HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-10-02, Page 4rhe Lucknow 8entinei, Bruce County, Friday, , October TEACHER WANTED ME_ACHER WANTED FOR SCHOOL 1 section No. 5, Kinloss, duties to coin 'mence on the first of January next. Applica- tions to state salary wanted and qualifications, apply to or address e ca 29 Buttdozen.. r to 16 Eggs, r dozen ............. 10 Et ay, per tont..:... 0 to 804 ....... . -%'lour. per cwt ... _ ._. $1.75to-2.30 Dried .Apples, per lb 3 Tallow, per lb . Lard, per ib - Perk, per cwt... --.•.......... ...:.. $.475 to 5 00 Wool, per lb... .................. .. • Chickens, per la ...._ Tnzkeys, per i lb..... .. ...... . ..... .... Ducks, per 11l.,. . ...a. .. Geese. ,ler lb ._ Apples, per barrel _ Sheepskins a.— _........... ................. Shorts, per cwt... Bran, per cwt Oatmeal, per ewt 1 Geeen Wood, per cord 00 :Dry Wo.xl ' 124 0 50 to 75 .50 to 67' .80 10 $2 50 to 3 00 �. T. DAVISON, FURNITURE ° WARE Rl.:OMS1 t fit 114 t..,, ... I .:. ut en pied by G.W. RI•:NE ll::..::,:r.• \� .r:.: ,• r: 1 have vacantly titt.:1 it v iris ti.. genet --t de_ sf us et all kinds ,.f l l,•r:-.l:• .:1 Furritl:re, As to quality, they are u•..ln:.l'..I. 'I lie price is away down., All ale t.i'.4bt f..r spot cash, there€,.r,• I c.01 sell at as -Clrsr I,t i'a a, any p•tsot: in ti,t- country- Why l.t:v in To- toato and lay f:cielat. ...: ;act when you can sa%e tLi: at !!:.flit \\•!lea at .A. T. DAIV ii)N•S ins tact and l::•. .-on %inert!. THE UNDERTAKING ,DEPARTMENT Is al 'ducted at the old stand,. which has been • entirely renovate!. - -Embalming Preserving sad Takiag'Care of Bodies a Spec- ialtj• - The Embalming Fluid, material and ap- VUs used have proven to 11. the most effectual that have ever I,: en used fo: the past icy years. JrlrPictture Framing and all kinds of _Re- fairing done at the old ,tend. • simisiowslemmammls AIZE1NZ Baker and Confectioner. Dealer in all kinds of Groceries, - Canned Goods Confectionery, Etc; Bread, Buns. aid Cakes Fresh Daily . B. HUGHES, Sec'y of Board, • Lucknow CATTLE ESTRAY (<;tfRAYED FROM LOT 25, CON. 14, 'FID West Wawaaosh, on or about the first or September last, twa yearling lieifers, one white and the other dark red or brown. Any one giving such information as will lead • to thtir recovery will be suitably rewarded. WM. THOM,- St. Helens P. O. or Smer1NEr, Office, , NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of Robert Thompson, t f the Township of Huron, in the County of Bruce, Yeoman. - an. Insolvent.- - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the above named Robert Therapaona of the Township of Huron, in, the County of Bruce, Yeoman, has made au assign anent to me (under provisious of Chap. 124. l'-. S. O. 1857 and amending Acts) of all�ie -teal and belersonal estate and effects, in tru.ts, for the nefit of his Creditors • A meeting - of the Creditors of the • said - estate is hereby convened and will be held at Mr. Ed. Hudgins' Hotel,, in the Village of Ripley, on Wednesday, the 30th dad- of Sep- tember, 1306, at the- hour of two o'clock ih the afternoon, to receive' a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors. and for thc- orderint• nu of the said estate igrnerully. C'red'itors are -required to file their' claims with ma at tire Village of Lucknow, together with proofs ami_ particulars required by the said Acts on_ or befure the_ fifth day • of October. A. D: 1896, After that date I will proeeed to distribute the :laid_ estate, having. regard only to such claims of which I have then notice, and I will not be resp3nsible- for the assetts of the said estate or any part thereof,- to any person • or= persons Whose claim or cilams shall.not have been so filed. Dated' nt Lucknow, this 19th day of September. 1896. • ADAM:Bft' MIAN,Manager. FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND RIGS. Prices- Reasonable. Eigs.deliv ered•to any part of town Qffiee and StabIesjust south of Bildred's Carriage Wark. - - CIDER AND JELLY MiLLS, WE WISH TO ANNOL-NCE TO THE - people of Lucknow and surrounding country that we have opened out our jelly mill in \Vingbam, and will continue to do business in our lin- until the close of the sea,on. A call solicited. . HASTINGS & RITCHIE. Wingham P. O. quRES CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION. DIZ Z f NE Ss. eRUPTioNs ON THE SK /N. - EAUTIFlES -,r COMPLEXiOIV. An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE- TONIC. Sold by Druggists or sent by Dian. 25c., 50c, and $1.00 per package. Samples free. K�, o NO The Favoht nTo0TIf tjcit. O fortheTeothandBreatli.7.x For Sale at. Berrv- & Co's CATTLE ESTRAY S` PRAYED kROM LOT LUN. 11 CuItosi. about the 28th of May last, 3 yearlings 2 steers and 1 heifer. One steer red with white spot on face, one steer red and white spotted heifer 1.rk red with Large white spot on face and a piece off her tail. All three are marked with a small three cornered notch cut in underside of left ear. Any information that will lead to their reenvety will will be suitably rewarded- - J. ALBERT HAYNES Box 255, Teeswater P 0 GREAT Ciearhlg Sai-e In BUTS and SIIOESat P€ART'S. I- have decided to sell out my summer stock at -_a great reduction so as to he reader for winter stock coieing in. Any person wanting Boots and Shoes. Can rely -on getting them -at right prices. • Can and secure some of our Bargains. John . eart. FOR SAZ,E "TWAT VALUABLE PROPERTY SIT - nate in tha Village of Lucknow and be- ing 3 acres near the station and 13. acres on the west side of Lucknow, now occupied by Peter Watson, and that part of block G, on the corner of Campbell and Stauffer streets. it'or particulars- app 107113 ' M. CAMPBELL Wanted --An ideasa t protle� otti ideas the? may bring on wealtb- Weft. dOHls WEDDEBBUBN & CO stent4M4 UN QC tWe tvadng 111116140911 wawa,- Via an: a pap—"lis II. MORRISON, Assignee. ARE "Yr -OTT ? - The owner of a watch or clock Then it is to your :.interest -*hen get ting it_repaired- • to place it in the hands of the most skilled workman you can find. This you will do by bringing it to Il. KN -OX, Watchmaker; ot.Lueknow. The goods sold by him here - ani4 -in Wingham from 1871 _to 1879 are giv- ing t'e best of satisfaction still. Re- esta'blished in Lucknow- 1894. Please remember the place, in the old stand next to Mr. Lawrence's and the ex - press and telegraph' office. His stock consists of - Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Diamond Rings, Wed- ding at Engagement Rings, Marini, Brooches, tar -rings, Bracelet, Fine Cutlery, Violins, Strings and Bows R. - KNOX, WATCHMAKER. ' ROBERT CUNNINGHAM.. INSURANCE - FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH: - elephonc -No 195 •- AT STITTSVILLE! The Town's Leading Merchant Laid tip Rheumatism hi various fortis is one of the most common diseases there is.. It arises generally - from impure blood and a broken down system. Ia the limbs it is painful ; in most of the in- ternal organa dangerous, and in the. heart usually fatal. The experience of Mr. B. -Driann, the svell known general merchant of Stitta‘ ville, is interesting : "Last winter 1 was badly afflicted ltiith . rheumatism. I decided to try t r. Chase's Pills. - Tv my surprise. I got immediate relief, and before I had `used one box my affliction was gone. " I -vas also troubled with bilious- ness for years, and at.iutervals of three or four weeks would be laid up_witl a severe headache and sick stomach. Since using Chase's Pills I: have not had an attack of either. - " I may adT that Dr. Chaile's Oint- ment for piles and skiu diseases in just as effective as Dr. Chase's Pills for blood troubles: - I 'have a clerk - who suffered terribly - from bleeding piles. Ile tried Chase's Ointment and in a few days was completely , c=ured." All dealers and Edmanson, Bates & Co., manufacturers -Ttoronto. 25c. 'chase's Linseed and Turpentilne ion o de .bronclietiis and con.sataption. Sure cure. 23 cents. - Our Mauufaeturiiig Interests. What a Hamilton Manufacturer . Has to Say. Mr. James Bpayley_speaks rot' the public good. ' THE PROPER POLICY. - Vii, r i iture BusiiiesS w<. t / al Our representative interviewed Mr. James Brayley, of Hamilton, at his office, 58 Bing William Street. Mr. Srayley is an enterprising business man, and one of Hamilton's foremost manufacturers. His goods, Saddlery hard= ware, punches. dies. etc., areknown from 'Halifax to Vancouver, and stand very high in the estimation of the trade. • a- Mr. Brayley said: "For years I have been troubled with gravel and weakness of the kidneys. I bad to stand up and clench my teeth when urinating, so intense was the pain.. The . pains aroundmyloinswherealmostintolerable, - and I felt as though a cat were being pulled -down my back by the-hindlegs. "I went from bad to worse till at last 'could' noturinate at all, and had to be operated on. I had no confidence in anything, and made up my inind to suffer torture to my dying- day. Reading the testimony pablished by.the Doan -- Kidney Pills Co., I saw s similar case to my own, and, being in constant agony, decided to give them a trial, .and got a box of the pills from Spackman's drug store, atrihe corner of Market "Square. "it did me no-good, so I got another, and another, until I had taken four boxes, and was about giving up when relief came. I continued to take them till the pain left my back, and I am now as limber- as an eel. Instead of getting up a dozen timesa.night I never get-up more than once now. The urine is /now perfectly clear and has no sediment of any kind: • "I am delighted to testify in behalf of Doaa'a Kidney Pills, as they cured me -after the last ray of hope had lied." - HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR TO RENT Fj'IOR SALE OR,RENT, A HOUSE AND lot situated on the gravelroad, half mile north of Lucknow. The house is in a good Atte of repair and contains six rooms. kitchen. ce:lar, - etc. There is seven acres of laird, also good stable. The house will be rented without land if desired. For further particulars apply to JAMES ROLSTON, Lucknow P. Q. v Flour, Oatmeal - and -Ceti), meal always on hand• - Having ��.lrchweel the Furuiture Business of Mr. G, W; 1 err)-, we have moved the sante, together with a. large stock of the latest styles Red _.newest designs of • �' Furniture, Curtain Poles Picturesand Window Shades,, Op,1]J1R, FOS COA --•----at the POPULAR CASH -HARDWARE STORE °and .you _will. have first-class coal delivered off the car .next week. • AN- It is for women to know that aL OPEN .tee for all their ail- ments. ilments• and d . WOWOMAN'S INDIAN dersN is pre-eminentl the - remedy. Tired women, weak women, sick women— it cures them all. Never - known - to fail. Price $1.00. Pamphlet free by addressing: - Balm Medicine Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. PAO -; also a full - line of • L J - E ' , `til 00.7165 in Tirkish :Rug, fringe, eZt _Doo FOR SALE BY' HARRY- DAYS, Druggist. Neill & Co. BARGAINS. Bargains in Prints - Bargains in Shirting3• Bargains in Cottonades• ierythi ig °heap ! COORS MOST BE. SOLD WEWftT MOHEY Neill Str CO. RicLE-OD'S System Ronovator. Ana .,• .er t: -.t. d rt•aledies- •SPECIFIC AND .t tITIa;OTE 1,01.4 -- Impure, Weak mitt ?: poveri.chedn- for Dyspepsia, .S'.•eplessnt--,. Palpitatio Weak Heart, Liver r'oniplaiat, Ne:irai ia, - Taal •t f es , Memy, P,:=lrchitis, t'ounntptiIf,- Gall Stones. Jann.lice, Kit!iii-y and l.`rin ry Pis asees, St. Vitus'•Dance, Female TrreguIaritits and General I)t•hility. - . $1 per half pint and 21 per pint bottle. . LABORATORY - ' GODERICII,ONT; •J. til. McLEOD, For Sale by A R.Ctiiigram and Harry Days, Dru,;gia s CUSTOPII TAILOR. - Althea Block `IIaving opened out t business- in the room .over- - l'Ir. Wni. •Connell's:-dry -goods store, I ant prepared to - turn out in the -neatest manlier and lat- est styles all -sort of work pertaining to a fust -class tailor shop. Satisfaction always guaran-t ed. .A calf soliciteA. To enter my. roams- please coiiie by way .of main up -stair- entrance of.Ailin's block. - • - G_ SAT COW ESTRAY SI I� 4YRD - FROM TII E PREMISES et the undersigned just east of the vil- lage t•f Lucknow, a red cow, -6 years old, with • white spots. Any infofmation that. will lead to her recovery Will be thankfully received by • • A.1t'IcMIL1.AN, Lucknow P. O. Is near at band, winter will soon be here too. Now is the time to order your Fall Suit and Overcoat so you can lave them for - the first cold snaps that make us all shiver so. I have a fine stock of meitons, friezes, etc., ' - for Overcoats, and stitings of every description. Order be- fore the hurray conies on. C. -- Stewart - Palace ClottingHouse, hi1k , Plnsli, etc., richly e trillln�ed\-with. tip the Post Dace, ucknnw, Uirakiug SpeeittltY ( hal'ges 'moderate ;led calls both night and day o. We solicit the promptly attendedattendedtt(. patronage of the village and sur- rounding rounding country. X7'0 trouble to show foods Or quote prices LAWRENCE & JOIINSTONE.J. ELLF T, of dour •1 beg to announce to the public that . I have decided to close n1y books on October 1st, and sell strictly for CASH. - - I am forced into it by a strong cash opposition. benefit of the change. T Gordon's 1= rug Store Having purchasedthe drug- business carried- on : lately by, :\'ll'.e.. B. C()ngi'tm, and having, iuLled largely to stock, will be ahie to supply the necessities of any house- hold in the medicine Do not fail to call And ask for anything you require as you will find it . righ, and reasonable.. Pres riptions Promptly and Carefully Propounded. DR,_ D. M. -GORDON, . LuckuoW. - Medicine Hall r- 1'eople must ave Groceries _ 'J - • -Tile great question is- where - to get them. We keep the best qualities to be had. ‘Ve don't prctend.to sell them below cost, but we do Sell them at very close margin. I Black, (seen and .span are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save_ from to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Compare quality and -prices. _ CTR, OCKR We have a fine assortinent cf dinner setts, tea, berry and ▪ toilet setts very cheap. " Call, -examine them and get prifes. - F'LOTYR 8z F'EED - All kinds of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods delivered to any part •of.the town. - MeCture and :VIHllougb, CAsI3 GROCERS_ M. :oo-RRIGAN'S Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVISIONS •I have in stock the following . Apples Blacking • Black Lead Blue -i - - I3 raking Powder Barley, pit Bath Brick Beans Brooms: . Baskets BrusheA-- - - 13iieuit Coffee • Gonfeetimtery ()Embed (':Deels Cocoa. . (;haco1 ate Corn, canned Coin meal - Catalina; - -Currie Powder Creatn Tartar 1 c.lanat. )4PR .\..1 Fioiir Dried Apple Extracts - Fi¢ s Fish, anned s Fish, dried - -• (-lelotine • (lingers !Tope Holley . Ink - - Indigo Licorice - Lima Juice Len tone - Lamins 1 L1trd - Ma ache s t irre 1110.it. 1\Ieni - - 1l , agmen ldustar,i - • :Beats, c ginned . Illagnetda always en hand • • Nutmeg Oil, olive s= Oil, sweet Oil, castor Oranges - Oat Meal fails • - Peels Pipes Pickle Pearlin e Pena, 'anne 1 Pepper - Raisins Rice - Rice Flour. Sago . Salt -- Saint, oi {{,s,ardines - rSenna Seeds . Sugar Syrires Soda _ Soaps Spices Starch Strawberries, canne Sulphers . Tapioca Pomatoos.cann Teas ' Tobaccoes - - Vermicell - - Vinegars Washboards Washing Crysta Woodenware Whiting Dinner Sete ' 'Yeast Cakes - Dinner Sets 9't.a. Sets Water Setts Cream Setts Berry Setts ' Toilet Setts WW A ll'S THE SENSE • --Of letting your Apples go : to waste when you -Cann get them wade into delicious Jelly at my —New Cider,' Jelly and /Evaporatin g Works, —Havelock Street, Lucknow .' ••• } a ALL THE NEWEST AND MOST IMPROVED 'MACHINERY IN THE BUILDING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY AND AT LOWEST PRICES. GIVE 'ITS A CALL, G_ A1tiTDERSOT 1Apples taken for work , when not -- oversncke 5 Plea ae do not ask for cretlit:� Remember that .you will get the LU.CKF&QW; BOOTS': SHOD S &RUBBERS HERE is now an active demand- for Boots, Shoes ass` . 13113srs; It is', lways true -economy to keep the feet dr•i 7ind warm, as it often saves - a doctois;bill and much suffering. Out stock is now ready for the ,rail- tiscdr. We have a large varietry of fire wear, besides a splendid range of staple lines ihat will stand rough usage•and keep the feet dry,, and 0 marked at "hard times" spot cash prices In Bubb?) s we are showing a large variety of styles in broad, medum, narrow and pointed toes to suit all kinds of shoes, and the price4.are ten per cervi lower than most places. • This store is the right one to buy your Boots, Shoes a d Rubbers in if you want to save mon rinans J are fabled fel' the style and good fit -of their mantles. In importini direct from the manufacturers id Germs y save motley. This-euables us to sell their goods at- - The LoWen Price Possible for Fashionable Gods. See -what we are showing in mantles. Our Millinery depaitment will new be under th management of We can as-Inre the ladies who patronize,d this department when it was in Xiss Lamsonie1441 ate that they iq find the lady who takes her place, equally competent, kina and obliging Miss Peetland attendee the Toronto openings and purchased ery Select Stock of Millin.eTy., g, Baturcla3r and. leop.da3r, Oct. 3rd. ;M. ath. opetin litiek.nOW. - W. Carmen - __ ...,„ _ _ --,,- • A' ..L ,.. 0 . 'We have a t•plendid line of stoves for the fall t -rade and would ca I your attention io the -a c t that we do.not confine our stdce to any particular make, but we h ndle - ,.._sollk Gurnes Souvenir Smart's Perfection -Stewart's Comfort 1 We have jtist received a large 'IMPS . -1AMP EMS 4 which which we imported direct from the manufacturers in the IThited State cyle and price are• unsurpassed. • •