Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-07-10, Page 3S Ka ................ �z M ­ ,.p ­7,­�­,t I . - -- I " 1�� . �­ 1. 15, -- ­ , - M, Z-­ ffil MINI 11 11 f 3"M AM T91OUGHOUT THE WORLD WITH I B -0 TP -them Ccidragtt �aad s"trengtill -,that; direction What&ir ig W01ZLD. SUNDAY.SCHGOL 1"ONIS9 -in eam of the News of THa It"POAM OPP Who Shows eneational Rory 0 . humility and Contention was Includw ad e­ RN41MoN.,1M L:W -they resolved, to.m 6 L y 81 LYS. she Really a Of. What Here it INTE In this. deelotba A great Tenacity to is. VVIth Directions X SOON NO. 11 Eh ILL . . . . . . . Dq& Life- It 1h Art, III JULY I& IMA- t.- It was -their 6WO course of safet seven of, it Corrati'. 'tom-ake to themselves against their eneall,36f are shoin Ruin and sh- must follow a -With t four the t David. King dver other c ith All'Israel-2 oum. To Israel if MAY LASi MONTHS Y -�Z l4gift , wag 12113 CANADA VA 18164ves, W1 d -Sam. v. 1-12. IT I whic. eva7oue coming Into line of DIvIne blewinga. 'OR! MONEY? �:BJTT a 'A -0 am Zen" Superint4ndipt-Wha -RAN ter F�rest fires are raging in norther� The - the. gol n And protection. It never pa, case W RESERVATION. wn r Mak YA llrL.,� C Whon, rortane brael 4116 Surprised apherine A1.60, 0111180 0- new Okk-r-. "Wh %.flalw text 7 Newfoundland. who Is now ly dol United effoit in to Naval -All --thel, t W1166ler Wilcox- has been wr 91 r port Be their enemlej. Whatever ground thQ An It- on h better bred 11 t th -D4*i Was W4 y and 11eautU`uI,.33ut, 0 arm, closely, hoot id Wen o or fathei�ed effects grqat, and tb and gfq, v last pital, at St. Marks 6 about flirt % had bad for scorn against Israal, d strike the A Walkertotp. ont., merchant Inglill 3�- Marys frog- tait season handled 9.o06.000 egg.. d Rochester Lived- atiOns. Her interestift PUT as a Moor In reat Privacy- W.P. C Pon this fa -C nating amuse. - W. t the- Lord God When the T -avenues, Brooklyno, an e meat "0 thin goods as, ;of hoots m 6 they were In Ignorance For luck is vi ring trom u Heir Strange Career-. hej �Fesotiated e L.t 40 8t- Lawrence & Adirondack and broken -zeck, is puzz ertd gatb�-' with him.-IL'sa A d those mon Is Well worth reading: 't �. P�l effeCt� god t thd centri �l heir strong�- aut'i4intendent-Wimt is term t Ihment thP $Outhwestern Jtaltway companies staff of that Institati lln the medical the Fetwe -.Trea$y Of T� aglers. r- the. lower parit, for I amel. V. 10. supposed a weak company were 61i. 0 W-4 IlavO -been c on says the New I g an attack upon #hould an 1.0 But A Onsolidat6d. York Herat A Tarls cor I in!"ted - lirtation T - Did R ve- call Is'. to ttyth? ThOlWif. It bei6nged rightly to yield the P el (L Since liplug admitted re@pmden; writes., the Bernlig 1101c The e4 Adaih, through the Garden of 11v8 vIz, t it res School -God can Israei the jebusites were securely clear the 'to tile 110 Pital arS4 A lea hits devei- murder of th kule n or Wheeler was convicted at And vI evi I&, N- S.. Of the murder of -Annie oPed extraordinary vi ality, which p, orals to fit Ila- good., and brjng g - iover I settled there. All - effort to take hat - better mea t "a Re I a Barow so do Valley fo -and alternate frowns ide . % , . 11�en; I Wtifider. rhilfs ad the t OW out of evit, ha �11�18 uP-ue.t a whic *- ---- Pea, Superintendent-Wbat W the topic K-emPtOu at Behr River and' sentenced it the t-"Iieor ea of the sur- WIP aniiiii whic -are sewed Jerusalem they believed must be fi be one of ;he� inloot sen - before the hittipate t er- shir. tz"ever I W bq hanged On Sqpte�;ber Sth. Rational Crimea of the year, not so sur- red I t- -the lower . pi- ehogi-Ifirael united. i fruitless. So blind were their )Sys to wre�, KeOnS who ilave cliargeiof tile case. tit In heA- ir ThO Canadian Pacific Rallwayls to n ow, WA un- l3uperintenclen - . 1, �, ' " "FILIJ91119 After ga riling to dil. $09leAl precedents, M. Ich fr isible nistorlan failed to Ing, t � - Allenism, that the fact of the lady llay-� notches lie" the t W the7 were insensible to And It Idw Ot Ignt. line 7- hat lb the- out. an a ew I Traffic bee murdered for tite-purpoises of ng WherS. they are to. be Is cheapest bought wil become a member of'the joint site, should have died Witt ell ighten OW upon tills point, but If we 01 the power of g Great4 -God. 01880 It b1filL R A88001atiOn. aad is to ve a re hours after It e ar., to thifik of Eve -as The. 9. ift. marked 4 01% W. f3chool-1. Unit Signal proollerity attended IsnA. g hu pre- aving bee Injured. and U Y In Israel. 2. Vicior3 oenta tile fact an because of tile ext t a typical wom- the 11 dia- for Israel. 8 Gifts for rj�ael. There A humble lot, r-4or- grata is be eat on the of Ight-- Time -B. C: 1,lace _Ava on the Bovird of Managers. WaS remain. a ve ov6r efil ted mi.141*1 wit Bile ten is 55 years 'Of 'Which would be wort by 91 the pea flir -David. Isra their king. There were . Judge ter conduct the d tted IIne'Sh.qWtW the 1048. _He;brol There were victories gained tempted even kings for some time. t a she had led, a description 8114 -was), jt� is That Court of Appeal of Ontario, sus� has set the sixrgwe safe to believe that a and Jerusalem. emile . Thpre was strong coillidencelb dinary by her la -Peace In their Own mldstk that she i still. lives. and' is rit an (and TH� likely-- to A emy cotp talueO the rig us pOssing. Mrs. gath and Sewed to ht -4A cities to tax� gas Al I the up. edge Persons For station high lakhi4 and pipes. The 41ecision. ii Id., raud weighs of 4 Balzae.or a Dickena.- It Adam. Those who Of tb shirl4d portion, and 'Ahell, King of el. Jebusites, gifts fro I,Qi ever. was against Toronto ... M,,c1W­ about one hundred ant go arthei turn upward and Tyro. abroad. Thus God honored ff' -, That Wealth can'buy, j. 90 back� than to the garden gathered Commentary.�--1. Then came his faith and p jenee In the for Not of ' � i* $ --- For some' tinie.shq it I sixty . pounds. 11 "wa's eua for Oar nalng.L the David -t Contentment brings, ad, not enjoyal - bled tol vik It her apart- - ad0istry will find elvidell upper rt of the at T- J04nstO11 In the suit to reduce the good. b 1 0 - ell gh to ce The eve.. trifies. Of Israel- all t long of gast. in& t in -tL J when ealth.-whichl naturally [at tile ��Ila Rue d enthlevre In, �PkOve'tllat the Instinct to hek Should �-reaem Read I. � Chrou. xi wurller,. Of- trials through which We 'It never ��'y 2&W.. - yrNe flir Is a are 5.. f1g. After A payal a blant refra14 k�tliat she would' zQTVaDYwItIl the Police. It! cona-uted ant al to nheritance from our maki Itner had succeeded I PaSsed- :W011 -worthy of a song# siclans to belle�L ral phyi _I Ali Inquest is -being held 'in Port Only survive lierinid foropiirents. Observations of The 119 Saill?s -sou- a tort time. Plan lot ha�vl age A of 'tour small roOms, I Cl on to a P- le, Llrd§ all I b flare .. 8 and youth must 1 r es 9 the. sleeve over all Israel except eaA Dovel"on, the body of William -Steele, ­ She was admitced'J t � 96 hospital on ts have lmpreji�ed the. bottom 1 11 1 - NEW 111 truth. retty - .'BLE VERS �g, b 00*tyard.du u me thig fact v very arO80 a difference botwee t e, t ad Saturday Friday , Las he Utmost to whO Was, found dead in t.--apparen every IZ : Wherever sex. Of ItIllch fine WoIrl ruen. Lshboaheth accus A Purel t nothing pays that'Pia finish. as a Y Secular morning- 116 Was suffering -ft L11Y1111 a dying dibilraer- rel*gned. Old and att c Usts. there too, exists the Is Taik The It Om condition. Dr. Lyneli�, tile. house our- jl* Von @X sleeve to Cut -Ili two aaPlrin tier . f by the Joh" h6arttrouble on Friday night. and a geon. anti. Dr J J' m c' were stre. a Wut.amidst Int e of Niquetry. The Pursued may and t pieces-: 9- to- be king -himselfi rr Hopkins Press. IZI -and P&e physician - was called, w El'�. c!�pysasslstant objEtar:1nart Pf real, at e; upon the only, e I lie Outsidd �- Tile 1119 a,1Vomaa Who -WI-0 5L Alone are Sure house_surgt . Onsumed'with lovefor the marks)d P 0 T t, ho left him at once too A;ary's Hospi- wa be . . . pur-1 lining 0 and -the. t aulle A new E nglish version of the 0 bring prolonged success, res in easily-. Were pietlulrMs- ted. by mas- suer� Yet shi& flies and Out ilde 8. family.' Ishbosheth t at 8 a k q1targ oi the pa- seems. averse to 'ev. I.- l--'. KEpwie- Presby �lell� t,them. nlay� jeek 19 While what is right, TI 81 ter- t. anti pro -terli, the showing- where the gath. token of tre Testament, from a seas Cokrected 1).* - to nounced her case hope- one Of the. vio- his wooing,: only that lie lier aBou- That stirred Abner In heaven's Sight L 112 ball drew at thea'.re of twe4ty, the more -Aid6ntly. to forsake -him and Jul comparison Of 'the biwt m himself to.' anuserlpti Es w4tya lure to ble". 1p course Patriotic sermon bed in the surgical Ivar�h and every K� DA*id.� thus Ibaviug a we4 , incapable I has -for some Years been Ian 141ui*ter at �)ttawa, in the less. Bile was ace modated with. a twirha shows that she mt at have been G. ve it yvliatever name We -wi sur- man to stand al v- a t beautiful woman An prepar2l one. of ilia DILIGZNCE REQULSITE1. was alost reassuring. she was t the. timw tear det lan his slip. 01 -- on Sunday, declared- tha�t the tb ink possible -Was lone 10 4'011 ld it With every society conven- stre'ugtu.- for Abner 11441 1)0 tion by the JOhim Hopkins Press, aj* result of th6 election 'in Quebec comfortable. Although A make tier,- 'U Inquiring, 1 wau enabled to tior, yet It"Is tile inborn . and mating 2 rite 1*0110 a Is'. Shef had 3 port in, his poolti der the, 'w Joab leart oil as k1bg. When supervision of Prof. rild A lazy Christiall'is a misn "Our -unable to t4tter �L. sound.,the a fortune, O1,-Abttgi 20,OUO franc$ a it Vte- natural weapon of de �d of the terti4� made be. Haupt; of -the Johns H k ls'�OJIIY by onler.- He as Ided : Instinct W1111-611 impels women to flirta brethren have shown. Stirgeons knew that she, was a t* IL ne t OP ins'UnIveV. 4* Patient Continuance offer- Year� besides being ow feno2l, of 1411upossessed; tween David and Abner'Iie was' so Y the end of the present that men can seek rt� themselvea Protestant in tile highest ink Intense agony, - and ma of a chat- BUY, and b .*e4-dohig,� on And yet, trange much displeased -that he slew Abner. year a number fort to relieve the pI086 de ei�ery of teaul. in polt 1114 at Co- to re atp, the of he wo:Kd.!. tild silken clothed, as- well A For this Joub was Punisli6d. books compog- bry, honor immortality, and ­etbr f e* $On of r. R . S� Brewer. A- long and- careful! etarp'litation was ou Israel Ing the Hebrew scriptures- will have life." '10mbeas and- Yet he was so avaripl- as I lie t6r64 Ar feathered flirt, is al- saw their then our theme made under the �hat she did - k 'POsit! a4.., Iris been Published.- A feature, of the ell, change. terprise is that it 4g not, in the hautig hathin4 In fr Surgeon Lynch.- House 88rV411t, and -never-pai TI e lower lie . it for a 4"lon of la M 1,011-a Cog .North Presden. ws drowned white directio not a, regular nios � alwayg­the, aggiesson a rest fro out of Gordon's mill.. TI' P Of m0re."thau AL -nim, It, iev"led a com. 940 a year al is bolder, and. not bor-I-dellin to rental. Like it m- body 1vlas recovered about ten mi Pound fracture of iserso fear We are thy flosh an! ithY bone- of theologians. It Is a -purely Secular W a season. The objec In ' privacy u- ti a cervical verte- h ill ng.pubfid dPinion, lakes little ef­ ...That in toay, we are tl'Y'kinsmen by workv and . t of every. after the aceitlent Tile commonly kn wp a e Tas very I trustf and wQqld fort to.hid4 the fact that she the Only aim has been to W 1 brae, Birch season sho te istrife be- 'ho enjoy - old be to onlib e those a broken do a thing In order to I . 8 -in blood.. in VIQW Of , which ti -first, & correct text, and -then such Occasions to return t �4 broken -wrist. Tho-'!- f tween Im 11 4; Correct, tr fellow. who had a* and a a It -was thus all( had come W man, oh lust stop. -2. TILbu wast he Auslatiob, without rea -49AIII to the church duties with in - Unfortunate little� neck'; a fracture of the ve A low tile ood fOb A flirtation get 90110 ttj b."the in cor-,iintil with !its e� n tio the -contrary, covers tier Aa Ir llat leddest 'out guil brligbtest in rd for I ckL�'nsed vigor. � Churc uties a Perey nd two coin 'nions, 'jaw� )law proved a source �f consider. with a nun ber Of pdo- attil ek with, Admirable skit I -s to bearing upon any creed h d re too oub ful charact o admtr- Isirael­:E ven in Saul,s time 'David had Or scheme Of unbelief.'81noe the. time aIWAYS more Or less trying Green -in(] 1'red re able trouble to - the octora. It bg dif- as -in erm or, 'who -acted abl'Y -that -others �are ant b. 'their Zeneral an -it had Always led havous Sys"ill. hence, pure air, free - on IV hich 110 w r 1 3�oaey'feild- but tl onlook6rs, ?-ell of ]King - James; when -the received to the ad thelfi-10 IrIctory. The it fictilt for- tile patient to -,,partake of ing'b sIli, mail himself believes that h Version was -made, many aohl from Worr_yt are essential, or ried in he 'ItIlgIII&I a&I immediately &ink-. any food In eitb L614, sal(J-God nevr helps C er liqald� or, oplid form. It has -been disedvered that a Plan -m T1 3 tile f1h4t advance. -had appointed him to the kingdom. -to k 61ft health Wilf 'Iewme endangered. L7NITED t She exists principa!ly On 4 milk diet; !!!d, been laid e-iromn 'who is detected in govern and protect tile 0�41e- These to the right :rendering -�Iready he brew text have been dI6e00'v.etrhe8d. Ho. -W.,b have no doubt.but that many ear - three reasous the eldero'gave for mak. eand the nurse is obil to W*assinate, ultii ttivt' is: billy a -bungler or' mitic adholarship . has made -great . ged Ito exercise It robber,-; lit,lif tit) n vievate-ti tl,;iigreua rer -wine crobats, h N a no� test Card witli It estedr Were ar- I in the. lReiellcO of flirtation. advance in methods as- 40t workers have laid too heavy an him. eIr charge. =-,ent Anti rt e 8 ke Ing David king over Ail IsFrAel. They well as the "Argo Upon their Physical 'and men- rgeons have' �11 some time ago -for (run nuess been, unable- to. and- W 11, is like- the genera before --not overcoat. ac Glaorderly conduct at I whoi, - Of Beal4n in Ituff. an- oid soldier living det a to what ex ]be fair, -And Ahc; attle b0ginof allow§ tile- were - y h quioitiOR ample materia;ls for - il a�s, -k;1lut his daughter -'I g i& -caused by liemo�rhag:e. and how enemy war, - but b. . Powers' which have considerably near -in twt: , r Buffer- upon �hem was found a" Il all_ of tile to y 1 the piety and I justice 'of comparlson, elucidation and Study. By- rtened their dave. --onward. -taw a[id then killed himself. de Vithey's par, tit. Beaver tits plans. Man is the- Da-vid, to acknowledge him the- fAD-operatida of much Is due to� the broken I neck bone. Baroness it. me wary,tif all m4le their king. Semitic scholars -do VaI16Y wasAlle daugh- animals, and Of New Steev S. -David made,a league with them Of the whole learned - world- prof. it e d- 'er-ation �aa beep, performed. It r el., ,.ICF un States Consul C re GOOD -ADV won. Lee has 0 op ter Of �-M-- do Montbel. wtic Ost 116tiOnal. He. mut be sur- era -befOro tile Lord -David promis6d in Haupt has secured - a Hebrew text Apr e on 1B and the do a-, ow - entered is UlOught that A�Ien Was In- Prs it to. he �baPturodi, and 'to � -­4'43reat- souls are maga"Imous.. protest aggainst Gen. Wey- Most , the Restoratio� k. She was this covenant to -171116 the People ae-. - which Is being Printed at 1,eipz1g. it from suffers Is -ter der 4 - the laaf� Ing the,lold of thegoo hp Lit- ler's =ei pruliPiting the. export tile effect of 4he m 1 1814.- and tit her he 'lust befi6ye that he was pur-- '18 -to be - 87 In doi The- eve cording Same page WSouls are puaillaulmous. 0 eve to. of bananas -1 of bone pressing on the spinal - r and - c1i#t-O ches from thw to the will- Of,the Lord. of rights, save -%hose sue i It printed In colors,- the u have (,f Watertown, was considered one or as many as - four and Sacrifice. Shield each -thera of her b0dy Is -paralyzed, he ga let is Mee of lower portion pord. The life hal filled a page of hi tpry. 8, r. Yet� ualcfls - tile to the �op and 20 wide.. -He -obliged himself -to protpet then, having sometl AJOI-priority It'sbert 1 1 a n- llereetiy thrown,.- he -is In the j& 'as -their e. 'a -ail captai denoting a differ - and she is u a. eT limbs. In tiful women of tile of Louis In ar; U ts- Be Patient- witli one another -.4 the gat beau- eiow to. pursiib. agram of the shirred tore. oil tlle� court hs -1 pea unable to h arm al Judge in peac !colors, each color I v joh wit ndthey oblig order to relieve heit sufforings Jjpuff'at the o th oil t4em 112 lent element in the construction of J1011 art of lie 1'. 4. the Philippe, an excellent mos'eian Might Write of flirtation" P�,Irred e. to obey sel v gtous questions and as t to dead1ttKvt of. IlIhL God- waa w eo Ithe' text."A single line � itneft.- I lied what lsl kn9wn as t had -a zromar dangers f al- may cOntala -Wilkiteous,and gallaip to one another. mc nlJ1A lie 'n Is 22 inches 10 , and licroples. Be 'w surgeons app, U6 And Com. kable voice. -8 and 18 inch .4 Cora They ano iseveral colors, -to distinguish -the uD- 664tinue the elvilitic% of c I . I the'do e33ension system to her neck. Her marrie li� was wan all w6inen. whose eyes arr at the $pp (on a). -but -fall ndrro This thlii.. -third ti Once, became a iqow af. to, the &lie was llavld- ]doubted- or ourtship and r er; 6 x,� in at a Sh ad of the 1116 Dd id 'was YoUrt, child of 31r� r. Iltil)t-ft, of -nea and face a,- a strapped tightly. go- t I - 0 It. e It. upon my WOtdg toavold itw pitfalls.' at the ltalng anointed k D- will perpetuate the felicities of, I . V Waal from portions - that leir' With ZL pot of coriee the body. -scalded itself so batity. as- to' prevent tile slig test motion of t ins. who But The palf to 29 lacheg Ing. are in d6ubt. The f1jet that parts -of -it 'honeymoon. died very young, . It way h4ve-been when 1.6fil asked to discuss I 4. David Let the gentleman in le the Ott 42 wide. thirty year' s old�- to dftferent the lady live on. et; sat'jellt -1 alfirst 40eak tile truth of T Unit it 1�4 nt expected to recover. The straps a -thew rly troubles. which led hei to it' aK f see lt� I iind I a al he' tes new alooves go f full maturity at whiell priests �1*rlodo or authors, What you Won re passe ovelf the head live apart from tier- sorM-to will also �--kallantry and -gentleness, consery were relati s, -and in e re- Shown' in the second diagram - -- ad consecrated. - NuQm, indicated. For e Instead of formally celebrating in- Of the bed and held place by pull- the ma, have dqscri Ord the fact that the girl Who hi the p" Of Witte -it 1 Luke . Leviti Ample, -the book- -of puer bourteW and chivalry., Don't flirt; 6peadeace day, Detroit will, -a 7-veek. leys., The patient 1, 'hug uttery de'vold of It 8 qompos 'are in Cuts the 1*.bftd Your evenings at home and ep�t abso. -'Durinl; tile bombardme - coquetry seldom marked 2� 8 glnd 4.. 6. The king and his. me, ' - Idtor. celebrate the centennial an- lutelY motionless. wit tit lad siege warri 11" e e.,; either ea eat a. n'went to ters On.7 C*de " will -be In black - let, �dby dart, t at- in Salem white 6ickground. I It g eatly lea- of Tangiers, she Was charg. rly - 6iike roit a us her suffering. She It tKo� tier Or so well as sleeve With -Ieruisa It a cheerful and restfulplace. t was ibrusaleal, The uJiversary of the evacuation of Det lost all I riuC0 (to Joinville with a. ulssion to 1 f irtLshly sister. en ad, that t a -s' seen's probabI6 arts added Nfter forget that you ATe priest and by the - f�ritlsh sensB:Of motion or sell illre and negloct notelteii Pla 4� 2, it was f from pria. lxx later will have a brown ti 'background andthe.L& On. A special the G Uid Vizier of Moroc' tile thoroughly. are -'to 2�eaimned. fiben In the domestic cire e. Bear re _r ppoin 4 to amOus 'Ili Abralia c e - attend to r 3. on ac- prude it IV They disapprove of and no e Ill Ide. jX)ahaa in - W of Holiness A Wa�lling' nurse has -been a t :count the'affectionate re ttonsshe his time m*B time%; iWill be in Yellow. IntepolatiGn Are, tell int"llates tier wtints, and she is constantly 01 This br IOU yourpersonal appearance. Suf- that tile U. ',S Old court til the I'd it tile eldef �eithr relative nor in ca friend, preach - tier bedside. by -'had w ith -the wife of the Af -ic4a Ali wil coquette. Yet, sleeve I the requir dimemlon city Of tile 4011th Part of Canaan, by - ovbtlinhig. Where the at It is ne - soary to wash ister. 11- perha is man ill th �se mtWes a owe the full' or* I billuptit;U84ess. nd I the.patient's month five or Six times Is not so paradoxical 1with here -and thp 3t. It fell to i Poetrylthis will be indl-' -9P�-Aor priest to meddle With Lhat an 4� at your u that the signing lot.- Vosll. -Inglo-Americau arbitration a- day wittf it see" peace, or h s he seems.. Per� newSs �Oetttr There are .28). but -101116d bloa rdmilly -affairs. agreemen�t m not an antiseptic si ie consdi Ur t the translation, Say to every intruder ir in the future. �lutlon. bUsly or unconsciously xviii a interloper: "Hands off,11 .0w The surgeons pay hat sl in all grasp, - a these form- as many ap. Josh. xv. 8. Tvdah had ter see- Ing a, perfected text the VA I- 1 9, w subtira truth In regard to parent - ta o property," 'a No Of Wasliing- may linger In tier pr (Juag., --I. 'traspafting.A- Hiss Ctarlotto Smith L44t Mrs. -Allen the result Of tllht Antervi .: W 8. Tilts sleeve Weas Lres It9), but were alloted to the most R61P each otherto heaven. geek you' at least3he basis of t I hotells Out' to a Ja esent COuditioll �o hen tile Mir sex 4K. t k ri Silo 'will, bow, 81 or 32i Inches from bot 0: it Bettlalain earned Or' ton. head of the Rescue, Le gue. er. ulti bserves that pru- ered ille Jebusit tals of r '1111- A ratim ir ralu"al, Spiritual— peace and largeness .a had for montils. 111Y years old- ile tarted a dence -is ofietitk a, matter- of tu tola to es to d 11 among - paper, 16 connection with Georges Pertinent is 1. 21). - who grew a lint 1 translations, the �book of written circular, denouncing the matety uccumb to. tile more elaborate sleeve ;OP" them fJudg. we this and other w o up - US& Of the bicycle for' umen, as be- inJurlet;," effee of her Sand, e lied La Vitilette, It is related tba principle. The Phleg- brought 3ut after tile diagram, with, on them that It became a,.icity of eel I - being allotted - to Prof. PUS01111- Exert"the gocIliest possible I in 1870,- whilst - tit els. JUdg. XI recent issue of the New Ing des0tictive of tier at Wles . tile Jebualt aup Ififlatnee over each member of of health and lead-� ual. but the process will be grad. 11 t Matte are -not always tile most ir- figures 5 6. 7. - Tile. entire slee -a the lug to Immorality.. t - I . baden. ou.4. Circulatibt rather than men- Ct In-twopteeeg, the lin V'- is; vId'S first. 6x X. I Da- r that In heaven the family cir-- Mrs. Allen received tier 1�)arles officer proposed a tality frequeiiJ*1y' directs b Ing and the PlOIt4 after h our I -an article by Rudolph 0 ior. he lining fits rather- ant lu may be complete." at er I 6f: Metz. And' i ot infreq'nntly the snared co- bed at the-bott6m, so - . Is I . . . . . . ,of stal ellav upper. ed -king. Was -to recover J&POsalem. & Alton lZall- falling down 4 flight, -Lan e WZL4-anoint- lock 6mpares Officia 14, of the C I b toat t� celetrate tile- fat Kly the new version of The and Is al lapter xii 46f : Ecclesiastes with X Ba oness., who was present,. In- ( I Except thou take awaY the blind the r0214 have just di.-&overed vlfat a gang home. No. - 1,769 ultoni str luett.( make -t ha -C ,a the truest pet,- when tit Seam- is. taken.. -in It USE t. -Brook* dignant At the Insult to-li6r country. a pruA le In chaifis a prude rema � ve (1) in tile YOUR RELIGION. of employ among whow are passen- lYn. 'Her.busband visitO her daily at while and the IAme-They--c6nr1d0d, -either �Id, witilsollielute'reatingresalts. The- tation ger traiq conductors d station smacked Itho officers.. Ins. IL flare o�er which Ma3 be aPter to Chxiflyan exhor has been kept, like a plant 41 ,in face. the wrist, Protection of their gods,- 2h 1 the hospital. anti sits for hou.s at her Meai iwhile it' to She w4s related is well for a woman In bed Off plainly. with Piping, a i it of the good 9-tb#fing by artificial Ught and heat 89eUt,A.-w0rk-Illg With Vul'mzjac�tr pDr- i1sidei. f, Is holgion be to 1,the 'fit nillea of t al � Which David; in coutoiapti� lad called a -cheerful enjoyment. c0inliany -Mortemar o u erhitant tile blind and tile I& ibey have ngs ters. ba-vq rubt,ett t1 Larocliefucauld -t, :ho;Mar- tatioE I hl 'What the are of flir. Js In 'the� finished sleeve.* flifure 5, -or me, for till Of life, With an allegoileal con- th6llgh tile W-la.ter 6f ignorance. but cOnsisiti)- Ind Ivllat are its Lit inay 4ave-saahes cut to each t eyes and lusion in cierge to ' Is - chloness 'do Coarcy, and Dr. !'avreau, legitil ell- Bee not, feet and 110*-Ahe Summer has late IlinitS before site claffae�s trep� and which the�decay of the sev. Ciozenzo Id me tha el gives the. c la haVged.ai;- SerailtL,li. pa.. at lo.06 a. Ing she went out is usual t Of brass Bet up., in depleted. The C It - tlley'w&lk oral faculties is ingentollifly Come. the -sum Merola �vas yester- It amOug--'Its practitioners. ect so--- t er- not- - $Onto think they ere.,' images MU&time-of knowleo ad this plant da . mor -It f liked. - In rebo h very ne recalls -the familiar passage, latfilt- become In - ve, a U, break till most Subtle of aj! spWave jp . in, the reces$ of the' '� Remember ured to natural light b h a and cren lated the' . fort. and In in il Eli accomptaled by' ere should -.be a ln-. trusted Uailliel Loru I gleb-Zest 616quence lies in al., Ish of I' now thy Creator in the And heat. or Wither and�die. Itmost ace at the ,bottomi T Y day I th only friend i. While o m k6 Or (2) -they -eon'tided n ;�MI�9 Olot.,Y Youth.. WhIle the evil m 'OnIlAnge tradition for ae daj et, faith heii fortif etc.. and the following pas. fof�, demonstration, guesses for proofs, ,he De8perate women of'doubtful than or&. TIW wise'coquelite �noivs should bq baste together, sop' It having held -ications e n tit Old Forge. Lord was a bar t tier two Ogg, lie lence6 nd gl'ane'o are mOre4mpressive the 111111D . and tit e Of the place. - with the custod ber. and t, BUt Loat Her.liffe in title wawabsent,- t tills sleeVe, the atrength -of t Merola. oNyed him 1jiteen cA-uts- which I aspect called to ask r d g wIlle B'0119 that he lips. bast -be subo.ri0ent.- the notches come� exactly at -good so 104, tld; st1-91: 12 tile. days when the keppers thbftndle for the un. Light t Loro asked him to'pay. Mero;a took tile A, thought Of the house shall tremble and the' a caun informediot her absen e. evbn.- were so strong A after a few-wor(fs drew 3 qft. to to tit eyelash. She Indulges in sign tile slaslidd- earii llul c4fence. av Y -B be shut out. It will eventu. return a er ten o.el ed -that the a ter ten o.el d be me �'bhud and tile lame were a - n16111 Shall bow.the Ives and - a Wo4ind its way into th Py were I 01 0 u it yon -'rong mse JWvolverlaao shot him. ang ufficient-'to t e prayer�- seen. to leave the Ito whiiiii alle leave tile I.Over W e- d t em he grinders I .; IS, I ll eleven. to late pret against tile I cease because they are M196illg room and behind the Ant ORF -XT Thi did a ag -lie will. fill' .1310s tar. WAELLEX m It our rise. on , Whei she dkeivnd' assallant6 I)Ov�er- -vr. And those, that look out of 'the. --Thd, Rev. J. E. Roberts. Kansas he Irish land bill was a -to Words and, 8. Whosoever getteth u windo.be darkened. In the new. mclfy, -310. T- bv- the S.HO-UIBL� CO1Qt1881ON` account �Iottll otgreaInnge class' visit- promism, *)iicli she litters Onl to, P to the -% ergion this Ore daill received b t hci guttek,"The secret -paasagi�.,! runs:. Cnimiins by L llespatt-11 says-.:PeLe1r Wheel 011esS. break, title is no tonger an artist-; all A ro hated' of That Remember thy wlfd'in t1l. David's 801111--:-11tobabi e days of thy 'o; OBEDIENCE. t., As. a-re�sult bf'tkio meeting o' science vigor, ot 292 -to 144). - I I About th� same mo ent, a 11111121,11, is. I, a -ruigill, pretender In thee. the- -Jebusites had spoken U6aphe -Y Or, Who was 'on Tuesday, �eon�lcted -of W110, was wasliing his. Carr! In a f the the murder of fourteeA-year+old. An- dogs howlug farLousV. but n ',two Dill. 'AZhild that grows up courtyard. heard tile Baro' Ouq-words against David. Tb nl- Ere there come the days of e 1. 1 - to manhood Imperial Cabinet on aturfla, the nie- Kempton at Bear- ItIver, 4nd ien- lie id I - the 10.4i -three months' I have QY were Oi�Mbmanhood without havinglearn. ragedles strikingly. pay par o series ot, t dol WOrShiPpers and 'ihel duty Of o6edience and with. second battalion of tile King*s, Ito al ; d C91111allites and I And the -years xdraw- nigh t�l - to detith, tc4ay -attention to tberef6re very far from t h* . Y I have no oili ,,having cquired y tencea tocular which :tb(iu'witt j -a Rifle4- uow- at Malta. has L,, or �onfessed e facti Kimila In the dutijues, wherein, be- their a, :k6bn sense a ted the prime on occurrene These -jilted t1leir lovers for tit t he commi as It-walof comm trotl majdenk affinity In David. The idols I pleasure. 4* 1— -derett to the Cape of Good Hope. It was two men�;are vupposed to Ila e"been David Ere is- darkened th6 son- Of "Piliksonal. responsibility for 1 no of the most, Ixorribleimurdars ever hate(% and would an to not delay d -the light almOSt ht the' very altar. It, I !to de. It -is stated in. Coperalingea,pthat '*perpetrated,- in Nova Scotia. Wheeler tile marderers. Her most freq ent via- anoth I itirtless aiW brainless' stroy them. H and accountability for It, -is the Gover Charles is not- f these fib. 0 shall be chief a And the aPtalu-joab volunteered -ad or and the Stars. -,nmentr wovid be pf ared 1;says he killed the girl bet itOr was A Young man pamed beings :?Oon 11 In Which the Devil may ch W sell some, of Its West Indian col-,! qad I O'clock at uight,� tte Laguenie,'whoru she had to a certain is 0 speak. For all such there Sue. it sow 0 and law- onles to the United 4ates q. r7he'thad nly (11110 cout6hi0t. and the misery ceededk. and therebi -regain.4m ule U'lien the keepers of in, L 'a extent taken ander.her protection. He w lliell Post 'Which he had, lost by evy reason to el - as it �made a desPerate effort �to sa a her- ueb cond the house triem- PWt �h rich bar* suitable price� for a naval &tation. was uppsed tobe the self from. assa n hot is sure to bri 'der of Abner mur- ble. est. -The Rev. L. A. was alone A had romise la ult. Anni4 r' The blind and t' Mr. Geopi N. C her former servants.'She.had hAnged mw And ti arson. Parliamentary i 4111. the house, her father�having gone oken than �A ks,,- BTookln, N. Y. Secretary :to the Foreign Office, partments six J kept. ti i be shall not covq6-The jebusitp IL a eir imAges A the men Of Pliwer bend 'them. in i some miles away to work. alter re- her times it. eight cc but theL woman who 8 ld that if th� d had selves; er taking, one with a higher 0 tile verY day- and ra theml, they would never again'. o Porte had-' the night bo to spend renta hour o Ili's exii0eted nupti- - is- not trust their pi6tectio reply to an inquiry in- 'the' British questing one of the neig4 years, -ne* i a man 7 t id nOt pro- The grinding naids I pase UNREST. House of.Communs. said th I thtnothat in which she died. Aod- the ladies thatlook ut trough -j with his daughter. i Tillie t, a, coqtv te; site is simply 1% nor h - Its tides; in fie changed her 1198 Perjurer' 8- they- had their images Thp ship that rides Agreed t(i RPPIY imnTediately the Q-Dmeau,'a woman with IvIto Each I t A respect L06 hat measures which th6 Powers demanded qr lived la'a jioope 4, a her furniture was removed by o aild lia tlie lattice are darkened. Dill Wheel - ;.and �Davld 46rt ista-nee mis-- The s)irft Of fttilietr. haT'ng gained the fort The.mestning is plainer In, the new flow for th&�purl tranquil- from the Kempton rest ad pro- 4ionaires, on truciisi t tie. ex-. v is tile hand- Bit!& too, I -�ose of ietturin o. save that these ImageW, w --darkened the sim99 (40 1 pe f some hich coi versiow - - Ere Is Ity In Crqe, M liden of Cupid anti -the'cour-' ld not mised to sleep with 4( He Oita ordinary rem6val itProtect , their the professor says, refdrs to the sun. ',With Perfect -rest, 0 ier of y Itlibuld on, he fa- 31tw worshippers,' IPorta-ut confi-rences have been tal night, but wbeei r u her to t4nding tier. ava I e, the fr men 80 16ag' as It enmantes Diagrams of New Sleeves, With Mo never.liave apy place th 84ine of childhood, when all is bright, swings -'now high,nowlow. held la�ely, betwc*n tile officials of �ULY aw Baroness was sometimes dupe - 4ome om t e- unfettkKq heart. It is an side gad I dc a. our- d ngS.,___eom. erei, tT In The- Moon- suggesta the tempered, V from"the hous , Well e, e4asuring front flib devil whe Ining'together. - The gat 17 9. 1(). David Com. tier that theyoung months ago One of her clien -n light of boyhood. hile haih its cares, the British Admiralty aild War De- giLrl Was perfectly b6r- ciated rith tile fi, SRO- era should IlLytaken in, built.- -round about. the " Stars" safe. He vi; rowed a- necklace of Pearls. lance . or tile - wife. beginning fri 3.1 ..and inward in#ieate few, -6so beara -it d Vile xf tile Millo Anti wh Wit* late in the the crosses marked -Re himself. er momefits of happiness i pl�krtment and members Of the Cabinet. afternoon pretence of allOwi Coqtke ry leads. tile' oil - figure 6 dwelt in! mature age. As age gk RhOWIDg that -the Government views , and afterwards z;turned . who! would .,iv. ng it to a , eweler, -tar lover to tile al' some of tile gathers are Alon v J ip the forti and he built houses round dvances there q - The burden of its years thok present state of. the Vene with the Intention of e hqr 4 price for it. . , 1111 it endw,the to tile the -outside of the back g davW it -about for his attendants a -ad g.' arle many days darkened with the end' .zu elan - CoMpeliftig An- N%rlien. it was returnedi u I prison �ir the -di" - jeam. Tl e - uards " and the elouds retarn hourly !blend question with the gravest apprehen o niso . the . vorce court. - Tile restp being gathered all..around, -from MIllo, the town hall. -Or' state - after 'the Most vi Uou of hear boos% and'inward. Ile me -to built to -big *ishes. e girl majqiity �f�tlie Pearls ]lad I en Ire, in tile ts 40ten dwPlls baated to the lining a ra�ln.­ -- t?PPOsed Tim with all herq, forv�. so that- there lie, laughteir with its t�ars. Wlieeler� placed by talse ones. weast of tile girl Who flirts. asuch 'A 'W4 Y' all - he -set Ilia haad t prosper�(' "I m9men are WIr bright Mr. Gladstone. in acknotled Persisted, . and! � onl$ grew- tile greater part Of tile gathei a ts.'The "keepers of the ho A virtvi ins heart fieve Vile" ging the -more determined as the girl'� resis- r dwelt In the oule fro more and More and � grow ar�,e the hands. As age proceeds erect- A rEw BRIGffr receipt of A copy of a Protest against I breast f a flirtilti, Wife. all tile sidea.. 411ough the ti) honorable in tll� eyes B Increased armaments, should not be left too 0' his subJeCts. and terr IT nued. Strong w -PARSON DIDN'T no 8 of -carriage is lost-" the- men Of dilritian science is. a aptele of THE Ivs, - and' the t1yo fou .5on of Ircl m p Y. " T declared his I blo' _�ords I led to The s ible in the ey pd�Ter bend themselyes.,v miWXY pant *'wArmest sympathy with the. Oht fupiousl I," of hls� enjmlles.�Coln her, - ov rturn kies. Inds. waVeig a so the sho cord. te�th, Mau Iowa his heism, whien teaches tildt atiot -,Vle* of the Responsib nd shaded lanes der somewhat like Hir which Are PrOmOt- I'from-one, room to Oil 'a with us- fullness- should fall acro L and other fit alture asecome exact w dim -is the red.W­�The Rev. John pox, Brook_ rUggIQ. Wheelei� -flua, 10 'tile MORCdeliclot s where the . dotted line T liever - in 'the- true GO&-CIAfkt lallies that look Out through the lat- N. Y. Let us W Annie With a stick and - is Litaced Le - Ing the wanton and perilous ezpendi- IV their at fell- A trllmj� mot t dangerOds of pastimes. baa01%-. tiqe are darkened." earth t( ind'hige and his- eyes, gro era of the iJ'g Chatrso, tables, the People for �he. Staije. y of ln�, �e the-11fintated hearts a Puff. The lot a friendly'nivinliand no doubt was in the.' are allke devoid of -protest in manfully oppos. Of Of tile goods should %la -King of -Tyre-11� grinding 914 �idid dis tur6 the count ry has undertaken." theatrical -company,re 14 be pray," he added, "for Of WOdd, then centlY� arr�ved on ail extended isit to And tbu; forever width of. the outside Is. 204fich6 Samous for cedars. was mostly. The -old man's must an 'Plunged 4 large bread, knife In �o her -kince time bp ingth Is 4 to.the top 0 - f. In is dol6in'lons. -The Tyr&# Sleep is-short6and "he .gan le 'the sio arises -at t reap as we sow. If W6 and tant collie ry cen- renown6d Among are vOAee of the he vI lathers. and grand- on th ' 11?8 ma i dared *bman. and woman-, he -" daughters early awakenin to the commou-sense liotty several times, Killafflarsh, an iMpor it Lt6 Eratural''law we Tun t- suffer. Ideas of our throw It birds. tre inl.Der hire. The hin it man� t -skilt Writeks as floor- It was i then after Of [music*are If � violatel God's law we win be �Yr rector. lev. F. To tlat 101, for Women.' *'dikMiNK-POOle. Thus 1 brdught4QW." means that pit"bd He is 8; GO& of justice. The London dilight. In the terrible! batmo J. Metea-101 a well-known -sweet didiger that ltlrkg anti were husba� - 'Jews the sense of hearing is lost. The Iwo MOU -Anch shepli As Chronicle Publishes A tie for honor and life iand higlily" lies See getung alOng LOW continued w erds, tloilgenarlan eP- 8110h:Ae Must pftnW -the guilty. the litt din- . W11 er r -had -The despatch from But' Popular clftyinau, visited - the � thea- In the bloot-lies.4 -brtttle of *' her Cie lessoin 2'. -Oh'. nt caia�'them d[Mikes to go upstairs or Bachman, wa-Yo, which. says iA9-rOOM- in which the murder w eyes witi, rep to negleict c4lib a hill --rhe -is -,$afraid of tha Ithaca, N. y. that spies arrivin a AS tre. For this ey s; tile work of architeb are -t 9; therEi report that inlie was criticise some e t ­ 'h 11 CO mitted was spattered 7 with � blood. loicise Gal te and af witich is I A"ll smiles In 0 you knov r 8 iscoverpd the e has, ill refore, fit As -X 1110Ver sa an -one f I d Of c PLIt-ceived, ;WhS -nd tree blosaometh.9m, to n _ft -and when the body-wa That re kless da 12. David. white -;-11 the 111mo ot the nod Nyananda.00n 4f tile late Lobengula, Of his Paris Hii hair becomes sunshine a!,er us, issue etc.; -He nted a ale4ening, 4'the tollowing letter to lits flock: so graceful ,, yone f f ouselous Th -lea. went to, the following day It prese I King Of the Matalic di iloners. -H i4er its ra of divine help and' bleising PoSS111118111 of the Chapter Is -in- erft and-SOW11 WitIll"flowers My Dear People. -As- some (oncern hose bitter ending tensified in the coi4quillug ine of 3f&tOPPO -Hills at tile request of a spectacle. The description of-th' tra- , W He could Perceive. this i-hkt- Woo the, moratilig, San,, lims been expressed' by. Ali! She --I an thi-Ough, tlie counse so the you -tills forevef;- afrald of you nowe "Victorles- whic new vers h he had gained � over that is Conting is bee use ve patronized and i ttend- while time shall PaPer men I He-'Kly'? A -ut kopjes with great cere- ly and revolting one. silo a Ila 1,98 re We so ba4 vanity.9P life has lost begun -I three differe as- Installed In gedy given by the prisoner.is a bast- some Lon,, " All Is vaulty, and all W,41ad -a world seems ours I of chiefg, and w W- A g tiat In Isfaill'b 61emies; and the- fritiRPAIdip I mony as King Of* the Mat4belps. The his anger and desperation it qn pass I, She. -No. b0t thero'S' Ato telffng 'whel e this Vill aying In Chronicle correspondent, tbinks that most ext I it. may be well for Moto s WHAT A-VVAMS tyS took the ed the Queen's Theatre, now at on 9 hearts e -yoll am gOIRg to pres4 Which -'he hid. giined with teking I LA�-k Of sympathy and Co-operation reme measures to overcome of Tyr% and by the peace many a good this union - may Provo ' eiY formidable. the girl before -Ile. finallyl con oiled. give ftu ex lanatign Of MY so do Young I*Id6- (POutilig)-�--Here w, i which had is 'Plan to fail. I am responsible before Go wo t GF-NERAJ, for his - 6*n lot' mmit d to have-, only been married t beeR established in Israers own -'ram- Th� Susceptible Y-oung Man Will f-adaptatiolt. the greater are safety, ito.c iall I can. and giving &very r d ng ERIO'AL SCANDAL. Ily. He had. many cau.ses for misgiv.. Halve A=hb It Incompetency It wi-i Z� I to be yer7 Careful. or The Czar crime. of mardor. n Ills oppor �u' ty j�.d youre Sclding7 me lai tnW. and. sadness on entering,-up6n I �XMQ-� be lazinew.-The Rev. 66 . Clark VWhitten by Canon r'oady I -1 know. my dearl griest a W1014- yet h Darph,'�Soatti% Wafh. 18111 th la�ulldlce. cOnf` to,all in the parish An Ipri ver Lett6f esslon Wheeler denies that e ae- under� the On to be bi ought. but lost. how Ion m 6 could s- e father of the'New WO It !&reported that a brother of Dr. cOmPlish6d the first Intention. of his fluencif of the Holy 3pirit. Se ..y ee ot 'Holland id & Pung Lad. 1104. - Man was Jameson has been killed by tile A t L atr c g r have progress- on all Important PI dillig with the good'young man. 6pldly- coming to -40 a act Mata- visit' to the house., and this- waa jorne Ile 41 company comes int3.tllli' London Cabl Wetting for�the Chmee.1 'Pr`OM`WoS to Pas" 11',vVe are patiout. -1311IMPry. and place withl T-b8phI1k9W`-GOd Will bring gal,� His *ar -should e aa imach -denounc. -ev4 rry MY 04119 ter,!' he implored.6 bales. out by mddlcal testimony given,- Y Plausibility of stay- t seems likely _�ave her It t the Ing qOmo -time. Tilej - 14dy I(angray, - to servani)-.Maj and I kn' ed Merl -bellevinig. 'God 10'Aallan rpvenuo for the half year In- trial. In his story of th tr do not eome here -to Prove the painful -English Some Silver spoons have In. oly she Is -too that the function or e gr vity dislappes ously; H�j wished Caltsm His People. *hom Of Club­llfl,-�-, and - thinks too littfe - government; will e to creased 2%QUO.o0o lire Wheeler says he realizes gedy- to break ;even tife laws of M tt, God or Church -canoal Af -recent- year$ w 8 red,. and you tO,6xA`t; -10 first Suffer some Olne. know she drinks and otthe act lie committed. and man;. tliei� profetiO 0 lie I on -in �-Serianj t1a4lgaaatL*)_I ahave to g06 tr -of their faith. -God wlil'help all am kes -and gail-bjes to prby -fit war. th forbid It and render The, Government's �Ivll code bill has on is quite a, )&*- will 1016 & , al not a. d4t excess. ev. Wallace been passed- by the Reichstag. willing to the for taking ibe ul One. NOW, If every, one who Is re-. tile London Police tOC61% ma%m. Wb4tPS But- e. -The Ii i - koW-- of Perseverink'Chrlstlans t6 overcoulli the d r 1.1 -v�lth �, Wall t to -day. P1jjtof-: Sending- me Otar 4be - Spoons greatest difficulties, and make .,t a gir life. spectable :keeps away (16ur . - the th girl bas a goo hea "t and buslines den R. He had been Infatuated e from those the rebuttipg ablUtles. f Thw total number of emes of cholera Kem ton for some time, but after re- -places�- what will they become.? -Con. evidence brought.- forw - 1r p hem she could win! a sweet, 070, Worship Is slihply n Egypt to dat6 is 7,550, tr'm- of iiiin!- ard by a �So- Ella -`ROW 1-couid o' cOnquerOrK. The Lord -will i*d,�o up tr. e - lfiFalls - such as YOU - lor tier hus- our-admlra- whLeh ceivID9 his attent " Whose fault citor- a u tell lih�t your M t-61 great men. And tll&� is no lonas for title she. -is it.. thOn 11 Moil - Rfibbitt. in tile course litsband lost thoset Who it ' ' proved -fatal )a 6,216 filstances. became' tired oLhim, . and -that tills io the -case. of, proc M0110Y at th re able to ba d, 1h' ftery rards lugs W-biaght ggai dRY when'ti add noUl carry on -His . e would steady.down and be -Aft err feeling Ii the breast of -man 1;3 il th� list him a- red eror William has gone for a r his IN AS about It Thdughtg--, Emp 1x repulsed all his ddvances. fault 'of tl a peoplo',� say it is -not. by Ife, for epuelty and desertion S1411a�-1 k119W he did, beftu" Wh - will' Muse the. it to her faintly And friends;- th - .1 ' his we ]lad, been It is the Ill, onalst The ry tier and save her I'll dond��o tratIOU'lor one who JI -as ekV cruise In Northern Ncirway seas u t of those persons who eat things. it is I known to 'make tbreats (A -Of a Letter written to his he 611111ne home. be began ta eD -right to triumph, though Ahe tilie 61 . T fat the grandest oil h al the er. said RE r Toung boy was white to 1010568 In a ainst� - tier -go,to sue,, a-' stepson. lking a aboard the ImpeTial yacrit. Hobe-nzol- On- several occasions. Th PILce.' The jliroprietor of This bou�' "Wihilig be long, and filled'with tit lem the fildvadtagg of Saying money. - I & man's life. The Christian evidence at a Company like this beie now I, Only 1 0 - many IlPsi as lie replied: -My Ijeart restfubOn It. Chrlst4[anity Is herow*,Or- -the trial was cum tan- - I�d ouble Lbbl# 4 trials-, Da#Id had ffiliffered.much rom bid A despatch from Clro saystliat the tial. it - was considered c too.thankrOl to -have the'llelp io good I to Certal Fanhionablo me Comply -with Your request,- fihlk��- ind the greatest mself.�l ti IL his � W116 arfd on UsIvei The One Passage read lad DOCtOr-7MY dear - young Sanl fOr'iOMP Years;yet his triAlo con- but� of all heroes -Wtian Government acket people to raise Ills'- and in court w To,`Ym ilim drinking. unfiltered tinned 41ter must be firm. ve ma - I -1sevol.-The Rev. . ita h- murpr. took performance -1 lo your is ill P January place on t lit It f make it ot a more re a description as Water. WXch S01's deiith. T40ugh dai kht0f, and could make tier a true --h. Tit -manieh. fiom Suakim for Suez, broke Itji. and on Its dis swarms with animal 0 Prdg taburg, 111al. g 0 -fined Ani Im.. to 'gravel V r d 'o the Cha W�Iciblned by tits own iribe. andjbiade anc affectionate husband, -but ray, Ob - her shaft and has tieen the a"eat �of Wheeler o veF; and proved cha0ae r., What a -pity it is racter Of gamism should. he -TO tibne have any ma 3 who Would boll ked on a a suspicion, " laugua employ silell, tbat will odr� --king oiter All6m. it W116 a severe trial Ber great eyll, Wde to the - re such Xlt'doe., 01 big 14Ath and Patience to be WA of , vhat the director ag, 9 M, that wakeiv Us echo" I -ile kill themi. Confirmed -tlt6, truth 11 -al " that' Ile ]* Woe reef. is. reared that sixty - feeling rair so high that,,.. r a tim rds must set u cow- go ad. be an.aquiii hold from tb e 06diloti of i bot th-1 it -rsons that some Of Oar People a Tit to were drowned.% e Ing f Allink 4d 800ner th- of our Blue Rib--'. to fair youn men -13 PDX celneterX. ag ove)r aal League has Oftelk told Vs:zb<jy Oys instead of c4 $. � dog f�r kt leta, loose s lynching wit$ feAred. 'To obtian Our litraW expressed. himsel BrazIl has! not yet assented tilal a change *of vonue'to Re 111111ho Of tile opinion I that no g rime!. Daild'lear _pol an to Ell 111 Ville, ebtlenian ned-that It wasIbet- itical effect. Woo- to the 9- -n iri in doing wrong, wilf could wr, t "30 dear, 11 Oat lelyt that -the 7man Who marries land's offer Ito submit tile quest was), secured. Wheeler Isunde roe nee don .11 4 0 such letter. The b' Said wife Wh6 Ila, ter to�suffer w a naitldn:'that- 'on of lie to d beep than to do rug. irl to reclaim her oullya wlthOut Justifill]Zagoe, here Septembe to whom- tile lettbr Was oy married tr e Years.-aa,..ahe -1 imed the occupation of tile Island Of Trin to- he executed r e and tf-U me, and *.ach addressed as, across the on and when -the at last gaveAllm Mf to lifelong OOMe him- a &&leap and -&Wlial Qtiii.of e me� ter. tead of throwing, their Sorted tb 1�� L#d ma, theAhroib lie misery., y1la Ifteglects f1i , - 11- tAt Iff" wr him.. -her Ir.4own lti-90untleiL -qmbhe Ray J Idad -to arbitration. ltt(ln� by'Canon ter', qelylae gave power and own li6ifie now. She would S. 01 Ir ND- Su- l8co tt anti. olltb of 11�- -4kili... He w 41he Rev. sueers out fat t4088 who can't help. Scott w1lat, 1riA -am no pWyterlan; 'Wes ster, DiURDF 1nean R A lei E. W the best-known owt ot a -kin -Me illid my children lat�r ig. t 'but -at oned boam to work for the tche The numl).er of horses killed for flat 1. do h - nice Bo.t of and most respeCtWj dignitaries of t e pleasant characterlstle h V he habit Of intemperance grew rer d which 014 We above terest's�of 110,people and the glor-y� consumption as fooil in Paris last" A WinniPeg Labo IWIS Hi nael leader, they sa-y;-I)tlt tiloge wll),Say, Church 0 Ell lafi. and an Intimate GodL His 'tm of upo her, she Would n 09180t tier -bual- .-J?�CTION 0F,THE SpL3M]gN. year w Wife r and these thingo are not tit friend of "tone. 8 whilw a Ifulgitive, V,7ZW nem and we -being exclusive of 43 :� 24186, thf4 And her With a Razor. Ose- -Who- Would Ila& nI" and '83 donkeys. be led anywhere When bbitt m would be eprivedor the better. Ant tiler -didmanded the return ;We to-whici It" %Vinuippg. de., 11 �11§Pfti In military. training. w4icb. co rts 'thing they 0AY 18, , He would not lo it exp 11) ed., h we werb a�eeustoal- It is a Delicitb "GOVernor �o the Hu Official Aeppatc es received at Tile Alo4t P.J0 Of the Is erthe Magistrate refused., erlence Served him most -grandly Perhaps, Bile would even beat me. iy that ViuniPeg was the se6no Only 110 nts Some m nentl asking., if- liewlshed to - use M t do not believe I am lood Hague frbin the Dutch Indies a, thi4 morning % Oney 0 of porti he f-drilowlag yeag.A. Man 33 there haa been renewed serious 1`1 of - tile, Most awful tragedy ,a Its lils-I. them.' T1114 Is, one or -those thu pi it for tit purpoib 01'I ANY AX;XALS­ PLAY POSSU called pon to .33ligine. 1V-19 1119 evYing black- PRACTICAL SURVEY. Make this sitcrlfl�e. ing, between � tile Doich and- Acidneste-, tory-- William Warren, agec 43, (;an- lies that R�ople like to bay a t Mail. Awordingl$,, It The Woman SVIeM of old. wr1tgjr, A Pacific was - Ilanded 11019n Death When Their; Enentle Blood relationsillp Was tile Will kot reform f0i. her. ow � Wit W raw rin whiblittio lat0r los4 heavily., ItallWay- JuGor4, butch- Parson- - Well. let them say I ; it back to It ' a Ar.- #rat lwta In the 0 sons'Ayllo, Wltb,t Claim- made upon David -for 41ag will not n sake MuStmted Lolmdouews ered iris M'Ilz&bet1l with a ra! hurt Ithe pa6on, the. Ebb he =o- PrOach T1101111 Vex-peetedly." a - er' reform kir her 'llusbamd's lbrW Exhaustilv won't anti it I flap tern room.. Boyd all Israeli At �Iaat the timij came Wh - Th The sake. "an rg= Wtdch be �e! 1017,3301 4 statistics have been com- their deliberately w lk � in Ir of 'ther. ad e lipil that,tonch't Vunlbd 4 plied In Berlin toprove a ed oubt Cat abit: oi lei he win(-- claoc the Serum treatmeiit -the success of mirror,'and with tit() same wea�on . itio Ill On CO:k Rolland'a expisna. the-, a 1170ing death- 1dr Israel- 'ed to e their eup shall never touch - mine l- ;t did 4wo% meent to ot diphtheria&- almost jsev be ea al WILS 11110v Be W 9n own- headl from his SsrVed- Miluoug many -f -bad mixile Inaftafture-1 any a6crotion. like tilts has been followed In one of the body . . I., L . . ­ � te -them'. IL;.NW histor 'The Rule ot the Road. which ere' his ffy iooked for Protect , 049 be: db- lon,�, Sepaxatlion- and Strife an az largest- Berlin hospitals for the past ' it suiqlde vtere I - laWs'--alkl0alls. WhIolil Ided oweeltbread,- eM e - Tile murder- - . # Foolish Scare. lari A dly Perpetrated so no A curloys ficare ran thrbugh DOEt - I;vet Vour VIngers. Iffor *Ide. k1agd they *new,, - -Arg 1.13elessly tiAdt not the ro- 'y OM Was a L disgrace to England the Y rules ttile awful a t Jun- Vince of Assam,. In India, reqqie nfamily, genius And opeeleg, In. -tlOfi:.'Stm'Age as the their ha r , eq Ire foot pA -- . of th6 road tWt removal -of the nCdc Siravidences:"re _kwagera- to keep P I led Which I In: WUlCh -set them -tree from an. tingul W- - the Ighto andr orga-A �11 'D" mecem inm, al 4 took the offi�lals-some to 11011W -disturb he vital tune- s were ace Its) A.wa g has 6jon-sounded In,the dook- this haplt lei to-- be observed 6*11y atteiked - by Advices r4celved here from jiddah. did` tile other c Iltes of e house . to * underst line ;Way An Ich bofts from �a eireulat. creatuh*. migros le ArabIX.,say kit cop In- Sim. Ind- df,� I -led horsemen and vehicles awe 4!t Aher. 'ho to'�eep -t�d the left. serious revolt of troops aw of it. . The Story w -dingly- they Were bet �he - has occltrred� att that place.' According of lealouswo and possess Queen Victo IL Wanted. five child be handled. it Ili _e low Orkahizal6n. aai change. Time had only al the! c- u Waxreur was tie victin, As flat Ing Jib a shouto ete e ter b UOWP�-O 1"t due, to -the;dtitlee of the jig o ell IWOV the I lagers -k6 turn tile - leaves ago It d 'h* gall ell UMMW"1110st lif6bably teirible -convey the 1-13Ugge8tion: Don't well a& those as 11191i in,the Seale of i traSt between Ishbosheth Dljjy.Ld1 look Into the matter and- thus ex- n's e _0 Years ago a learned Justice to the.reports two battalions of Turk- tomper. A- Year heads from each vilialige. The n- allb"i life a4 Man himself; for ev ' - T � - 90010811 being Ish tft-opa eni route for, HaurAn. Syria,. wife with' Is Coolies went fra, . I Plainly seen. Plat an axe,-threatenj ntic, aski for pf such bo)ks. Thil main dites no &pj ' obs The refused to 01 axes 119 -AUthoritles aniong hesitate --lodt tr 1*f 0 him 'he es 0aseek toe =�M�- tiod ato goi any further than J-Iddah. her. L h lies, and -k ves..to. defend their Mail- to avall hi SLO talrY ability was the secon ea ed;!In -ancient, tint &VeUer " It latl - -ft ast- night he told er I Ithe circul Iting libj4rlei. .12, Djesd6j 011WI Of tht an occa as by ",btidly ' -d unleim the. -would kfll� her before, factor' Israel to David. Past hlgtd�y 11110 v reepive_d -their arrears of I . 8 natural uit the Iight in eamoral ell were fortified. -watell have. been c' it ldli. p pay, the mog declarlFag that they had lie, being kept 0111111tidtfilt'a'gerles df exp erf *hei he thinke-ft. wtll order that the ishfe-17d, Of 19410 blow.. I illight, and Ili som -vividly -Wore thein.- They vere Canled'oft - the left arm Md a6it'lWhitil and It aq� tOk,rdne If books in fe. back In their -mentory -to !f6r; Might be in did.' In the housid, at f lages- ail e vil- Peftmente 'to 414 preservation ot big 11 WhIqh r- AW 701d rdIIb4'- Ile ed of.. Soiled "itoli i"A" A Infection. to and study -Vile ngt'oAl' hils- Court and accom k..q th6 blood,,AISso1T1M-Jmnd Warren- and his wife leaves we Into�frajlpg- t abbed first al - world noble deeds in Saulpi army d tbe -616"Son Of tile! victl were wante to Put under the- r er were two ' . "a Inhabitants bid 11 em- general no 0 become� a medium for the -aid not been pidd since 1894. An attempt the murd bo, � era selves With the - ol the 4 when David-dweitf in terPosed to ward ff -a eposes., 1&jnt was blade tO compel them. to proceed -the 12 -yea T heads, -they, bet $he treaphe� but the rebellious-. solillers- barrlcade�- Both 8�i I with dry blow. Wit ridge ddig,0441. - - fpustleL mosque afid resisted Cottenham, EDgi eat It for loo. In tit. ring;;� a7 which 0th6r*he tree land, five yfar: atgo. It the tr tio among ese themselves 10 The tragedy -,Was fZ1OM -tiona. of a, fou dZ i I of - the miute � aintla pildled, i, 00 arm, oi the Bwor Arm, was left all attempts to d slodge them theft Wltb VMt onee, and W0111d ismain -a 4 ell, SP lea b race on u0bly for- brael ledh lwm%n enacted MI Othet Y P I h ple the 101089d alid unread VoTum t Of all a0PIMMOM for fabie - -vegh*aic a tler- that I eir i Cf0ilCOVICallV- exam. stratlient ho This In- -did He 1kad I hancL Tt I - a tomed 40r, -AA loom afitt the -mail I Y to V ion to Wearm Suit the great prell, nd Cavil Character th ha -nigh Will -*-a ny on ae 4 re ltrot6btltllh`�Of 4heir'bod14; VWP WJa�' the 1111074 but ilia waa not forgdt�ed. and coroner's, fur ric. on a an 07 victi a robeK 6r'16W. were found' a0 6W Jbeyo T6 the Vilknown Dead., The Gunnell treet. uces Ora pla an �=14 No m d his verdict a Mon ]I I th6 s6alls Z th he On JulY 0h a monument as follows the ot t4WVh17a8ffk'very minute, micro. Ine - appoint - walibellev-W thatl there. -W wren came to his, by f . ; L. . lot h rd 1 _ a# . - A dea to" 0 It., be practice death. 111011t, -IM melit -was t hdyk -*,7' dedicated In thet park indadow, Ifitf- blood from a wound that Dr. B _g- -the armAo; f reaso Is ti roat fill- of 411sh 86*41teigns. -surprised by Joyed -in defence -,stad falo. to -the unknown dead of the' war Paris. has when all enemy Mrs overed -the b should Tsir tack *are� 'to, Meted by himself. Wari en c C which thly 9"Ot be king over all, lard to tb* -VAilitionsia, r of 1812. It Is a rough-hewn boulder. -ame leprosy- he rendered a signal f Four iwgw. & - z , he jD been Eagland have -.tha&t� 9� 35 tons. There will dynasty at. 1 -fin _ of. 8 Norr4aln �- hiiVe re --see ad U ha to weighlin to her death by the to;; of bh 1bd frpm vice to Th had -jp er, -VrMA ebe no Peatedly f! An. RAW vi i tols zftk�: 1, cutting -upon it of, -any kind save for a � I � - � I I , , C11100 4, The dis and . 11 , 00iled wounds la'her tbroat and face fftfl�ct- ery, of Saloum OV, re brYans fold thik delicat;6 hair,- vpi 4- - does no i 'i C f K, b - the ­ mea -thd left the lubtyIng of the bronze tablet. n he wege., o p _gp edy. but TlatlssiPeneft and mp oil by the,aforesaid WIIIJram Warren. dftlaeOvepiry -years 96 Or Cillailand pok to, 01 Murder and suicide.99 r6m ILI �Aat TbIs will be twp by three feet, In. the w ;141$:7eQA%hpee were 0 the , I %Z" 4y to Intoulm- 6 IiXV M their piltil4*61fil scribed 1910 r011ows. t T- tion and makes 8 , Uch J1011" �Wbtei) -wheo by a. wtit. 0- the me to and re -Werw- mory Thb British revenu I ace It d The c e return r e W'.., U the Ity of the and bhW&, of the tinnamed soldlem of tile fift WSre: T.ac)D,- -"-.e; which- prob011l narts- -d of 1812,,, whai died of camp disease t th pal. -4 , rell.,,11,11 X:, war 41rst quarter of the presen r 110110 to do pDa t r fat e. -7 agra: pea Fil remasia - to al 1 00 an Increase of 91.698R00, ?al and and-weTe burled here. -Dqffcjted ju a who take ore, 11�1 you ly walou Pounq!!:;0t h