HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-05-22, Page 3..........
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_11 lNqIU
MMod7aft lield. just onto& of tI Lazes. ar ata ty. lug
IJULBOMIG A WAR city. and�,W-ths eve of the hlitor the* mosr?, - mixture'. I- nations- anct': At
day -the, 1were covered with varlloi People. VAST W111 a the ceremaili
the Thus. on ew sable. were placed ff4v more I as he, osr��
"enteneffs of th =01 s of for the multitud lea. Rooms' are W(*�* And -
gilt 6x a
eep, the hoirns Mitle:airproachtme. .1,1i "P0 gib be� �F
-whigh -the Impr a a Malay, of tb X 01
Mint Pageano at the Ones rvoeT" . an on eaft-elds of Ing sold at. fancy pri 0 +4
f a - - I 1 44 1-0 li+4+
vised' tabI a stood fire or pmes. I so sill a kge esns c Illig th T
e en!
- it is 'Golde� Wourning In Blue.
Wilt, t is he
. I women, when
Texi T i
the trad Christmas troda of Vp 'irwit. N lea t [Ar- Superliten
shale of nobility fro' e various ent
w10h hung not merp] ti love Araj) tbiY- are It. *aS little 'thing lax -Veil
Tim INTUNINT. the usual 9. sweetme , governmepLts, of the- a h -been
0 A+ OVA ave Stone bich'the build- obli$eq to -go into -mourning, notf-Odt To btW the siteneii fire.
Bad fancy ?N"newige T.oas lei, Aelegatedit attend, 00 represen- ers rejected', Is, b mome the' efal i thOW hands and - feet With in-' �To- sprodalthe cloth, to.',d�aw the -tea,
for, eight da - 1L- -'-5th . .
NO APAING OF J[OXJy, duftftes ch and, hens galore. Thor. -tatives ol, the arlot6cracy, thirty- head. of thii- It'like xx CANADA. -dig �ys. but. dr" no milk AS' her - mo er might Aeslre-
were no p It Is true. but In ll�e four spokpomen from *he Zemstovs,
A a . arta thereof t f Superint 4 nt-What is the Cen-� diiiii ur'thet same period; on W A little- ft
'and e I The Kingston. Dairi Se -11001
&sauft Occa*oneIA avorlte Moscow fage olghty-threa may each of be ground but her m6the;r Eiplied,
pra, tral Trlit��, thal Its hue does iiatharmonize, -with And blik&-hed all her egift.
--The Ringleaders breads 'kn as kalatshee "and v whom Will be atteAded1lby two assIsV school lit
in ars largoq-
:.A new post-onke', has been ft-kii- thew mental, r
Penitenti .19 Cc4iiing -1to earth gloom And � EL 047 that was md
Clogim- #;ght and glad, in
God's hest expression: of- 16v
axisr ers MItscow -the Ceptre of Great Activity rOOShkY ere'tound In abundance. I ants. As for the mooshiks, ;or. peas- Wa
Punished Rxecuti- Cpo like . the venerabIb old sayla auto, the:� will be rept6sented §uPer at �l 0 AC With k�sftg-of pr6loe,-amd: prayer.
.'and Lavish Extxraagande- -Pqreigif M" by 710 ished at the Rondieau.summer rt
bable. are Ivor catarriL
scho le Wicked ' Husbandman. Dr. A. W. Moody has Z,
ReprespntatiTes Will Equal. the Was a upon that "fingers' wer long-coat0d Individua of *how ---What is t*.e Tople It
Made forks v 11v- hein, SlanLracos beeli�, a
u the
Godprfeh dogratch:- Muscovite -Series of Elaborate Ka- -and hands befQr, sixty-five lbelong to nd- -Rus Sup end nt-WI1 I Ointed Medical superinten&jiu W Wing oI the forehead over "�rwas �Aiy4i U'ttle thing to do,
knives"' f The Russians are not and religi no. They wll� all be- lodged line ? P.. alt Is �the Out- Winnipeg General Ho the i ieso- and eyes h4m- For a ftiltdy lad Vke-200,
wilitee-LPs case. Which ea tOrtatUments -Will -Distinguts4l the. a A p pie lir Any sense of In a In one of thell Moscow theA ruer � -U - the �remedY proppsed' by, Dr. -fie ho e to thecoyr.
-ore Occasion. School -l'. ewisli - To grooffi't rs Milk
d ey prefer any kind of histor[y before Lady Aberdeen ad
d Mr. Lauri d.
tile Criminal AiNiz tres. Iliwill have to - play their Christ. e"h t reseed t,hg. Schnee- for incipient colds, witli be&- And bt*j,� -%he wo�d from -the -shed,
e Cour Wstory in the the evening mee S vier- tapping = 'ehronle Catarrh. 'The -was glad to find a
had a 80 n
Mewhat line The ancient and picturesque cit. olpid water. But no I Q parts as feet they - cin under -these -days of C t.' M. Jbwish -history National Council of Womefi at t- first But his Mther
V of the wholesome r o
a and other diffiCalt Coftilitions. -in contracts -tire bloqU ve sel
MOSCOW is underg6ing L after the elfixion !of Christ. ieal Froaca. - a, - gL
the charge. ve a - marviplious ..bankrupte before lts�, eyes won it Will .. ei-tainly bb; a ineiftorable the second dilates them an(, U��r e chUes,-Vrereall well done.
A . D1. 29. Place -
change. in view of the - forthcoming -dream of Jerusalem. ,The Mialiterial Association
prisoners 1v dertaking to supply the time. The alln-later.,of the Imperial. 4) LO "a searetion of mao.as.� a14- thtinkful." saI4 he.
was- that o er, ceremonies and ersons es . Tho! I
fetes Connected With people wl alcoholic -liquor In Suff- of . ah0f - Priests don has compromised with the dges
and there seemp -little. dot'he Icourt. Con it Vortontidff-Dashkoff, -and rulers. 1 0 - � 'As I C" be,
e Malt
egarding Sunday-ehurch parade the
the coronation of,04 Czar. Thevarl. clent qua- les. To make A p- for Ali Whose pub le life this 1"11 be the la h fore
charge' in itg r, ti e people- I Itter agreeing not to aradea-1 ank of Eniland Note& For thr),gilf t Of suelf a son.0
I: IpNt' scopft�e. b Projected in the Kh4pdyn. deficlenel at , Commenti Y To B
MCI In this respect, therefore," act, seems, resolved to, T %).
That n Ok "ri le'dlr agp;' "Mwels a "aloe the According to a fid Mark .:.30. p.m. 0 The -Bank of -England note is not iiings, but they brighten
Proved. -a 7VY 'a Idly approaching. cojnple. Coro- � Matth W. Only SM& -j
. . alilt.ve UnL - two .-harrels tubs of water were. placed nation of Ilia Youtliffil, -sovereign to - wait a essing Ahe Pharisees 0 t e thicknes
nature bad will %!over area of. within easr,.mr h f' he thirsty moo-' 'the level of one of - t e pageafte The - Tor I
boon made )id tion w� 'C o t lios and elders,- - onto City reasilur . 4 me a all through.
0 g ry. his es 4tes The I
Rqu;r(Tttyles- In- the Centre of the shiks olit be unlucky enough which are I so rare in illsto That, He h4d :beed teach- I ist night. handed * out' . paper,is thicker in the left-hand Or ah;&Wit ith care;
WhOW" aeath had ais square there- will -be & -vast Space' set to name ing"the Poo in:- the 1 temple, when I )r the year. The tota;l eat CO to enable it to take better But lttib things, yet they mould
"eir share of the, "creature at least. to the conalbbion- o which the chief t
im lex-
wholp-trial'necesdary, ivas�le, apart for Roman games and races, find comforts. 1par excellence, hIch were one to forced bby the,.. aet, scalb an( Prie ts and Scribes and eldw 1 enditurei Is $3,131),0091 Of :t,. an7d
nd that this assault hadni- era Came 'to ueStion Ills. Auth9rit �Bharper Impression of the vig- iffe if
enormous 40st. of preparations Planted Y* 867,628 ranks as uncontrolla I' net, there. and IS also eonsidei4bly For jo;yji oi., Bad despair
Mitted bY the prisonerk, wa-d. 'vin ard-A � place for- the
now In full swi1ag. 3Le dark shadows -of the ut littIff, things. y
two links v UNTITED: STATES. We c r t -et life's bes"rize.
one or it could - not cultivation :Of graptes. i This was 'a
ont. werd in ete lelters and -under the figures The reftfd ivhlih labor brings.
tile connection b6teen tile on Awell be h- sia pageant r the RrAe
am. e
the old man Field otgw's t le. - Read - Isa all v. 3 6. . is here Inva lably bY one thickness.
favorite;1Igure to ish peo- t
-and histo are at h me fs� 11 Small cyclones in N6raska t t e ends. Counterfeit notes are COMO@ .-to him who uses,
France', thpy are 'otio of the Forest fires nedr-Bradford. And ff6t, -4buses.
make tile Crown hesitate ing two used to repres the e people
vital blemeuts of the It ra of the Peb- Godis ch' The P6,.*ef -of little thijige.
charge Of murder ag)e 0 e . opl6, so pa I.* carW The Standard'011 Company is O'bPut I I - 11�
UnsAled by j?rosperity.
er being: I t P, . -
Prisloners. tlx b ick bread. 1 1.0 -quit Cleveland.
pie the o for and lea
Is - modern yperbores - is in � ancient speaks a bY IM tthew A LEGE�W dF THE POPLAR TRE. tit
app oved in
-D ut hedge, wififie as and President Cleveland has Th an who was Standing on the
UHA Romp, where the cryi*..!,1 "Panem -et tower. ese enote I ';,de
The report of P at that ;lie Act making provision for SomeO& iiad a
elreenses?" 9 2mm4k - up '.i the popular God q ge of a fourteen story window toleu the pot, 61
tile case.�r, car of His )ortation of the Canadian Cr 'In gold whift and lashing the --outside of theplate Is Said to be at the end
was made to, the Attin- Ideal Of socal happlileW.'and no bet-: had take prop4� -W
p e people, . - - I lians from MouteCna, - andd thhe-ir i Wfiv-, glass paused in his W_ork a moment of. the rdm W.
ter pretext. can well be offered for Let It forth husbau�ipea--7T!ie or- ry to the Canadian authoritil and -he 'Pale faced -Inessengera were sent o
The wifid-
had the case in hand lth k I enJoyluent in May dinaiy Spirit guides, of - it ooked -inside at t search f -'-
that it was'decUled th-t tl6r, I he peo-. m0u. itting Or -it. The elm, the oak, -the
the- three
The will of'the late Bishiop.. at the various deska in
and June I dnatiou of the
Ple,. under wh e cart) al�d C141tare the pine, all-Iiii6 trees had been asked if
fa the 00,
might he - served czar. The*. ous daigniony, as it fruits of ri teousness mig as offered for probate in Bu: 64 they knra* the thief.
severe sentence than would �n lit be erday. The estate, which P
)(Or!%evils,111 he to himself,
rendered in thez event Of a It Is carried In the .'present cen- yi 6d.
fa CO leaves toward the
elded All pofig
B-- Went into a far i more than -five -hundred th �and "801 1 men will do - *most anything their
tury, Is, co d AS -Of "ft
nly rega One country. for a long time-Rpresent- ollars, -18 left tb the Church of N -C to i i ke a living is m. :t 1.1
poplar. 6 y
d year e was a relate. A0 he whistled a tune and went r knows I The poplar
the most a custom of the - coun- ing ther near!3� two thousail.
again t the accused On the lilt The tippIa
presented originally fly thfi. try. This, ever. Is - mistake-- It, of Jewish hlstory� P knowo I-g
on hing the window. -Chicago
Accordingly thib afternooil tlj�el now nd Mr. -Washington Hosing, post 'at
for the dqpnce. s&ing el is now. Ind onald to be a sort 10. At the se LsonA:ft1a*r the -many Trib7q.- "I kn6*')?' aid the poplartrabing i
4f Chicago, who enjoys the conel ob
eaw of el lith s t rameup, hich endows mig4ty -works q:ne -in -Urael? beh if, pretended surprise.
President C
pro4pec-. Of au ac .8 a its brafft`% in
mperial - regiment th all- those of yo tIlAt
-e J n, to Ic
quitt the I the Lord. ooked for fruits leveland wily. w should I know?"
Croil prmecule supe t to and hat -divine (an be accepted as a ' Ba d Profound Reflection.
willin of gkatitude a fidei�tj. - B 11 Mr. Cle,' % -then the pot.' f- gofdg�was
to the §htnd
ng Ively stead. of falthf Iness, they Aived a accept a nomination - for a I qurth�
riom t .9 o alter the init It grac that diel ut in seen shl4lb.g1hrough theleaveg--
re r at e of. God I inself. But selfish Ilfti. Sent a occasion to expostulate witij 'JL'ne wlnd�niessengers at once Selz -
fiat Of- Manslaughter W-1 V1 Ideily New Tork gentlewoman
the of wiwaut- serva#t-The threel h Lv . ]
risoner, In olden ti es, the ra ei i of Russia, servants sent I o represent the - sue- ed 401h6AW gold, and as a punish
hm I liman, remarked to him:
-to use the Ple lang�age- of the. The woman who comi r 1� --
actual bodily Itarm. Tj�n- (f prophets, Wil pse lass clams that.yow brought ment t 4lar was doomed to for- TOIL ou
havi ttl cessive groups o were nitted e -0 -
ng rega. .. &u , I . annall ever hold, itb"ar
intention of tile prisone early annall 8 murciy : I= b down divine Messengeis. -Their struggles a -ad on F r at the Colonnade 16tel, me were deAd.11 ms in just that pool-
rs iv on tl th and-. there,was an suffer" are described Jn Hiib. 11.
attack upon the deepaseu ma.1i [ew_ =, was Identified y��OaY . "Ma0aint" was the auswer,'.11we all tion, f0f warning for all Qther �th-tdro.
being finite a.-sured end of the Latol, on- a bishop. Give him or the frult"It 'Was An r n as. Mrs. Julia A. o,'e honest.
Must �te.11, trees t IC
This, was d concerting. but not
that 111; blest i ow monardli and A spec� ancient custom I
ught by thoLt,* -t pay �he �rpnt of 1 13, of. age of 'No. 10 Summit a, lal prayer ascomposed, for the oc- 0 irk, N,'J., ThO- IdentiflWition
land by a part Of -the- produce.fjoin more Oo than the reply made to the
were responsible fOr tile injurial
C9 d is still i#lted as made- by the wonixtutis h Rnme-lad by another tradesman, to The W(jFld ib so full of a number of
r"';ulted in Ids tking ()rf, cOL to -day. it. F or the ble in a Of'- God He - Ila 114M
THEC REMO gra tu The body Of a man, -which . is' I Whom she lit to am
%rith- the aCquiescellee (If hNr� 151tOPER. entitled to -and prsdae, and ippened y: "I have
tit tile change it, Y faithful obedl to all at. lived this house for forty years sure Afe -should ll be as happy as
the inflict The fetivities 18th, the His lao ed to- have passed over the Tat I'm
'fin-tily m;ule. The prisofier anniversary A t birth, and Beat him.-Accoi Iffig to scripture afia iagara, was . fouh �he He sponded: 'Phat Is nothing to
d 'floatinge md&7
di tio, , the: I -A . ru. Wxt'lhe book says, but what
fileded guilt Jewish Ara prophets were'... er neat Lewiston :kesterday I�0: 3�trs
Y on the- indictill, conclude witi a grand view 'of the That's Nil
y -Champe.de Wars June Persecuted Wolita-ibu do
alnended. were selfteneed b trdopsP on tie And nartyred Ilk ancient 1 . The boQy had'ou shli.�� it n *riiks Made
't - 'cc' -Afer-With. will, � meted I The soezag euiry bf their Im- Israel. Jereemia was stOnedi and it hieW Were. the - initials " W. From Straw.. If the ndffi it of
60-mrilensprate with the, 1. perlal- . Majet ties to Mokow I itakes - sawn 'asunder . . . . . . ' ir of rubber tendeff Ptibi You ?
is said Isalah whe boots -and A darkIp-i%ir , things eren't in
Sibility Of th Following closely o' Tnes
(f trbuser.s.
P.priaonfrs. Ile ail 2. Wounded him, Cast him out -in. the a the discovery if the' Z� place on the 19Q Inst., And the core tilis last touchi Of method of ma1FWg cellulose or at you wanted. cost
tivtt riDgW Irs in the,,outra mOny of coronation on t#e,26t The Jesus alludes to the I Lall -and windstorm at Kadiz 'n- too idubll. to buy,
P%lishment which tile st, Imperial crown regalia h, Yready- fate of Zaeharlae (Luke- �1. 51,) and lucky, Jobn J. Wallace. a pr ut water Ight packing froin 01th of Corn- And MaInnia wouldn*t give you two itono,
admitted or in- -tile- charge of% -j stalks. according tot New Ideas, of PIec1% �,of pie ?
left St. Pet burgAn. golden earrIages obably to Job rk the Baptist.-Godet. I 9trmerj- 'and his three sons so �ht
this nature Ve' may understand tho' first and- I' -- Phlladfthia. comes- "other - auslo- The vrorlMdd be full of a number of iding,
anti to two vAkd adcom ' led by an army of offl- letter une amore I ree. gods entlon. this time from Kanogs.
g Alt be.-- gave two Years' ervit i clals. n a Iving - hero: the Insignia second servants as Isaiah, and - the, he _ men had no sooner reache I the thbigg,
K, W. Jr. 017, of Topeka. Kansas.
Mg%'tOn Penitentiary.- The firth w-fil b de i tied in the 11armry and minor* 'prophets, surroundi lituing 8 "ek has But thatab
pg him., and Oe-- than a bolt of lig reeelv t esift make us as happy as -
Jeremiah and tl ose witli �-hlm. , . :t i in-.
-uung fell6l'r who hall been d am aqd brick a from Straw. It is iald to
'a 3 et era pateutfor a pavdme;it eraff,
I�e watched ay - d night by guards killed 'all four of, -the
example, -ha:t gre r! �autlV.
13. What shal[,I do -W
-Into t it by lVag sent rc of the 1blouse . Id. Its d6parturb from le�on on&-thdrd -the Weight Of or- ue,61
`On hs tO the Central-piison. St., Peterabu g was the caslon of effort shaIr.my love lead ihe to put 4 t �1 'WHY ,SAE WAS AIPOAID.
ames McGulte, employed at he dinary brick ind -can be made at one -
Ica Tile Works. Ottawa III cost. The Inventor says the %bbut fish. sayp -a
liment of tile e- ;is appil-! rr4E CZAR. I an Importa cerelnony.� I The minis-' forth, to bri I bY the sense ourt ng lbout a -.tight settle Talkindr 209,
of the community. on ter the urt deilv6r It at the ment of this matter? The guilt of half t' writer
i I straw of -the west,'which l .. #
the sides of this race -course four also suppito in vast :quantities free winter pg.la to,'Count them, Arch- husband ed his � fe 21 t' d. hen wheat In! the lfi%46r reminds me of 6. IIt loubt
en ha reachedi its highest iluaged at that happened to one
qsedin, 11Y tire friendis tof theatres. are koin the knife his o -b a annuall burned to get rid of it, is- tId adveft
lArbioners. g up, one for the. ?ole Of charge. 4etween the tables and at grand Wars I of the ewo measure. There must -be, , different �ve times. The woman t( of.,our Bo@ authors last fa)L He
The case Ope -ase an sufflel t to pate he streets f e tea 4
a benefit of the -clown Dooroff, Intervals 06�g'the- thirteenmiles over- tion, and -to Ince Dolgo ouky, Arch- power. bi6ught to - bear Lupon -them. �iery
Illorning and ' -other for a play repreap�i eked to I M G In had been INW
Ing which they xtended lofty arabe�qiiemr nd Mae Of the Cor ules. -'In I will -send My b loved: Son-Thbi p Sees. e re . C - 2 - ft out, and arrived, at
'in#' ellametf the C'oLnu gra e Injuries, although sev�r or ifiiot -his door AN -late. He is not.
equest of Siberia. A third of the covered foun no were erected.:Whose- addition to hese, there re present -parable. it must be remembtiied, wae let It be ha- til
a ver I theatres Is of'Mogrish style, and Wii rital. Jealousy was. the ca e fft,the y -said. a drinking man.
capacious a:Eervolrs Were filled to 'two -masters of' the. core lea of the -uttered on the occalon"of. their. de- lThe Popes Life on
auxfOu'l to give -thousands of holidity hunterq He was
nells- th- a 6fttl startled,at hearing lowfng]wIth Crini-dan-wine and - Imperial Con . the mlnisiers appoint- manding 'by w at authority esus Leo KIM -was 86 years - old On iShrIeks'b!i,,A I'ligh leminind key rev;er-
opera, the curlous drluk'called myod. The na- ed to- carry- ;he Insignia -�o the Ni miral Ramsay, acting- Secrdi�# y
"v'tue'-ses were pre - Rooslan and Loodmila." an ch- Jeus did these hings (verse -2,) Here. March
Insi-lez chance of hearing the Russian - Ad
d the, the U. .2nd, and is In fairly good beratIn
tional voolk-al, however'. was. conspicu-T olas station f6ur chambiwIfflus and is. God's. ans S. navy. has informe� 'The soilWi of fright -were plaWy
sll1)pOE`fnae0` on -be -other, will be In Russian at wetr From -merely human 9 rOM- the Inside - bf,his honim
Of the (-,rOwn ,not yle of the nato in response to its r9quest !that health. 1 SIxty years - a
hfifteenth -century, ous by its A sence. foui. gentle�[en of�the cliamber.- 'It a gencies, G t rns. to His 7tieloved,.
condition was weak the curious 'Irish, alid sfi
Vol 'Wag 0' the 9,323 blue jackets t e Eli his physical p alilOng' tileal were the- where a fa 7thezinotre, accomban-led by a only I.. - _bosing, that Ids k
- GREAT G' STRONOM n d by these'word4 the
two daughiter�� of tlle,leeeas 'Non Russian ballet. with Innuinerable �U' IC FEAT9. lur ,gAn re was made regarding -him was being;,Mu'rdered, at the least,
a. propbeF�
f ates na%rgi service 4,400 a r le
ell par[ Sian dane6s, will be performed. Be. detachment ot"Ille- Empr0ss Marie's queai�i')On b risees rib6m . and -born..and 861 of the 2.017 &;'r- that'if, he did not le before he was dashed lw�
To serve theNe "vitneJ1 twe Foreig�eis- ivho be h erial G rd elders might als 'theg�ansllrer to es are . . . . . . . . 80 be uld' live till he was 60. and. There WASji, dim light In thehall. lber.
-ith Aum en the two grand theatreg -are tall, gruellan ban i �7ondeied whether� natives of other' co t4es
tile net r rhere,was also -dress irehearsalof their question. that If 'he did not the then -he migh M�`the Increasipg noise Into
"ity of U014stable t; iag! smooth mastk up which the mooshIks 'be reaJIY� I han -the United states.- The pe t- t He follow.,
undrv, ho al� these vi. nds . would
will take when they see bn�What J.0yous ei- ",ge V;?Fl
at the appointed time and ask-, certain moll fleations, as i 257 igw cessors of - St. -Peter theile, saw the thdOttain -outline of a Wo�
d0ne excelle seamen. soldiers and others may -�en- -the process on of the r6galla, with It. may be th will,rovereace him of Americans- in tlid' na live to be a centenarian. Ainiotkg the' the unlWfitga; dining400ni. There he-- the
er the ut 1vork in deavor to climb to win a prize. on ten lever, increa9ft.
-d1rqctt6)n k)f -e �(xrt '.ould tak6 At the am- peetatlous at ble sed approval! at
1)eteetiv ed thi6msielve how*long it w palce at the coronatIdIL. waff centenarian ai%d at les man blant the
four n0genar1ans.7. Nineteen - or ",0 metl mereyi Mother of Ka -
'PREPARED FOR A CltOwli and whethet there. would be '11 bassadora' trance to thb.palace the was
SELrCTI--(; A What uion -bet n Pather and Son! 'GREAT, BRITAIN.
Seemed at the bel Ne'ar the entrance, to this - sq a iindy ct� the occasion. T*ol bearers hese Inslgnla� tqok. their If no message om -God delivered, by -the twenty of thi pontiffs lived -to . be tione I He f. v
carrldges and the- the 11 case, rwen die be _ e
-C:nDing of iplom -ga -Sir John Millais; -President of � kurthur! -1*'a boWitch-
as it the defence space stand a number of tem r wel 1�%nown atisis, who are places In -court proplifts . h reached the 80, and about fifty died between ihe ed I
Po Ary still living an'� thriving4 came on -pur- Procession rted.'- The 6ard of the then, surely manIfeste I toial Academy. who, undo 01�it - ages of 654ud 79 9 For hdVelrs- sake, Mary -cried
ght it to the bitter end. The (.01, edifices. the centre, of which Is formed d 'to them operation of tracheotomy on "Wr -
'I fr 'so- by ' -the - morning of coron-abioir palace presepted arms -V,-the StAt-lo 900 0 His i8on would over -
the pri he imperial -pavilion. built In PORP on in U mr I , her mast -ft. iltyw believing that his As
day.. is- reported to be making f4,*6r
mine all hai-dnvs, and Israel Would
Strictly Russian day justv to ifatch. the. unwonted sight on the approoLch of the,prdejession. The
-to ehallenkP� thf� hiry Panel style. - and bearing, ble progress. I Didn t Look RegretfuiI. cook had 9011iiClemn out of her head, nit-
ep q
-ro-- resemblance to - the Kolonlepsky Pal- of the feast million. The - retekiners of the court, the �rimnera and repent... None. was bearer -or' -dearer k 'uWt Afid 'tell me wJlat-f
and tll,- -sergeant. of a volunteer the
accept eve Wn. did -at noon' teRtY-twO IG-renadi than Rig Son. : Tone could be. Invested The British - House Of Commol A dri�l
ry man -whO was namod ace.' It is a two-story Allston, efown- meal Was adtrtised to begin - e palace roce or � Gitards from t regrime , In drilling a. quad, whom matter." i�i
enty cha Ileinges in ed by an enormous V, - " Holy 'ftlh !'! howled the woman.
tile -cletk. ',q -%V - alla on Its such' weras His Son. --'Het Was -
cu ola, and hao a -sharp, but thqcager crowda had gath th Ived the- ifig with po vote of 423 to 156, passed
reading of he Education 11 he was, instructing in the funefal ex -
'ere made. and the jary aj garden in front dense with laurels ered at an 4unfarthly hour of the raw, arrival at t#e Station. 0-6p the steps e to a woT1d.:Sep1ng. "Kota dhiffi),liaverbeen takin.
-n liv 9 Care by "No these
I which it re ret r'everence.- to three Mon%�i--' It's shnake&-�ghaakea
It�ctedwere nif ly s and trees and shrubs in flower. In the damp moruliffg-, and Stood patiently high dight- Hzm must on I Inspl seifted by Sir John Gorst, ercise, Said w.' lads,. I Nvant
ing in It neigh -bo, + dent of the Committee of'Coun'
h6od OS far as rpmovp ytime durlqg -the festivities the fr hour aftdr hour with . watering In 7 th er as before. In the 14. They 940ned niong! them- -i�n see h6m - Well you can do it. Im goln' all over, 06 f1bor!" Here she .emit -
f da: -rue -had Education. ihe
the � seene of - th Czarttea anq a few, favored months and �o tion the re -to walk through the . ranks. and ted a e er-me. The� Wert Czar; ked- clot -hew (for Vie al r of the- st4 - selves�-Thelr o ecess In e 4Y
Benjamin Ke 'It use those apartments. on rain at last dame down in torrents),* Ilawas' elved by an -aide-de-camp made them bol - This Wth'6 heir- - Sir -John Pender,-M. P. for the "ek Wish X)u to suppose that -I'm the ly
y-- Daiguests wi NOnSen§kT?.-trW the man sternly.
ly - �1 oral, ch en to conveyl it'to Xos� He ordered the squad to But at th
d7o%ies. Grey; .1a f- tile Imperial pavillo waiting for t1li!P Signal tc� fal I to� ]But They were c v.fneed- In th6ir own district, and -one of the leading
Thomas m0-'4- ('Oltlei Groy either side o, n w. and it was, In: his' presence. in- be;trts, and ad rVat o their arms ' reversed, and -on a wrl EtApme# his toot -stepped
Itted It among them- i ioteft of - entipriseff of ocean We- 9 49
Ifill -o soft, hissingeolI4 He
derson. W, est fez edinspecial-casesbyl etionaries selves.thit eg was the Messiah. Ut h t.cularly -the or! JA1t stand �at ease. Then, -he walked made a It
grap ypar, i
he Czar's cabliiQt, whic iame func- us kill him--Th(T.were determined to- . ti has resign -in
walvall'o-sh : John le ble I ft atr ev 4nd landecT on irej
ders, st t n addressed another 9611.� owt ompanied by ten- grena- carry out their ow'm ways regardless to jitfie filroi*-1 terrified as if en-
ePhenl; Robt. ifolrcakil. Blyth_ lonarles, a Oe them 0 follows: "�Your arms are all alarmed f,.Vl sh., �
-MaXt1n* Cart!" McKillop- win. lei :&Itish Parliamento ta&. --
Stanley; (;eo', lers. are escorting It t Moscow.- of any cost, that they md�ht have the C)n- Vion Of his health. He -has gon right land your feet are All right, c ssed V�bY mai gn -enchantment
Daniel, B here on its arrival It Willi be.recelved rule* Of things. III since last Janua -when he 9 but was one thing wanting, na
t ickle', Dugannon. an 00, avei howl, and landed
)Y. the'Graid Duke Sergins* Alexan- 15. So they' �mst: hdm --Here, Aricken With paralysis of.'the b my I you ha�du't- that look of
I Alton. out plump. In thw.,ftiddle of the dinifig-
regret n your facew that YOU Ought room tabloi&i 'h k ujj
In 1118 address to the jflr Irovitch In ils capacity Governor' witfi -the most a Iking ninegs, Jesus a ad is now' paralyzged and speee lel -h&'Ide t e coo . I the
Mthe e which they were ffe is 0 a e.
dets. the -Crown A Moscow. It Will then be-tiLkeu to deserr 78 years to hav when a corpse Walkepast.12. Proldund 911onte that fell, he ovild
he Orou W ia palace, or larmOry,
DUJSIU y prepardng to- C mit against. HIM.
91F Ou the necessity of sill .1 hear a stffto, Slimy rustling all -
very strop dw b GENERAL, A ��l I I I -. -
pressdng such Outrages against ;he civil GO ernor of Wo60ow. 16. He s4all..c me and destroy -The - I overther66m.4 3d
e-, eley , Roberts, the novel
R EP A R Master.'th6k INGERSO It to 8hnAko6,1".*eIIed Mary, -with re -
as that ShOW11 �n the, present,cage. a de- Mor NO HOPE FOR L
THE WO. OF ATION.. ot klill. lleri I ( . ahgerously Ill.. Of
claked the des eMen of. the'Jewlsh'
The comm sion'to Rome
made an exceedingly fair presentmeu; doubled elohAAls. Being ut f
the gentieman *,cover-
-of the prdD4re the im- natdon, while. e Gentiles are �shered Official reports.from reach of hitkmi�,
Stan case to', the . j"'rY. in no one it!
ce pressing 'erial reside es and the qwelling§ of in to fill up their place. God forbid-. 1 he reports that Cardinal Gall ed himself ,$ifflclentl to light a
the fact8'with undii: -is to en zigainst tll- p I he imperial guests begin opera- A sudden prayer for prdtect�on. as Polsoned. A Live, y Time Over Him in Olffe- match andi ttli�h the gas eside him:
:ket ma risoners, an!
a of ithe table,
9 it perfectly platu tba I Ions next Week. Hundreds of clerks though void of repentianee. There are - rumors In Rome Her 10oked the ed
re :wrii ps 17'.- He behold thein -With a-eserious, r- Galimberti, who died I�a"st T lad IpWorth LO& and, beholth ifie floor wAs Ifter&yly
must make' by their -verdict Cing thdr-fingers p ot cram
it- r(' - M
ver the various imperial uka es piercing look. The question H q ly, was poisoned, And a post- 0 alivO witli 'giball serpents. The
currence of such 0- Crime next to in . a T 0 is ob t
rhich will be Issued on 'that festive thority was answered. a
possible In this country. beil � stOmb has been demanded. sight waLd:bOJTIble and Incredible.
Eecasion.- Amost every rfi�nister, dis- viktch the buildors rejected, etC.-Thla
EVIDExt-l�-- lied eneral, membe. 11 Emperor William, following tb After sOm6 heiatation, he sereewiedup' re haEr a Alli- to make a dive for
At the conCilusiOlt of r. $almde tuguls r - of - the was. quoted fir Vice of 'Prince- PRAYER FQ WAS IDIOTIC." cOurageea;
1. �2. The
Ps LIM Cxv.I Hollenlolle,
le Empire, -of the Senate, a about to apak in hi a fewi minutes lie
unell Of't truth Jes'48 the tongs,
address the evid solemn, - and 0oned the Idea of visiting -Cowes I't Cleveland dWateh fla�s:- The pro- had fllled06 e6al box with seventepil t
euce Of the itness6 overnor of -a province, el�c.,- *111 -be verset IS was would ear. . H6 like cliqrged Lord :61. t a --
was - begun' Thos- Field. the eldez hus honore 1. Some -*III hiake their apply. to the p li�g coodiagg of - the Generil Nbtliodist Angnillas, ffjhd -Iad co, ent represe vered'them-mp
x1t from I he political Otage for. Jews and so baseiJ it upon Vel
soil of the deceased, was first callei. and future of the late With the duty.'of . safely. Ite flext morning his t*o,,
4iff testimony was Script. him at the regatta. Episcopal Conferenc0l to -day dev
identical wit ver, others will be promoted, others, ture. He than a from the v�neyard-
that.'given by*him at thp prelimj;�� X!� 1111 g. Their, w Of -Mrs. t oped in�o a sensation. Itwas started boys woke aiwpwa�ded, Honoredi or thfifiked. 84n4p to a -b qk was The 'di*orce suit Vsay, pop. - W -b had a ully - time
alust her husband. Mr. ch-
ApFliam. and. hich wN thus r � 'tt, by. the! Introduction of a resolution yesterday. rAW-0 brought home -lot
fully reported W -the T. imps Ile t-O.q e. Unites ill 'be etinbered; rePresented As C -yard woi;1r, out, rmerly a member of Pa -men
ome say t) e Rasskohilks or seetar. God's church Is epresented asi,-a tem- yesteMay to joln"ibie Christian En- Of oelss its baMV he we could arr.-
at 11 o*�Iock gt laegow, bWu lit on. the groan �1.of They were; iill-.odead and frozen stiff
ins will likewise Welve � some few Ple. ILS. Fall on that oton�--Shall g
night on the. boil deavor tocie
se, and the; t, elty and -ty in a memorial- to con- Can't we have -em for
of his fath ikitg ;IvIleges, o it least an -instalment. stumble at Cbrl it's teaehidg, Shall re- m1sconduct, to -exciti- L like canes. 1r,
Most of
er, the deceased J. G Fielf. f the rigII4 a now denied them. -Rut jeet HIM as th,,- Messiah. be ireat deal of attention. � I I gress �o recognize the Deity in the brealwpBt 7, �Bikry can cook eels. -She
the opon air, Rt i d 'of the bar are engaged constit tion. Dr. Quayle had made. says. she ed.h."I
from his bed. The victim was ke Shall
lopes run e ipecially high among -the broken -Shall sustdAn'great Virltual ere n
ur, i i ipper Social layers of the Taffin, Who hurt; but may recover. -On whomad- e side or -the other. Mr. ait "Where i -de-
41� a - u them?"
wheD his feet wer&d% e �Otn houle, anq -Here -to entes his wife's itflegatione, an( �'#s
was at zero,,for D%1 e for a6vancemont. the Messiah an linlassioned speech -against the
tempera t
ire panting, ever It shall fall r a Judicial' separation, n resolut n, - in which he stated that' mAnded theirf'ptirent.
-ardb exam- 0 clit of thes6 represented In' Ella glorified- state. iihe " Why, W-6 A6od 'em up In the'din-
were f ,4� �$ Th functions . round of cruelty.. claiming the, �Ne this O'Pveriimento.,%,�as'iL'.(ioveinment In, -groom b.* the register to tha-w em
frozen. The �wvjden( 10 have been 1 bree weeks of tejolotngs-besides the 19. The sam.4 -hour sought. to lay
b.), -0 e sou was t of the cz)'rouatlou.ltselt�,Will con- hands on Him d- wife for months 'denied him m
corrQborated C _7 -The counsel contrive for uIll rellglons. He cioapd by, say- out.-,"
'two daughters how they,." . r %latIdne-." 11 You -8u6&-edW admirably," was
of the deceased, and tat of ballt -and Soirees. :The first might bring Jesus to trial. Lug: �'Not long ago, that orgaaiza- Ila
the other witnmqeg `;p evidence U bunt Mon- Theyjgred Ithe -people-many be- . Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Seer the ebrt retpr-,
if these will I be given by C i tion not only made itself ridicu.1pus
to show r
that it was absolutely in aec, in to be the Messiah. -They 9' State for the Colonies, in an d t the churches which it-reire-
ebello, the rench Anibageador. to Pved a"
le d less at the unveiling of nl�
we -In a bt percelvedm-The) felt tb It power and a mem I a, - ut actually made the religious heelmen.
with the facts. lie Cza n C�ar Isa, yle *or sei Pohi�*rsfcrW.
f Ral
iqlae al influence �was slipping away from of rl t ridiculous by praying for the -v
0 C
& by a ly... The prepara- 1R] n o l 111'. b,
--:-PL . .1 - - - begun y.. aid that England los�, ie redem tion -of Robett Ingeroll..' Do
EADED GUILTY. n(o �elihau -who allows a
Ions to gathering Were them. er 1. The
When the court ro. at I
-the Auw d never ques- A Colonies. which now- rM ou th nk the Methodist Church would - OUt.,e
uncheon' ont1lor May 81sA -A'e shoul, r 2 hearse to pUslilm -will die before the
se for I* [is Ullf On Teachings. can
on- God's authority. W h uld nit -
the CAMusel for.the defence, foreseeing Mort 1� yea Is
in repr te a 6 be le U ed State'% by Mistakes *hl6h ever guilty- or cmeh an 'act of abso- 2. To be tha1ed by a -yellow dog
not to -abuse God's ministers t
o rts of stories when ey ch His truth.* we a e a�l
tntativet PrInW Llecht careful be repeated. Neverthbi6so., lute -I iocy with one WW") gy d one black one
that the case was very. qlearagainst a brilitint biLli, about 21d
hieh all a Itte itiready In' uayle was loudly ludleates d fall.
b berialn'declared t - hat 1)r. ' . applAuded
u hter - trould mpr6babl be urrent lier i and in St.. Petersburg. 0 loss a bleliA169 To -d ' the -Christian Endeavorp, - L ism! -1 boy, witbi a Slung -
should accept e m"sagd from God, to -think - th
mansla ri Ce
their clients and 'thiipla, verdict of THE CZARIN
t;rOughtg R t9c I I'n d
Ithere W a tribune Which Will acconii Ia. ro
in against them, approached alods It never -given. - Th "two WOW- to Goverm: ie Is ki and Improve lives. When tione -if, S. TO* See te SW -be oceli-- to Con- Pr 0 wo
Oer$10118. -TWO will ut, It nown. has we, know 14) - both ne, f loczkl
Mr- ftlanders. 'the Crown prosecutor, niatisits, who 8 ill .11 0 story with pened a special credit of $A9,400 tbr should quickly lolied anU to the Conference and stirred shot beside Ale - d to a prophecy of
we wrong t
Pled by the guests of -the Imperial fam' L guqto, �'arrived one hoilh. up it Olumotion. The-Cbristian En- a punctur
with the Pr�OP(wal tf, clia.uge the in- before noon 13i 'Anglo-Saxork natto
lie extraoriluary. expense-' lie - must fees it to God. hen Jesus ple4do with no dh d deavo -delegates pioeseded to take 4. It ou P.-aSS'a WhIte horse, driven
dictment from -one Of manslan 11Y. o the 'right and lert of this* and took their plaCeN on the stlands CUrL our hearte
ghter pavilion -are wooden stands for -the during the festivities, But - this- -should never grow Urd In Continued Mace and aml
to one of assault oecasioning gl;ieV- were in e, t Dr� Q ayle to task,, but he. appeared by a red ll;Ibed lady your rim will
Public. cOntainink private bbxes a4d accommodate Iiiin fit, t e a Hiberalela-m),-a mere bittpr 4ttallist Him,
to be more than a inatelf for them. spilt -unless
arm- Mr. Saunders. at- a00 sp eta One of thejRe. SAWA LIVE yousay 41caJan&uM and
�rs, bodi!y h about 00 1
J.r L which will be reated at prieps lea -bite Tn he cean. -The �ball alone PRAC - CAL SURVEY. LIZARD.
consulting the Judge. - decide(] who Ili a0'W. a f-�1141 gpd ambaskador. w 11 swllo Dr.- E. J. Cheney presented a resolu- hold up tw&ftgera.
the other w 'ether be di(l.not 'Iss La Swallowed. -It While D�Irik- referred to the action of the -Christ bacco juice b - h - 'he track will lose a
varying- from $1 to $25. AccoMmoft. aske I up nearly �Vvo-thjrds The. owner's laim s just. He had �g
meted �d tion mnsur1ng'Dr.--0_uay1e ?or llavia 5. The. r+r
to the PrisonerR under the I- -000-tcy 10,000 will be pro?- planted- a vine ard. God placed His rge
tv. the Punishment to be -Out tion for 9 ian ,ho expeetorat�ato- 9 at a Spring.
tmended think that the[ r. n would spoil 'the On June t the' Grand Puke Ser- peopie under - e. not in deserts, but -in
vided fit these rates. Studded over the flavor of t Endeavor Society as Idiotic. spoke. ys:.
he tipan bread and, pastry. lus, wyo I *alao GovernoreGeneral of in an inclose garden, defended by Trenton, N*. 3'.. despatch sa Dr. uayle,Arose, declared that he .1 you
Indictment could serve the ends of ground are twenty stands for militar. which the- o hery & far-sighted Your machlue -to the
s and ac- -bands. trOuPer3 of singers.- etc To w I elf.- To t He -extend 6.1
cordingly besl0a diPlomatist, o9cow, wl give a hall.- at�' h ch he Hims ed mer- Large, a, well -k WO aRa t mentioned -the ChrlstiAn'na 'repair shop r 1i - stn that 7ou will
consented. The prisoners ten plied: "But look!-. Ill vl� -1 4 uoxvn YOUIRg
great'nierry-go-rounds and twelve and endeavor to our- cies, 6liveraices, -revelations and I, ring. in West vo Sodety by that name, -and re- not. bay thSC,--1i6w ult of --clothes.
thereupon' pleaded guilty to the a the tables are black - with thousands ass, t gnirleence of those that t-lileadings.
charge of assault as made out in the He Pressed His right- to allover strest, ',r Ite his- assertion that- for- any- 7. Kicking --qh4 man who asks the
winging boL-Zs to give the country s a Ing -ofi- them and cran- at e at,. LIhO I People ti tagfe of Ade on. the- oceap Two days.1tilter the t# e ; o pray for make titude of. Cxod toward 11 Chu h is I'luch a)ad a half long, whicir is body the conversion- of were P= eir love and i iervice. - The whole unt to -day vomited.a. live
indictment, and, Ing a. There Is nol--food obles of. scow 'will spehol fabulous is re
severalty sed- wave. * One hundred -b6otha - have been there to ' 0 r rn&rsoll was: an idiotic -per- honors and: heei - is a sign pf high
tenced by his Lordshl_p. e i pollede The multitude a within the par.
istribution Of free re. nine- for tie worthy- eutbitalliment: that of infinit ity. - He *'Ive and in the possession or th in 0ie. : Pr6lon d applause greet�' S.-' Lie i -y
c has prob put, Itself outside. of f their mo rch and ) love And pi nding-it"o heet is a sign of
THE freshments. th�y are built In the for y his 66 ort, and sto the double dftkoy.
be oped to Imm all their needs.. His ed Ill offort,/and Dr. Cheney% re0o-
a 11 there was.--, And this surmise"'
keredit' of triangles. and the people Vill mare June 5t Prince Radollh� the Ger-.. goodness - and long-suffering were Ing phygician.
h. in Passing was e lation , a i4lil 9. To attaft,
Justice to hold up 275--
Judglaplut on Robert Harrison, point- up to them 0 or 0 giri necame ill -several. r -A
two deep. receiving during Long before oven 11 Aib ' d.or, will protide a eon- perfect. " God- uses'many people and Rev. Dr. Bubkley, of New WOMAfi barning to rk e Is a
At out the progress a LD� cele of -bitense 98; ed to
that tha laws in this Province _lock 0. Sue' suffered
o'clock t York."�Vov- Pound
lere� !had ' befen a' hum, a rat at WETWI some of ilid, most In '0 the olutlow from this Of -a 90ft-43POt.
handkerchief 6vere(I _r many Ineans to correct men. . 0 xpun
a n sound, and the roasted rated of toe world'q sigggra, vlolln- --the baghmft--of trees apid became greatly em- res
were� fairly an justly administered;, with patriotic . Pictures,- and inside, the parable thellia- )ouru These preddiSns -will 'be bi
that the they sheep, ucks, hIckenA &d riv- was recourse to tile -and bens,'trees -The-family phySicin'imme T% -V.
_fn IVVill be given, among,,otlielr and a and planifits will shOWI-the Rus- tory of centuries was. in.'Ai few pamphlet for&, -,.and -I trus, he day
-crime was co' things, ter s disappeared as' In the chanVd his treatmento butii Dri Bristol, of Chicago, said
N. wherever mmitted, and packages of laweetmeafs land an Ctdr and Czaritea ilis utmost words. Ze nv to not far digiiiiht when t
that.- therefftre6 f lormatto . scene of the - Cinder- that- a wals not Afraid -of the record. they will be
such violations of mug,- o enameled lron:In dommemora- iat musical technique &4 accom- The owqer's- loving patience shone relief. At .1 found pasted;,Ih Vhe hat of ev4iry replit�-
-tiOn- Of, the event. Besides these re- pah me. Ish to -day, June 7th-th6 Empress' 'forth doctor called a phylsiclan In". Dr. u I Said.: ".1 am Inilavor
tit be in,!Ils. p raiatent kindness. to- of the otloft. We.want W keep -this able wheeli� ��Loalsviiie Tlines.
strongly stamped out. He concluded freshme'llt booths, there are twenty. a of- the Series, and war One pe .. Itation, but he,. too, wao--- b
-T, a en rebel None- nd -its Shap conflict out
COS7TM%L FES iviTlE, resolu" an a
da. he I -grew worse, aikd III
ecing ree yeaj-4 e ds, containing Hel- t Is p d that by tha�, y the but God uld ever show itich for- of tho journal. I hae beeni -accused. WhI the PUlar Smiled.
in Th- III - have biouglit tidings bearance as He manifested to lerael.,', die. Her
King4on Penitentiry. (seo. phippen. delberg turfs of -beer and myod, wi-Vt.a ime was 'of' ' a similar. ;elegra LL red, -she ould by newspapers. of being a tdrunk-
two taps on the outside. Each although he. )f.'comfort to those of the convicts Again and a4 -ain He sent -servants ned to exhaust the
who was theother ringleader of the ard b X pald n6 attenjb�Tjk $o
Ind under Alexander Ill.,. A minister. A har6re of w country,
P' was one'of t�e moit —economical of t the
mob and who M'!Lde the attack - on W mug can turn n distant Iberia and semi -exiles In (prophets) regi rolless of insults and 11 of"the town in, the hopeL of Ch 'So we should not pay any- eongregatio long ago rdeeived a
er iarren tran -Caucasla, wh0e lot -will death, to rer. It In Louisville, and.
Field. was, also given a wa; 1! ;'(. tap the Ro dTf archs, and the mem: g relief for the BulVe W6 call to. the
three lie pleases, and go on ill whichef Ch
years dra His people toa- closer at a ton to the secula:r prom
t.�.L-Jzly rejolelog Ory th,man green In the minds we alleviat as Is the -co&6d filling An ecoleslasti-
in the Penitentlar )a with tile wherewithal eeof 191matAll e last physician called tr ed -bdp--
Y. Cl ries Manser by the.manifebto hich walk 1 6 'of uprightness. "All 10's our charapter. The Mristlaii
oegin a COIQS- Of theL
ontgomery, who sal jag. As yet no t stand t and milk, which I
and Thomas �M' people. Nobody who witnessed a now beinf prepared.in their favor. along e Cal circle ook thife; to. deliber-
lem guilt been made for t,1,.,rr-,rr%ngemeutf4 have thAt -uniqu I ht Is -likely ever to he -dark caufdng the girijto� role R-1 r Socletj� Is a good iustltu- ate, sajdug he must pra.V for
and d-sted, d Images of � mercies " a tion, I int It V11 neier, and never Can
forget it. despised ad ophets iiain.", nee which proved to be, light.
T. wer" condemned to spen wineroasted supply of Crimepin e4witt ibere wasi- a formid-. In 06,W-urse --of a-lew aava,
two years In the Piffflitentiary, and Oil Hardwood 1�110#s. al ftvO take -the place of the
Albert Martin. -who i,4 a- 1) P. ducks, chickeps. 0 Pay when all waa. over The re f lerael "is, painful to ard. ft, was green and red Epworth � says the Coniffl6kcial of th4t ity. the.
etc.. Whict ghte tW stomachs able bill t - 11 -
Oy or, I S. the faithru -jell d !Of and done.- Now'that he Season foe hire -floors
anf the - remembrance of . consider. ' hey, rejected the clalme of Ich- the physician declares w p minister's 0ar -the
years of age. was sent to tile Cen- on the oc -part - e a T lion came t(y
-subjects of Alexander IU. that WCOM In, and the h6avy car- Rev. ILTAbnard. said that he know
n ll spur] '.His paionce * tol- y, the gastric juices,in the
-an( ey
h6 grand jury subReque h the courtiers. The prei. a are b g cleansed ward. them. T OhI6 very en- of the I f ifi4ihurch
tral Prison for Six mbonths. In- 'ad- it IA in t gion of his coronation, and abides wit God, and city -on a visiti-Anil neidayj i
dressing t I �rolled up were in possession. per men to be prihe DM- rillpXs 0
notioo als direction that the Cza Czar is id to have th am - f They had, amused him of, of Which- hfit 14t)ier ha4 been�.
andmen, but e lizard fe in good condlt I asked
Chief Justice 'Meredith expresed rill sent e reckon- 'or the a' er-staring'-all ports A of the vinek being old 8.0aftre Ile thought the
the been p of economy. which he -has Ing ver le talus. and iaints and oil Sliiishesare arl as hush hbu o to take --ch
hope that the re.%ult of thi.,4 tria I 3yr Cle rly befpre his eyes to-. it for them- 9 been thriving.. It IS; t �i., The. pillar '-smiled.
they desired t( control Ito., WV&Alould be Adopted.�
about three. months old. ��i
eaching-'for some weeks past, da'y. Anylipw. - he ermffied - -to ed their hat- beneivolentlyi; h
have det keing recou mended for ilighing. the They manifest
would be sufficient to t4tamp out -popul een turned. *But this to not a cut downxpenses as far, aO feasible, iardwood I bors. t e:l mu n the intitl6n to Well, 4TO
Wish that the entire n I k their -effort to free members of - her familv.., the kind �ep red to God by their c act to His 0 only way the young wom. hhWi has Your Tatber dem
aDy further Inclination of loors will 11 iok beat '04 ond k�w P
�r Volley by any means. AlreadX and exprere a whe l var- of the c1dedFyet wh6thbr he -will ome with
terings about the chee 0 fh fe, Is
in the "ProWnce. He gtated� that it pa are- Mat Cost of th ti I s.. fif m further exhorts- 'C uDt Z vo was Adopted -
Swered 0
Well,- air,. hnal
Some, Nve
hAve ceed one-lih, incurre'd by his talned floo a v drink SOM61.
was possible- that an. appeal might th ing dispo§Itton of those who vities-,should' not ex-, sh�d, but If the housew 6 Prefers =hem ve the lizard Is that a4
tions to repeir , they entered upon- I It, In
duce t --0 public CelebiatIbABLIn charge& And father. - But, the Cza lent reelp I easily i' app*4- BRADMEETS -ON -light
be made to thei Executive to rp that ille following,9-an ex -
the sentencee, and If such applica- a f and e, and two:' the most hidew no crime. The liolir ter In, February she
%te coronation festivities' are not cAl- his minis While believe pa* fa;rITg:Lt0r
ter disposee. In this case ke one- hlrd
-tion were made, fie w9uld not jnter- 0 � linofeturpeut4ve�and even Sesus the r despised - The in- V1SIfVt-.MatIves ueir Filem but most of
the stock of -the odl*dence of
th e-pulated to Increase Bet wo weather. afted.
She,/haa- 'And then
nnatioual patriotism. The people. of PIGUO wish apd no more4 nese dr Bu.*I aL Can of and -the penIng of.pavigatio
his resolve. to deetined to- remalm a Irds d oil WH4 a little. terests of -the Father were, identical. fl2ods pose- The event aPa boil, unteidon coulitiy.
and would not feel sorry ir it with Ilia own. Thus.sin blinds . d.:K Igo 1jillar
were Successful. - He felt, however, ile
course, are afrald to 00 much, but will show ennter added. ka timulated sales. Ini I %�Sasotnatbl
tbOt the. reckoning -will ex- urnl This givea.'ial-,rich red- nation f Imaiii
sep Cos e d them to lat'the -k -morcheafte at- nInTRIM X%UterJ11-WJeaV6pO0r-
essary for hi -hear complaints about -the lah bro MIX'% -very. gradually' and ini She oo a drin Woreal. OAt "better that It was 'nee to you can ro,
Ceed that of the preWing fbOrO 'VV7% I ..
ten h had passed I great show to be made In favor of 0 p rt but thought It /was a bit'
pass tile by at- least ! trap for th own-. destruotion� ad*C,.C1ty there 18,4, ziods...
V'per cent.. and probably th th nt,! having it -q� . thin
order tor gefte the onds of justice. � its Though greatl opposed to.such -crowned h and their ambassadors, still more - a, b rk. Her -stomach'trouble begk�'
eads �The Ceremonies of IM that It III run readtly�. --La3p it ov t In biminess following bet-
epre- 'tu
Lpme'v" es an sanounedd that caianitty as a deela;rod, .�,Weeks after b d St- is-- id that God would not -thoaght bei dyspeoi` a age trom 1100as -65 -less than
'Way 0
An ullaeti*e
WHERE TAPE RULES. Russian empire are. comparativoly the Present year of�Fa will swal- he brush I f thb!graln of -conf as --first
those of strokliag: tended
while the bone and sinew of the vast cost exactly;$,
%;550j060 and n.with a ood-sized brublit
ground of. t suffer -It bad -n, rue hope. en gastfltls.. Glonerai, trade at,
pea#lng, to be placed on short coal, low up about, $og j)U(I.. at several Coats, un -
ft no -Other CouatrY Is offlefal ora z Wdod. on Tt-was the vote 'god who deMrdd-. a- girl experlen4d choking so s qalSt--"fint'th1d Outlook tiot Medicines, U t6ft
a of rem
-he 't erable AIff1cd1tk6-.' Dorm
eblon more marked -than In -1 pro- T -city to already filling up with the� dest tint 14 secUbOt. allow- it, and He will never, Him onst"hiad. several/ times su=god entir aough Idexie to come dlep I
I Vektectl,7 nere Wax
-to the m participating as: sue had So 6 r Igo SU 00 DISTINCTIVELY T' people desirous of each
that, preeMon extethding NA IONAL. -dry
any, in The judgment upon Israel wat j
I -
utl Dle Ser es of celebrations re- Ing Widows. use of But, desp!te theke muttertugo the the remai-ka' I othek,. i La6tly, -ed 1h other _1
and ompleiter and cou ew VeryL,% Ober unfavoraXo �a� the ek
tolors In way liftas Is as utl her - Otomacb. -718UL"; IS aafqUe. 14 -or 8xamp1e*.-.--..tar1an entertadument offered e Princes, prIestS and-Odasants are rr- the a go coat of varnisho not be, othermisev-- It was. 61) '210 desire to -gat, and I -n-- trAdl§ 0 v R- X L it riving In Ia*, from -all Wh ,Il' dry it Will ibeo found but nolle. -too h It a eiiial HeA#A 7,---Dfnft �-qf-
at&" railwayff In Gern n'the willi be one of the most InterestIP9 rge numbers Were e 1 P4 to
-,less oppor- reed dia tho- iftard S
V&InW asoording Agel ear- - features of tte immense -programme. -quarters of the globe, and ftere- will te sattsfact -as a, stailled I floor oan- pjocted� It wer none the f o&
ablom at Us ackeft mt and
3e, and y kept -clean.. � it only;
_get are pt to the -Nothing like the Russian way of do- us such A gathering of tribes, tongues let and -is tune. lie qu wail too- Id I Od- with q re �000 Py,
-"Pint-claim witnessed any- and religions 'on the b Of quires, ta dusted and Iped off.
respect- to - m of Andiftbrefie- ta" -8 lidt0h,
Ing Bu6b. things Is'to be anks duO I A nt�=ed
r �?e
1=prbv,4qmej ton Iro
an oil Sacred w,
*d- yWlovr,- Ilateg are else, In thei world. Of course, Mudd Motrky4. that Will 'the. roth ui6eys-'-d6n, was between -111 tfiltf 'the 1L 1 wrore, shei be jad thif"11M W grien, It Is-Imposelble to describe beforehand ecora scor" by he--bullddre 61 the 0
tho - BOW 7
Oex 'Moil the great popular felast.: but, we can tower of Babel. Buddhist -bo Satid -B(
a,rr.,r 3fr.- Wo. Gerry, viras form an Idea of it by recalling the 9011 lamaq, )oryat catechumens, UK
Cj&u" bf tifte death of #At the Coronation bf Alexander IL tarfaus. 19amoyede dwarfm a
the TaCaUcy In- the �Ied to fill scenes of 19*11ar occasional, - &almuek M men, Siberian -see- 100 r4ngpmoa%K
o*y Council Ca C Ifar
halk LOOM W@r& 11b'Ieft thawthirteen mU -Kardsi' jolly: Oeorgla
as _ 4 shfeWd, Ar-