HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-08-27, Page 2�57: t4
i 7AM
soil Lavordac 0981 no mot etceptlor -a -few U'l
cept tion. A�
41CCIM6111 * them -to' their -COON, w r, T �-�7- 1881U -0 -- -1-1-896,
set- &V.the We Egalit 8
M should -be a 004 onevtafter that;thpy
the play the are. To sup logey, Anl4rialitt I Thought There Was ftoing.
will (to well -111I ly attended
at - Fiquot's he oe do -C it -kept t 'TO.Be i -Party After Chuich
t Jyj
Cale In -. the a Nontorguell. u ng
years. oundlealth H P t t
was Burg 6 plan coulld not 1 0 op s ho Americau women. 'above women, o
Geese are no! raised often; because� 'an;� -other nation It . ave. - reputazlo
nett of .1le
A Heroine of the Reign. ot Terror. to give* plea to Aft e, W ho J . the jpiejufte against them; beO
had been sh p In her Own room AGRM0.ULTVR9... omins WaY to-fltbers.
of Over -dressing. An Irish girl paying
long.' annoyed -with their Aolsei'the owner4 first visit to au'American 6hurch
so In dry weather keei.4- the 'Cultivator get rid Of'tbam, before they know their
I 4or as" if they gave parties In Smerlea
Nanette its eneldi and this tima the Ili const t use It' - tbb field. stir- true worth. No WatteA how 014, they
A'THRILLING could agree 0 411 he said. His Advice Was Acted U after churchi and When asked wiry she
NARRATIVE OF THs FiENCH RI;V0LUTlQ*, . ring thelisuIrface 11614,jor this main- are dealrable-if th6y will keep fat o . pon, bgrNe. Miles
true,that sh�.b'd long been Is- Pettit. of Wellington, W,1�01 as a thiduglit, -the- womeli
tains, th� 4ffilch in t&?.j]iost effective good Pasture.; An average one shoul i were
BY oner, and now� list Ultlzen cezpEt on I,. kept Res ber -bf
-PAUL ftnvxT. had made h4- Pe CO with, his sectl n, ReJoices in iiewed (IF8,Wed for oneT'7�1 A -Iarge nain
weigh nine pounds. If we they nit gow the wealthier- c
couditlo�. Never �plaxA-A"ty more ae o' lam, from frequent
he was no' I re will ralse, two broods a year., and Strength.
I I ug r- compelled to e n- with th in Health
vigitii abroad. have become educated.
ceal eese are more hardy and much Ifs§
X hanw (F rom, the -style of diess, but It
4;++++++ It 1110 f - Zpn have teams G
with wh 9 chickens oe, tur., shoWd -W so Vnth all wo -Dress
+ his wife ti, loosen Pletoil, Tllnels,) to A proper
T he the trouble, tilan either
was to' Commence ground rOMPtIY'aft0 each shower, keys. and the profits are much . ldrger, Mr Miles Pettit, of veirmitoh. was appropriately and you will lessenyour
ace.- good mail ot them all wa 11110. her at live oleloc�6- [Clatide Cezarou, and which, "pactis the Afiftace. During the suiftmer all a re' men.
Thei'looked each other in the t peInee
-lipsband- L they need is 30 -tit Wier at the Times IoWlbb. He
There wais liffet slience between illeim his wife Yva,14ed. ito -the Rue du FAA-- - In C__ Went - the. lhw. went in 14w - . - XI-11se ana increase the becomingneag
But Yet, living shut up alone a�'she bourg pq to good Pasture. Theyibegin laying Wheq to an old subscriber to the p4p d
a they Itooh a effect In er, an I style. Do not -wear diamonds or
am.Wgiuning t6 fully 'a:ppr6cfate bad been dolngtLexcept during I Ile low eabriolet, ly which; -.,W , as passed -two but a year oldi. and,froin, a dozen Til
.i - a wore on I er or three ra ago, aito-wing no wagon hM6i has for Yeare been one of tile, most Ot of -jewelry in the -morning. Do
CillY. "Youhavowas,Tuch a de d a all d h --W not and three or four ganderA one
YPU,*" hours that all& passed With N 11 - hea U, cap, s�?Pd to, haul L ton wj3iII t arespected business men of Welluigion, notl Wear a light or lancy gowii ahop-
narrO' ti hree
-cleverikess as -you have beauty.` seemed � to niake life so Pht. mn t re6ejye 400 eggs in a season.
I to h Inch, P-1111;
80 strM1,111-t - up tehead, a ton and st, half require or to church. which is only alift-
�4 aur much honored by tile cdmplt- dreary. - Site had grown accu tomed ffo. Awe The only -cause or mortality amon 'He 181080possessed-of considerable In-- 'for the even'tErg
to her - husband that shib noir, eased (PL, bl e WhIch one -of inches.' ItAlle law would duckli ablo , or a social. func- i
0 . Do not, haver- on a nice. ulet;
shrug to observe him; there -Was nothing aitached the,linv4riabie, co cramps, ret several,patents for hls,.own Invontions. gO n to go doVvn-town and- oil it
--said. with a slight n 1198. lf'PlentY'of drinking ',Tatef, vontive Ifentuo and Is the -holder bl. ti
she showed e Obon. to which Tas Provide at- the r&ii� axis Must be is supplied, at -all times' to q
C lade. adz or ei -0
ek lnches� 10A' the suiting from dampnesk;
her' if thlg--.I�q IT -fancy lAce'trimm6d parasol
Ot her /shoulders; **but, I -should: litive i about him, that she did not � know. der a -race, 4dgl�g, floated - ger than op
her' front 'on such . wa*bhe *ould h&. Timeil all Y the,
I -The flaws in his character be ongeo curls. Hqr bea;uta I hair was gantbhe t' -by keeping theIr
Prelerred to 'receive ti, fe'w words in ; to all -good - men in thoso . dr coide ar -road whkera. b . e- guarded' agains was aWare (d Mr-. 'Pettit's' or much bedecked or beclizened ha"
explanation ot Your visit. Fran -MY. Vadful. Into a larg- 'not behind, rom. will quarters warm and dry, and Ir I serious and long -continued llhiO�,0, and
es. fie was ris ly o N w ha� ltaki&
cltlzen.�`wWit lids brought u to see I mPOs- some longer r1a depended On, e? was delighted to see that'he had been'.
Ireadful tfin the lead in them Out of thef dewy gta8s anEd atnin)j _SAFE
Ins p rases. ghoul ro every reg 'on '.Where the one may
me I ed uponi; he loved to use ders. IP . r SURE, PAINLESS.
e -Wore a large wh easonably expect - to raW restored t-
lia,V6 told you that But lie, was just, lie wa� bon( st. he handkerchief . I -Imp ve uto have. bebu made or health, In amewer -to en -
already. I Itfiring her bus farm every duck ]latched.
-; wds kiiitL t. -b ikan I . I I . J, 't whai ;Epu. noed,if you are tron
have ectme'advice, to offer you. - The Alas I He wa lands br g better pri and farm. After the feathers -eks on qul.'ries ! as to, how this - hwil been ble:by aching corns..Putnam's Pain -
ay be picked si brpugb t 4ibout, Mr.. Pettit pTomptly kn'Extrketor acts in this yvay.
informed the . section tii&t Citizen r
3 eg an And emp akes no sore spots. acts -a
P 'try- to 11I like sbOwed her t roat; the crossed onis e Is y and cheAI got to mar- weeks from March to, De:'em r! [t
P14card on the door of - tit is house iias those a I he p wit 8 one 01 r -It' was' OP In I front so that, it producta ing larger�brofltg, because mature they in of du
wolves, until the wolves devour them. passed throu h algash ofblue saUn. et. baticalli replied: Py� Wit-
otaron. has a, wif4g. altilough no one Tears. came itifto Marlette a . eyes; lie me pair of �,horses can draw since the - feathers - from a Pskin due it." Bela further ,e pp6dily,
�ou 'n
She,had -put pon. uesidesi, a white at Ilk Is t load it could. on soft road mmand. almost as good prices We t.*-
'these Interrogated an to whether lie Was E�xltractor,
r,;;a 4id blue; the prose it and r diem of 't!I6 Weather a' co feathers will
w43- alvare of his being married. I am `he knew too well who was the woli sxlrr, s]tk Ilams' P nk Pills did �lng.tlle worst corn I
obUgpd t0I Put_ things plainly. 1: ask, -%Vllo w0uld devour Claude. A d Yet made her by, C9t n Gregoire. rainia. or those from a gooie, Putua-in's (;orn
or pardon." lug- that the facts should I i-- made sure Cre.
ad not re, ;Ileionly
yu C'My It. appeared In the h6usti Tire eabI soon more than'pay for the-expeW will
t -be C e Cut Ir me
Ohl'. she repilcd. slityxIdering- �li the Rue de I'Ecbequier. __�Ing, open, and at IntO bleces suitable Of -its raising and keeP( public, be cheerfully p(moeirto to give
s.one. wind in theirl 1110W. it ROws"WhaLt d �-- for -koa$t or'bollingii Put Into-sto E pDg; oli a statement for that purpose, -v i hieb in A
A ntf What then, - citizen i n4l only visit hall - Wen -a mout 1 ago. ranged the I I b t It called ip crocksa ne xPrCIO CoMPamies -are fattening-. JOL Misuriderst
17hen the sscetion wit The drum came back along - tbo 8 u cover witli -.buttermilk; if Crates of live Poultry -which should be. ..substance. as follows: He wits first "How is Your- husb*d enjoying thin
h one voice color In l;he'Fh'e-e7k;oi M 'L
-1treet. young will ). kept in �L cool place, bfich Meat; wlu�,drOssed, and shipped- at hall the -ex.
vi'leti: 'Whatl Is Citizen Cezuron still Clau(16 stliTed. openel his, Which in her,long eclusion had -sow i- keep for week, or hot � weather ?II
I -es, and saw Marlette si ei I - '
living.,' I � [tti�g Up Ini t* -b in the hottest penes, and sell much better. Therefor -yrhy. 1 -i -that /Ia-he
. We illought he i� its drad!" what lost, t1leir b 01 weather-, and lorso lidfir� ot its good ship more drewd it pay "l, beg your pardon; I hadn't, h6ard.
DA they say that?," - itd. His first thought was 0� kiss, The cab' at pped. . The. citizen a d -qualitieo.. it is well to. change tile, less pou.,ry and
I think some of them - salt] , tha Site smiles as, be -did sal citoyenne an ored he gardens 47 t I e chaig6s, To get the best. lirices, -.6f Your bereavexjfent. Was it siradell 'I"
Pal milk e few days; i:
Cezaron was one -.of -the eult --some large grocer.. packing
Citizen V What -is -the rt(ppel b ship, to X, ? ::;,ha
e4ting ror r als Egallite.. r, IturriedClau a TO at bereayeineut ?11
'vast oure your fieldis, put -handles well in- ice, if too far, to take. in the f/- ly. hesdead; isn't he
';;omething must be ou foot,' ho cried.i along. The n 'ajr. this Cha e f to a boll or pin runnift- through the wagon. . The refrigerator frelilit Much lie
"They were Ila-rs and cowards!" You had better have stall] qsleepr, scene, exel car ho, my/liusbamd ?' Not
3030 S hub -of a IL old wheet *o around, the
On. the coutrary." said Cilly, do"-'-" Is cheaper than.etpress. But since oar girl left us he has
"they and animat. . At hat early hour t Is sides or - across the I 101d - each way. Men who ship live poll bee# cloing the cooking."
were honest Patriots. - In their eyes, to As Claude sit ill this ne sprang I lustily, garden.4 cif the p ala -Egallto we e � Itry, In tho
YJ =8:dd,eeent full 8 the L i� Wh, el
ueg�ee It, even for one tiny, to do work o dress It mseli.� :still frequeftWil b Ition Often received at
at a man W ct- readily c, �11E BABY IS CUTTINO". ET' -I
jur ihe revolution shows th 'flood, as dared toleowe -later :tI e marked- -that- YOU May the. city. market should be prosecuteo
out ot bed. anti began t Puish 119 ;he wheel - bdidke � you. Have Crowded* cand
alr the"time utterin- a Perfe t the revb1dtions; know- IF TE I
has nwheart, in -the good cause. - it is or ords. place would be avo4ded by them, lug the Circumference, ` exactly, . the for cruelty; and there 10 Much Wfer-
Vill slit-, want- to knaiv wit, Ing because of lack of food, and,water- Be Isure Land Use that old and well
.-six 'months sluee- Citizen Ceza tu wit Everybody turnedl as Nanette passc d length ol' the field ig - easily 'calcul --
at go lof fowls dW
rou has, 6 have a IoTk on the Journey.'Thousands �rlep remedy, Mrs. Winslows �Sootb-
OvVu hitusett at the theetings- of tlie likely to go- on that- day 'I Pa �bleu I I t ) beautiful a wom:- ated.
Kanterre lit La, Vt:nZiee hail' aia. Laver� as COMIn en, route. Better keep- them at home Syrup for"children tpething. It
Ot let theta blivillehim for it!" IlItLL Ir-Itli a reverse. That was nott wards them idown'� aad bury - them for fertilizer. upon L41ieg _ t fie child, sof Vens the gums,
hwl. so
Tell thew, I ke "UrItrising. , What. was warded in Ma: Eral nother pat Start il bpon .1 11 their native fields. -cures wind c6lie an
she 'eried. pt him Ile. Ie4 1�114 wifIll& slip fro ght' even I li� allays ail pain,
go - who' kne Iiis hls:arm. he 01-toyenne --Laverd to he e best remedy for, d
frual - ing to the soctiou. Vendee W�:rs a soldier settle. If you' are. not,-." even able T average farmer-dwo not car tile larrhoea.
If - he L had business, and they had Aunt a brewer., ywhed Into buy, a small flock Of Ptife. bred o much. about color, In- eggs, Tw�nty-fiv,6 cents a bottle.
nor beelt afraid of making me tinh4PPY 1he A If her. fewmhou r, high -iieitlieri 0-1
lie would ha,�e gotip there In s Of lw- news liati couie the night before. 'friend. wMei her r;u�band stood grfi de shc!6p, put all Ybu can -advan- Probably, does the average ' country (1 4--
-pio' The se�tious were 'assembling. -And I hind her, ga#Ln tageously in -a pure bfied rain. and market bill; tot- the
uie. Tell.- tlqx�u so I' Tell tuera -the . g a� Nanette, 6�o fre fancy -market, Thek'Just Sew.
and brIllIanV rL beau afterward do all You -in buying
other -news had come I very -in hf� tqie�Y muot'be of the
truth. You jI y6urseives on b - 11. much ty. and foi Now, York aeems to jequired-- color.
eing - e WIL&t do you �o at thf-se se -w -
sincere." sanie thin-. Emigres- had come 9 tting, to g eet Claude -,Cezaron. good ewes. Tile flock Will increase is white eggs, attacked In the fall of 1892, MW -r -aa- t. -
Little Emlip wope a rather talt himt, rattlildly, i ot only i' sistLag in diggi4g a cellar. 11%e first Ing, mee ings
bon't. think of such a thing, cito- back to Paris, anti Avere Plot ng in - I lost n hiltribers-.but !it while Bopton prefers the brown. - Ite-,
You ompro mise Most to to ! .. member that a crossing in breeds oil symptom lit 1IJ&-Sew what ?
It:et nre� for (�o Q, t T a worth. .. :SheI-SevV,, of,leourse.,'
-oild ouy c ncealment. The tliiii-, be running up point, an 1, was lameness in �tbv rig
yourself; anti wou.d p)u se wcvn th 101- i "fted up at If"prept red to keep': the flocks un- "y -kind will not give egrle of a unit, hip, 'Which ' tinued for-nea,"Y two- She---Oli, we soiv gossip, dissewsion.,
feared wa.,4 the -feud b 45 �tlle brim. It was made c If pon r,, -
your -aceu4er Iolv('178 or r-obespiukre and tile, Iron- pink satin. � ussed by two folds. of der good belter in all bad weather, fo = appearance. .,. I years. It then gradually exte0ded to
Bu the one i dicine which"can lie ussitl Wow, and a little later, breeders of theother'leg aud to both feet,, The strlfe.,&ad occasionallysew'.1 garment
r, It must be done"' she ciled, t1istS-tht? Brissotins-s0itle car -red hem. purple-ot the,same material; a bo
I - .. I - - for the ' r.
ndists.hati, inally- friell zi, I t to advan age for ulm6s;t .111
c-laing towards libu with 'her 1�4nds Tho. Giroi n of purple r-lbbon. adorned if, on� t, sheep p�re bred stock will be anxious to, g(A sensations were a numbness and prick-
Ct thtk Faiibour �Foissonlere,zt Citizen left,'while oil the right,she had I diseases
1-11 Out" "IL is� U6 truth. Truth sulPhilre Th -1 -OW W in their rd- of their pure bred cockerels, and' ilig, which c'ontinued to get wor-io and
-re is. Shiloh's I 'ure.'
Id !, told. Iwikit no IlutSVIt "waS T)ot kleCidVd Is, box& or e T�A-,,, bi-st cough cu
b, tb tened 66ma feathers alid some - rose es 0 r U tile groufid- Where" the 'ois thatime to"buy ie4x��l wokse, until he pra tically logii �ontrol
-1 give you full perial-,4-.0a UJ -IliLvl� me ink 'and furple, also Ned is -till I n. Have tio tear o r doing tl
1% li't t pajt'ht� take. Ilf. would Tile eolQr4--� A, i�-gleute( cough is dangerous. St
4 - �11 differences - prices on I set cou - walk but p 113 4urt- it at !)nce witli. Shiloh's Cure.
if I Peared ia bo hi W.aa harm wl- h it. -MatL fis W0110 give
urrested .1 take his Cue'- fr6ju 6 arat,' On Iii r dice, - w ch to, pa
4 nccvs,�ary'. 'Al,'hu-It, irues - tit, Y 'g efore
L i: - - I now and nett spring. is a digtance b Iiiii
_ or '4ie Luinisters. lie hat rie( 'k- bu - -lit they - seem qeal an oblige
awtij,�sigpijy,.o --it Purple, tr1nT When. E ieep, want more th the c4cat of tile food fqr� out, and he would be d �(A rest.
him palai, I enwlth large pin
'eri �t.t- fli§- 4�,I:g:Llite in close tobs. . oil kir:t -of White muslin to want t -bad, and- dh� disap tdie intervening time; Theri-fore, buy, He felt that If he -could walk for ty ro('a i PRACTICAL 'POLITICS.
seizel Lin ill Car� rple flourim point now._ without resting he was accomplishing. A lqdy -wanted Warders, and
c"rqvren citi-zell Jui she had - Wirt a they Coin0jo, their "lick -
tie had LI ',w lilte.-riunds. also two tiny Pit ment
I'Lg, ack.- -reat deal. no
:Itu tried ,to dr.�� vDtan, one -oi that juild.4ter s. 1 bser Intervals -- WIP 66M4e - n Wlljle th lad the Jiest'of
I caught up.at -place ' seems to- 46t, them 6, ere id not 'sio much money I 64e, advertised this way:
lfbuV he Garat Nvas.'kei-pill P-htiikpink. One was half -way up th� They nee sait medical' attendance and tried Many I Want some men who uDderstand
llk-i4 them fast�!&,W,4: dark- tis to a weki. as food and got from the sale of poultry ant� eggs
his Opinfolis.- fit tho..'7Commu-ne a skirt. the other at the bottom. LImILli Witter. a d need)t a§:.�os1jiv*pIy medicinI6s without any beneficial re�- T'
You may trqbt. tky inor, he-- isaftt. as from a single farm -na -from some of the day."
am i '-'rval elf.Orr, was lx�in inade - "'elect had put her c6ekade under t do -other inlinalq.- Nev6 the crops. there is �more Clear gai . n.' r% issues of
And if � the ad ViCe to he sha I, let the sup- suJIS. He remained in this comAtion F) when men argue and discuss,
'feathers an( PI on e exha tedt'.. and the receipts are almost e . onstanti fok about. two yeims, when he tinex-
u.butir. to -;ve 1-�*-vn6ral flanr-Wt as gencral�cciln and- CLOW of her bunch of y bee, us
y0a.. 6 not t�Ii6ruugliiy.- Ti�me slips along on wheels,
)rrlrn� Llided roses- One nig it of si ring'the whole year. pectedly got"relief. One- day It(,,, was And' slip had cleturly Ugured thus:
uade'rstood by -#;Lti-.e4 Cvz;%ron. 110W C(
Lllu-t I.,luw lue to�( -y�(Yu I in Claude offered . his'arin uAll 6fid 'cold north qu if proper at " - in - - Picton and was returning to Wel-
I,aek hf,.re.a 11 L d ere
n teutioh w glvdii.th6 fowls, and pro-
iiW se6titin Satia'" Cul)ttes- to ihe Cite. rai4 will kill the laniW �nd im air Tlat-y'd -miss Just ball''their jueals.
rr it '11� kill - I . not. soo 2 ye ne aver ac. who did not accept I thebealth of the old P per encouragement . giveri tile 11w Ington by train.
re 'lu it in in -0
Ijeat, it, to him ta yw. -n,.4;11--- V11 muc, tft er Abeep, if they 0111en i Mr. John of
a passenger on the
r tall be judge." favor Z*;-Ifanriot� and-re-rettec � the If It ut a elfght hesitation. Howevel,, be L not 61 eltered ln'.A..dry, . warm folks," the receipts would grow su�- Picton, was also l'itis lh; i.ot cure constipation. They
A !she took It,,It '
was wi place. Bui.d the sheep Shelters where Y.
-So, be it. then." say sat C"A% hat plit. in t6o L.C. onventt.on*,,1s for him -.1- wheh th a goo train. Mr� Sob I it will be 1-1011'em- only aggravate. Karl'�' Cluver 4toot
o, a -Ad-
In r4* 1 ny -etthow
14twinev" vea'se mention this
�Lf 10y N 9T.BU91W.
Nb ALL 0 IM Im
",T0 5V F 'A
M-'Tb4WyudK,'� LRn%F8T1fE AIGH REN
PAYS -70
1, -4 nda Bwoess .1G.611090,
il- C"THAM. ONT.,.-
a oI bbsiness school In Canada wider
manag6oletit, of ita founder.
tudents,bv,qf,Vwhere succet-sful.
attic P&k.Whillsor, bar, changed her pool -
a and ir;,,UO* stenographer for Stanton &
I wholegale- manufacturing, clothiers,
trop t, Midil.,;$10 Per w9ek..
'litrord Yt'aIN, Uesso, just; placed as a stenc-
pher with &6chanical Supt. D. L, .& N.,
a. -Mich& --' - I I I
rch. M6Vtd&r, Ptitrolea, -as
0 graphbfr With A. H. Sb
-Eva Fisher, Kincardine. Le a-, -,tA-n-
apher WJ[tb -Sutherland Inne6 hathain.
very graduate placed in goo ositibm
1tylaystO�of0.hdihebci;1. . -
Pall term!0pqjiiA Sept. Ist.
For catalLpgutladdress
Chatham, Out.'
[�iia 37th zei will open Sept. 8th, 18911. The
1�ldlpst and beAt equipped ladies' college in
9atiada. Pulltoupses in Lite ult M I
t, EIGCW4,01%.'Book-lreeping, or I
ins, Pi .0 7an in building. for "ta
a.- Te, g" cry moderaLe
NS, D. D.. LL I :lcipAL
��Inded 1829.
A' LU D-
e a e ill re, -open on 8XPTFMMKR
. i 1111 V4 'etilars about adiiiission will
f 8 oulApplication W the principal.
undr, healthy site,- splendid
weho I ' thoroughly equipped and
.fli 6 nibine to make Lila College a
nost desirab1eA.,q-,hooI for residential pfipils.
beer Parji,..Toponto, July, 1896
41 -
A L M A. -The
leading Can4dian
"A I -women. Build -
1 UI and equip-
ment, faculty.
schoolland health
1 74,
. . I �i ! r an we i -
W4 Ie do he� aroh-mear t to grace small and plump as a these nor, hers cannot . Wow through, bered, as- one of the many bo had Ta'giw% perfect reg'Itilarity to thet 6&-iof utdidu assed '4�0-f)age Bill-.
sell, Clautle ( n , and Speak- but. b(Atlly� u' Was. she hardl
0 Ile meaut t ti 11 the benefit from Pink Pi!lo. tuid had I)Owp6- seemed' to touch and wherE) the heavy -PUPF I
tains ca7hnot found catalogue. PRES, A STIN *A. M.,
given a -te St.Thomas, nt.
ite -LO-C-0motf
Lt Vie next se6tkyu ta-�. the sans -c lottjE4 li aeded ground wmll-her f AVOID SELF EP.Y. atimontal that was pultL4,shed
vting of the u ee� its she Wall;6 drench th, 0
the gui)port'- of . the" nitkie Her little' face lopke Life of a- ve.
%%lsely if he Pates -and ke Th.fari i Which is extensively. Having been beni�fi�.e by j -0 retzVin " his ruin for ll it I,.; Do Your Duty and Let the Public Jud'ge
h 0(1 charmingly fresh and rosy. under wortho-11 c-iltivated and-gioppod close- Some careful experintents' Nvhi
nlmlb In Lrat(
happiness.- lie be* -on hiA guard I b'i�la - but under Dr. Williams' Pink Pills he It" ever
Yotw Work. a'vo been made in England 5 p
against the animosity not less pure than the's-s-ed new hat,bit he kept -looking furtivol since been a staunch friend ofAliv, -med- h e, -Nlm",0,,61 B 'KNESS
of- Bti;4uaille n 10, tes- (ol ly. and stocked: to its -fullest rov HAR
t Could 11bt do withau - at Laverdac, who eairle-�behlnd the cit , may yet have r60m[ for a flock It must ha�ve occurred before this to leine, and ;Loticing Ux. PettI con- Ile effects of'-widelt he - Ni�ouhl llav t -their ener to Y tlia� tile life of a' locomotive is abOu ANQ-
i with the CitoYehne Cezaron on 11 many belf-m-pecting, JQurnalis. a that dition. made enquiry as to who ht-, was.
already felt liad not tiiat e inspire them. lie felt sure tha the i, On it* of sheep. lrhey..will ciiqkvd' t SHOROAND COLLEU
meellent -out noth- 5001'000 " train miles." In other wor " I #
citim been s' I section 'would approve ar Corner IL Oil
tricken down -by a vile, his eech. ; Ing else. and will do their full shre 38t IL e And Col-ogd'sureets, loronto
ea hjq lie wft:s saying to Marlette: there is too - much talk' -About news-. Having been-tinibrined, Mr. SoI tAP- tha� a locomotive of th46 Aaltu(
Cilly had promised 16 16ad off tll ap-A -1 bless V16-ChAnCe which enables In adding to. the profit -of the. sea� Pape . i ajA'. said, -rur 500,000 mi I
cowartily aristucrat I am the. pre- rs n newspapers, says -The Ilro- pod him on the shoulder proved pattern will L Ont., leads ZlAter.� in successful teaching
0 Me at last to meet You.- Friend, you look a sick man.' -Mr. b fo wearing ou so as to be us Write now for full inforrhig-
siaeut, -of the 1;.�vu ationiy Co.wtillt- Uluy, -at th' b-oft-orif of M4 Ii son'swork.
t and high re§Ylltsj
who With a fair demnd: Pettit described his case,- ad Mr. I heart.'was �Irl -or of 4*Citlzen Laverdac', blessing Is' no It is well enough for. newspapers to In making t
tee of the faA 1,.'affet tion 4bouttitir Courses of study. Terms stc,,
le for. mutton, his ru. fre% NIMMO -HARRISOk,
Onne nty, prices- 61."kikinblo for of their own adver- S6by replied, " Take Dr. Williams' Pink miles the ffiv box will It be r Principal%
Coiunlan4 (I in the S-etttofi B- I-011gerin fashion. You must not lesh av il themselves
she exclta�uietl -with fa rtve
theri'YOu. are our Diuste yelie.. Ila would ma;k6 a, anything nowadays. you know.,,
nIl.uch I etter early ]arn is, With the gifiall, but sure, 'tjsing� space -to announce their -special Pills, I know from - experienc� What4 tie
r !7 " 1 - ' wed three timm the wheel tir
There- li-ie -n -eneral of the N't- "Please-. listen to -me s r1ously.119 enterprises and to use the space_ of virtue there Is In them, and I dw cat-
16nal Guard thari 1, .W - e riftelpts from the fleece; hnd 'with the. -or six times, and the crank- axi
0 JoilgeF an! masters, Hanriot, lvbo- half -thp time, was.. in- ou speak of cha other neNwpapers toladvelrtise them- isfied they. will -cure you." Mr.:J-1-ttit
citoyerine. jLga hy do 7
ties'? Wa� inpid -natLii;al- increaspi there -is but I row three to five times.
rn -to. t;peak the, D�w toxicated. It chance that Put,You - the other Any small cha ce for -a' losA from a small had tried so many thinga and Ilailei I
I language."- 4at.1, the hauids 2,iffnette lay III -Claude's 'path,?" said But the everlak;ting tootIn ' of one's to get relief that he was soiwwhat
i e, 9
of the y ung lvv 100king at The eciling, Afanette, dumber sheep well -handle(l, and RI�EUM
p6 ex-�%scoA own horn In one'a'own newspaper is skeptical, but the advice 1 11; U 0.
-latti;Iling. N A I)k
_o ife w1ii(71l' :Stifl Uelll- but e�he did,not lose a word. All how Agrion, raID -egq
t, 4 :� H m 1be ca nd rdom. anii tost, will be Was d'6 OL'th American Rheumatic Cure, .. ft"
ea Mu It . ',to call. Oil retu ed. - 1. 911 - that
. , 1 elr- he knew -her husband! flow . I not good sense, good ta,ote or good lutvretted, and ven so earnestLY
Cluilt'le Cez lye, -'� f Or everythin, - -You,- f)ut- Ll,e�.Matism ann Neuralgia
if Ile will. wkly belp he sid corresponded With "tut I Gro2wv e mutton bj�.V.bds of kbeep advertising. he concluded. to give Pink Pills aII radia.111
the opinion she was forming of him Done." Behola. me I QUELPRil
bad given you curep in 1 to 3 days. Its iction -up
me. But-Icannot jefelid-'An aj)serrtee if you are.Rear a. in See how big and The rest- is shortly squinted up�: -He
arkbt where you
4*1 thought I before the .:good patr1its -of -our see- Durin.1 his speech her thougft-t� rin -Ought to be, dise'eet, can self neat, hnd.let.the flwe- be smat bought the Pink Pills, uAed theM.ac- �hej;system is remarkable and �mygte
I 10us. It removes 4t onoe'the cau!,,e al -Tbo Oni�ilAb, Agricultural 'Zllege
tion. -In these words ndIsPite of, my wishes." a secondary This, cording to the directions which occour 1A. Ful
You do right to Inr !onsiderati§A. 0row the. the A!sease . tnimedidtely disap
or othin
The'seeti,crn is abota'to proce6d to .9 I.ke it,; Is the bur- pea -�oursee dif
Had Mires Indeed come bac Orm. de ' that den- of I the'daily songo of sonle news- pany each box, and was Cured.! Hi 1,00PIS& bec
to the elecilori 01 a -' new genera�- aris ?'-What Madiiessj� Your -discretion wws invol utary. 'You wool breem Is It digtnt,jibni market, . "' - The - -first - dose reaf 1-y * beneflt�s.
commandant -of tiie _Natl �They had or If you paperI. cure he believes -to -be permanept for - - - cturea -Wirth, -practical Instruction, onal Guard . oeould not have come - to. u are going tn keep �beep- cents.
to succeed Generptl Saliterre.. who pureliased safety.aiid liberty'byoxfle, , see me With- It Is seivelces and -nauseating. Radm It is now. fally-a. year--sincio he ery smalL..,e04t, for -young men, - who
has been ordeked:. to'proceed- -what could have induced thellp. to-� Out brin In large I'Mcks. This.19 'the long -and . 3 -
-ging your Wife -With YOU.?, ers of a tinued the use of the pills. Mr. 4'ettit
-to, Li :'EM1116 never cares to -visit.., tbe- short f the -choice 11btween them.- newspaper form a very cor- -He Was a Wfi;' nd to WI&rmers. Bond fb circular
venture back again. ? a Lunatic. te r
�utdawa the rebels. � It rweins to Me rather ThertiI as good ah opening' for;. reCt idea of'its standing and relative says he believes he would have become A nian was visiting a Scoteh luat kiving InfOrillation an to course of +
8-6 the l.io'bespierrelsts *t They' don't need to be, told,
will be ii, good ilme for Citizen 'Cez- ,:em-libou tht she value. 'utterly helpless -ha it -not, bI for
j, pays me the Compliment of beftik pmfitable ivork In thb -breeding of Jim, W ftudy, terffis'bf 4dinisslon, cost, ate
with the a ftoring:I"lliedl- asyl h6re new premises
ar Girondbits. ever ih-s wonderful, healtli7res. ere b
to idappeAr. arty you be' lilLoh-class y dayj 'that it is a great paper. JAM16'MILIA M.A., President.
Yes.- she a '-6od ol whic _alone,eOuld 0 paper they 0 -. seeing one of the nelph,
monlio'ne'd C111Y..'s to her. head ben yort dip Oeep d6 it thorough- iVIlepling a barrow -qpside do
TOrtd- -Ot the upper hand ? But Cjaud('t had In yolir fault, firnch - of, the liv sta& bwI . The exp6brieI of years has-'Ir'Oved I W* � 1 0 ,�u t,�
Welt; what (41,1- it signify little lealoiia, it, must, pure bred rititig as In any f it really- -is a great c1ne. ing Added. The mates were
fifty. Anti what InAietiona trut thave-put suell--a thing W - know it, cmd it It is -not they know it- Ir
Ve to Claude"q person to -go tha there- is absolutely no due
4ame.-had It is aa'&wIbIe'for Anx 11ti-Aell .him he tioned I If the 1�ltu Peeriaratf6fi ay. -have the building to the stories, the visito t morEj thanorlZe.l and -9he Yonne cezar�n cGuld not ly' t'hat �lle about singing his own. praises and re- to a vitiated condition of the b (Jod or
It '111rested spot d
--yQur rembled. 11 the temPtiltion toAndulge in- -toAher skin and him why he wheeled It -in- tha.
will do well 0�101!0%v I resi4t time to I enetrot
opiniongI I kiloAt, tire always -oil thp what seem.I to her. a roach evet y diseased or'. Counting his own . mighty deeds. Sue shattered - nerves that Dr.. IMIULS, Uition aced to
'CIlly'ha4 ip-6ke n- to' -her ot"I om- n Innocent flir- Pink PI' s -Will not promptly curi--a- ild er. "Oh." said the lunatic, "that Ing election -of a general tafioll.- the- In Prol:rct 1:110 ears, a pqnsoa is reckoned a bore and a beat way." The visitor -took th-
COmmand- cliation to do so wa )strilq -who Ing f such
DG not lest Call. those are suffer
Lnd sotise them elf-nr There are cads and bores among troubles wouldvoid much mW
qitoYenne. 31Y eoilrrqe Promoted._by her- surrolinding. with the in nd. barrfiw. and, turning. It upside "d iwr
ant; he had'told her- Plainly hat ry aud - Every Bb&Ck-SM1 H -AND HOSTLER
is the safe codrse�-An,l he- let her Citizen 'Cezaron's The. day- was fine;- the garden gay. said' "This -is the proper way." "That 4.1, 610, o -0
Under. - Eren take time to scrub, tile. to a Ad learn t. olJiinate on horses'Leeth. School
L-0 dr0`2 from Iiis 6wo. safest course se-ibb V. while In save money by promptly resortIng you ken," said the.inniat
ts with a btfish. t sessfoI Apply to
W Woinev- wlf.o -passed her looked I . a*
ould be to follow ;h at her this treatment. 6ket the genuine Pink H. LUCAS
the bath. shout their greatness and 'their good- ! - Wish you Oto.Xen- 'villat ly I&PInfon. ind'.i �wlth - env... Their glances flattered it that way, but thby filled'it fu' -I-
Be Cezaron.11- could -be hls;�6biect in- pul.tlhg-' Tit trying to lmprovv tti' new at YoIl every -page every Pills every time a4d'.do not be �6rsua- So saying, he trotted Princip4l of,'Abe. Toronto Veigftary I?entod
0-a-ude foremQ'st. in lils. f Matter ? her., Men, seateO.-before.-the doors of e inutton on I School
lie left the 661,11� 31,anette- stood the:ca-fes,. etidently lity of ded to take an Imitation or - qOI other
Claude was to be tb I drhired her. She qua lesgen, twe, Itlis usual way. 39 kuig street west,
eading gy w bich. -ft)r,
motionless. jf6r. . -heart seemed- Hke eak- Jelt, --herself - fua sen Value or the flee6e so mile Ou Saw 00. - Print the news. et remedy from a dealer. w i the.
er UtAhe section.- Ile beautl 1, and the that y ay Toronto Owt.
ice. She If t would 4ay. -all 811, train 'nothing in the e Others shout'your praises. sake of extra profit to himself, he in
ened LniC�lly io.Ahe i tion was DOW and deligntful. niL, With 'the HEART DISE9SE ��ELIJ-,VED IN
he -would alFays say what was very The", Merino for a :say is "Just as goI -Dr. WV1fints' MINUTES -Dr. Agnew's (ure for the HORTHARJ)
se Urs ht Trial dmons free. Ad.
Dion, di I.Pik Pills make rich, red bloo all
-and very -Just. He woul erdae A Splendid School.
clank tb tier v1sft0r:K sordas'he�.'d too the embarrassed air of Lav Is per -
e true I I
Parted; -the. feu6gade. 'tl�e da d amused her.: He had turned palb. flaps no. li,etter cro%. tbAh with the gerous 'ab t u 1 (.1. Heart gives perfect relief n all
IsCoun-frel, t4e s. Ou r�conclllatiooe pty I I eure when Other mech files cases res= iTe4y, Prescott,
ake -in the grasK - T - WIfen he catight sight. -of her; he Shropshire Down.,;. . Tito hony Ater- Tfie.*fainous Central Business Col.. I c ords and mere chimer 6LOrganie or Sympathetic Heart-i4ja
who had daFed t4 pj:e,,ent hituself'to �name of 481 Agaft thd (no frame I
he in the Cilly w spoke to her, In a thus soon jveMd with le&. of Stratford� Ont. 9pens for I- eaae�' in 30 minutes. and speedily a broken voice;.ho- The"Latest Slang Phrase.
guise of a friend- s on his lips. Mn- lump, Juicy niet, wilijib th(i flo
,ferstood perfectly �tte's Impulse was to cry Out: had c '� T 110, CHAMBERLAIN. EYE
She- - fin- OmPlet0IY �h -air ot an unluelty 'p -ece the fall term --on uesday, Septem- i feCts, a, cure. It is a peerless'.remeLly" -V, -7
1. Is not lessened, ber - Ist. This No colloquial ex. 'A -dest-Ai-d too for Palpita *6 Shortness of Bre t that'his object� jn Ah I be upon Your guard!". ]over. . Emilie'S manifest -popular-collego litls.been -pression b 3i, 87 I -Ung- ALreet cas
this VI -sit had be6n to -!see h(�rseff ; Will uneasiness The fine grar�s of thf, -�Ills - ig est)e- eAtablished foy enduring popularity bas-.1.11Ade Hoav Sept. let to 12t.
But what W4 'Was -another incentive.to continue th . e a long time and It" an Smothering Spells, - Palli 'in Left' . id
Ateadway so slowL -as that w111.0h is
fiff he bell] but th y
-be the us -6 be - students In successfiii and Oil sYmPtoms'of wdiseased lleaTt..� .4.
that thenceforwaxd. holding., :)uld game'she h4d begun. I clallY attractive to A e -thousands of
her pqtice- Only when site heard t grew Inter- -I,nu; wool I
Claude.q life, In h-4 liand.- she kreeds re at home In the. bmsinesij life. It Ilas the reputation heard. now and thenon the roof-, gar, One-oose conTinces. GENTSWAN-ItED-TWENTY DOLLAS
_wouf(l 'him 9peak-of llanriot esting.,'8118-thOlight she would give rich, evel do well if of beta ens, but more often away 4rom
as,wdrunkant, aweek to �hpply customers, freight charged
1 g one of. tile very best com. -d
her' face �wore -an ex Citoyenne L4verdab a useful lesson. the soil Is dr:v. Tbey hts4� no u I Ire -in Yel -'re, not the oifly pebl i Itoyal Shopping'. equired, exchrsi�ft territory. G. Alarshall
visits. pressi.6n'of calls -1 But the walk 8 0 mer I I Ols In Canada� at any u .-de on repaid, oAtfl4 ;-,a Or returnable, no capital
That. evening 'When - - gust. 'Claude noticed it. cla; se . to 'so L n. Onta�
tautie came -was short -from. the rovers -as tlu�'.%Pnrinos, but "tre Content 'rate we kno.*- they do good k' fte - beach." Tile origin of such -� ex- e- Ali, 'Manette you- wil I lieer garden to tile "theatre. The oppo. to wor -.0., 1'ea ImpOfter
home she would IA 6reptl to s,iy -to to It arn 1ill up, Ile down a and TW, royal family never.iihops. The -
like f1i - i site side of tliw street nd fatten and we -are pressions.'or, more *roperly,.bf the
Safig-cull5ttes," whe� POI you will be sat- Priu&ess of Walca,'for instance, and her
111m: "YOU Must 90--liack to- th& e h:reached the Rue H' they let'their *001 grow. �":TheV m.kc; -,popularity of such expressions,, 45 ai-
",The first one y(i onore was bor %fied- - ypti attend that- scl - ditugliters'mae.a. selecti(;h of ' ater-
-w u ever saw dered n too.. -AV` cc, but small�;:%rits
tIOD.- In other ordils, be t III by ..bonnets -rouges. two well wool nnd mutt.0 r&Pidiv' hiA profit-. Write -to the-proprie ays difficult to tr' T un) TH
Bit., -aille. The tori W. J. Elliott -KENS
I - lie s tlL-I ugliest- (if tern - 9 lals wid styles from samples- anint Y§ unDnA
in deern no sumraQr ason W: York
for one of Ills elegant catalogues..
rig him I toW�Iy; daily dtinger. dressed - womea, on their appearanelb' .4oratO water color drawings. From
se in Ne e1aL
And -what made it w a success w r ph'
rse %v;aj that Ile -laughed; but 3fanette frow [ied.,'I. were greeted . by' Insulting cries. ithout one pupI rrase
Whiciv comes into gruvrl nd these pictures and patterns' the royal
How mar old horses. e-11"you colint Femlidnity.
12`0 foresaW that he would- 'at Emille's pretty but was an eglieci ting is done -RES
nee: --I told. You s6. A in, al order iniyen while thefit
say To her the joke- ffeeImed uubearEblei , - NORD
-in ouglit obld6t of n Your n0ghborhbod worth Anaccurte: use. -New- York, Despo-tch.
d notli-
11()t,,t6 .-neglect lais- dutiv rude -1irdshed -dressing, and dame to _,erislop. kanefte's . red, 1 1 "Alamma-." asked. the litt.le- girl, on dummies expressly Made to con- lf 6srorriig aliegithy growth of
ing ? wil: 5
daily -have they not d4Vh eat $2 s as kisa her. it.-wtis ' ' I bills and White skirt ought to his byel 9 at the woman oif the other �The 0anada Business College, Chs�i ham form !to the royal figures. ;L§bautif ul hair turbald heads. Cures dandr.nIX
appeased the -eag6r--pa It worth before next oprifig, and -then the car. "what Makes the- lady kfi;s, but'she -.did no !prevents the bfi
Cebotwing- a little- stre t ret tricits, but �ither dle' or be sold Ot traded Off We would call:the attention (if our
itshe ustial. Cla:fide'spoke, of- tlie'omis The w. ar her -rings ou _Allingoutt makesitsottand
t to -did not. y bowled and yelled at taide her glove.?,, PILES CURED INS tO NIGHTS -ilki, keepR the 14irom turw)IO01heii.
Went to he window. ar(fl- raised, a' as he went out, bu the aristocrats -In disguise. for a song W�Y not throw away -Afusb," sAid the. -mother. In an. 7(mders to the advertisement of'' this -he ead and st%l� A - bAldriess.
t site too no -nd preventsearly
r i Tlle- cl-' did not"irtier a,jvord verY'angry ht thist, J care ?. And gravated stage "whisper.. "don't ag- -Dr. Agnew's Oi4tment wiil'eure all Far sale by AU wholesale and retaildruggistia.
devailt. tice. -18bb- Lverdae gr;w the $25 and be saved 00 he �opular institut'on, Which appea�s In cases of itehin
.present president of tile Re,&ftktian�' Only as the doo ]is *hie -h by - n ust such zeligbborhoods _g piles- in froin 3 to 6 Mail ordersp.prdirlptly attended to, -free of
0 means disple, motlier column.
-ry CommYttee of th r closed a sed the. jo re to 1w. rude. The. lady wears her rings out- This old and - thor- night' 0 applie4ktioil brings -comfort.'
S. _arm, und ever. r7here. *press charg6g,,- d1i receipt of 50c and $1 per
r bottlesfoI
eAxnlere," was g4ing/ e -'-fbti0ff 1'61-s- ered- softly to liers6if -lady on hi side her gloI to keep them from milily ttisted-busine-as and shoiLhand For W3.Zdnend Bleeding PlIeti it -As peer- Ottle or sir. lailge
Those t was. ( nee a Uu4I thing to
Zown� the street -fingers." ;chool will enter on its twenty-first Special intitipernents,,to the trade.- ToRbI
With short. quick (steps' "You are not my. Claude,!" -brutes- are the blhekening her less. Also - cures Tetter; Balt Rlieum
stronge the fariDen i coming into -&jwu in tile I I
his. lolng No; he was not -.-the--- now," - he cried,. ?ar of guccesi;ful work. on Tlif-day' 0 18. free oh,40blication
"bw0rd I Eczema; Barber's.ltth a
every now and then- spring -and itimmer
ri 9 t7hought 8 come I some but -our turn: will With tb(� cOltS f0l-:, e nd alli ghrul�
kill %IY baby had croul), and was 43KRGW OR JAM KENNY,
the pavement. 21,1Wnettp with ler'l 107ing. tll save tiona'of the skin. 35 cts.-
St he had-' in'spired day., - ' d �epi. Ist, 'and during. all' this � �Ime
swore! tk j, And what was ew dnnLs.; but 'it is no Zole mamiftoPurer.
Ou etestatlons.-
That man the trait een Wilt" Martin. of Huntsville, Ala. 0,iaada
y- ttlke d Emilie Yl Maxiette would have b has become very -small. The low From Her: Ppint og View.
bolerna oath to'herself w a by Slilloh's Cure.11 ag J�48dn street west, Toronto,
own ideas, her predildF--tions, and Claude f vithout -change of
saying to rare thing. rid the nuTnUai of wtI rs. J. B. ei ent. � It is
man in
to -day the oldest schoo n
Itim from me -m -bet AM d the manage
ween yQu' nd Xne 'Cilly had taken --fronj- fier i willing. to belIi that he was calling the' I n - , ment of its
it, shall be life or deatb!" - I When, is - I price -at w Uch the servi&j of first- Jounduer. eirin ord of tv�.'enty - Butli wer4e� Very youiig. 'They stood
foreed"him. to tgturn bawlers --gooI citizens
to the section,- led "stray V class alres !an now, be Wrinkled Gloves. vji3
�ears of successful work cert."tinl gazing into a store windaNv, admiring i
and -now that miserable their patriotism.- and 0 00- 0. 100si D010- a
el-devVt', tile- stimul -'a bett Women wh* Y 'the pretty frock that child
Manette awoke wit'li a -,star had found an.ally in Claude r The- tfieatre o coupleff s Of Wr disma till for o care o preserve the qpeakW volipmes Yor the an.er, In
inor bek4--ni- Was a ver their arms )vli.ich the school has 'been condoeted. love, iind turning -Po look at t4e rag-,
drned gal st Y atid Any brbed.'You Want
Ding. The rappel *44 jai t, 'one, Claude hall - betn t were about to enter good horses will soon. mhkt.a'ch.�Vge Whit6ness and beI of D ren so
In the. street. gain. - liands always We'Ar loose gloves. It will be noticed by, their advertise- ged figure beside her, -Majorie said --rices to clear some of -our
I pretty one, and d at very- 16i# V
ans-culottism When that fat Louit,' the architect Corn on tbe.-�Ob, well gfohnd, with Ellen Terry has a large ban-
-he � d. almost ment, Which appears bn another 4 Also seB64%6 for a box of
S, -which 1 had built It thriie years -befuret- an3 !air tbe.bulk of'oats, and b .%vltll �ege -is little! girl! are 1��
The drummer, passet.] tils-1r; 4011se, for Prominence In -politic ,omposslonately: 4'Little girl, poor Luea. i
:�he listened atteI,. Tli4i6 were., fores* I had bestowed stle-h-,-Pains on Itla inw iLxed masculine In tile strength of Ito lines, Page, that although the- col -thoI your bestus. 111 Cure fI * , a. . .
a;w 'would be bis ruin. bad led- � terlor- mt -Itay, in, fk" a valuabizs,� Paflon for though the. fingers are. well tapered; now closed for- vacation and -will not 'cloth(is GIGO. Hi,�'LQCAS,
us at . :
other drums beating -In the illstanp; to his expulsiofi from,, 19 home. "Ibla-, tile corn horses 4h
She thought: h tLild decoratio- It stood and COWN. The German but Wie never seeks to-Aisguise its reopen aunfil Sept. ist, that the',;good 4lie other resonded with nariDentisb.
C - er of what was. Iliell th
"Is theie 4j'ain about thought led Manett 'ba k to he Ing 8
e. Rue mlvary kc(p just suchi a iguppIy for proportions by treat wesI
aint compression In any Work of - placing students in 0 roice olOmn -9-hake -of - her head; I'm
-Honord, between
heir horseq. Not even tlid.,run, to, be what people -cMletl 'a day',-?" Rue do Bussy. t, How far *off. in he. R.Oyal and theI PdIals inant direction. Positions' still continues. The i Ines
Cla utle was still fast lltslef%p� 1,Le, Jjy- past. seem�d , her ta bestu4 clothes is Wore . d out.
life thers�r d 4118 Rue Richelieu. 1. - - . .
ow will d4rest whole grifis without of -four.- wIfo have Ju $ been I In Ced,are
had been first called- the �Theaire'du
c -d his back wIt-h--one:band (inder, his haDges had ot Waste. Tie horse, doe .10 CTS. CURES given, and all iira with good fl tems.- 1 %A-48 nervous, tired, irritable' and OR T
fit--ftd. Ile bad nut heaftl tliv druins. her heart passed since, the ,days Palals Royal. sprin& of TY -SIX Tim I
ut In the
cross. Karl's Cloyer Root Tea has
oo on with the oid1lome. Let 'and Marlette got s6ftly ottt of b( -(l -,d wee VI e. w fle had not atirreti. he 9 - It Is a Mistake to traid tire young AND tIVER ILLS -Dr.' Agnew7s Liver' )Taf cont'nuous prosperity, tteful
dwelt there -t t arrel had broken out ;.be- . - Pills are the most -perfect mad this
-u-n members of the Co"die '0 Y-
a qu
First there i�ad bei�in the exe 'armers -aw ken to the laof that the.: Cure like magle Sick Headache, Comet& olttl - ly school. made Die well and -happ -Airs.' E. B.
'ast walk Is the val d 6 animal PatdOn. Biliousness. Indiestion, nd all Warm Weather Bathing.
4upeqed the window. Almost opposite- ment. of having-e-scape fror n Cais, and- Talma, buja
a a rancalse. and th6 Comedlens Via'
to the house Iii whicl) they- liver] wq's cursed --snare, the in.'toxlcatii)n and Grantim zon, Moliivlt' viiether fb the farmi utlikioad, tlj� Liver Ills. 10 cents a Vlal�40 4d Aceording to the of 1890tile deserted mansion. it47- owner
ewness of yodng love; thea pn Testric.: rt - whole
had the n esjiil,. with. Mesdara6s root. or or all . y of 01 i in )lot weather the ��ody Popul.iilon, (if - the: United States waI
arcins, -!and Dubois had gone over should be washed at least 00 I-tilY. 62 661$ 250. la,
emigrate. In -its yard-, WIF-106 absorbing desire to 0 DOG DAYS- On f .1o. population, 32,067, -
on actieal klnd.,;:�
to vork *of -a some trees. Its wirldoiO;�- -ines- wer6 hapPili e to this new theatre, which qold batli'for 'those."who-can- take
p. �ws which was 10 last- q,�r- ch'arigpd A horse I the barvest fibld -will be 880;. feihale, 30,554,370; native born,
-her great I y- name, and became-iiiia Theatre de ana s�pld 53,37%703; foreign born, 9;-249.5-17;
biol. i blinds had been wrenched lifetime', then ie shirt alst's on the maiden, them ate very refreshing
oil, tl� I IC
0 her by A In It'
-from their. la line Ri telped more between And the froth is On the beer, Ilaths are Very cooling and jpl6jsant totat ' whites, .54,983,890.; colored IN
hinges. As. tLio property sense of having recovered her a If-- - chelieu;, in 1792 it,,has`be�: meals than by an Increa of food at Her fell (In- hot days. If cold morniug� 7,638,q6O.
r come the Theatre sbf emigres It had by- respect after -the'prleist's visit; -de la RepublIq Dw stays til midnight,
agents of the (see'tion. ofi.' - liij)U T secossionista -had on their side : 1,110 regular times-; In fadt� his 1�4. And hIer father's on big ear! re ind mpd
-the courage after that� in- be. tli-" shouldrailing of the �Ourty.,,:d -A.I t pl+t- I days of'lonelLfiesq;-ber remorse w 9 t A, n should no lixect and Af-ver -Ou- But,.to borrow from the clas At Pedditch. England, 20i'00,0 people
he genius of TalMa. and the skill - - sics, nlemented by a hot evening batli at . people
D -Of la'rged, in usual oonditioit-fij and make.more than 100,0D0,000 needles�
card bearing the fatal 'vo-tilee - i�N.l she fo I the dvamatist, Marle-Josepu Clienler, should liavp" ample time .16 he 'lle is HE
-AUo , on tile hogi,s t
tional Property. Put the-irfX.s' und that courage fftiling 1 Wit -'wrote plays tha Which to Foi,he's got-th least once -a week. Bathing the a year, and- they are made and ex-. J MESTFRIEND
9 Which the happiness that pervadQj- t, without (at It. e rheumatism, Ill cold Water' during'the day wilf tdol- ported -so, cheaply that England has LF. 11111 tANADA.
-or a mouth- past had- been (resfied JLvliqlp� bein&r. wh ' respe6tables, continued og! A
AI en Claude canle-h shocking the; And the mu=16's oI d the body.
hi all thelFgreenery. filled the to Aelight the egi One eat advantage W tile com- no: rival and practically mobopoliz
ailr .-,a 111 111,; the pride of -,being e sans-tuloti The I loll a% a
ver er 011
dor of". thing to-bim, of knowing hi stories of boxes ver those of U A -RE SUBJEUP TO CRA-MI18
of the close street with an auditorium, had four which draft hoi-sea have IF, yo :i HAY rIVER AND- CATARRH ��,RE-. the tr de.
P to. lighter weight Isthat H-0
ID IN 10 TO 60 MINUTES " One
no traifil-ag to fit You know IlOvV-important It is to puff of the breath throu�
what might be called the' U prompt remedy on hand. Nervillne" Atower, supplied with each bott
ly. Claude was still asleep. She wen� 4,factlon oT fnspiring his more ptia, it t hem for use. While to ft -IiT joyed *-tfi sew o rou h ex sei
-ythfb-g t6-,hQr, then the: sat] a- boxes, of stalls. Under t1ke t hey need libtle or have 0 i�e
the spring. Marlette Inhaled evei and A -triple. line bf
back to her place..- but Aat- - up- I# dress -circle, iwerO -the. b Ignolre%. 4d. ready- Ij! -of HAVE YOU TASTED
17 *Itb her own c urage el or r -ccapuses
o.the driving- lion -nerve ro ton w ening
N.-d-contemplatIllg the sleepingjiguri.- small, obse Pa'111 cure-lins'a wonderful. Dr; -Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. d"- di era of -the.9 sistern. ing phy-
(it I boxes, very popular
-'ergy-of -havjng. as Jt were ure .39 rn�iAt ' be 0 of i upon -this I
P- A us af.the U. di ingdisap in'
tilt death should part thant. All seated ;- they ivere I - I r6EF d hl�h
g yen �Pi- Science. In- hef, hands, 8 of the e I speed ar: d taught n - to 'fear malad - 'It relieves In one� Minute and ler nasal 'Paashge6. Phinless &no -ae-
his CO I- With amate a 3me beauty aild sty -le and devel and immediate Influence' ses this Powder over the surrailt of
him, t0F whom alto It. Then after'� CiNy' Pit were �ur%. The . occupant no Ot Y QA I 'ies of the' -pas an ighl mmen
whole, life
t, cures In five. -151.,1 ti A,+'t 7F+ --I.- ; n +,A +1 r rc_��Ig - trs--
a vla is be&D, or el, )ctrie cars +hi, j- I I
. - an
r,-. J I fk� , I W as VAR
er no sowwr Tito TrYl" came the de4tiuction 'of longer.- -as formerly. obliged to stand, I satisfa `44tilis in ev
her hapi horse grows up to his wo'k wiihout and the beit remedy in the Zorldflolu; a id- permnaient-1 Catarrl� ctorip
Ale, had I r Y cures L tay pla hi
oved 'before h.�r ni.�rriago.'.' ness. All her work Was- shattered- I y, Down wlthw. t1le Itielitialitles of (lays lZeclat pr6paratiom ain.' t is valuablo idtnedy withi � sy reachr
Pos6ibly thig ClAude - was tile.tif-tter f Clftude!s- r6turri to the section, that. 'were now past I Talma, Dug P Faver, Golds,.Headac,14, Sore Tb�JiUt,
Her aP-' - of we are imp6ftWW-9 tthe -gen a wid
man or the two . When a h, 3rse Is off It 1�4 feed or. -Tonsilitis and -Deafness. EYLON, TEAV -
9A, Moriv4zlt wil adl them sadilr4l[v Dozed to anyad
anger - Was, hot against CII]Yj.� Whi n UP the Citoyerme Vesm.- aftittly allfinigr from any c6liie, bran The Sheep..Wouldn't -,Btidge.
He was honest;.hp -ds'Trt0t-,vf)r- -sI16 ttlbugfit : how, 11 tr1.,;-:-hlI w� . i - - for o,dollar; Ao
ha ere now�&rnocratsl -Th An AeronauVs Strange. D It is dencious. - - - ; .1 !.
n aude. 1g -!::dl girl TAhlo VAT COMPI
e ad thkeu fro n BY' mashes-wiih good'nuraing ' *111 usu- -A story is -told of an 'Ei ea th.
thv bnt, he had. an optlia.1.4i w [itch her her ow' Cl' - the ca -u -se of gio and t of 0
And then -s�e acted In ry liff ally bring It I n -around all 11 .. . 77 V"
y Borsen, an aeronaut, was lr�lled .19wris streetToronto.
orge t [an
Amuts III anada
-for h I.,; nd.. true, -tha - t'now, xvilile she knew KOU1.1 U, -sheep which -was
She� iriwst love: thought 'With bitterness of hea t Ib n-Abing Is b �tter for a It slope. came across a
-41, v-11 I! not share. RI�IvQluil6n, w out much, prospect fiitlit; and NvIloi riding her -bicycle dbiviv a gram u $old on1fin Lea& Packets.
him ab he was W�iihi descending in a parachute! al;
great gain, the moist expen
she Coulfl not isharp - be still wholly h1% he was beii6min -down exactly in bek
lie sive Places a7i octasibna feed of- rooti' ' Carrots, - lying way. Much 0 Cliff, a suburb 61 Dallas. TI -on
..S ay afternoon. Wheftwithin f -t
ng only sIX.frAnds, -,while' the :balg� potatoes or curnips. The ;hect Ora' to the consternation of ; her friends.' r", Y l3est Tkuwes made by
his enthusfasmg: She gave a, tVtle- Only- half of- what he 1, noir s and stage -..b6xea were four. h III! Peck Of. these regularlk-.,,fQr ' a who w
Dnee -had beO e ere. -watching tile performane of- the earth, and - fa ijig
giisted -at heir- francs fifty c6ntimes. so DORENWEND: S 11. T. 00.1
Yea. dear Claude, It Is for Your tru�, 8elf,,'- ahil a Vague dread 7came tipon (TO Pe ebutinued.) u orning mea. will be quickly. shown. she - apparently attempted. to jump efully. his big -umbrella struck an amQueen - torouto
heart that I I of her- fut A'horso lapaIrticufar as to,the wa-- the animal. The bicycle el the
smile, and. said softly to herself: Ah, to her. She felt dis
love yoI fiei ure was more or rle -wire pole, ahnoI capaizingi, U Fatic.
- I ir�tford Ontario
She had of -ten heard It said that, at- t( lie drin 9, Yet will WOme ac- Is&,; - damaged, It ine, aird throwing -the,-man 1.11to
Ord Brigette r k he sheep's feelings, 71iy. His
- -IZterrtlPfed bef, re*.- I A- HYMN -031ITICISF.D. , . I Ire -A larg�. finely-equippea, oin-esm(lifished in.
ter the first 1110 v -erie. 0 to any fit, for h-` - use. were burtt and X
nths Ot lo"f- and mar She brought her a cup of- I the -lady got. -a black a all. elin tree . a Na`tid stitation � !Only one kind of blisiness edheation
r1age comes a. reaction. That m5ir7 chocolate, a, rare Past -or Mason. a a him to , take It befoib -feeding. eye. " BUt Why did YOU (10 -At ?" the ca0ght'lu a.fork only, ten feet frOm given anl that "'the bI Gre
rse Is"likely t ddates always. N117 Va-A
times. When she was up and drdisseo 140.-Sw.. successf4l. This -school enjoyt tiental I SED Y IONGTIO M
ried life beecimes for a time Aff"Icult, dainty in . those Methoill - at, Objects to T e w6rking ho o. take asked her. 1! Ilrdo -it" was the lndlgw tire grouifd. dislocating his neck . i9dad a conti K 0. �7. -.-,
When husband and wife. ha�rc no, bho -went and sat 6 than Is good for him it. -given nant reply; "I rang my bell an loud ca�slng Instant death. repurarlon Wr imt-class worki None Wt 74 1 1 . . -a' -
ter in 8 argw�arantead
at -the *IndovO, cess -hea. -such silly Canada. ! Attend this collegI6 if you want -the -th U.1till
7 Or Tefunded.
\in a.11, looking at the gre -The NeNIC York - World 'saya: to 'it While led-, -'at, as r could, *but
exi. boughs wavin creature bat at the lowest cost, kiefrut. catalogues rL Now - mKow,
; . - --- ti let him moisten his thf6at and would not get out of the V ay.,, - -!Phere is �Iore ealiarrh in- this, ' - I .. -Ltd.
softly .6n'th Francis E d 2-7
gar from W. J. ELL101 T� Principal. Frd 001% N. tog saswn.mma
q other 'side of the atree4. Mhimn. pastor of the,
his f tiqn of -the Country than all other
N( 1�,hei tnat She cared -for- nothing now lip. th reer drink later;-'
First Murch of Christ,. Madison street
tile -tablqk -grooms
hood. sight Of 4sonl6thing that r best matiagoI R.19LIEP IN Six HOURS-Dfstress- dbibases, put together, and until t1le
eminded he and Bedford avenue, Brookjyn,, preach- a taught 0at horI can -W better - Bladder Diseases jr4E-
Ing Kidney and la�t few years -was suipposed to be ip-
ys )een of- the country,
Suddehly she hear ed Yesterday morning -on - Dlvine� M an''-, by Re ed In Six, hours bIY - the "Sbutli Am- cuirable. Pog a great many y6&rs.-1J(P6-
mayty- daude'g step In the.-a'ute-c r aged bi kindness. th liev
have'- Stirely - she - J;t' bambe Manhood." During tile -sermon heI v ks Pidney- Cure."' This new reI to�a pronounced it 6 local di8eas riii
ad forgotten how -time y, and 'ho' 'who strikes -*6r 'kic e,,. ER -W a laborAild libor p 11
passed. Whht' It OT80, or I odY WIL-great surprise and delight on pr(�scribdid -local remedies, 'and
ticized a verse -copied from hymn No. by AERMOT01 inuit it%b
er 6wn our Inble in,prip then I
1XV - I
h -could It, be 7 3W, of -tri - swears , EL 191109 Is t with. IT* Vaj c I Trz
61 - ThIg Is bust- aCCOUnt -01 Itli exceedl n �Copstantly- fain as they re bpi. It or doublokin-ftstand7theI
isgu�it, She t ed pale,. and 4sk6d, herselV: e Methodist B[ymnai lng promptness I
Pr )rnpfty d arged. ng t6 cure It with. 1. COMPANY.
net jwcost, A!
ne w, ronounceid it incur& emeago; SIM 7 of . a-- doubl aifilotbrs, 'Pumps, Spird
6 h Pipe, Fittings, C ylitidie Tanks and 4
-vengeful dart -.science liaa.'pro- - -being Me 0
-But i w1uhh, could have not Iment and db not be 1*11eving pain In the'blaRlder, kidneys, aj;meint p -5u"etures,
res- �Notlk happened lit thy Ct Wi to the orse in the uAW pf the back, and every- part of thi urinary ven catarrh to
9 Vilt what - was pleasanC Pierce this bleeding,
]p ICA Of the mine an Aahor, anin, �41so dooble in -cost and
broken - heart �i on 7ir' fo r An 0. r40U1 therpro-
Clauti -facoI ycomb Palwages, In Male or female. It relieves 't1t ti 'ai.dlimse, and o
he oked* y bright. Th6 t the on pri[ce,
tIY` might thy kindled OArts of thers. Literature, y ft mow wilt,bAj zscitichas.2 ofthe
e - . - U ,
-�Constltutlonai Lit. will
-ver, Jui Ire. retentlo treatm
re ii- rap neaten, lit i legs. a -ofWater and paio'ln paosing requires n- 04, saine-dollars if Abink it
morning, had kiternal - flie, ediately.- If yott -want HuAl is , Caturrur Cure, manufaetuu � (A 0 ny
that, Send me- to Nix; Sioux c1ty,
mistake, Th OUIJMY. It almost hmn Dubix(lue,Davello
sectiono Mr. Mniaon�sald: "Is it -not time ouch 'N. T A tb
let Is. an exe pottliuXoIna - Tr P . . . , . w -
cure on i h4, -1&;XinnejkPbVi aRcit
market. IT, letaken Inte �pr1-;oU'JJMS&.�C7Tl' '061
preva this lt� our Church hymn- book"? Is It not re-: I ng yo hieks, or befig which . Neatness w hen m6derat-le. Is a Vir- rnally in d wl;�:"
bad' put -oI 4`11 -,
been -quick- relief and care this Is your rem- by: F.*. J. Cheney & QJO., Toledo, - 011 i
their meetings till tho sehaeless p6etri Vere eliminated f ellent food 0 t
whose di*W'6-� 01" POul edy i the; -.'only couatitutional
klolu - �t
IlIng -s&*. next day.- When -he learned t Nothl could be b4ber for,
'his Officb., 'There - Vo Our I
�1* 81111.177 presensible, - An us- ohInding -our ebll-.� 1 - .11 fr.* ten drops 'to �-Wirws
I h, o1a. Cit 'It'. OAM tue i -When CUrtled jio an -extremej-
-Ily el dre6 to Istich be ac�s dirpetly- pn )Its
-an dr!" f mentg ill
PliCes wheke such i6n ralsed ailly-as r to Ime Ow ild-4
that it. did *W&, 1592realtioe in a hote fr not 1 6 free ranok but
e c
-e ouve. enclosing y1dids It marrows :the 0
V the Tu fep---nrTene4Ji*. are -promulgated? Wbat � -mili . Fenialon. surfctebs.-�.or Ahe- -sym%em�., vat
boZ -that t6vening at. tile The Is It-% a grow oiD Why It la not tnoreI '.z�� ' - r I tide 6 �k
In mail
IcepI ft- Vase�7 $1Q0Jotjthy� case ftjalw�itq�quteA d, 4-
atr4- that kindles Such a contemp --i9ek*as a -ax, -7-
C 7
6 'Much 1:Sily, _&�WUB"L Irculd no;- -3est t.4
'The Aftenpo*-;ifem DItthW1b to -i
�qub. tible view of 00 -to lead 't th ated - We nnot. uhild0ktatild" t- Idef1d:Eugland
il�hatl ationce*sent, Word tQ:-CItIj V coall 6� the -b
;*nss(L , i;y:tj��Z�� hold
.0 0-
N, i4teranem T Ai*
the retnry of D bht�fhls A - 0 le
Rol. M Box
7-7- -71-
g-IddlUZ T 1i
he 0� NOMPT TZ
explorer, declares thaV--;-L*. 41�;
I ITr"
BUYS, that he 'will not -Tim ap� ""'
agam Ink the' �ear- 18ie4 over I
206.0 ugie� P -How *01till,
tempt tor reach 'the nz)rth le Irt U(N) iona of coal was ghiPpet -1 podding, week Jadli,'year, fa Ir ofl t- h alt U
fr(w ti - 01 a per,cenv.-- 1,
-,obip, but. will perhaps le a edge River Tyne, England. There.seb a
91 '1 dollairbIlhiji
eij�edltlon from, Fr4nZ ph nd* Nature bilikeig - - all�thsL - - - - - -