HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-11-06, Page 1uk1111ITIN
splint paid up
isserws Fund
Jutat %sets
• SS 947.1386
P, -.shiest-A. G. RA3ISAY.
A. T. WCOD, A. B. LEE (Toronto).
Cashier -J. TURNBULL.
tV2GS ktANK.—Hours 10 to 3; Satnr-
.I ) tD I. Depositsof $1 and upwards
tad interest allowed.
DEPOSI2'S also received at our.:
rent rats,* of interest. •
t)4FTS oft Great Britain and the United
Vete* bought and sold.
13., Solicitor Conveyancer. etc., (late o
f- mer &.. Canieron, Goderich). (MSc
up -stairs in Alibi's new block.
e Contedssioner, Notary
etc. lq.sacy to loan,. Oillee over Moody -'s
Bp.rber Shop.
tor tens, Solicitors,- etc.„ God.eris.,:h-,' -Out.
r . .e.Gtttww.Q.C.W . PROUD/MOT,
'7= _
-I- •
S..7 _
Atirgeon and. Niccouchear..- Surgery
Ivor .1. Elli-dt's grocery store; Offiee houra
from 9 -to 12 M ; from.•-- ao 5 p. In. and from
7 to 9 p.
- -
xtoD. GORDON, C.M. , F.T.
7 M.S. „7.I.C-.P.S.O., Physician, Sur -
g • la. and Nocosieheur. UpstairA in Wni.
AWs new block. Residence Boss street.
behind Camerou,-. Murdoch & Co's store.
9R. .0. GEDDES, V. S., CALLS
dither hy mail or telegram promptly
:tterviea- to. Charges. Moderate. Residenee;
Outrani street, opposite. Dr Elliott's. ruid
door north SHNTINEL. office.
DR. A,. .T. GIBBON, S. Nr, Hon
_Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College
and Reg:stered 3.1ember of the Ontario
Veterinary Medical Seciety. Office- and
residence, one door east of. It J Cameron's
pomp shop, C4mpbella street. Lucknow.
Dentistry and Surgical Operations svecialties.
Calls promptly attended to night pr day,
1. O. F
Lt -f!‹ sow LopuE
— •
Order ..f Foresters
meets in the I niilfellows'
Ilan the fourth 'rues
day each -month, at
7:40. o'clock.. Visiting,
brethren cordially invitt d.
11. J. TX.: lig AY, W. A. I•AWRENCE,
Chief _Rail Iteeording Secretary.
. .
I Lodge N.. 22, meet -t in the Othifel:ows'
Ifall, on the second and fourth Thursdays of
rat-ILA:noel:II at N o'clock, p. in. V;siting
sisters anti tir-tthers are cordially welcome:.
T. Rm... Mits. A. 11.
Noble Grand.- Secretary.
• * rt 0. F., COURT
kits SherWood; No.
. .59, Luchnow. Meets
every find . and third.
Monday. of every
month, 'tithe Orange
- ren are cordially in-
ited. •
•71r- dons Scorr, C. R. •
... D. D. YULE,- -Sec.
Nr0.4 2 8, HOLDS ITS
regular inopthly Meet-
ings in the Orange Hall, Camp:
bell street, Lucknow, on Tues-
day 'evenings, on or before
the full moon. Degree night
en the second Tuesday evening followingrfull
in.eon. All visiting brethren cordially invit-
ed to the treeetings.
WC. T. U. -The regular monthly
• meeting of the Weinen's Christian
'Temperance Union will be held every second
Wednesday of each Month in the Odd 1-.'ellows
Hall, Lucknow, at 3p. m. Mits. J. SOMER-
LE Pre'sbitMt Mus. H as E L L. Secretary.
1. (320. F.
meets every Friday evening
their hint Oampbell street.
cordially _invited.
_WM. 8/UNSER. W.
Noble Grand.
Lodge No.112 .
at 8 o'clock in
All brethren
Wr Laos':
brethren cordially invited.
-111-41 Lodge of the
Ancient Order of
United Workmen,
meet -4 in the Odd
fellows' Hall, on the
la.t and second
Monday evings of
each month rt eight
o'clock, Visiting
Al.Ex Ross, -
Master Workman:
1,,Dic on or before the full- moon, in the
Mass* 1hal, Havelock street,
WOTShiank Master._ - SecretarV.-
- -
• 011.40
Will pay for the
SENTINEL and Weekly
Advertiser from now till
January 1b98: Sub cribe
now and get ti.e ha time
of the year free. 8 FIST-
INEL alone
-V01 XXIII— 44
Lucknow, Novombor gth
Of the apple shipping; ports Mont-
real continues ea., hold the lead. - For
the . week ending Oct. 2fith _ the ship.
'merits .fretn -that port. amounted to
75,000 barrels, tigainst 65,0.00:barrels
- - :.
from New York. and Boston .combined.
Front titne . to time we- have heard
murnsurines from the °thee - Side
le , , .
regarding- the quality of the Canadian
stock sent over. For- thehenefst of all -
concerned and tbe reputation ,of the
the country,. ens-, ground for complaint'
should be _ removed, The hinnense
crop' of apples which rienade has pro-
duced this. .year surely embraces a
respectable quantity of a desirable
stock, and it Will be to the _saran:age,
both of the . fernier and exyorter, to
reali-ze that sooner or later John Bull.
• .. -
will resent the quality of thio shipments
which are intended for his consuniption.
The _cables frioin the other .side, „both
private and pnblie, are. daily teaching a
lessdn which none can .ignore and still
make prolitsl. _ ,What prat Britain
wants is goo, sound fruit, andfrom a
heftiness esp .ct alone it is the _duty- of
the trede on tide side to ice: that the
cosuinieg ini. rkets gets it "
.1.r -1S-st MOC K ERY
eThanksgiVing Dey isnot observed in
Canada for the purposo. usually deafg-
nated in the proclamation •- issued .by
the Dominion Government.. Iestead
of goitig to church, and publicly giving
thanks to the Almighty for the ss-
ing Mai; : the nation has eejoye 1,
the large teejority of the people observe
the day as on -6 of -pleasure. -It Is. get
apart for turkey shootings tr fpr
general_ pleasure -seeking. To pretend
that it is observed as a day of "solemn
thanksgiving to the Creator", is to be
guilty Of nsose palpable false pretenses,
fey it is nothing -of the kind.
It would be more seemly te abolish
the g'overenental .attempt toestablish
Thanksgiving -Day, says 'the London
Adrertiser, and permit the churches of
ilia country to agree.among themselves
on.a. Sunday _which could- be set arart
for the special purpose. If that is not.
done, and- a week -day Thanksgiring
'Day is stip -insisted on, under conditions
such as have prevailed, the churches
well. deciine to- speeially. convene on
that days and fix .a Sunday about the
same. date- on which to hold special
thanksving services.
Dr. Newton, L. D. S D, D. S
itono•p Graduate of Toronto School of
-- Dentistry and Doctor of
All operations in Dentistry performed
with care and an endeavor to do all work
It is also the first break in eur:Lodge
since it was organised, and 'we:there-
fore mourn with you out mutual loss. -
Maggie Was a, general. favorite; her.
natural kindneSs of heart, her thought-
fulness for the Wantsof othersrand her
sunny disposition, -accounted-for this;
but those who knew her beeeloyea her
most. She ha ei gone from our midst,
but the sweet fragrance of -her -life will.
long linger with -us, and we shall love
to think of her as a flower plucked
by the Master's -hand and pieced in -the.
Eden above. We believe, dear friends,
that the coesoletionsof Him who doeth
all things well will comfort you in this
severe trial,, end that you- will be en-
abled to say, insubmissihn.to His will,
'The Lord gave, and the Lord - hatli
taken away, blessed be the name .of
the Lord."
Signed in behalf of the Lodge,
sueetiee MCKESZIE,
- S.G. Munnoon,
_To fhP 'Editor of the Lucknow Sen -find:
DEAR. Sin-ln, the hope ,that pub-
licity may do seine good, 1 wish' to say,
through the mediutn of your eolumns,
-to the public of Lucknow, that the bad
-behaviour of some of the boysof the
•placo is becotning a serious nuisance
Reckless. -stone-throwing and rude
languege, together with the unehecked
follieee of .. Hallowe'en, make _it ...plain
that the parents. of these children are
sadly neglecting thei: -duty to them.
It is no truly loving father or mother
The 'anneal report. of the business
done by the P. 0. Savings Banks for
the pest year is a recisrd- of steady
growth in this .branch of the public
service. The number of P. 0,
Savings Banks on July 1st; 1898, was
755, an increase of 24 ini.the year.
Cn July. I st,I836, the number waif 352.
The total amount deposited last year
was_ $8,138,947; while the withdrawals.
amounted to $7,406,066. The total
FILLING -With Gold, Porcelain, Silver and
copper amalgam.
TEETH -Made with a view of- preserving
• the natural appearanoe. and of the best
then belongs to the party on whose
premises it strayed. If worth over
$50 in value it shall be advertised Ily
the Justice and:sold and'1he excess of
all expenses shill be paid over to the
County Treasurer. Any person takieg
up an estray and neglecting to cause
the same to be advertised and appraised
shall be liable to aline of $20.
Everybody Welcome
Cameron, Murdoch & Co. ' have
received their Berliner Talking Mach-
ine, which Will be in their store for a
few days and no one should miss this
opportunity of hearing the great in-
At Home
The Epworth League of the Meth:.
odist church wish to entertain their
friends next Monday evening in the
school room at 8 o'clock. A topical
and musical programme will occupy
the fore part of the evening, after
which refreshments will be served.
Admission only 10b. All are invited,
young people especially.
Hallowe'en...Night _
. Saturday eight last was Hellowe'en,
and the boys celebrated it in proud
style. The tricks were more of the old-
time style than this town has seen
in many years. Gates were removed
from their hengings and strung up on
trees and posts, shutters removed from
houses and signs token down, and a
cart -was placed -on top 'of C. Stewart's
tailor shop. Wagons were drawn from
their sheds and left on the roads, to
the danger of people driving. The
who wilI alleys their children- to .believe boys . evidently had a real good time,
thus, unpunished. have lived,- in 1A number of private parties were held.
verioue parts of the Dornioion for. nine
years,,aed each Hallowe'en has.passed
leaving us urunolested. Even in. the
tnidst of the French . Province .of
Quebec, more respet-'was -.shown to -a
Protestant cleresetian than here, in this
village, I Muth regret to have write to
thus, and eeznain, Dear Sir, yours, .
• W. N. DU -THIS.
lIctuitg Ben
• Stock inspection
After Nevembet 1st all live sock
for shipmeet will be subject to a rigid
inspection to detect any traces -of
-di:waste Veterinary surgeons - have
been appointed in verious parts of the
province as. inspectors.
number of accounts. remaining open on
July 1st was 156,442. The toal
amount standing to the credit of the
depositors was $28,932,939, the average
of each account being $228. The cost
of managing this branch of the service
was $58,340, the averageeost of each
transaction, that is withdrawals or
deposits, being 24c.
When pricei of farui products rise,
and our mining, foreat and fiehery
industries prosper, there will not be so
much of a desire to enter the profee-
sions. The natural competition in all
lines tends to cbrrect - evils' and
*inequalities, The talk ,a.bout-, the
educational system :being to blame is
sheer nonsense; people have thought.
they sew a better thing in the
profelsione than in ROMS other lines.
The professions fermedclose combines
and kept up.their figures, but the tide
overflowed the dem, -ink now that
Carrlisge Works' HemOved,
II i Id r ed's carriage works havebeen
removed from Stauffer -street to.. the
new building jest west. of It. Proctor's
harness shop. The blacksinith shop
which occupied"part of the same
building has also been removed and is
iiow in T. Yoting's old stand:
, . f
Bought a Residence
Mr. Thos. ;Agar, who his lately
carried on btisinese in Chesley, an4
formerly- of Ashtield, has purchased the
comfortable brick residence belonging
to Mr, I). B. Forster, of this village,
and intends bein,g a resident of Luck -
new. We welcome Mr. Agar as a
citizen, and Congratulate him .upon
securing such a fine residence.
Doer Shooting- .
Messrs David INIoody, George Girvin
and Henry Mathers left on Saturday
morning for the famous. - Muskoka
hunting grounds, Messrs Wm Alit,
Robt Hughes and Jas. Bryan left On
Monday for the same place. They go
to -Burk's 'Falls. by rail and take the
boat down the Magneteerao river to
Dunchurcie Is -here they - board. 1Ve
'expect to See ;a special freight come to
Lucknow thei day the party.returns.
Notice to -Farmers
. This is very important to every per-
son who has any poultry re sell. The_
merchants -cam not ship fowl if not
properly killed. Fowl should be
starved at lest a day and a-balf before
killing. •Pitik dry, heads of all. kinds
of fowl except turkeys and ducks. Tie
string over tie neck so the blocid will
not. etain other parts of fowl. You
will get better prices' in doing --so and
merchents Wil1. refuse fowl if not
properly. killed.
:EXTRACTING -Au a plication made to
the gum -fior painless extracting. It has
been tried with,Succeas.
OFFICE --In Mr. Allin's new block
visit- Ripley;, every
Thursday aftet 1100n.
sleeken. Se Ile
office in the building east of the
Saurian Printing Office. -
etsin, specifications aridestimatos for build
baskmflta, ridgcs,etc.. furnished
on sho_rnotice.
many of the professions are over-
crowded, and on the revival of
agriculture and -the development of
our natural stores .of wealth, the rush
will be in the other direction.
A man is not to be blamed for seeking
the .professions of law, medicine,
teaching or preaching, if be thinks he
can get thousands for -the hundreds he
can get chopping woo3, hoeing corn or
digging ore. Equalization of profits to
skill and endeavor will cure .the ofer-
Spontaneous Combustion
The Iowa Dairy Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Con.pany has issued a circular
Containing the 'following on spon-
teneous combustion: "Sawdust in ice_
houses is self -ignitable, caused by
spontaneous combustion inhot weather.
In order to avoid a. fire from the above -
cause the sawdust should not be
allowed to pile up over four or- five
inches on top of the ice. The surplus
should -he removed and kept out of the
ice houses. Where the sawdust is
allowed to accumulate on top of your
ice it will consume the ice. It should
have daily care during the hot weather.
Died Prom Blood' Poisoning •
It is 00 sad duty to chronicle the
death of Mrs George Harris, sister or
Mr. Sainuel.Robertson, of this village,
which occurred at the family' residence
on the 8th concession of Kinloss on
Saturday morning last.. The deceased
lady had a -thistle removed from her
finger the previous week- and soon
after the finger liecame avvollen blood -
poisoning setting in. For a time the
eatment seemed to be successful but
on Thursday morning elle became
unconscious and passed away on
Saturday morning at the ago of 54
years. The funeral services , were
conducted, by the Rev. Mr. Hutton,
pastor of the Methodist church, of
which denomination the deceased was
a member. A large concourse of
friends and relatives weie present to
pay their last tribute of respect to one
so suddenly taken from them. The
SENTLNEL joins with them in expressing
sympathy with the bereaved husband.
and family.
Singing .School
Last Thursday night, in the Presby-
terian church of this village, it singing
class. with' eome forty members, was
organized for the purpose of improving
congregatiooal singing. Air. Manning,
Of Teesenrter, ie to be instructor, and
the Course will consist of thirteen
lessons for the first quarter. ' The
school's angers are: Roderick McDon-
ald, secretary -treasurer, end Messrs.
Donald Saunders, D. R. McIntosh and
D. D. Yule; managitig committee. All
whodesire to have the full benefit of
the quarter can join, the class at th.
(Friday) eyenieg's meeting, in the
above chureh, at 7:30 o'clock. •
The following letter of condolence
has been presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Adam Thompson on the death of their
daughter Maggie, on the 22nd ult :
Ancient Workmen .
• Mr. Woodman, grand organizer for
the Ancient Order of United Work-
men Society, paid the village a. short.
visit last week end succeeded in awak-
ening a new interest in the nsembers of
that society; as well as adding a large
number of new ones to the roll.. A
meeting of Lucknow lodge was held on
Friday evening and Bro. Woodman
initiated six into the rites and cere-
monies of the order, and as many MOO
are. promised for the next .meeting:
Bro. Woodman is not only a hustler,
but is thoroughly posted in the work-
ings of the, society and the insurance
business, and after his able address on
the meritsof the Al 0. U. W. and the
great advantageiof - elieapr insurance
afforded by this old and tried society,
we are sure there wai not a Workman
-in the , lodge- who was not proud of
being Connected with the order. During
the present = year :neer . 17,000 new
meirbers. -have. been added t� its
membership, and he predicted . that
before the year closed- that number
would beswelled to 25,000. - .
-Mr. John Scott, the cattleman, of
Galt, has been in. the "neighborhood this
*eek. -c
,Inspector Campbell has been in
Filenames at.the public seheol during.
the present Week.
--The Brussels •Herald has changed
oviitership, 0. E. Sarney having bought
out Ronald Woolsey. •
,7-Oultivate all orchards sparingly
113W. Give the trees time to ripen
their_ wood before winter.
-Mr. William Sutherland, member
for North Qu'Appelle, has resignen his
Seat in the Northwest Legislature.
--A carload of bulls was shipped
froni the Lucknow station on Tuesday
last by Messrs, McLean & Young:
-Watch -for the announeerisents of
*the coming of the Guy Bros.- to Luck -
now next week. • " •
-Millinery! Millinery! We have
a complete asiortment. Styles up-to-
date and Nees right tit Mrs. Smith's.
- D. Geddes,V.S., has been appoint-
ed inspector of sheep, etc. exported to
the United States, by the Dominion
-The neo' building put up just west
of R. Proctor's harness shop is nJw
completed and will be a roomy and well.
built structure.
-Shiloh's Cure, -the greatst Cough
and Croup Cure, is in great demand.
Pocket size contains twenty-five only
25c. ChilHen love it. Sold by Berry
& Co,, dieggiets.
J, W. Perkins, of Gorrie,
drove over. to Luckno* on Saturday to
attend the funeral of Misr Thompson,
a cousin of Mrs. Perkins. -Brussels
Herald. .
-The band played on the street Frir
day night and was in.uch appreciated
by all who Inta the ,good fortune to
hear it. :Evidently we have a few good
-The many friends of Sliss' Kate
Cameron, of this village, who has been
confined to her ba for the past =couple
of weeks, will be sorry tci- learn that
she is no better:
-It is reported that Mr, pon0c1
Sinclair, County Registrar of Walker-
ton, is progressing favorably, and that
it is quite likely that he will Aukvive
Itis paralytic stroke. ,
-General -Manager Hays (litotes in
an. intdview that the Grand Trunk
policy is to keep its old_ employes, mad
the story of their being displaced by
Americans is not true.
-Karl's Clover Root will purify
your blood, Clear your complexion reg-
ulate your bowels and. make your heaa
as clear as it bell. 25c., 50c„. and $100,
at Berry & Co's drug store.
-The regular monthly meeting of
the Ws C. T. U. will be held in the
Oddfellew's *Hall on Wednesday -after-
noon- next at three o'clock sharp.
Temperanceworkers welcome..
- Shiloh's Cure is sold on a guar-
antee. It cures Incipient Consump-
tion. It is the best cough cure, Only
one ceoteadose 2.5c, 50c and $1.00.
Sold -by Berry & Co., druggists.
e -A. meeting of the directors of the
Lucknow Public Library will be held
this (Thursday) evening in the reading
room. A full attendance is desired, as
matters of importance are to be con-
Greater Precautions
The Oraed Trunk Railway at4hor-
ides have issued revised instructions
to their agents regarding the pracau
tious to, be observed iu the transporta-
tions of corpses over the spstene
Hitherto the attendant physician's
certifita.te es to cause of death has been
accepted as sufficient guarantee of
safety, but, a good deal of difficulty
arose fromthe fact that the certifying
is in the hands of so many hundreds of
different persons, some of whem might
not be too careful. To obviate this an
additional :certificate is now required
from, the chief officer of the local
Board. of Health, also from the -under.,
taker and Station baggage agent. The
effect of this revised arrangement will
be to, centralize 'responsibility and
greatly lessen danger from the general
To -Mr. and Mrs. Adam Thompson and
Family :
DEAR Famistis-In behalf of Soper
Lodge ra. 384, -1.0. G. T., of which
your daughter Maggie,- our departed
sister, was a much respected and be-
love.d•membet, we take this opportun-
ity of expresaingand conveyingto you
all, the most earnest and heartfelt
sympathy of our entire membership in
the great bereavement you have.-juat
anstairled. We understand that thik is
the firit-broair in yOur family circle.
About Estray Animals
The laW provides that a person
taking. up estray Stock should give
notice that such •fttiiinals are on their
gemisee by publishing three thnes in
a newspaper published within the
section wheie -the estray -was found
and if: the Pr4:). ia-nat called lor
Within three.Weekrilifter the insertion'
of the notice,ithe finder .shall go to. P.
.lostino ef trio Peso* iriut make Oatfi - t
finding - and sadvertising.If`
„ '-',
-Protin ° within
-Meagre. Lawrence et 'Johnstone,
the - undertakeis, . have purchased a
handsome new hearse at an outlay of
nearly $1000. It was nianufactured
by the well-known firm of carriage
builders, J. B. Nash &Co., of London.
-Mr. John Scott is visiting relatives
in Barrie.
—Salt for oak bythe barril
at Enings
Will bny the Smola.
and Weekly Globe frons
now to January1898.
will get them till Jen. lst.
1897. Subscribe now.
WHOLE NO. 1187.
-Captain Sweeney, 1J, S. A, San
Diago, Cal. says: „Shiloh's Catarrh
Remedy is the first medicine I have
ever found -that would do me any
good." Price 50e, at Berry & Co's.
-His many friends will be glad to
hear that James Reid of the Farmers'
Hotel, who has been ill for some time,
is, under Dr. Gordon's skillful treat.
ment, much improved in `health and
vigor. Mr. Reid worked on the Sarnia
tunnel from start to finish as one of
the foremen, and, like many others
who worked there, ho is now suffering
the consequences. This, added to too
close confinement, has brought on his
present trouble, but we are glad tp say
he is getting better, though still com-
plaining about his legs.
Jos. Kramer, lot 28, con. 10, Cul-
ross, Monday, November 9th, farm
stock and implements.
D. J. Ballogh, lot 15, con, 7, Cul-
rosieTuesday, November 10th, lutaber,
lath andr shingles.
Thos. Lannan, lot 4, con. 9, Ash-
field, Thursday, November 12th, farm
J. Mullen, Kinlough, Friday, No-
vember 13th, househord furniture.
'JOHN Pumas, Auctioneer.
We are glad to see. Wm. Pieree at
work again.
The revival meetings were closed
last -Thursday after continuing for
aboufive weeks.
The Sacrament here last Sunday
was largely attended, there being quite
a nuinber from Dungannon and vi-
cinity present.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Phillips, of
Rapid 'City, gave a call one day last
week. ,
john Roach has rented his farm
and has moved to Kinlough.
This has been a busy seacon around
here, between pulling apples and tur-
R. G. Finegan has bought a large
quantity of apples and is storing them.
The St. Helens W. F. M. S. held its
annual thanksgiving meeting on
Wednesday of last week. The church
was tastefully decorated with flowers,
those 'beautiful emblems of purity and
love. The meettng= was favored with
the Presbyterial Society'spreaident
and secretary, Mrs. Murray-, of Kin-
cardine, and. Mia. McNabb, of ;luck -
new. Miss Janet MCDonald, presi-
dent, and Miss McPherson, secretary,
gave an interesting account of the
year's work. Theswords of cheer and
encouragement from the visitors were
heartily appreciated. Miss McNabb's
solo, rendered with much pathoS, wan
--Much enjoyed, as were also tbgse of
.Misses,,McCrostie and Wellwood- The
thank -offering was commendable and
shows the heartiness' of the members
in the cause of missions.
--s-Mr. John McDonald last week did
a good day's threshing for Mr. George
Moffatt, 10th concession of Kinloss,
over 900 bushels of grain, the .product
of. 50. acres on the latter's fdrm, being
the result,
-It costs nothing to have an item
of news inserted in the SENTINEL.
Any news of_ interest is cheerfnlly
published free of cost. Items should
reach us not later than Wednesday of
each week.
-The old mistake, "didn't knew -it -
was -loaded," was repeated here the
other day by a well-known local man,
an air -rifle being the implemente
Result, a grain of shot through the
aforesaid local man's thumb.
-Mr. R; J. Cameron, pumpmaker,
of this village, has just received two
handsome diplomas one for 1895 and
one for 1896 from the Kinloss Branch
Agricultural Society and our .pump -
maker is very proud of them.
-Never for years has there been
such an apple crop in this part of the
country as this season. Hundreds and
thousands of bushels of beautiful fall
and winter apples that the farmers can
find no sale for are being fed to the
-The decision regarding the can
from Ashfield Presbyterian congrega-
tion to Rev. A. Miller, will be given at
the meeting of the Presbytery of Lon-
don at St. Thomas next Tuesday. It
is expected a favorable response will
be given to the call.
-Two cases of very line kid gloves
just in at Mrs.- Smith's.
-Mr. John Hannah, of Wingham,
was in the village Tuesday,
- Mr. Walker Vanstoee, of Wing -
ham, _was in the village on Sunday.
--The London Sketch says that Mr.
Gladstone is about to become a cyclist.
- Edith' G. H. Mooney, of the
Ripley Express,was in town on Friday
last. -
R. Miller, of Toronto, a,nd
Wm, Lane of Goderich, were in the
village on !Wednesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Fritzley
spent a couple of weeks with friends
in Tara.- _
- our dress goods are tho right kind.
Come and see for yourself. -Mrs.
-Li Hung Chang has been ar
pointed Chinese Minister of Foreign
-Snow to the depth of a foot has
fallen' in many parts of England and
Scotland. '
-John S. McDonald,' M. P. P. for
.Centre Bruce, was in the village on
Tuesday last.
-President Ole eland has,appoiuted
Mr. Mite M. G.. a AT. S.tonsul 'at
Windsor, Oat.
-Vies re, urn
in gincardi
- - _
The -Presbyterian W. F. M. S. at
Lanes, held their annual thanksgiving
Meeting in the church on Friday last.
This auxiliary with Mrs Harrison
president and Mrs. Kickley seCretary
is fairly prosperous and is much
encouraged by evidences of increasing
interest in its work. Mrs. McNabb
Lucknow, gave an intereating--and
helpful address which was well received.
A paper on missions byMiss McDonald,
St Helens, was much enjoyed, Two
solos by Miss MacNabb, Lneknow,
were highly eppreciated. The thank -
offering of this small auxiliary was
encouraging. At the close id the
exercises refreshments were served and
a sociable time enjoyed.. TVhile the
members aud their Mende were
enjoying the sociable hour th.S.beauti-
ful flowers that adorned the platform
were speaking to them of their
.Creator's glories. God inade the
Annual Meeting. Elefltionot MOO=
On Friday -last about one hundred
representative Reformers met in the
'town hall, Kincardine, at the annual
association'tneetingfor the purpose of
electing officers and perfecting organ-
ization. The feeling throughout was
one of jubilation at the success of the
Liberal cause in the Dominion, and
resolutions Were unanimously adopted
expressing confidence in Hon. Mr.
Laurier and Hon. Mr. . Hardy. A
spkndid address on the political sit-
uation was giVen by Mr. Peter H.
McKenzie, the Liberal candidkte at
the recent election. Some spirited
-remarks on the situation generally
were made -by the popular retiring
President, Mr. J. G. Murdoch, of
Lucknow, and; Mr. Deck gave a brief
address on being called on • to preside
over the meeting in the absence of the
newly -elected President, Mr. Peter S.
McLaren, of Bruce to_wnship.
The following officers were: elected
by -acclamation for the ensuing year-
PresidentePeter S. McLaren of Bruce,
Tiverton, P.O.; lst Vice, i.M.Dack,
Kincardine; 2nd Vice, Peter J. Brown,
Kincardine T'p; 3rd Vice, Dr. Veitch,
Port Elgin; See., Wm. Henderson, of
Bervie; Treas., Wm /Tiller, of Millar -
Directors- Kincardine. town, And-
rew Maicoltue Kincardine F'p, Duncan
Campbell; Huron, David Henderson;
Kinloss, Thos. Murray; Lucknow,
Donald McDonald; Tiverton, M.L.Mc-
Kinnon; Bruce, Robert McFadyen;
Saugeen, Dougald Smiths Port Elgin,
W. Mitchell.
A cordial vote of thanks was extend-
ed to the retiring President for the
effieient and faithful work performed
by him during his .tertnof-office and
to the other officers who had so splen-
didly performed the duties devolving
upon them. The following resolutions
were reported and were unanimously
adopted lly the meeting;
If the
re Antic
-Weather prophets base their
prognostications of the heavy winter
ahead on the height of the ragweed
growing--about.--_,The_.Lveeds.:_- • are from
two to - three feet higVe-ed an old
adage is mailed which says that the
snow will fall as deep as the ragweed
is t-aiic-
-Twenty-seven TYears ago :Monday,
Oct. IV, says the Huron. Expositor,
winter set in, and there was -steady
sleighing from then until the middle of
April.- In many instancesthe apples
were frozen on the trees and the mote
remained- in -the -ground all winter.
-There has been a kick against de;
festive pricking of Canadian apples for
the British markets, and the Depart-
ment -:ef Agriculture May establish a
815tegi_RthisPecitiiik:Fri4.mustl Tench
the old colintrimarkets in -good con-
dition will lege 311_ik'7"
A young itia.rr nct-far from,here
rccent mtrniaga ceremo
The milk drawing season closed
Saturday last, much to the. pleasure
of Messrs John A. and Malcolm Mc-
Miss Nellie Young, who for the
past few weeks has been visiting her
grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. 'John S.
McDonald, M P.P., returned to her
home in Mount Fdrest on Monday of
last week.
Miss . R. McDonald, of Glammis,
spent Sunday with Miss Abide Smith,
con. 7. . .
That the West* Bruce Reform Ai
sociation, on this its first opportunity
congratulates our great leaderHon.
Wilfred Laurier, upon the Old suc-
cess which' attended_ him at the last
elections and ' raised him to the high
and honorable position of Premier of
our fair Dominion. - His high ability
and integrity were recognized by the
people of Canada and prevailed with
them over all appeals to -race and ease
prejudice which were then raised raised
against . him. We congratulate hiin
alsoupon, the success which has
attended his effortsisinee assuming the
reins of power and upon the straight-
forward and manly course pursued by
him in dealing with, as fateas hi has
been able to do up to the present time,
the many reforms -promised by him
during the campaign: We rejoice to
find thakthere is now, under his able
leadership, every prospect of the Lib -
so al platfot m being at last carried out,
and we assure our honored leader of
our absolute confidence that the& plat-
form will be carried out in its entirety
by hint and the able government he
has formed, and thet the many abuses
under which we have been governed
for years wil 1 at last meet ,the fate
they have so long deserved. •
That the West Bruce Reform As-
sociation desires t� place on record its
high appreciation of thesplendidcam-
paign conducted by me. Peter McKen-
zie, the Liberal candidate, during the
recent electien. . As Liberals, we were
proud of his ability in dealing with
public queStiens on the platform, and
as electors we were gratified at the
manly way in which he made appeals
for support of the principles which pre-
vailed on the 23rd of June last
That this association desires to place
upon record the deep sense of loss they
feel in the death of Mr. John Corbet,
For many years Mr. Corbet was one of
the most active members in the Lib-
eral cause and for several tarots one
of the officers of this association, His
death is indeed a loss to the Liberals
of West Bruce. • And further that
this association expreseeaita sympathy
with the widow and family of its late
That this association expresses its
deep sympathy with our old and res-
pected friend and late member, Mr.
Jamei Rowand, in his long -continued
ill heath, and we -sincerely trust that
before long he will be restorei to his
accustomed place in the fore ranks of
Liberals in West Bruce.
Some mysteriour party or parties
entered the house of Mr. Donald Math-
eson, non. 8; one night last week and
succeeded in walking off with a nice
StIol of money foundin the pockets of
some clothing in tha !mdse.
Miss Winnie Johnstone, of Hemlock
City, visited last week at the residence
of Mr. John Finlayson.
It is with a feeling of sorrow diet
we chronicle the death of Mr. Donald
McLeod, which occurel on the 30th.
ult., at hie residence lot 13, On. 5,
A Tremendous Sweep for
the Re.
The Presidential election in the
United States on Tuesday het resulted
in a tremendous victory for the 'void"
party, The latest returns give Me-
Kinley 148 majority, with only one
Statefidaho, to hear from, which has
only three-electoralevotes. The fol-
lowing is the electovia vote for each
State: -
For McKinley 0 e 6
rim tag I
The swellest and most
extensive line of silverware
ever introduced here. Toi
morrow our window will be
tull of it. Our five piece
is a gem of
silver service
FaU Assizes 1896, County or Bruce
The Grand Jurors of our Soverign
Lady the Queen, present •
- That we have carefolly -considered
and disposed of the various cases
brought before us in accordance with
the instructions cOnveyed to us by
your Lordship. .1
That we have examined the Jail
and yards- thereof and found every-
woexoncenptionally dean and lade-
d nine persons in Jail, one --
man for theft, one man and one wom-
aanufeorinsanity and eix mt en for va
We find the Jail is largely used as
a House of Refuge Or Poor House and -
as a Hospital for the maintenance
of persons whose only crinse is that of
being aged and poor, or afflicted, so .
that they are unable to earn -their own
livelihood, and we eonsider it blame-
worthy that such a large and populous
County as 13ruce should permit such -a
condition of -things to exist or -continue
We find by looking up the latest
compiled County Statistics that for the
six years commencing with 1885 and
continuing through 1890 the dif-
ferent Municipalities of the County
have paid out for the relief of indigents
the total sum of $23,666.95 or a year-
ly average of $3027.82. apart from the
expenses incurred annually by the
County in maintenance of same com-
mitted to the County Jail and which
we believe largely exceeds the cost
which would be entailed were they ,
committed to a House cf Refuge.
After viewing the 'existing circum-
stances and considering the able ad- •
dress of your Lordship on the samellre
strongly recommend that the 0ounty
Council in the near future take Steps -
to construct a House of Refuge.
Of the six men in Jail for Tasman,
we find one of them an old man°, oval
sixty years of age who should bein the
Hospital or in the Homeoflimurables,
he being afflicted with a -cancer in itit -
advanced stages which is becoming
abnoxious and which should not be
tolerated in the Jail. We therefore
recommend that the proper steps_ be
taken fonhis removal at once. -
We hags to _thank your Lordship for
the clear and lad Charge at the open-
ing of the Court which materially as- .
sisted us in -the discharge of our ditties. -
We should also say we have received
valuable assistance and advice from_
the County Officers and from the Coma
sel from the Crown,
. Dated at Walkerton this 22nd der
of October, A.D. 1896
(Sgd.) I8B-ER, orenani:
Latest Circular Issued by the •Ontarlif
The attention of teachers and none.
didates for next sunimer's depart. -
mental examinations at the Collegiate
Institute is called to the following ex-
tracts from a circular received from
the department
The revised regulations are now itt
press and will be hound up with. the .
School Act, and a copy transmitted
as soon as ready to each - board' a
trustees. No changes'have been made -
that will disturb the organization or
work of the schools. For the exam-
inations of July,' 1897, there will be
no changes in the _subjects prescribed
or in the mode of conducting the ex..
Public School Leaving Examina-
tion -This examination will be eopr
ducod underthe existing regoleti-1
-for 1897. For,
tions the course of ittutfy.4beir
modified, bothgeonial,re'ind bean,
being inoluCettand, the answer mow
read at -the Education Departmel*-..-..
Any .P. S.4.4 certificate granted-
tofore, or that May be awarded
after, will have the same value as
certificate of having passed in Form 1.,
The holder ef sooF.S.L. certificate wilt -
not berequired in 1897 -th pass the
,examinatinti of Forst I of the high
Form1 Examination.-Thia ;matins
inetion will :be -conducted in 1891 nein
1895,but titbit 1897 it will be iboliehed-
and every candidate for primary
standing insist hold a P. S...v.-•,nertifi-
-crate, unless he holds a Form 1 ter-
tificte or a commercial tort -Meats- .
Primary -For primary- standing in -
18971thoexamination of 'FormlIanust
he taken, and also thet of Form 1.
For the P. S. L. .examination, 1..inleta -
the candidate has -received a Form
I eertiticate,• a P. S. L. certificate; * -
commercial certiligate,-.3 district ter
tficate or -a -third-class certificate,
Itinfor Leaving ,L-:Candidatis wh�
vg-ra,tent thejunico leaving this year
under the old regulation% and w
, - -• •
have been aWarclea- vertificate. of
havingfulted in Tart I -of -Forin 11
_ _
That tb.e executive. officers of the
West Bruce Reform Association be
authorized and •instructed to at all
times take prompt action in looking
after the -interests of the Liberal party
in West Bruce, as they in their wis-
dom, deem fit, and. that all the proper
steps for the strengthening and con-
solidating of the Liberal party for the
benefit of the riding and the country
as a whole which the executive com-
nutteemay take, will be with the full
conmirrence of this associatiop.
That this association desires to ex-
tend its congratulation to Hon. A. S.
Hardy on assuming the distinguished
position of _Premier of Ontario, the
banwr province of Canada. -Believ-
ing as we do in his great ability, know-
ing his uprightness of :fonduet durmg
raany years _of- public.- s'ervice,' end
T no
yin berW:
lulPultaleugleoa :;:l.
the lielirtg:_sei
!IlljElai:a, theila,torgYhi.tpoetrn13"1lbaboge-: 4::::*‘:u:i )n-
:soda- .1%
.ection -,....,
levet° 4P*
8 for *..0
the the
alpinist whom the breath -,ef, scandat a junior leaving
has never daredlayev h
with coati ence look forFfird to the
Iowa, 13; Maine, 6; Maryland; 8-e time whetehe wit1maktehie#ritap
Massachusetts, -15; Michigan,14.14ew, AS ?rainier at a general election
Irairipshire 4' New -40. eve. " fidon e of thtt -elect-orate -Teti
. )111 arge,-__we ypais!ng .the 13UlAintil
=ware, 8; Illinois, 244 Iodian; 'Ile • h "
AnntY1,Veniti 3:2e -we ge our „. _
Verle. en e k . . con
AtilV " et Orte -
411- 'Ain,1-3"0 es, elsonPD--41.
e -genmeiryi eeanceen
and 410-anl 'bot.
+ 0
---_-„eseseees."' •