ll),-,r permit. But it wAs soon clear : Which Made tilt-- old woman Is�*art back 'I, 1w,lieve him perfectly tionorablai meal and the bran; dispose of. tile: fits. 45 - cent. B11 -to Jeweh3r Dept. ot thought wor- are you saying!" and exelaiin: whole cotton seed nd buy ba7ek tile- again at- work, a M6rcury ri�porter andname the Sdeiety youbtelong ttiat hl.x permit Was n The jailer at that moment appear- In ll business transactions. and ri- td an :th Much u)'llsidi-ration as 'Wha,0 Do you rcaily mean it? -,out all Ob- cotton seed meal. There will bel i�av- k-alled at his residence -one vvenIng EMPTATIONS TO, ERROR. d we will mill you a beautiful thy 61 ell at the door an(I called out: "Ciffi- raticially - able to carry - M�ults. to B�ttain having io-ld. Rollaid G i Wiiert the lletvjztile� read tile What!-niy elothes'e? What. can - IW lit the use and a gain in r lea rn, the exact' faet$ of t be cage. 'Tig not the man whose feet are large zen Clezaron!" a 111gations made hk their firm. - ; with screw and spurfm nota, [iignel by tile President 'if tile 'rich lady like- you. want to do with in : � -3WINE. -Mr. Waldren, when spoken tom on the Who makes thewiftest sprinter; So soon exclaimed Claude. Y West. & Truax, wholcoale druggists, to'keeF buttainngror r known "But you wilt com -Ile bad Toledo, 0 Ikickers and lard refiners have ombjeet, had Vis no�`tlae girl with tempel, hot tion. beatailiddur le. Ste - to bo clothes ?", Yes.; . certlinly, s im e again, dearest. replied quite freely, nd, Tinviie. lie gave another sult very like tile one she was Who- best endures the winter.. gant souvenir or present 419 -a friend of rouquier- Citizen Gregoire -can surely make -AVa1dLng,'K1nnan & Afarxin, whol(­ learned the art of sulwtitution, and po, hesitation' in crediting *I)r. Wil - complaisant smile. All right." he that letiter available for other visits, wearing. and another little cIoI just stile druggists, -Totedo, 0.. can use millions of pounds or -cotton 'flamls' PbA Pills with his remark- 'Tis not the hen that cackles loud friend. jglt,.1I ti> Mttriette, " yoii shall see your the same. But she woula not like to. slnce by his goodness It was obtained. ItAll's Catarrh CureAs taken inter- seed oi3 annually in the lard refiner- 'able recovM7� "I am not lon6 of Who mal$ee the steadiest la-yer.; a ell tier. thingri. newo. 'Tis. not the biggest head -of hair You shall It ve Oh, my dearest, you have not given nally, cting 'directly upon tile blood les. Tile wastes of the cotton -gin, those people who are seeking Una Minutes to- make Uwe to him." me a kiss!" Afa fiette -insisted. Slie' even begged. atia mucous surfaces of the t4ystem. have- come into competition with the Paper otorlety,1V said Mr. Waldren, That.'makes the football playier. FARMERS AND What do, you want 9-- To see' you* Manette threw tier a What. can it hiatter to you -what I.- Tii4timonialk: sent free. Pilce 75c. per corn field,- and corn fed. porkers are " neither -have, I -been 'snatched from rms around his want to do with your clothes?, -POs- Results Accomplished. stin I., Come back -it 12 Wclock� If neck, and -gave the kiss, " You shall bottle. Sold - by offt drugglotst. not prized for thiair lard I at; they death's door, but from the day.wficas' BREEDERS tiny legs feft. This i� not be free," were her last wor sibly I Want them that I may do ays: of de"genera-ey I qqit work, until March 30t . b, when To live well is the aim of everyone. ytm havc; ds. were beifore these d. something to help -him you are griev- ir us of the right time."- XXIIL .Best Time"to Wind Watches. I started again, I was confined to -is Aj5je essential to attain than Who &tp dDS 0 in the lard business. W hat Ten ni;nuies! Those were the only Ing for." -, Ment overcame Watcha.; should be wound lit the There in more than one reation why the house with sciatica. It located health and happiness, comfortable Improving -#Wir words thAt'llanotte heard. -She-snilietl Manettf,, alone in tier chamber, was This arku- -the reluc-. absorbed Ili tile remembrance -of a day- tallCe Of -tile Old Woman. Site Made a. morning, ohys an exporieticed JeW61- we alloglil stive to procure a -1arg(! ill -my hip and would shcrot. d6wm my warm homes and properly cooked dock should up at the.rough felfow ivlW III . -Tile mainmpring of a watch pereetitake of lean In otfr pork; per- leg -to my foot and waa -very painful., -food ? . Garland Stoves and Ranges tb.-!m. She dfd not of) hN purple, when she had seen,' by the g1hre of gesture of assent. joii1ij always be relaxed at night h#s tite most importaot is that we I ould not mtove about the houW, accomplish these results and are guar- personully cap of fo-sk 'increase the consumption or our vithout the aid tot a cane, oid then to be the best that money and in poet face nnder his in' torches shaken In. . the hands of a citomnle Cezfron went to tile bu- yelling mob. a woman, pale. but reau tit-. when the watch is, still, ant] tight mav anted Hard of tes only! In that; time. and er- it. stood nCrber window, and I w- I, total- ingenuity Mn ma1e- Tea minn Jile.watch Is carried about in' por while one almst as Important only with great pain. it ene and almost smiling, seated In a out of a littie pocket case took -ten 5 when f . k, Citizen - GregoI nresenre, she the -pocket during the day., Wini1mg_ to . that it einablea. its to increafie the ly useless as fur as do �the LONGENIM Ing ny, Work. -am of.mki- a *carriage between two . functiliarles gold iouis, orth in that time in s- was concerned, was never Int,-efrom: -LISH BERK. ii*etl notsurely dri Ives. signats twelve thousand francs. Tile every. morping will. eff6ct.this pur.- vigor and stamina of our h,61 stinging Cor minutba would who were trembling for their -1 stern face of tile old woman broke- .And Invariably secure the Mbst Theire, to a positive must in feedinit pain.- and It'niade me feel vL-,I much A3 -confession: but ten ext to -a stinging conscience, make SHIRE AM iWd POW' N wirriec- to (Whis another thing. -She bad admired that young girl h4s smethimg Moba bInd Shp and The jailer walked baforn. for her calmness anki her courage. into a smIlO; she held. out tier stiff Accurate time. the Utlpreosed, for beyond that, I felt life a misery. The stinging pain Of WftrqMibd� yo. 1pw concentrated tham corn if tile Arong and anxibus W be 'about. 1 corn may be BPOI and Painlessly her eg�ort foliow0d him. They erossed Her tin�g -life liar] long since paid old hand, ' and the fingers closed eager� feeder expects to keep them,- Jai - a am, a member of -three be Dowh Sh a e:raiat courtyard fall of trees. There tile forfeit.; but of film who'bad ly- upon Vie, gold. If he Baby1s Cutting Teeth uef it socie.. removed by the use of Putuam's watched the spectacle at the same '.'Now,,* said anfAte, " you can- Pit! sure and use thrLt old and well- healthy corialition for, , any, great- ti4es, from hich.1 drew poy, V14. Painless Cgrn Extractor. -TweI Prices wary modwala hencheR undor -inany r them._ window- as Manotte, no, word had trust me. He may kndw some day- tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Sooth-� lemob, of tilme. . There is nothing -The- Three Links, the Iron Aloulders' four hours afterr Putnam?s is -applied Addrass They fpr 'Children, Teething. It , or cheaper than pump- and the Raymovil - . I -L anti In one part was a ebapel. _ much better Bone r) - ss4l tl;rough'a (lark they come for eeks, ridt since Marc Lam- lvliy I *.tnU!d your help. When. you Ing 14yrup when thus the corn may be remvedi. TMSOWPARK100., Ite saw an fron-bound door. with three -blet had brou lit tier t1utt one letter. See -blin again" soothes tbo',chtId,- softens the guirls, kins to feed witoli. wyn, and lit Society. People came to-tiele me, BRANTFORD, *MT. 9 y will fatten, faster than when and of course everybolly recommend- Heart A)iseaso Rrelleved in 30 Mifln- It was ivinter, and tile day was Rhe ent with tier visitor to -the allys all pain, cures wind e6llc- And fed the I --- - -L (lark; heavy clouds Obscured the sky. outer door.- Ali had been settled. Tile I,; -the best remed� for allarrhoaft, upon corn onay. ed a sure cure. - I didn'i try half of utes.-Dr. Agnew's Cure for theHeart AMESS111IMT SYSTEM. MUTUAL PRINCIPM great loclLq. It was pushell open, be- fore them. and they founil tliplitselves A 'snowstorm -was impending. Citoye�nne.Lamblet w" to come back Twenty-fim! cents a bottle. Pig raising -is aIniost a­n"itY them. It wpis xiot possibh�, but I gives perfect relief in all cases f lit a JoI wifl-lighted eorridor, fit the where cows are kept and there'to tried a great many­partj�ularly organic or Sympathetic Heart Dls- The important announcement to Manette rose and *alked up , and after dark, at 5 oclock. plenty -of kiftimed milk,'Pigs C914110t remedie that I had been in tho habit made this morning of the;amalgams- [The GermaI Way. ease in 30 minutes,- and sPeedify effects .d of which wa% another door. Thin door was m -do of iron bars of great down tier chamber, debating�ever de- ilttnvtte� kept lier'promise, and re�- rOM be kept 0,11 tibio only, bu it is a gieat f- using for iumbago-but I found no for tion, of the business of the I *roVinctal ating e The ofal Mail wits A pas,�.er in a railway trdiaf -be a question a cure. It la'a peerless remedy Provident I Institution of St. ;ell. hortiontalry, b. -within It rself tile question turned to her uncle.,, help, -and it wootild often -relief. -1 tiled Dr. Williaiw-1 Pin Pa pitation, Shortness of Breath, o and strength. cros that had so agitated Laurent de still und.,tr- the pleasant Influenw lie Germamy to F rance was Impelled tile by OtIle:r bars more Mender.- The door Laver(lac. eight I other day, as soon as lid crossed tile_ what to do with tile milk if there Pills., After using two boxes I- noticed Smothering Spells, Palfi. In Left Side Thomas with the - Mutual Reserve - was -so 1-temvy that it required all the months before. werIe no Pigs to drink it up. The cal Fund Lite Association, whose man - Is had fcit Manette-k-issed 111111, an lea -on us6- jailer fi strength to push It oppu. At killing always murder ? Surely- lie wanted her to kit down, very near frontier in Lorraine, to Cry 6ut, "Vive and poultry.. would not suffice,unleas an Improvement, and I - kept and. all symptoms of a Diseased -Hoarf. a e for Ontario. Is W. W. J. Me - surely - tile Iddeous wickedness In, Francel" He-'waR meanly pointed Ing theirt, (When -I had used, isix One d r last it moved back With n creak Ill of- litim "NPttfe-%ny great. tall. dear tlle dailry wao small or" tile 'feeders ose convincesi, urtr, of Tbronto., These are the such a crime m lit sometimes be ef- Nenette,` lie Isai(L " let -us talk ol.old Out to.the, German authorities, who bics I wao, back at work - agiatu4 a grawl. Manette saw before her an . ig InMyl I k on until I had firlished the, two largest natural premium life In - faced by its good condemned Itim to the usual slic Lavigne got $3.00 as hi& share of 4 immense. lofty hall. with a vaulted von going famer astitutions In, Canada. Their aggre- motive. Or It times together.' it to the stekiady, e lgh`t14..box, and I never f6it batter r might be paid for by tile life of the Over timem past no to weeks! Imprisonment and a fine of -20 the purse and Evierlta dt $500 from coning. supported on- *ooden pillars-. nger hunj the out best in tile end. I'll is In, my life." - - - , , -gate business - In the - Dominion rmed colonnades. murderer, given in exchaii marks for " revolutionary cries," find -i' who c9meO hi drting Club of New amounts to $36,000,000. Tile Xu�usl In the ige,for that Shadow of Buscaille. Citizen Audrey not best to rush out Of P19 raimft, be- 'I'liave you noticed any -recurrencel york,. where ther qgh which to licartf� 11 fo t on Tuesday Aioserve Fund Life, which 9, the middle was ft. great stove, of -tile victim. - bad regained Ills NettlWs who ing that such, were punishable, -even Cause. of the low:market, nd then of trouble since ?" queried the re- wome Then came another thought, to tier, he Paid boldly to Cilly, -I have' been when uttered in another -country. If rush In dgaln When it comes UP; Yet night. largest natural premium company In round which men and n (porter, "I have not," he rbplied� - In tier present state. more Importu- a eo-ward once, but'aill ashatned of It they could be heard on Germap ter- an la stood arming themselves In st ritary. -there are a-grpatm y who do just "suffered a oingle 'twinge ffince."' the world, has for years done a; rge lenCe. . While others -walked about nate and- more terrible. Allowing now.'- thas sort or thing. sitting that murder under certain Mi. Wa,ldren has worked in all th4i business In -Canada, and - 'has paid listleexly. circum- But he. d1ld not feel quite certain Piles Cured in 3 to 6 Nighs.-Dr. .* A young' sow- does not produce. VA moulding shops In the city, "lild W94 here4a deaft daim o4sr-411250,0004 on wooden benehes, apparently , 10- stances might be Innocent, (lid" It how 'lie stood with tier. He mail[ Agnew's. Ointment will cure all cases good ,,- littM or'pigi as does nix older ever in his life laid off as long as A is duly registered 'undeir the Do - C, good gorbed.in their own thoughts. Three ever'a complis'll tile good purpose to again: "Frave you quite forgiven or ithin Piles In from, 3� to 6 nights. .�one, aAd it to a good plp-whien a he was from the attack of 6clatica. minion Act a6d )tag aeposit in lGov- attain which It I tad been committed ? tbat -thing' my child T' She - set a .9 'nidther proves to be such - to keep prisonm were sitting together -near lit one application 'brings comrort. For jae hardly linew whit IV, Vn-9 to be ernment bonds with the Insurance Was It not always a -fatal blunder minal it ro4t, nad h6 went back to ol worth for sleve"al years, a wifidow. mending their clothes, and d Blind anti Bleeding' Piles It -is peer- er for her r , sick, andAs of- that tough wity natuie' Department -amciunting to 410811 talking in low tones to each other. even when casuistry might remove It remembrances, -which made him for- tham-to try young oows every ategory of crime? -- less. Also cures Totter, SaMPlieum, rafter that -he can stand mucix grea7ter-phy- By this ebam e ;the memberg',of 'the ie door opened not one of the front tile c gp.t�.ali present things. He talked on, ence In :the Provincial Pnovident become mem- when ti Of what Bczema, Bilrber's. Itch, and allerup- �fte. There -to much differ steal strain than most people'would I)riwnerF# looked -up. None of the poor molselle C use had the deed of Made- -oft of the fulnegs of -his heart, and ttons of the akin. . 3-5 CU. motherly qualities of AOWB. imagine. A.1most a*n* persoii "In",the bers of aa-Intitution with ne hun- orday been to the Giron -- to everytblng lie - said lie added! the Hogs ph ac- ten thoI members and creatures expected- anything from the d uld poslitiveily not have' city can verify i1his story. Wl- -dred and outside. it was past the hour -forex- Ists ? She hall not saved them. One words: " DoWt you renfamber ?I Oh, Xyl cesg to ponds or _w"'Wiows, for thesd- dren said, s the reporter gQt up to over $81l;000,000 Of bowance; At and, as, the old man haO by one they hall all perished. Twenty - When she had been a child lie,had afford most favora'JjJel coi.iditions for leave, 11 1 only hope Rome poor', fellow The sudcessful farmer- has institution tha has he94-17 46MOD1000 aminations, h e guillotine. Va- oten sald to tier tea It Is said-ou wliat seems to be'good ;the development of d1oMe germs. The- told�shortly before, the time for clip'r: " Don*t' amets- and = equal annual Incom% ben was twelve o'clock. laze. the twenty-first. had committed worry her dear little heat] too much authority that a gTeat number of wo- who has suffered- ap I -did mg y' notice camed by experience -that geeing prisoners sqlclde� en In, Now York - chelw -tobacco and drinking- water Should be from deep ;n_v case and, get rellef asi, I -did." and wb1ch has pald out, $27;000.000 The Jailer In his Uparse voice called w1th books. Tile experldnee, with in wells. The same rules alOPlyas With some grains r�qulre far differ- in deau dialms, - It Is -hardly looe- ut : Citizen Clauide Cezaron 1-9 Claude's fate hall not been averted life. wif] teach her more than they." e indrease. ,humm beings; and tile foOd,should bp Dr, Williams' Pink Pills create new sible tbat they will -fill'to ApprAMULtia agaid3t by . Busealile's-death. Had ank mur- Ali! life I . ind tugh no -These women are not the old and ugly cl�nn -gmd - fed in clean - vemele or --upon blood, build up the nerves, -ind 'thua ent soil than others. He the this ipli 1be Manette leaned half fainting der she had ever -heard ofj planned t someltvit lesso nmd wrinkled, but young and o0ior- cleam - fWM drive'disease, froun the systeto. In advan�agw.61 ange in t wall of egoire to the uncle and tile niecer-tile girt hundreds of* cases..they have cured kn' de waurity, wMeh Is thus' ethe, corridor; Gr aragenfent. She Ad for no ignoble �purpose, served the anti thp old. man. Tito ftjture� hat respectable. Some are unmar- ows that a great deal - i a wise ated 'pered eI If a sick lidg has been separ Puced beihind tWr 4usuance. cc.- cause It after all other medicines had,failled.. 'rig She could not even s was Intended to serve?,.9he terrible experience, in store for -them ried and others haie I-fusbando and from th others, and- recovers# tbus.estabilshing the claini'thatthey pends on rigbt ploti at the I of could not remember an Instance; but stll14 homes and famillee. e' herd She wall rbused by a perfect raft should not :be returned -to' the are a M kisses. fjhe was In . Claude's arms. her brain was confused by thinking. ---jr—rhRelieved in for severwr weeks, as it m`&Y be cap-; arvel among the triurapho of ighttimo. Nousezoriipdain- -F0 At last� ' Citi en 'Andrey sighed: Hay Fever and Ct mode m'- medical. science,- th6' -gen- T 7 moment the clqud lifted and As site thought her lips kept on me- " Ono must not think too much on nit abI giving the- diseitse to Others, ing in sum mor that a mistake - At that to him. chanically repeatink the words she thege-t 10 to 60 Minutes. -One short puff of Al. . Neither -nine Piuk Pills- are &old dnlr In her be&rt went Out hings,tity darling.- though -apparently we you had said to Claude the b06ath through the -Blower, odp- boxes.- bearing- the f(all trade - mark - 167 he c I : - ; 7 lis it, you ?" ried. In prison: "If "Ali! If. We could only get- away ahould sound hogs 'be. placed In pens was made-in.spring. edde ClIty be got rid.,of, you wit piled witIV each WI of Dr. Agnew's 3 foi 1! Dr. WUII=W - PInk* Pills Jor , Fa1e' lasI Let me took at You- - Oh I I be free Ill from tble;'placp abe. sWid gravely-. Where there has been disenal at Catarrhal Powder. diffuses- this Pow- People." Prateet yourself. from im- seed-fime.", The. best Have Both. were thI 'of their happy three months. trX.,fiow pale you are! CHIY held in Ills bands the fate of -th r . Aiwle- -m k my darl Claude. Ito had taken advery pains- to summ der over the surface of the nfisat a position by- refugug any' 1 ugbisandold iffer ? er days at -VeIiat country - ac at es -t doei timo to tre t -CO -am ma home th6y both bad dearly loved. Passages. -than any aI pot beW b Oegiste ed 4r stock feed is greater yet I :use. It 'relieves instantly, ai ittround "the li6i. theseeds,or gems ob jefighfiess Is a dreadful out of tile way Claude *oI be How hap 1 bef re I fts isfraid I oid per. YOU'been suffering- because I st Painless and delightful to The tu Worth ot-PotatO P11",tha S 5roli-L might- ke her reei. it. Should ClHy be put Y they had been there.1 As alysis. wilt ohcw� because Of the'vable klad. a Catarrh, Hay Fever, came they to give you illy -another Xanete,uew up her loving Intinlacy mancutly lure 01. the tubers -as a, promoter of both f Co &P-t'lon -hi- thirig. HOW HeaA ,W6 begun, -and little Emilie. Colds, lacheI Throat, Ton- 'EqW-to. blak LaveI W er., permission-'.' Something Must IIAVO with nature had tnereamed she knew good coudittoit -and appetitie. It As a k new W --r -Imppene h sentme word Her 'inind refused to occu to sell their-idestroolve PY Itself, the worth of that lAtimacy since she FJI'Itts al d Deaf ques _ - W- V� lly;- d� for CIUY aff with any speculatIOUL as to tier -own M&tOe# Inea tO his Influence had been flung Into a life of hideoull. f g _dents"L4 bushel wheh L rom _I�OVAW.W P6 e that he doell fate or tier own safety. - She thought riot and confusion. Sh6 Illad been A SUfficie mW nt Reason. W to feed them' me ont- Of prison. Ali. well I to which.. OU a -Be to pt but It Is a only that her heart would be at re5t, rather a 19- those� dayo, but "can any of. you ell m4, why tz�-; o V` !YPIOP lt bear MY fate, that d �1 � I aruetwor -thelk great -110rest; g --yy - I me every- after its long c6nf lict, If site could say her uncle loved her all'the better for aus 't.bb'JI "ter iokisv Ahan that )u iminals- bI� fite unjust - one. -Tel auso Vres 13 LIZILM emel and. to herself: "It I wronged Claude by It. - Ah I 4ovr he had defthte& J2L tile male., teacher. -ins him for rest aind peace bf beg at I ghe -aald,.,'the or return I have made (.,Slade, I VIRRMted aft XV 11 wao. more from ar 6' inat. least I have given him, For the Forest of Miendon W411, 1110 dW -k� W i ro tbkt,:LV1ftg-Chang I 1iaqt-gd1AWOned­w -rekin Mr. DetrIngo 'to'the welfare and OgT*m Dr tile .pr 4 'Ae'ot'Chf9M customs, WhOwas Church and give more time anti. at- ton and' drive You to your 'club. granted t.*-&. yearW leave of absence tentioll to those that are. "Hential. one of the-molit p&tw- In order to accompany Ll on his No man oughtto be--&W-ay--from Ills ior traelfi�� Mri,- Detring starts -in a few family �n l