HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-08-27, Page 4• e rtte uck w Sentinel, Bruce Ooun( Friday August 27st -THE POPULAR HARDWARE ' STORE , • .. z a Is; 1.. :•: i ;; win te %itl`Ftl?;f_' tt} t9•1e! You1' Fall nit ii eti O -S t'rcoat z -t2 `ou cilli :ave ttlt'In for the lint cold .:Trips til,lt make us all Shiver . 1 ,ail, ,l i tint' stock of •!;eitt.U`, --t•liczcs, etc., fOr 'ti ercoat.s, .and suitir,4s of --cry i1csc1 iptiod. Order be- rf, ttl. lull -r t u•2111,-", 011. C. Stewart. aIace. Clothing "louse. Nel a, ^ `- . 4 � BARGAINS. I Bargains in Prints. Bargains in Shirtings.. .bargains • in Cattonades: ammemellihminommos EQerythingCheap ► GOODS MUST BE SOLD WE WANT MONEY Neill & Co. IN THE SIIQIiIJIIATE COUHT • Of the County of Bruce. In the matter of the estate- of John Finlayson, yeoman; deceased. • LL PERSONS 'HAVING' ANY claim_ against the estate of John Fin- layson, late of the Township of Kinloss,- in the County of Bruce, yeoman-, decetised, who died on or about the lith day of May, 1896, ' are required on of before the tens day of October, 1896, to send to- the undersigned Sotioitor for the Executors of -. the Estate, fall particulars of their claimsan,lthe securities (if any) held by them, :,retied by Affidavit. After the said elate th, E:.eent•.r:t- will proeesd to distribute the e,t:r,v am.m the parties en- - titled, having rel r n.;t• ,only L. the claims of. which they shall. tli •n have received notice and after sucbttiatril :•u they will not be re- ayouneible for guy part of the Estate to any _ •7r ,ditorvf tsho e claim they Uhall not have . and almost unendurable: It frequently pre- . -eived notice at tim-e of such distribution. entedher from attending school, and she found 'This neti;,e is ;;i: ea pursuant to the statute in atndy at home practically impossible. She had •that behalf. no appetite. and did not sleep well. The pain was very severe =band her heart and she was Lucknow; An:Cti;t 'lath., 1690: mush -troubled with fluttering and palpitation. Sho was completely worn out in body arid was P. A.:iic1LCC'_1iS0\L, Solicitor for Executors. tired and drowsy all the time. Her .mother and myself became seriously alatined as she NOTICE TO DEBTORS was *eminently getting worso.- All persgns indebted to the late John "Last Last July my daughter Sarah, a teacher in Fin- layson are required to paw the amount 6f Elea indebtedness forthwith to Alex Nichol. t an. of the Township of Kinloss, one of the Jxecutors. We -desire to announe� to t.� e genera public that we have Qcided to carry on our bu6ines0 p. lc 7 BEGINNING Since tau First inception into busiines Wil:) chine e ur way with as much time as: their a d Mit credit trade-in every sense of the t ill past years we world be satisfied to continue 1.-- it es -curinected therewith,- but some change. cp '-; nnoly are using credit, it takes too much capita•l = the part of `Many who are accolrimodated to rec w � can t ot be replaced without the money which . c CD and credit is an inducement on the part of som criminating between the almost trusty and the expense in stationary, postage, book keeping an cases a part of the principal, and -losses are two in. our close. vations we notice that a large Malo/ it to any important degree, which -could easily unsatisfactory, incurring from the out start a fol Tl�e�-eforewe 1 to- in�k�; t�ii� ��ig change This is the PEOPLE'S STORE,. It is a CASH STOP E. We clo not pretend to sell everything cheaper than sores that do .a credit business, but "otir prices on the av ra ;e will be found mach lower. Below we quote a fey .t,his week :— N I SEPT_ 15'111-i.. 1896 �f`1 accommodate 11 with veryfew eXt:epti'ins, tried t -;>r we h�i,�e, ! ressing needs required, and our means wout.d permit, doing , audlif times had other things had remained as they were s,we were even with che.universaily acknowledged ulpleasa,nt have ta,en,place that make a continuancedmpractical►;e. Too - credit terms are too longi Showing an apparent indifference on rocate when they do :possess the means. - Stock sold on time se the ealer a greatamountof anxiety to make ends meet to live beyond their ineans i 1 oyealin; the impossi5ilityof dis early r1 t to be trusted. It takes too much time, labor and ;collet hip. that it exhaust ► allthe profits and in very many great il- defiance of 'the most desperate_'eflort to avoid it, and ty of tui thriving do not use their credit whitea tew do not use altog tiler aba,nclou;d, as it is unpleasant, unprofitable .and" Ver unsettled) state e,t man's afairs. e av decided And.in conclusion thank sincerely our man- fri uml M' the new conditions announce(/, ,their fatty over.tlie old way. Our ontstandiiig accounts Closing of Our Boo And if there are any who do not wish to receiv but- let it be thoroughly understood thatinno c �• lids f� their very liberal ptitronage - in the past an so c e e trade which we tiro deter€mined will be mutually- beneficial will be mailed. or ready for the same, shortly after the s on September 15th, 1896, tlleim#n this way they can cbtain`them by calling at the store, se. do we purpose to extend time either on new purchases or on. already contracted accounts. The Popular Hardware; . Lu PALE CSsLS Weak, i .ugui3 and listless, suffer,. ing from heart palpitation, ner- vousness. stomach troubles er constipation:should use -Indian Woman's Balm. It cures. WEAK WO 1.Elii- Run down, easily tired, pain in back or limbs, troubled with dizziness, rush of blood to the head, faint feeling; nausea, try Indian Woman's Balm. It's nature's -remedy for women. FOR. SALE BY HARRY DAYS, Druggist. CONCLUSIVE PROOF. Prom a Well Known Citizethan n- beenFtroubled witPolly. wyere symps for tom of kidney disease. She had constant and acute pains in her back. The pain in her head Was fearful MILL FOR sn11. p HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR sale the saw and shingle mill and cider rens, situate• I on the gravel road at the 12th t[on. of Ashfield, Pt Miles from the village of ,L,ucknew. - - -. A11 the machinery in the mill isin first-class e ,edition and the boiler and •engine, which is 9 horse Power, are almost new: The mill trill be sold cheat, and on easy terms. The mill is in a good 1' cation and has - al- tsays.been liberally patronized, but as the t copnetor has dei aded to go out of business, it is his only_reasoa for ac aim;. - For further particulars apply on the prem- fees-, fir to , - • E. BOWER, Belfast P. O. 1896 -VOTERS' LIST --1896 =1ENU iP tLITY OF IDE TII .1,6H OF LICKAOW; COUNTY OF MUCH CH "'kr OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LN 'I have transmitted or delivered to the e .n le School at xfngsvIlle, Ont., came home to spend her vacation, and Ending liar sister in such a distressing and dangerous condition; said, I am taking Doan's Kidney Pills and they aro doing me much good, I have a box -with me and will divide with Polly, which she did. By the time Polly had finished the half box her improvement in health was so marked, that I procured Moro.from Mr. Fraleigh'a drag store. - Her full restoration to health.and epirite was rapid and continuous. She has now none of her trouer bles. She esttei anul d sand leeps weii sand for more than a month 1,aa.enjeyed the most vigorous health. She bsa not lost a day at eohool since she commenced t~the pills. and has so much faith in them a they restored het to fill health that she wants me to keep six bozos in the- house ail the thine In case they should be needed and not available. Her care has beanie wonderful 'bethinks they will cure any complaint. If the pule hadeost money. boo, rwould notrestoration of riffdaughter*0fuun health and strong obehcod. from her former - serious sickness, - eto., -has rade her mother, ' myself sled daughter a ha pyfamily. I make this sworn statement with the full approbation of inwife and daughter,,volun- tarilyy and without any .org1ng .or inducement whatever..toshow the made my daughter, wife and myself feel for the wonderful cure wrought by the Doan Sidney !lila, We hav not the least doubt that her tryfng 'the pills jest at the time she did rased us a large. dootor's bill, as she was ell but sick abed .at. the time. I am sixty-two years o!- age. a penter. by trade, bsvo been s resident of St. Mary's for forty peam and -county constable for thirty years tend am wen known, and I make this solemn drelaration believing- the seine to bo true, and knowing, the same to have the ' same effect% 4e an oath, and according to the - enemamerttinned in the third - nd fourth dot rear extra Judice/ Oaths 1893. p ;ctfons of the "Voters' Lid. Act'the copies ';it#k/ gd.. WILLIAM BROWN. t.:quired by said section to be i o -transmitted '� deolarod betore'me at the Town or delivered of the list, pursuant to the ;,;,i u d et of all persona appearing by tkcip lass rev',sed t _sseesment. Roll of the said reunicipe. 1ty to Fe entitled to vote in the said muniP ,panty, at elections for members to the T ,ea,islativo As - •a mbly, and the municipal P' ecti"ns, and the e aid list was first I,t,st%cl up in my office, i.uknow. this Lith r1_,, of August, 18!i!i, and Attains ains there for 'aisp ction. - - Elect3rs UP_ called - upon to examine the 'arid' List a,nd if any omi,sion or an; other error ar-e found therein tr. take immediate pronto$ djng„ to have the same errors corrected ::cording to taw. MORAISON,. Dated at btu:b lo' " tiler's. of the said Chia 19th day of j municipality, August, 1896. )) Lucknow, P. O. =1896 VOTER'S .i,IS-T--189 / LBICIPALITl::OF TUE 'TOWNSHIP OF )YrZO99. COUNTY OF:BRU M IOTICE I3 HEREBY GIVEN THAT have transmitted or delivered to the pereosections of eat 1—ma-zoned in the third and - fourth . =Voters' List Att" the copies required by said eeetion-ta he so transmitted or delivered of the list, r.nranant to the said- Act of all persons appearing by the last revised went Roll etf the said municipality to bo$ nfitled to vote in the said municipality,- at elections for members to ti..: r egislative As eembl , and the municipal :rte•ctians and the said list was first postedn p in my office, Lang - p. 0. glnloss. this loth clay of August 1896. and remains there for i:, .Lection. are cafe I uiwtt to examine the analau for any other to takeimmcorrectedediate etrld List an i an , *tame are found etoi Ings to have the sac gtolaw. • PETER REID Clerk of the said in the County of Perth, this bth h, A. D., 1896.. `.:. 8°'W3! N. FORD 30 'Qoih ns' eioner in High Court of Jostles. Ontario. FOR SALE BY B211%Y..& CO, Druggists C1GER AND JELLY MILLS r NTE WISH 11 LA b,NOI, NGE TO -THE veil)!!! of l,r,eknnvv and surrounding country that we have opened rut our felly ntil! i i Winghaot, and will continue to do but inrs-i in our tin• nail the close of the seas, .n. A all r: elicited. - - IHASTINGS & RITCHIE, Wingham P., 0. PIGS ESTRAY CAME TO TRE PREMISES OF THE underxigne:1. Tot 3, eon. 7, Ashfield on or about Monday, Aug, 10th, two white pigs. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. . W. McGRORY, - Crewe P. O. CATTLE ESTRAY PRAYED FROM LOT 33 CON. tN • i' eithoss, about the 28th of Ilia Last, 3 yearlings 2 steers and 1 heifer. One steer red with white spot on face, one steer red and white spotted heifer dark red, with Marge white apot on face and a piece off: her tell, All three are marked with a small to cornered notch out in underside bf left -easss Any information :that will -lead to their recovery will will be suitably rewarded. 1 r?J YOU" C TAYLOR, Pure ledge Shirting , reg alar 12% and 14c, our price 10e and :11e Fine #.c ,;y check-gioghams, regular -8c and-9c,.our prier, Se and Go Table linens, renter 20c, our laic" 16c, and an extra wide , line, r4aiitar 40c. our price. 30e D. &'-. corsets, i -ng waist, perfect fitting;. 6 hocks, 2 side steels, - „i.o!1 value. at $1:00, our price 83t; .. A big ritnge of tine prints, new patterns, latest shades, regular 124 aur place 100 . - 'A special line of black tea, regular 30c -to 35c, .out price 22c Ask fi;r' a sample pound of tbis tea, . Fia,e,ft Peals Tapioca. regular 7c, our price fic per pound and rmany c 4h'er lines equally low. - - UR000H The owner of a watch r clock Then. it is to.four - interest ‘ hen get ting it repaired to place in the hands of the most skilled ° ilorirman you can find. This you wi' do by bringing .it to R.- KNOX, Watchet ker, of Lucknow. The goods sold by -him here • And in Wingham from 1871 to 1879 , re giv- ing the best of satisfaction sti 1.1 Re- established in Lucknow 1894. Please rememberthe place, in the of stand next to Mr. Lawrence's and the ex- press -and_ telegraph office. - H s , stock consists of ' - } Gold and•Sllver Watches, Clocks Silverware, Diamond Rings, W i -II ding tEngagementRings,Cha ids, • Brooches Ear -rings, Breech. Fine Cutlery, Ylollne, trings a id Bows R. KNOX :WATCTHMA ER, Wanted—An - Idea Who :. ,think of so • e simple thing to patent/ Protect your ideas: they may bring yip wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER8�IIRN & CO Pa nt Atter. Heys Washington, D. C., for their $1,800 'rise offer and kat of two hundred. inventions wan ed. FOR . S -IJ Gordon s Drig-.. Store Having purchfsed the drug business carried on lat el by Mr. A. B. Congram, and 'having added- largely to stock, will -be able to supply the necessities of any house- hold in the medicine line Do not fail to call ; • • And ask for anything you require as you will: find it right and reasonable. Prescriptions •• Prpmptly and C refully Propounded. DR. D Medicine Hall-' M. GORDON, - Lucknow. O THATIVALUAB,LE PROPER 'Y SIT- nate in the Village of Lucknor; and be- ing 3 acres near the.station • and 13 acres on the west side of Lucknow, now oncc ' pied by Peter Watson, and that part of bloc' G, on the corner of Campbell and Stauffe', streets.. Fer _particulars apply to - - 1071.13 - M. CAN BELL 41' PUT. NEW LIFE IN ME. 1 4.4 ALL I DID WAS JUST TO MOPE A OUND " "SCOTT'S SARSAPARILLA CURE. ME." The chilly weather of late 11 and early winter finds them unpre red to - stand the change and hence t ey suf- fer. This fact is plainly prove by the following opinions of some who -speak fromractical experience : - "I felt like a man that could COMMIS suicide.- I caught -a cold while cainp- ing on damp ground, had twinges of awful muscular pains,. -couldn't flat and couldn't sleep. All I did was t mope around and make- all in the h We- all miserable 'as myself. Scott's Sa s,apar-. ilia put new life in me . braced ;ane up thoroughly, and since its use gg in is a stranger to me." - Alex Grant, T;' ronto. J. T. McGraw, a mining pros ector,. writing`from Minden : Express age three - bottles Scott's ;Sarsaparilla here Ibefere Saturday. Have -been a mal1tyr to rheumatism and indisstion brim ht on by exposure.- Scotts Sarsapai la b • rapidly curing me." Nothing- has ever equalled cott's Sarsaparilla for building up the stem, putting the blood in healthful . ucula- tion and invigorating the body. Thou- sands testify to - its splendid, e cts in . extreme weakness andIl d a ebil tating diseases. i On this account no i tatioa of Scott's should be accepted. + f your local druggists at $1 per bottle 6 bots . ties $5, Wanted—An Idea t k so a ilmple Y•t patent W tie JOHN WED] theyRN $ CO - Patept Attor- neys,Weshingtbn. D. C., for tbeir. $1,890 y offer and ist of two hundred inventions want - MCLEOD'S System. 110310V 0r And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOi E Impure, I Weak and Impoverished Dyspepsia; Sleeplessness, Palpitati Heart, Liver Complaint. Neutillgia, Memory, Bronohitis Consnm p tin, Stones. Jaundice Kidns and bili pees. St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irr "` AdaGeneral Debility. $1 per halfpint and 82 per pint - .. `LAUUOBATORY, - GOD • e1.1111e McLE For Sale by A B Coupon .and goo aeries The great `question is where to get. them. We keep the - best qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below cost, but we do sell them at a very close margin. ` TE.AA7 Blac, , Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices, You • will save fiom 5 to 10 cents per pound it you buy, from us instead of tea Meddlers. Qowpare quality and prices: _-- CROC- • We have a fine a§ortinent cf dinner setts, tea, berry and toilet setts very, cheap. Call, examine them and get prices, E'LOTJTR All kinds of floor and feed kept constantly' on hand.. Goode delivered to any part of tlietown, eClure a and �'Iallough C.AS2 GROCERS_ . CORRIG� Is the plaee to make'your selections in - ROCKERY, GLASSWARE, GROCERIES &. PROVISIONS_ I have in stock the following _: pppies lacking , . lack Lead 1ue 1 siting Powders th Bri_ ok eafla Brooms Baskets Brushes iebuit 'offee onfeotionery tanned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal - Currants CurriePowder Cream Tarter$ Cocoanut pates ,•3;.Flour 4yri r Dried Apple Extracts Fier • Fish, anned ifish, dried Gelotine Gingers - ---. Sopa Honey_ Indigo - Licorice- ` Lime Juice Lemons • Lamps Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal - Macaroni -. Mustard -. Meats, canned Moeda Nutmeg - Soda Oil. olive) Soaps 011, sweet Spicoa Oil,castor Starch Oranges strawberrlea, awns Oat Meal. Sulpheri Hs _--- - Tapioca Peels Tomatoes,cann = — Pipes Teds PickIse- Oil, e - Tobaccoes P an lee Vermleell' Peas,canudd - V re Pepe! Wabo'ards . Raishia Waeliing Cry Rico , ; Woodenware Rice F ._ Rthiting - Sasggo _. Diiinerldets Sisk: Yeitet Cakes Salmon Dinner Sets: Sardiuee Teel Sets ' etts Seeeedds Wa er.SSe se SvrPpf 'r+iiletiettfi ■ u We have now in' tock : DAISY ?MK) ETERS IMO CO. r lies CANS �R ��ERY PAILS MINER- , MILK PANS -AMD PIECED SCREEN .'. DO RS •' AND WINDOWS SCREEN WIRE' ANY WID TH PURE PREPARED PAINTS WHITE LEAD, GALS ND TURPENTINt DRY PAINTS ALABASTINE, THE ONLY PERMANENT WALL FINIM I RENCE, WEEZEZEIMSM The Demand For suinluer goods will be -over in a few weeks. We have some lines we wish to. clear. 'This means reduced price to the purchaser. - Prints worth 121e for 8c :per yard. Men's Print Shirts worth $ 1 for 50c Many odd lines at equally low prices w'- CONN. - I.J-Es veimme REMOVED UTOHER -SHOP c Webster Bros., have removed 1 DOOR EAST OF WIN'S BARBER SHOP . • - where you will always find them with the choicest of all kinds of meat in stock. AR cattle are so cheap, we 'intend to give our customers the benefit. Good Boils for 4 cents and up. . Good Roar for 7 and 8 ts. Thanking our many customers for'thei° past patronage and hoping for a continuance of the same, IN e remain, " Yours truly, Lucknow. . 1115 BOWMAN & DOUGLAS. . Reasortabie ver itkan*partotto 0700101.1-401 NESS GIVES FRESH- Wgitte e CL EAR agreeable H HU Leads, theni all for rsmiLr,,NGD_._roceriea cANNEtk GOODS Frniti of Ail:Kinds in Season FINk TEAS The Laocgrey Stock The Cho_zc'est Goods, 42r. the Be,f(Fitige .Salt IlaTroi OHN NokENZ/B Baker and., 0:onfectioner. Dealer itt tt11 kinds of Groceries, a ned Goods ectionery, Etc. ad, PunS , Cakes ally a 11