HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-10-23, Page 4- the Lucknow Sentinel, Bruce, Oounty, Friday October'` People must aye Groceries The great question is where to get them. We keep the best lities to be had. We don't pretend to'sell them below cost, but we do ell them at a very close margin. S Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You save from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea pe. tilfirs. Compare quality and price•. CR ::R -Y" - We have a fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very cheap. Call, examine them and get prices. �,O�TR e3Z PmE 3 - All kinds• of flour and feed kept cons_ tantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part, of the town. , MeCiure and Mallough, CgSIi GROCERS_ 1 06--RIGANi'S Is the ill;ace to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS 1 have in stock the following : Apple Dried Apple Blacking •Extr.:ct Stack Lead Figs Blue) Fi .h, anned Baking Powders ': isir., led ' Barley. Pot i�el.. :ne .. Bath Brig'..- 6 " Gingers Beans tf.:y., Brot•n-4 - it ,-,-.- Baskets f:,'„: Bruohee I e•. t $24enit li c Coffee • -• i i.1 .)i. Cdnfeeti .:t.-ry " : " • - Canned t- ••,•.lr 1_. C000 ,(t olate V +' l+rn, Cdntil:ei i . •t. -r *t Cora meal_‘[••a° Currants . - i • ,e-e:inel- CnrriePo:veihr . ±!.):-.,r.i Cream Tarter r Meat=, canned C000antit _ i>l i;ti:z•:.ia A.-1 Floltr always on -hand. ittnieg _ t )il, olive. sweet ii!, captor t iranes oat ileal is e acro ,:l • • Soda Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, cane Sutphen Tapioca i'omataes.canned 'yeas Ill/:1::.:O0- • VerLnicell . Vieegare t1 .ahbeards < ti.s:-li:-g t'rysia : W, •: •11,mwkre• :!'1_itin erg Crttc Crean. :Fens - I'.t•ity St;t, - t Sttts AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Farm Property. ER AND BY VIRTUE OF TIIEe power of sale contained in a certain reg ittered mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale and upon which default in payment has been made, there will 'be offered for sale by Public Auction at the COMMERCIAL -HOTEL - inthe Village of Ripley; in the County of . Bruce on Friday, November 1'3 thr, 296 I at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the folle- valuable Iands andd;)rruoi .iz :-- , The east h•,ri e A i .t nninber twenty two in Ih concession : •f the Towns l : of Huron, in the Cestui of , Bruce iitaining ftyacres more or ie- s. There are said t•) be oPected on said pre - es a frame dwelling and cedar log barn. e property is distant about two and a half males from Ripley. - : TERNS- : Ten per cer.t. of the ase money to be Paul dowu at the r .. - of sale. Terms for pay- ment of the balance will. he made known at the time of sale. - - For further pakai3 apply to REI.D,_4g?,D, Ye,ors, i -t Z'roe hold 1_1‘i fitM AT CI( RGAINS. Bargains in Prints. Bars,- in Shirting:• argains iu . CottonaueS. _ hing Cheap ! GOODS MVST BE SOLD WANT MONEY Neill �z Co GIGAN O - l RETIRING FROM • THE UNIFY • �te AVING arranged to enter another line cf business, I have decided_toretire from the mercantile trade.' In order to sell of my stock as speedily as possible, I- have_ commenced a SWEEPING CLEARING SALE which will continue' day in and day out until everything is sold. "33 . R a. A..1` 1\1" 11 " ' ' Embrace . this golden opportunity of obtaining - reliable and desirable goods by visiting his noted EMPORIUM. The stock is of first-class quality consisting of Tweeds, D. -4S Goods, Clothing, Gent's Furnishings, Furs, Hats &Caps and General Dry -Goods. .>�. aBT' , PO TXT and relnen.iber that I am positively retiring from the general business rand its soon as the stock is disposed of, I will enter another branch of trade. SsA34. 1l CAWS VAZIVris but should any of Illy old customers not having money on hand, require any goods, .' they can get from : 10 to- $100, and their note will be taken_payable.1st day of 1N ov- ember, 18417, without interest. This should meet tA ittr the �.nol�oval.-r f .'11? fn>;irer ctlstom is as well as any new ones. N. B. --I hare extended the payment of all overdue notes and accounts to the 15th of -November. - Don't forget. FRED GRUNDY Baker. and -Confectio ler. Dealer in " all kinds of Groceries, Cann ed Goods Confectionery, Etc. - Bread, Buns and Cakes .. Fresh Daily Flour. Oatmeal and Corn, meal always on hand. r - ci - ending. Toronto, Ont. ADVERTISER A. To , For [896-7. - /-Ealancs of MIS Free. ON -LY ONE DOLLAR To .J'suuary 1st., 1898. Sixteen Pages Each Week - —,strx- -- All the News of the - eek• Mart Ropects, - Stories, 'E'tc. Excellent reading for Every Member of the Family. 'We offer good inducements` agents. For terms, eta., address a dvertiser Frnting Co, SHEEP ESTRAY t tTRAYED FROG THE PREMISES OF ilia uz:eieraidned lot 4 eon. 11 astern Division, Ashfield, on or about e first of August last, six sheep, two ew and three lambs and a- yearlingawe. yore giving such information or sendin a same by card as will Lead to their recon will be suitably rewarded. N - FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. Having secured the premises lately occupied by (G15'. BERRY as a Furniture Ware Room, I have recently fitted it with the newest de signs of all kinds of Household Furniture. ,As tc quality, they are unequalled. The price is- away down. All goods. are bought for spot cash,. therefore I can sell at as close a price as any person: in the country. Why bay in To- ronto and pay freight, ,subject to damage, when you can save this at home? When at A. T. DAIVSON'S inspect- and be con- vinced. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is co :ducted at the old stand, which has been entirely renovated. • o ATTLE ESTRAY /IAMB TO 'ERE PREg iSES OF THE undersigned, Iot 6, con. 4, Kinlon, on of about the Last of Septemcer. three yearling cattle, one light red heifer and;two -steers, :ed with white spots. -The and owner r is requested them to prove property, pay P" swag. NORMAN McLEOD. Lucknow P. O. • WISER ESTRAY COME TO THE PREMISES OF THE undersigned, south half, lot 21, con. 14, tat est Wawanosb, on or about the 20th of September last, a three gear oid red and white steer. The ownernses a requested them to prove property, pay ee JA iYS FORSTER, • Lucknow P O. CATTLE ESTRAY 6TRAYED FROM THE PREMISES OF i? the undersigned, Kin1oss,14 miles east of Lucknow„ abort three weeks ago, b head of young cattle, 2 two year old seers, one gray 'with red` about neck, the other red with white belly and shell off left horn; and T yearlings, sae light red heifer; 3 steers, fight red with white vis: the smallest one a muley. Any one gin information that will lead to their recovery -be suitably rewarded. JOHN GRAHAM. - Box 170; Lucknow HOUSE - AND LOT - FOR *ALCOR DENT MN • 10(7. -AL { g ed og he gravel road, half milT, A HOUSE e north of Lucknow: The house is in a good .tate of reps= an& contains six rooms, kftcbea. cellar, etc There is seven acres of bud, also good stable. The house will be rented i,ithont land if dared. For further attianlsutsaBp JAMES ROLSTON, Lucknow P: O. Embalming, Preserving and Taking Caro of Bodies a Bps. The Embalming Fluid, material and ap- pliances used have proven to be the most effectual that have ever been used for the past twenty years. • - tar.' Picture Framing and all` lends of Re- pairing done at the old stand. - - C3REAT Tearing Sale in 1100TS and SHOESat PEART'S. I have decided to sell out my summer stock at a - great ,reduction so as to - be ready for winter stock coming In. - Any person wanting Boots and Shoes can rely on getting them at right prices. - Call and secure some of our Bargains. - - • - John Peart. NU!!&E AND LOT FOR SALE. t�lho t nk ' ymetUE, FRAMEHOUSEANDHALFut-An Idea a2:sage Amnio acre ofIand, situated on 8avelockth1ngt near the station, is -for sale. at - a bar- ffie.. x pattern !gain. For" fnrther particulars app�r aL tha . D: cart SENTINEL OFFICE, Totselinow, aa. THE CHIEF ENGINEER, The "Empress of India's" Chief • Engineer Tells as Interesting 8$orr. Mr. Francis Somerville, one of the best known men . in the steamboat traffic on the rivers and lakes df Ontario, i ving - been engaged in thio business for fifty years, and who tesidee at No. 195 Upper Colborne Street, Kingston, speaks as follows of his recovery from the sickness which has affected'him for socio time. Said- M.,,.-Setnervi tee "The grip; left sae with,kidney troubles and graveL I had severe pain ogee the kidneys and in the small of my tock, also between the Shoulders and islbe bladder. "Tile urine tori very dark•colored with a great deal of muddy sediment. I went to Mr: McLeod's drag state- and bought two boxes of Doan's Xideey Pills.; I have taken them with what -people telt me is the usual good eesuk. "They have cleared the urine, removed the sediment, relieved me of distressing painin the back and between the should- ers, and have built me up in a surprising manner. In fact, I am entirely free from the *roubles which affected me before. taking these remarkable and I recommend them as a certain cure for all troubles arising from kidney disorders.•' —Whiff, Kingston. - VOR SALE BY - BERRY & CO, Druggists ¥!! 1:iI iture 13u-40:ess.- (lye Having purchased the Furniture Business of Mr. G, W. Berryi e have moved the same, together with a large stock of the latest styles j,ul newest designs of Furniture, Curtain -Poles, Pictures -and Window Shades, also a full line of : --- UP110k,STERED GOODS in Turkish Rug, 'Silks, Plush, - etc., richly trimmed - with fringe, Next Door to the Post ice, Lucknow. Pndertaking: a Specialty, Charges moderate and calls both night and day promptly _attended to. - We solicit the patronage of thevillageand stir- ' rounding country. - No troube _to ahotr goods or gaote prices LAWRENCE S4- .JOIINSTONE; Gordon's D-rug.Store Having purchased the drug business .carried on lately by Mr.. A. B..Congram,and having added largely to stock, will be able to supply the neeessitiss of any house- hold inthe medicine line Do not fail to call • • And ask for anythingliyou require as ,you will find it right and reasonable: M '- Tl Prescriptions • • USTOM TAILOR. Promptly and Carefully Propounded, . 1 ,Ai13a's Sioo� � ld ving opened out business DR. D. M. GORDON in th room over 11 r.' m Medicine Hall`s Con . 11's dry - goods store, I am p epared to turn- out in the eatest manner :and lat- est s4yles all sort of work fining to a first-class tailor Satisfaction always Pert: shop guaranteed. " A call solicited. To, enter my rooms please come by wayof main -up -stair entrance of Alibi's block. SM.B►`Z' Wanted -=An Idea mato ovarmisast. wow wiworkaker WHAT'S- THEW SriTSE 74—Of letting your App`s go to waste when, you —Can get them made into delicious Jelly at my ----New Cider, Jelly " and Evaporating Works, —Havelock Street, Lueknow . •. .•. 1 - I ALL L THE NEWEST AND MOST IMPROVED. MACHINERY IN THE BUILDING. - ALL WORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTOR 44.ND AT LOWEST .PawEs. GIVE US A "CALL, - _ .FgrAPples taken for Tier wasz t ov rseb 'is as essential to t home as_ a spring is to --a clacx: Has proven itself ;capable - for -every purpose..... - AS ALL USERS WILL GLADLY TESTIFY ,LFAINOUS -.:They do Perfect Work - acid Save _ ,_Special Features._,,, FIRS: Tine or LsrMC$;ove FAMOUS r Ut�GT V E ANTE! tatttgematt OF FLOUR W1r44t-flRE POT OF COat. . • Thermonetos In OM Doss showing exact heat without opening door. - erat8$ Door continually do ug fresh, warm air and carry- ing fumes from L>tking up smoke pipe, - Basting Door to look at baking and not allow all the heat to ° escape from the oven. - • - Heavily cemented bottom: allowing no waste heat to Boor while - - baking. Duplex Ooel Grates. Oast Iron Linings. Made in C sizes for coal or wood. -FOR SALE BY= AWRENCE, LUCKNO.. Sorts of Churns STEEL, DAISY, • CRADLE . DASD, ice•• SOT? .A.T .. LowPR1c sU%TLW�'S OASH HARDWARE- •New Diss Goods and MalltIes. a - .4.4;0)A>*. Ourstock of Dress Goods and Mantles is now complete and comprit es the latest novelties in these lines, from the markets of Europe, nearly all our mantles being of German manufacture, cut in the latest style and perfect fitting. •We are acknowledged lead- ers in DRESS GOODS, and we have a nice range of Tweed and Boucle effects which are so popular at present. In plain colors and black _ goons .ourstock is large and comprises the famous manufactures of Briggs, Priestly & Son, whose blacks are unrivalled, being the'best in the world. We are are also showing a large range of light shades for evening wear, all at popular cash prices. - - Canteron, Murdoch & Co_ Leaders in Dress Goods and Ladies' Furnishings. S ; Oe'v- J - J With j a complete stock - in every line we are now press pared for fall and anter. Our men's over- coats are the best value we ever offered. In Men's Underwear the range is large and the prices are close cut. - Ladies Mantles aresuch _ as to please_ .in style and fit. Great variety in price, but all good value . The Millinery.Jepartment is an interest- inglace for theladies. Miss Pentland takes pleasure in showi goods, as bydoing so we are sure to make sales. . Oonnell - Luc Mako the ••• , I beg to announce to the public that C I have decided to close my books on .October ; and sell= strictly for CASA i am forced intoit by a strong cash opposition. Remember that you will:: el benefit of the change.• • J _ 31i • t � r P 7r