Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-07-03, Page 4dr. 1.3 4 ; •e•- ••'-- • ASHFIELD — • ' School No 5, had a pie-oic last Fri- day in Mr. Middleton's grove and spent a very pleasant afternoon. A sermon will be preached in Mr. I Middleton's grove, con lath, on 12th July, under the auspices of IL O,L. No. 1044. by Rev. A. McKay, Presbyter- : ian minister, I4ucknow. A.II members of the Surrounding lodges are cordially invited to attend. Some farmers have started to cut their hay. It -will be a light crop in most places.- • Miss Bertha. Davidson has been seriously ill during the past we( k at. Mr. Jury's.' THE O1'ITAH10 GO1rW4121117.3:T Probability Tliat My. Balfour win bo 'a Ca inet Minister - Toronto, June • 29.—Speculation is rife at the Parliament irtildings -as to who will be appointed t tinta'rio Cabinet. That C.d. the next Conanii,Nionec Cc, Lands seems to b? ,-,i•ner4.11) now. - 'edged, but -it is! known that the cobuti.1 does not care to leave tiw Provincial Secretaryship; in connection it h which he has important Jekislation -to introduce next year. 'Speaker Balleur -is making a strong pull .for the vaganey, and has many warm- supportv.s, who say that • My. Hardy 'will beeme Premier and Balfour will take his place without any further Cabinet . disarrangement. Should that-ocuur, the usual custom will. likely obtaiu. 1r. E. J. 1fay is, who has been Mentioned -as a p)sSible Cabinet.Minister. would beConiethn Speaker of tilt. Housc hy virtue ,,f 1110 ability he Ius slimwn in the ant. •icssion during -which be- has been reguiarly chairman of the public accounts coin- toittee. THE COI:NTY • At the Ia.te 4t-sion of th.• %nice County domicil, the equ.alizatiol tif he assessment -Of the various palities, caused -as -usual, a great deal of wrangling. ,A few of the44,ownehip_ municipalities :lad in 1895 assesed. their personal property but, the large majority had. net. It was finally de - tided to tix the equalization at the same figures as !adopted in Jute 1895., Owing to the •Successfur use of the pruning knife, the Finance-COmmittee was enabler:1_10 reduce the county rates from tbatlevied last year which was one mill on the dollar of the equal- ized value to nilnety five one hundred- ths of a mill. The amount -required to be levied for general county purposes is $25,388.25-; racier the Public - School Act no municipal equivtdent now required and the various town- . ships will now have to make up their school moneys within themselves.. The total 'county rates payable this year by the various municipalities will be as follows :— TOWNSHIP. Amubel 1789 0.5 AMOUNT. $230 94 784 90' . Arrall • 9 • • • •,• • • • Brant . •.., ...... • . • • . • .... 2462 02 Bruce -201710 I • 2230 95 Culross.... .. .. 1788 16 Eastnor. ,: . .f.....- 264 55 Elderslie — . . .1 . .. 1819 38 Greenock—. — . ...... .1698 65 Huron i ,. 2134 43 Kincardine...3 • 2060 90 . Lindsay & St.; Edmunds - 90 93 Saugeen .............. 1000 02 VILLAGES. Chesley • 286-35 Lucknow — . , . . 249 33 Paisley . 319 06 Port Elgin ... . .. ..... .. 341 64 Southampton.... ...... 211 92 Tara e 204 48 Tdeswater...0 _ 242 26 Tiverton.... ..... ... • 106 81 • . TOWN& Wiarton.... . 312 27 Kincardine... 639 46 • 702 59 Walkerton.. - • • •. • • • • Teta' 4 ...... ...$25388 25 —Mrs,, T. S.Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer saved my life. I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used." For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney arouble it excels. Price 75c. Sold by • 1 Berry & Co„ 4ruggists. —A writer in a Toronto paper says that the bicycle has decreased the sale of liquor more in Toronto than proba- bly have all the temperance sermons preached m a -year. The people who • should know about this are the people who sell, or who used to sell, beer and • whiskey, and variations thereof; to' the • yonhg.men of the city, and the writer • gives the opinion of several of them oe the subject. . —There was a scared man in the - neighborhood of Malcolm, Bence ty on Saturday evening. M r. -Ambrose McGuire went into the- woods to -look fora pig. He - was wal k ing - round with his head down picking up nuts. Presently he reeked up and saw with in 15leet of him a- largehear. The bear shook his head and Anibrose, de- clining any acpuaintance w ith his bear - ship, took to his- heels for. home. He exhibited - a fine burst of speed and when he presented himself at the -cto- . ner he wasbadlyscared. . The alarm was • was given and a hunting party organ- - ised but though they - saw- the game . they did not get close enough to bit • him. He wagiseen again on Sunday and appeared to be rather tame.. HORSE- ESTRAY • QTRATED }TONI THE PREMISES OF = la the undersigned lot 19. e. s. West Wawanosh a bay mare. with Final! white -mark on bind foot and slit -42n roun(l. Any one fairing infOrniation that will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. W, MAcIttillERTS St Ilelete Vianted—An Idea .!Ilimugarpalqt„ ~act your ideavthey. may bring you wealth. Writs JOHNMID RWRN & CO,, Patent Attar- nork,,WashIngion. . C.. for their $1X) prise offer anlu d ta two hundred tavenuens waewo. MISS 4( Mac NA BE Nat & Instrumental Music . - • r•••"•s5" '-OPUee eountys Pitidav '4) • • .1, .._ learmg.: . N-Filcr MOND. AY, qUi.Y. 6TH, - 1 I -put op_ sale about one ' will - - thousand pairsiof-shoes, at eqii : . actuali cot. - . This is soi*thing • Olatilate4reOisevery-i one wh:a-1276ars L i - - We 4re Cleasj,ig Out a:nuTn.IL*riof linesnd -they have g4t io gp.• Cpme and get !a bargain wh1e you • • I have a t4h a - Selling tren4 for h C DD ki& P S—Goods at Sal Prices for Cash p,4 0 t d choice. • _ 3. D. King Vet4ilating Shoe amp•sommotumn- `tt,(414.t1,1 AIrN S PROG-Ill There never is any question as to -which pace for uckno*. The particular fact. is has 'neveij stopped growing 111 alt the years it and th s year. the sttjde ahead is greater t scant coulrtesy W your intelligence to tell y to have nle.w sboeS. Nevertheles.s we'll do The folloring is_ a few of our quotations: Women's fine dongolit shoes, button, pat.- tipd, -razor toe Women's fine dongola shoes, button, pat tipd, medium to Women's K ngora dxfOrd, pat. tipd, mediom toe, extri Women's filiedongola Oxfords, pat. tipd, needld toe, wo • Misses fine ongola button shoes, pat. tipd, medium toe, Misses' whi e-canva4 Oxfords, only 90c Nlen's plough shoe, yellows tongue, worth $1.10 for 90c Men's kip p ough shoe, bellows tongue, worth $1.50 fo Boys' heavy wearing shoes, extra value at 8e -._ You =, ,-,ye invited • to call and inspect Yours truly., • SST hoe store se. the at this bum s you have known an ever. •It is u that have it for your sake. worth r .80 for $1.50 , worth $2 for $1.50 di $1.75 for $1.50 value, 8,5c ortlf $1.50 for 0425 my stock. 5jE5=t orsets W.ANUFACTURiORY •••.••• BiWg - • 141 Olt 144 • to Nil , This is the place. to buy THE E CORSET COMPANY corsets. . -We keep the best hikes, made on the latest ']#odels from- Paris and New York. Full range of sizes from 18 to 36. Full range -of prices, Ifr6m 25c to $-4,50 and the values • right every time. Te handle aslt of special lines which are confip.ed tirely to us by themanufacturers. We are head- ers for ladies fOnishings of ll - WIRD° CO, The C s h Sb.oeist 1' 1 1 • _ . PURE PARIS REN,• Mlle' • • • entainimisiminweer' • G-2 YkOH L: We have now in t -to DA1110 HIM Iv THERMONETERS -DAll 0 DAIRY. 111. STRAINEq offer t1is and the Neill & McK stocks till Sa4turday, July llth., '9 Etrerytbing gc;oes without reser R. GRANT & • Racked wItI Rheumatism Unable to Walktiowirig to exdruclat. ing pain. After ten year' terrible t num, Cured by Scot's Sersap rills. A.; H.,. Christiansen, writing rom the Clitten Houk., Nikgara Falls, ays : " I oweyoU more than 1 can ever ay. for ten years 1 suffe*ed the tortu es of the - damned with rhebrua,tism. • F ther had it before yne, and I believe it i an hre- ditary -"disease. My knee joi ts would get nfamed ant* if I was o t in any "weathr " 1 wal- sure to b laid ap, which to a travelling man is a alamity. In a score of canadian towns loc I doctors treated me, r some giviiig reli f, others none. I— ?cad that Sa saparil a wap rheumatic cure, and I 4skd a druggist for 'a bottle of the best Sarsaparilla on the market.He gave me Sotts. re- marking that it ws an improv ment on could ken fo and am as free from pain as hope to be. I was out iji a raintorm two days ago and never felt a. twinge. -As I said before, to Sc9ptt's S rsapar la owe more than I can ever re ay. ' The best remedy or rhettmat*, sciatica, and neurilgic pains—all arising (ram the presencel of poison in the blood —is Scott's -Sarsaarilla, a mocilern con- centrated medicine; prompt in its cura- tive effects.. Doses from one half to pne - teaPoonfult. At i$t peT bott14 of your druggist. ' ; . -1------4-7 all others, .and that he recommend it. I have ta honestly r bottles, Man can i- • -LSIA=M- "TOTT ' • oviUer o( a Watch +r- clock Then it is to yottr interest *ben get ting it rePaired! -to p1ac i in the bands of the mpst 4iIIed rorkinan , you can find. This you wi do by bri cging it to I. KNOX, Watchm • of:14lcknQw... , • ' t Ttie good, sold hy him hercl and: in Winglianifrotn 1871 to 1879 are giv- ng kite Lest of satisfaction Sql). 11.e. established in LueknoW 1894. Please retnember the place, in the o14 st[tild noxtto Mr. Lawirencels and I the ex- pres and telegraph offie. steck consists of Gobi, and Silver Wiliciiis•Clockii, f • Silverwarei Diamond Ring. W • ding at Engagement Rings, Elm ma, -Brooche, Earrriiliso Briteelt, rinf cutlery, ham., Strings Tad EMT; ker KNOX, w TenmAKE,R Wanted -An Id Protect your Idas; they msy won. 494N WEDDERBURN ... : ag . . f, ...• f/ 1 --.0!•,!.. .., -. .. . ''•-• ‘.!. . iTko can njs l LI , some pie thing too* nt? bring y rt wuith. • Pa At or. 4,0e o sr.,..,..meal alwa ..,...-..„..,..,..„,....„-_,,,,,,_,,,t,:s.,......../_•4,,,,, '--- „,,,,,,, ..„,•--...4.-P-ii %,,,:,,-.7_,:;;-5, Ir AR CUSTOM TAILOR. Allies Block Having opened out busin in the room over Connell's du goods store, I am prepaid • to turn out in the neate4 manner and 1 t- est styles all sort of w rk pertaining to a first-class tai or shop. Satisfaction alw.ys guaranteed. A. call solicit d. To enter my rooms ple se come by way of main up -stir ntrance of' Alli's block.- . S1VIALP, a 0 • HavingIpought ailothr ban rupt suckwhich will be here in few dais,wo:hav-e decided not y 081E1E60 Crr CLEAR A N D CORES CONS T IPATI or4 INDIGSTiON.DIZ Z INE SS. . • 116EAUTIFIES -4'‘CONIPLEXION. - oN THE "-RUPTIONS SKIN. An Agreeable Fixative and NERVE TONI Sold by Druggists or stint by Mail. 250,60 arid .81.00 per package, samples free. KO NO The Favorito TOOTH POWD for the Teeth and reath. a. For Sale at Berry & r 111 e Eli Z ‘-r” Baker 4nd ConfectiOnen 1_)ealer ' in kinds Goceries, Canned --Goo( Confectionery, Etc. - - Break Buns' . . and Cake . Ertesh Daily -, (YTS & SH S u ate invited to call and inspect PC A.ND S which is now ur spri stock of • — and will be sold ag CHEAP AS THE CHtAPEST Ordered work and repairing one of our! specialties. J LIT LE. 1111:0ORRIGI*$i Is the place to make your selections in CROCKERY, GLASSWARE) GROCERIES l& PROVISION I havein stock the following : Apples ;Dried Apple Blacking lExtracts Blue i Fish, anned Baking Powders Blatk Lead • iT:tiney Fish, dried Beans Barley. , pot . .filinGne.00liio,gstoine Bath Brick ;Gingers Baskets Brushes Bigeuit Coffee Coufectioi wry Brooms !;;;‘,LII:lialackintocprhiece es Lemons Carrie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut . Corn, canned Currants Corn Meal -'-'11M1‘141inuinasttesajrilaineened ' Senna Im - ' . sSuagrdairneal °Chi/Coo:owe Canned Goods * i11•Milali'llicielae,roAnfieat iliard 2:°: L 1 . Salmon / . agneaui Dates . Byrnes A-1 Flour always on hand. -1,..,_,_ • • Nutmeg Oil. olive' Oil, Bweet Oil, castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails• / Peels - Pipes / Pickle Pearline. Peas, canned Pepper MINIM Rice Rice Flour/ Soda Soaps Spice Stare Straw Arie, canna Sulpherl' iroma oes.canned Teas TA,plor Tobacboes • Vermicell Vinegars ' Wash oards • t Wash ng Crysta Wood nware Whiting , Diem* Sets *- • Yeast l Cakes Dinne Sets Tea S ts Witte Setts Setts - Crea Berry Setts Toilet Setts • REP/KWED TCHER*7 1 Doo all kinds to give o Goo Good and hopii Flour, Oatmoal aid Corn- ' s on hut. Webster -Bros have removed EAST OF GRIM,BMIBE SHOP ere You Will always find them with the ileicest, of Df meatin stock. -Aq cattle are so cheap; we .intend r customers the benefit. Boils -for 4 cents -a d up. Roasts tor 7, an 8 cents. ankmg • our many custmers for t em• pas patronage g for a continuance of the same, erem in, Yours . I 6ANS tlifmthERy MILK PANS, !APISVFEZED CREEN OORS AND WINDOWS CREEN WIRE ANY WIDTH URE PREPAREDI PAINTS - DRY PAINTs WHITE LEAD, OILSAND TURPEIPIT14 E • • • ••••••••11kio•.4, • , • • • ALABASTINE. THE ONLY PERMANENT WALL FIN! H. HOS. , em action • Tries the *ral principles of a man, opposition ries his busin6s capacity. -Success lies the over- oming of both. Blaraing the neighbors for their way - f doing business is no sign that tb,:ey are wrong he man Who c n give the best value for your money 440.- s the man who oughtto get it: We are satisfiedthat4_ ur sralues in Mimcy, Dress Goocts, Athing, liatS ma, Cap, CApets, Etc. r • t are such as [to convinpe you' that Oar -store is the laie to spend your in.ony. It is a pleasure to show oods that you May jude of their value, •00 NNELL eople ave Gr 11111: maoi••••.m. • •=4•14•• The great question is where to get tia m. We keep the best qualities to bo had., We don't p6tend tO sell thui below•Cost,butwe-do sell them at if very close margin, MELS Black, Green and Japan a re unequalled i will save from7 5 to 10 cents per pound if you peddlers. Compare quality and prices. quality and prices. You from us instead of tea 1R,CPC1C1R,"r" We have a fine assortment cf dinner se s;tesa, berry 71 toilet setts very cheap, Call, examine them and get rice. OU SZ, XIMMICO All kinds of flour and feed ke t con delivered to any part of the town. eClure and `7: J • • oti:4:04; re/iXechBear:ISAVI:Tirri°glatrti:R., TIUMINdliffrigli taltly on hand. Goods atellenoestin the ilutrict of Alberta, worth Witt Territories, on -easy terms. The tailing .CI-Litiiital who desireto obtsiti improved farm lii now afforded to -farmers with -small of hornet -cattle. horses, Sheep, and pigs is . - - _ - lb' S‘v.111111 7441" IaHddre68,7616-ilizirlut 40.- -ral'IbilelY.unAledvertign4°1674Rilvin.tllh$:uroj1313chaiti.in4:(0(rniNawtien or KN - THERM • Leads them all for Pmi1y- Groceries 7- - --AND— CANNED GOODS Yruits of All KindRinSeasoiji #INfr. TEAS A SPECIALTY The Laves! Stock- • The Chowest Goods' Ihe Belt Falm. dtitainable in Lucknow• Salt by the Darrel JOHN ELLIOT. TO ZAZISEItS. •:-.!•••••••:1,1 . t. 11 •••._ 3.11 c -43t