Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-07-17, Page 2Z�,
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"U11#1. ................. upon her he Sho 1`U4%d aed togk�
makee, us teW n6w,. bat It. tot swor but a feV tre-e-p;,
F% I E
4 % 40r.1 this headdreb with"'44 ftbormous'cock- more - to ensure'pt good- r T 7101198 ISM LISHED 1868—GANADR 887
j1pr fault; we must inot blame h RRIUNITISK
or Inventlo
fruIV),than the inve4tio
that wo.should be partied of her ker In strong
largive.her. even " I forgive. I It ade.: The e low and,ilkirple squares
fats, Wills I f broft-tit dkit, cocti
pumpi\and the concocti 0
for qome t me lotipr and that our! relief the t lonal ttlebibr. TUIs girl eideS.
11 still 0 say to H __Ig: a fr
+ and her arms avere setL+bkIjA'bo.,�-
12ostl6a quent -,causd of -
A Heroffne of th + fairest a alwalVe bden prece d Pardle I" ' she - criM., "we -might With 19wlsoe
e 1�,elgn of Terror. R7
and this comes hully,01VO.,ups
I by foul Ali may the clo do have guessed I row was
'At F A I
I -marriage id. posil -one'l, had a bright flush -upai:i-, her' dheeks, can In great Ifer Spas die Efoits For &'fts ESTEli,
1� It POULTRY. - me
+ Sha, t Yoe
+ at aluth frOUL Over eoa�tlpgt
+ soon clear ay. and our trials e dt about. and w. at would,. t to U= theMWO - be - siolded by giving thqua
+ Porlaps a day, it � Shall thank' They aree got - to strb0h'the
ProPer varleW,of - foodoo and by T4 are Is One Medicine That Has CuIrOd
TIT'P.H.LING NARRiTIVE 6F hetiven for y prese# at all thos -Polling ezvorclai 16-�,pro6uring'lt. com-
Tile PRENCH AIEVOLu riox. _t distress. T 1 8160118 ebeers. It Is
remmembran of WbAt I Buffer not any 00 soon fq#� th6 ;l naid
On h9v shut them. away., from a appply of Thousands After Other + Modicl*Xq*
AT PAiM ZT. way add W, ag - Jo 'the happi [Los Into thdik-businoss at- 6 noon, 1 -00 tO, 19th, 18960
to, put Its I gritty materialt; 16i this he Had, Failed - A- Relpiasked Sufferei
-indeed it be then!
that awa me, It lairs. It ouoht to-S,stb their rob to grind their food proper Adds His Stiong 311ndorsation of 91�1719
to the appinq@s of berles.. The rAscala I 'jT�'Jiat
....... Bible to at 'One down d pre
�+++-1-1 -- -11--------_---- Ing once re v ou.ty. �ilg sugar
was Inel e�t
to laugu. The Ian"
vored to expries% hi grat n 9Z Soap at thir'+ the bat, and- from any place.- 'when- oncib hat -'an Innocent
I 3L And gavOlDfiek the letten'.11 four francs and'a half -a pound, and- and wat will eep the clidlera; away'
7 at - Cleafilluess And attention to food
vents cloying. �I!Wconderful Remedy.
01' - A this streef has been soil :1
k the white marble, hearth. be- 11011ne. When 31.* ndrey had d a III -(From 'the Trenton Courier.)
a gua �Y, BOUS
neath a Chimney-plece %iihtch stood is Ltudel - to 1W 1 of you ve struc� 111m as ve7 thlrty�-two sq It has souilding uAw�o B Live St'ck Maiket in Canada. Open tolbe world. $30000 spent
Buscitille bai Wink a us al poUtid for tallow fixed,itself upon -the victim t!i� 1 0
man amusing. rheuladtism. and yet how terribld-.
One Or two, brquze -ornaments, burned 46 W potifid. It �ilj
wttff , his. two red -lidded eyes. I and Is, 0 In ca adles, six to a was. nd remedy bat t6 kill the fowl \,and I
k- w_ buildibgs.
a bright,. it dear" Ilie said is yo'�l since thb I people have burn -or deeply- bury it. Let. the on ne Best in Ani rica' *it.hsut exception. Corneand
re. -The Citoyeane, Audrey.- mouth (ther, foul - mouth of a 1,11ruirip, shameful ll a eality to tLm thousaudd viho Buffer.- this yea�
Ought b well- sa stied they wbii� being on -1
with silcit found out Ild -11all house be sprinkidd-With e h It.i Doctors agree that*rheuttiali -greatest Western
on seeing her husband. b6gau to com- ard)-had tried- to-loi C6rt Inly says veryl 4 soluti
I I I see the Entries close Septern bar 4th. T i bi� the
a letter. C ude posed It y made tip ihelr -minds ee the his w*el _41
"DorVt thank me,-cltlzd'n" ld u corrosive sublimatet or which reatidto lrom. poison of and 404
V. 1: - t n: pi
e 6_1u; pretty ty 11ow
visito R6 der, be one yc
Plain that she, was cold. He threw s< w�ao fill for the- sa der he Is# to to fix' tRoeuir !Ices' Monopolists saf6r, iL solutida.-of sulphatd of t-
�Z - - POP- r eve held. More exhibitors
the fire. 94 g- h BaYa-tl e rogue I-abo and specula have lidd their day-- per. Its In the blood,.ibut as to" just. �e
Ive by You,lnto hap now--colfies a. -Only.a fool,would V they can�be reached and eradil
himself that act fire would ever warm I it you�want to know." to While Inbreeding has Its pur For pti
� I , being let] - I . 'R -T
allother log o1i 'Itoyetme Maaeqe See what Fai and nio ourself
yin to pretty niece --the C. 6 - I - poses, z lists, programmes andmap of ().itario apPy t-1
M. Andrey laughed to- blinsel b nog
t e.
cannot be recommended to � 'the would i seem
I I -aln.liv ng
Iect, such A chance V" It CA do. it that t4eir
hert, It was her hearti poor creature. idea of the charmo of ManotZ h2v liere.,uncle. just 4 (TO )e 6oatlatidd.) 'practical poultry. ralB loll kedge falls. The usual treatment o,
not her a much a, ea Or. New blood
pp ve. in ao should be constantly introduted:Into Is long series of- medicines WhIch W. PORTE, President. Secretary.
dyq that was cold. He was captured the fancy of'such A, 0 d1T oftitlit at,"" 1 CAPT.- YHOS. tROWNE
-heArted-o' and -he took good care' Savage as - Buseatile. He Ila g'ed Ali the flock, If profit is to be the aim. temporary relief. but dofiOt i
kind o4:
sa me though lorem.
-his The chickens whi
of again when the Weill btftd itm-es will soon -4 eh We most desire C aAd,,, then the patient XLEW
S110k w1fo. but since they had over. I han told Yollia hundred tim
UP. $jink
sented. Itself as he unfolded 410'! 14reo- laust Show Ilaetivity strength 'and -Ing th&t there to Dn A, 1QOEER YARN.
lef 1, V. -AP
ellzy and returned to, Parts he cloi* document. I A
I � F e thAt wili cure him. Thwio SNA nu
that all yoq have to- do to to be pruel . 4k
vitality. Every move o rld-lalcate T�H FROM DEATH i
dent and waiv, - - . .1 - s 0
raded Wi; es After Tel
rarely spiYkcen to her. becaus( p a, take. is' n0t I EL tr a years,
had The object of the partners4l ' be- alertneft and power.
In Cia
Wilat.1 4niplain !Of
anything he 6 - was sure to lead to n d
I tween himself and- Citizen -Gran ti�al- ude I� + I or or to have plen*'of fresh. no rY evi nd because Ono is n1t]. Experience.
aid son. of - Nante$. was not'clealrly bat (thatt he Is 'too prudbfit. He Is. muC4 eggs new blood must be- intr6clubed 9 a ot imperative tbat�
more willin wa�� th O_ A
--reertminatloh apd tears. Ile had had old 1- A isingulbr'-inatrimodtal mixup is
into the flock every. year, Evbn'a On oil 3ep , rheumatient as ftf ift -Apew's Gure. for t�0 Heart h -Ported Lansing, Web. Two
-.forth in -the Writing- It Is notl al an.1 should qv
very- "Ye like to see n4m. mongrel bird will benefit al high bred na;ural accessory. t'b, advane
powerful reasons for comi'49-i necesedily for 'honest men wh nj��r_- reme Y, tDr
A* thelifO 'of alady
to 11arls. so that he had not, � stand each 'oth ye&rs�,_ -1 11
or I - ly "'Then suppose 31ou are going One reason fi w ab not tkil raise flock better 'than no change �at &II There Is- d rheumationi three_day41,a#o John Kral - an.,
;o der ine Y
only overrtiled the rem6ustra of their. buaa quarrel wi o se C diV4
nces ofi the nature Cbout that wW6q 60, bushels pudV--_mafr1ed.1' tW�
Min R. Reekley of 3 -
Is* ils lett6. Youwill tua-40 of corn+ ap acre Is � that for It may bring hardiness. and endu;-' de pite, the general be f''that it C04 B�V of ,
w y; ance, which cannot be obtained-trom, no; be'- cured -a remedy that bae the Northwest,
Claude. but had felt h i inself cOm- Grandutalson was honest-Iq You answer re o tp= (a Will ec man
peiled to exert all his authority. "Y. though he hid become a - d ep-d d &..mistake if,yon do.11 of � all the In xha6tluld Sto Alerll one which has Lbeen so carefully rear- ca �ed - thousands of the most sevbrO 7e.lonroa CdhniY4 0., and. H
tlibelmaWs wif% 'had
almost to use fume to Livercome the demagogue lat Nantest and. "And ey There to 4 contradiction In Claude thity in the soil less -than one per for generations ' t. laarried It 0
pas ca noted Instance 6f,the trlitlk
ed A 1,160 been jftbilly separ from her
t com
t me 'US Catarrhal Powder,Curei Story ba
erly resented It- I oblu proceedl"s. Liberty and IFZar_ eudure,!1 She � cried pbtj�wntly. 46 You - befis, courting 'them -la + everyi� possible ledge or of 02 he -knew that silo bitt
0PPOsItIOa of libi unhapiy wife. arid .,In consequenc4 often heard of Illb; ific- Wiat I don -t buderstpind. and I cannot pent. of 1 1& avallikbibi Apply 11 If - the cocks show attention to -the of II this, assertion whiell has His W-041rf�i of this
tol� the know
:'It seemed to ljim_howt�ver. thatfor, nity ;0 t beinWoutepoken- Aeases potash Of the edit a Nolva ivile tradl.f 0*8 Years. ago th. blame him f4r to tills soll, and lt:rL Scotia Resident of Cat
e W do forever In his in and 1 0 u way and giving"them. choico'bits,. it %Pier Is- the case Of RoberV\Fr4nf arrh ig ik as foll leyman were
wn a and h bellevbd them.while the' me- -olubs anq- public' from nd Esq formerly of 'Tre
some days past, she hail gro n Imprudent at -the ts I bi 4 Won and is well with that flock, and vital- c nton. al Deafness. ai:rubelmaft aAd Hek
hJ6 hand of
bh4d& more rea4onable; at least he 's�onor phr4ses were rep6iLted by places. I -know- nothing abouCtlid, t if it.h6 cock 'reiired irom ialtors foiA CVra.Higgins,
hime t� promotes the -decomp6gitiod of -all or- ity has not 41ed out ; bu business at Rat Portitgd. When I ieArt failure overtakes- a per -
face M;h angrily; his trier 4a aris wlthou�* to qk&t ganic mat pretty EbuAtry irl. She was at a
did not see her You told meite w94 exposing is a dullard and a la 04t., Add still residing there. He 11
risks.' and I implored ter ggard,� ot lol- son. unlegs the aeiion of the hear
_VKr Lean :oss whleti4o, choose for a husband�
�Se - -be �mme diately accelerated, the -very
whenever he cauie near her; nor did tloq.. h havlog learned (somel�� givIe _ him 0 lowing In the chase- After ins6cisland- a victim of rheumatism for she any loager. say to16 hLiu- six or ch d -Otch saying �,o a coinbact -was formed by he
ange the krovorbY to howl in con- g at the section.- H'.
h worms, 4nd � the, hens - disinclined. to tl ee ears. Last i \worst r AMWI nd may follow. This is terms of 'k1jilli she agnbed to marr
popular cry �on �H o0ca- N Ther Is an ol winter he v
a�r th -was a
seven times a d4y.. Why did you cert With th 6 patriot, ati, that _4'. lime enricheii the father a exerelse.much, I is abouV tl7ethore- Ill friends In Trentons and was then e hear of so. many, -cases of :,tleekleymA� And to live with him
es he, a -true- if '�was -a br�Aklgg id that I ly. . 0� templAting a visit o the
ons i that he could not bq'ar torefran f South In
Impoverish son," �-, This I am 8 ere
bring me back to -Paris ?- Are You al den
sullen ath froi
going to detiounce me to your section. 1: All*ttre rich lovers 'Of 11 oing - his to�;t forjhe good of vegetable or rgailic'm4tter is 4ot ap- By preventin the air from pene- rdh.of relief from It n heart d . isease. The it en ye, a r hen Krubelkaan, If he
becausd you -do not care to have me, Nantes had., piled with. tl lime. Lime, also, has is c6notaut foe' 61eluents that constitute Dr. Agnew's -% was
*owever.,tor ye 0 a"'On. The 111Y t41ng he se6ma i ivas yet fivi to b4come, er
any longer V burthen and' expense busluess- In jebony"-which iUg to wait atlently for is his 0 the P trati t a ell by some �substanee had to use a staff in� walking. and Cure 'for the H'
roperty of p- eart are such af� to as the light6ablg hea�vy iand-ttlie �n Years have Pw% ex
he-- see, g -germ and pre.. ut: at a Slow, pace. TIMEr ChristmPA give reki f in
upoll your halQs aceept4d euAliemism for . "Ing en- hitpVtness-an mine. Ali!- clar soils .. nd ivin" tenacity to which will - not ill- the two particular immedi-' tdred and.-IKrubelmin called -uir�� Vile'
hatching, an eg �6an be h again on a -visit tO'Iil� lately wi hout I - 11 10 1
vent its; was her producing an -hurtful 3 .. ' - '4
Unhappilyt, someone had tpld her gaged in the Slave trade.- M Audrey ready enough id- make that'sacrule light, sandy ones. ' It'.6orreete the Y i-voman td- live up to her He expects- Preserved onger than n An Other W'ends, smart and -erect, �and withOut effects. en, continued with a -little t,ha,t Citizen, Hanriot. the chief man In had had cousidera Is exper noe, -in e to"do, as he does. acidity of a Ar" sollii�: and makes laleckleyinlin went -west nd procured
-for h them yield lakinedlate-Vlant food; way The French- have thus varnished 00 Stick or the sorrowful look of" 6- patience�. the disease becomes 'banished Aii,orcej'" Mil Krubelman, who, it
their section. had denounced his own that traffic, d G ra m1alson Won't I that you p4a understand, all from th
mQVier to the Rq , vo.utiouary Commit- had long had- two vessels on' e coast Of You- The time 19past for that ik�lti e add hatched chiekens:-from them yor ago. His -frienqs and - acquaintl- system. Mrs.,J.' Hillier, eems, liao ar§o married. So Krubel-
Cfa de" 'made n( woodo,, N. W T., says very rnan got th4- bride promised to him.
Of thing. 3. - a no, of Whit t fil
If. owing - W the uUmerous rains,
Eft that ha might get. rid of the trou- of Aftlea. comp 11, the weeds b chancd.,Lget the start after two yeaf-a.r_ Alcohol iem6ves-the i�#cos all accost him as tv ijan,
They believed In Ilberky gidze at any time. is healthY.
a jillcongratulato lilm � on h plainly I hat re;nedy saved h
ble, of taking car when his mot of you, therE Is no betier time -than . . I - v: er
e oi her'ller thoughts 'and- fraternity, but co ast him -off-it ma . is becoming more -hgo arid Heckldyman Te- -lor ma or q - 1� ' . Turkey:+ raising fr and c lu -cou� life. Sh had bee�n LCh affected t decade
4atf- dwelt upon his horror- till the feretim Howev have, been hisi duty to bmIt. the present. t 'fight thb" with 1
on it I th. aud,� it'you Maced hig lo��Jsbyakirig Krubleman's
er. the could ot -I)ut Profitable and popular. Like sheep, t AAt wit He has- cheen, I t Impos-
idea that ber oVu people might avA feel that their connection w li. such not mine. W"t do I owe to her who cannot subdu) the -entire field, -bet- 11, a year ago. heart fa e. finding- I a MOB 'Wife.
they grow and fatten, in the belds on fq and gratefully given the,follovv_ Bible to or lie"down'for fear of
brin has bilglibid thy jouth'b� her folly� t a porti6ti of It, - and
like Citizen Hamtiot had co upletely ImerChAndise might now brin them What would be otherwise log meut-of r
taken possessloqpt 11er.-- Pity?. NOV ev6n Pity! 'Nd, uncle, It Is that it i well dolitai for a little t;wbesidest hi state -his efforts afte A suffocati e beot�,,doctorts skill In
tato trouble. Since So much 114 wgs 6: My home Is at Rat. I HAVE HAD
But, this morning ,he seenled to him being made about the ri traoletin their eating of insects by the million c Pbrtag these h t TeriiiQries as of no
no use� con me. You don1t. ell iloup _wIll give h6tter sults
gh of MfEn. .9
r - two a is a benefit to the,crops. A go9d crop '01 t., wherefor years I was eugaP avaiL S S s: " A local, druggist re- Rheumatigtil ipr years, nd-Nervillne
to, cower -less than usual. 6owe other The names of - th fps 4ad know eyer�ythiln But I know that I an If all Is -but halt-abne. , 4
a bottle Of Dr. Agnew%
Df turkeys brings a fine income for a I business and where -1 btiU' reside. commen,411i re
notion. not that _counected with citi- Leon originally the Jean act ueg and at the bottom 16 your heart you think, 11opcorn wt .1 Aedlop�� hibre rapidl is the only7 . �nedy that 'has done me
zen Hannot. mus� be uppermost In her as I do."' than field- corn and Y little expense. Their long lege enabli F,r- three years I hav,6 bden- a greO-t Cure for. the Heart. I teled it and
Fidele Sujet, but this idst - had i1i central ]ati. *11em to move easily. anjw-here.. 4nY goodX- -8o, writee Thomas Me -
mind; and her husband as he n4ticed been changed Into the _Aorabeau. I? Do y6 suppose I think s Ludes can be'Plauted 4,Ak time dur-* .15 ferer from rlieuipatism., 1 Wed with tho, remdt that I Immediately Washan. Norill :�oelham, nd his teett'
About one-third of all the;poultry soyeral bighly recommended remedies secured- qase. and after taking\1-arther
you do? 1, erl * M. Andrey. who wj�g Ing the, first half of J"O. It lh ons heL aniony is gilopOrted by thousands of
15 is O*iled b;y those t� no purpose. as I continued- to doses bf, tha medicine'A trouble left 'athers w1lb., have -experienced the won -
her almost, beseech- Both had now been two yea[rd -lying growing- nngr "Manette. utydear of the surest of cropii. 'and in some. who live In the cities, towns an j. nit for. me. The' fact is knowing how sekkoq
her humble look.' raised Wthe State
Ing expressloii. felt, --,�ure that she had, dismantled la�the pQrt of Na[ut&. At i�blld_ you arO out of your. regions wh d vI o. until it was diffle.
some revest to make to him. some- 'they were itTle it would hays ' been sensen Ol farma a1`0 planted to ingest derfally 0�.Ogetratiftg dnd paln-sub-
alld the town, people neArly ai. 9� 20, wto wonk. I was f or- thirteen we 6"
Wittig no doubt� in�a4eo which would. quite In -order for Citizen Audrey to Hang It! how'. on Aake things i T1 o - this cereal.: was my condition, wo remedy saV@d dw-ng pg*e'--r 'of Nerviline-the ireat
lead to further trouble. Ike looked at ask, Citizen -Grndmaison hat Use he world seeing, V have turned upske Honey PO , ses one Jortme quality- ways k+ e tare breeds amO*know el utimed to- my bed at home -And III in ife.1 nerve Pat
more about rais �ng chickens than do tk Winnipeg Hospital., I was then le woold bei- a -mistake t6' SUPDO90',
-"'her with a kin(Col curiosity. He felt was ifiaking of. t4ekr joint "I 1-tal. but ;ldown in the 1.1st quarter. of. an bou �.l It is easy of digestion -The nectaioi
d In ticed to try- the -Mount Clemens that Dr; Agnew's �Catarrhal Powder Baffled.
to be im --I '�Iie-secretlon-of bees b1iiinges, thisto
-et_w lowers 1.9 almomt.wholly. canesugar. -pay better In I be cit %thaml in 'the rings. I took six courses of baths
sure- thatisome new proj;. as r1i;eu- It seems far more Impdrtat toi keep 1-t is not pri�peir lor- a girl who is ei -11 f the farmers; in f act, a -small flock *111
Ing III, her brdla.' the fact of,l)eing rWh -unknown in gaged to a young man country. T will odlbr cure the-mailder forms of i bad A;,nditrow'escape nce from a
Ile leaned on the back of her chair Pats-,. where p6eullar dag,-ra sur- tien't ttf-lx, maTried.�- grape sugar, and' 'so P�_Oarea it that -twenty-oneo bathe each withdift catarrh. I It will certainly do this, and City poulterers have the advantage a y seemingly beneficial results. I with wonderful expeditiom But; as In
and said softly: ,I)o you %vant ally- rounded every - rich Tna..n.. Ihe;-efQre 0oq reasons for being iff i-1 .-It fi3 almost' ri�&4. fdk -assimilation. of being. co4venient to a coust4nt sup- r ad uf several cures in the Courier
et in tile -shdps- - In r�
thing ? Is It Alapette you wish foe?"t the LItIzen Andrey felt -greatly ol -And you know-iu.- It inak, without any' effori on.Ahe part of "Yei biA ItL the end I seared her
Aiged Ptient. the. casq' of Mr. John Maelimis. of
soon be -too. late. NA'ill PIX Of gr_on bon f �ui Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills to , N. S.. it will cum
She gave a sudden - start. He lttkd to Buscaille for his protecticu. That you take file, the stomach. A act' like small yards �a_ great reecret Is iii-givin 'Is People, and friends -who used tarrh.'This gen- ityorse thati elib seared me."
touched her instantly to the gwd . rascal of a Jacohin-had gery I to Cll�lldes loqgln hun 9 tile wo cas o ca "How' 40: YOU do It very dourse, 1 1 won*t. In keep- t em, with benefit -t themselves, s,Told her tat her hat wasn't on
-In a 6harp trembling voice, him well -and all for the sake �he
go to-m[orrow,?" magic upon a1 gry. *d-akened man, plenty of grit and ater, and 0 tlemanrri�fereedg from catarrhat deaf
quick. 9f eL Taka you to C _u ivi�tiou ifiereases the Ju e If necessary, ged me to try them, Idid so, and. ness, bO - after xAsing one bottle of
than a whisper,
brighV,eyes Clau!e9lodgings.? Doyouknowhow t, e' af'starve them to it. No wo
yet liardly. louder of fnett6f ,a yi�l CoPtlie cropg-, y
she exclaimetf. far pfT lie lives And since You write greater feed! g capacit$` to the roots rk. no eggs; ter a short time I felt an. Improve-! this remetly he. was able to hear ad.
Do I want Ma. He heard a ligh tap against tha but plen y or exercise make I -'ever. - PAinleas -and delighiful.,
nette? What to Clude. t 'to to Vou of the pi. t a healthy it nt In my-coudition. I have taken goocT as i -
should I want that wall. of the adjolaing �hamber. s. Whed A�Ihe soil is 1 10 CEINTS CURES CONSTIPAT16N
and he fowls and a, f.ull basket. t �Ive boxes in all. and my Impr �o use; 'At relieves in ten minutes, and ove.
hare-bralued, sell-wiiied,"foolish girl rose, putting the deed back In Its "�Tliere re Oin" t -to- � fine condititm- the roots From live- ge Picked a at has been- continuous and satis-' in a liqla time permanently cures -2 LIVM I�LLS.-Dr. Agiiew's Liver
secret, r4wer. and closing tfie secre- wrItten-that must be said. I ad- �iore esilYj 'of feathere every six weeks. tory, so that I need: the cane n er
for?* penetrato tit) ground h un i ins are the �ffiost fect mae, and
What's the good of Alatiette ? po d n q
-mIt that it Is �quite, it journey froi i i procure a g, cillter shitie. 6 like bugie. Sick -headache, con -
Lary. The tal) hail reminded film t4at 1 catarrh �of all
All she does is to ask me when she , the Rue de Buss� to the Rue do 1 '5 Plant' These wilL o 0 e r 00 1 er. ajid - I have . increased . my
comes bRto the roolu, ' Are yod. bet.- he had another duty to attend to, 91, e k4pidly - than
I'Echi food. -and ow inor geese upon 1Q0 pounds could iglig from 140 pounds to 175. b ,tipation-b-Ilidusuess, Indigestion and,One Lamb.- '111 liver ftiC lb cents* a -vial-40 doses.
Xeaiimberiag the anioulit- of ler
-and much she ca"resl anothe'r sorrow to as6age.- another., should have to when but sli-ht cult1vhLtIOQ is giveb.. be picked, at tho same rate, In'a year use of Pink -paw. I am noti e'll.
ter, aunt?' y E�ght Le
'verybody knows Whom she is think. woman. to console; all in conge, go throng i amowiting to S66'pounds atid ovr, ely free from rheumatism, but I
h . Here I's -a lamb witli eight legs. Ii
Ing Of V, A nd ro- and worth '$346.- So nine! 'one thousand- per celit. is a, M�souri product - Add lives and
: foifr sections" 'said Al ndrey, tr3 - I tility locked up in the 80il. Woaa ilot Give -it Away.
Oh, well! you know she. is quite � to pervade his dwellingi. . Zukh - ho felt,far fronil membering iat thbi Jlihy be made figures, and figures never lie. .queues of the madnesa whicbj Iseemed ling j.0 slui,e,,tl� I for the 1P a new man.
right to think- of Firs a he had t t1ter than I *as, a year, ago. and I - in on the green it. Sp8bilibigh-Tommy, I think
him," said Citizen to comfort his wife, who dreaded the would be w6rse tha i avallable, tl ) arnier with proami. my health entirely to Dr. gain On the !arm
Andrey somewhat coldly. " She Is, ew loss of her head. and Qlea to C04allple I crossirig primqvai fore4*1n Anieriu. priety- cOUS er his la'' - his bank.- of Smit li T. Comas, oi Boone county. �-,qu saw xA& klm your sister. Will, you
Ve should' pfrol�oably encounter I -THE NEWSP illiams! Pink Pills. 7brongse, nb� th give it away if r give
9-49W to Your 'son. ' It is a pity that with Maette. who happlT, only a It in tI is b ink lie yefikly de"its APIRIP� .FAULT-PI14DER
you don!t think more of -him." lamented- the lossL of her lover. sorts pt dreadtol things. Don't yo clover aInd n anure it Will never dis- r. Williams' Pink PIlls strike at; With logs of lamb and mutton In on a quafrter-t
see, Mandtte, that though ma Riir. Dr. Abbott Advises the Cal ous t root'of the disease, driving it'fr4m demand in the city at good round
but Saying, an. is Ile did his best for bo IlIng as tters a. honor his-chl,,ques r afl6w Pti- e Tommy ,fedhfidentlyl- Bare! I'll
longer very' A and restoringgthe patient f _ Vend it. ie r
vVith YthJug further I tfi. slil his -'notes: -
,ortof he, Spoke to them with h no comfoet4ible In ti Ones to go Have a Wash.. tie syster
went toward lms� Vial to go to Pr( test.
a tall.cabinet, a'r t i health and'ettength.."In cases of
house, you are better of
secretary, In mEkrqueterld 'and olive smile. But he said to h a If that I f here th Comb honE V Is an 414 to the dl-. Those who are. never satisfied:excLpt p tralysis, spinal t My baby'; IrAd croup and was saved
roiibles, locomoto
Yon would be anywhere else? Yo gestion. of N�arm, bread and bi;cuit.
wood. which stood opposite the fire- neither -knew him for wh really h'
to U.. better stay�here.' in railing against the e`viis of the 94axiat sciatica, rheumatism, erysipe- Shiloh%
place. Everythin in the dwelling othe e;e t "pue-king" In the.
was (or at, least wished uniml, prudenep, and you' It tends to # " writes Mrs. J. B.
ear 0 9 stomach,, a 1, spaper are Ir
showed ease, Wealth and -luxury, and sider him).a man truly kind- You co jr tingftwii, leaves new -eferred to a.recoent 1. 8 sce6fulous troubles. etc.., these pille artin. of 0-Attsville, Ala.
, tl _I - - superior to all other treatment.
by the I - Praetise It. lb�oke in' lie 'gais tie juice to sermon delivered by -Dr. Lyman Ab
�14 may be added, the taste of the the- kind of mAn bred by the 1 0 middle, class, In days when every ar� grily. see th t I o 13 0 bott before the. graduating cl�iss at are also a specific for the trouts
liall have
of the, old t1mew, fast passing A ay go alon.e.- Ill. of foodi -The unpleas L wh:ch, maka the 4 -yes of so maiiiy issuk N"
S- from whiell some suf- Havard Universityv in which lie 0 301896.
t1cle of furniturs was made�with an a -ma4 who had the true Poli;en
eye ;o art. The barbarism of the the heart (or at least, acted If be A-t-thls spe_(-,cl� VL. Andrey mad6 all ter a fter epL ing honey'Way often be made use of the following langua ge: men a burden, and speedily restore
"The journal is the historian. t e rich 41ow of health to pale and
Dear future was -ruthlessi Lis sweep had it), a man. n _. sharp- lk.
Impatient -Ile no longer removed by t - inking A 11ttlb ml It 8 Ilow - cheeks. : Men broken down by NOTE.
-ee. wh llarit�y with. usiness mile. 1�e Was provoked, atul Nothing 11 e a nIce.bbAt'o'f paint
away all Such French elegan long faml tried to s * 0 more Important to knoW what Is olverwork, worry or excesseWwIll find, In reopiliinj to any of the&* sm,
relies we consider so precious in our was full of feeling. arid who o ten had the, harsliness ot his nature showed to the fair buildings gives 4 bet- going -on to -da red
day. thoughts tha�Vlittle accorded Ith lits Its6lf. Manettll had,. Inftol, bore ter iniDressi n of the liirm. Large' ih ancient Greece. We hear Pie cry io -pink Pills a certain care. Sold ttseiaed6, f, please mention CW
-he secret' down to the rock. npress I dealers or sent' by mall, post paid,
.M. Andrey outward behAvior or his surro ndings. numbers of Id buildi gi; cannot be that murderst divorces, and allerlmes
-operkdd t ay and 1i
50e. a box, or six boxes for $
Bat down bef6rer its array of tiny Therefore the ilfinntural conduet'of -Maderniolsell6" fiel said, 11 you- ar -paintedt':ex I t at grelit expense, 'hould be kept from the ress, -No! addressing t - 2.50.
he Dr. Williams' Medl-,
dra;wers. There was one his )vile towards- ll�ezbwa son aliockod tOO bold and heill1strong, for a y 0 -un but* these nl'y be givigii 'a coat of wamt a press that shall tell us
Thq ld not whitewash, nd the rtgult'will be es
drawer which he pushed open. v.1
sick Woman man- -saitirfa tory. Tire lini*0 In -t iag�glass.
secret him extremely, but -Yet he wc u lad. 'very !heo le *of mankind a * s well T as the e, Company, Brockville, Ont.. or CONSUPATION—;
force her to act differently. givIng ;is fffirt. A great nois Uv heneetady, N. Y. -Boware of He stopped 'irt es. The press Is. a look
ndered on:--- iVD,1CF_j110N. K.O.C.And
Oh, yes t of cou his reason that ho dreaded le'st In. I was in the str�4t. 'Ho listened, Th wash is a urifier a:nd.disinf�ctaa We look in It every, morning "d we s and - substitutes alleged to b�
rse- none of- you, t, ust-as good.'v RE
some fit 44- craz tumult r6se.and Swelled as It dret, see ourselves very dirt . But we d
ever thought that Mademoiselle Ma-; y an Od 1poy and even th pigs ill 116 best In a Y 0 Now W.
his Inter1drenice she uld ma k6 80410 the hoarse murmu e. We Lidni Look Right. prices J.tor let, juicYr,
; nerer. -
nette could do anything ainiss. -Of It wa tidy hous not find fault with the glass. a
lint to Wa
course it was to disturbance, wWdleh in lit drav; hotIqe. of an excited crowd. h W. STOCK. t,
be exp"ted yo' Sue w. sh ourserves.": lamb w4th elght legs is not to be do
u waves- were C0114�mga enough in Paris Dr. Abbott lids thus ex "'Mammai, is God unseltistf?" 8
would stafid up for a- bold-faced, wil- at, a time whpu every house at ould plained In a
It matters not whetbL�t the farmer pisedg This Is the.1 by
ful thing who.nev - slid made su. t
.er he fre4l . " fibor. Detrolt 500 Line"
if possible qule.t and and dally fillevi-i all quarters of the nutshell. the mission of the ne Why, yes, Willie; th 'very'ide liza irstj lamb ast
nobserv: 1d. Tn I wspa e a
thought In her silly beacL' Respect heart he was no ve sorky'lor cit. 'Is breeding f beef or foi� butter, lie k's dam. and
his ry y with thpir1roar nd Main., NLf per. -if those who ate continually _tJ On Of Itao'
h ! -oplit- "Then what made Him
able girls ant, naturally to -be-lmar- Claude's banishment, br- in Andrew pointed swith.'his -hand. ealn�notuafford to'ignore the principle finding something In te newspape, work ri a suco" that Air. Comas has decid:d S. CA4�11-i& and -CARM039A leave
to looll. her to the butcher next Wiii,
which runs through al Ii ttle - ?"
s too e citable -froth the direction- of'Ah, tne not
!on the youni, man w4 "It comes I breeding oP te� critlelse, would only -Profit, by aby brother on to._ us daympli Fridayat,23D
tied* but they don't tal&-abaut Salil. L - -chance. r1b A- . _
Abbaye,11 he erations—thlft lik�6:begbtg like. One -wise ad -vice of Dr. Abbott and -wash fall, but to give ber another p. m., 'Sarnit m Goderich We"esda
have been I in.. Poft -
she does- There woulif and acted Imprudently. ; 1 ma -y �poou b4ild up- a herd of ., great Mr. Comag. has vague hopes that he E -d Saturd0$-��%., kincardine 11 a.
ppy— Was ja s6ring t 8 THIS!
matter of ourse. a her Aldo - W48 brated prlsqu, E�ill reeking with 1 good cows- red -to the,best -of bulls. We of fer one hundred dollars reward time. Anyway,, -may -ol as we
turned the lover aut of it I And a A MOO,
that. ceI6 in �5 p. in., thri 11 GIAN BAY. Finest round
-ouse It I had not merit merel through lieleetion of ponding - Improvement in- the 'new LAGO OF
fine doings, lit this It Manette, as unha that This remark *as not reas' themselves tlidy" would find kL 6orres HOIWI
i Manette. Any mention of. d I or even better -next
good thingo tom, He Was sure to very (bqrry far er. -He was fOad Of paper. � The mirror Is not to 4bhtme f he �ldnks it, worth .1im in Amemo-affilleals and berth included.
-the young girlo botli- because 4fi.'tkeir blood of murdered- priests, awakenell(4 ai 4) hat it, reflects. r any 0 hile t Ing to F n -m Toronto Jor Hamilton $1&50. may return
aude." or may Stay at the t JI f ili6 pro- -for w cas of Qatarrit that cannot! w . V , ralso elght-1.0agged
I)ring us Into tr ubD---was Cl cession. cured by Hall's. Catarrh. Cure I f:r the market.- U.- Windsor afid Detroit (ohe *ay). For foldem
relationship, and because. her t P.retty' In honest hear" a thrill of fear. sheep
Again o her: An:y
U. I - - blrths, etc., gtow to any agent 0. P. R.r 0.
face was -pleasant to look npo' but. Manette; though -bold. farner cau affokd -to think J. Cheoney & Coi,'Propa., Toledo, 0,., TJ
Have the goodue" not to'try to Jim- grow pale ' : :"Tha Suspense Killed".Hiiii.- R., or wri% WW Brown. 'Mgr., Windsor.
tify your conduct to y9tir son. you gfter I all. what did. it The notse apprdadhed. They now d1s. twice before he bays a � bull.- - L6t-'him. e, the undersigned, have known F-1 Wliat Women Should Nnow. I i4o-n.-
4Lt.. for f ull
nOt-tbiuk $110 a monstrous price to Cheney- for the last 15 years, and
Marlette could wait. tinietly board t�e Poll of drams. Every, woman ought to :know th*t
just shut (iur4doofa In his face. pay - for a 'young -bull .'-Which -he is, �4teve him perfectly honorable in
'He said to I er once.. The door Into 4anette's ro le there isl an lustit tion in this country
"Because the delegates of th 'see O'n ' I
tion would bava 6ome-here and ar- My dear, 1 have' been In, I e 6 CV#n, 4nd Mad"- Andrey rushed quite sure I, - to be a - g.66d one. and A I bousluew� transactions and finauel- -where diseas 6011THAN
n es peculiar to their sex 0, taught bfGWI, Trial lessons free. '.4d -
rested him before my ver. self. I now what. it Is-*. it 1th outspread; ha:nds - as If drivin Ithea, turn o bo'ut anti . poay, about a ly able to carry out an
It as i"A w Y ObIlga-_. hELve. for nearly thirty . egrs,,, been d ess Goo. 11telr6y., Presoott,
some spectre beto a her. She San tbree-fourthr as in ch 1`4 tho-verlest
1*1 am ashamed ot ou for ng thin Y
y e�e bet ttoubles6 But when 11 t! con made by their firm. - made a specialty by Several the 09t.
diow on ther fiNr near 6 ise-rub.- Why re many 6 blind or so
ktAD I ES' C
as theY will somLrday. you will[ forgot Windows. Wlj� ne of the West & Truax, Wholesale Drag
ouch &-mother. The deed*t� done. I trembling hands she gist physicians connected therewith. This
316do, 0. Widding, Kinuan & M recommadd you to sa-as I:ttle as You -in LIAO road ithoug.4tiese I HAMILTO OLLEGE
them all. Th6 bad places
w6 travel- don't last through qlI the drew round her the f6klo of the cur- I He,is. th crub farmee� Who refusps ar institut on 'is -the Invalids' Hotel and
v a,- -Wholesale Druggists, Toledoo Surgica4 Institute. at Buffalo, N. Y.
can -about It tains.'Her mou n "book: fari�lng," for he I AND CONS-ft-AVATORY OF'MUSIC,
"They wouid Wive carri!ed me to -journey. A whole nation cAhno�,stand U was convulsed . she Invariably ses scru . b s i Hall's -C�tarrh Cure is tak Int
prlson�-me. a. poor, sick I'V9 on Its head. with its heels in the could not utte Such ]In trea�ing tbous�ando of pages at that
woman, with Ply, acting directly upon famULAS bU4U UFAula, there llai,46 been Ahe 37th yel� vnil open Sept. 8th, 189& The
only God to caxe, for ine." air. Peace wilt come ag In. Be was tural In the R -no de B Im 're fast. Seeking 6ther* qccupa- d mucous surfaces' of the -0yetem. i 0. t and b
w tea o Loud6r. than ussy. -,te,, a, r in, ter the presetit 'condition perfect;4 medicines which form a reg- .1,6quipped ladle
Patient, Only he tramp of the fur- ons. to It naGO6 -u
"That's always the, Way. Pf course. —since =ajide the Nice 75c. Per bottlea Sold by all Drug r eMrses in,lAte;1Z, Marc. tap 0, ular. Be title cour of. treatment lor V
Be kt, Elocuti6 �, 13!p
-, qk-keeping, ete- Over
-3L Andrev Was not. a believer, be very s an ine, was! heard one rity. It ailmen ressing Pipe biglih in building. Send for cata-
d Term§ e& moderate. Address
Cry, repeated like a sort pf ref matters hot -what the loil�judlce may, Shorthand for Fhy'�sicians.
�,rtng Providene into?the affair.-, - You,ald-you to�jhlm, urge Ill to be long multitude, iouder than of thinks pra It comes only. from super- g-sts. Testimonials free. these i rv%5alleut and inost dist L50
prudent as to What he sa' i reiterated toir 'quality and early matu
was. a man like. Others a the close of, does." - % i ralu byl
1, those who weiv im ;arciiing in the -front be against fl e stock. '0110 inust meet P-nnelpal
D Pi and his staff of'W11ed spe- (1 9, D. D., I
the elghte6lith century. 'He shrugged IV. "ier2la _
ranks of the mob.- th (emands Or fibil at a loss. petiton signed by many of the 4ri;ts I r Ing the faculty of - the Beat Trwoses. Madey
his shoulders.."At any rat�, he said Manette's Sleeping room wasi, near� rgeons of"
"Clod does- ly as-careftifly- ad "Gro--cer I G�Dcer"!" Cement floors itre likel�,to become Ing physicians and on ibovs *tItution, are at all 'times DORENWEND E. 8.
T. 00.i
nf�t frighten you. He Li Orned and 4,jo lux- M. Andre popular for barn flooring on.account land- has been seat to the Veneral 11 ready, to reply to letters-ftoin women W. olonta,
I I ously furnished a Y shrugged his Shoulders. 383 Queen SL sans-calotte." - Uri a thaV-o;t Cltoo�- .Ilt is noth" new at lea -at," he of their dura)lllty, cleanlifiess and the lea:l counell'i praying that llOrt_+.suff6ri4 from obstinate, complicated, RUPT Coolote Me.
h l back In Yonne Andrey. There was the
same SaIlI6 "The a. facilities the,. offer for diLlIng the It- should be, nfade an extrd. optional or -long- neglected diseasea. and "wak-
her chair with a Sigh. Her anger -and caived-woodWork on the-wa 1which Y b* u to sack . the gro nesses-" and can be Addressed, -or con -
I cers' shops yesterday. -The same thing quI( - anur Moreover, they are"td at the preliminary examinations
is going on to -day. That's all." be valued for their at o0of -qualities. petition sets out the afts 4t the institution.- Iree of FOR T M Ty- -811 YE
her animation. were dying out. She -receded so as; to form, a,ZQI al- Y I
felt'herself vanquished. She did not cove, Which contained a 6ntag� suited bed ;. t cu- 1 - Citizen Audrey. accepted the A. new barir h shorthand may be to the stu- chg n buAk
say another- woxd. Al. Audrey, After tains of thick, pale blue silk b Caded i tortunes of other people phIlospnh1lc would do wel to consider this question -in Wildfil Dr. Pierce published the first
a the lecture -room h e I is
feeling In the -drawer. trook but a pal: with.- a, pattern In ail ieveq :ally. Ile went to �, -w in all ts ph ies. diti I w work, The People's Com
Indow (not that fils. and In every branch of
was i in which his -wife was) to, watch the requires,a raflun to grow* ?vork. 'Mon e e Medical Advis6r. he an -
per covered with close wrlt,.ng�*hich theo'general simplicity. Manett
The call
he unfolded- before him. on. the desk rich. for - M. Andrey' had been n
ver grey O8P'ta DUN 'S
pratl N
mob as It. Went by. At the head of bone and tum cle as Well tat. Do not uoune - that after 6SO.000 copies had
werei two drummers. them expect corn to supply a)I -that -it re -
Before beginning. to read, however, positimi to buy with her mon the the crow i�i
THE B"Y IS CUTTING TEETH been sold at the regulai price, $1.50
the great -farm oU VelIzy. t - confl icated'' quires In the ay of; grain. -it Is the per copy, the profit on which would
there pass#4 through Ws mind
UQ came Buscallie "d the committee of
thought th&t he� must have been juls, property of an emigrant noble,
sure and use that
the section in booneis f oil rich 'In nitrogendft� elements old and Well repay Jilin for the great amount Of BAKINC
taken In supposink that there was., On the wall opposite the fimplace rouges and .0 't,,ed -remedy, Mrs.* WI
ow-ords datigling trom., their sides. whielt, will stppiy that Which Is most nslo's Booth, labor 4)id money expended in produe-
'tr ing, Syrup- for children teething.
-any change in' the p9or' woman, hung E4 'portrait. It was, that -of a. Th ork on hand wanted, Such 1 as oats, bliati," peas,. I in- It i Ing It, 'he would distribute the next
-dress with he hilt sho�thes the child, softens the halt
t=az-ed by feari,' who wasi sitting- in woma4 in full. -was -approved by
13 he authorities
theo room with him. The only thing powdered; Manette res the civil seed -cake, wi Ill clover hay.i a tires w1nd colic and is - her of jeopids has already ben sold,
oower.: And t gums i4illion free. As this num-
were bound to order. Behind Sclence'se t, I ays all pain, c .0wDER
Never atte P to raisq calves and raps
to be done was, as to pay no
group of men placed is best, remedy" for diarrhoea. -he is I now distributing, absolutely
and yet...her za�tfie 'is this s me time; 1,&Ilan0e will, 'After- _u
a more gentli ask TvrentY-five -cents a bottle.
heed'to her. face had a emp, otfi 0 se, the point of . the lower THECOCK S BEST FRIEND
In authority I�Y:Iel tion, of the people bring Its o - reward. 96thing must
11ideed, lit 01s: mc!ment. the mLsfor She had lfved'in. halipier d hen --Came a el It` carbon of an electric *are lamp is ;ree,. copies of this
a y o.-�= con 4V -01111 LA*dkS SALE IN CANADA.
more hearts were soft and P. 1 0 Women brandish, I o hitei nd as such plete, inter-
D*th of young
stock from tt e -very day An Accurate Phrase.
tune- of having Such a wile sat feelings. tonder. Ing baol esting ndINo Val uable
-A 'day in whiel . there 19 rl i may be employed as a lead penc:JI.
ea-edly on 4drey than It might JuStIce4and hiiman rights were -talked fill with th
e spoils )I the grocer down, Rense inedi
tets. =Ieh they ixpected to di birth. Onp
6 gain ' wil
You, h1ludo to a lot of. smoking
Pro it of three. days simply ad ' a loadstone ruins in your story,f' said- the bity j ca woiqi ever published, tht rec
lying safe befor� hN eyes�a,paper-he Its sleep. was -drea" Mag k�tt which he w UJN have donet for hid was delighted to see of theni-- the-- whole world: gmIAZg In Sir Isaac Niwton 11 1 k dpieni happy d , �eams the street. . Some of -them were ac- to pa for th keep Of tild - 1111A orein a Signet i only b6ing' required to mail to him:
in compauted by the Lr children, who Y gh I that, editor.
was never tired -of looking at, a ri which -would 11ft7 ,3 tim, it
4 Yes,'- replied the reporter. They
C pre- which were to 6nid in' a frlqhtful� hung on (lay. or the �World's Dispensary medical As
le--ua Y. the nightmare. The fooligh, ' fashion howled I Any caus own weight.
clow docu*entl the poftill to their ragged skirts. and
e Tvilich disturilb
able it concer�t with.their mothers. or excites were there." sociAtiou, of Buffalo, X. y., of Which FgErmaking ikelik-cons health drink -at small
-has a p0nicious in- - If the- earth- were to coU;de- w4h the But I d
very prolidble—loss lot which, when talk about shephe )pher Next camer moTe bonne a fattening s eer Idn't send you to write. he Is Pisident, this little coupon -num- cO-;. ReclW�A
dhms' Ginger Beer Extr&to
the delegatesi ol'the-section searlbhed desses lad only excited the *blves..- in sts, to rougest. and fluence ; do. n t oven keeti hear him- a sun, � it Would her twenty-one (21) -ceat ollq[bottle; Fibis4manngeastt oue-halt to one
to c p I th produce sufficient heat ab'ut, a confla ration. ThIs-was
h1s houge� four months before. had anette's: moth�-r, the I , turesque effect. .9 a one caNG; sugar;'�?�Wb Poun ; creamof tutar,
ove y r
I 1 191- they had among them two gendaimes than who sh uts or is tough.- and a . to -supply the. Sun with energy. At its i-soclal oceaslon.o, stamps to cover - cost - bf mailing -. onlyi elleillialf oun6g;l Ittkewaxin water.two gailons.
�aused him IerNible anxiety-. nal"of the picture., had died at�r th fraternizing -with the !aud th book- will be sent post-paid.. DI=1ve the 91- ai,` cream of tartar and youb
e blow- from, a stick may 0to ' day's � resent rate of. �xpenditure, for:sIxty.
ns-eulottes p a I know It. But there were a �heextraet, andbottle, Place
It was his dee;a of partipership with age Of twenty-five. sa profit F d' I I d In the same. years. - -- . - r num- 1t is a eritable medical library. com- in Watpr.
Her nam�j had who were on their way- to : exercise i e.e 9 Y An of elgaiette fiends present,"
'u ar . I in ;:I, warm --pl
GrandmAlson, the sW.p-.builder at been Manet b d, rotation in V - 4table, lot - then there her ;plete I dae volume. It contains over gmb twenty-foar hours AmtH It
911- their rights. by, punishing" those per- In certain,forms of delicate electric
1A.000 ages and more than 300 IIIUS� ferfilents, tbefiiplice n ice, when it will open
Nanies. setting forth that Grandmal- thr's. Her hw;bandi whb was y1t(ung, sons accui§ed of�.buXtag up provisions wlJI be no. di o annoy- chronographs, so swift is the 4etion P ills do notleure constipation. They 1� I .-
sp kling, cootuna delicious.
-sou, had received- from him special er thart M. A-4drey, had, In a0ordrw in order . to raise the prices on z the If. a ehang( of feed is- libeded with of. the eleetro,magnete,� that - ex- * onl. r aggravate.. Karl's Clover Root 1, 1tratio . some of them In colors. Bev- 4 1
e Ginger Beef can -bkobtained in all.drug
er two hundred thousand fraes. ance with. the -usual practice otithose the w in e ,,era] fin ly illustrated chapters are de- a --grocery stbivio-fil"10-cento IlDitles to w
orklig iotses, & Aftle, oil meal I
poor. ore tha., tWO hundred persons ah 4 twa
trem6ly minute fractJons.of a second, Tpi , gives. perfect n�gularity Q
y. when X Ahdf6y left Paris for days among rich merchants. ad d to were accused OtJ 6, Ch practIces. mixed with tl e cut hay d grain will as smaU as the 1-10,000- of a s�coud,; bowels,. i.voted o the careful consideration -in gallons. the =7 In July, had he not taken- his own name that -do away wit i all congti, 6 Ing of feet, ,plain .1 isese eci
-CO - of his pro
this precious document with - l$ �rtY. At the moment X Aildrey looked- lea be recorded.
go -that' Manqtte had -the dou3tful . out of his, wWow e -mob was passmis dwing them women; and theIr successful . home-
Prbv cation of light- You inust take good dare of your- 1i t t
him? th and with I s anger -of t Cri Shun Them.
advantage of being the CltQyena,� An- 'Ing the houAe; pill were In high SpIr- off their. Mby- -jivitig iliem � -th' l6us t6 the appli t without the aid of a phy-�.
V, For olle, reason -becauV, be. thought e- B'D dro-Y do, la. Fregeoll1re. Ito ; those In the rear were - attemptm cour, tha they are g4ven grass. A ning rods to ships, great, numbdre of 801 thleeammer," was the pi sicl ud *it h
it safer where be left It. He feared She was taste of,gi!as Ill make them care less vessels were annually destroyed' by . iysician a- p
ttig t, dan�e 't�e 46armagnoia, wa, ning. "Don't worrr -about any 1:
wl be- to dre ded '%xamInatIonsF1, and ' the
Jeaning on her elboo 7du
lest, in the confuslon Incident twinov- In- lightning. It was not_ however, � -until t1lit
It, might fall.Into his wife's hands. fore a lIttf6 -bureau of mahog so doing jostled agaln�t the ranks for their usua leed. don't overexert yourself. i ed "'loeal. applications" so -
tng, laid with brdss, 'before them. -e 1QO years after Franklin's bt0torld g, and Toinirodueoit".b Magnetic RockOil fror
ruiers cou il kpep some isi to the modeii and
Which opened sc hat suppose you me&h that I must- repu pA
She know Indeed of Its existence, but It formed a desk If ne Thda aused, ptishing "ear' r that they werq so applied. I must Justly Texas. the gr
e discover* dbte4t curative disoove
sheep iyo-ah. t40 _ ry of the
cess4rYp It i"ood and shoving, and general 'confusion. gain. Thbre is- much a -va6ation trip?" sensittv woman. The -free edition.1a age f0i every
nothing of Its contents. That deed beteen the, two large windowi ot Children 8 waste vegeta !on on evierj, farm wIlI& The Sun a -heat falling on one square tf; what I mean is that Yon mug qlsaw, acute and chronic, No
would have told her things that In 'thi0o room. B,,fore "her tay an I en creamed. Their mothers tio, animal alfeep. will at. They mile Of the earth's surface. If On t pre6isel the same as that old. at w cangepWill th.any addres�; r e
P stamped.their f6et- the noise redoub- cen- okere 75i,. lloa e neVer Mils when used
sized slicet of stout lin- Will not subal t point, Is ta away from thei summer resorts.,'
times of -revolution and confusion it letter, a'iuii- led. Utoyemle� upon' Ottimps -and sufficient 'to bound In strong mantila paper. covers 'ba- cuW -deg�er�hte eases after doctors and
$L50 e celYt only thatthe bo e Was better to keep hidden fr6m Andrey, letting the.
t a c ot rremedlegad failed to relieve. Thous-
aen paper covered withL writing a thues, but will clear' out -many �LES CURED IN THREN TO SIX 'instead of cloth. Send now before
raise 750 ton
curta-In -slip from I er long, Jean fin-, of thankf6l. tbatimonials an neord. Book
frpe2i point to -the, boil
t In- �hand. M. Andrey her. wee briars and bushes, and -Ing X HTS.—Dr. Agnew's Olittiment will 'are -given away. They are going of sei on requekt. on't -let this opportunity
eyea. Besides. M. -Andrey had no' 1 fr motl all large. legible Aa Inds 61 two in the country. He had ex- d husband's coat, 1, Manette ha re- c atVetwee of Itcht 1'rapidly. therelore do not, delay send- Pmu.
tended to spend more than a week or capie ln� softly he:glanced at It, lan gers. caught.hoj1d,c tho.talls of than IJOA to rid a Point- Is 7. 1' 1 -
�hl'y are bet ng piles -In from
ig immediat
vo ree-OgniZOdAlle, writing Of Claud, -4 gained her - place before - her inlaid eld of spr 161 -FAX nights. -, One application ely if In want of 'one. rARiWsuPPLycomPANYo
he Re - ".Was It Worth -while Waiterl Beefstea*, Ham and Eggs. -for rt. For .7 Victdria street, To to.
e eagerly fixed coding
-ompared hi-, said. w1th his patern One. Agents forroUnsuada.
lutlau would be brief. He c tO call #e 'bureau; her ey(*. wer HO b blind:and-ble
Reason For Doubt.'
ELI smile.! "A on Claude's letter, but she was not Is ye room _foe�thV hybrid!- less_ Also cures tettetti
n0st 1 .1 rea 'devil; sit ersema, barbees Itch and
it in his, own niind to the mad rush -good girl and an Ito "God,meat,
a runaway horse. The capture of heir f0l'l it. . The mob !It the street or in the cas 3 -of gooseb�ftles- Our but the t r'bue Boardar. (in the mountains)—T#14k write to' -each other' It t 14, n a came to a. halt.- ative. ones a is too- and the sent no cooks," I Is a trite B-�Iying. all eruptions -of thei skin. 85 cents. thi, Tuileries by the- sections. the Im-- permit
the . correspon once. 'and! no- -At first. the shout43 continued; then
d From bad. cookin 'of the H1malaYaS being ten times as
pr1a of the king, tne persecu- body _w reign ones Wo much subjeet o mil- ofast eating 1 and
.onment ants to '41gh as, this, I
tion ot the nobles, ottile,priesta. and see their love -let ra. ouddeniy there �ras ollonce In the ew. Se6dllngi ketweeti two; always overeating, comes a- whole train of Proing His Work.-
Iplace entire confidenpein you, throng. All, tha,,t could bb heard was Tegult in an Inprovement -Farmi n-4 dou% belleviD It, - young _1111
D:f he rich, to sa%,- nothing of the mas- ette.11 die6ases-1pd1gestion, dyspepsia, 1 b "Gleorge William I" -dxclaimed the -man. I', re been keeol
lousness, catarit no
fterft in the prisoons. had taken him one voice In theo -far dlAance, and an [ -The golden r tricolored! l6aved pri- Of the stomacht board6ra nigh
Manettei,'wlthout Wifel With a hem was 49Y
her )i ad, becaslonal- ciapping Of ha UpPressed emotion,"'I saw, 'onto .2C Years. and If t
turning headache, dizziness, and the nk4,. God
y ourprtse, all. being events that:had- replied e d shr6b,- beftuse its leavIng a saloon to -day." resort ten times as. fur from -the reamoringa . a thy Wowthat
ads. M., An- t a gra You &-mo equa eal
I the 'an anyone with me ?" Inquired level of the sea -as this ts.'gudss I'd
Your coi drur
:drey laughed alloud. beautiful foil e IS-Aot hill"t by also gave us a brainy man# who cout beatitiful balk duald heads. ilan
happened within, three weeks. afidence mai vis- 1 "'They have reached pounded the "Golden Medical Discov- Prevents -tho -fikir-failing out, malrealteaftand
But ,the Natt4n" ba��InK decre uncle," nd prove the grocer's, I ot sun- of on er, as Is 00 of,many th;V lereliet-1usband, complacently. 'have heard tiell of It before now. silky, keqVs "'harf gr
handing III the eryo" a corrective of -all the ille.1 . to- I= th
th *t absence from Parts was. prima i 1pei t e�ra shop -in our- -street. �'Th good man," (ther varlega ed shrtiibs.� Is, f - roili turnin over ber shoulder I I , J�eglde th T iere was not," snapped the wifei the head"wid W -ipmve
she - 18 Lid, 48 said. "Is. sWVIng to:
_/Ude evl&nce iDf i Inv defend his its particles of white flowers lu"Jung For sMe Py AR Whole&ile andretolldruggisti.
-from overeating and.. -bad bIt1mg-her control herself. The best cough cure Is Shilohsi'Cure Wall ordift Orofttly attended L% should be treated ac-- a Salting ' Plerce,.of Buffa aipad ntsearly, dnees.,
disaffection. 9,UW Read It. roperty. Busca4le is blood. Dr.
t"ni e e very pret lot has fur-
that'absentees 4'111 my melancholy bitnlshm�n arangue.- T ten 'I -hooe you tre now satis_�,
He I ex'N t Why does a nished In-1he 11DfSebvery_,':f'a_ ,rest cough Is dangerous.. exprese c reckil t f We SUCISIVer
one advotate.that ere e that I told the truth when 1! Itat-once with 18fillehia Care.
h1irr I always leara %iloono alone.11
fellow like Buscallle. wb Comfortto brighten my long houb, of Ives are ple orchards in In Amerle% W
o bad himself Claude, 11 1- try me built. #�h% It Id be sit to grass?
corOngly. howl did It happen that a wrote to ffu desideratu, bo dx =tles To 05
1 * ke Spbeial Indu&t�bnte to the Yade.
by are they cultivitt6d and fer- body are 'in SWIL A
headed the - par_ty which put seals F1011tude'liv thinking of.past days of money- they havwao ' e to eat an4 conducted the L 2ftnsiitte sat still lc&al�g over the ized - Net - as e or;LngeO &no levion
upon his p re- DOXV FORGET: He Know. RENN1,
6D �much consideration near me. 0, M�anette I When you !iead t I ' SERGT4&.0- ORAIL
roperty, had hapinem. and dreaming -you fL Blab that fOrlao the desk of her bu- t hards ? Far go t6 � great trou-'. Scarcely any time to ave.,it I Igor- !j 30,Que
affair *Ittf ui her. bea4 Suppdrted by � her And e ates the liver, cleanses the bl and Where Is the Island- of Cuba situ- don *AvetweaL, Taroitt%
ht.ex JWetpiohuftatuf�*.
and decencT ? this letter would you mig Xpem totnat Jkpple.oreh- Tb�tl to remove corns.warts. bunlona ated 2"'Asked an Austin ee4odl teach
Y taper finger She rembled at tones up the syst-em. 01 - f .. .1 er
The deed whIc# guarantee(] to M- once a ihOoWandth part of t cis, and will ngly cultiv4Lte thein Delicate dls6asesi. of. eltho' se3 - to - ow- I d that is required Is t 2' 0 a Bat Lit, rather forioro-106king boy. he a lame of Supc&ule. Citoyenhe An- 11. they beg n to i atnp Id and well tested -corn e
AAdrey- the pril%tipal part of ths sure that I- topl'in *rlti it tD- bear. $hen expect _;I etwhe N"ll um, -,, "I dunno, i3ir."
ng rac 09 For '
keel tliem prodpaing boun- rn Ext to.r..' 11 Don!1 you know wh6reaugar Old fonadhi
after on the eo t a when she heard ever induced, , Speedily and pdrinan-a u Am% Painiesi �-to
wealth that,. remained- to him T 0 to
alis t ally. articuli�s_ JQ ut safe, painless. Putnam's Corn, from ?,,
long tlmd my Imagination y cured. Book of p -
ba�d lain Indeed at the Q1, -a rose slo;rlYrZ f7e; foet.'A-gle entl COmeB_
many reversee d ()WY Oh the sweet' IdeA of life- Seemed to e I
have r _' ceniki In-, stamps, mal
bottom of a, secret drawer In the sec- mated her.- An api3le -ti -f led i Bea'ILL In Orr. makes no sore spots - ha
Y. You Into hAppl Iler lips no longer treml&d bat tried f the
ret7 ell- known that What ten&i c t producing properties of the soll, '6rld?s DI to e 1. acts guleklr and painlessly on. �ixt doi r nelglAbor.11 lW- is valuiibld
lett captive-' b ce . apt, ex s the rd' "Yes, dr. We borrows it -from E
am hat It was, w plain enVelope. Aodeew,
about areS would I not ar form a gh"tly smile.- her eyes, I fruits less. at MedIcAl.. Association, 663 hit soft corns.
ft haifi.nor semples 0 less! Abu sang-euh,tt 191, on a wife whom I fidantly, and Peneary. I buy an i k the
breaking V for VLPOU Manotte. with a liked 'gaze. nIC Feed, it# feed It. Reep. -the Makes. Him Jump, I wait neMns, b0i, 401table find, - th
plec& fujillture In their usually so restless, ivero now turned b aivestodeati-or Yields Main street, Buffale, -N. Y.
en burning - It." -eQually for her charms and -Vdfy Werlor obailduary VIBItQ, or ev virtI16-al _! Alas -f �1 a e;
ux here,' Big "NOW—no*," contillued M; Andrey, ovoss. clot6i. - -------
do 7on think bof the bicycle -E. R'.
retain ue In 189, fte - -
Buseallie h ubtedly beeu destr- alone- -1 Inust not blame. her* g,*Onad stirred to tio - Iii -birth 0 Vea his
ad ;;ao 9. Como. dy. the!
is 411 think the -e�r4o going to bring out of
lelffel;py witil the absent y -of AlessaudmVolto, will eel6brato"a mUe. Grass givi s just so UA �We tubes to `V9'afttQ0MOIotUVe.
Meer. I heard *11 idea
t the Cau4s, f m ny Cal 01-
to,deit, _Y unha Is #,at poor'davIII of a g
11112 the'Rub do fL rule. Spra hundredtli annivepry of, ble en.!L Mar I 1 -never tol)XIO M
Vmprlator of the- 12011100 my 1120�hero MUnette, I need no r�a- 4ries of im.leAternell,
r_V aot� J�V
-Buggy &ad slulmeqi2ently he bad used mind you, that some day! she wl As of the Voitfile,�battery.'IF,
be The door opetied. 'Vh ;ootdt oiald
r T'
t we
0' 0
-pea0au n mak] came If dulged In --Ou
W1410 Is POSOM101m, of her In. She- was 06, stout V1. YOurff t; -back to DUV Oil
Son she h4td no dearer -wish alo swulm kleardy. wearing a Sort of -he Q& Awrey anil lar" 01, roplac 21
6d gOM Of t "w
hold- haod got. their c4ty you Should be, her d be- u;ade -,Of 00
Madras n J unet- 1:805., A
d Ith. $16,175.WO kleptomantat ar -ested
a it be; lAd oftly Ifitud- OW In th
but as comparb One MM Jymunew. Tne Judget -now-
rty-elght ya
i'k gi,-differenS View 01 T 00711panY. to pay There a
fallures ered the in the re'19 g- T4eek of 41894.( d
fine -and 1.500 down on account ed _thrOUh to