HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-10-02, Page 2`M� -:-�m-7"
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- - - I �., _ A_ 0�
that cruqrgu
-had Put- CIA JAM -11w, ft
athen plotted to'd 0311 I �01 t .to f
r& - Akuy
hinghat-'he 10 Id 2 W has to The $0 -in 3Wdt
aTerto"n vies
ANDR-EY, a� Wicked Q impact wi lease, It 'waw'a Impoolb 9- i
ensure his-'Mrotectioni I irbich has glveu�thiim Ion I teresking statistics u
wretched lift. th bwt fom evetyt 9. �4#d When the I was Intimate wit' _1111. TOU. 3LGAMULTURE. "InoT6 Ifab �11 ality of wawei,in abo
0 1118 author q W.0-r-kinir from.too tit- that in the large Ind ceutret�bf_ API
sit -le tot injury fro
Her0ine of the Reign of Term.- - chaser had come �Zo "iKe awe i _1140W that Lava -is the� thA
JV14W rde 1-od ,�a* _-znpa#tqtic��s�qd
ust waWk butter until every "E
and #11 eke. jitiality IV
v -ST10
of thlat we Z
must have is,
UW 14 with each field Jaea; is DO IODger in Vog bargain,, the 1 100 A t1e.1 The no
Rm gone. Ho*� tho salls-Culo 9 au;1-reV9JAtt6#ar- , --- 1 Russia there ar� twice -A.0-
x1lie- trial aumb6red ughed, and rtilbbdd "We T jtLall . ton ti ot grain to destroyed.. Butter CONQUERED Sir,
991 In men criminals. as me4 praig-
them - thiLt Zavd aud, I wera'GeOstur aid 'v'es go C
kT1WLL1NQ IWARRiTITZ Oy =l FRENCH REVOLUTION- hands,: alld -will � be easy ate., specified, Wilk )?a a great
'One Can m9ko qlAk sho 4gd' be had Outi-while the ticany- the ease lu-V4 distriAws of - St IT-ftisTbItESTRE STOMAC KeDIN
to find her I i1alulfid ;WjQ76ch'tither, -for keeping track..- of t#e year t ils butter to still in the CTION ANDTONE ESYSTEM.
enough e. - ra
ON IPAMM VXZJUM 3 she bas gone 11, - his M Petersburg, eherson (Including QdesiL)
good guess wheri 3ther was my -mother's IrleAd. tions; -and. how few 1know the exPellge and verVyttle Work isl(needed to ger, and
hen came the luckYF blow on Bus- We were boys togetharo but I can each gro*n crofp Kiew; In Moscow crime li�dlvidq,
of the past Year I rid: brine. tT PATS TO
callie's toad, and the dwellers In. the Prove that we h4d not had any In- not THUG to, work the butter in about equ4ily bAween sne sexes.��The
ha course some in be re k and what, have your Cows, pigs. it -18
Rue, do PEehiquier had for a time d ter -for ti a. to a
iurii, naing the owing -box Or principal crinies-ommitted by - females
The old mna opened tb�e door. He Manette loved thee 1n those days. peace. Then Cilly had appearedi 'Wrote this ILAmi-des Lols.1 wlrlclt dheep afid chickens paid' Vue UJ hi
you I- Which barrel churn. for the purpose. Not 9 are;. Infanticide' poisodlug; inciting to
more dangerous than was thought td retlect. on - Citizen' waa the mopt profitable, and Why "I han the level worker, b
and Manatte stood facing each other. loved thee for all- the wrong dope murder. adialter1r. bigamy aud'(onI.*&
All the -misfortunes t at had ddrk. Robespierre. . When he wrote It he Is batter -t y
Lt parents and
MUM AudrAY showed up surprise.. thee by thine uimatur. -the a of nett 'she owed to genV& smali percentage) roubery and theft.
ened lif Ma at labor Is spent - wlthoilt� stint the U88 Of which 4,diract but
she loves thee more now aprqu-strIngs. without the grilid- Most of the women criminals are un -
A mail Who, had led the lif he had that thou art In prison and thihappy.
than ever - was tied to a W01naus
the cowardice and selfiihneas of that He was living withla woman, who powmany a f4rin, that managenlent PT"ure Is obtained
W larking which Ip all esseutdal t , which is at' I times to be L married. The fewest crimes were c6m-
0 Lug motion
dOnd had Ceased to be amazed at the through no fault -of tine. unhappy woman. made him do anything she chose. I
unexeacttol. fie Pat his finger t the -next room she [9 over these kept out of such company, thinking, 834cceeo- There Is a avoided.
As Manette -thou h ' no, -balaclng of mitted by Country Population,
a hie She rose, for In things,it seemed. to er as It she - only- Of my dear M0.3lette. ledger to knowt just lWw much on, To pack, buttar for thq winter_ take most of them 'by the laboring classes
P- A chamber door that, opened on hetLrd piteous groans and walls. Then COLLEflu
hen jars or clean white oak Lu the Cities. Of 100 working people Q
the right or wrong side -tibe owner glazed Cart
140VeStibule was ajar. it was Ma- a murmur pf voices. Clitzen, Andrey must confront the dying woman. She I 41fi writing a memorial to be CANADA. BUSINEIL313 urif
has come.
ns r he Coxamittee of Pub- Such jakk of management .1 or! spruce".tubs., The, tube should be of both"sexes lu� tile Russia industrial
rielte's former bedroom. He_ led the was giving Instructio, to the nu Be an told she must not see'ller. addressed to t - there: are 32.7. male and ou soon, wreck any. commercial. in brine, then scalded and distrie",
_wa�r sent him by. Providence. He began to She, found -that her -uncle had even lie. Safety. I will try to send a" w Id - soaked well CHATHAMil ONT.,
- t- She followed him. enterprise, -.aAd It in: not surprioUg tho'�roughly.waphed, the,4 rubbed imi0e 18275 feffiale criminals, that is, In the
Speak softly,- he said, " your aunt believe in- Providence, now that his locked the door I.vadifig Into her copy of it to Citl
zen Audrey. You that often " farming does not pay."
with Me salti If while wet. goods Dotal. every fourth person. The crit- Still leads all 0anadlan contemporaries in.
Is very 1IL- own strength was.falliDg.h1m.- He chamber, but there w4s a door Of must both read it, and may make "8118 wilkbe worse ws -was- telling Brigette what would between- ter own, he first IiimAy pressed. ical age for theft in in
when she kno communication Such Changes Ink- as you think pro- sproutp cKt pot(aitoes are sweet batter is a an Is stated to L uperior training und finding choice positions -
Chamber anti t you -sweet sixi months later. - t6bnth yeais, while female thieves be. JohnPiereejust placed as gletant.
what has happened to -iier son.' -said be her duties. he. sick room. Itwas per. I do not ask ' to try - to much the istrongept. -- lt Is never down Into hein as to 1&veno vaca0- be between the sixteenth and seven. for graduates.
wise to plant. thope which_ have. 41- cies, It will be. as steno-
3fanatta Philessly. ulaude to in _,Manette walked about -her room, locked, and the --key was g ne. But come to see me here In prison., -You grapher and book-keeper with ChathamWan-
pruon.- 'trying to fix her tho(ights. pon one Manette remembered having locked. -It could not do it. Citizen Andrdy ready sprouted. Theroi -in iin, better HORTICUMiqlam gill pilucipally betVri6en fourteen and ufacturing Co.
she. way to keep them, than o cover fifteen. The fewest- crimes are com.
wal never know it. Tha.`man iiiibject, - but in vain; they would herself the day before -her departure, must be aware of the prohibition of Produceri; and sellerwof fruits alld mitted by_ women of the age' from Q S. Andress. as stenographer with Western
Who ha them in the.g-rounFl in long, -con lea) -vageta Oil Co., 6 rand Rapids Mich,
Cr dosie his- best to t him wander In spite of herself- Claude I In and having hidden the key In a all vWts- by the Communei They wheiA the potaotbes and blea cannot sell in bulk, but y. This is'probably I
there sent me word, out, of spiru But, that terrible night when he had been drawer. Slid found It., She held- It have taken from uw oui greatest ridges, made must -carefully study- tha. eousumer's the Only ease where woman surpasses Bert. Ndwton, as stenographer with Evening
he. ground ayet both i6old. Put Pres?, same city.
'oil, taste, for it thpae nalaties do'not Kul', everywhere else,
hie will senc) -me no more messages.' - torn away from her, she bad Once In Lher hand. She put It In the lock� -consolation. Hope only reinkIns to arth, but have ventilato man In crime, dine6_
Ah r she Cried. " then you - know more felt how- truly she loved -him. The door creaked ollotly -as she us. I know now that you are think- Plenty Of e rs him he can do -without them.- KeitlWr as much as knowij. 4the man. in Josie Eberta. amstenograpiLer with Stevens,
that too y 'He at least has met what She loved him as much as ever -as she opened it., She stood pu the thres- Ing lovingly of your unhappy Claude.- at each eug- until the severept wea- Can such gOods, be storoid to awaiS a- con' Campbell Milling Co. Chatham.:
ther comes. 6t sequence of his clog6r contact wlth
he' de9tlived., You are glad of It, 7 It would always love him -no one but old of her aunt's room. But I - had never really doubted It; favorable rise in. prices, tee Can- whe Ufa and the struk;gIes for life. fur-� IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST.
fa a relief to cA y- hm I She .-raised When she' wa he earth wAleb Is thrown
is. little "she had been anil you can - write to me. ter t or pork. They must, bo!sold on sig4t, nish
ot the potat as the largest contingent of the
They were- standing up facing each her. hand as if to confirm this by an used to play theree She remembered,. To receive and -to answer' your' p.ridge, to frozen cover -and tbe swit Must 6� an -a-greealile For catalogue of eitb�r departmentaddress
10. - a foot or, two deep wt-th. horse - - number of erminals.
Other. She saw that. the past, IlVe oath. Then, as her hand -dropped. it' as If it� were yeaterday,:the fair, kind letters will give me.some moments one; D. McLACHLAN & CO.,,
manures that - the earth maybe kept Persistent pruning must, be _prac�-
months had told greatly on the old fell against the told -of her dress, and face Of 4 woman With Powdered hair., Of happiness. I put many klases on
from thawing, and.i.hat there may Chatham. Onb
man. His -body was bent; in, every she felt the newspaper she had quite who sat In 'an easy-ehair atching this paper which 'will be opened bj ticail -with - hedges. The barber�y, I HAD&NO FAITIEL"
be no deeper! freeing. It on top of
way he had grown weaker, buli the forgotten. her with a smile, � as she pliLyed bout you.6 -Orau
e; - honey locust and bucX-
ce.- Its this a course or two of bandlea- of lin- J�ut My Wife Persuaded Me -to T th
Ali I that paper would -tell -her the room. Sometimes big- boy Claude Cezitron." thorn. wi!L �ail make -absolutely
-will �_Iq
strangest change was luis fa -would run in with his fingers daubed coru todder is -thrown, the rains American Rheum2,t,,&.
expressi c c abouttheotlfer man -that paperthat fTo be coutl . nued.) be - effectually shedded of f. penetrable hedges, # Properly. haild-� Great South
hard. had grown soft now. X`u`Dte Brigette had purchased for her. She, with Ink, tind would put his arm by
led. Altar "ing started such a hedge Cure and My Agonizing Pain
n or a 0 Potato ooll. should, be made rich
aauring of previous
k d In vain for the rellectio r und his mother's . neck, meaning requires no imore laor to keqp in Was Gone in 12 Hours,
VarT of stoneliat she had a c4ondition than does an ordinary fences,
took It out of her pocket and unfold
thereby to Induce her to Pardon him and Gone for Good. Stmtford, Ontarloa
ad ite Her hands trembled. K "FATHER'S STORI 'he heavy' in better than 'and Lt, nevier'� wears outi*
to see In his features. - At -vIug run away - from his lea- crops, and nothlug-la
It was a roughly printed sheet for ha Best business education in Canada at lowest
Qover sod. Cut, thoa crop of 'hays od leading to , J. D. AlcLeod,' of Leith, Oat., says: possible cost. Old-established.school, superior I t
Peach trees require gp. -victim f r
It surprised ILer that CItt4en Andrey Its top- In capital letters she sons. Then hemother -would call. -out the barnyard man'- have them do their b"t. Farm yaxd courses of study, first-class teachers, Many
seemed to feet no emotion, and read, and then haul I have been a heumatisni
except ettiflous Asgitasination.'s - Oh. yes�, Mahette, - and passing; her aims -afe, that the _raim may wa4i Its is &W. so -also dre wood for seven yeas -confined to my bed students placed in good situations after.1"u.
sor the brief allusion to Buscallkeb round both -her children6 would draw urn
HaWnOSS Reatored When lope' Had virtues Into theoil, where it will be h d bo' i dust, Blighted leaVes tendan(
she knew all that. The "perfidious for mouths at a time; unablato t ation, moderate rates, board cheap, - large at.
death, nobody would have imagined them togetfier� - Madame. Andrey as as an,
held available for_ the potatoes to Many BeautifulcatalogWrep. Canada7a bestebm.
assassination" was In her eyes an act and-branche hould at once be mit myself- 1ave boen.treated -by x�, students can enter at any time.
(nobody said citoyenne iii those days) had
that heremejal)eredthockreumstaness of.justice-a lawful execution. But This will not previent physicians without any benefit. I
d I feed upon. away. and b ad, for disease quidli mereig school. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
under -which ske, who now returiie the details? HbW hAd he done it? ime fond of telling everybody: I 11most Gone, no faith -in rheuinstic cures I isaw ad -
the sa,,v�lng of thq-crop of cWver' l spreads from branch, to branch-.!
He took Sfie looked further. Her dren, bothi equally dear vertised, but my wife induced me to
to b4m, haxLleft her home. eagerness liavvtwo chil seed. ok bloom, I fragrance a�nd
her by botlr hands. . Hers closed on to me." For beauty
was so great that &t. first,she failed i - good ' get a bottle of South American hheui_ ALMA Me
his tightly. - - Who 'Would There are few seasons when ease of - 6ulture but few, flowers pleyie r
to see the Words. Yes; hereAt wall. have _predic�ed to leading Canadian
"My poor Chindel" he said. "Buscaille-a distinguished Citizen- Claude' and . Mnatte that the. day His Daughter Began to Droop and Fade crops could. -not be raised if the as do. bulbous 'plants.,11 lo,time Ito matic, Cure from Kri Taylor, drug- CollegeforYoun
-Was Attadked With Hemorrhage epare for . planting them as the " V
would come when, that mother would natural rainfall could be retained- by gist, In Owen Sound. At -that timp I Wonien, B191
H9 eyes wqre Vvet with tears. Ma a sublime workman hen important Is subsoiling. It has advantages -over pr vVas in agony v&h pain' Insider of- 12 logs and equip
pette could hardly believe her o a In them 'only a- men -ace to her- and Life Was Despaired of -She frosty nights approaph, both in
wn. work was to ba done" --;-yes, yes. se h. Irrigation. A few acres cain be treated hours after I had taken the first dose men t, faculty
My poor Nenette I" said the Old "Sublime." Indeed. the hideous dN M-, rf I self, and. that. with thb beauty of Again -Enjoying Robust Healt. a . ach y . ear until the whole.farin I - as beds for spring and in'.pots for will- the pain had 611 left me. I continued school and health
man, calling her by' that, pet nam the girl, and the life of! the boy. she dows. Such are becoming more "d record and meth
8 "He had said the night before at the (From the Brantford Courier.) been gone, over, and -no expensive until I had aseq three bottlest and -I 6dW-0finst
he had given her' when she was a, section would attempt to make !a. bargain to more favorites as house plants. ruction un seed. 611,Rge Mus
w and apparatus 14 needed. - Three heavy If. you have large trees now cons ly. catalogue.. PRES A STIN, A.
-that the march of the Revolue he,�d 7 - you ider myself complete
bAby, 11 1 was expecilng you.. Per- 'low. and that they must save her own groy 'A addition to the Gr an_v cured." St. Thomas, ont.,
tion was too a ay A recent can run a subabiler Nxteen
hafs not quite so soon. But; I knew quicken IV.' Yew; of course what he with such reflectional To'think Of Trunk sta$f in this city Is Mr. Thow horses wish removed, and zwhich YOU , le'Ur
'You would not stay yonder by yourr. meant was: . they must .1- inches deep in an open soil- free of will suffer because of their sizes dig. Just -Sple . nolid.
1111 Well, things like that Impalied the desire ClIft who -to living at 75 Chatham -stone. around them' -now, cutting off the
self. You have come back for justice.
to in& he had- had to that remark a- speedy By subsolling twice,'the -second time
without, hqm who was to- have been 'In fifteen YearS* 66 furniture had street. r. Clift. who was formerly large roots. Fill In t4e soil again,and Belle Westside (W her dearest friend)
- answer. "After. the sitting lie was crosswise, the -ground can be stirred -to .1
your husband. -polleema, -Mu -be trun�!- -Mr. Jobson. gaye us such a deligtful FARMERS AND
-returning to- his quiet holne. satisfied been altered In that"large chamber, a n In the grea1 CitY'of Lou- next season the tree's
a depth -of twenty Inches, and Will Ult
Who is, my busband," broke in the with haVing done his.duty— - A and It looked proielsely As it had done te planted -satiety. It is L diffie tin- Illustration on finance last night.jUe
of all hold an immense amount Of wa r. der -taking to remove I
don.4g a fine- looking specimen [d winter with said Our big 61�ey BREEDERS
young wife. "'Do you think I could rascal, a. ei-devant,- lurking in the five montlis before. -While Citoyenne which, Instea4 of iuuning.off into. the d then, Putt* g his arm around
ved wIt1f him five mouths It - 43 Andrefs character had.changed, hef Engllahmau of the type so,often seen jip' f 'th Aboift them. PaM On; I
have 11 darkness." ow Lhe x%as-coming t dL .- r we had not been married? Uncle, he habits had suffered no alteration.- in the Oran Trunk employ ajidwh6 streams, is stored for future use. When our waists th wz 4.ntraction, you VWho are desirous
the process must Oe repeated it ban' t splendid
brought a priest to the house who OM The easy-chafr stood in the same -majaw so d6sir lt� raVeled Half tho o know. It was Improving their
She' read on; the paper ' fell fr able 'a class of citizens Glob6
-married us. her hands. 6he closed her eyes. window; ona low seat near It lay iginal co Dearest Fri2da(e1ithusIZt61Iy)-It stock should
Since his adveit here he has been- a, necessitates no -changes -in the uieth-- must --ger, to tell
"Right - quite right. In- past, "No dagger," she whispered. "'Not her knitting. Only the India muslin Find Health, Without
timea-a priest's blessing would -have. a drop of blood 1 The strength of his , curtains Were drawn close, that an warm advocate of that well-known ods ot. farming. Mr. Jobson I'm awfully -interested In. peronally
Good dinplements save tionet do bete
been absolut�ely necessary, but now It Little. light aw possible. -might find its medicine. Dr. Williamso Pink. pills. and Success. finance, too. ingpect Hard of
liduds was qnough." ter work and make larger -crops than -
,As beat.. You see, Manette. your Then her lips curled. She gave. a. way Into the alco a, where, on a bed, through his endorsements dozens of poor ones; but do.not- buy them on $100 Reward, $100. the LONG EN%
'room has been standing all ready.- strange, noiseless laugh. 'She said to- laT the sick woman. eenold to his friends and time, 'pay 8 per cent. interest, and Took the Advice of a Friend and Nb.w
w4ting for 5ou. Take heart. WO herself; "Why might not Claude have This alcove was at the end of the boxes have b then be so foLilisli as to leave them Proclaims i� From the Housetop- The readers of this paper will be USH BERK.
will do our. best to get our Claude throttled Buscaille just as well as hel rooms and'so situated that Manette. Acquaintances. pleased to learn that there' is at SHIRE P
out of the Prison of Pelagie," as she stood In .-the doorway, could A Courier representative. anxiOuss out in all weathers, to go to pieces "South American Nervine least one dreaed disease that science rigs, and
He is as. -strong. Ali! 1�useallle was t surprised. to know the before they- are paid for. -You cannot Saved My Life." flock of Shropshire
Then you know where those ras- too weak an enemy to have resisted not see the Person lying ip Z a bed. although no ogy of make -crops good enongh. to -warant -has been able to -pure in all its stages
6119. n him, uncle ? 'You either of them i's A 'waiting voice she heard, however. reason for Mr. Clift Down Sheep.
h 'the gentleman re- . thi&' Mrs. H.- Stapleton, of Wingham, and that is ' Catarrh.- Hall's Catarrh
ba#*e been more fortunate than I. She was not surprl-,�ed now that Citi- 840 to9k a -step forward. t an pills, called. on that I Pow Prices very moderate.
steppW back -to thd threshold. cently.� Mr. Cult willillglY. consented 1�o matter how hard. a farmer writes-: "I have been very inue Cure is the only 1tive cure now
Thank you f9r telling me." zen Laverdae madenotioast of such a works,. nor how good cr e ro- troubled for yeaxs---since 1878--m-witli known to the medical fraternity. Caa Address
said- the ldman, victory. In a huge bed lay the Citoyenne to an interview, and In the following 9pa 11 P
":I he had taken a whole being' so sin- duces, there wl1F not be much profit nervous debility ancl dyspepsia. Had tarrh being a constitutional disease, The BOW PARK CO, LUL,
yp Andrey.. crooning for been treated in -Canada and Engla
you always speak'too veliementl mont.1i, to bring It about. A whole to herself. The story told -his relasou - for Ifim unless he produces - ver nd requires a constitutional treatment. BRANTFORD.ONT.
Nanette. Ah, yes;-evqry one would I and the delay had resulted In opening- of the door had. let -a flood vere an advo&te of a world renowned y Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal-
montLi agots largely the things consumed at home. by saine of the best physicians with
like to call, them 'hard nadues, only a misfortune that might be Irrepara- of light into the dim chamber. Ma- medicine. 4, Some five years
1 - about three months agio to takb-Soutli mucous, surfaces of the system, there -
you see just now they are Our was- ble. No ; tile task had not been. diff - nette, . where - she - stood.,: seemed sald Mr. Clift 1, My daughter Lilly be- This has been the matter with the Out permaiwnt relief. I was avieed. ly, acting directly upon the lood and
too loud; your -bathed n suhshine. gaii, to droo� and fade, and becanie Southern farmet; be has been mdk
ters. You speak cult. an.,I it did small credit to him eone else' American Nervine, and I firmly- be- by destroying tile foundation of the
A ray from the brilliant July for work or pleasure. ing a. cotton, crop, and - sQm
poor alck' aunt will hear you. If she who had accomplished it sun. disincitneq either WTERS
-too late I lieve I owe my life to it to -day. . I disease,- and giving she. patient APPLE EXPf I
knew you were here It would give, that the man playedly on the carved woodwork, in London wao Called in and Liao been making his floui and meat.
her a shoek. So she must not know a emed greater and nobler *in her eyes th b 86 -general He sold his produce. at � wholesale can :truthfully, ay that I ul in I
Why was it, then, a eyes f the� dying woman tot- he preacribed exercise and *ve dle� strength by U Id g up t) a constitu-
,e medicine to �prices, and bought everything -at re- -rived more benefit from It th9if an tion and assisting nature in doingits
It. That- can be *easily -managed,- than he had ever done ?',Why should lowed it. For a moment they recov- grousing up' as the best r tail. treatment I,evw had. I can strongly work.- The proprietors have so inuch Make Your" Consignments of
forohe does not leave her bed. Poor his dark and moody face bide another ered some of their lost -intelligence. effect a cure.. My d'aughter'dId he recommend it, ancl.will never-bewitE- faith in its -curative powers -that
inat tio ' but the STOCK. - AR01es to -
thing I she is!- dying." tkom. her eyes -a face so kind.. so ten- She was singing.: with her little best to follow her rue no out it myself." they -offer One Hundred Dollars for any
Manette bad almost uttered a: cry der, and so - handsome. Oh. Claude I thread of Voice ' that' quivered and forced exercise exhausted her com- -A successful Western honey pro- case that it falls to cure,' Send for
of triumph -when she heard this, but Claude I trembled, an -old psalm tune. - plet-ely, and she gradually crew worse-� ducer hives. his ueeond swarm and Simons, Jacobs Co., Glisgo!r, Bootlaud.
London to Paris. list of testimonials. "Simons, Shuttleworth & Co., Liverpool, Ens'
haPpily she restrained herself. Those How many thlng�s connected with She. too. had in that hour gone.back One night I and my Wife �4T6 terribly places- it on top the -parent hive until d Paris
timea had hardened women's hearts, t a Lilly. and -haw evening when it- is pogred off in front Address.. T. J. Cheney & Co., To., Garcia, Jacobs& Co. London d.
hat name slie kept repeating. Self- In thought to her old life. mancitte alarmed by a Cry frol I A trip between London ledo, 0. . Sold by Druggists, 75.
from the furtes round the'knillotitie, reproaelies.-oli., how keeni-fears knew that her childhood had been tening to her room ioutLd her.gulping of hold hive. which it enters. By has 'Just been made in six hours 'and Charles Fa
passed In the up large quantities.of blood. I rushed morning all. the young -queens 3 -ave 32 minutes. rster.76-78 'aric Vace, NewTork.
to those of gentler nature. Was that- shame,, anti auguiZ-h. She was walking - western provinces. From Loudon 'to Dover Consumption. can be cured y the- Walter Webling, 24 South Market st.. Boston.
,day', she thought, to be one on which up anti down her chamber. She struck' Citizen Andrey had first. met her on for a. ilOCtOr and he did hij best to been destroyea, and swarming for that (7&94 miles) took one hour 22 minutes; use of Sbiloh's Cure. This great Cough A.R. Fowle'r.=St- John stnet,Moutreal.
retribution was to fall on all who had herself agqlubt, a chair, and dropped the banks of the Loire, the river stop er hemorrage. but- admkttedto season has been dispensed with. the passage of the channel (25 11111W Cure is the only known remedy for C. S. Nixon, Kentville, Nova Beetle,
caused her m1sery ? Buscaille, and into it. ()h, Ciaude I Oh. Claude I which rolls. in waves of silver be. ind that her tase was very- critical. If all the qaeln cells but are took -one hour and 15 minutes, and the -that terrible disease.- W. W.Woolf6rd, 128 S. Charles ag., Bantmore.
then Claudess -mother-all tween- green shores -and greener She drooped -away t Te talilwaba. removed there w I bii'no. after ;warm ruii from Calais toParis (185 1-2. milea) J. X Shuttle rM Row Park. Zp4ttfdrd, ont
unnatural She bad a va 'ue feeling that she. too, Oa ri wo
9 at- The above firm has exceptional �AvautaM
weeks when I went to issue. These queen cells are three hours and *34 niin The.Peace Congress has opened at for the handling and selling of pples, Iiind,
those who had worked together for was a f5risoner, for she seemed to have ands. Afterwards he- met, her again (low. and for wMe-: was made In
a morning gas times 'built., on -the'surface of the ates. an average of 56.& iiiiies. incl-ud- makes prompt cable remittance
Claude�4 ruin -all btit Cilly'. CI -17 lost control over herself - she was all -in In. Paris, a young widow, still hand- bid her good-bye in th, Buda Pests the American 'peace so -
was still u dangerous as ever. the dark -the darkuQ; ot her own 'some. and had married her. On the 1 - Went to Work I feWed I mIgh.N find, or- they Ing -stops. cieties being- well represented.
und again. This went aw. built- at the edge or In the notch
."MY aunt." she said. "is not the only thoughts. - Darkness seemed ar? confines 'of Brittany and Anjou relig- not see her alive 11 . one day a whert tlib'eomb joias-the hive. The Bishop of FAInburgh Js in Mn -
person in these days who has been her like the lour walls of a prison. Ion has alwa:ys� maintained ts hold on for a louk time unt The best, time - of day to'- move bees OUT OF.THE TOILS. treal.
killed by feAr."I Sitting opposite her mother a portrait, on the hearts of tile people.' The friend recommended my daughter to SPECIAL' PRICES
.Citizen Andrey, as she spoke* gave a she again ddressed her:- -"Mother, Strife going on, there In this year, try the effect of Dr. WilliamW Pink As'lu the evening; by ook doing the Physicians Failed - Cure-Alls Falli6d
start of surprise. There were harsh, You see th-,Lt I 'have no more 1793, -was less for the -king than for Pills. She consented to do so and disturbance which naturally arisesis' To introduce JO-liE Magnetic Rock 01-froin
ively brief period a quieted down by morn If 'a But the Great South American Kidney HAVE U TASTED Texas, the greatest curadve discovery, of the
Mel tones In ter voice, such as he strength." -Ters rolled down her -God Himself. in a. comparat CuM a Specific Remedy fore, Spec -
had -never before heard there. They cheeks so hot she lancled they must The dying woman was call' to decided �benefft.waiis perceptible. She stand of bees to taken irom one age for all diseases. acute and chronic. We per
Ing ific Trouble, Cured Mrs. A. E. can prepaid to any address, regular price 15c.
Seemed to be an echo from his own -Acald her. mlnd.the pious ctiants of her youth persisted with the use of the pills and place to another 49ring the 6ay more rounk, of . Bdrnston, . P. QI, JO -VE never falls when used in time. and has
tones In past, times. The tie of blood Sho- heard Citizen Andrby a step, as In her last hour, even as -the Breton gradually rose from a bed of suffering or lose of the bees are out tit work,, cured desperate cases after doctors and other
-the new, locati
was revealing. Itself. he came back from his wife a chamber. peasants died with psalms upon their and sickness until she once again t and can not find onat quickly and Permanently. remedies had failed to relieve asthma, con
sumption, rheumatrisni, cancers and tumors,
�k-illle 11- P talned robust young womanhood. For - Aheir home coming, an - d. strayaway c -tarrh, burns and braises,. etc. Testimonial
shad u This Is her testimony:
D. And in -;a so near ne hand he held his hat, to the mouths of cannon; thelr,guns th. It wao Pink Pills: Every, 'bee keeper is interested In taken sick in. January, 1893. 1 em- CEYLON'TEA? book sent free an request,
11811 A bassador at alert. In -
or th same He caifte in quite cheerful, almost lips, when. singing,- they ru the. last three years she has been In or perish. ADN.'
"'f)r her adorned with its cockade, �nd provided In one hand and their rosaries in the excellent heal ploy-�edseveral of the best local,phy-. ONTARIO SUPPLY COMPAN71,
Poet, la brotlier-in-taA L with his certificat- of givism. In his other. thfiLt virtually brought her from the tile fight against. adulterated honey.
obert Carr sicians and was treated -by them for hJS &WOUss 77 Victoria street Toronte,
The Rev. James It X(;r�i kAe;Don't other band he flourished his Ivory- She had been earnestly on, God's mouth of the grave and preserved for- The aulterations' with hich purr kidney disease - until the utumn Of Agents for- Cimme,
son, of jLone. - Me- my 9, sameYear without receivingmueh
wrila, IN. a. e headed cane, which had replaced the part years befora'God In all likell only daughter. Nor% do- you honey s inixed are numberless- an the Sold onlv.in Lead FaAets.
suffocation, 1. tral"Itt6d suicide by and gold -headed one ot aristocratic days. hood would have preserved her rea- wonder why I sound their pralmes and are upon the, mark your
tee, sorae t- b8 PlverQ houa., p D: in f command them at dvqr at' r,,any,,'0r8- benelit, I then began using FOR TWENTY -811 TAM
you His face lighted up with a faint smile son had she co t ued aithful to re _Y opportun- Many a stand of honey rooks
nne during Ity ? Is -a rank, fraud. South- American Kidney Cure, and SURE DAILY. -AGENTS WANTED
The Rev.,. 31r U - Monday nig call .-a -very laint smile. The smile was Him pureand good Is $5 everywhere. Staple goods. Dfmand
'very suddenj 7 orrison, left ashamed ot Itself, and barely touche Manette Dr. William Pink Pills strike at the Str as it inay oeeii�, during the derived great benefit almost immed- never supplied. : We furnUh work. Write for
_V recently Laco, stood on the threshold, auge - lately. -11 feel now that, I am quitO full information. Catalogue of 200 engiavings
charges- . On account his lips. Brigette, sitting bcs� root of the disease. driving it from the past year the stock ralsers of Eng -
him lor about to be presented tile the - bed, yste (in sto, in he patient - to land weighed but 3 per cent. of their Caked. I have taken no medicine for fiee. The Qaeen.'Sflverware Co., Montreal, UNKS.
-iminoral condut.u. aga6has Now see.- he said. "how thiiigs could see her, and regarded her with 0 in d Te r 9 t some length -of time and have mot had Que.
P had bea�,ttes come all right ol themselves. As -your some durprise. The old servant had health and strength. In cases cd stock before. selling it, letting it, -go a return of the slightest smptbin of.
czTrioorl th Vnitarlan de- good Brigette Is sitting by your aunt a not forgotten - that Citizen Andrey Paralysis-, spinal 'troubles. locoinotor at so much per head; the farmers of
th Church -in La the disease."
A e' P48t siX Years. line- bed, I thifit.-a little fresh air would had forbidden his We to enter the ataxia. sciatica, rheumatism, erygipe- Scotland used the scales in 30 per 85, to 88 , Ray -County Land Oflicw,
Special froln N ce Day City, Mich., offers for salar, BAKINC
that as t lass scrofulous troubles, etc., these cent. of their -salea. WHIXI is IT? An Acre. 10000 Apres
IV L'w Orlean be- do me good. sick -chamber., He had said: "Your
apping, 8 says,10. "Alill said a6tte, "you are not aunt must no� know you are here.st r trea;b- one animal can do everythini'_
a whi Ye9terday inorning -like Claude. uncle. You are no toDger Manette put -her fluge -lips, pills axe superior to all *Othe No Why is it tha those who are FINE FARMING;'LANDS
aer te clind's f ment. - They axe Also a specific. fbr best. As in the mechanical world,
city-, two ,Osg the ace at r on her make- the lives Of there must be a division 61 labor. We dest- have always thw gayL�st
lynch g,,,, river from yes- a prb%pher.' and closed the door behind.her." the troubles which POW DER
ed. 'Were shot a tb when Our Poor, de#r Claude-. Well, wait. The room Was dark, again, and the women a burden.. and speedily owe all the improvemeikt of the pres- . plaugh ? Covered with maple, elm, ash, oak and bass -
The negro, jvho stru Why is. it those %vho need not hil Je wood * 12 miles frbm Bay City,,on good road,.;
Child I'd :=reythe rich glow of health to eat day in all ciasses- of domestic live THE COWS BEST FRIEND
was a a erow(i of. his cut 11��u Car- we must gbt him out� of thiR scrape. sad song ceased. Mandtte's 6motion, and U Bay Co., the garden of the State. Cu.
OffiCers-fired a. She has Yes, I will go, and take a little walk. of pity had now passed away Her Pal and sallow cheeks. Men broken rtock%to special 'breeding for a' dell- always the " biggest half, mate, soil and timber unsurpassed. Farmers LARGEST 9 LE iN CANADA.
Officer kiUeti tw- I believe she I -think I may; I have not been out voice rose clear and sharp i� the down by overwork, worry or exceasess - aite'purpose'- Theie is �aiways un While those who fia:ve never a sorrow and. timbermon. write for map&
ing. I dare sa3r of the house for two 'dayp.- will find in Pink PM a certain cure- el6inent, of �rror in the demand -for have seldom a smile to give,
Well, and arrested tri-asts. but c Sold by all dealere or sent by a gooq-. all-rouqd Animal. And those who want just a tti 1 0 IOGS DO '001,10
]ailed. A mob, I am certain Are you going to take your 'daily. "Aunt I Repentande for . the evil mall it � 0 hira out ana_., P6_8__ fighting Pefore night stroll -In. the Luxembourg Garden? you have done would avail -you more postpald,. at 50a a box, or six bolas Let the breeder of- the race horse must strive- and trugglo to live.'t We have some fine'
YOU were going there the dy, Tieft than singing psalms.. You have still for -$2.50i by a4dressng the Dr., W11- try to combine the strength of 'the -FRUIT Fruit and -Grain Farms -Bond and got a dog. Any nreed yqu -want
--'Me-old man lau Ilanis' 3fedt y Brockville, Clydesdale - Diseased iid� -
ghed. it was a you. 'It was earlier han usual. you time -for repentance. Aunt, -do you Clue ComPau or $hire with -the speedot blood, constipatioi Ze FARMS for sale in this most and at very low prices to clear sodid-ofour
strange bur -St of gaIeV. In the.next remember. How astonished you, mukt know what TOM have done -for oui Ont-. Or- Schenectady.. N. Y. Beware his thoroughbred. and the result loan kidney, liver�anol bowel troubles southern county of On- stoft� Also send Wofora box of Geo. Luc"
c ase e e tariqi Send stamp for Mange Cum for Dogs.
chamber they heard groans and wails. of Imitations and substitutes allegeid' Increase of strength, bat de re ur d by. Karl's Clover Root Tea. have been when you got back not, tO son ? Claude is In prison.". FOR- list or call on GEO., H. LUCAS,
Cladde�s ujinatural. mother was suffer- find inei V- She stoo to be "Just as good." of speed. If a cow-' takes a certain
Ing on t d as,.,she spoke beside the Lost No Time J. A. FICK & CO., VeterinarrDentist6
Jie other side of the parfitl ' on. The old man gave a little dry fugh. alcove.. pQrtion of food to make milk, so much Brokers, - Kingstreet waW
Nanette thought it was just that she "Yes he sald.; I remember. It was The dying woman rose up -Bradstreet's on Trade., less is available for making flesh. We 'At -BuMlo Valleys W. Va-i Baptl�tjt SALE4 Kingsville�ont. TorontofOnb
should suffer, a sad surprise. But this -time I am bed her poor,.Ie' In her must take our choice. We can -not -Chur6i the other day the funeral ser.
Citlzeu Andrey meanwhile w"Aalk- sure of seeing you on. Y return,, MY an arms waved wild- The Industrial FNr and millinery have two virtues. In the highelst per- vices of 'Mrs.- Marion iNewman were
l in the air, then dropped openings ha*e stimulated trade at Beat'Truasen made by
Ing,with Brigette. 'Tis an ill wind daughter. I sholl notmbe gono long.' faction In the same animal. conducted. - immediately after tb 04RENMD Fe 2. T_ all.,
that blows no good. The arrival of He turned upon his heel. Man coverlet. Her head -.slipped on her Toronto. merchants report In our eariier recollections -or the, services Mr. Newman,,ho was -the -Yourself it you get smQueenftw.toroatil
pillow. With her last breath she ut- some gain also, but the demand is married before pur RUPTURE.....
this good woman had brought him looked after him. "Yes,'.ahe wkis- tered a low wail. business animals,' and es- husband of the decea4sed, stepped for- YOU F OL chasing a copy of
checked bythe un6ertainty of Cana -
A M "Light on- Dark Cor -
help in his trouble. He was.sayiug pered " go."-. But these few words Brigette was 61glitened and leaned than tariff changes. The volume of Pectally hogsi'Virer� "guessed off" to a ward Wit im - Malinda Daniels, a. I ers
h a cousin of Mrs. Neman, handed a ual science, by B. J. Jef-
that he was 'sure that if he was kind- had been sufficient- to remind her that over er. trade -is limited at Quebec City, In feries, M. D., Ph. 1). If jou are tuarried yo THERE IS NOTHING UKE
considerable extent at the first sat 3'" a comple Rex
hearted[s, as his niece said, shewQu4 that house had. been to her the liouse - "Madame" ower to buyer, though always- license to. the minister who officlateK]
willingly take charge of the sick- she cried, "what" have part sympathywith dullness In -sureLy need a copy. Agents wanted in every ww� KeDsCill
of Judas. weighed at the slaughter house. The 'at the funerW and requested thAt h county. $2 too 85 per eff-y g aranteM - Bela FOR NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA
you done?' I think she Is dead." trade*. the United States. Bank a u d for
mail. It e llot be for long; flor And yet te codial kindliness nf her "I will try to" a country was new, and scales not at perform'the marriage ceremony. Tills circulars immediatel. ; Mention raver and HEADACHE, DEPRESSION
ould I her," said clearings at Wimil Hamilton, SPIRITS. Etc.
y or - peg, S K.D.C. AND PILLS. writeforhem.
be ber kneeg.--l'and Toronto, Montreal and 'Halifax am- net much to the astonishment US_and.NewG1asRow,,Can.
was it to be wished. - She would Unclp�-Andrey hd, ror'the'lst hour. Manette., sin ni hand. It is a matter of wonder the was do address J. L: NIC11OLS &CO., 33 Richmond FREE SAMPLE
good out of her misery, , treet westoronto, Can. td., Boston.
Poor disarmed her resentment. Why had you, my -poor Brilutt% pray'for me ounted to $18,01-5,000 last week, extent to which cattle on the hoof of the mourners for the dead woman.
soul I he revived the memories ' are old by the eye in Great - Bri-
or tilat dread- �pray for. me V, against $16,403,000 hb
Manette Ilsteiled with surprise to ful day 7 Then he Ifad slaned through t previous tain to -day. Karl's Clover Root Tea pur - Ifies the
the flow of words that, camer from the selfislimMs. and lip wa,selfish stilt. XVI. Woey and $16,784,000 In the week a Many . families are -too -poor to eat- blood kind givois a clear and beauti-
old man. The extraordinary change only -his first sin: had bpen a thousand "Your letter, which, when - I saw Pear ago. - There Were 30 business meat who feed their dogi* enough to ful e011iPlexion.
In him was rather amusing. Citizen* times- worse than the last. % F ear had "your dear writing, my loved Manette, failures reported from the Dominion gTow a 300 1ppund pig. The dog nuis- COLD NIGHT,
Andrey bad become kindly and talk- dominated him-inen, cruel, -and de- -1 thoukht could only biring me hap- of'.Canada last week, against 31 the I feindles
previous week, 33 In -the week a year. ance would be abated If were 'ASSESSAIEN SYSTEM. MUTUAL PRINCIPLE.
"ative, when entering like othdr men grading fear, a sentiment which leaves piness, brought me news of great sor- ago and 29 two years ago. taxed pretty heavily and the males
Into his seco6d childhood. Fear had- 'no room for shamo or pity. A4 man row. I seem to have been born under untaxed. Better dogs would besbred. - Th . a Inwortant. announcement is
WARAI HOUSE evidently bad Its effect- upon him. does not like- to risk his tire irlien. an unluck am made this morning, of the amaigaina-
y starLl remember only the One Minute Cure for Toothache. Those who desired to �-keep th
This change. too, must her laid to the things seem pleaj4ant, and prosperou; love and Wader! care that my oor could afford to keep them. While a tiou of the business of the rovincial
eliarge, of those who- reigned by' tight ho wants time to an Magical In potency and power, pne- Provident '. Institution Of St.
. joy his wealth mother gave ma"In my childhood; and dog is a useful animal now, and,,then-, i . , hen is
Of their power to create fear. But at and deriv4b �rofit from his advantages. alas I It. seems as if I mu t trating at once, to,the diseased- naive the most of them are howling uuls..� Thomas with the Mutual Reserve i T
last Manette! found Its advantage. Might not Citizen Audrey be some- a. have made Nervlline--�-nerve pain cur& -cure; Fund Life Association, hose in no other
her little returm Now she Is gone I ances, W
facilitgaed Nerviline, ager for Ontario is Mr. We J F
and the unexpectedly -cord * lal and pa, what excused for aving "Ali I dear M1- anette, try toothache In a moment. DA:LRY.
tern -al weICOJAe she. lidd received wav his-brotiiers daughter -a escape, when think that If I had followed yo the most marvellous pain . remedy It Is indeed fo4ly and loss. -Murtr,y, -of Torouto. These are the URNACE
its result. he might have . deliveied her over to ad -vice, and p ur known to science, may be used for alt to feed two largest natural premium life In-
go. she might live In peace in the the man who dared to covet her? referred domestic life -to .- nerve palus Telst at once its effl.. dry, Cows through- the- winter that istitutions In Canada. Their aggre-
my duty to my Country. my fate they may make $25 "or $30 during in -this country -that will o -cheaply
home of her childhood. especially..If Other persons haddone worse. Huff- might. have been happier. I have eacy. the summer. Weinust. not forget thal gate business In -the Dominion and easily warin your home.
the, dyfv- womaVa life, that life bands had denounced their�wlves, sons courage th endure it as It Is. You Seeking Freedom. it- costs more- to sustain aninial amounts to $86 000,000. The Mutual
wbleh had brought so much misery had sold their mthersi They were can bear me witteis that wheu. they life, Reservo- Fund. $Life,_ which is the
to those of her own household. was- passing through cruel, dangerous, In- came to take me, in the name of the "What we -have been strivig for all durlung the winter. large" natural premium company to
sooit,to end. Here she might concen- famous times. law. I submitted to the arrest with these - long years -is Absolute freedom Thqre Is no profit in raising 'calves the world, has for years done a large
-trata all her thoughts -on the deliver- After all, it- was not'her uncle who firmness. Ali, but it wa of movements" said the new woman, unless they are 'eared for from the usiness in Canada, and has . paid
anea of Claude. She k9ew where he had brought Buseaille into - his house; 8 cruel to seP- 44and -it Is because of that that "tart. Stall them like otheam cattle here In death claims over. $1,250,000. NEW IDEAS
as now. She *onld. try- to see him. he would nave drivexi him out of It had arate me from a - . wlfe .80 lovely, bloomers appeal to us so forcefully." wheu� -brought in from the pastur-o in It Is duly registeied 'ituder the lko: . . . . . . .
Her old uAcle took Brigett off to lie -dared. How fear degrades a man I beloved. "On that- theory," put In the bald tile fall. There must be no -let -up in minion Act and has a deposit In Gov -
headed man quietly. -'it -makes me lreg'alatitT Of 108ding-
"Thanks to a generous - Citizen, have many special improvements
look after the sick woman in the next She saw him now. on her return, bent have been at last to . receive ernment bondsi with the Insurance
-ehisuber-- Manette remained alone in allowed blush to think what -'your costumewill Some Ihney butter makers use an- -Te -
uter Department amodutl ng to $108,00o. over. ordinary wood furnaces. -Its-
her own room. Her habits -of, old re- in- body, weakened in mind; no. doubt your -letters. You see that these lines be In.1910.* o heir wi worth your time to exan-fine 'this
he had surfered when he thought of in answer - to yours are dated - at -dalrying, and. do not suffer from any By this change the members of the
ssed bar lils own baseneg. But tille- crime owed Sainte Pelagle, where I am still.. Ali. IF THE BABY IS CUTTI&G TEETH lose of -customers nor decrease of - prlces Provincial - Provident become. incin- great heater.
-tilther's PlEtn:-. she woked 'up at It. Its origin to the woman still elin bers of an Institution -with one him -
Z 9� it to hard my love' to be in prison I In - consequence. -If properly man- MADE IN TMEE SIZES.
as- she had al-tays. -done. How many Ing to life In the chamner next to Be aged, there is no I Ulu red and ten thousand 'members and
thoughts did It awalien Is her. Happ hL'r. She had contrived. It all. aided But, Manettes when I came here it . sure and use that old and well a, ng of the d
- heart. I had tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow -'s Booth- over $3-1,0.00,000 of -insurance; ad
retched servant. She had been suffering for some time b Institution that has nearly
had been the times when the orly bi that w -was with a heavy milk. $6,000,000
of th-ht portrait had lived. not only plotted against, claude-s life, efore Ing Syrup for children teething.- It
Millions 0 cows are. supported. na, t from the change In you. I had been soothem the child, softens tbe gu aiAeti3 and an equal annuallneonle, Coo,
which die Indebted to their owneirs '
"Mothm" she crie(V "help the poor but his good name. CltoYenne Aifdrey saying 'to -myself: 'She- I no longer allas all. pain, cure" wind Colic Xi Before a persou.'concludes to raise ; and which hag: paid out $27,000,000
Psli, of thy flesh.- and blood had virtually said to the ection, my. tender, loving M'a'uelte� What W the best remedy for - dlarrhoea;�
It Is hardly P013-
Xy.son isi not we heifer calf for dairy, purposes he In death claims. [Ev STOV
-of Lby blood. whom thou didst bring a good patrfotA an have - happened to turn her heart Twenti-five cents aw bottle. . , sible that they will � fall to 111111recifkts. GURM E WfiE CO.� WME&
Into this troubled world. for her- have driven him away from should -have- good assurances -that,
--__strengthols net�rly exhausted Ill us, you from me V -No, dearest,, I am not go- manices of Its the advantages -of this chauge"in the ou MOSEY CO., MONTREAL
Who hold his life now ini you4 bands Ing to reproach *m Your letter has Paper Coffins... Judging from the perfor hilereased isecurity' which - Is tilta
that beautiful. serene, calm must hold us blamel ancestors for generationii back, - the Ind their nsuralleee
you wIIL- 0.1-9- Do with him made amends- to* me. for all. I know Many undertakerOr are now using. heifer will ow. placed - beh
woman �;Zld riot know how to help. what - make a prbfitable c
now that- you do not forget me. nd cheap coffins pressed.ont of.paper Pulp. To. grow heifer e4ves without some Life to �hei'had been only to be beau- Claude a crime, in his unhappy moth- though- I no longer see you we seem When polished and. stained - such dof- asaurace. of their t profitableness is
had not been formed. to contend with In the section he - had often spoken -fine look almost as well as those. Of but to Invite disaster. As soon as a
ful. to he loving, and beloved. 'She er is eyes, had been that In- -clubs,ad nearer to each Other than we had THE D MOORE Co"S.
had 'two WOW. They leA longer -than coffins hefter .13ecomee a cow she should- be
danger. Sh had no revdIslons of giving those who _beard him to uuder- been for some -weeks. Ali, -for
weeks I was heria-without even news of wood or Metal and they can be- her- tested to -learn whether or- not, she
&Iing. She had had no strange . con- stand that popular tyranny was HAMILTON
ab- of you. Long, f ear'
filets In W heart, of which such re- horrent to his COnselenge and big - I.- . y weeks hey metically, sealed better than 'heavy will -make IL profitable one. If not, she
-feeling were -the cause. . heart. BY uttering these um)opplar -Forgive me for paining you by
-Viligions, of- metal. ones. should be beefed. 0 the first- good- oP`1
wtunity, sad so with all one's cows,
nient after, Manette was seat- sentiment$ he had exposed bi - self ot PC
A mo
ed by the Seerdtary'.6ear the window t my complaints. It Is the effect 119W Td'CVRO'Comm. -whether old or young.
own aloo d
W it d M being shut up -in prison. The hear &mu &
a - t To stjk" right with ai-ereamery. -let
where shq had been used to write to On Sike - neads of his parent grows bitter.. and feelings - are ex- FAw 2: Taps If.you go aboutit'the
Claude. She leaned her elbows on the Claude had endured thb -treatment pressed without 'one's -usual -re& right WaY. Gei the;beot always. it be deteftlil6d tbkkt it�ehafi be an -
desk, a& she had done formerly. and Self all the Yew round Que, with the larg-
he received In silence. He had uttered trj,,t. Putuams Pabilew . Corn Extraptor set outputs in the winter months, BE�
teara-begin to now freely. Her eyes UO Complaints. In the house whose I could bear my Imprisoli- ST FAIRMERS' WOOD, COOK IN THE
out It I tholdght . my, misfortune 4ever� falls to- cure. 'ACt0In1-t*0UtY- that fte'.1lighest prices may be main -
had -been' dry- alnee Claude's arrest-" doors were shut On him he had left would win Ais back your lo -and four hours shot Causes bdthiir baln MARKET.
serve the public � WOU - -to -that
-How happy she bad� been when-, seat- all that he loved, especially her who e, n* disdomf(srt. - Patnanils' Corn Ex�, -tained for batter, and tN%t, they Who
ad at that desk, she wrote and re- had beau almost his sister, and was are. I try own the COW# aW as h4y aaid
be -patient. 1, think- I shall * -lie tractor- extracts, . corns -it is the best;.
eeiv4d, CUuMm"Wtters I -Then she had to be his wife. - stronger in spirits -when 1. Wave grati-ill the w1nter.bjW be turned Egtra lafte fire door.. Oven'.24X
She bad been Indig
beet sum -Oat all her Ufa would be dant. She had suffered - from the these walls, aild my release may come, W&Y tAND into ft1larm.
'Ot; THB NEW_ kuljo# of 't 27 icha& Our ovm, patent oven
Iii, thecompaslonsh1pr of that separation, not 'in - silence, ha problem Is. DUN and. In her any day. I have. not been Inthr-' 1LIed tQ to br 4&' ea Ete -wai once ca w4th, Viciall qual-
baild'oome fellow, who had letters she -bad sometimes said t Ahe, old,
t tw,
t-w'bW- -like an older bro.; If he witted It'ishe would me aw -whi
hat -rogated. -Perhaps I shiill not be;
he �;FORSA -E-_ZY'8EMMS,n"y1_
Co . and but my replies to any'ofuestions they For t d �wlwwas td7 be her husband. Jolar him. He had generously coun-
may-ask are-all!ready. I shall
-had, been a td- 'h '_h
k thef elled bar not to atte" it. He the
ar� � -1.1 1. . ow aager ad
in the trutlit and If a man apesiro ,v en
h StSYL mbanasied 4y
MfllsSd tO'aCCePZ ner offer of- truth he -Cannot, bg -a-
_c"# herse.1fez-A-9 -had add