HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-10-23, Page 1F liA ILTTN LUO NOW. Gspital paid up deaervs Fund rota, %seta Si,25o,000. $6719;000 E8 947,886 Prosidnnt-JOHNSTUART. Vice P'-esillent—A. G. RAMIAT. • DIRECTORS: Paocroe, Wx. GIBSON M. P, Gso.Roaca A. 'p, WcoD, A. B. LSI/ (Toronto). Vs.shier--J. TURNB4JLL. S 't tri stns RAN1i::—Hour8 l0 to 3, ,gatrir • i .v s, 10 t•, 1, Deposits of .81 and upwards recti -ped asset interest allowed. :s f. S ' S 01:1J. DEPOSITS also 'received at cur- rent rates ct interest.. - 1B FT'S ee tlreat Britain and the 17•aited` States bouht and sold. JOHN D. NICHQL. Ste -Amer. $1.40 Will pay for the -- SaNTINEL and Weekly Advertiser from now till Jannary.1898, • S_nb_cribe now and get -the balance -• of the year free. SENT- INEL alone B1.00. ,i; VOL XXIII- 42 LEGAL. ; j A. MALS" OMS YN, BARRISTER L a Solicitor Conveyancer, etc., (late o flamer -3n, Holt & Cameron, Goderich). Uhc up -stairs in Allin's new block. ' MORRISON,." BARRISTER. • Solicitor, Commissioner, Notary ' este. Money to loan-, Office over Moody's Barber Shop: - ARROW & hops ARROW3t PROUDFOOT, BARitIS- Uf tens, Solicitors, etc., Godericli, Ont. .T. T. GaRROW, Q. 0, 'WM. Pnou»POOT. MEDICAL IA R. TENNANT, "PHYSICIAN 1.5 Surgeon- and Accoucheur. Surgery .ver J. Elliott's grocery store. Office hours from 9 to 12 . in, ; from 2 10 5p. m. and from Ito9p. - 71 ZEOD. G6RDON, n3:D., .C.M., F.T. t.1 M.S., M.C.P.S.O., Physician, Sur - g •-l.'.. and Accoucheur. Upstairs. in Wm. Altin's new block. Residence Rosa street, hehirY € Cameron. Murdoch & Co's store. R, D. GEDDES. V. S., CALLS 1.7 either bymailor telegram" -promptly tten,led to. Charges moderate. Residence Ontram street, opposite Dr- Elliott's aid Jecond door north of SlarrTINEL office. - TAR. A. J. GIBBONS, V. S. V, D. Hon .15 Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College and Registered Member of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Society. Office and residence. one door east of R J Cameron's pump shop, Campbell• street. Lucknow. Dentistry and. Surgical Operations specialties. Calls promptly attended to night or day., SOCIETIES 1.v O. F. LUC KNOW LODGE NDEPENDENT Order. of Foresters meets intheOddfellows' hall on the fourth Tues day of each month, at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting - brethreu cordially invited. H, J. LiNnsay, — W. A. LawaENcp. Chief Bauer. Recording Secretary. IAUCKNOW REBEKAH DEGREE Lodge No 22, meetsinthe Oddfel*-owe Hall, on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8- o'clock, p, m. Vtsrting sisters and brothers are cordially welcome. Mas. T. REID, Mas. A. B. COI/GRAM, • Noble Grand - Secretary. ei O. F., COURT NJ. Sherwood. No. 59, Lucknow. Meets every first and third_ Monday of every month in the Orange Hall. Visiting breth- ren are cordially in- vited. Joint Scow; C. R. D. YULE, See. ti4 t -LOYAL -ORANGE LODCE /V0,428; HOLDS .ITS regular monthly meet- ings in the Orange Hall, Camp- bell 'street. Lucknow, on Tues- day evenings, on or before the full moon. Degree night on the second Tuesday evening following full moon. All visiting brethren cordially invit- ed to the meetings . eacousMeXerate, • Wm. TAYLOR, Secretary. W. M. C. T. U.— The regular monthly • meeting of the W"men's Christian Temperance Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month in -the Odd Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3 p. m. Mits. J, SottER- - - rills, President; MRS. HORNBLL, Secretary. 1.0.0. F. LIICKNOW Lodge Na112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. Wil. Stamm% W. •WIesox. -' ` oble Grand. - Recorder . mat-% F5 Q'LyYF� -A 0 W LCKNOW IILodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, meets- in the Odd . fellows' Hall, on the last and second MondaT evenings of each et eight • I s �, t o clockonth Visitingbrethren cordially invited. ALEX Ross, ' D.D.Yui',s, Master Workman. Recorder. r . "OLD 11CHT- LODGE O C Vir SETS EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT on or hefore the full moon, in the Mat:onic Hall, Havelock street. - Jas:. BRYAN, - Harter DAYS. Wershiyfu€ Master. _ SEcretary. GENERAL - Dr Newton, L. D. S D, D. S Honor Graduate of . Toronto School of Dentistry and Doctor of - DENIAL STURGERY All operations in Dentistry performed with care , d an endeavor to do all work satisfacterY FILLING—With Gold, Porcelain, Silver and copper amalgam. TEETH—Made with a view of preserving the natural appearanoe. and of the best enable. : EXTRA :PING -An a:;plication made to the gum - for painless extracting. It has been tried withsuccess. . OFFICE -In Mr. Allin's new block - up -stairs. . P. s.—win visit Ripley, every Thursday after noon. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURANCE - FIRE AND MARINE, — - - GUELPH. - —_ —_- efepike=e No to THE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN alike in the building east of the Swim Printing- Office. GREEMENTS. BONDS. LEASES . DEEDS. MORTGAGES ND WILLS ' CAREFULLY PREPARED. PIana, spec es neandestimates for build rugs, mills, ridges, ete.,furnished B. • on ahor. notice. COM%RGg , cosir7:NO! Cole ism T. P. SMrTM, SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Optical Colleges. Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services; as this is- a rare. opportunity to have your eyes proper- ly testa], free of charge: No guess workbut a scientific certainty; Diffi- cult cases accurately fitted. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. • taei newer call It private house.. WILL BE AT --may, • Harry Days' Drug_Store,. Lucknow .s . _ ONE DAY ONLY-- .9 Wednesday, Oct.- 28,.'96. gilt itcjixuwgreixtxueX • TS& LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES GF CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTIES - - Lucknow, October 23rd , -1896. PULPIT ADVVERTISING To the Editor of the Sentinel • DEAR SIR—I had always thought that the pulpit was a place from which the gospel, and the gospel alone, was preached. I had not thought it was used as>a cheap advertising - medium, particularly where there is a weekly paper in the place, the owner of which depends largely on his advertising pat- ronage, for an income. What would be the opinion of the public if any of our miuistera, iu • making - his weekly announcements, was to tell his con- gregation that a certain medical -man, from a neighboring village, would -visit Lucknow at regular intervals ? I fancy the four members of the profession in- -the village, would °fiject with a strong abjection. But wherein liesthe dif- ference whether the profession be med- ical, legal or musical, especially when this free pulpit puffing Is given in be- half of a non-resident ? - It is not fair, it is not doing as we would be done by, to encourage a foreigner here to cooi- pete against our own • local, and - at least equally efficient, if not superior talent,_ - - .Of course there are occasions when announcements may be made from the - pulpit, such asa meeting to be held for -any charitable, moral or useful purpose, for instance, a temperance meeting. - CITIZEN. PROTECTION FROM INCEND- IARY FIRES - - Luckno Oct. 20th, 1896, MR. EDITOR—The fire on Monday night which destroyed Mr. Sheriff's grain house near the station,must have been a villainously preconcerted plan by ;some miscreant at present un- known. Tliis is a species of devilish ruffianism, against which no one can guard against. On two occasions I -have suffered from incendiary fires, and, in the first I lost a complete collection of - surgical instruments, valued at £185 sterling, or 8925, an -d which I could never replace, also a library of over 140 volumes of medical works, besides as many more of literary productions, and everything else I .possessed. In regard to this fire on Monday night, it was found impossible to use any means to throw water on the flames, as the - hose and watercommanded by the waterworks pnmps, was too short to reach it. The village council should at once rectify ' this matter by - having - two other -stations - added and,extended- so that' Mr.. Moore's douse - should have the benefit in case of necessity. By so doing insurance would be decreased,_ and safety further obtained. rt is needless further to - point otlt the benefits of our pumping engine for that locality. At the next meeting of the council this matter should hold a first place for consideration,_- and the waterwork line extended . without delay. - The elections for councillors will. soon be here `and every 'ono who may be indifferent or opposed to this necessity should be retina with thanks ash, useless member of creation, and an obstructor of the advancement of -the village Please find a place for this commuuicationeand oblige the public at large, and your most obed- ient. J. H.. GARNIER, M. D. MAPLELEAF • Miss McDonald, of Glammis, visited Miss Annie_ Smith before her leaving for - Detroit, where she intends to remain for some time.. Mr. - Dan K cTavisli is at - present working at itis trade on.the south line, Kincardine township. - Mr. Angus Finlayson has returned to his -home in this place after bis sammer'a employment in Goderich. Mr. Andrew Gemmel sold a valuabld horse to the Ripley,buyers bib week. - Four delegates from Progress Association -g of L, viz., John Smith, Malcolm Moloy, Edward McKay, and D. A. McKenzie attended the town, ship meeting• held in Ripley on Oct. - 17th, wheresome important business was transacted. Mr. Thomas McDonald has com- eii ingoper ons on ,18- arm con. 5. . Angus MoKay has returaed home after his summer's employment in the neighborhood of Kincardine. - The people of this vicinity were muoh_impressed with a deep feeling -of toirow and .sympathy,- when on Wednesday of last week they learned. of the sudden death of Mies: M. Mc- Millin, of 13lyth. The said lady was neice of Mr. and Mrs John Smith, con. 7, and during the months of July JAS., golisirnizig and August visited ab Mrs. Smith's home_, -rliss McMillan had been ailing only ashort while when the cold hand of death' took her out of this world.' Mr. and airs. Smith and - family have the sympathy -of the neighborhood in the loss of so estimable a friend. ;Village 1 mid itlittnity Net Provincial . Deputy Dr. J. $, -Tennant, of this village,. has been appointed Provincial Deputy High Chief Ranger of the. Independent. Order of Foresters, - - - Apple Barrels The undersigned has. any quantity - of first class apple barrels -to be had at lowest prices at Lyons' cooper shop. —McLean it 'Son. A Hutto Young Ladies Young ladies, though the new law with regard to marriage licences gives you considerable trouble, here is an easy wayto get over the di-fficulty,and is becoming quite fashionable. - Just invite the Issuer of Licenses to a quiet cup of tea, arid the business can be settled without any publicity what- ever. - - - : Rejform Meeting A. meetin'g - of the Beforneers of Lucknow: will be held in Mr.. P. A. Malccroson' - office on . Monday night, the 2Gth inst. at 8 o.'cleck.sharp for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the Reform convention to be held in the town hall,; Kincardide, on Friday, Oct. 30th, at 1,3fa p. m. All Reformers are invited to attend. _ • Ploughing Matop Weunderstandthat - the Hemlock City Ploughing Match Association intend having their annual -ploughing match this year on or about the 7th or 12th of November. The date has not yet been definateiy settled- but an an- nouncement, to Oat effect will be made in our next issue. - Chi 'Non's Service _ A children's ',rvice was given ire St. Peter's Episcopal church,' on a'unday last, that day having been appointed a day of -intercession for Sunday schools by the : late Archbishop of Canterbury. - In the morning Rev. W. N. Duthie; the rector, preached -a -sermon especially to the children and the -choir .sang appropriate hymns. Special prayers for the children were also offered -morning and evening. His Day is Passing- A Chicago woman had her husband arrested and brought before a justice because, as She alleged, he "sat around the kitchen with his feet in the oven" The New Woman movement is rushing the pace out west. - By and by it will it will be'made -a criminal offence for a poor husband to throw the chair tidies under the sofa or wipe his perspiring brow 'with the end of the mantle drape: The old man's day is passing. - Municipal Nominations The time for municipal elections is drawing near and as there . is to be . a great change in- municipal affairs it would be well, we think, for the oleo- tors to take the formation of the new system -of comity council into their serious consideration. We already hear that a number of gentlemen in the townships have ,been pressed - upon by their friends to become candidates for that office, amongst whom are ex- - Wardens James Gaunt and Robert Purvis and Reeve Alex Nicholson, of Kinloss, and J. Ballantyne, of .Duron townsbip. In .Lucknowthe names of Dr J. S. Tennant and Reeve James -Lyons are also mentioned as probable candidates. Store House Burned • About -3. -o'clock -on Tuesday morn ing last, the grain store- house, at the station, belonging to Mr. David Sheriff, of this village, was totally destroyed by fire, together with all its contents. Before the fire was discovered the building was a mass of flames and when the firemen and others arrived at 'the - scene, the fire had gained ; such head- way as to prevent the possibility of saving any part of the pro erty as the fire hose were riot sufficient y ' long to reach from the hydrant to he burning building. How the fire originated -is a mystery but it- appears to lee a clear case of incendiaryism. (' Although partially insured, Mr. Sheriff's loss will be very heavy as there was - about 5000 bushels of grain in :the place, consisting chiefly of wheat and peas. At The Altar One of those pleasing events which so interest both the oldand; the young took place at.the residence of Mrs. A. McLean, Shuter street at 1 p. m,, - Wednesday 14th, being the marriage of her daughter, Mary; to Mr. Jas. T. Langley. About 12.30 the guests began to arrive and continue to *come until over 60 had assembled in the beautifully arranged rooms of the bride's house. Amongst those . from distance was Mrs: Lesson of Oalgary. t 1 ooclock Miss Flood, of Lucknow, ook her seat at the organ and rendered ost beautifully tho grand old theme `the wedding march," when: the bride, eaning on the arm of her uncle, Dr. eddes, of Lucknow, and followed by er sister sister, Miss Aggie McLean, s br-idesecaid, and little Miss E. rowston, as maid of honor, joined the room and his friend, Mr. Skinner, of unknow, in the large parlor, where he ceremony was performed by the ev. Mr. Perrie. The brig., ... . eautiful in a dress of pink and green of silk trimmed with tui The bridesmaid's ess Aims of fine white stance{ trimmed with handsome white lace. The little maid of honor was prettilydressed in. its muslin with lace and ribbon. e bride carried a lovely bouquet of dal rotes and the bridesmaid a large ouquet of the sweetest: deep crimson OWN that we` have- .ever seen, . The groom and -his friend were ofcourse e regulation black, each wearing- a e corresponding with the'l ouquet his respective lady. . After . the remony the guests . sat dowi to an dinner a A m G a g .t b sh dr wh Th bpi b th roe of ee elegant and beautifilly sore LIUCKNQW ONTARIO, FRIDAY OCTOBER 23rd, 1896• table, the latter being :decorated wit a profusion of fruit and flowers. - TI happy couple left on the 3.15: train fo Toronto, Niagra Falls and other plac east, amid a shower of rice and co gratulations. The' -presents were bot numerous and. costly filling one en ti room, -showing the love -and respect in which die bride was held by-her'ma friends. May, their journey theough life be- prosperous and happy-- Wing ham Times. . h Den►orest Medal Contest, - le The silver: medal contest held in r. town hall on - Thursday evening 1 es was agrand success in every particul n- The receipts were good and- a --la h audience was: present. Themeeti re -was opened by.singing "All- hail . t poser of Jesus' name" and prayer - ny Rev. R. 11 . Hall, after which AI Bryan, County- -Superintendent, - - Medal Contests, invited County Pre ident Mrs. Reed, of - Teeswater, to t chair,4who, after making a few- plea ant reel:arks on W. C. T. U. work, pro- coeded with _'the programme,. Th contestants - consisted of four youn ladies from Teeswater and .three fro Lucknow and, all . ha pieces recite were well:.rendered and the yonu ladieshave no rea to be ashamed r, their elocution. ' Misses Edith an Laura Smith delighted the audienc with a piano duet and the piano solos by Misses Grace Boyd and M. Mae Nahb, of raiekuow, and Miss - Keeler, of Teeswater,- were also well played and were heartily appreciated. Misses Lalla Berry and Maggie Hunter gave nice vocal solos and both being sweet singers; their selections were well- rec- eived as was also the - vocal duet by Misses Della and -Maud Flood. While the judges were'in the ante -mom ar- riving -et a decision, ` Mrs. Reed. gave he ladies sortie information in regard o the working of the "Y." Miss Annie SelSeller)/•end Mrs. Hillock, 0 u�f Kincardine, and Miss Dreany, of ucknow, acted as judges, and must aye he d a very difficult task to. per- rm, snit the points given each con - stant-bein totaled up, Miss - Louie ampbeli, of -Lucknow, was declared e winner and the medal . was accord= gly presented to her by the County resident. After the - meeting was sed by singing the W.o.T.1;; dox- gy, a "Y" was organized by- Mrs ed with a good Inemaership.. The, lowing aretheofficers-:—Pres., Mrs. ck - Armstrong; Vice -Pres., Miss- ssie-Hambleton; Cor. and Rec. Sec., ss Agnes Hornell; Treasurer, Miss uie Canipbell; Supt. of Parlor Meet- s, -sliss Edith Smith; Supt, of mm beren, . Miss - Sadie Johnstone. etings will be held the .first Thurs of each month. Next nieetiag at President's. the sat er. rge e h by re. of s- he s- - e ID d e Last Notice -- All overdue accounts must be settled by cash or note on or before the 31st Oct, - if not they shall . be placed in Court for collection. - - Alex. McKinnon. Curling Tankard The'eiulas comprising groups' 16 for the primary matches in the Ontario Tankard are: Owen Sound, Southamp- ton; Lucknow, Kincardine, Durham, and Ohesley. Umpire, J. Meiklejohn, Harristou Club. - Apples Wanted Any quantity of apples wanted at J. G.. Anderson'$ Cider, - Jelly and Evaporating - works, Lucknow; in. exchange for ehe.manufacture o: cider or jelly. - Jelly apples should be -two- thirds sweets. Satisfaction guaranteed, Going out of Business - As will be seen by advertisement in uother column, Mr. Fred. Grundy, the: oldest dry goods merchant in the village, has decided to retire from the mercantile trade, and has commenceda great clearing sale of his entire stock of goods.. Read the advertisement._ Passed - Away Mrs. Annie McDonald, relict of. the late Archibald McDonald, died at her residence, - Willoughby street, in this village, on Wednesday morning last., in the 73rd year of. her age. - The funeral. takes place to the Kialoss cemeterythis (Thur'sdh.y) afternoon. Deceased was one of the pioneers of, this section, and had been -a resident of the village severaleyears past. - - Public Notice - - - As we intend remgving to Walker- ton in a few days and as it is necessary that our books should be closed at once, anyone owing us for book ac- counts or notes' past due, will please call and settle the—same •this week. Alt accounts and notes not settled will be placed in other handsfor collection as the business must be clod- up.— Tuos. YOUNG, = Indian Summer "This is about the season of the Sear we should get Indian Summer.- It is characterized by a Blear sky a hazey or smoky appearance of- the atmosphere especially near the horizon. The air is transparent and the- cloud_ s floating pure blue and in the sky are of a . golden • color. At - this - delightful season the Indians used to lay in their winter supply of food. It is -called "Indian Summer" a name derived from the natives who beleive that it is caused by the south west wind which cones direct: from : their great and benevolent God, Cantautowit or the God of the south west. `. Kincardine Postoffice Safe gobbed - Some time between the hours of one and four o'clock on Saturday morning, burglars entered'the post office at Kin- cardine, blew the safe open and rifled its contents. On going to the office_ for the early mail, the -mail carrier, -Jos. Hocken; 'found; that the front door had been pried open, and upon entering the inner office,. found the door of the safe was completely shattered and the contents scattered over the floor. The enterprising cracksmen were rewarded with less than - twenty dollars, a valuable package. of -stamps and parcel, of registered letters having :escaped their. notice. The :store of Mr. John Moffat was entered about the same time, but nothing was taken. -_ Going to Walkerton As many of our citizens are aware, Mr. Thos. Young, implement agent,' hasnold out his business here and intends moving to Walkerton where he takes the agency,of the Massey - Harris Company in that. town.,j Mr. Young is a good business man and a first-class citizen and both he and his family -will be greatly missed in Luck - now and vicinity, bub what - is our loss will be Walkerton's gain. Mr. and Mrs. Young are both- prominent meisibers of the Methodist church and • Mr. Young has for'several years been a member of the official board of the church and assistant•supertn Cendant of the Sunday School and in their de- parture from the place. that denomin ation looses two �actave and earnest workerq for the cause. While sorry to part with them as' citizens, however, they carry with them the -best wishes of all for their future prosperity. • Hardy'% Angels - The Hon. A. S. Hardy has apparent- ly decided that his hired men shall hereafter lead exemplary lives. Any of them that has been in the habit of taking a drink now and again -have to. stopeshort or get out, .and.they will - have to be very circumspect in other respects too. .Ase, christian.statesman Sir Oliver was not ' in it with Mr. Hardy. Here are the rules and they speak for -themselves : "That failure, personally, to attend to and supervise the duties of his office by a public officer or servant shall a sufficient, cause for removal fromofice- a fo te 0 th in olo Re Mi Lo ieg Lu ale day the LOCAL ITEMS —Is your paper paid .for. —Salt fOr sale 'by the barrel at IT. —Rabbits and partridges are very plentiful in this vicinity. —Mr. J. B. Huether, of Walkerton, was in the village on Friday last. Stratford, was in the village_on Tues- day. —All subscriptions must he paid at 'once, lf not, they will be placed in -Court —Mr. Alex Ross, of this village, is visiting frienis in the vicinity of Kin- cardine. - --The season for deer shooting is from the 1st until the 15th of —Mr. Smitlialailtie, of Clinton was visiting friende, in the village. a few days last week. - --a-Dried apples ! Five car -load wented for the Belgian Market —G.E. Krim, Winghato. ----Nellie McPherson, of Kincardine, spent a couple of days visiting friends '—Mr. Fred McConnell, of, George- town, is visiting his uncle, Mr. John N. Roes, of this village. • —The Lucknow market quotations are as follows : wheat, 78c, peas, 45e, barley, 24c, oats, 20c. official visit to Fordwich and Teeswater Mosonic lodges last 'week. —la Young is sellieg off his stock at reduced pricea 04 and secure a bargain before hialeaves town. —Mr. Joe. Smeltzer, of Chesley, spent Sunday with ' his parents Mr. and Mrs. Pena Smeltzer, Ross street. —If there is no news appearing in our coluurn from your section, come in and see us while in town, or drop us a letter. —The SEINTINAL &tad the weekly Globe from now, to Dec. 31st 1897, $1.50 or for balance of 1896 for 25 cents, &Ascribe -now. —The Department of Agriculture has received letters. from Gertnany Asking for samples of wheat grown at the Experimental farm. „ --Mr. Robertson, foreman in the Buffalo car shops, spent a few days visiting his parents and renewing °Ica acquaintances in the village. —Wheat ie on the rise. Notwith- standing the increase in the visable supply, prices are stiffening . and 'farm-, ers are correspondingly gratified. who defeated the Hon. Wm. Patterson, in the general election in North Brant, was in the aillage on Tuesday last, —Mr. Angus .Kerr is back after a two months Yap to his grandchildren in Grand Ramat, Michigan, and Chicago aid friends near Woodstock, e to subscribers and collec- tors of the Tract Society: *Dr. Moffat will be in the Methodist church this Thursday 'evening, Do .not fail to hear hinia matly friends in the village dud nei hborhood will be sorry to hear e e McKinnon, merchant tailor, is confined tn hii bed and IS seriously ill. - --Two fish pedlars struck the village on Thursday and disputed over one of >them infringing on the other's territory. 4. few blows were struck, - bat -no special damage was done. -!g-Karl's Clover Root, will pUrifY 'Your blood, clear yofir complexion reg - late your bowels and mako your head t -Berry & Co's drug store: --An interesting quoitipg: matoh took playa on the Luoknox.Qniiting lohn Mailer- lei 4-11i wiLat4.e.ste -Wier; Will bay the 81:NTINEL - and Weekly Globe from 25c sr. will get them till Jan. Lit 1897. Subscribe now. • WHOLE NO. 1185. --A grand concert under the a be given in the toter' hall on Than ng night goed programme be g prepared. A.dmission 10c.. Shiloh's Cure is sold on a. gu an e. It- cures Incipient Coneum tio . It isthe best cough cure, On one cent a- dose 25c, 50c aod $1.0 Sold by Berry & Co., druggists. Diego, Cal. says: „Shiloh's Catarr Remedy is the first Medicine I hay ever found that would do nas an good." Price 50c, at Berry & Co's. —The regular' monthly parlo held at the residence of .Dirse Georg Dangles on Tuesday afterneon. nee at three -O'clock. _ Everybody waercome —Men's ulsters, fur coats and under Wear are staple artieles for co:d weather. Connell has a full etock in people wanthild vie try to please the ptheoepseke.goodi. Close prices a, re. what —Mr. Brown, of Chatham, a son of the treasurer of Huron was in the village on Friday and Saturday. Mr. Brown was inspector of the building of the Goderich gravel road over 30 years ago. —For a ladies' tnantle, fur cape or Astrachan jacket go to Connell's where you- will find a very huge assortment to choose from. Give us a chance to convince you that ours is the store to us - be Its is ale ly 0. —T, P. Smith, scientific optician, will -be at Harry Days' drug store on Wednesday, Oct. 28, '96. One day only. Examination free. Come and have your eyes tested if youdieve any defect in them. - —If you have any defect in keur eyes, it will pay you to visit T. P. Smith, scientific - optician, at Harry Days' drug store pn Oct. 28, '96. Rooms for -examining the eyes Pa - stairs. One day only. —"Throw out the life line" by Dr. Moffat. Those who heard thia most interesting lecture last year need no other inducement to be at the Methodist church to -night. Those who have not should not fail to hear it. —Mr. J. g. Brown, hairdresser, has been appointed agent for Lucknow and district for the Huron Steam Laundry, Wingharn. Parcels received pp to nine °Week Thursday morning, ready for delivery following Saturday —The latest styles in the market ari what we get for our millinery depart- ment. -We invite the ladies to visit our show rooins as they will be able to compare styles and prices. Alas Pentland will be pleased to show good's and quote prices.—W. Conneilk —We regret to annpunce that Mi9 ggie Thompson, eldest daughter. of Admit Thompson, of this villega, 1-tts been dangerously ill with alaneumenia for the past week, ie better and little hopes are miter- ed of her recovery. The annual meeting of the West ce Reform Association will be heal e town of Kincardine, on Fridge., SOth at 1.30 p. m. Iniportint ness will be brouet forward, ding the election Officers for tho nt year, Let there be a grand of Reformers. al a M r. who plur nO teilsi Bru in th busi inclu curre rally —There is aan impression among some clergymen at least that the new register furnished them under the recent Act for tam soleinnizetion of marriages dispenseiawith the necessity of making the usual report to the inttnicipal elerk of the marriages they may perform. This is not so. —The election tfials will begin in Ontario on November 18th and will run along till January 4th. That will allow, plenty 'of time to hold the new elections before the House meets, except , in cases -where the original de- cisions are appealed froin. North Perthawill be the first country heard rom. • Save unpleasantness and costs, Be, good to take notice. Having disposed of my furniture business, all persons enclebted to the undersigned, will please make a settlement on or befote 10th November, 1896. After that date all unpaid accounts will be pieced in other hands for collection. -0. W. Berry. —For the boys! To every hey wh buys a suit of clothes from Clamor° Murdoch &. CO. during the next 6 daysa that firm will give a cadin photo of himself taken in his new sui free. Their stock of boys' suits is larg as& well assorted and at prices to sui the hard times. Now boys, here is Omelets to get your photo free. I .4 Lucknow, June 23rd., 1896 IP last fall, I am really surpeised at th the g asses which you fitted me- witl improvement in n3y eyes, especially the one that was sp.weak when I roc Mrs. Fred Robinson. —If you- intend going deer shooting remember the recent changes goferning that --s-C3ort. The season remains as heretofore, being limited to the first fifteen days of November. The hunter must now haae license, which costs $ 2; such license must contain ri; minute description of the holder, and anyone who wishes ean apkoach the hunter in the woods _and demand to see his - license. Deer cannot be killed in tho water or immediately affer getting out been settled, but _that is hot all that makes the - Manitoba farmer smile. The price Of wheathas gone up and- is rising higher. In Neepawa 'wheat has run up. to 93 cents, and all 'over the Province it was as high as 65 •Th wheat is pouring in and the elevators{ full. Tile rise in wheat - will are certainly' affect .-the - other_ grains. Whe4 1:01e4 goes -V - `-44;;I:turti _A!! . aii -SABBATH-SCHOOL CONVENTION °port of the Meeting 'held in Luck. The fifth annual convention ef Kinloss, Huron, Ashaelda Wawanosh, and Luckraovv, was held on Monday, October lath in the M-ethodist church, The first seseion opened o'clock by Rev.F. McLennan co ing devotional. exercises. reading the minutes Of the la ventiori, reports of schools were The convention very much regr there were only 12 _Jett of 35 reported. It is indeed discoura find se many that are careless -addressee of the afternoon w teachers' meetings iotreduced by Valens. A normal exercise Pr tive Bibte study" by Alfred general see'y. Blackboard e for the children by Rev S. M. W There were noe as many present could have desired aro have enjoy very practical and inter addressee. Very few excel the the attention- of the children. Evening session opened at 8 Devotional exercises were le,d by win could not be 'present, Mr. Cameron gave the convention a cordial and hearty welcome. He pleased with the increased interes the work. It also affOrded him pleasure to meet with Mr. Day. said that he had indeared hintself t by his vitas, and his great intere the work always inspired us to gra activity in Sabbath School work. officers Pres. and Sec. were re-eiec Vice-Pres.—Fair Kinloss, Wm. Val for Huron, Rev. Mr. Pomeroy; Aihfield, D. Agnew; for West Waw of the evening were delivered by la Wo•Na Duthie on aTbe Testimony the Lord Jesus Christ to the Verac of the Oki Testament;" "Echoes fr 'Boston" by Mr. Day, deliveted in usual happy style to a large land a preCiatiVe audience, t- We will not tempt tonomment on either of the addresses and are only sorry that the was not more present to enjoy a receive benefit from the inspiration the hour. nduct- After st con - given. et that ging to ere ms efits of Wm. ospec- Day, haley. - as we ed the esting Rev, olding m. Rev Wel- very was t its much He St ie ater The ted for an- sses ev of ity OlIl his at - se re nd of Ch ohs of The Churoh of Redeemer Adopts Resolutions of Esteem (Superior Leader) At a meeting of the lhoir of the urch of the Redeemer, Sunday, the owing resolutions of love for the mory of Wilmer Robertson, former- Uthe ehoir, now deceased, were pted: fol I me ly o tido Therefore be ye also ready, fot iu a hour as you think not, the Son at cometiaa so -spoke him as man ✓ spoke before ovet eighteen dred years ago. And to -day as we assemble in this hourse of God, in oriel serviee, te • pay our last res- t° our deceased friend, do we appreCiate the awful significance his language. o -day in full faith that the corrup- will put on incorruption and the al pat tin immortallity, that the of our late friend wilt be admitted e celestial choir above, do we ble in our high chatecter as a and ea -workers in the Thoir in hurch of the Redeemer to pay a ✓ and fitting tribute of esteem Memory of our deeeased friend 'this occasion it seems. meet that such of rn neve hun het e mem pects fuliy of t tilde mort soul to th friend the 0 prope to the and e On it be Wilm family brothe deem That memo teembe be war for a p aRce membe their 1 comme will in all tear cheerin gavior shall be comforted." Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the relatives, of our late friends, and that. a• aopy thereof be filed swag the records of the Church of the Redeemer." • RALPH O. POPE HARRY W. NEWTON JOHN C. BERTRAND THOS. R. CHRISTIE LANiS olved that on the death of er Roberson, the'members of his gave lost a generous son and r, and the Church of the Re- er a zealous and devoted member. as a token of bur respect for the ry of oar deceased friend and ex - 4 the usual insignaof mourning n by the meinbers of this choir eciod of thirty days. , olved, that we tender to the ra of the family of our late our profound sympathy • for oss, and tenderly and earnestly nd them to that of God, who hia own good time wipe away s from their eyes and to the g andathrilling words of our upon the Sacred Mount: d are they that mouan for they Farmers are very busy with the • root crop. Potatoee are in general ,a very heavy yield. ir Mr. J. D. Scott has rented the etore for a term of years and intends taking possession in about three weeks. Mr. 47. Kerr attended the marriage of his sister at Millbank last week. Mr. Thomas Bunyan, of Arthur attended the funeral of his brother- in.law, Mr. ',Tames Howard. Mr. Howard, who had been ailing for some time, passed quietly away on Wednearley of last weekl aged- 74 years. fie was horn in County Kerry, Ireland, lame to this country in 1840 and WM ohe of the early settlers of Ashfield. \The family of ',five are at grown ay and they, with xra. How- ard, who still; emir* her- partner in have. alke 'relines az•Blea!Paahrelet alis in their Vemeing ' -0 Consult a quack mea'- icine vender for Pe - lief where a sure. The mealuring of tie- " fects of the eye as bnOortant as o'er- + ations of this kbud and we make a sficc- iasty of the Arolhe"- FREE OF CILIRGE. PRESBYTERY OP MAITLAND -Met pro re mita in Kno,x church, Ripley, on Tuesday last, Rev. F. A McLennan , moderator pro tem. A call from the congregation of Ashfiald• to Rev. A. Miller, of Kit. mertin, was presented by Ida. Murray accompanied with reasons ter transla- Messrs Hugh Chambers and Donald Boyd, cominisaioners from the congregation addrese,ed the Court in support of the call and stated that at is unanimous and hearty. The caU VMS sustained as a Tegular Gospel call and erderecl to be teacsmitted with relative The RevaJa L. Murray, Kincardine, and Mr. Hugh Chambers, Lochalsh, were appointed to °prosecute the call before the London Presbytery. Lucknow, Oct. 21st, 1896. Rev. Mr. McQueen occupied the pulpit in South Kinloss last Sabbath inerning and evening. Mrs. Angus returned home to Strat- ford last week after spending a 'month - visiting friends here. Mr. A. D. McKenzie, of Kincardine, gave us a call last Saturday. :41armers are busy taking up their potatoes and they have the best crop on record for the past twenty years. 'Our mayor retuined home last week after spending a 'few days Glansmie. _ Miss kate Mekinnon has gone to Detroit where she will ren,iain for 80100 timl:Iiss Philips has returned homti from a visit to friends in Kiniough thir McGillivray, of Goderich, - spent a few days visiting friends here. Mr. McKenzie, of Teeswiter was the - guest of Mr, D. McDonald last week. Jack Frost is making an early The Executive Cunimittee of the Dairymen's Association of Weetern Ontario met on Saturday Oct. 10th in the secretary's office, London, There were present President A. r. McLaren, M. P. Stratford; Andrew Pastullo P. P,., Woodstock; John S. Pearce, London and R. M. Ballantyne, &rat* ford. The list of Speakers for the Annual COnvention to be held at Brantford ort January 19th, .20th 210 next was arranged for. Ex-Goaernor Hoard, of Wisconsin, will be present and AL It Monrad esq., of Illinole is also expect. ed. Among the prominent Canadian spea,kers will be the EOM Fisher. Dominion Mims' ter of .Agriculture, Ottawa, Hon. John Drxden, Provincial Minister of A.grioultnre, Toronto. Prof. Robertson, Agriculthral, Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa and Prof. Dean, of Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. There will be special &MIAOW devoted to discussions on Practical cheese and butter -making at' which papers will be read bpractical makers. also come up for disc on. The The Fisher Cheese Brandiul Bill will programme will therefore be of a thoroughly practical and interesting character and dairymen 'should avail themselves of it. Arrangements were mad; to haye Inspector Millar after his work of 0. inspection is over to spend the balence . of the year in visiting &smelly factories as possible and giveinstractioas to the makers as to the proper temperature to be observed and the proper condition to be maintained in order to cure the 'cheese ai they should be. As it is very desirable that Mr. Millar should visit those factories where his services are most Reeled, cheese buyers and others whose business takes theta the - among the factorie,s, will greatly aid this work by notifyinr the Secretary of the Association or Mr., Willer, of factories that are in special need of instruction in curing cheese. Instructor Millar will continue to visit the syndicate factories for several weeks yet. After the making seaeon is over and report as to the quality of the cheese made; and the worldng of the scheme for more uniform in- struction and inspection. A very interesting event transpired - Kenzie laet Wednesday. lie happy occasion was the, marriage of - youngest daughter„Teok to 4. islicholsen,, of Brigden, formerly Auburn: The ceremony - formed iq Rev. Mr. ltendefsen Auburn; in the presenee,ofl relatives. :The groom- was In - Nichols° '-