Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-06-05, Page 3_N 7 02 7 m7s -7777 7 "R - 4 ............ ....... _2 Iraimly - grateful to an for the Jewa or heathen around OVER J J�o 000z 0 10 L-088 DA them, for they stood more in his WaY sacred- at Cauga, In the Isla�d of SUN Y SCHOOL th (I t e 011le a ot INTERNATIONAL LPSSON-0O.-X the design u THOUGHODT THE WORRI Crete, was conducted under tge pro- I I . -1 i than any other& 'Jesus could A THE DEATH FEAST allulm, �mls actiron ,a BL1 7 -he tection of the British w0ship i Hood. 1 00 -RC U 1,j FOlt 1:ACH_ FAMILY�. the hearts pf all, and could dif= The relatives of the victims did ii E�red'tbai' as His MiJe6ty lias'O-Til t _Pon them. . Peter w eir dead to the I ; to -e Th sauited. He was though IIA OWS of dare to follow 0 sum of 11OW-roubles.)* paid _a,614 June 7, 189a especially as , il­ � j- !­ very self-confident.- Waraing to theDis ciples—Lukexxih graves, Three thousand armed Cret- y t4at ilaalopt d fiiember through ' I- and unshaken by' The urnm of th& N an ved to prQotee� the TWOW0 .!Hun title cpat t P a . S�Oh .. - - *,:-:`�WfIAT IS MONEY a have arri dred Souls Perish III famil he. In addition, the state d of MUSNO the Saviour's words. The humilltyof' Christians there. Joan,% is marked in His assurance -to Money, 0,';y`�boy, Is silver and gold, nV­W-hat Is Ah scow. Vill anthe expenai*�of burial of;tbe Su I Peter that He bad pr im. Or a f&Cd of pictured paper, Seven Do uss An attempt was made -to arrest. a. 110. dead, wl le the physicians- at the hos- TextP7'1�t�n� Ayed for h 141 It is d -Isi on od hrs'mind' the disciple. -hq Who manifold, spectator at the Cale onjan spqrts at in acted e aWheeel- have been in- School��L4't be ii �you, Love arose' to defend And t It atria I help: May Vt Any L w =f -a caper. Jolianneab g on onday. when the spare nd6hIng to alleviale 'which was also iu�Qirlst Je :�hil. IntercessioE as made for fits 'a rescue, an4 a free WERE of the In ured. 4a love to Jesus was genuine palace went to 11 - MiXpLID FO )T. the suf 1, j - ii. 5 Peter was no CANADA. fi UNDER Sui)ert�jteincl t—What is tj ICea- and with all his failings he, V god ght e ued. he mobtited police VICE�M Y6R FIGTJ1kt8 1.336 DEAD. en Money, 17 is a worshipped hypocrite ar- AAd 9, -ddarly treasured� Idol, Waterprot3t Clothi w mmoned, but the excited, crowd L� He was a. marked Ch Sehool��A.'tr a'- 1�ijover acter. ­satau knew how,� valuable Used often. as a divining rod, o Although . OVIR 1 000 LIE The Mntreal an the official report places Co. assigned, with liabilities . of. -unhorsed. and -maltreated' them, and III Prob- be dharacter L L wore. 11ijur—T, the number at 1,188. it 19 hig undatio would be. if only a Million Struggled for �able that� the exaob fiamber of yt $70.000. several of their The The Mob of Half be -built on a false fo art Instrument he At -builAl, birth and bridal. thus Superintendent—What to the- T01c ? won. Jesus 'how mighty Lord and Lady Aberdeen Bind autth lieutenant Catlett the police- the Fr�e Gifts and Food—To Stuni ble will nevqrbe known. The Vice4ayor knew as well averting a serloiis conflict. he would - be in his kingdom, when 19e eral States Wrecked and School—Christ likeness. Monei, Iiij lJoy. does a worldof goW, have taken up their residence at tile Mej�mtlnstantDeath-Tbe Distribut- reekon§ A1,336 persdnfj were L killea and Towns In of Sa- Citadel, poll Various Parts of the Superintendent And rdbre than woridA of evil. vlee-regal quarters in the- The Madrid public is disAp �ted at Many Ki in -What is t ut- once delivered from, the power Captain -General Waylers little pro- ors of[ the Coronation Viands and 286 sort I perhaps fatally, injured. a ? tan. All of SataWa aris could Good!, Whed poured from the hand of SO- or y however., do not Count�ry- Louis the Cent Quebec- s Lost Their Hea4ft I Lnd The offic, al Mc:unts re of the fill gress, and the Spanish Government Maim lal Cup Include many dead "Mad Injured who Disaster- g Vessel Found. School -I True greatness it- not destroy. the power of . _CbrIaV8 God The jury at Leaulipgton have found Only ddedto the Awfulness of the' fled. 11. Besides this Bad i�detflt out byAhe devil. will get 50,000 men ready to, em- In. - prayer for Peter. man washed were removed by. friends.' It wouI4 Timely warnjnge thap the body of the Disastpir-Ditches Filled With un- Time -A. D. 29. Pi a-Je' 'alem. conversion not be m arprising if, bark at the end of September when St. Louls.. Ma _29.-�The pr with Peter, Jesus, prepared ashore there the other day is the re " so at the� number of 1� e disciples'fdr. the chaalges that lt� also expects to send to Cu4a Sev- -dreds of Dead Nichol IdIngg in . the Persons-:-Jesua. The Disel0l all th Money, my- boy, does not grow on- sult of a murder., gun -boats, -Cruls and, Grieved. as So - y deaths 'a" largely in excess of the. cipal dama to D41 Contruentary.-24. A at weie' to come into their Ilves,, as di&- eral twin er94 official f gures. Thet is a chance path of the tornado may be suiu4 tention or d --- r t; 'Con elplee of their accused and crucified tras Rev. J. C. Ma:dill has accepted eight tra each' that the list will li43 'swelled when Is noth;l*aya had for the asking, rism-Atlantle -stearnera, ebate among aisci Id ill pocket from eve them armed with -16 heavy' guns. May 80. -The popular T, te ollows: City -,Hospital, ples. - Which call to,HQpe Congregatlo Church oscolw�r marized as red with Nor gailieft ry should bg grea'' ti in Lord. He would be numbe ow Clinton Atreet, in Toronto. Of h those wl� 'j 'their -antl will The Cabinet has receivecl, an 'assur- of the coronation ceremonzes, at wl C L.o have lost friends or me Wes rn suburbg, unroofed;, the Conlin - he transgressors, and His disciples bers of th =*faluffleii apply for - the South, g kingdom of, will br&re, taka charge next Sunday. Master ha'd said so much the would suffer His reproach,41so, but bet nd 500.000 Pe relief pr Withoi4t -and maskin ance that the Opposition will vote t' to %t. with for an�unllmited credit,for the'opera- ween 400,000 . by the. Czar. Every -Poor noue, South Western suburbs, course of His later instrilleti The there was a way through. They milell deceit g - The British- flagship Cresee were fed And indulged in a14 sorts' of measure -will be. tqLken to prevent unroofed;. oneordla Turnqr Hall, Admiral Sir John Erskine on board. tions in C qa. on'the q emolished ; Con� dispute must have taken pI446, be-. must be armed for the 'conflict, not Mquey. Ony, b.py. will buy place and swindlers firbim, atteniotl7n and Soulard, d W-merry-ittaking. was iield to -day a to benefit Sixth tore th with carnal weapoiWi but with wis- has arrived at Halifax from Bermuda. ias been received at Berlin by the Charity of His jesty, and vention- Ai0itorlum. 'Twelfth and e supper. thougi not r, orded Po*6r, i of sup- doin -blow away Husbajidi. -and wives, and diverces, Lady Erskine Is also on board. Opposite the Pi tr' ff . until after the nientio ad truth. dud the mind that from German Southwest, Af�ica of Hodyusk Plain ample p f of death:will have to be Clark- avenue eastern wall a -of the submitte . to - the a per. It is likely - this - Co 6ray wits in Him whom they 4oved. TrathfuMand false. in selfsame hour, Mrs. Matt.* Pro*t. of Oft Arthur, further fighting with the Hottentots, sky pala5e,-and wills, the scene) uthoritles. -can be re fit In 48 -hours Soulard th, birth- 'which took plage toward the nd of I gave -,occasion to the foot-' In 'Marshfiling all kinds of fo celebrated queen Yietoria's 77 first fatalities that have inarked lie THIRTY BODIES IN AN OLD WELL. market, Son Broadway, demolish-; rees. day by preaenting her husband with April. and In which the native4p were Fal grounds, . grand stand. at the beginning of TRI MORT. 1 mother and children d coronation festivities. The disaster Thirty l6swere found to -day in ed; at- 25. Exereige authority-Bo�l' t h e EDISON'S NEW FLEU 0 three bois. Botl ov- 0 feet I .unroofed; St. Louis Money, -iny �,boy. It to Bad to say efeated. Major Lentwein, the G -am old d used well in the -middle of 350 feet I original -wOrds here used imp4j� &r- I f�_Lody, son ernor of German Southwest ;Africa. Iras greatly moved the entire city and Wooden -G Company's factory, Buys I and breeches" - are doing well. thp plain The well had been covered or 1: a t-li - ke Wallace was re- commanded the German forees.,which Lreets and street wrecked; Church bitrary, domineering auth Ilk la a cuige to those who day by d4 Hon. N. ax any grqups gather in tile 81 With pla which had collapsed when that of a slaveholder over hl slaves. elected - Grand Master of the orange of- the Annu clatl�n,' sixth and Hie- Live dilly to hoard no k1clies. wepe supported by the loyal atives. The An fthibition of a Four Candle On May 7th they attacked anT in doorw�ys 0 1 ouses discussing the awo Some of --beott. Are called benefactors-, Order at the urani-I Lodge mo4illg, storm- it vi passed over them demolished ; St. Patricks ening to tile storlies the ands. kory, th -passed bu ed the trougholdA of the rebell. Lieu- sad affai� and �t Church. Eigl th and Carr streets, de, original word was among th Gieeki Money, in Dy, bott .111h and poor, clutched h a, -death clasp, the m to Towerlamp, - - - , y_-�bi and a, vote of cenaute was a t4le of houor,�assign6d 11 who Fall d-wh on their knees before it; - a related by eye� itnesges. some Wr e motished; St. Paul's Chur if the ct--rcion bill In tenants Smith and.�Egger Arlo two ch,. Ninth the supporters t non-commissioned officers were,killed. sons declhre that the blame for the morial , c ch hpd�been pres6rited 'raised St. had' deserv6d. -well of the moll It or No matt6r-how It may Come to their the House. . I Lieutenant Ifelm Was-wouq(Ted. accident lbelonge to the police, iiho to them a 1143. oths before the -rush avenue and Lafayette, state, defended Its, I the barge Jo- ai begain. Vincent's Church, Ninth and Marion, iberties in- d66ri Yesterday morning failed, to ;trrive uponthe. ground all �fl- u cremed its honor--Biocinifiel EQVALS: A 16 C.- P., INCANDESCENT. All ark-Oick to receive and adore It. Aies lhi the well were streets, demolished rm nelation It Arthur it., with 17.500 bushels e rly to obtain control. of I lie Among the Ix I treetig - 26. 4Ye aliAll not be so-" T ipirit oe eg Church, Slxt� and ' Laselle -to O?g in, in to1v of tile tug R' in- *,HEALER'- SCHRADER X%EXPOSED cleut;Y v Thomas A. Edison has consented ra I penous, who had been to be lords over God'a herit.' and Moneyi bo. " What Is It 7 you absembl:l crowdis. Comparatively Ww two 1,1 n It struck a rock ed as a Pr ere on the H :Y- I no not reign your lift -the veil. of mystery that has sur. as., aid, in the Ghlops Brand and in Iowa and Leaves poliqb officers w of their wrecked; L he church, t servants, shall and in 0yr, an, 19, position. Their -�avinko, when rescued, Eighth and ie streets, dembil�v Rier St. Lawrence. Town on Voot. plain at 0 o'clock yesterday rit'g, Church. Ninth hearts." In human social men rounded his new lamp, and yesterday As if At *'ere something funny; 't ileply 'is no fifteen minutes sank to� the bottom lobed ; St. reign by physical -or lutellectg4l force. A corrdd at about which time the disaster c, were tieri Ible to hear., easy task, teen feet of water. a patch says: !Schra- and -,Park ue,� windows out and dea afternoon� exhiNited it. He -Ji" had In thir IOWL For ikon6y Is nothing bat ncluay. eurred. GROUNID SOAKED WITH BLOOD. tower off t. Peter's and St. PaW the new 'society vlrlllch J(S, ti was Powiler Voiui)auy der, the tituting, lie who bad most ils not 4 alleged healer.� 4rrived the new lamp in readhless,, for some The Ifilmilton T"E. FATAL SCRAMBLE,. GTe&t to were ifiade throughout Church, 8 th street and St. Al� i" )00 p - �Ill an iinte, but was not reaay-to allow it Money, imytboy, alone by Itself, gives notice that it will apply to here Wednesdaf afternoon. � With to make -his superiority fel I travels , a, I hors 11�, 1poking There were ilken 200,( ters us the day o clear th4i 'plaIn -but late len avenue, 'otal loss until he had completed, the acces" is na"' t Parliament for authority -to -change him y th ere. but� firit it ivhi sti, Jet- other way than by the sup'fz und- Vh, but a name for riches, ling theillselves unaAe this alfte�moon 11 littered the head office of the company to young man. who reminds one of per- Railway - Co pany power house, ra t 6 1" And who'th6r well or Ill-gotten, its dispe"e the refreshments aiid sou- with . fri e - total loss; auce of -his services towa Montreal, to Increase its cpital and -sons seen in, such profusion ai� . tile to gments - of clothing- boots; ferson and est and the moist destitute. lie that Whe walls and the ceiling of his pieit,- enough by hand ng victuals lad human ))air,. In some t cable poWef . house., TI rounds when races are , being venirs rapidly, Fourth str ut of ('i - as- room colored iat hiriders, and helps, and be- . -the appilcantA, they thr,,w places, witere the crtr4h was greatest. s, total to increase the amount for which the lalr g Is chief or the preside were -covered with light issue bonds. P Id off. - The " boray " young man them to the, gTour d was soak W- with the. blood 0 eyer and ffersoh avenue -to 't. 0!7 most, paper, in orde to bring out the effect Wi*iles. tilapa,.ity can ihops.- Jeffer- sembly,- let him stoop 1 , rthe memorial Cups and packets of food A awa. go Of ot,4. Is his business manager. T46 self- loss ; Jeffers avenue i Mr. I.,. qtone Wiggins. styled " heale� wears a rustyll blac into the �rowds and thus brought- on 4A those whose life had been trodden son avenue nd Laselt streets. do- toilsome lservice for the publd. od, , of the light. He closed the door. and k --Com. n !we were -in -Egybtian darkness 'till But my boy, don't- pass it by. claims that, the tornado �vlllcl scrainblii which resulted SO fat4i- out. Lirge crows 61 people, many mollahed; El ator B. foot of Chotea it there be occusloW Wheniskibs grow bright and sunny, 't you Edison shouted'out, 11 On." His assist- nt. gown that reaches to Ills :ample the, 27" 1 who am official Lor wrought uch estrpetion he attracte( by morbid curiosity, were ;.gas tank, Laclede f� For it�'i n a yu alth of- feet. Over one, shoulder ly. A liplJow in'the ground at t avenue, Coll all, itm ainong you as a that .1 Louis was caused by�tliqnetwork of we where the greatest Orush oce _ pr- hovering about the field all day. The Twelfth street anti eth ant in the next room turned on the that �ity, alid Ile, and under one arm is wrap ed a Point Gas Compax -His whole life in general- 11 current, and the neW lamp.shone out, telegraph wires in -colored silk, sash and across red formed a verita�hle death trap for foireilgn cwrespoudeut.�i were afforded Choteau av( exploded; - Cupples Yo it handy to have some a ill befll salmon Ity of* service, and now the '4mble suspended in the Centre of the room. t -for leainin says ' slinilar fte Xv the breast Is the sign, 11 Sel(irader, hu h ho hadt,,,i,,,.ar ed every fat g the details Building, White groeery;and wooden One t w 4' pro- Whe light was a. beautiful one, clear M vires7 badges warehouse, Seventh act of washing their 4 than cities unless :ill -ire H se bat is a soft ouv in thp early morning at - ig of � the ca taii and the special and ' Spruce Divine Healei " I - and white, and, whileMr. Ediscliusaid e '�wldch sits squa�ely on streets, damaged, by fire; South Side hem; Iii t buried. the bod�`ed, that were Issued to them at the open Al, A 3&USIC-LOVING RBBIT. day's epioyment. niong sent proof to them; ol that -it was only th black F dora, so In of th Coronation ce�emonles were ed ; bley- which He'was so so t i a ree and one-half oil Wednesday night Nfar. the head. His 'hatir s uncut, un. a few haye been found who 9 race'track totally- de or four candle-power, yet, as -the bell, of st, Thomas. aged were 110t of 1 he everywh e recciginl2ed as giving -the an tstroy Himself for them. ' a the t equiring a habit of wis- ry, Main Alice a r tired couth and unkempt, -but his whiskers iddleateL-thixt they ele facto d Park avenutei light was turned on and off and tling Wbil& working on the prairie to bed. and next morning are q . stra poorest cl.lass of the population. It, wearers got 111) are. prlzQ-winners. They ' 9- rivileges.that heretofore It wrecked; F u Courts Twelfth street sery Id be renden n candle! Just otitkiab of her sod house. She very ill. W-Itliln a few hours she (licit out from one heap of the dead were, fqund �lle has not been cuawmary r 11 2b. Ye are they which haveie�ntiu- alternated with the sixtee gling bkowp and stand his and Clark .7,,venue, e�st prison wa power incandeacerft igru. I could not could Wfilktle very sweetly, too, which very suddenly, and an examinatfdu of ung ladies attired in members of the,press. ; - , Schnaider 0 8 Summer ued with me -ft Is supposed tf lleme z 'it face as If they were tryllag to get bodies of'two ',vo. blown down see much difference between them in, was sciVieilling of an excuse for the tidthe fact dia Illond. a ad dimigsippi and Chotkal: words were spoken later in t f_� . even - the stomach rev away from him. fine eldthes anti wearing AT THE CEMETERY. Theatr, I Illuminating power. bout. !:V7 be - bile liad taken poisoll. wlif-thell hv Walter Plerc( ng, after the foot-wAshin fflie nevcP lamp *sImply a Crookes- One rulds t of her I A representative of the Chronicle The representative (d'the United Avenue dlsn�'antled ; g' vid e In the mistake or intentionally is called on lifin, and 7 after hearipg'bim fore the discovery of Ulle, ;, REMARKABLE )II Colpaily's tanks. Fourteenth anc Ior. ESCArE*83. Press went to -day to the Vogaukan- 4 . t tube.of the usual shape, about 'five wbIstl1059 &d picking up crnecibs, she k no xvn. say her. was the -man whol drow Im- M7. Papin stree", �exploded Merchant'f What deep shame must Judh inches long and twolnelies,in diame- happened to gmee tovVaxd the corn - few Several remarkable eseapes are offsky Cemetey, witerb a great nu 'd Pine streets felt when the Saviour.so gr. Christopher.,town ds at Denter ;L corded. In one instance a father ad ber of the dead had been- transferred Exclifflige, Third ad - C. us ter The pecullarity�of the light is In field thl4l*a�a onlea. few rods from Ingersoll, flooded. included him, and took te lia it ktr. months age. charged him with being from. the d the plain. unroofed 110tie Of the' Interior of the bulb. When it Is the hoi%eA1nd was very much-amusen hospitals ab, -surer. anti priva mother *ere killed. whil4i their to constancy, When h 3 � wa has heen servetl with a writ elainlitig fake " as 'the Denver, 11 heater 11 year-old son, whom they had ta n many o the injdred were also taken This Is y a partial list, and "I previous Is being made about 8� thimbleful.- of to lack-ratibit p g at jor'criininal assault find if was cali'ed Schlatter. This Morning t e of the class that sut- then determining to betray hig,'Urd. tals of -a new substance is intro- her Iror-A behind & corn peb , in with them to tile plain. was rese to this- metery, th6'hospltals being represent Crya -sta3k . ages. The complainant IN Elizabeth 1 110 was. exposed by the press And left In my lemptations-my trialti, my duced into the bulb And the latter to She tbbpod her w6rk, and at the none tile worse physically for his- ex- so crowd.4- that It was impossible to fered heavie t. i -Health Comm* humiliations, and my a; from slo lia.nkins. an F:nglish girl brought town on foot, telling several people find acco umodatibris, there for them. Mayor lbridge, sa wly rotated In an, intense heat Just- s=6 tlbio� her whisting, to watch perience. of Poliet as short of the melting . point of the tbe. funfi- out by is Rye. and was in the that he was going to Galesbiu Sta koff . and Chief the power of Satan and _y, rg, 111. "A majQrity of tile victims worO The ' seen) *as.& sad,one. The ceme. sioner . I thf. ystals .166king little fellow; and he, passages L)e- tery oce lea a- space;of about eight Marriga Just -narrow mpleted a tour 0 world. -Barnes. ploy of Mr. Uhristopher s a dQllle,;- His manager took a train for Peoria. killed in the n glass. The result is tha;t the Cr as fhe�wlitstllug bad tIt Is believed that they Intend Pwrk 0 treets *at, 4 o'clock �thl tic up till six weeks ago, booths, ereeted for the guard- devastated ;0 gatherin 20-1 appoint unto. you a 1�'gd of this new substance are distributed tween the acres, a all the pAthowere. 71 he bulb ceasedi -be.6ame terrdied at having at was discharged. he had been in the Ing" through Central Illinois. ed by aimed soldiers. The ground morning. In . addition I -Judas excluded himself frl: i evenly all over the interior of t tracte&�hbr attention, and, bounding employ of' t1w Chri. mily Galesburg. Ill..; May 2&-.19ehrader, distributi'pit of the gifts, into wInch I %ta on suilerem ifteeding -Immediat Wo his .;toplif%r fa for i was thickly occupip-0 , by the living di i part in this kingdom. Th rds. and -are fused by the beat till they away qfii&ly disappeared from vievF live months. Mr. Christopher they were driven by the pressure of 8 of, losses, from Jesus would tell u over t nside, s -'Ys 1 the divine healer, to In Ga e burg Ilev ado estimate tile Immense masses of people bell Rd and dead. Physicidds who were relief., they inspection lla� Pon ehl q 4 heart. form a coating a, Alice' hgidn began to whistle. merely that it, Is r c -;e of blackmail, and l -to -day. *.But few persons have visit- 'he Mayor tour of I It was n* k part firm as an ift-ertment, and presently the them.- The struggles anti screams of -present vere busily engaged in set- T a small thing on ly adherent. p l! I asked Mr. Edison ount of tile 01-10Y ed him. h and without heisitati what this new that it was on ace jllo"e thus forced h assa es ting bro ten bone§,,' sewing been thoro % t lit of the eleven to have persme�ed in loqig edl�s, lioluted at her from bebind - - places y losses in -.,'Cbrnstajk. lie girl that ho dis- propert their at n She went on reputation of t BURNED TO DEATH. as tiley' were cruslied to de th dressing gaping. ounds and other he te vubstance was, and he laid his finger &Uoillej oes not in - charged her. against the -booths or trampled ti on wise at nding to the wants of t $ 000. ThW d the hatred &dd contempt of h4eb He on one side of his nose, and. with a whlstllfig�,-Aud the foolish little nimal clude the d mage to -shipping north) 'a beap- quizzical look Ul.%ITED STATES. urging crowd were appalli g, injured. So great was the demand luspensiou was.the o6ject'and the eur-O replied: "Don't you became -66, reckless that he hopped 11 All- the rye w hiskvy distilh A Four -Year -Old Boy Perishes ina Burn- by the s r I I by a F -rs in the lildren formed by ta for medical -alld surgical assistance cllatera ed upon Hfm by those rulerq., whom. wish you knew? But' I am not going from b6hifi opera- Women Intl el who lbst that physicians and Atirgeons'were re- bubinesso b is placed upon the prc - the corn -stalk Into full Eailtt�rn'Statos will suspend. ing Building. the greater parti of those the storn they were accustomed to 1,�cspect. to tell,yoa. Let these- other fellows view. 9&.�,-,then, whistied her sweletest. d r This kingdom refers to the a jloacii,_ that know so much find ar from the ; t. ITOY frightful quisitionod from othr c . Ities and party es oyed by startlini out what It and he,-ZcAhe a few feet nearer. She tions for one ye redbout 10 o'clock Ye�s hile th figures are Ing dispensation on the ear h.- The Is if -they siaddenf�, stopped, andafter a few Mo- ! CCiflPlIt occur towns. W eptember. REPORTS NOT EXA6GERATE the,outaide world pro- TETE DEAD PILED UP. they ConVQe to truth, and fife which Jesus p!�Waesffrid All that he would say was that It ments, rot",daecl indecision, the timid Mr. Joshua Levering, of Marland. I ter1jay moraing, --�wliereby the -four- The full cixtent Of the disaster was -bably the �rue character of tile -shall come to dwelt in them, ah& -there- was a natural mineral, ery - abundant creatuf�i' bft= hoppingback to the 4 �e4 nominated for Pre I in the "lirst reports. The d!ad were p1IW In long lines )nvenient, form. Of thes, �bV hai sident of --old -son of 31r. Win. Wins, of '.Nler- rate( 0 they @b M. -&a fast as he could go. Sud- ihibition-' not exagge aster in-. aft reign over all. and very cheap,and that it Possessed corn U- ite(I States by the 11rc the UnUed on the ground. There we ases. are My the, n ention at lbitt�-. ritton. opposite tiLe hordon paper The reptesentative of re 'very few .losses seven4enths of the C Father bath appointed unto IM -God nearly three times the fluorescent denly, thdgh, she began with , some ists',National Conv- 1 ills, lost his life. A quantity of Presi,, was an eye -witness of 7he coffins W be seen. In fact, the sup- irrepa as they fall upon those gave His Son a kingdom amoil4` men; -g-at rable, _yroperties of the tun ate of Cal- sweet t1r&noi6s, and wheri'lle heard ItitUde of lily of coffins and ca9kets-was nearly was also the discoverybf the wI29t9n.g again, tife little animal burg. aaipe(le�of the great inu unable to recoup thems vea. �ilq tw Cium, which l straw from NxIticks had been thrown st the gospel diburch, of which �jlq Most of tile People of I)esoronto gathered on the plain-, es- exhausted early yesiorday, and to- The local papers tbis torning to the " Wizard . I Into a small frame, building in the 'the people i living, 'quicirening, rull stopped �69 the instant, as though she 10 timated to of -the sympathy k ing H T�ls rTI lost, their homes in -moliday's 1 rear of Mr. Wills* residence, anti the have numbered fully 0)Q0,-' day it Im impossible to procure one in offerL y the who kingdom He pp How do you expect to get greater had jr�j� him with a, spea. I e oluted Q . e bave-'foun(I temporary shelter. in�; piled 000, and the sight was one never to the city at any price. The bodies St. Louis in its pres Q Is d ked. r n1ortunato Ioy fltis inorn el les,, and their 01? min t 2" 1 as The Aintised experimenter continued or. A I ter v, (Pe. Olfrrs have conlao p successors in Many coatributions have been re- aw- into'a little mound -And bur- be f gotten for its horr were covered with sheets, and the state of meiel Istry of the Gospel,. --COM. C That is very sitaple," be replied; these 8*eel notes with vartationsand ceived for their relief. I Tt a hole, into which lie fkawled the c uwd had been disper-sett by he long lini a of whiteAshrouded dead Mayor Walbridge from Cout 306 That e m e nk a( I all that you have to -do is -to In- the faadixiated. animal. -by degrees tia, tile field was presentet a ghastly. iiiiectacle. Here all over the Unit at a crease the size of the bulb, and you came figiLter and nearer until within Colonel Joe Leffel, tlie smallest per- and lay down. His older brother was Poli and mili one tI.e number of-clead exceeded organizatio*8 in the Mayors My table In Illy otm inly has about the place, and playfully wu with the dead. who had bleh al' States and fro ut of light. The s. law- f6at of the chammer. and there fectly form I man in the world. 6tr Citi I e aii get the larger amoIr playing I id.small, to e xt d kingdom, which Jesus would n re announced bim-*_;AeIf its 1� republican set JiTe to the straw. Realizing that killed b5i, being crashed, tramlldd the official gtires, f6r in the rows ar turn to posgaim. To recel 4 fact is that I liave succeeded In Im- he Bat his haunches, literally "'all great at - there were 1,282 victims. e -�94d as the situ ti I V0, klng-- in t earn ' f,Mng at the whistler eu- , # (I ayor -of Springfield. ids little brother was in the building, upon or by suffocation. A in fina=la Ion - dom of His gra ad6 prisoffing the X rays liebulbs and a carididate, for tile ic- wd slowly andcon- ma Chicago was the first to e m would them of liern that escape. Chia long ears sticking stralglit 0., next sprii)g. The e(glouei is. only lio gave the alarm, anki a number c4- ber of children ere among An lia nense Cro uds. is U, t to the hs nd reward 0 1 le place there are none t tra;6a 0 ;he tinuously passed alofig the paths, on tend offers Of assistance- It 1 -have tested very carefully for their up in J&.&Ir. as if he wished td CAteh 46 inches- tall and is 63 yeara Old. the emNoyees of the Itirdn, mills. tinis. " In the wild rush f zied crowd theywere swept av aY both sices of which the bodies we're likel.* Mayor Walbridge will acee Z In His heavenly kingdom. : ikt on presence outside of the bulbs, and e �­io rin in Couilluil. among whom was the bol,'s father. fren '�em of very go- He served one te offers, for while t e t1r0nes-;--`I1hrones are t &t;zp reuts�or others Ilavng laid, set king for sofil6 lost one. As these kindi dging there are none there." Alice k t up the whistling until she Judge Helm yesterday overruled the ran cross awl attempted to extin- from their pa are stupendous, local-citize a powenas the, table In 6ir J0;r. -t, 61 brea-th, and when Ebe a new trial for Scott gdiNh the flames with pails of water. them in harge. -and their Puny the sheets wiere-romov6d the living losses the twelve tribes o e Mr. Edison then said that the only was ou motion for _`and feared stir, pockets -a d f Israe tbes Valled them, naught w ien w6uld eigerly sTfutinize the faces of thing further to do as to work out stoppea,:tfte funny little creature again Al,ills ulisscxf her bt>y. ength a are going down -In their Jackson, convicted for the mur(ler of I r s. safety. Tile tliouFIlt that lie pitted agains�,the iriesistible f ree the dea, 1, to see if t)io features were ha:ve,alrgaqy established* a large fu d words Jei;us contrasts betwi hat the looko&-,da2ed, and seemed quite unde- Pearl Bryan. and sentenced Jackson i for hi. He n nd His disciples ishall so 3 l'under- problem of commercial alues and those o ones for *boul they were for the suffere ome of the difficulties in c1ded fig - what he should do; then,- tQ be hanged June 30th. Subsequent- might be in tile huilding spurred ti.ie of the struggling mob. rs. ts' n go on the part of Israel, � 3L that to overcome is -to cer firemen -to double their ef- STL7MBLE-1ME.NT DEATH. looking- The �Ight presented by the- SpeClal,ftspatches from Poin I h ould one day dergo producing the light. comlngti�bftck-to his senses. he Was witlidrwval of the e6verings was a i1nots and Missouri record addition ly the court granted a motion for a volunt A , 11 seized Wtth a sudden parric, and, Cast - stay -of executibit for sixty days to forts,. and the building was quickly The instant they stumbled and fell fe rful one. The fae6s and limbs of losses of Ille aino- casualties resulti g (yn the. part or the twelve. (town. Beneath the rains were AT A WIDOWS WEDDING. Ing afamd him a terrified glance, ej;able tb& defendant to take th ease life was. crushed. out of them. But 8 31, Satan hath desired to halve you ma, 7ng, hesitating leaps kuy the dead. were hdrilbly mutilated, from Wedi3 esday night's Peter, who used to be the in6uth of for the before the Court of Appeal. found the frightfully charred remains so the case with -in de 1� this was: at and th clothing WAA In shreds. In follows N did-- where, he dashed tritoo the strength- e(uld- Fashion Decrees That She Shall ot com-ft adults. No human Station, -111. - the'regt in abeaking to Ch ,Is sheitef_W,� the sh Two youn�6meu from Acton, Ont., Of U10 missing hO most C es the disfiguration was so Killed at Ha here . 1! Uoroner Goodman was notilikid 0.' the inrush of the Twice -Shine. tady stalks and 4ulek- giving their- names as Oliver- and withatand the mad great t at it was 46 possible to iden- Henry Ta kard, Myrtle Bowen. made the ear of the r what &fi�d once more from her sight. W, D. Lusby, and who claimed to t.Arrible affair, and will- make full en- crowd, add safety could I alone be III. -Mr. to designed -for warming to3t Etiquette yvan tify th bodies. Killed a treckeurldge� _�enl all goTorning the wctlding of -- Aftet -thitt, whenever Alice felt -lone- intf) vie, uircunistance-i of the he being - -wido gau- some bfid.lwauted to -we the Jack-rab- be, going 'to Chibago on a visit, were found in allowing one's self to be Car- s directed.to Peter. iii a par a W has been recently reor it to Canada by -4rd- and. back in the PU a PRIESTS AT-. WORK. Jenkins an U. arries. ticular. manner struck at; I , ?y the at least, is und- bit, sent.badli: from Detro ried fory - energy to Injured a Tandalla, III. -Mrs. Beatin tempter. The troubles l2e.d. - nd, Lemporarl)y all-islib had to do was to whistle United States Immigration Inspector i THE X RA ing crowd, (levoting every At various points in the cemetery a great for Wfti.; and It was not long before and three lilldren. Mrs. Beingard a d MeGlogan yesterday on the ground keeping nPoll his feet. The olli 'als priest4s were offering prayers for the� 'them were alltink, but th as not !rg high vogue among -certai -fort and offered ever . n. 0 - ", - I his ifidies who ire nifting.-second matri- W begiinto listen forzher summons. that they were coming Into the coun- Photographed Her Hand and Fqund the made every ef y dead. H was hecesi4ry that may Killed at Chamois, Afo.�Allen'Ho -All, Sata desired to elft th� !.by mc-nial vehtu.res. The widow's engage- while..' e --peered cautiously from be, - try in violation of the alieui;'Iabor of the bodles should be buried as dr&,w them Very edge of Needle. facility for the identification Of the ard, Nora, Howard. Three perso 8- telluPtatiOnli, t6 to &in ; ment4 ring is now a: pi-ridot, which in blud- ­e6kn-stalk on the speeid�lyl as possible..aAd after -the In- were InJurf d. o Put them law. Week ago dead, but'the bodies in hundreds ol in- titi� a fuss hurry. I Kingston despatch Says:, GREAT BRITAIN. Ifiss ooper, Earl street, In passing standes were unrecognizable, the termen" had counhidneed, the Is- Killed a' . Jefferson City, - III. -M 'a. as grain when. it Is sifted bring rveality 1#3 an Indian chrysolitoe, and a the 1W -been literally crui bed deep ieaf-green in Color- The peridot %Zt OF TH—m UNIVERSE. Cron- Margeret ' Carroll;- Robert - Post r, the Chaff uppermost. or es having mots- p�rlest, Father.John iot or -to her hand over some sewing. ran a faC ker n Russell Reynolds, M. I.hy- - : shake out th" wheat'and I ring Is set about with aiamonds, It hd&'beeu estimated that a cannot, needle'into the flesh of the palm. oilt of all emblance to litimlimit3. A stadt.- Worker." passed three chII( ren of Robt. Foster rivets the lady gives slelan�in-Orlinary to the queen's last below tile tittle finger. Ija eade&- careful search�ls made of each body amoi 3g the mouriiei�, blessing = and ter, of Robt. Foster, six sehOlurs.'M s. thfing but the e If.- fn. when it ar t - ring to her elde ball =�6-jlbg with a velocity CI &OU household, Is lie was 6t re to L establish -its ideni Ity, ghter and her Wedding ring t10 I consoling them.. 82. 1 -have pr for t*h "First' first engagemen 'lea A"llour and-leavIng our earth of qge. voring to take it out- the needle broke, for pape the Clot ding At the request of the Czar there George Lot. Injured-Elghteen Bch( 01 Is d r- ml Iling In end remaining In the and a re�ord is made of 06 did our Lod gr look dau at a time and trave the pointed t on each cort)cp for the same )ur- 'lem mass In the children, tDree children -of Mrs. G, into the Cratty of et7l; then eldest son. the dlfktion of the nearest fixed star. A despatch received in London. from. e. . t e week before -'the wedding a from. will be a solemn requ 'did He grant hl On flesh. Dr. Kilboril was called In. bu Lie' L e* than 4,500, - Madrid gives credence to the I�erslst- the hand had swollen to such an ex- pose. Chapel of the Palace In tho'Kremlin Killed In Andrian county* Mo. -Eliza .1 the bea- stately luncheon is given to-t�he­ near- would hot reach it In I out reports to the effect- that Gen.-. tent that it was found Imp6isible to ttffr� VTCTI.M8 to-morl ow morning. All the members Ware. daughter of J. G. Ware;.Hildfio ven tod -his-loving Sa.viour's heart." He Id , friends of . . Lamaster In Weyler has resolved to resign. Imperlal'family will, attend. Miller, 9 did not pray that, Peter s)�io-�Id slot est and dearest of the d Populal� Astrotionly.-and yet thereAre locate the steel. For two weeks It re- it was officially announced of the Blaz,_ 6 years old; Eulabill. After the engage- mbe of The Bishop of Pit�rboro_us'h. who se Hodge. 9 years ol d-; endure he sitting, but thaV h( might the bride, to be. through y's , recep- mained In- the hand. the pain -becom7. inor'ning � that the total nii years.old; Ro ment's 'announcement -she appears- "Ti-Ahe heavens vWble Prime Minister 'Sallsbur Morris. not lose the faith he de A Joan est%ptia, that would require is can- tton at the Foreign Office on NVednes- Ing more Intense and the. aWellIng In- 1%liost if them is In Moscow as the representative functions. At the altar victims ;wa, son of Albert Gnoodels Miss Pe rl In his great confession. "Wheitil thou art at no Public any be ot any subdued ion b4ill-novIng with -the Barad veloc- day last. in 'were onjiks, from the pr vinCes, a of the mtabli8hed Charch of England. all iinjured Eugene Lott. Pe celebration of the creasing every day. At length MIS& I�V] Fat y converted -When made awarp,-of your her dress 'A 'Ity at least 500.0K000 Years to Queen's bIrthdT was the grandest Hooper decided - tof utilize the cathode poor class ot 'peol)le, biat tie preach a sermon in the 'ngllsh Hodge, Sol of Frank Erdel. Miss Mary own wealmess, through the�fjl:,l wbich shade of satin, To make' lip for the -; ibm. relief, and . t1l'moo'If Y- Church to -day. Among those who 'Felix Roninge y reach ii it was said by the elder function of theveason. rays. In the hope of getting number Were many Of Blincoe, I rs recov- absence of veil and orangit blossoms, Hl -that It would require light There to Anienormous strike In the striken reS oscow and vil� were es4nt were t -Duke of Co persons were seriously fhite face trim the accordingly, Capt. Cochrane, It. M. C.# ident8 of M nj6ed!iwer t you sh&U' experience. arselibil a I p t a, secdnd�2,000.003 years to come to took an - X" ray photograph of th lages. in --the neighborhood of the naugh who represents his mother. Killed : u Franklin _ county, Mo.- ered from the sin dirt -re t;)red- to prolusions of v traVelfifig at -the vate of 185#1000 miles building tiao In London, and, about your attachme6t to ChTlst I skirt and - waist f . lie bridal gown thirty thousand men are. out of work. band. The photo showed the, needle C was particuiarly for Queen Victoria, the Duchess of Con- Robert E. Thompson. Sever at pLr- r­� '" ' h I e en secondes noces. Even the bonnet -the eAr�# from the remotest liumi"Gult- ity. The fete 84. 1 tell thee, Pete �-o"�g I distinctly, It having w0i.ked Its way iit of this class of the P9Pu- naught and all: their suite. A.Col gons were Injured. In of white laee and the bouquet is The cause of the trouble- Is a demand into the flesh of the little flpger'and classes g(uer- lection was takefi.40 for the benefit _W had been raised from obscu'.I�y, and vapoing -*IthIn reach oT his forty -foot small Increase of wages. lation, and the middle Fatally injured at Renick, Mo. * been' Intrusted with Impor it� work, preferably of white orchids. And Up, teleadd - and yet, whatever may -go - i known in. up'to. the Joint., To extract It was the entertain of the mfferers and al odly sumwas H. Stiles, Mr. Laughlin, in m; _pei billy - held atodf from he was not yet secure a�x holsa�pposed. the aisie the lady goes. hand in hand Mr. Barney Barnatto has havej�eeii the efforts of _AstrouOmm subscribed easy. iind Dr. Kilbourn made one In- ralqed. H�! tpoluted- withher youngest -child, 'no matter -nient or:else visited the plain in the THE STORM- ELSEWHERE.- 85. When I senit yo -7: 1 to brlfig�P the starry beavens DA tive, thousand pounds- to the fund to eWon-- and removed the -Uqe(fle with- capacity of ap . ectators. CONTINUE- them backtothetime whe-b they whether it Is a boy or girl. The lit- whold nto view. even :with the most says III., May 2 .-Godfrey HII- _iate white Cos - pay the Reformers' flues.. He out difficulty. The aFene in the city last I Ight The statement that. -'the disaster Wife was be- first preached the Gospel I maillee. tie one wears all el4bo powefful�.-retlee"rs. they-bave so far %flat the welfare of the country do a be a most painful debrmamdL.- farmer, whose They had suffereld no wajit, �udf danger tame, holds the bride's bouquet, and provedlo e fattle. HeVM to the BIGAMOUS MARRIAGV�- large num bers would bring the vioi6nation ceremon- daughter killed In pends upon the release of the Reform- lea to a Cl headed greeted newly married pair to one. Tho -injured and_ - hos- ose has not the slightest wreck of its dwelling by a eye -lone on had oppressed -them. They fiid wil- es the a mInd9'__ of men. the 1111ITersO Must of the dead were taken to the its ling listeners, for whom many seemt0t6ver to be and to remain Im- ssionary-Whirry Holds That a Poly basts 'Ln truth. The' functions' have yesterday d the church door. Where there is The decision of the Irish National Mi Monday, ped dead �t pitais and other charitable institu t b wpped. A, ball was given ;e kindly deeds. large family of children and a dew measdoble, incalculable and Incom- party In th6 House of Commons to gamist May be a Presbyterian. and thither have gone �hou- the juneral rocession passed the tit the widow's part for a trifle tions, 'nibilasy last evening. -Once the 101tst care sire on we may be n't th Freneir E , of its home. T 0 chilctren. Of Tv rs 86. But noVo prehe6i&ee And while convene a national , convention of Sratoga, Nia-y 30 -The subJect of sandw of'persons. seeking relatly or It wa -attended b$� the members of W was fluous. then the tatist aux. more display -than ismsually accord- able t -V Welgh'and measure sun@ and Irishmen from all parts of_the world bigmous inarfiages and, tile . fore*n friends. hoping that the ini sing ISOM Blrq Who was - Aled, died allpr ed on such decasions. all of her daugh- 'uge of pur tolW- all.s.,ionary churchiii wa, r hose the I perial family, the foreign 10,60 care wai mot too ell. Cold systems, within ra prine di I mate and the highest terday.. in Dublin In September does not find s aised again' ones would be found among Carlyle, Ill.. May 29.-- looks, opposition, even bitter',' ' seeu' ters, in light gowns and bearing big coptes,;�-,there are. others so far AWaY favor among the Redmondites. to -day in the Presbyterian Gefieral As- who were only hurt, but dreadlU4 he p 0 A terrille- cY- efer Rusol and vistUtik �arlgtoeracy. Thi e own of- New _Bw en tIon would be their lot for th uture. bouquets, support their mother at and ab beyond our powers of pro�r. Darcy Thompson and Mr. Bar- meinbiy on- a resolution offered in- worst. Many affecting scenes vere lone struCIC the t '*as !lot& the altar. vislot i . Uld our power of calculation, answer tip ad ov(-rttire front the Utah 'Witnessed when it was found that funclop was one of t�e most brilliant 15 miles southwest of lire, at The advice as to, the swo - I inay un- AE no ft- our P rett, the - naturh; its% have left for oec to be tak i informal 'little breakfast jeOnt supposed great America, to enquire and report to the Presbyterians forbidding- the recogul- those �wbo were thought to e takeri.place, In Wedneed afternoon. . Almost el ery en literall as that 6N ter- he coronation ceremonies. -destro red.. derstand- by. the 9 o 0� vi�orda in followi the ceremony. -Such a break- knowledge of the sidereal heavens British. Government whether or not tioll of dual m.0riages In India and were stIll nilve, though often. With building the town as. light.- wou14 dwindle Into the thinnest of T H I" there be verse 88. If they could h -fast Is scarcely Lmcire than a it wab expiained that In Utah HIEF ATTE UWIDr eka4 at they --aimple lunch men She restriettons on real fishing in (')'in. ribly Injured. we nothing but re His meaning eon, seived Irom the buf- tal aporat liolygamy was it p4in against 14W. while . News every tu The following were kil ed: when He Behirling -S"- are sufficient . for the _MANT PARTRENDING SCEN S. Lo n. May 81 i , is r- Iter that night. let. wound -AP SY a wedding,cake and -was law;- . . L - orne, John should a - �aft+ et, but the brift of preservation of seal life. in Uhioa and India polygamy lien a body was mcog- will o -marrow pubits a despatch Ida Born William B . Mup.-To be great `Jnubt be a toasting -Poss X BOY THAT DRINKS. fit[ tund- higlily _honoralilv. ,M-Issionary. . Sometimes AV ing.that the Chief 9118011, Kranz, Peter Krauz, J cob Teac not distribute jkjrs. Dyer, tile London Inf4intlelde. nized by, a -relative, more frequintly from loscow, say maleeth, Mayer, Adam Peters, like Christ. "To be like Chni 'we must a second marriage does n J. N%'hirry. 1). D., of -China, argued -little one I Po qe is reported -to be In utter ly. We ' her' bouquet among her Here -stands. 4 boy wi;0 is u der sentence to be-, hanged - ainsL the overtures. .4eld that a mother whose had been Of PO Minnie R t. unknow t labcir cake nor g, lie n man.- Fifteen know Him p6roonal on June 10th, made a second attempt torn away from tier and Its: 3 oung despa over the terilble catastrophe, rses do not Quite -full, of joy. such a deliverance was against. the re injured, several Of tiern in the kingdom. which Chr ppoints friends. Her carriage ho jorld !of drinking. suicide In -Newg:ate Jail Qn lVed- life Crushed out. the scene wasleart- and t at -lie has attemted to com- PersOns led f to us, . If we ould a In the -N$,ear favors either, though ShOesaud But r4ther at constitution of thf! church. which re- fatally. Tive.eyelone approacl While In bed, s4demingl rending. The. stolld denleano, of 1111t 6 cide. The despatch adds that Iven to 'rice can be freeW scattered In her So lend your ears, nesdaJ1 - obedience' a northejs� ly direetioure"compa ed heavenly kingdom. *I quired aith in Uhrist and m e attendants , at the a rl� lincssa . of a my ip*tty� dears. asleep. -Ale twisted a handkerchief the Riis�lan peapant would vanish o are among e dead. by vivid 'a d prove the,strtength of A tan, and wake, and, to the comfort and econ a d -�he word only of her W Him, only. He-held'that it was a in int lightning in friends, she does not ex- And d6 a little thinking. around her throat and almost sue- and the low. plaintive wailh g I th t the - great deafening; peals of. thu rain It- to make lwrfectll� proper to recognize polyg- tood of, tears would bear witness to it rther Says tha rider, rain him strouger. Willer -What kind of drink. Tnna ceeded in strangling herself. amouA4 Converts in C.Jiina. He offered Ing In rrenti§. The overha, g' of God Conde' us. e slictkid. neveir pect anything elaborate in the way rench Ambassa- I I ; . The annual Co-operative Congress, the bitter irief experienced. ball, Iven'by thid r t t -boast of our security. ' W4 Vgre of wedding gifts. Pray. do you think, a suppleffientary statement; to -the dor. aeb CIOU08 � ient6d a -n s all ge never a -unusually St. ie d with of *bIch the Earl of Winchilsea and Far iqto the night ambulances, fire owing to � political' reasons. appe=e mad execipt we a effect that tinder the! Pr"byterian . It ivaO also determined �p A. funnel shaped 'c d fitly an Do aelight to $Wallow ? -other vehicles were�-buslly not C wa, -armor of God. Not beer nor. gin. _,�Nottlngham Is chief promoter, passed trucks and preaching rapidly, 9 - the COULDNT WAIT. constitution -a man May enter the co old lest the They lead to sin- & resolution setting forth tlidt Eng- �111_ eingaged in conveying the dead and that' t should be� h disas- munion of the church and remain a voin lng $6 &1�0=d jLn r all PRACTICAL --SURV kV. injured Into ty. b supposed to � have been e, an Throwt Himself Into mll-speAking peopla should settle I)olygamist, leaving the subject entire- the cl, ter 'Ili its fit CM. the A Septuagenari My drink will beat thera hollow It - -greater than It tietilallY, was.' i I deacend at Inter Earthly iffludedness so dffe�ted -the Canal. iy- to,the sesiii-in of each church for HUNDREDS OF DEAD IN- DIT�HE. The nT-it warning the people re- of , the - J_ their national differences without re disciples that their serviq� fill quench my thirst to the swora, and that a per- d the - Master was but partial. 11; iobscured- 'Port -Colborne. Ont;, June I. -Mr. V te The r 71th wAter first- ent. The %mt, uent of Dr. epresentative of the 11nited ceive a th e crackling Of Itimbs c ver e settlalient of A FARM -istYPIL CASE. w of in y m SimNon, nearly 70 years anent tribnn I tor th %N'hirry and'the ftnsw6e. to the Utah Press wtinfagain-to the plain tp-day head, an4 e twisting of trees from their spiritual vision' if, ie�ver eads to folly. disputes between America and Great their trunks. In an Instant the entire misapprehended -the real Character age, proprietor of the Commercial were Iftid- on the tithip. one of the effects o� the. Atkii :idt Damages Front -And mil Britain should be establisbe�. and saw Lson Fails to 4 The ditches of the 4ban- viliagei. *as a mesa of rialni. The and P of Him they, rofb pleased Hotel here, . committecl � suicide by k so sweet Govemniblit Officials. northe , a t . is such a treat - The London 'Morning Ra" that It t S INE. ur r, I lumping into the canal in -front of.the ALE OF A�M doi rn portion of the town W" to eAl aster, and led V * to seek aed �artborks on the plaiii had 6' led their vey, a f rat, w hotel early this morning. He got or y missing the con! has 'nquired into the � alleged 'revival been filled to the level Witt the On February 16t1j; AG... Po barel C ath self -interests. This �Iv�ere un- e fat itud. jolly. of Fenianism in England, org4nized by Sir James Joicey Syndicate�Buy the riven olie C h. The bounding CIOU. 'Cut notions oft dominion. TheYi, il at the usual hour his morning. and, LITTLE JOKER. bodies Of those who had be;en young -English idt ni- pupil, had ThO- seml- !Cle; intentionally adopting t Of attending t WgIle-I -guess papa has sa�td som/e� an American named Lyman, and It Earl of Durham's Collieries. Into th�m by the awful pressurq from j. a swath representing a he. �Nhxims his wife thought he wais 0 R - Mao Atkinson, who was In i895 then turned again yesterday. folOw- the Gentiles, and were In &iger Of miala awRdly had lea�ned that the Apotland Yard IA)udon, ay 31. The sale of the behind. . Here those ho wer the morning work about tfie hotel, thiro hat's made mai force considers tile movement, 'serious, -al ed by, the orouto, resident agent for the ing a course representing a figuv 8- believing that a n Was great dressed himself in bis-nightrobe. pants -1 When those ca11ors p, :he'll crushed to death were k;uffo( Earl of Durham's collierie8 to com- and is watching the chief organizers, In' Intki-nationtil ImMigration Society of -The air was filled ith flying df bris, simply trecause he 9: leil author- and slippers, but instead of doing that do ou'/knDW pany, headed by Sir James Joicey, M. the dead and dyink above thei i. get It repiublic, and- lie . 1 ootba a -cattle, I orses and human beings. ity. TIds disposition robbed'; the dis- walked deliberately,to the canal bank ,T Clara -m -How to call him who agitate for an I ish P., is the largest trawaction of the the Passage between t Lone on, E inglandi arrested on In It Wifflba�kihela begun - 'I When the other who intend tck adopt Vie extremist kind in En -land of recont years. The 'from which free'food was distr buted than a minute the tor iado elples of many happy hour 1 0 ivith their and threw himse fill. number fourteen, and they still lying tl Ke 0 'i$102.20. The cAse. had -arose and no means -of dynamite and dagg0r. All the there ere bo ies of char f stealing t to force. In that spate Of Master. guests of the hotel BW3sle.-Ma and pa have,I)WU c[aAr- collieries was brought before magistrate Dent- pr(ithice h Tne omen sptehl�� wreck, was complete.-', lead ced the -Simpson Could be found, memberg of the Goverhment. tite-'Morn- more titan 2,0()0,000 tons of hundris, d men son, who dlarlased I It. time Heavenly mindedness traces of Mr, rellft.- - haven't they?/ Wlllte-�-Vedl- g says. -are now followed 1)y detec- coal a ye, Ll I CIO I sides. q here hole, life of Jesus. His a 11 e willing hands In ar, and in the bargain were and children, women i nd I Idre pre- b nst P0- and inai med being on W set to ork to grapple BeSgje&;-WhIch one got the worst of tives. Atkinson ko`Uglltr suit AgAl was 'a iull'before the -storm. aceom- of service. He came to do I will of for 'the body, and liad'only gone a it, I &I V11 included the famous La' bton fleet of dominating. some of the c rpses, _fA , you know? , Hie -Not yet. vey land J. A;_W etch. and David GENERAL, nineteen mteamers, carrying coal to were frightfully distorted. -a d on panted I y a stifling galphurle odor m the His Father, and -that itio serve -short distance when the remains were I,m-�valting to see which one of them onnected with the Com- mankind. By - tills we It is asserted that- Portug4l has of- almost all ports in the German Em- the faces still in death there ere. Spence, who are- e Igratfon De- town N Ing at. once. plunged In rithat the recovered. He belonged to the Masonic as ,%he door going out. Ontmio Government Imim plete darkness. Father on high was n ' Order. and -that society ill look after star fered to mediate between Great Bri- pire, The exact terms of the sale are looks 'of fear and horror. The eight fik untp Him. par,�ment, for $10jW0 damages . for He Is by-�d . 1, ­ i , - I - .. . , Wfilio­-What does a :still. SmaU tain and Brazil in the dispute over 1 not known, but �he company paid was altogether a most grueso, one. ay and night c Ct on a uu �be burial. mean, apa 2 Willids Fathdr- malicious -proseedti A NARROW ESCAPE. watcher, providis0i 9,1tteu ant, The clothing had been - torn to Feb wearied Smashed. 'the Island of Trinidad L1,000,000 sterling to Lorct Durhm ij�iary ;41�th rovey made a Baggage -Car ThaVa. what anyone hears, Wiffle,' 0 ffhreds� and the bodies were In a, wo n Clio Jumps for His I benefactor. Then would .,have His he The Spailloh Go�verinment has -shipped when they took over the property. declarAtitin -paying that Spence Bley Afe- is -earth, Fallsi Ont. May 31.-T when they have done wrong. Wiffle- semi-nude condition. children upon p SljO Of His Niagara 804) bicycles to ATteufisa; by rail.. The reckoning on the col-- But�_ hen you"Ve 410118 Wrong the nature,, and eseal -a es thd use- of the -tagineer In some parts of the pla tile and q1ch,bad -nothing whatever to Found Unconscious )a th 14L irruption special train -.Containing Sir Chart Volc�6 They are for lierips they already possessa and the hear Isn"t still and8m9lL btien� 11th thO prood6dition of Atkinsop, Falls, Ont.i.May- 29.­r%r. which b -in the world 18h lust. Rivers Wilson, Lad long the military trookia. mining property of the Joicey family, ground looks as though, It- and ittr he priciedeftted entirely on Niaga Wilson, and r. -said - tl�ls corps a ility. . the ro0o !, - age paln will -probably have a contirolling in- newly ploughed. This Is '_h e it Frank rn, j 4bd �"%,W City, InA -a -Unselflab. love Is tug of Chas. M. Ha". general' man r of my little children," Cousiderable alarm Is -felt In S] his n re%ponslb pastor of a littleebtch. er the increase of mort4lity from fluence in the coal trade of the world. was torn up -by, the heav Ooden he very. raw escape from death yes-' 'His voluntary service. tile G. T. R., which left Toronto On eonW011tI011S ov hoes of the 'peasants In thel wild, y erday 'the -edse came before t was ridin -on The divine appointment. #41ch Jesus Saturday afternoon for the Falls, In the -suburban distri6t. Hig Court of iTu6t1ce. and was die- t8r1da,,JvLL fternaton. Hie disciples here, which big little Sunday school flock, tsmall-pox and yellow fever Ob the hos Struck by a Freight Train. :xcitement. 4tw­ by the X1 Igan Central tracks on , the made. of Hits kingdom, to met with.a slight Mishap P Idence -all -the lw� Itals along the troclia in Cuba. MIS d without.Ox Master the n'sIde friora'ChIppawa to Nla,� bespoke His - coull ill ithem, or' did 46 more than to damage the bag creatO things great d` ' Cornwall, May 31,�--Mr. A I_X. Me- THE CZAR PROCLAIMS HIS ORIEF. Win hester.-Tor0t fiad just res Ched what . they would - be, Ion they gage c cif the train. None of at M. Gaston Parls''the French ph1IQ1- o Star. the smi I.:RB made Niagara Falls, Am4 gara -119. Ont.. and -ar Ggi&t, hah been Octed t, the seat in Donald. brother -of Mr. D. McDon- Thelbeling of the oujiks very of the. party were injured. The special, on he thade the little dowdrop. He TaWe Ide? the brlqge spanning the gully a rt should. receive the prom f )%8 it J1419_ h !the Holy arriving at 'd v tl , whom W_ - was shunted _-the Tddrl= torrent, -wA he maft -the the French Academy rendere acaut ald, the well known coal merchant bitteriagalust tile authdri es VV_ flie am. was. istiMck by a frieght t ain while t east -of the Falls View, hen. FiLther Lin Htt16 'Idt. by the death. of Alexandre Dumas. He hey held had not taken sufficient pre- .I.-Fr6derlel; d1st,= -central up their mide me, and -he gan Central aln, Ghost. For unto them qoirnmitted by- the Mich1gan wa. G. T. R. from here to . cautiona to guard 4galnot an affair Caln, of 1 �'uest of the (41detin's the cuive. and ear- the care of HI& church 4arth. In-. line to the Uilfton house siding, the mzoo...A Adakyr Iking up the St. Thouldii I A- *IVU to 57 years, of age )etAItfi6, r-esn . = ­-er f fact. - It ' 66, go or ru -at, the rear end x of Maple Grove yesterday L morning. ituch as occurred. As amatter Hotel, Was found '; dead In - bed this I engine being Ins, *ants The -CbInese Government is about He bad started out early, and short- however, the autbi5i ire nowlse, ng do u - him at full atead f d, Little Glrl� ra. Brown, titles it mor ming. � The gas i Jot was turned, on lF_ on () - ftuld'' 166 them.� shunting engine W ��w 11 -she+ could borrow 9 dozen to establish an imperial bank, which Risaltz ttat it miggit Cost hi his on NO the'traim 'A as toI ly after three o'clock, while -watch- to blame. . X was Impossible f theni- and -lie had bZ-ou, Ouffocated by the asict -the siding at -this' -point, 0 .Unto, pu em. uu is to be'eouducted under the control life to �tay 04 the narrow.. bridge, Ith aspirw to" be kh starldii4L On Wants to lug- 4n eastbound train, Was struck ftme- to' t ove- to forgatee-that each a great rmiltitudd eaea�pig he'. rare prpseurti -1so. 1�o got of the Revenue Board. The ca otmind and'in the C nick- Gdd,11'TheIr'dftIrbi6ft ated.� wich -the Ariver of the engine at- defw'a,�hen. 'NeIgIlDor pital �a Other freight d be priasent at such an early hotVI about raiduikht and asked fora of the Institution willbe 10,000,000 by 'west. He Is -an old man, and hour,but at any fate tile precaution- neos -Qf� an Instant t4le an- Their- aim must, -W-�fth Ile their -Jailied to the ;speelal -was =-able -to -a hen;�.OettjW have goin roo n, saying hei wassick. He. paid for rve, t4tkip, Ancl- picked up hls_-bleyclo,� t It disp Zftat illed. Love' there -18;&, cu tktels,-abouf $8069,000. alth It thrown ovbr fifty feet, was ary measur�s adopted would have beet lodgin&. and -We eath, dista of. an 1,peil 4bkoit-thtl tratnAzito,it.,­ � Ills 0. shown to a Uwe Ili% Alexaf. rulf- iThIS 14birn"Or JU --t *r Ag8siz, tile t into t OU-117-trumid not- Illed or even rendered u�colnscl­ surfic4ent had the people notL.,beco roo Lt. Must be title wt� and his son, us.. Both Iego andi one Xv el so fro Alter' the distinguished naturalist lazled. the ambli of ese s.-Vfas notle found by' e. no sit d f lia I yt� �,O M io 0 if e torni e ollom I rn Sout� In C -Arotessors of broken, h -should4r dislo- 11111it v ce blid, - fax Agassiz owever, a large force of millit4ark co ng-� from I A-Z1XQPM11. a A with two Harvard College, Dr- W?, Woods- cated, 'and h1i head badly. c*. - He the greatest Gifficul in r toili eats .,Oik G MIC .6 rooVa being entog d, the, _V .1 ( were Pas- oome hours afterwiLrds by e Mal or Umir's 00 -the, face worth. and Dr. A. . wais found -ven a se ance of r. 11 seugers by the mail a er Mono his -I*r Run - the section men. and remo*4d to ro 8 to help thii eavea 1W.0 wal for Sydney, N. S. Wi �n Its last residence: In _)Cornwafl, with the.- T4 1jillpliO4. expmai eou 10 d I At trip. =r;e fit - now. o n oil' well as Can slou 9f I 'Ate T 1nAs- be expected.