HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-06-26, Page 1EWININT
Z, 7��t
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-A 77, 7-77 7777
Ist 'OU
now Brass Band.
bhjjK UrTH A 14 1 LT buoknow, My'
ve th?a celebration in 0
Bring your relatives &nd
hand for the. ist, of' July in
friends -to Luckdow and have
Japita paid up LucknOw- If You fail- to come hagrandest Cole -
61,26o,000 them witness t B
to Lucknow you will kegret it
4aserv-1 Funa S6T e, bration -in Weitern Ontario. e
ratit eb
68 947.866
Ut -JOHNSTU&BT. belted women h
are everyw 0
25 Shirt waisto and !cycle Costumes
the 1
DIRIECTORS: lr�.Ap6nsible for the belts'
N-VILOCT01% W. LUCK410 WHOLE NO. 1169.
M.Gis'swi M.P,Gso.RQ%cH W -011TAR OI�DAY JUNE 26,th 1896 gonuity bf the jewel'
lors has been sl�
T. Wcol;, A. B. 14EE (T'
ed in devising new designs. Be'
Uashier—J UR'NBULL
Ashfield Cameron McLean Kilty
Perth go Efmilton DOMINION DAY
V1 4V(;S JSAXK."Hours. 10 to 13 -QUEBEC bl�kl
es of dd shapes, emblematic c
10 Deposit of $land npwards
'Chri-ti Waterl Nortli gs East
0 DEEX D 1 Dung4nuoft 48 .15.5 41 A enteull, Elastin
nizeivedau-tinterestaflowed. lucimo* tor, Have the Grandest o4rything under thesun, are the deai
Finlityp 5-4 27 57' B got, Dupont'....'. Kingston 'celebration in Western Ontario
DiPOSITS also received atcu4- -tyqf the I d an ww,
-111�4st Valli, ir an
Websters 37 47. 42 -B auce,- Godbdu�t .......... 150 e4 .1-1
10 :a -Grenville
rt; att rates of interest. -ESTABUS119D 1988. Kingstridge 78 49 B( uharnois, 'Bergeron ... Qon.. 13 Leeds hav6 vparsabeft A pTet y , c, om thi
t c 01CA FrS on- Great Britain and the United --anl;ing bus Amberley i 85 22 11 B-(Ilechasse,, Talbot We do A general b iness -01iddlesex West Without doubt Lucknow will
1jib. 300
State* bDu,.Iht and sold. issue drafts payable tfIroughout Cau-4 THE GOVER MENT -Lochal'.sh.- 127. 18 -09 BErthier, Beatiolief A Ontario South the finest celebrat4 of Dbinininion 4�lng is that of giving buckles a
JOHN D. NICROLSUB-AGENT. ada and e hited StILt . We makel
"Ple"Irw (02) Day -a Wednesday next 0 any town k6ep oakos and thenjust tl4nk, fini
Points including, te ljr
collectio2n on FALL 430 218 �17T BrPme, Fisher.. jib .275 East
t ince Edward ' in Westean Ontario. `r -,he 30th Batt&
LEGA Western �ta es,, Manitoba. and
th Verchercs, Geof� sWrling silver blouse set for 40c.
-W oofbor�e Renfrew North Band of Guelph, known as one of thd
North est Provinces, and all collect
Benwiller. Ib..400 stbok qf belt -buckles, blouse C
65- 23 44
BARRISTER 'ions whether liote.- or account will! **- ' - in Ontatio, have bee4
is t 27 - gimcoe N (Af.to) best bands
Coifvevancer. etc-., (late 6 t attention, fro in. . se -to im
011�mplain, Marcotte..
have pro4 6 61
t 'Ch�rlevoix, Angers jib. . 50 nto E (Ipd C) secaredand are elipected- on the
irs in Allin!t* newblock. es dl�couni�d and ta' 's VCAP U Liberal Carlo r i
Me -1.49! -4ver and gold belts is par excellence,
w 5 26 Not riner sklei oronto Centre
Brown i - -
53 28 '10 Cli leauguay, b.. 4CO train on Tuesday. afternoon. In all
notes solielted. ictoria South JEWELLER
- Ch -outimi and S gueriay, the copapetitions the entries have bee"
fle, Solicitor, Commipdoner, Notary We have a lar4e amount of funds to�
ork East
five per Sav rk W ( 'Ind. hande in very -fast and all of th4
-oody's advance on mortgage at from' ctory. ard' 11ib
otc. Money to loan, Office over M Vj I K 135 128 V3d 0 1!:M 02
Barf)e.r Shop. Coi npton, Pop ...... C on., 50 T -G,
cent up.- JVhe rate is -graded accord-, ;Clinton
Gains �nd Lo ses In Quebs' leading&,, bands, foot -ball, Piipior and
BARNIS Ing to qua�ity grid i Dovhuter, i .224
431 AlUtOW & VROUDFOOT jze. of loan req3fir-i 8t Auilrows-'- 65 51 12
Gai uLIB IALS Looses senior lacrosse and base ball teams
S,klicitor% etc., Goiferich. Out. ed. Dr mmon & Arthabascat
I I t Jaipes 73 58- 107
V. Nirm. PROUDYOOT. Bagot 8�anstead Reeding on Scientic T�ifipereuce �bj!,
We loau small- amounts on secondl 111ally FrrOlill on Both La ... �Ijib..500 ha 6. si nified their intention to eAla. Hornell, followed �y.' . aiscassion. t Jol�nq 51 61 19 v
nent 31eln Rellechasse P�cque Cartier v 9
h n 35
farm m.ort ages-apd on c attel mort-i 54 58 -08 8 PO - emi. present.. - In the fore oon the Calla,& iii which a hope was expressed that in
MEDICAL -gages. Aides Beate;k,. Pt Georges Brome, Vrilet n
H elaksi, -Madre- 1iiii.-400.
thumpian, circus parades, and fi would wara.'
PHYSICIAN Chicouti i Nentreal- rab ear future prizes be
er 11 s* h d for sale: tingdo-n--,---S in"a
4t Anne's all be ver
We haV4 gen 249 228 46 criver. Lib..800, Gaspe draws'of-the spprts wiU -pst markal
-iurgeou and Aecouoheur. Surgery f y an e4 ton pils taking the high
arm proi -ty in in.1 -As ties M-Guk. . . e
elaga 6 attractive and the afternoon eve
.ver .1. Flliott'.i gocerystoro. Office hours. �qi oss, Huron, h-1 derich towilis'li 2 oh Scientific Temperance in -sill th
field and awah- 60 Hoch !�.Icolet
fiodi 2 io 5 P. Pi. and from, W
f roin 9 to 12 a. in. sh townships cheap r tte, Bzu4te d6partmentsf the public school as an
7 b) 11 and on eas term. 1 -.37 78 Joliette -
The greatest politicaf battle K a- ouraska� %jarroll ...... Lib 8 is assured for an excellent time.
ever 4amiltons f 34 -60 16 lfiientive-' io study the subject. Re.
s In the, evdntide 11Y�e Olde Folke6 fres'liment.§ having been servei, after
M.C.P.S.O., Physic an, rain !Napierville,
ace on -Tuesday -la S4 when Sir Prookii t and
s`ur: Canadian Fire 11isurance Companys- took P1 4� 4 25- Concert?' will be'sometheing new, and oldsing hymn and -prayer, the -meeting
F .11 'We repr4 sent: the leading English and; fought in the Do -minion of CanFtda Haideys, 32 92 06 Labelle (new)
�n, ntl Upstair- in Wni and can ef e& ce on all classe Monette,... * ... .... i b.. 200 L'Assom
OltljON, �A.D C.M Lab 11 Boura sa.. Ub. . 400
. . . insiii-fin' Charlds Tupp mraitee
er and_ the- Conservative TjOIm6sviI16';, 31 74- -As'closed by Sin- ng the d"
Ross street: of property hi Stock or Mutual Co s Laval very attractive, 'and we gu n 4 OX0102y.
behind Came Gbu thier. . ib. . 115
La I F ....... Ilib -110 rare treat for a!1 tter Doh
Murdoch & Cos store. papies as (esired-.. Party, ho bi've govemed C naclir for -6 L'A sumption Ataisson'
who id.
the 176, 310 140. Address and Presentation 'item from the tZ. t). GEDDES.- V. S., - CALLS paxt eighteen yea M'issiqqoi I failtocome. Forfurther partidularg W take the fol I
Our offiCe hours ar'e-from 10 aaft. to rs �et their Lp, IV or I
-telegram promptly Oodetich Guay .............. ib..450 e
I - owing
D either bv mail or 4 p. in. Waterloo, -and t Wilfred VIS )n
,Lctontled to. Ch;6rges moder�te. Residence, he 4o a. Thmosons et, 20 Moatmorency -see programmes Ahrfoid New's contained in the Brant,
61 07-
01itram stroot. opposite Dr, XlliotVs and GBP A.SIDDALL,Marager Laurier, -placed in- power Vy a maj ority Montreal. -
49 4 iere, R-infr( ib. . f6rd Courier, of June 12th., 1896 -,A
itecond door north of SEXTINELOffiCO. 02' St. Lawre
n refontaine. . ib. 200 Denial
of between twenty and th Town- H rice
I - 44 50 w Maisoi iteuve7 P, spent br
rty. It is all nuost enjoyable evening was
Are ort havin gbeen freely circulat-
.--46-. 29 01 Mas cinonge, egri
tbe members of 'Trinity hurch -ovi
West Quebec
A.J. GIBBONS, V. S. V -D, H difficult to. give the exac� result of the �atea a ...... T ib 15.0 St. Marie
Wit r k# 0 W 1*0 t 41 Megkntic, -.FrecliI ...... Coll.. ed tliat-I%ani lea%rina To cknow,.1 wish 'Wednerday or' last week. T -he cc;j
JU- GratitiateofOntaiioVc-teriiiaryt.'olI Waltons
30 03 -
and Reg6tered INtember of the Onts contest, but.the latest returns goes t Miss squoi, . Mei4 Richmond & Wolfe to let my friends -in village and c' i6a was not r
1 0 �Qrop4 -46 57 .-...Idb..240 ouutry IN oae ofple"ure, na
show that the Libera Mmouski
Vrterinary Medical Sociity. Othce w ill - have a 22 25 %v.1A mingled witb reggret and s
re-titirne e. one door - ewt- of TZ. J ( 'auieron'.; av 09' Monmalm, Dougl4s i . o on. .-265 kiii)w Uhave�uo iutention of doing so.' treet, Lucknow. Soulanges
shop, Campbell Is ug good w3rking. majority iover allth
yuml? PEP, LIBERT, Y -TO VTTE4 AND TO ARG e Aloamaguy, Choquette. Rib. . 200 -Dft ELLIOT. lj-e'in- the bidding adieu to th D-entistry aud Surical Operations svecialtie-. Temiscouata I eir I'Aw
Langelier' mi�, and Itis
'allh prnmp ttended to night or day, 302 310 36 Mon fi'cumbent, Rek.
I HE DICTATES paFties elected ne
Mount -2�
OF CON80ENeWWE PRIZE ABOVE ALL West Wa h4osh Xonxeal, Sty'A 110, uinn Two ains Con. roke m
The fialit i,I St n es e�a) e atnily, a -re about to
Puilga n at
Losses of Bervie, Mr -'John N. Ros his'_
28 54 toi mbve to their new field of labor at
Vest Br Iin, whi '40 on real, Gains a d Lossi 61 In Manitoba hile
WIETIES OTHER L!,IIBERTIE� nno Rod- n Mo#da� last, w th
the electors of Lucknow and 53 58' 43 ........ ains LiBEI �k t --ii4now. Miss Duthie, haying offi.
-VO 97 L
1.-0 F. e To Lisgar Winnipeg-. I village; sli ' ed and fell- against the imere more directly.- int rest wnsi p- 14a Mon real, St.'Marie. Dupr ILPP 6.4 5 7 15 e d&tpd very acceptably -as organist for
NOW 1,01)OF Lucku Ame get], V Mo. I tween Mr. Peter H.. M 6 enzie 114ens 73 19 Mon xeal, StIL-atifent,Ponhy arq'uette latform of a pump, breaking his P-
7! 19 1 s�%reral ears, was the recipient of a
-St. J�acques, Des- t arm near the wArt.
Macdonald -3 righ I �,
Mon;real, worded 4'1f&_
Kinloss, the stadard r of the address and present
I iib. a purse ontainin twenty. -five �v Gains and Losseag j n Nova Scott- Z E �E CT111C-ILAILWAY Liber n, 230 131 ... -100 Gains LIBE& L Now Baggage System
Ordvr of Forester. THE &Is, and r. olmie of 162 marls
Nicoet, Losse's
meets in the, Oddfellow' BqIS ert .... .. . C 3n.
gast,wawario h
'38. 99
67 23 .......... C in '200 ba age"will soon go into effect o: ervices. Miss
- F ' * - new system of ch
Hall en the fourth Tuea Kintardine, the n ' neeof hePatro Westfield Pontia6, au eeking 411aliff in gold as a small tokin -of
P p -Nil An- entirely the 4ppreeiatiofi of her, a
day of each -nio nth. at At the iheeting of the directors iry 'of I d st gh. Portneu
7:30 o'clock. 17i;iting n u ry, an i althou r Tolmie's -Joly ...... ..... I ib.. 15' 5 'Cumberland of 1D.4thie responded in feeling -te
Scotts; 71 65 16 G.T.Pi,. systenu Fifteen thousand ' ring,
Toronto la't'week the, Electric Rail- ast -tbanked
- the new brass checks -are being manu- d -
is - Jc� ns n 63 the friends for their kin
E Quebec, .2250 Halifax (1)
rtthren c rdially invited mo -of 49.1 iderably ..�eaco, s �aurier ....... lib
-was- advanced another ec Hants factured at the -shops inPort Huro-a. h0s, asuring them -that it was entirely
11. J. 1.1 way r ct ush West Queb �, L Dobell ...... lib .243
Chief Rai;,4er. Recortling Secretary. Jarger th was expected, y)t very few 52 33 -,08 1 Inv-
erness Mook6d for, and *as -- thatikfully
stacre. The direct4rs were - hard at — -CenireQuebec,�- LangQlier'..]�i Besides a general check with the words u
r seno 253 1 .. PiCtOn M-6 a
U C KNT 0 W REBEXAH- D pf the. ectors eve iii. y doubted i Qu6tec County, Fitzpatrick 1�1ib-.. 200 "Property of the"Grand Trquk 10- i eived. Theevenin"as enlivened
check'*ill. b ie and speeches, in! which many
Hail, u the a4erwid and fourth Thursdays of -same liouri on 8Atqrd4y,, getting the :: r Total 1837 .-1520 726
Rich mon'd & olfe, Stenson 1 .200 Gains tIBE 4b "Losses statiorr-on the road.'
L 11"Idge No 22. ineets in the Od fel' ows I work from�2 o'clock ort Friday to ffie th act that the verdict 157 �8 Richelieu,. Br.6%u ...... I b .13 Cal e iupplied\to every
no ane jLoss-a W
would be 4 Gat qs1nX T
V;,Siting 10wis b
-Both Mi McKenzie and 11ohest expressions W regpet were
each month at 8 o'clock, P. -in.- Majority f4r Ott
ordially welcome. prelimiliar es in shal ie. -The right meron 317. RimOuski, 11,1Z :.105 Assiniboia East - Nil.'
-iistersandbrothers are c Nr. Tolline -were peronally St - b U�Wred at the departure f 'the ren.
a ready b 'htlemanand fa-maily; showing that -
I it. A. B. way by -la Is,. have ie a -.s Rou, ille, Bro Alberta Presbytery of Maitland
W e d The'follom Ing are the returns for the Lb..999
q ndidates,. but as Mr. To: mie was a
-3- aitland will
I munici The Presbytery of M
"ble Grand Secretary- e� Sliefl )rd, r ale� ..... �b.. 1-00 Saskatchewan
by a nuuIhier of -e Dord' Sher )rooke, I s ........... Cin t4q ave - mdde, many close friends
life-Iom, Reformer, back� I by the th Gains and Losses In Iftish Columbia Ineel -in the Presbyterian Chure
0. F., COURT 'along the way, but t, iey -must e passe .Ion
Id d#king their residence in: Burford.
ft . - 0 Gain� LIBiRf Losses Lucknow, on Tuesday next, 30th inI§t,,
She Patrons of Industry, and ther inde- 1 ONTARIO A Soulanges, Bdurbonneau j. I ib..40
ce rwood. No. 4 - 1�' I 31k Duthie, on behalf of himself ntl i9, Lucknow. etts by all of them' before- th contracto
rs f taking
Staj�l tead, Moore.- ....C) ..boo Burrai4. gil. at one p.m., for the purpose
endent support it gave h M an ad- Addin ton,- ell..-... ...... Con.. 50 n
every first and third th for their
e aareemptit: for construe N final, action regarding the call -to Rev.
will sign tfi S* -Hyacihthe, Bernier., I ih. Ael ewWestminster
I Con. fid'
'Mouday of every ilantage over Mr. :MeXi6lizie tha't ness and good wishes for their
tion. -Sin e the 11st meeting some of St. J )bus Vancouver- John -Rose, 4!-,"hfield, to Malaga-�
uwntlf, in the Orange And. Iberville, Be- Pture welfare.
at un -i
ch River De s, Cape
Hall. Visi-,ing breth- coul ' d not be overtaken. rant*Soutli, Henry ...... Con.. 200 1 h%rd., ....1 '517 Yale and Cariboo -4 Breton. r-,
ar� cordially in the direct rs hN'V'p -made it their
roek�lille, �Vood. AR parties interested -wil please take
a. Pouliat....'..Ilb.- Gains and Los,
RECrIVING THENEWS., �...'.Con..'270 4omi �coliat
-16tisiness to inq4ire, into the standing Wedding Benz
�-.4)111. SCOTT, C. -�B �ubeI.Bonnar ...... Lib. Go- Terrc e, Gains tl, I Los accordingly-. Any othell. -coin. pretty wedding occurred W`oLes-
orth bonn C . LIBER spsi notice
hundreds �auvin ..... Con_ t 8'
D. Yvi.E. See. ofthefirm of Miller Bros. of New. A - s usual on-elebtion ni West, -Tolmie 3iince iLgs petent business may be transacted, June 17th., 1896, ai-the home -6f
Three'Rivers �nd St. Miur, ast 1 Brute,,
of eloctors came into th Pat..491
e vil Y rk, upon which the-sqccess of the, lage from -laron .... J� ....... -.300
0 4 Queeris-12 U bride's brothWand i1ster, Mr. and
rdwell, V Wielk
Ethier. I Looses In dw no
�ast Brq ........ Con.. 209 Orancemen at church ker, Now York city,
-enterprie apparent�ly' depends, and the townships -tq 'heat the -result of Two Mountai b.. 16 Gains and Bru Hugh Stoe f-
t IcC. . 303 ere, in- the
).428. HOLDS ITS the elections. --The Cor servatives 1�audreuil. b.. 350 Gains LIBTRA1L I)resence of a -few zear
H rwood. . . . .. I .
No. .42 will at -tend ivine service. in 619ndi and relatives, 'the invitations
the) ound the to be all 0. K. rletoll ns....- ...,.Con..380 8.
The brethren of Loyal.-Oritnge Lodge N
bbq .... .... T) have . Losses;
r eg mot)thly -,� 11 Cmleton
Wri, ht, Devfin .......... I b..300 Albert
mule't hein headquarters. At the stone
rnwall-&St.ormont, Bergin the Lucknow Methodist elfarch on
00 �eijig verbal, at halLipast eight in th� ARE nault L b. Kin
invs in the Orange Hall, Camp- They are oth'wealthy and reliable, Con-- 300 -Yam tska,
btffl street. laickito, on Tues- to* the Post Offla 0 eqr Charlotte -2 Sunday, July.12th., a'i 11 a:.- m. when Lou Clarke daugh.
.... .... Sudbury-� Queens the Rev. L. B. Wall.w.in B.A.-,
0.,Xd -store next and tile Dunda�, Br ie
da� 'evenings, on or before atid are ite able Ito 'put the r Con . .
. 1 - NXW 13RUNGWIECK 'I ull mtso.. Degree night -Dpr - will t�. f the late John Savage, of
he f in Liberals were at the Town.11all, and �gast hain Craijg....�- Con., 100
St. John Cit a s4itablel ger : on to them. no*, Out , was married to
4!11 tll,- gecontl Tut -May evening followin full through. An iMpotttint po t as Albe ft, Lewis .... ........ Ind y preac In
9 - - - George W.; West, Purhal ,Beith�....-.,Lib., 40
nei -C All visiting- br- ethren are cordially in- -Patridge.,a-well owu Buffalo ol.
All v6iting brethren cordially invit7 been g9i by t1lI decisiorf of the firm. erent ruers6ges Nere sent tIggin, ngram... . ..Con..150 al n-3 St:John County IM
as,,. the -diff Carld on A 75
Guinona Westmore
ed to the in�etiuqs. iland-6. end au4 take -part in the it
r 4ive the 'dema -in:from the tql�grapli office to each East Char otte ...Qn..400 vited 0 att
The ceremony was performed
f .9 nd vVest El lasey.... Gloui2ster, Blanchard.....Qn, T HE LVIi, b. To
;LVGUBM Km%ziFi Wm. T,%YL6R, gin,
place, th6 crowds 'outside h �RT service. The members will please by,�, ev Dr. Madiso C . 'Peters.,
W - . for a bonuq. They 4relilow willing to ad no North Rssmc, e r .... Lib. -.-,325 i - i a.m.
Kent, McInerlay.... C;n..387 are meet in their lodge room at 10.30 the beaut
The figures �Y,-Pror.iful Lohengrin music.playe a
difficulty in telling. whether it was a S ti E
F iberals elected ..............
0. T. U.- The regular monthiy build the 'road withot any. bonus iCoNTvrang.0 Lib.-. 200 Kingi, Domvil].D...' ... ............ 09 H. Zur Neiden, the bride
meeting of the W, -wen's Christian Liberal 6r Conservative train :)r loss, �by k�ronteoa.c, Ito era ........ Pat..'Acl Conservatives elected ....... ...... ............ 82 0. T. R. Time Table
gn- i6nteredwithher brothe, W. Hqg1L
TomporancL U. nion will be held every second whatever, 411 they, wjkljeing tin assi lengatry, MkLeninan .... Con..7 Norf. lumber an;d, Robinson -C: n. 400 independenti elected.. -fd
'9 Thei time taNe athe Grand Trunk eker, andaq
Hall, LiAcknow, at :3 p; in. has been changed and the peopler of s' i�trs Mrs. T..Warburton, Mitchell,
W"da",d.hy of each mouth in the Odd Fellow ment of the bonds and al/� of the th� ohe�rs with which- they, -were re- Restigoache M'"All' t Cin Patuous elected ..... ...... . . i.. i pree4ded by her two.
QtenYille, -Reid .... . .... Con .15-0 ...... ............ '3
Mns. G. W. the direqorg, now under- cci�ved. When it was known that Mr Sudbury & �UlTonls, �Cing. L �b. . i 75 MRs. HOPNIML.S-ecietry.
Total ..... ................ .. ........ ......... 212
oock. As South 0 . rey, tanderkin .... Lib. . .60 s Lucktiow will be enabled to receive -and Mrs. Hugh Stocker. The brafae
t. J)hn City. Ellis ...... 11�..700
Toltitie was elected a bordfir- N
stand it, a I that n w Stands in the 0 was 4orth qrey, Clarke ........ Lib�. 60- their mail a few hours earlie g gown of Parlsiask
-r in the *ofq a trav6lin
1 --0—.0 St.-J)hu.Counlity, Tudcer. %..600, Laurier's majority over all.. 9 .............. : ...... �4
wayl is a re6 rightof way from end lighted on Ballaclava He ghtsi And East Gre, Sip�oule ........ Co i3�6#
n..6,30 Laurier's majority ever Ct diserVatives......36 afternoon. Themorning train going ,Ity cloth, made with Louis XIV
VictArid, 009ti an....-.. .-C n... Laur er's maj-.Prity with 1 h�crltt, witli vest and rovers vf cream
-was Mork, Mon- i�epeudents ...... 418
UCKNOW to end 0 the linqL - This they feet. latter in the nialit when it Eildinilind &' . ? a
M- Westmoreland Rqbinsod..I��.. 45 south isow due at Luckn,)w at 5,40
L Lodge No 112 � 11 Q.Kd -silk richly. -embroidered - irt
vonfidEint they will be- f4ble -to secure. ta:yu6. Coil. . and the after -noon mail train at 1.43
anpounced that the Reformers bad
meets. every Friday evening at 8 o'(,Iock in their fialL, Campbell street. All brethrep alton,i HehtNrson. instead of 4 o'clock. ,All other trains OeOl. She carried bride roses and
ca"ied thi country the laTge crowd I ... J on., NbRTH-W�ST,TERRITO IES i�bie the groom's -gift, solitaire
cardially inyitbd. amilton-Wod .......... r. Lib. . glas-. ....... b . ..300. Village and Tdithug 3910 hold their old time. 'this is a Change
INIANITOBA CROPS the Town Hall and went cheering ami6n cpherson. LiU. -drops. Later in the
Ww. TAYLolt, W. WILSO.N. left' A�si4l4oia, hou for the bett7er. cliaihond ear
NobleGrand. Recorder. Assi ibui a in ......... C 4..150- 6m,6ing a dainty supper was serveds
down the street and, wourd up by East ffurley....Lib.. ve
crop bulletin No. 49, the - t:q Alb ta,- liver.... h.. 230 Fatal Acch t
W�st Hastings, Corby .... Co W, and Mrs. Patridge left on -the
OLU W celebrating the victory by aganl -learnthat iii., c4to ffildhight train for Washington D C
A Sas tch Lau--ier... Just as we go to preq
first of the ��ear, eoilItalning. infortax- �-'4th Hastings, Car6callenXon.. s we e -kind.of I
tion, basedi on ret' A SC IA met with h There is on ive Stock in fia& thence to their home inBuffalo
boud-fire b the cominons.ba,-k f Me OTIA t Mr. L. Boyle, of KinlOs
UCKNOW ur�s to the depart ouronEast, cDonald.;...Lib..200 this country that sh6uld be killed and t. Y."
L Lodge f the Le4ri'sliverystable. Duringtheeven- Ann polis, gley ......... Ilib fatal accidew� at a 40n raising op where they wffi reside.
ment, ma40 by c9riqespondents under West Hurdri, buried, namely, cat�. Birds are he
Ancient Order of Cameron .... Lib..317 Anti-onish, clsiaac... ..'. Ijib. .140 Wednesday evening, oiqth farm 0,1 farmer's beat friends. Late and early
U nitpd - Workmen, date of Ja4e 1st. was is§ued aturd. n- at the Town Hall the owd was -�outb Huron, NleMillan .... Lib. . 32 1- ST HELENS
in the Odd CAPE Breton, IMcDougall.. '0, Kinloss, they are enga
-q�n..741 Mr. T. McCounel, con. Ik
gealn eating the worms
The bulletil gives. the following as - kept in good humor by several songs -C Lib.. 132
iws'Hall, on the ent, Campb 11 * " - CaPE Breton, Tupp�r ...... Con..
Kingstdh, rltion-t Lib. . 176 and the grubs, and. otber pests that
last and second the estima ed aref �derr crop for -the froin Mr J B Hunter and J McGarr of lVirigham,
y" Cole iester, Dittoc'k.* ........ Owl.'. 300 play havoc with the�grains, roots and Oeorge- Hanna,
Monday e-venings of
ast. L�mbto6, Fr�er': Lib. . P'ubUo No I ag4inst giv-. fruits that the farmer raises. Y -ears
province heat,i 1 081,960 acees;, piano selections from 1%fr B Raynaid, Cu ogan Ijib". 8 Thi3 public akeL war �*led to St Helens last Thursday
each month eight -bef I Vest L�m bto�, Lister. Lib,, Dig -Copps.. iiig credit to an�ouq my -name, ago go
oats,442 5 barle .. .... od fruit Could be grownwithout evening.
flsitin -ing Air. I T,,
1227,885. The of. Paisley, and orth, L anar�,i 'Rosamond. . Lib. .
tal area iinder qlllcrops is 1,(;9(;,583 McKenzie
brethren cordially invited to Guy borougb,-1 Fraser......21b., 200 wiihout my -written 6; -4.0r, as I will 'any trouble and Stich a thing as spray- Mss Lena Gordon, of Hamilton,.. is
tunity to Ion th Lanark.,� Haggart. . Con 377 es was ne -ter heard of, now the
-ALEX ROSS, D.DAVLE, - ffin not. be responsible for debts con- ing tre
?*,faster Workman. Recorder. acres, whi e that -of last year Nvs Hal B 'd- . . I iiding her holidays s�k the home.of
- f the fruit iiiust be reckoned
beartly. thank his friends, and especial- eeds Gr�fiville, North or oHN ene 0
9 11al ax, Rus tricted after this uoii� �"Mits. J mies
... .........
F-rNO-1 's ,
f 4erparents.
1,887,796 showing a- decrease o ly �be Gonservatives, of the v iiIage, for t.. Lib.. 17 GAM-BLEJEfolyroba PA. with if a crop satbsfaetor in in quality
Ha s, Haley ... ....... i4b.. 11 y
slu T Con:..228 urea. Much of this'is die,,� Stuart, of Wingliam, was
ennox guest of WM. mccros4e 'last
-Me F
;ei s�ued b ote given- hini in aylor, -205 Tiliverness, 1b.. 171 there can- be no doubt, to the
OLD LIGHT LODGE .191,213 ac N " 6e 1883' when $outh Leeds, is to be see *m.0.
the crop bulletins -e- fli-st i ' ery large v wifio'n fat that, the
this department, has tlIere been* s la�ure it 63 t
uch Luqknow. Although he- had'suffered rde ib.. 5 -
every year the native birds are becom- eoem.
I on. .122 The following obl ^114 -is joing the
deftat, lie was prepared to. accept, the ondonil3eiiie...... ..-...Con.'111 How could -it be other- Xr. John McCrostie is at present
incolw4-Nia�ara, Gibson. Lib 300 91 u
a wet seas6n for seeding. Notwith Lunenbur an s6d grocerlies Ing scarer
pen' 'kounds:-A in
G It 0 standing the late o iag 6-f spri ng and a
ctou, Tuppie. ......... n- pu
Pi wisewhanevery farmer arbors on qug a visit to relatives in Forest
to the whunt of 34 e�-� When he
-the contin e verdict of the peoplb� but e would asb Middleseki Gilrnour.,. Con.'. 300 ay
1�ed rd;inst in. April and, th e
Pict; ib.. 'at
Hui 11, Car., came to pay for the. gc �Os he -found,he his premises from twoto a dozen of G-ideriell
-MEETS THUItSDAY NIGHT orLh Mit tcbins. Con, . 135 r Hu h 'McDonald,
early part-pf May, the 4 ve -forget his LU Xinlow, 9
rea under crop. no ' r oknow an I Richmond, G* ies. ....... on.'. 90 Theiumber of birds destroyed
tin or before the full moon, in the h MiddleS� in a iate -Institute, was b-mie on although less than that of 1695, -which -had only a 81 bill, a'3 600 piece an a
friends for the'hearty way i rk which out X, Lib. . 300 56 ear by these leine be some-
%Jasonic Hall, I fave.,ock street. lie] borne & ueens, Forbes fiday.
-2 cent piece. The gI t Middl�iiex, Cal )der, had a 0 a m t
on account of- vert. . Lib. . 360
3 AS. was abnorinidly hi�gh' thi; contest. Vic oria, Bet iune..-. 00 quart( in. Drown
1111ty.1,1. HARRY DYs, Von.. 1 thing enormou; h o) t M
Mater. Secretarv.- loisoi, Win. Kill them with -1r. George Murray spent Saturd�y the exceedingly f4vorelble time for the� had stood by hiru in uskoka 1 Parry - Sound, Ridollar. Th'
cent piece and a 13Y them. F
Yar mouth, 71 nt, .' 1,ib . I
seeding, 4 an increase of more than The tiberals of the village. wo.-ked 640 appeal to 4 bystander idt he had only
MC'Cormi6k ......... i.Con.. iCn Sunday in -Clinton.
a club, Get ri4 of them anyway, -So
;ANITOBA two dimes, wk2 cent pibiz' and a p
100,000 aerlesoVer the 1894 crop. e ipi s 'Con - 900 says an elechapke. Ive are pleased -to see David Todd
haid all day to t- out every availa N* * ... -
GENERAL bI . e Bra idon r -'CO.. 145 After some perplex:'
— ar eton. . . Lib. .. 5 70*
as -a re -'h. 200 made to the
LI r a.
ob-th orfolk; Tisdale.-,.. Con.. 278 vravewnwvalnr A� meeting in the iitterest f the Bic rti ity, change was 'ble to ba'around again.
NorThTorfol�, C I'- y
candidate and
vote for their Rich dson. i satisfacti6h, of all. 110w
sul� the majority of 84. giv r Ma was it'doniL
slqutte, A abdown.
6n to Eabb NortbUinberland, Coch- The Travelling Dairy sent out from Afc(larthyite candidate, .�G DE
PY obipsoo Maddonald, Routherford., , ib..490
PP w �r iven t 11!'J t aratie... � ....... 2!00 he Ontario Agricult I lage�hall Thursay
Hon. li'e-�e I IR 'Dro ' ed bead McKenzie 'a-3 the large6l ....Con ur�l College wil held in the vil
en ]fnow
MegLuckn6w. In 1-879 West Pro v cher, la RiViere. on- Ist July at Lub
rilltii i a S91irk, Armstrong ...... on..200 All that is now reqtiul d is the be- nto a candidate in Liiberland, Ou visit t6p following pl. mes on the dates let commencing each day at McDonald sustained a very
Ilon. John B6v- Lu�know gave -the Hon.. R. M.. Wells .....Con-.. aad good of the rk mentiO,
Dr� Newtan, L. D. S. D, D.. 8- .: 1 -
ToTonto�� Jung 20. nign smile
Wfi Lnipeg, ... On-.. 131 cle North ritatio: McGillivray. Con-_ A�acdouald, wel '6)d days -spor
1(onor Graduate of' Tronto School 6f erly Robi�son drppped dead last night 0, wsjotitY of 81, but this has never 13HIT SH COLUMBI of We tthqr and a 1. 30 p.m. --Larigsiae, Kinloss towns'p, paififul. accident at Mr.
South Outarioi Burnett .... Lib..215 Thursd%y. July 2-; Kinlough, Friday, f6ra's -barn i i on safur'd.11ty
Dentistry awl D4-etor 4 as he was stepping on the platform at been equalled till the present - occ,%qion, But raid, M a) *ell .... ib.. is assured at 'Luckno on July 1pt. -raising
West Ontarib,1 Edgar. Lib. . 368 in fell on:hi%
th� � I I Good contests in all tfi events- baee u1Y 3 footausing it�pirws
e Conservative- meeting held at Mas- Nei r Westmii ster, Morrison
Ottawaj - town DVN rAL STUGERY when many CQnservatives, for per'son-al bal, 0 a u Fe -i6h will doubtless. ls�yhixir
Hut hinson ...... I seni Monday, July 6;.
Vamcou a d
v 11ali, �t which deceased was to ...Lib tot
Alf� t friondship, cast their 'ballots in favor Mtaa: Co rt.... ent-are now Beltuo
wra ions in Dentistry performed have been �speaker. n Lrn r6, Tuesday, July 7 ; Bucles-S 8 w.lb time.,
.. ........ on,.
Sutherland. ak everything Ca"ick, July 8t; Baird's tast Thursday veninj -a team fr, u)
care an(i an endeavor to do all work orth Ox Lib..903 ric �oria, Pri )r assured and with afin6' -W-ednesda
of Mr. McKenzie. Vi( mria, Ear; ........... I Y,
Mr. Rol�insojf �as born Feb. 21 on-. . vor4bly f1k, a first cia
'Solith Ox CaTtv.-ight. . Lib. . 5 50 promises fa ss 8- S Brant, ThuTsday -9th; R Longs L-;'�know and vieWityplayed a or
F .150- day -South- -house, Braht, Friday, July 10t
.19200 and Iwas the! sec9nd son of Sir -WEST BItUCE Peel, tho t tib.. 300 Yi e & arib o, Bo twick.. s sp,6?�t. The trl I going It. The match with 116 -Sbplen lut).
FILLING --With Gold, Porcelain, Silver and ea rp on,..... ISL
John -Beverly Robinson at one time PRINCE RDWARD ND will beield oi 4'nit the 101aO
unable to- obtain 'the vote North 'VeribillvlcLaren .... Con.. --66 oconioiethe
We are dept
itation. r an interesting game or J
wchief justice of Catiada� and a promir4- Kh Igst Maed I nald... a. train north will be tood
TE13TH-Nado with a viow of preserving polled -in all the sub. South wilf exhibit--Aaariv- utensilsi ake �i tes the soorw a one to u-s-bing.
e in what was known, as the divisio of West $4 t
eat figur East IP-dterbd' Ea t Prince, Yeo....... -allow p5assftcera t
the natural appearanoer. and of tbebest to, Lang. Li b. . 400 i"anagement 1h'favor of the visitors.
Bruce, -but will do-soln our next issue West Prince, Packet -b,-;;--.. butt �ectureonA
'Family . Coru�aqt." Mr. Robinson -ftch aren as,J. WY'tIlTrend
r. West Feterh6ip, Kendrick Con.: 400 world r T. H. of milk and cream," the feeding of cows. -A,6 large number -of t�e yotill -
--was one of the' best-known men in the M Tolmie's total majdritt is 491. 0. East Queens, Mhrti on... enowned clar
PresootVl- P,rOq'ix ... n.- tea-Ineedi-, at
Wc st Queens, Davies--... Marks, Canada's fo,
%edian, Chu:
ETKNOTING-An a,plication mide to �couniry, ib . vinill be. � in co ruing, working -and packing bgtter, aitended the
$tracting. . It has w1as prominent in connectiorl Lucknow ViVage McKenideLTOlmle Prince EdwaM, Pettit .... Pat. and atheirs have been'; for 1'6Ve etc. d
th-3 gum for painless e The Babcock -Tester -Wthel iMetho i st Church on ,
hequ tried with succei.q. with athletics -of all kinds, and a ion .9-1 23. North Renfi,6*, Mackib....Lih.. 55 Gains ni id.Lossesf in Ontario and its w'orki-ng will b., ex- i6buing.
Northern -div Olde. Folk6s' Con' Cert venti4e
VI13iOn 'G 6111S. LIBERALS. Losses.
-In Mr. Allin's new block 3ur pung ports abeoni-
ng o ,I Farme-j- wiv6i and-daught rs �4'jjed y their -giri -iipefit �Iho
-educated at Upper Conada, College, Bri ce North - Addi t
clever aftE�r-dinw� speaker.. -He was Southern- di Is 53 37 Sbutli'FLefrew, Fergtison..Con..300 Led., -
OF plaill
R ' sell, prds.... A -Bad Pr�6 ed.
I , -- t g
Bfi e Wes at Bothwell
and- ivheu� ts Old. -W No fm . - 1 4, sbo d no -hesq 0i
A -mistake that a �d. a t many pat t meet-�.
9 'it
17 'yea a "Go III t 11 to atteid in at P nt Farm.
to cde,� ennett ...... Con - -.010 'ES1 ex. Nor. --Rrant'80, ch rous ilk in A i gs. uph un opportunity of getting
ide-Ae-cam� Sir Francis Bond Read, I
make is putting' mi can
?, 11 . n
M" it fo McKenzie .... ... 84 'EaA Si�,
ir. it visit Ripley, everY the -ii Governor.. Tn 1$51 he entered �Jori y . r Gii North Perth Nc i th -1 test and beAt ideas in refer- ---Hamilton'-Spectator-,Xq� -in-
i - - - 'South Sitadog, jTryv�hitt ... Con..300- - y iank of water b6foiei i$ rice- th
Tlau'rsday aftetitoon. ey comale
-the city cou ricil as - alderman, and. in lJoiled ballots'.- ........... 18 East Todront,6,� Robertsiow.. ind. 1600 Ha 11iltOn Waterloo - North
ilking and vouring. the milk a$ it 'y
m to �ib,tter making -Should not be "uced ki. Txe�dell. of'.
Ay r.� -In the 'sanie 'nlossTownship McKcriie Tolmie' Hadinas E t' WeUnd�-6
1857 he Y-ecame to o West TjbroutIi,� Clarke.. Ind -Con 870 is Milked wlihoutati i�hin- or airing. '10�jed '400jus
th I I pki w
-tiuiis "Sta a -on-the,
year he wa� electeqto representToro n -to 13 ck Horse 33 -65- West T6ro461 Osler.,Jbd-Cou. 100Q The milk is thu C 01'4' down to �the b It Mater
Ra t
in the- House of IVo'muqons. onjoinfly La nbto'�h Ra 'temperatt '16P -Neegaff -
Holyrood 79. Contra Torofit , Lount ...Lib.330 ire of xe, 0 ter and allowed mgAceom
paviid- y X
to Stand in that cond flo n by W TkJE with Hon" Geor$e Brown, and was LeAds and-01'nville-.
office in the building', east of the OcOpd Concession. 71 36 North Viet-oriA, Hughes.,_ Con.. 150 t. Cor�i�l -w -the welcome giye
ri over niqh
the vg,
Printing Office. re-blected t intervals for diffirent con- L%nKstA- Mi ldleie)r St. Itora v ns on to ir nd in, e ��4*'XV107
103 41 South Victo.ria' McHugh..Lib.� 5OF ,Although this milk r8ay -be deli d Mrs.* Vvi H. h t stituencies until in 1880, when he was 7 On A
, LEASES. Me Sou i h bers bti -of 110"Orioult North W eagram..Con,..200 '�weeti - yet is in a v I bad Condit 4, -and 'met, bers -. -the W 0 T U'who', S$- ornifir. -proved Ii't
atefloo, 9
1.50 or bad mble in he Iftriovi on-- -Tuesday D9 terldo, Livingstone'Lib. us anyerm ors t were F17LLY PREPARED. W ierboro Ei At illi, theilk are still afternoon., ent 'Mrs Berry' �6'f fio
r:�. Ontario, a ptwiti6n. he ocehpied foe ]y, i for McKenzie 77. - Welland, Modeitry . . i Con & and as - mieeltaud-It v
ointed Lieu aira, (2)
LL aPP �cnant-Governor of 286 20Q Sou th -Wa Ot iu h
nd eat ates. fo e
a im r buil seven -years. Mrs. Robinson prede. �Ujul Pr nbe Edwi fd Iti uz Oeutre ',Wellington, gemple.Lib,.60 as %eaw will prodti& b Ar who, after the 6. or koxv
I oedupied
0 t I . . .1 . .
*]EST HURON MCMUI. Re rifrew-N �th Th' time to Let r
mins, ridges, etc., furnished ceased her hasbond by about three N eo
North 41hese gprm i singing ooeo -1yinn, Rave A iga who
yea '4*
he milkinif -b f-ul Pert Tadlqg* lot
on hor notice rs. Robinson was a younger. In W t Huron Me -M. C Cameron,, To, -Onto Ceir xd
Bit r. len... Lib.. 167 ntiodWely after, very -fie]
"Vi, t
toria South
JAB. SOMERViLLE irig on, Kloepper iC it 107- Ing prol
brother of, Sir Jamies Lokin Robinsoh, tb efo oandi4a has n been South Vyel -s rai� I
)erly, a'hd- airin dr. by members U W T V Iteditateto *#ii Xte e.
-Yo -k East -.20, - :' " . I _ J flPlif who - died recen y, 4nd the senior. 61ebted by North nt", t 0 aughly. &-fterairingi, Pqt,:LlioVer 'be- bl ton. - - - . -, - - zw _6 maj.trity of 3 ver YA r. rth & Bean mia sadf�
-beother of' Christopher Robinson, Q.C.
er r te,
8 ai
es to e sumpic 3"
6 Lins DoNsp gvkTiv&, 'table it, �b-0064-� _-_u 'b-.771. - fore if it
ifh need I ht was� not 'InAe
tyou 'hort time t GURE bnse�.v So
4 McLean, the 6 ative candidate !rvill give bazwth .147 -Ad lington nkid� d
ASTHISAmotha His death last I ig, W, -Cardwell eb
t 0 '04by rs ulock. Lib.. 300 Bd hwell Ess r t mperam i .bo dy's
itbt A#
F 51E E i imim6diately vicini a0d the meeting- Q M Ki�ty� the indepe
for fesi of ity over Mr.- antw,)rth,. be a IW44 _ft for known toulore bi an t e few - in th
e anSIT.UP #a night g=p I byv I 11 of a major
I iunad North - Y-orkj� rceihI6
Md nd ent. The asKi 00:
n n X -o Itte ry
h f, Y rk Xrukland....Lib..'126 Brant South r nW"
irGrey proceeded in fiv ora co of the event. following is 0 u I vote polled 0! nd N*
k, ing (04 �w P T