HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-09-18, Page 3T�
MOUGROUT TO WoRg, CbnStantluop a
thanking the Sultan
itIOU His Majesty 8� THE
A n=113er of Englishmen
4-11 kmrrle, the Engli
Of the sh
as to the advisability of signing 't1th&e'
memorial. aild were advised by the SEFT, 20, 1896. Her! of 11'
J — ble Mode ecution Used in
Ambassador to tear up the document, Iffow- to Coun
&Ton Tays. TnfR IS -EtERNITY. teract that
And throw the pieces into the faces of 111tructiv. xvi. 22-33
- Nev
the Wficials who presented it. TIM9cmA C. 1,000. PlaCe.-Jeru. Penh. -eP a word to m1d Inchnation to Bun
CANADA. But It trembles -In the air;. 4ay, Lit
salem. . 8
Mr- Daly Is spoken of A WOMAN98 INFA.TUATION And the truant voice has sped There are Yet Ili this and I the neigh -
p ( - TO Vibrate everywhere; -
as a Ono—i8olonion. borJ14 c
. TIIX DODGERS THY VICTIMS OuDtrY many survivors of the PA
Probable candidate for Brandon. 'us
Ufiderstanding But It - tunes the after Years.. American War- of the rebellion and
Complete ret Ight judgment The echo ragy ring in Our eats.
Om North Ox- concerning religions
r Love Him .1 1 Love Him! i moral truth
ford make Itulio and Some old soldl
2�UrlVat 'a majorit. h ers.who saw service in WI
Piety; the knowledge and rear on; la Never are kind acts done the Crimea and India. But to the ma,
76L V true rellgi
5"- Of ced in Small Wells and the Circula-
Cha-ries p,. Cried in Court, God, - and Sincere and uniform. obe tion St4PGd by Pouring In Plaster of TO WIPO the weeping eyes, Th
X PoInton. of Toronto, di. JOrItYOf the men whc; would be called T
18 applying for a divorce from his ence to his commands. Wellspring OL But, like flashes of the sun,
to the
Wife. 11f& -au inexhaustible source of bles. ghtful Death Agontes. Thear, signal front Ii'l th
to the skies; e (event of - a war, Wit
Howry & SoUp mill SAYS HE MARRIAGE. `giU99 giving const"t comfort and When affal And up above the angels read the 'Whole explerielice would- be new.
Aat - Penelon re, do not go right In Per- HOW *6 � have helped the sorer *,used W
Falls was burned, A New York despatch says: Satisfaction to' him who possesses it, sia the a;bt Wilson's essay in
- entailing a loss of Many and extending horlties adopt harsh meas-. the Tort�
$40,000. to others. The In- urea to make the' Never a -day is given nightly. on "The laumaU Animal In Al
men would envy Abraham Boltan.. He --stkuctlou of fools is folly -Their learn. people resodet the Battle" begins with the - pr6position
But It t0fii�s the atter years, that to, make of the ordinar He
Hon. Mr. Blair Is Chairman' of the is Pursued by a, -Young woman, who Ing Ift frivolous -and vain; their most law. The murder -or the Shah seemed And It Wrries -up to Heaven y Judi -
new Railway Committee of thePrIv Serious counsels are foolish, and there. to eneou v1dual a good s-ollder, the Most poW 8
Council. Y Yearns to become his wife. He is free to fOre if they rage the nomad tribes In acts Its sunshine or Its tears; erful emotion In the human animal.
marryi and yet, while seeking the -aid others, Undertiake to instruct of lawlessness. On- the While to-morrbwe stand and v&alt 1�i�
MaJor-General -Gascoigne paid an they only mAke them like road between L, fearo Must be subdued find overcome'
ke silent mutes, by the outer gate. Fear Is defined -to t
visit to the luilitary camp at Of lawyers and courts to.help�him re- theulsel,�ft.pBenson, It to folly tol Bushire and, Ispahan there was. a be hat reaetiz;� Bro
tof uledt Which takes place through: t% suffi-
Pulse her, privately gives her encour- Instruct fool&-ld. large number of robberies. In some There is no end to'the sky.
A It h 23. The heart of the clently Vivid - representation J(
as been decided by -Hung� agement And the stars are everywhere, of a- Poe,- But
LI , . . accompanying her to a roof wise teach- Instances caravans Arid villages. were alble-paln.
aug to remain for twenty4Gur gartlen. BOltan. is a. young merchant source of Wisdom flowina. the looted, and an Englishman- was strip- And the here Is over there
hours at Banff. nm + W
'his mouth -The heart is nd time is eternityi the evil to be apprehended 114 n-+ —
Ch eth A or eviL Itf Is greaietit when
Cnstable CrulelAhank vtuo appeared as, complainant yester- mouth. Wisdom In the heart teach- Ith sticks. The: For the CoMmon deeds of the epommon Liti
ped naked and beaten w Known. When danger which hoe never
Nortfi%vest Mounted Po of the day In the Centret 13treet Police Court es the mouth, wiliat to. speak, and roads were strewn with merchandise day. been encountered before to approach -
lice, stationed when, and how; it id that thatgives t Are ringing bells In the far away. Ing. The Peace-tralned . cons.br 1pt has
-Dd;c:k Lke, shot And killed him against M1.59 Pauline Hammerstein, -itud no knowledge to correct his4ear. The
SeIll there on Wednesday. is spoken, hat- the' robbers did not -want, machinery of battle has
wha was -present in response to a sum- It. -Com. Com. and adds during one week It was . i admitted that TRtE RELIGION. 'progressed
'. ht to what
I . x g to
SevelItY-five stands of arms of the molls. Abraham Levy i the -young 24 till th
new Lee-Metford pattern . is Pleasant ---words axe as an they . secur6d booty. amounting to There to an Inestl a Possibilities Of modeit wea, WE
Were serv- wotuan's iawver-. I hone'YeOmb-%rords from 'God's w rd, $5.00-00P. mable blessedness. Polls are appalling. Torpedoeq, Mon.; T
ed- out to the cadets of tile Royal Mr. Boliani he said, met Miss Ham- 1 0 In true - religion. It is Indeed themoat ster guns. high explosives, tile swift Is U
It which Solomon had Sometlftng�jlad to �be done to ch ck Joyful thing, that has ever come to arbitrament of the ram at i�ea; on min
Military cole.-e at Kingston. - merstein In a social way about a ear In his father David, to ac the heart Of mankind. It puts Its land, quick
f th&
l9f,rned frog
The ' Govern
Miss Rebecca Benner -has Issued a ago. She was a linguist, speaking I =c=Wr than It the marauders. . -firing gung, using ho.deadly Pa
oney and the Of POSsewOr In flull harmony with the di- shrapnel are almost ' Unt
writ clitiming unstated- damages French, German and English fluently, Pisal. Shiraz. . R. H. Rulikn-ea-Dowle , de- vine order 6f things an earth and ments, Whose actual el rIeF1 Imp,e- go
all expert pianist and a thoroughly re- cided to strike terror into -the -h rts in he I feet can - only Quo
against Edwiii Campbell, of Cobourg, -e Is a. 0
25. her waY-The way aven. True religion brings & be conjectured. This -much 1.9 certain, low.
for alleged breach of promise of fined and well educated young woman. f Ignov of the people, and the methods lie MAU peace with God, and Into gracl- that the future battle b
mar- 0 ance, careleSmesS, world -
ria -e. i After meetfug. her several times. Mr. I I, ebose. vta'a the revival of "gatching," Will 49
ZY, earthlY-mindeduess. sell- One relations with his -fellows. It is verer trial to the e IEL se -
the a hideous form of execution which has roDW In the deepest convictions of. Past encounter.- TO meet -ban any ' br
t. is understood that the Treasury Boltan perceiv - ed that she was falling IlCigh-pleasing; or nervest
Board. Ottawa, in love with him, and not wishing to I beer.in abe.*ance for ty that trial cha
has authorized the I i W hypocrisy in, rellgion9 .1. ear 0118`13-OWn moral and spiritual, Imper- the nerves or the modern.civi
reduction or tile capit become a victim of Cupid he sought es�tyernalof performances, partial gatch'! a vlbtlur a 'or ollow pi a' To fection- lized man be i
af stock of f re- I arl May. It begins in a startling ate lea fi
to end their Acquaintance. Ilia ef- 1110 u. erected the find
0 Ltl
the Ontario I' fro. in $10740,00D to m rmala0s% and blind z over a, hole out two t than they Werq in
,auk all r bal 1paY b. ab feet overpowering sense of the exceeding Past, as the Increasing rush and, Worry wh
forts, however. were in vain. she ning seem right, but each deep- Into this Well the - prisoner Is frailty of our nature. With this there Of our existence, ther railway, the tele. tom.
would meet him at Ills frout stoop ill le n de-- Put sometimes with his head Iowa- Is a StrOng� Sincere desire to bewhat graph, the herded
Li-11un-"411,1111". who is Journeying the morning, and accompany him to Ist=ctilon.a palth Which ends in. warO and at others with his 'jead In our best momentS-we wish %to be human beings in cities aggregation of voic
-19 conduce to ner- par.,
to tilt' , 1';Ivific has telegraphed business If-lle escaped her by climb- �O that laboret sticking out of tile top. 'Plaster of and what an unbiassed conscience tells 'vOns cOmPlaInto.' The ma,6hine
to ('01. 6 aTd
of T6routo, ask�ng` Ing over the rear fenee and going.out its ;e Appetite is an,ineentiver par is -then emptied in, and between -us we Ougfit to be. And then. oves- namfor the of the policemen w hu th there upon all UPwaxd Plane the 11 m
rough a nei ibor's house in the o If it be a tetuperate a eLicll basketful w,&ter is Poured down Cornea in faith -th . 0 itlividual the
chair at the exhibition. . gI t P.- o e p ne. som
next street.she would post herself in � e t it te�. t7o � the well.- -The gatch,, e that craves, right thin then swe.-IN, Jesus Christ all sinners have a re- To cdu 'tEract this downward
98, and the circulation Stops as it hard-� fuge, the 1pelief that'thbre is -grace gress u
Tile. Syn(xi Will shortly front of his store and wait for -him feltherw!or. soul or body. then the - pro- 'he
be cdilrtl to zueet ill Montreal to ac- to emerge at pight- r lit training and dIs6IplInP - -grow to t
Ill be gathered accordingly. ens- causing the most intense agony. in Jesus Christ to keep us froM fall- ever more and more Liecessli
cept tile of Bishop Sul- In. spite of all his efforts to avold Diligence is a duty. if w6 make re- For his; " horrible example,, the Ing, that the -Holy IV, tom,
livan, -of Algoma, tht lie may ac- her, Miss Hammerstein. the lawyer Governor did not Select men who had Spirit can give The- deca of religion, whl�b is so 'ch
"glou Our�busiuess, God will make it us the grace of Self-control, so that Wid
r been engaged in -1 b esPread a- feature of
pe i 1kr times, be c
cept the ectorship of- - 6t. -Ja - nlet3l said. would persistdiitly hitercept. him our blessedness. Whatsoever we sow his artless e maR with true rellgloh� in his has contributed o the down0ward pro. �war
Cathedral, Toronto. aud'pour the story of her love Into that sliall we Also xea. rsian way he considered heart wIll not be carried about by gTess. Of the Individual, by 'making now
The Chiuee Viceroy receive*1 a de� his unwilling.ears. 27. An ungodly man that "gatching" anybody would every.wind of passion,' envy, Just -death More horrible because. of. th the
diggeth UP serve a93.lan objecV1eisson to Ids.sub- pride. Blessed e
kpatch at, v6iit Cwrent, N.. W. T., The neLighbors began to talk. and evil -He frequently bestows morecare Jects, criminat
are 'the people that greater uncertainty of the f4turei be- givO
from- the Japanese Coustil at Van- finally Mr. Boltan sought tile advice in doing mischief than would �e re- picked on or otherwis6. . He know the. Joyfulness of such a re- Yond the grave. - To the Normeman afte
t five men who had been 1191011 as this. -Rev. Edward the Turk or the -Christian, death
couver, tenering hini a reception an of the lawyer. Tile latter, sent for - Miss - Quired to,do good. If no cause may imprisoned for- non-payment, of taxes. Aston... . ;TJZ or.,
other Li-Ilun- Chang- at Hammerstein anti requested her to ex-, be seen on which to base his slander. This Is a heinous off merely the -passage to an0ther and On t
once telegraphed. his -nd ae-
a plain her stra-uge conduct. he�wili dig for it., A burning fire -His PIGS AND THISTLES. blessed existence.
11 love she replied, "and of ersian officials, and_tfie.'Governor T0 the viodern I.spea]
I tongue is a, burning As Ills Hope never looks back. doubter it is a leap into the unknown. whic
must see.him. n thought-, so are thought that their execut I
i9a would
owat, s Minister of his- words. Folly is The Joys of Walhalla
from hin his betirt. James 3:, 5, 6, S. -not only scare the r The mith who loves sin hates the the glories of bl!t
Justice. lia.-4 dt-cided that a nuber of This was five months ago, and has warning to Oth obbers, but bea truth. IpAradise, the dreaml
contraets for ruilitia elothing, and 28. -Forward Man -Wayward - or prompt or tax dodgers�.tjlat A bad example is As deadly as the vana or the ess sleep, of Nir- Mani
hort intiervals stubborn. Soweth settlement with the tortures of an hifern, fram
other made 1py, tile late Gov- - strife -scatters the cOl- Plague. ma #
since. Each. time -Miss Hammerstein i;6eds of strife whi Into lectors was eminently desirable. T lie behind the veil:- he knows not good
1. -,and they will, promised to desist and the next . ight quarre ch- spring up The man - who makes no mistakes which.' But -lie 18 fully aware. that- almog
therefore, be He, has also ls� discords and wra A TERRIBLE SCENE. makes no progress. with death his present exl�itence
,;he. Was again at her post, on ngling. By and
decided, that ill ea --c-.37 where an or-- tile 'Ills words he- creajes trouble wher-� On -Sunday. May 10th, writes an Isn't It Singular that the man who ends, All life's - pleasures are$ Over. for stren
doorstep. The other night, the law- ever he -goes. A- h eye witness -of this latest exhibition stingy never seems to know it. evcr, and the future is at a
I an qppalling
a bt, i i--� I wd 'Lite officeIr is not ye]r [said, 1r. Boltan saw ho here chief friends --7-A w tale -bearer, who of " gutchin'gi" the I ive prisoners The devil will leave: the man Prone to cillug- to tion
flee i,
entitled to ;superannuation allow. when he retired. She was -in t sa e secretly laborstodestroy nearfriend- whor never says blank. 4e will -be
ance. I place when he awoke and I chained neck and neck, were marched .- Ith all his heart ' the Presenti rather
'It ships by various tales which he re- out of prison, and slowly escor A thirst can
of his window the next I ted by started by a tea. than Put Out on that may -be i L-hore-
Growing desperate he seen e e Ports from one to another. on a large, mob, who were kept from lloon that barf _7 cannot quench. less sea. Felir Is gTeAteSt w In b
The residelice of r. Levi Waller, 29. A violent man -a man bent ressing too close by soldiers with. The tongue 1, a good Indicator of Imagination is strongest. It j3- an ter
one of tile citizens of summons which brought her rt mischief, devoted to harmful 'mea- fixed .'-bayonets and otherg with the amount of grace in the heart. emotion which eriously affects both word,
Wilkesbarre. Pa., was blown up by yesterday morning. ures to meet his ends, Entleeth-Peir- long sticks. were taken to theXoran No human guide epu om � ,
-keep us fr body and mind. On the Physical side swer.
dynamite "Is not all this true?" asked Mr. suades or seduces. Leadeth him -When Gate, nearthe Bagh-i-No, on the town being afraid in the valley of the flow of saliva, and a
Levy, as Miss - Hammerstein stood once *won r to follow his prluci- side of Sh
The strike of tile two tbousand Chi- before, Magistrate Crane. 6% e Which. alongside -the road, adow of death. brings that peculiar h
-carriers. after more- than a -Ples he is willim th theikr wells had been prepared. It _ -reason to be- thirst of � t 6 Beh
cago hod V gly practising The devil has do battlefield; It causes organie'derange- hark.
montlFts struggle..has euded in a vie-, Yes," she replied. "It Is true. same evils upon (Ahers. His' course too one hour to reach. the Bagh-1- ashamed of the man who is mean to ment and a certain degree 0
M f -museu- -Behe
"Has Mr. Boltan ever Wronged you d6*nward. NO; but, the torture of this form of
tory for the men. in any way? Speak up and tell the his Wife. -Rum's Horn. lar relaxation, increases
SO. He shutteth his. eyes.�-LTo lilde execution bein unknown to'the pris- I I I the tension ark.
Dr. Gallagliexi tile released Irish Court if he has." 9 of the voice and Is accompaViel by
dynahiit,er, becamo so violent in -:�ew No, he has never i�ronged Me." from his,view all otfier.,things, th--at -ers. they. walked . along without a FORGET THE DISAGREkIBLI@. -a desperate effort to avoid,, the dai2-
d be ma listen to the voice of his 'sign of fear. Some people have the bad habit of gr. Oil the mental Side It paralyzes' 'Thei
York th4t, lie- had to bo, put In a Have ou aly claims of any kin. own heart, and meditate were the intelligence and
str-41-ht waistcot and taken to a on him?" and be- They . taken into - "a . high keeping everything disagreeable In leads to the social
priv -come all absorbed at his own designs walled garden, a guard being placed :Mind, and the blind desire for
aw lunatic asylum. "No, none whatever." for evil. worse habit of forget- flight, though! some- wasps
Eva oomy, aged 8 yeaxs. while raL- 4Then why do you per.5ist in an- Moving his llps�Speaking at the entrance, and. in a- short time tlDg- What has been pleasant and times It goes even further, "d der- Ing go
Ing with. all electric car ou Uenesee noying him?" forth the abundance of his -wicket] the fir�st to be executed was brought delightful. If they. could do just the iprives the victim of all ijow�r
heart he sets his plans to work for 'Out- Round his neck'was a of our co
street, Rochester. was thrown from I've nothing to say." aV�el Contrary their lives would be sweeter movement. If flight' takes placo. It Is The So
her wheel by colliding with EL Stone. "Tell me what ls'the trouble.1t said the overthrow of good. collar with a chain, wilich hisguard -and more productive of good. There the flight of panic,. a reflex anct often Ities, 1]
The child was thrown to- the track Maistrate Crane, tkindly. The 91.- The hoary head is a crown of held tightly in his hand. So iybody's garden, and involuntary act.,Only strength )of will on tre
Young glory it found, etc-�When age Is joined offered him a -pitcher of water, from ad garden Was ever Planted in which ncy th run. sterile
In such a- manner that she was decapl- woman paused.. and then raising her can
with virtue, it ia a 'token of God's which lie, eagerly drank, and then, weeds did not insolenily present -them- s a matter of fact flight Is yarely era, wl
tated by the cawheals. bead, her eyes flashing defiance, she blessing, also or great experienei), 'not knowing to What awful death he Selves. They come without the best road Out of danger; in ba
The latest returns from the State exclaimed. wh I ieli is honor, and such a person was doomed. he walked.calmly and without a Wel invitation, t- of the
election in Arkansas on Monday show '�'I love him! I love him! I will go and come. If you re tle It Is the worst. To go forwa�,rd and viders,
commands respect, for his age Is -hie without a wordto his well. It took nize them as weeds.- if you have me -
that the Democratic ticket was ten years to Sing Sing, but I 'will nearly half an enough� to kuQ cog die Is eertaluly better
still love him." She clutched the rail- crown. hour to fill tile Well se backward and than to go no wo
w that we- die; for in the: first Younge
elected by a majority of aboutsixty- 32. He that is slow to anger -N with gatch, during all whi flower place, the enemy, who is,experlencing. free fr
vote ing and ot ell time- 0, and it, with a desire to -,cul.
five thousand votes. . The large would have fallen to the floor easily put into a passion, not apt to the sticks of the soldiers were In use tivate and Protect t)ie flowers, u 1)
Is attributed to the interest in bl- if Mr. Levy had -not caught her. . resent evil, taking time to o YO IreciseL S i Will away
Magistrate Crane looked puzzled. reflect an m pressing too Pull the weeds UP. roots and all, he ose co ge and shoot less steadil
metailism and free silver. The reisult , consider, having control of Ills own close and hampering the movements beaut y, thewo
-in Ar You must not annoy this young Y of the flowers ought to Make thereby diminishing the risk of the with a
keimsaa shows what may rea- spirit. Ili- better than the mighty -Be. of those employed with the gatch. YOU , forget that weeds . e
'Sonably be expected throughout the ma�n," he said. "Now, won't -you pro-. cause he is more like God, wiger to After tI Y er grew assailant. Notfilng_ig More c6nt4glous from t
entire South and mise not to do so any more?" its the second was broughtout, there, even -though Jjie did grow than panic; a single man- with ashen muchf
West, Just as the- foresee. and to prevent misehibf both and asthe crowd moved to the well through negligence oft -your part. face rushing to the rear w1lU draw those
result In VOrmont foreshadows tile- ,'Yes, I will promise, I ill try," to himself and , others, which often Prepared for him I took an Instan- Religion gives u , a a very practical others after him, and Shake thle 7con- structi
result in the a Hammerstein replied, and left arises from rash anger. -Benson. Than taneous photograph which shows the -view of this matter. St. Paul was wise fidence of all who see him. 'He
New England States.
the court weeping. he that taketh a city Ills. is, a ie- . man buried up to ihe chin, his face when he told us to m -nce the. the m
GREA-r- BRITAIN. Miss Hammerstein I found at the tory that does no one - Ake life happier problem Is how;, to Implant CdUrage will or,
coveredzwith powdered gatch andhis by forgetting some tldDgs, and w and avoid panic.
The balance of 96.000,000 or the Grand Centraf Palace Roof Garden 3& The lot is cast in the lap -Lots eyes cl hat burrow
last night,_ She said she had sung at osed, so as not to see the crowd a autiful world this would be If we Courage is simply. control of- the selves I
hinese' loan was: issued in London were often ast by the Jews, as -well standing round; the gatch h" not coi ild wholly - forget - the injuries we nerves, and Is -largely due th the nest of
Koster & Bial's for several weeks. 8 as by other ancient nations, with the begun to set, and the man is hare received and reuMmber only the habit of confronting danger. 'Pride, general
and Berlin. he auffer.
then met Boltan, and he promised to expectation that God would so control Ing no pain. - kit d. things that have been done. How habit, dutyp these are the'iforce an inch
The correct title conferred on Ll- marry her. She accordingly gave up them as to give a right direction in Having obtained a photograph. of It- hardens. the heart and takes which en
-Hung-Chang by the -Queen.- is Grand the stage. She has been waiting since doubtful cases.-Judg. xx the control'them- long, In
Commander of the Victorian Order. for him to fulfil'lils promise- - 9. 1. Sam. a form of'execution which I hope has eetness
She said x. 20, 21, etc. The whole di aw Out of life to dwell on the selves., All can be fostered and im- a centr
Meetingsof Armenian 6APathizers Boltan had b6en In the habit of tak- sPosing is been. resorted to -for the last time, I evil that
of the Lord -Nothing comes to p has befallen- us. either Planted-bY training.. Even In the In diam
are being called in all the greati cit- Ing her. -out evenings, and as recent- Ass hurried from the spot, and only just through our own folly or the sclfishw bravest and most fully tried men fear of the
fee of England and at several of the ly as last Sunday ac by, chance, but. everything by the will in time, As I afterward heard, to ea- ness o Ot ep r, or
capitals of Europe. companied her of God. Earnest Prayer unto - God. cape the most f heral al is subdued and not wholly eliminat- paper -I
to the roof garden. This assertion Should be the lot we cast, then we heartrending scenes. at least of indifference. settles Onthe, ed. Skobeloff -said of himself, 11 1 eon- are dest
The British Trade Unions Congress was verified by 'Mr. Amberg, the man- When the -catch became'solid and soul when we look only at the under fesig that I am at heart a co*ard.lf a few
passed, re*;olutions favorin-" a more ageir of the place. must look upon His providences as the tightened on the poor prisoner hi Side of oursel - He des aired of General Gourk' be- which
directing of our lot. ves and of our neighbors. p 0
practical system of eduem yells were frightful to listen -to, a I 'We ask ourselves what Is it all worth --Cause the latter would duck toavold pid
ationi and T aY of life and the walled when one TrIend h bullets and Shells. at
Also favoring an amnesty to all poll- death are set beforew as proved false, and In 'the Noithern solitary
A 'FIFTEEN -FOOT IROP - us, and we make garden those waiting. their turn rea- h- PO Is r lives, the Civil! War, clay o
tical prissoners. our own. choice between tliem. One lized that the death to Which th that single fa *Ity s . i on M
w ey Just ag a drop of ink will spoil a glass N ter tells us! that walls a
Mr. Chamberlain has ritten a let- leads to eternal life, the G ney;aal H9'raeal por I
ter to the Colonial Agents in London eternal raln. other to were doomed, so far from being the of water. We forget the water whi 11 there were only. two men kno7a to burrow.
advising that all the painless one they had hoped for, was will quench our- thirst, and remember him who never bowed the head th Iron struct a
exhibits of the Illustrations. -A Young man living in instead of a terrible nature. n r
. That is What a Mob GaVe TWO Bad New York was a devoted Christian. AGONY OF THE VICTIMS. two and Spoil eyerythiDg. Gra- 80 Purely a matter of bAblt, of liviq
British Empire at the' Paris, Exposi- and lead.- Of these one was General. each ca
tion be combined in one -division. He studied In all his words and actions a reflex Action. had Such du'ckltig be- food
The British Trades Union Congress Minnesotans, to 'Prove to the world the power Of As the fourth man was led from the BRIGHT THOUGHTS. come, that V
at Edinburgh discussed tile question of God to save., - His -daily prayer w garden he begged the executioner after a great battle Men omnivo
Its relationship to tile Socialists, and as to take. him to tile bazaar, whero he The would Involuntarily bob, as they 4 stood L fruits. It
that -lie might be, enlightened in tile orld le''cOmIng to understand
THEY HAD -MURDERED A SHERIFF. way of Ile kept his Would find some one to give him ten more and more the *absurdity or main. noise. How. at the 'slightest some p
Passed resolutions favoring an eight talaing a warlike attitude and oup. or gat about camp,
hour day and a more equitable defiv- heart open unto- the* L tumans ($10), after which he could then, Is Courage to be are gla
or(] that he Porting In times of Peace great - taught In peace ? A Russian general stalls fo
Itloa of employerg' liability for acci, Glencoe Minn.', despatch: Dormund mlhgt be made just the kind of a man cut his bead off. The fifth man became armlep. - to " salt 11 his so
dents. that God would have him be. He clung even more frantic as the yellp Issued The Sentiment against war is steadil Once Proposed �dfery the mea
Musgrove and C. A. Cingmars, the two to the word of God. He was accused from the mouths- of his coMpanion gafidng.�Rev. -A; Z. - y by loading one rifle In ten with ball the isligh
"Spare me I Spare I'll I i
eamer Etruria trans- men who shot and killed Sheriff Rog- ound. 6 Cried ter.- Mass. Conrad, Worces, cartridges during manoeuvrei. 1 This are very
file. but sfie was. unable ers here on June 25th. while he was When It became. cle ghastly preparative was too revolt- ed by -'a
f6rred her m. ra at Queens- and buffeted, but he held his gr me I" h tills is- an age of veneer.- Our Ing to civilized minds,
to transfer- her passenge ar to him that the o u, where, 2,000
town, owing to the, gale. Tlief Etruria trying to arrest them for assaulting troubld all arose because of his super- -tumans ($ZOOO) lie hid," but -his Offer PIAUOS.aee veneerdt. our h out; -and it hag -of _V6up
ate. When, three days lat- veneered, our atreets are ; but, if a!dopt- polsonoul
ed, the -army tr�lned Ing delir
British. a farmer, paid all the rules of the.church, he quickly er. 1, Passed along the road I found. our theology (much of it) is vene
reports that she passed the lor piety, and -his strict observance of came too I OUsee are - never been Carried
the penalty of their veneer e(L It would make
-Swansea for crime to a mob of th ered, under such circumstances Invinell)le, The nE
steamer Ingram, from � e dead man's )aid his burden* upon -the Lord, - and capitals had been added to"the pil- And I am 'thinking our Patriotism In and so In the end tend to shorten war
i Fiday. disabled - lars covering the heads of the poor I the and save life. It would accustom the ed plaCe
and, bearing south. The Ingram only friends during the night. They were _trusted Him. And thus his rife was many quarters Is partaking 6 old posts
Queenstown on Friday.. after re- taken from their cells and hanged to spent all for God's glory And the salva- men who had thui horribly been done same QualitY.-Rev. P. S. ' Hulbert, soldier td the sights and scenes 61 the Is of a r
Pairing her shafti. hav;ng been towed the bridge over. Buffalo Creek. tiOu Of souls. . lie had'the "li ving to death. Oak Park, Ills. battlefield, and overcome his dread of materialf
6ta.- Between 12 and I o'clook'this morn- water" within- him, and it proved a overnorship of a State Is It we select, a receiver for a
by the steams�hlp Minnes
Ing Jailer Wadell was'aroused by a ssufficlent -help In every time of need. held yearly by the man who gives the bank the unknown. It would nable' him leaves; t
despatch from e or a guardian for an to Control his nerves
AlelbOurne to th demand for admittance to the jail. He walked In the path; of -wisdom, he Shah the estate we would' i he
Timew says that Mr. Coute, ex -mem- largest Present; during his not tumult composed
and'opening the'door was confronted Obtained the -honors of the righteous. period of office he -collects from th select a man because he of the actual encount
ber of the Unitarian, or a Calv was a suit as elkabing ... er. Such a. pur- t1cles of
Tasmanian Parliament, by a Mob of masked men who rushed Through him m P�ople the taxes, the present he h 0 Inist, Ora TrInt- the gains lboral maudibl&c
any others were led as tarlan, or an Armenian effect, Endurance,
has Just retufned from Japan, -and ho given the Shah and a good subet We would Se- mutual trust, papler
inside. The leader aernanded the keys to walk In the same path, by the game an Self-control
saY8 that theJapnese are looking rule. It was a bright, happy home I tial -sum Into the bargain for W lect, him because he was honest and ay be learnt Oxi 1 the with th!
n mself- a true mAn before M
Outlet for their a little to Absolutely Pitiless, high Alps, orp for th6 matter of that,
to Aus-tralia as a to the cells and on Wadell's refusing I
surplus population, Mr. Coote to 6polii-tho doors to the mob or give wD in M- -until a cruel en- his men men. -Rev. T. G.% In WaStdalle, where a SUP on theifrtee nest haj
will Of- Dickinson, Columbus, 0.
ten seize the laat sticks -of an 01
ays emy began to- stir up mischief. The d they ma
up the -keys, lie was seized and bound
Th Of the mountain means destrudion. ed from
that the general talk amongst mill- father and mother with their little 1 0 ChUZqh that Is built on a man The volley of stones down some�
to a chair. With sledge hammers the man, and It the 1143ople, seeing starv,
tary men Is that In the event of ill- crowd began to break their way in to son were happy in each other's love. tion staring them. In tile face. resiast Or around a Iran Is Ildt necesearily a Pir&- the centi
onors a less djadly t
feeling Japan would send men-of-war There was no -Just cause for trouble- kill, the hall of shells and bullets on . the Ing own
get the men they were After. CIPItOus gulley Is not
they are liable to be p
to seize territory. The Ut -to death by ban cells hre
and - develop a doors and locks soon gave way and yet it came throu torture. as In this case, if whati was ability -in His servants, but battlefield. And, in
large poftlon of Northern Austra a, the trembling wretches were led out. Of One tvil-minded Person. At first in the mouth Of every One Was true. U'u People Join & minister Instead
'gh the whlsperinj� rhens a less degree,
of the Church Of Chrip anlier forms of
G E -N F21 A 1, little attention was given, but things hunting, and the m GOT
Despite their entreaties they were In the old days It was necessary,to- t it Is Aime for athletics, the' Same result.
a rav
gagged and taken away. False reports. werecir. make a frightful example Of a fe -The Rev. 'Dr.
grew worse. val Of religion. . give
-Eighty thousand 7,000 horses caravan robbers to, W Campbell. 'Lowell, Nrage Sports Involving risk to life are thus A Sanctil
and over 40W g"ris -were in actlon, in Wad6ll was7 released before the mob culated. lettera written, - and sug. keep theroad of supreme - val
departed and as soon as they were gestiOns -made, It was not long un- through -the Kotabi safe. In a coun- Us from the national Creek
the German military manoeuvres, at gone he gave the alarm by notifyi .-til the fond father and h try where it is customary_to Cora Point Of view. and this Should be re-
Goerlitz. ng uband was Nearly a Century Old. Membered when the ignorant and.de-
the Sheriff. A posse was organized drawn aside to consider whether not suicide in -a fanatical way -as, He wore
Belonging to the estate Of e4th. generate assaill theuL a high at
--tlte Arctic explorer, at once- and- started in sursult, but these things were true or not. The for Instance, when Wives throw them- arine Sheets, Who died at her home Apple Sauce
was received with 'PutAte honors at the -mob had vanished as mysterious- tender loving wife and mother be- selves on their husbands' funeral and Sank
Cbristiadla, and was decorated by IY as they came. Ileved That Will Keep.
i tered To
as COnVenienC6 as
'The gossiping enemy t coun- are. two; white satin slip. Preserves. t
King Oscar. no evil Against her husband for Pyres In India .. 4n - outcry often 19 In Mill Creek, Montgomery county, This is as great a,
Gruesome evidence -of theirwork w some time. made In Europe, and Yet In a last April, pride of C
elventuall found, however, In the dis kept busy until there -came ry full of Europeans Men he preparati
Prince F -90D voll Holibn1ohei a De- unrest are taken pers, thlu-soled for sauce not On Of - apples the revell
Reriastag, is covery of -the two men hanging from and doubt Into that fond woma out In broad dayftllt and ' and wornp connected
n's cruelly mur- -with , tile being alwa78 conveMent profanity
P= heart. dered-by the -roadside. history of which there to for the busy housekeeper. Inferl -
d - HteTpled suddenly, 01 heart the bridge In the Centre of ther town. Then -there Was no confl- much Ori 8P ceased.
disease, at They' were' both, dead, their necks dencle:., Happiness eemed to depart that distinguishes them from plea may be used in -this way, andithe It was I
windfalls of
T -EARTH MAN. dainty bits lortunat
z 15 Husband anO wife of shOemaker's e_enoug to Own
before adjourn- Incipient
ha ing been broken by a, fall of These early antumn. when one.,Is
The Span�l�h -(z)� from their home. A FLA
Ing, gave the' . t)rriment unilm feet. None of the mob was identified doubted each other, Without a handiwork are lie an orebAd. mont 1�8 n
ited until at I ny He Contended That Modern 100 Years Old They Were arly Will be found 0
power to borrow money 'to - prose- by the Jailer. and It. is probable real understa:ndIng why, no legs m f should Quite available. They they axe
the ast Science
cute the Cuban CR�npalgn. Perpetrators of the� outrage will all unexpected the despairing Was Much Astray. - an� I personage be Peeled, cored and -freed from priced but
than. Martha Washin - every blemlshz then
never be discovered. mother took her child and'departed One dT the queerest of all the gton, and were cut up In quite The m&
Sixteen Greek off -Jeers have When the men from her home, - to queer Small Pieces. A large earthen Jar. with face and
been Condemned to death for tating were first arrested live among men the present-centur * & co . ver should be reAdy-to
part In the Cretan rebellion, and a in June_ lyriching was attempted, 'strangers. Thus Years Passed.. but - y. has produced relceive around hl
number of others are'under trial. but a. coUlany of militia was sent God was gracious and providentially has-- Just; died In Baltimore. He was thein- Into this put 11,rat a liberra curse has
from St. Paul and tile Jail afforded brought tile separated ' family to. Prof. William Car riter, who Contest- -sprinkling of sugar. with cinnamon to tered, half
It Is rePOrted that a privaw de- sufficient protection to prevent their gether, and when the question was ed persistently -that the earth taste. thOU & Iner Of apples,
more sugar and cinnamon, and so Pent, being
"tch from Constaiitinople- confirms then . men, belpl
spa designs. Last night's affair was Canvaomed It was seen that all tile *ad not on
the rumors recently current that the -4-rung so suddenly that there was trouble WAS brou globular, but -flat. Prof. Carpenter till the Jar Is full. The sugar should,be Ir
r no time to - prevent it. Musgrove,s that -one Person ho whispered about was born In England in 1830, and for regulated according to the tartness -of
powers are serlously conside Ing the ght about through them e.
question Of deposing the �Sul the apples, from a quarter to a halt they even
tan, trial was ended yesterday. when he and gossiped In matters of at all thirty years he hadwide notoriety.in Pound forone-PO=d of appIps being -He look
The Malagasy mail 'received in Lou- was convicted of murder In the - nd and this the faro ba
see becoming- Thus.1-11t was seen that a E Ig 0 Country because�df rule. The Jar Should be Placed at - free -lunch
don brings news of an attack made ond degree. It Is thought the light whisper seParateth-cTiiet friends even hinogthe rY that the arth bad the
Upon a- number of English and Amert- sentence was what aroused feeling to though circular form. revolvin . a flat, the back of the r=ge and the fruit out.
It cost much. time and effort g on a central kept. covered a -
can gold prospectors In MMagascar the Pitch of getting up a lynching bee. to Succeed- AXIS, with the sun stationary over nd gently slmmerin�,, "Brothen'
by the Talla-volda. The prospectors �PRACTICAL SURVEY. the Centre. To - him- the Martha through the day. - It should then I b-6 "If there
were obliged to flee for their lives, Lt Asks Awkward QU equator was Washington's Slippers. set away to Cool, abd the apple&taken Ili
we Uot,av
the centre of the earth's sarface and worn by the wife of the father of out Only as theY'ame meded for sanee chance to
eations. The way of wisdom Is the way Of the Polar reglonsWere the outer edge. his
abandoning their baggage. One of the stories that followed Lt. . Or desserts.
Pleasantness, and all her patho. are Mr. Carpenter went to Baltimor try in 179% the"year before With ih HAVIng-3010 water mbpel plague of
As the Porte forbids tile re -landing flung -Chang from London related, as Peace. It Is 'the way God c six- ral Washington died. The Slip. eW, APP769 prepared la
houses 'for = years ago, and from that e time Gene this there Is of the Armenian refugees who were most of the anecdotes about him do, His children. �ord hi Pers are strikingly odd in appearance. way are --Very Palatable.-Septe '
# he fear of the L a death w mPer you be
taken on board the various warships to his extreme frankness in Inte . Is th he rote much and. They are IOW -cut, with pointed Ladles' M)Me j6utnal.
-trogat a beginning of - wisdom." The lectured often on Ills subject. It *,as The. heels are of the Frenchlest toes, big. long -h
in the harbor during the recent mas- Ing the persons lie meets on any point way ends in life, eternal life. All who his custom to travel al)6ut and of
saces at, Coustltntlnople, the Ambas- which lutereatm him, even though the Walk - in wisdom' i wa tAlk- French -patterns, the Wheel
the turn. J
sad distance from Ing Jewelry. em% and
seYs scatter light it- =Most Of his Pamphlets were writ- the. Slipper proper to the bottom
On Of the various powers are newer, civilization has'lmposed on men and life upon around them. ten In England atest crazelto to stamp
awkward -pre- more reticence. Earl Lt met In Lo between .1864 of Bicycle ping Am the I
many and each heel being at least four inches. which leiveleri are attempting, !.to a1011g," he
a womanof titled familY-and Wflubu. great, repository of ever springing we -works Where the beetle touched the ground cater. Nothing could bei more lo- the Sancti
dicament' i ndon Within the heart ot -such there to a 1878. Nearly all. w his
The Suitan has appointed a commis- tial social position. lie asked her how life- It, quickens all the facu. re set in type, printed and boun h s 11rif an Inch in &rtistio Or Unattractive than the yer don't yj
many children she had. Itles, and by hilawif. When People would not diameter. bicycle pin. in its present state
Sion to deal with the Armenian refu "Three." was brings them all Into -harmony with buy tk&i��ka C00t&lnlng his theories,
gees. It Is proposed to furnish saf�- her answer. "Only thrpell* responded Itself. it a WA de� camp wher(
the earl, through his Puts 'force and power Into h -.the h bit of. press velOPMent, but that matters ttle of gabestos
ing to !eave, , Interpreter.; the Utterances of Chosen words, , 8 14 & OA
why %aveWt you so- �Cople&tjo:tlye ' nting -Sometfit.ug-Like a Fie. to the Cyclifilt1h Who permit them. Once every�
and to ensure the saety of those who had any more 20 that they carry instruction jilth m, so that all might have
remain. The dragomans of -the differ- titled lady replied to this them Poe an 6pp'bitunity of learning how 1�21& Ill 1770 a most remarkable Pie. selvem but One subject of cdave!rsa.- Now,
rded. His * Ift made,_ This wall tion and -but One thethe -t
meet- questioning of an from God, r 1 0 their Jew- highstandin
ent Embassies are attending the Is not reco - taken 4111theastrononiers, fronj the Pie lustified the making, eler-a ImagInation.
Ingq of the commission. a legitimate end of all Pleg. The 171t&
celved from Rus- silman life to Come. The more we know of Mot brooch is the
brought out the fact that the Erg their opinion as to the sphericity of latep�t Six of them
tion In life,andfully equipped f6r the for it Was eaten, and that Is the What to called Wearer up
Englishman long the 'same lines aan is fitted for any,std- nclehfifl-to tIls pregent day, were in the bicycle.
Orders have been re no childred Pie wail shipped to sporting em'
and never h God- the,1110re wise are we. her Earth. He was thoroUghly -a.baronet IffLon- blem Worn by wll�eel. !em p wIj
mento of Armenian refugees earnest, patien - t and diffuse Irl his twofrom. his -country seat. It required 'women' It 18 InAde ol pialt, gold, Of yera.
slan port& to stop further consli'n had any.- "Never had any," was td The,-WaY Of f0II7 leads In pa - ths f teach] don - bu
it 0 h 99, arid gOt angry OnlY'When Shels Of flour ' and twenty with silver saddle and,thee. Wheels, There's -
as Russia surprised response fro V th earle; Borrow, alld ends -In dark despair and e- refuMd -,to IISW 'PedWs* handlebe4r, and e -drink 16m.
-is overstocked, and declines'to, receive "then why haveaft you 2op peopl n - tter -to make the crust for ~ Cases ar
any further supply. -In con'sequence of eternal death. It AR tile way which tk- to 111m. Pounds of W all Included vithin I
these orders a number of Arme nan chooses for himself. He dc this Ple- It ilras'filled With four gefte, to one4neb ldi- pents-1 Tbe,
Walls elves two turkey mensions, W
The Reas . op two rtibbits, four' wild hile-a'diam.911d glittepig �jn -under-your
duCks, two , Pla06 of &'-a
Y." of WOOdeock, six'salps, four. CrOw. 'Tho JUO#t DOWN e
h qtd-dk l"aild
ast night. is eon' The crown tif glor she stood w neats' tongues, tvvo d,
a recent speech he told his listeners partridge% t 'feature of t
Who had already embarked were land- - Sir W. Harcourt to -quoted as 'cithe and destroys himself. He carries death
ed at Constantinople again ator- of mixed Metaphors.,, and In In his bosom. IT wonder ild- Noodle, vro his
An Armenian bom Y ie�ikupon the M In ithe As -the curlews, the stron Well W
lactorT wa seven -blatkblrds-� did Insure Itj
that the Government were ead of the rlvhteous. Hie 6 tains he �nbililsPufifth6l@ddle. -Vi -b
h -*hlch
covered by tile Pollee locate unde�k begin 1, 's d Ilood, of face ?W not sin --At
n0ath the Armenian church* Can his pa r. cooked --9
9.,�bceause they were nicely
ning to shake In their shoes. and that crown llawfally� None but God e laid down nd if! p1geOia - It, Subdivis
HkAwlm Pasha Cemetery near the was nine r --q qtkyfs -Abd-:
e t 10 ItIes have a knack of Place It upon anyone. They Idboito eaRY.01200gh,- *he r 11ed, feet in -eire g
6;�stantln 06ca re
long tunnel PI it
111MW61108 -at -the bo#on3� -,AA62 pet -of to
e e When
ople. From the factory trri�M e greater In their own lives, 'and in when Ifm -Wood Pu -the table,
bJ1;1r ces. and he. added th Obtain It, who Persevere against.evil 'Olts becati6e It the seenie
had been excavated lir the direction thb body the their, deal -
dish on
Is2he -fall."' 11198 with others. They devote them-, Plattled to her 9h
e laingAea and do. �!M
of spowder magazine, the a&�
Intention -selves unto clared that r
AX11 Darey Beardsley, tho - orobviously hav D beeff to u God. ajid rely, upon Ill is - was - J11110t as funny 'as. g OM love and, w1fidom, to reward them ae- 101040tthl�tkfnv�'.v a,
n blow It up. second attaell of -9 �r
the magazine a d AU vine
hemorr Is Still art I WdInir to -.4 Will. Righte. The -urkish Government, officials
ousnegs, is th Epsom, re
extrem U_Oe_@- Wt. Win
a care to
dre urging tile forelga refildentS of prevent a raja e
1111 1! 2� j� 1@1 111
i, OR
Find Him for Me.
---------- 0 0 00 0
EInd him gor me, my dear
to y
BAKING -PIES. Oh Sailor hear li�� 40 ros�n�
ile' Mary, baking pies LOO'Out for nly die, brave
leeves rolled JUP,- and ;vhIte arms pweett
U them'dowm Who went from the old, old b
to Proper size, FOr I WAtch`d and I PrAYd -thro'I&O
Ims the edges- smooth. - and Square.
Weary yeaks,
And I 'Watched alone today.
th a4 fork -13116 Pricks the crust, But no footstep rings on the old flaig-
e;ts Allem. overy Side by Side.
On step's back a mom tit just. ged path,
I e
Inspect the work with. pride. And-nO shadow dime the way..
at will papa have to say Oh, sallOra true, will Ye think of Illin,
lien At noon they Mention It, As Yei oall to theshifflng West,?
IrY'baked the pies'to-day- Will YO look for my love acj�oas the
mma never helped a bit?,,
The, lad -that MY hebit'loveo best 7
will love her all the more. And
'When to the Cold North Star ye
aY his daughter is no skirk,
the -Plea and praise her for
elping malil . Or -stOer-for the Southern maj�,
I ma, with the work. Then -think of the land from whence -
ther Joe, of course, will pass Ye roam,
k-116 till Papa makes him Cease, And think of my quest agahL
,h&ll Own up they're first clam
hen he WiLuts a see Will he e
Ond piece. ver come -back, the pretty
le Mary, baking pies, That fiat by Ills Mothers
arning all the houryewifele art; knee.
le and sunshine in her e With eyes likID the -Uglit of event
Yes,- 'Oars,
v46 and sunshine iiiher heart.
And always a Smile for me
Will he come Agaln--shall I see him
he way in which the male V91ce Oh, sailor hearts. AS Ye roam, 4
pe� at the age of Puberty' deter- Look for my laddie, tell him true,
ds, In the Opinion of Mr. Davidson That I'm waiting for himat home.
mer. whethefr it is to become a
or a4suad voice. His words are
ted bY the Musical Record as fol- BLACK BYED;pEopLE.
They Largely Predomintite the Blue in
At this period when the, voice 330th
eaks I or changes sometinfe the Into the Bexes.
1190 IS 8.0 gradual that it cannot realm Of sentiment, with
aid to break a:t all), he usually heavy footfall, like a bull in
that there are two a, china
wa JkhOP- or an elephapt
ch he can produce it 78 In among porce-
:is the beginning or At..thp bot- lain, the sedate and matser-m�raet
0. which, the man's statistician obtrQdes himebit, latent,
if fOkced, becomes a so dealing, -through Percentages, -with
tO registers and goe4s by; the Matters which, one
0 of 'chest voice.' At the top are Might think#
remains of the old boyish voice,, would'bO exempt from -such prosaic
otimes called , head Consideration. The latest subjectsof
voice.' This statistical inquiry are light and
A voice ' -can be carried down dark eYes, and as the result of sundry
he b6ttom- or nearly to the hot- responses to questions propounded in
Of the vocal compass, while the various countries and duly authenti.
" Voice' Can, Wfill some effort, cated, It has been discovered (and
arried a considerable distance -up- not merely discoveredt but,also prov.
d, 'though n&ver to the top. - It ed)t that, taking the �hverage
In opo and America, 44.6'18 the percent.
!the boy commences to speak of Eur.
newly -acquired - chest voice,, And ago of men having light (Wes, includ-
up the old Voice, the result in Ing blue And gray. The proportion
I life will be -either a.bad, voice, Of girls and wonlen havIng blue or.
A least, an indifferent one. It, gray eyes Is by MNpomputation
he other band, 'he continues to� 84�2 Per cent. in other ivotds, blue
� i�lt
,h ille old boyish voice, in tones eyes are decidedly rarer ag
be somewhat high at first, men - than among men, . amo wo-
and It is for
ill 96-t lower, fuller and more this rea)son perhaps that blue eyes,
Y by degrees as the physical especially in combination with blonde
q develops, the result will be a hair, are esteemed so highly as a lea.
vOlCe-a voice Which will stand tur'e Of feminine beauty.
t any amount of wear and tear, Men have light eyes oftener 'that
ill retain a great dedl of its WOMew but In the Intermediate grade
th -and beauty, even thougb Of color between light and dark the
later period- the mode of produc- Perbentage of the two sexes is very
be altered," nearly, though Hot quite,
In this the same.
Intermediate category are
13EHEADED WORDS. brOwli and hazel'eyes, neither pure
elleading a wo.id. take off -a let- light nor genuine black. The per -
h time from tile beginni'ng of a centage of these amOngi men Is 43.1,
and thus get, the: correct an- and among women 45-L The per-
centage of dark, Or, lhom properly,
a El fish: Shark. black, eyes, is larger
3ad me among 'Women,
and I am to' listen: being 20.7 Per cent. of the whole
numbert while among men it is 12.3.
ad me again, and I am a Ship Perhaps'it is the relative rarity of
dark eyes among men which eatab.
lishes the _rule thAt dark -eyed men
ABOUT WASPS. are - esteemed by women to be more
fortunate in the Color of their eyes
e are two gr6ups- of wasps the than blue-eyed men.
and the -solitiry, the cZ;mOn The figures upon which these per-,'
of Europe, and our hornetg,-be- oenta
od examples - of the formei, ind 94M are based are the- result Of
MmOn mud WASP of - the latter. Inquiries not Prosecuted 171 one Or
Plal wasps live in large commun- more Of the countries of Europe, or
nests either In the -ground or Ono Or more - State$ of. the United.
States, for. as -is well -known, ILI
es, most of the Individuals being southern European
females. the'neuters or work- countries dark
ich In the perfect nest do most eyes, both among men And Women,'
PRedOmInatep while
are �to�lr,
work as builders. soldiers, pro- be found In just as hi
light eyes
and nurses; the males perform gh a Prow -
though. aceordi - tiOn In northern countrim A
Ing to the v- fr
r Huber, they keep the -nest
OM dirt and rubbish, And carry YO.UNGER BRIDESXA�WS� pROCIL
bhe bodies of those which die; Worn at the Recent Wedding of the
rkers are winged and prdvide&
tID913, and are distill Princess Iffaud.
he females or queens by their The skirt Is of ivory
satin, trim-
maller -Size. These nests rival med on each side froro the'waist to
f the bee in ingenuity of eon
)n; though well provided with the hem, with silver tIlread and so.:
ana of excavating a n quin embroidery, Thd bodice'la Of
.o they satin draped. A hill of butter -W
en Make use of the deserted Ckred lace finishes the neck. pall - I`
of a field mouse, to save them- Puffed
he trouble 'of burrowing. Tire
the social ground Wasp's -has
ly an -entrance -gallery about
In diameter and several Inches
a zigzag direction, leading to
al chamber, one to two feet
eter when finished.. The nest
social tree wasp Is made of
ke material. The whole society A
royed by cold weather, except
young .. impregnated females,
pass the winter in a tor-
I'te. The nests of the.
wasp are made Of
r sand, and attached to
ad palings,though a fe* species
in SandY'ground; they eon.' t
everal cells close together.
itaining a -larva and a Supply
or torpid- insects for its
a-spis are v�ri voracious and
D146 feeding On Insects, meat,-
Oney, and Other sweets; in
Xts of Europe the butchers
to have them about their
r their services in keeping.off
t . flies. They Sting upon
test Provocation; the wounds
painful, and are best treat.
mmonla, lotions. The honey
# -as of bees, is Sometimes Ca
. and produces a kind of rav-
UM. f
t is built'on decayed treee,
, and In almost any shelter.
In -barns and Porticoes; it
Ouaded form - made Of. coarse
, and of t�e color of faded
he materials of Which it is
are Prepared - from par. One of the PrIncessest
old wood or bark by their Bridesmaids.
redueed to a kind of sleeves Of Ivory Chiffon. There to a
nache, or solt Pasteboard; buncil' of scarlet geraniums on the
after the Inside Of the, left side, of the neck, and a chaplet
been thickly Plastered, of the sanle for the head,. finished
Le horizontal combs Suspend. with a rosette of white ribbon, -The
above by �ptrong columne, Queen.
,at . being the largest; the
hexagonal, with the open. Little Jokes.
Ward. Of course there to such a thing As
love or there wouldn't be So Many
1E BEST OF THE DEVIL. divoroes,
'No girl who IN afrald to at
onions Stranger in Cripple home alone In the evening shouladyever
Was a Surprise to* Natives. get married,
a round, sanctimonious face, oWhat does Mae Frivolous do when
anding collax and a Moody she Isn't taking Care of her dog,21
ey expression. When he en- "She thinks about hIW,
EL RYan's Saloon, then e Miss PASSAY-1 very promptlysald
iipple Creek. a hush fell thn ','NOI" Yesterday- to a man whohae
upo beell calling for quite & while. Miss
era and the hum, of mingled
and faro chips momentarily Caustlque-Theas' book
so ann agents are
OYIng areWt they?
n the days Of Cripple Creek9s "That child cried -for an hour -this
r afternoon."
,Old delirium, when Sancti- "'Why didn't you give
en were - even rarer than It to him?" asked the absent-minded
now and rum was higher father. 4
just as plentiful. Call on the family of a -girl who
with the sanctimonious sighs and longs for somebody tolove,
ligh standing collar looked and YOU will find that her brother's
a with mournful eyes. "The Parts need patchJn&-Atch1SO4 Globe.
fallen even here." he Mut-
audibly. 41 Reglile-Is it true that balloon
Brave, strong sleeves will be smaller nex
Cos in the coils of the ser- t season?
dragged down, down in Olive-yee. 'You see, the poor fellows
to couldn�t -get near enough -to a
PFill no one save them 2 -e
now beyond rescue 29' Ar before to propose -without all- the
world overhearl*, It
appealingly around from a dl.poix!� lost no many
nk to the bar and from the
Ouliter to the roulette lay- Wood IL Lotharlo-I would rather
be bright and wicked than good afid
he, we4t, oil, earnestly, dull. MISS Cutter -What a Pity We
a way granted to us shall cWt always have our wishes In this
Ourselves of the precious world I
stamp out � th
Is.. terrible I Listen, girls-; it you
drunkenness ? ' Brothers,. thbroughly;.. wish � to get
thance ---- C061 Just stop and cop -
there Is." Interrupted 'a older Owt It is Only a few weeks
aired . miner. now before you Will be . 'Wondering
VAUg to
You called how you are Manage to get
ust step up here -11ongside that $go
ClOa OU A $9 a *iek Sal-
PV01 show yer the - chance ar7,, It will 9ITe Youa shock that
On the varmint. Come
urged, Pointing his gun at Wil"dake YOU abiverl
MODIOUS face, " 'cause If. A"Bicycle
r liable to -Wake up In that —Duel.,
all therehmices are made Dueling on bicycles is reported to
itnd where they draw only. be a new diversion In Spain. Two
Million -,years.'- -member's of -the bicycle club of Gran -
0132,9# hie went on, after the ads reftntly'�jnet In 4v knife duel,
9 Collar - had' lined its. W111611, is -Probably the first -,ene
Igainst -tJ'e barL Jus poun-
t'pUtL1 tOr -01 the . kind -ever--jo
irlasses In a -mleels- A
row$ an ecomparileo-, _thblr_ 00-
h that glan L fill, obdid . - -*a- t' L
-rve - N they 'wheeled -,dtit tMone A16-
-tance -*u %ad
'yer, eh secluded --s
ances udst
�er. Now
I,PL opty. Talk about Ber- ipairi" �i V,
m neou. or -eM T -Ig �Mmu inner, eaeh..Zip
Mae Ine� -v
SO. RUMP- Ism dut' -now U vJtb t 6�, vand
kq..cWd -mifitI64-gain f ng-;" Vie:
-Ulf -b -4,
4 tftkbi -
e -
Pokid thd� AajjeJ1mon16,aq- 'd IlrW
ersti-i-t- W' wft -V Li V * V, i 4rito -
=in _a s
-4*0* IN
roo -40 V A—"l