HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-05-22, Page 17 f 141- j oil Ilk I L i u BANK ui _:UZTLX_ THINGS. ka 'Well ZF--,Z& Uttle -16ing -for LUOKNOW ro brightw the klt�lkeajfiie. oapita paid up Sl,�25o,000 e0vthe cloth, tq�dm7,, he.tea, 11 svr t hef is =dther mdghtVesire� ieserwt Fund SSTS.000 little but her jnot smiled. rotal A%sets $9660.135 - li�,r Va -All her come. Lud bd 11W but 78i, And U d "resideml. 40HNSTU.11T. my b -was an 9- h ot d Ud Ith &-soft -j3id prayer. fice -P---ksiddut.-A.G.RAmsAY- % - I . - - �1� � --- DIRECTORS: a Ofitk little t&lng to do, a'quidy lad Vlke 10d.. o lim- roe, Wm. GIB90-1 M. P, Gro. ROACH VO XXI1I— 22 W RT 1,001KNO lJTA ..L0 FRMA�11 MAY 22hdo 1890. WHOLE .1164. '\,horse,, to -rolik the eoyv,.. grboMthe A. T. WcaD. A. B. LEE (Toronto). d brifig -the wood. -from, the sheds V.t,4hit�r -J. TURNBULL`v 'Cleaned Ub the Streets his -father was glad to Sind at p0m. and Volcult'N :'eral and j darine -PUB 0, 1 B ARY AVJ-�,kis ISAXIF.—Hours IjD to 3; Satur- r IV's Hospi tal. ',.On �Drapqry t -ills, art sa The 'ieg"'were -*ell done. njerchahts atld other siness IUCEID bu all day to - 1. Ueposits of I an_d npwirc a pi'l �_. __ __ __ __ - __ � __ _�L _ no,- Ons and frin 8 M count of.h:s b $in utICGnsClQU.8 v�e had �hp inain str( Amulal Meeting, and thP4ikfnV' sallid he, CdUC1% dcUMITIEVrestallowtd. vu inen 11 6011(litloll, �b -et nicely e doctors at� i Bleation dg- eaper, 1 b t the -be, rakba stones and -deeuiedib advis-all16 to -post A Youth's l4ash Dead cleitue aild —Anits Ch n -6 Offteem PECLI �, DgPusfTS &1so rceived at cur- 1,41 ar 4.9dit of such a- son.". renr ritos of'inLerest. ESTARL1.1*1111131D �Iaguire, ged 22, so' of other ubbish in front of their respee- glllputmtioj I of PC w -shop. next doo irvi ber the foot, but. this in -but they brighten p At the annuaLmeeting of tho'Luck- 11Y SnAll I.-;XAFTS in Grc:tt Brituin -and the United We do" 'lioulas MLl'uire, of the townqlh P of� tive pi ces tnd6iir'--iw-t'Lintliorou�-,bf-io Orn- kho, =G. l3tetisir a general banking business, Hoiek, 0 it .� ilig the vIdtfin had gained sufficient ibr States bought,said-st)1d. .71initted suicide on n w public I ary, the- lotowin lissue &afts payable tbrou-hout Can� lioly p e­ellts a neat kid tid,v appear- —As we go to . press we le �Of the sh2&r-W,jt with caje; stren gth f( r tkern to attempt the oher.� -Clknipbell, A) ake ance.. death of Afrs. Goo. ol ficers were elict4ld., -iGZ It eveni' . -President JOH'N D. NIOLIOL, 8uis�'-AGE,-4T. ada and the Uidtrd_S�ates. W M ot .7, littl6Ahings, yet they mould' &M ationwh'ici was gonEl.throuir.h -xith. �arn. No reason c ia be- fathf 62nd Murd6ch; Vlee-Prdsiaent, o3as.,Somer- ea collections on al points including, �con 10, E. D. Ashfield, in t &is sad despair Summer Tours. M cLeo yet in an unconscious state, Western States,- nitoba assigned./ - , -- - . i r. - and the ar of her aae. The funeral 611 take ville; Secretary, DX s local age -that-he-will Yt' -Yule; Trea urer, it littf& tlAigs LEGAL M ohn Murchison nt for and it i.s f ought by some. yet life's best I)rlvb, Died from Oa tile Cl oCk P. in. C ameron; Directors, lamips :North-West Provinces, and: all colleet-- ----------------- - uilwy, has pre- llot recover. Friday, May 22nd, at 2-o7c] R. -D. Pke rcs* whi-elf labor brings. ada, Pilfcific U BAItIUSTEP- ons whether itt or, accoilnt wiU COM4.:to V9 11111111 NIr. Adam Thompson, of thi for the j3e�hel'cemetery. B�ryan,-Dr, Gordon, Dr. G' A. Xew- age, sentu .-d -1 And Ubts Ab es, Itc., Clate 0 have jirompt attention, tiil.edt� Sp OCAL ITEMS Off'. Thurs ng, '28th, ton, J. Murchison, W. Connell,,.D. a rh pd*ei of uttifi things. lost (in londay good drivi ar T-Ai*s by-ulle Catiada, day eveni �Ij Te n w bl'ic1c. I e a 04 mli-stair;k im Allin'to, n Notes discounte ' d and' farmer's salq frQlj till. e' ts 0 -contains* notes solicited. ffec f an overdoise ow ats. Pacilla Aail %,vay. This book Mr. D. D. Yul - will give an' 4e in Tylor, 1). R. -McIntosh, John Scott LEGIAqD bro THE POPLAR TREE. �Inat]tector Cat pbell. was in town ani tual got. loosp j I, the stai 200 p of inost- interesting &t)d iA the Presbyterian churo, I now, and'W. S. Holmes. The Ntwtary We'have a lar -o amount of fnds to croin this week. gomeo& itad 0 on the ems," or stolen the 13ot, al td the oat bin or i od horEel F to us Royal Bard and.his I �;? w i -end eful iliformati-od, and is irdis�ens- he� follow�, i is it - copy of:: the ild id" 464th aV Mr J I It Peart is vi I 9_fri�ndd King'David and his psalms. tin 'Is said to be at the Barber -Lli%p her - Preston. etc. Nj,)nev ottice over _81t)ody's advaiiee oil inortgage at from-�fiv,&4)_er such an exte'rit.ns to c. 1P to ny Wrson who to take 8 tin -9 the rMubdow BBC TARY to begin at 7.30 o'd ek. �s lmpon;r, Yhe Wihd jtn�ssenger were sent to cent up; The rate is grfkded laccor& -e �lp RARICTS- llln� Cash fop Wool.. a p easul, to q1jality and-sizaof loaar�zxequir t the greatest rail- -seed for me . —Easila c and- fodder corn Luckuow ay 5th., 1896 %reh fbio it. The elm, the oak, the 46 R 11 way on e,fth, an lilt etc., - t"'iterich. Out Cur- Tile prie d t1iron-h tke of the -..T.U. NV %i in cash or. sale by W. . Andrew.. Tire members - T� the Presi4enj, Offleem and Meut lae, allr1he tirees had -been asked if FOOT-- WbAoiLiFs-mall ainoi on second niagnifitAt scenery tiVer epoz_e holding thpir first �s ries. 'he thief. 4 trade, '.r 11 be'paid foi- wo-ol- durini-, this witnessed b'y 01 ber9 ey kileiv t ints —Aloadof Winghain young.peo+ pl, I , q cknow Public Library. farm- niortga. t I an.- f silver medal co�iestgln d town t the Lu 411 Ponted- their leaves toward the *pen nay in town. hall, on Tuesday evening.- �e the Of this Ins ��l mort- sea�,on, v t-thei-Lucknow. Wollen- A111i. MEDICAL ges ird on -chatt -a-es., Patties f aving %,�bof to sel! would. do- ecretary titutbi and plar. 06yi-4.1i -'The know. The poplar accordance with t ; &plar 'r r ICIAN pi ices 11 Closed —Mr. H. Rich, of Goderidli, w ur in siented he Statnte,� I ave owl; isj,4- H to ctil t the wills nd as in 2nd;. As some of �o' ost XNANT, I'llys We have generally �li liand tor sale get, ml I tchell" Bi �roller i e hesenting my report fort 'I "6w 2�10� cc,,actiour." Surgery f The X the village n Thursday I"t. ave entered th j ntest th, honor of p inloss Hu4n, Ash 1-hefore elling to & elociltionists h' sa4d the poplar. raising .v� r Office hours property in K r olle of the itt ber'Miss ma� an ifiteresting may be . . . . . . . Cted. shiM cheap Douglars. a f Reme time e and Wawanosh town this, Villige, the year ending 30th. of April,! 1896;" brafthba in- bretended surprise, ofield Nabb's mu 7 t-i/Sr ul' and on easy terms. sueecssful �seasop's work, running Jicl recital his (Friday.) 6venimr. Good music viiii. be provided. the Pur membership for the year lais 107, past ist d o6k Trains aln16st Contillu it and da rhan; of tep -oce sion... Full particulars n "61week. bIng 5 less than that of the of th6. the peo 1 1) o e r-el.wesent the leading rigjish a. -Y F tber Corcb a _previous are gnin- ;o. r . I Ing pie's popular resort. phy -since 111w earfy'- part of he wiuter, l'il, car Ea L)-. G The G T. un fast This fall off was not OU ician, ur- Caiiadiaw-rire Insurance Cotnpanyg f niwater, ws i , the V` jil 1.1 oil M ouda�l _. =A Nebraska 'Man who ha' Ya e r. ut of any - unoopularity of the Dukhg tie year eight weetin rotu Pal erston pach, n Mr Ue eason on Thurs- g� t held W_ stock ti ain closed d re utt. Ace 111"lleur. V psiairs in Win. and call effect insurance on all�classes s c _gs we 1 or two of 1;o. ses to sell, wr n�toju ith 11i average attendance f %.Ilitt*s neAv i,ock. - Ross- street; �of property hi Stockor onday and Thursday. It ig the inten- (lay. On't iss Miss. AfacXabb's in to a In titute, but mainly. -3' the Will utual Com- This will is 6iie,of the best Irian. i floien&iu ashin"top, asking"' et er '9&es. nine TA66Aeirs. (ire. r�loch ol( at tion to P �ck mp all th 0 t panies -,is e.stoqk n tle uf;ctul.in industries 'we -.have in Ile al ecital n this. (]Friday) even' Ing. it. would..'be advisable to try sefl It ig be regretted that motwith. ht6rs, - lines ceitering a A villait nd annually row -Mrs tterson is, 25th Palmerston. fl The cash receipts from members ar-e 1). (;EDDES­. V. S_ CALLS Our offic-e hotlys are'from: 10-a.mAo el . theinthe-nithere. The friend lie : a& follows -,standib�- the ii pay out . f je guest of, pass beral o0ei made by the either bv m--&il or telegmul 'proijwtly enge - -coaoli will be - put on,"Oe.se Sev ne-hundlioed thousand- 4e, Kincar 4 1). in. enty4i�va to -0 _,bfr� Jh'n T Imie, soo.th-si Thei.people-of Washington b i- 73 paid 81.00 each Gover4..mefit in, aid of obvening classes.. ttendctit,). chargesmoderrate- Owins for- the 'accoitimodation of Pic dollrs for maple log_�. and the labor -ilic. by 5 they4�4�g veople have not av d Oijtmut strtyvt, Dr F*llititt's and GKO A. SIDDALL, 31ana-er cycles, (the. street C A 75 each...... 3.75 ail e cattle mi n, Colin -e Fr ti,orth of S Ce ected with running 4 -)n,i d, ENTI.NFX tl� the will, Mr. Job Burtom of Listowed run 24 11 50 each ............. 12.00 themselv:s,of their Opportunities to o e ectric ty an th' Governmen i d e Governmen r- A. .1. f � I I'. I V� materi#ffly improve themselves 'for at the Cain -11ouse- oul -by -jackasses. No d.e'wand horse 5 6 25 each .............. 1.25 Holiday Rates A Clo 'a bail y their v' (;rakluate 4 Return. ticko(s- ill 1, Friday. 7P � I . L ari S.Positions in*. D f tht- Vt o-tinary. It was oil tho* th raford, of Dun Ing a a for -membership, *iatakial changes have been made tween all stations in Canada on the S t 0 F. Bef tot I .,$90.00. No f M t the n 4 Crand'V u ZVV last. ye4r, th, celliit;ftort by the Allin's bl--ck, ilk on-INlay 23rd, 24th and spent Weducid&y with feiends in q, PRESB4YTERIAN CHU4 The reedipts from-othersourcek were Legislature. C-harges -frost got n the work- tht so cjnIpI as fOIIO It i0,U hoped that the Dimetor Tues 1, HE 1,19kUTY TO UTTFR -ANID TO-ARPUE 25th at b first-class fare, and on et" ag, e. Vvimpl;lv atten&41 t.� .-t. "I or nu;ll I v destroj ed the fruit nd other crops. ouccessful. Anitilvermary on handay wiH all unite in their and*m� _Onel Legislative grant formembers... $50-00 ite cag� -of white, sailor hats, bell FREELY ACCORDING TO.T alay 22 f t f,.r(, SO far this. -year the s asan hs been 66 - 6. 5000 '.effort House. IleGarry's 11, 1_� HE Dj I MATES 4 6 -9,tp-itak the -Luck -now p4Ud- OF WE PRIZE ABOVE -ALY, and- one- Aiird II - tickets valid to crown, Will bi iii on Saturday. readingioom - very favcriiblefor ari bundaqt; yield —Mrs. bne I of the b tin the Pro S0019TtEt_-- OTHER LIBFRTIES return le%vi'ng dest i nation not er mith, C 'ntygrant.... 90.00 cted The'anniversary services Co., and thkt it�jnay I -a fa Vince of ft tit we had A, close call on § proceeds c on7 be -9- than May 2ftfi, 1896' bacert ........... 14.55 ctor in a?, the horse: -buyer, -of the Pres ertaft promo —Mr. 11. Iasb* Sabbath in i - Is- 0. F. Tuesday- nigIrt. There was a. very t, g, e moral ptes with the cash- an hand at last in . ih and - intenectuall a age was done, Winnhain' was in -the, village on church by Principat Cave D.D., rep $88-.50, make the total rebeipti adyanbd et of our citizens. Lucknow, 997 Midi 1094n, slight frost. but no d Wally LODGE T., 'le Rest Wool Market roo weather Ill s again turne ay The wool eason hs opened cnd I I - 0 and -as, the d 'Thursd la3i were- most iaterqLlng -and pr i able, for year, $313.05. Do D -Yum, Secreft Se!of T 1) 1% P F N- F) E _N . T r4 will be lookin- to the b t that �Thq Iatei t dr O;htz e. favorably it is laz red veil- Ill-'41[10PS' ANDESIE_�T- to - and those present were favorel �209, I t ills, pas in(,F;. with Tfiis amount has'been expended -as ruli'Xet f( r tolit product. . F all dan-e of f ros' sed. We re deved,lon� case to r Nn d 8,,ELECTRW ROAD. 0 Dy ay -rich treat4 In the morni the foll6ws blubt- f tht re hs, loot been it superior M rs. Smith.; The Pdflio� r _Sal�ry of librarian .......... $52.00 7 -be hurbim, and Ontario x1eafg; The krdibishops of Montreal',- Que- . I in dav 4 elich 1111olith"Lt wool njarlcet tolLuckn9wn. the Coqnty TO f te; License Cow- -Prioci al preached on, the - �_, 1� .—A meetirr, o Renit, light and hetating. 94.87 ;1� t 1: ek. Vi4ting bec aiidj�Ottaw, ild the Bislipps f and Un. 11 Vell - -ed Iny tl�1'16L' sliop a'Cross 25. Omeem Etc. 0 ye -s are it Psalm 26, 8 11 Lord, I have� lo�i 1! the n c4tili,ly ill, ittAl. lakith, their usded Inissioners.is eing held at, Walkerton . , 7� - re re m . ........ Nieolet,, Chie�tjtirui, prvp.� I L -s� in Murtoly- block. You. 1. Y, W. A. for - birf sya- to -day- (Thura ay.)� habitatio4 of thy hQuee and t tla C e MagAzines,* periodicals & papers -51.85 th the fro ThreLe Rivei rati ns.th!8-year sods trade. nd ine betwi-en the two bar- Jud� g by the way in which the Chief Reo-ri in." -,N.ilr now herbrooke, Valleytield. St. H inthe, ritig your wool to LOGI;- . ........ ya�i o ho'�. JaAson,' of linton and wheie thine honor dwelleth, ter Mi�ellaneous ............. now. ber shops. Nv it i- grea. —Mr. T ... 3L48 I I ily redn�ed ex- -Ohtario Electric Railway Riwouski and Pontia-c, have i�sued postal clerkl alton, of the L. &B.' ]Kuroflj�d btating -that, we ught to boli able penses I will beable tb,�sellsui t- L L.,tlL;, X-22. in tbo. ts. cheap- 'xpenditure of.. $28176 Compa#7 #re pushing things, this 142?,11, im the fqurth Thur., n er than P.v r. I have. dn haiLid a large days i -f mandeirie t, whicli was read n the The Price of -wool were in town Friday. to make these w6rdsuroW41: and L�a k 1, 16 0-1 re i N, yet no -r g a 'Ota S kA a h on hand 3129 ejectri tThe ug as .... eat Milliner %T�Ljlinery ylil �hem leinand Jor stock of weeds, or4cds, etc., -y! 1 6: - Catholic churches orf Quebecliq last- - n - ! iEve *ail*ay scheme, which is" the E and ""'bg manyo� of u weri --to utte ViL aister.-;and br.-tfirr­16r, woo P---A_ble -1 bv t lie lar'g,e dealers ilithe city �nt in t ie tfii nepy c e ern. Ontario n Sunday las-t-, a Jar ­e st ff of harids othat you Ca. Z�35 largest A'h' O'listen.ce, Will 'soon- be an A. n YO I Ili line 'an _b from the lied -ft-, he -proceeded give conzerlu- y it is ditticult to getyour rders-turned out accorjaPilihbd fact A meeting'of the to lit] roulpt]y 4ad at Mrs. S nith's. Seventy-two -books. have -been addei 'ov- surillise OP ! Ile. le -had von the fqitliful'tu vote for th6 ( what pricf, ars likely to easops why God's pe ight .0 ire y to yo-urkbadsfaction. 'Uive D it f Miss i to th6 library .4iiace last report. ne provislqtal diredtors was lield in the on qI couirr ern.nient, as a inatter of conscieno' e S eills to be , I U in God's house. Some sayr- wfw� titl in i lie storehouses, 4 id i t stock of in(,, 111 Call i,nd'):101.1 WOIJ't to book,! -Lion the mastiff," in the in- Ror'Sin-.110�se, Toronto, on the 13th I("rCt -it. recital in the i9le town hall the kt not put'in those ex y eo a r 's I on aat word but 6h u ich because we have been ac "'s -tom- terest� of dumb animals, was presoted I,,- enino, of Fri isre C..Stew.4r Pala h"n­.11ouse. ev day, May,226d. tr 'of inst" al- which the following were -vem fir -t vid thir-1 that is what it They say that prices..are liable to I by the Hon. G. W. Ross, Minis it . - -_ Hear the boys and'girl sing- the @d to -do so, or because we won )e ill lundav if cv"ry S(jlll(,%Vlitt ower than in 1895. le, _5 - their ut is i erplble Addident. Education. reseni.,i. ul'.11th, in the Oralig, hority spri-ngs fron. Gud eXE ected t chorus of I ITI e Maid from -Algoma" - at, ease if � we did not - Wh, ad- B.A. C. Pew, Toronto; Dr. vit the opening fi go. 'gu-re,; � 11 Adarn Johnson, r.of the. Ul Tho volumes in the library number X J. Violation, Shelburne;' Andrew A-# I Cot), --and that they are 61'.- na-t' -its per 11)4 -11silip of I -at the Recital on Friday evening. witting that habit-6nd conscien ave 1820, �bd are classified as follows n -n are c-�rtliallv. in- Yor 17 co. of Lite tOIN ii�loss, and son of al incardine; J HumberatDilel, MIN (.(,TT (I. R. Now District -JOILIISDII, UIC w 8 'ing —No i' the ti ur- suni- so4e xplanation for church Biogrliphy .......... I ited. urA Ludgesof question -%hi0i i ine to �geti yo M C616 n_ r. t Atitfilasad and ft'al e % the faithi religion and inor�hty, accident on Mondqy dternoo* Inter laces at oriderfulty - low prices. Ripley;,.; J., G. Murdoch, Luelmow; Principal _Cavea ve 'three ''Tain 385 lie, n ]as Ficti ............ I -lie r -, n -1 a�,trrn­nient of districts The 01,11) llian was ,�anding Come and see thein.—IVTrs Smith. g History .......... .............. 123 J.M.j166ert§,.Dungannon;oF. y on the cantpion e thert f -ire thiq order catliolies'to �1'only -in conneelion with tils Metlinclist reasons why God's Ope people 1 #6 hi is LOYAL ORANGE'LOUGE d jubletree, assistin"'� s father' w hb —Lower E Xpenses Miscillaneous.... Goderioh W. R. - Thompon, Tees. ime4n§ lower e!ect as representati%e's of the. eople ehu-L--�-li,,L,,nduti-cotif(�rence, thecem- hobsd was at the rear of tlleliaggon unload- priced suits for-thepublic. IJustoome GenerP Literature.......'.... 162 1101,DS ITS ale .tricerely r( -solved t f1litt(�--haV1i 111MIC 010 C-Aupo.iition of mo water ;,��,'X­.-Macnamard Walkerton rvgular im-ndtly inet-t- p fav- ing manure, when the I-oiso wade. b and see -if it does not.— -Stewart. 1. Because they love divine lt�,!uth Poetrk and the Drams ......... 3 Lhe NVintrliani distritt y is In - follows.- ih-,-t ill the or With ll their irifluenea alid. tq') suU_ lift-im,flietailhoard 1 box --cauied that is proclaimed there—the'. Outh es aiid Travels... 194 W. Laidlawj.. Durham H. -H. M-iners 0 ha s :—The Canlaota,: "Tho Secret" will S rpose of W c JN. McInnis, Tivpr�oipi; T I NV Kineardine, Luqkh�w, be h'(')rs(L- a teaw 1) s to runaway. be''WelL Worth seeing 4t. Miss- Mac- ard pu :06 purt in the llous� , ineasure hich Tees'water, 1�o -Fordwich, Gorril i 174 H,%6o .J - - .2 The youll fed etweeii - tj Ch t dl his wor,�,'jt e i us L 11i, -411t would be an efficacio inan le N*abb's' re rist'§ adven an ... Wrighti, Peilierton; A: -K. Cameron, boo cita town hall, Friday even- I -rox �11 I -ale ale f�c��t - - his Voyall'e and t reg ing God, -aelIg Scien us reme�y fpir the AX tm% Ashfield, 8 horses n -W rk, Ch 4 ian Woj.k� of Ref ....... Holy Spirit aond his o E. Scanlon, Bradford fi.1j..wil,4 (I one of Aheiwlieels passed ing'. mary a - All vittin.;- bi-vthren co,rdizvllY it,, it. evils. suflered by the INla,aitoba TiverrOij, '-A ed t th-e over his -head., killidg 11iiiii in- els, the great last t in 6tc. rpinoritv.)� Whitechur 11 and 11'elgrave-18 in ftll. stntly. —Deputy heriff, Mr. John He Total ..... ;o� ........... and N. 'Uxbridge. Nothing can -be:compared t 'hat Ped. was 30 yo�rs of aae and &SGUS -NICKE-NZIE, Win. TA Decea inarried. derson,: of N Talkertoni, was in the us never. wi r o A, complete catalogue of all'the M MeXaihara was elected preident W. This 6 )rder of the 411shops i� ditng-' -truth and christia V Ri ley Will -Celebrate Villaud -on VV edgesday,l servipg in books in the library has been issued Dr. N. t' 1WIston vice id erOUS Wfi-Apon and. in it CoUntry like U hearing it d -s we never wea.ry of It _ing eq&i mulons.. cne Roberl met -tin anada, where there. 'a. ljrotqstaiit At -Rest4' blue sky or the green free. This d; 'The regulak monthly 't fol apt to coine to itipley '011 S_u and every member is entitled to! Don't fol i t ti et 1�4turer, A. Brunell the Wvinvn's Christian catalogue is got u� in E A. *�-manager. The riiiii-b the 25th. d prograninie of -L�Dou't fail to licr*.41r. Feed vefi has great &aiti]i in de- 0is,'covering a a e and- reflects credii -on Mes ur doin" wore 11) Ury hld- lod's the puplisher,'Mr. Ja Bryan" I?ort Perry through Ujc. to tile one using' it early.., two year. plenod still. to run Temperance U. ni-m Avill be hld every-sec,,nd in& ority, it inay act like a boorucirang sport.-;. Af Ler a Dr. C %Vjlneaday t -f e��:h momth in the Odd Full— will Lacross foo period of il' ion in hi bit s solo �'Driiftinq" at -61aradon of the 614 -truths Of 3 G. NV. ball horieives, bicycle races, f4lo than to thoge whoin, it is aittie&. Miller 4ibd at'his liollip Oil wed the -musical reciltal, to'wn' -on Fri- word and strougly. epreeaUrl an bridge, .eilSihdford 31-ount- Albert� p ening. ster biget folloWling number of volumes issued ------ atural tha i that' Pro- etary. What is wore it. races, julil it,,, putLing the shot, qc, ThelLibrarians report shows the Shariijt d 15 a;- rfe of day ev e ltiong t Se sports to be indulgc I it the early -ag ad Vice, given to a young lAnd. ng, Bradford, W e4t Waw- On r s classes during the year: W pre ca or i;ia rous, Febersham, Price - K NV ert wil, �be que tions so that he Ini Y6 e in. Kincar4ineandllipley.b I ands- I I Lucknow about eight rs ago. lie anosil, lefro-h Tuesday-' lasi `.,'phil - osophi I Biography. 58 Beeton, Rosemont, Shel- -1. 0. 0.- F. testants vote. -on Ono sid 27 yeirs. Ile came io Wingliam from - -Ed � ard Ferguson, of W t-ofilieold utandpicach in the variou Bond "d Wheri tlivy read th t Catholic.4, lia%,e 11 t for the- new onpolif­ buine, sent. I A rrand colic 1wen to vote on- the othe� ", It wil.4 a carp�onter.b, t 0'and for sonle Rainyltivar District, where lip intends _s ville, Hanover, WalkerWit ft - ?" e- ........... ;'. in the '-tkgricultural lfqll in the .641 IS 11 practicl in ion to engag,� in a ve-111's worked as it pr(nr --with - G C-0 -to'take up land thing.fr'esh and intere ft the History. .... .. ;with a bdt t .. 'i � - . o. 94 _11unt,.- - to efly of- the 853 people; Good Christian, men S. 4.. r an -oide evening. )file _Witli the crowd t c) �,:Idr r. thett arrived here r. IL 'Milseeilanon' tigenlia through Meaford, vit;it* 1 _ _a sting and Be6ba-Ao Kincardine -v on't v 25th., �uld Z1, d the aN n�e of Ilipli into line fro4 from Fai,-o;f-Dki, no. Luckilow'Sentinel now travellino-for W. WILsoN, not7a h themes- as t -do Gene re Magtizines 63 w Li a cr)tltest niust depend chritirely -,n (lays a ttend on sue r6l Literatu 0 en Sqiiudi Southampton, Port Elgin TivertoristoKincatdi�e_; aud'a belt on the'glorious gospel. Poeti� e Drama.. Rec--)vler. upon the ood cornmon, senso and Do You� Business at Home. Abou t twit years a go N r...A�l il ler h and th 7 ad -it Gwatkin t.L- Sorl., of To lito, ve us a pauioti�;rti of the laity, both Protq'stant A foolish ide Severe attack -of grip W ich rf Sci6noe and Art t .... �.! 4 to enferitain is that L _��sued in call on' Tuesda 2,. We are greatly interested 'I't h ...... 7 line fr6ffi,,Kincardine through Ripley, 1j e AOUW 111d ctimlic. str'D(rer in lung troutle, and slnceilast'faill lie has y Relig ous Literature .............. 238, di J e", I Luoknok, Wingh Teeswater to x9tint city will spiritual work of which the chic&,4 is �We undorstand the Lacknow- and Voyages and Wall ly �nd honestly. with -onb to (10 nivy work. The Goderich foot ball and �acrosse teams the Centre'. God works in mo.411 more fail 1-cen , u na )I ker n. There will be four belt' _c K ding Worl s of Reference... lines which will connect Lucl�- Ong -,f the than a busir ess man and neighbor fu nerat wi take place io-d,%,v and ""I have -d human souls and preparing th Ancient Ordt-r of eQided I o play i nbu oa;n�' i.; for now and, Wdericli. day, the -th Ittmes issued on .2219 here being taken to the horse utarket outlook Public -servid -Tota 8-tep9l itto' Vt.it�tl IV­rkfntn can'or will & Competition is "keen be condu,-t6d by %lkitland 'Lodge Heav - 'not alone in the ch i PA ur� �but ill tile 011.1 to -clay i li %ill-a"ci and tow mainly there. . Principal Cave get' the :-A tizen witnew Th4 i reading ro -illohout Llia� proviticc and a h; at 3.30 p.ni numb r of our ci ga a om. hag been- supplied in the* Bhptist chut conserib 6A the various inu thri ve short history of priachi nicij�iliae -Now York Iferald izei up� t1fe! I yiIi- )f the coroei4tone ofthe with &e.followiligr1eading matter hewhikh the ed the 1, -hanaeff wrouaht- through 1 9", in- re to rani cunsequence rro(ids are cut down t) ws a quiet, industrious the throug lines a W situation ir. a few wordi- follows 'It Inyl. %.-I' r' young ina who*111 all Mspefted. His newRomanCitholic-chlirch, at God- Dk ly papers -Globe -and Mail and 1)ut no th v t ei-;ht U1, N strum entic st re; r fiiffi6lilty is anticipated in tdis point, levin n z oboy in tit horse bu ;'nc,.,: tl' 0 w t Pos'i C_ cricb, 6n Sunda� last. -Empi e.-2, or in 'in ed to t e or ati fi�� as r I -It is the nkerchant. , J)o not be ta path of their See t le- -Caritatail "Maypole.and -a long wint Y nefitUd4tonvience to ikll resi(Rug i,itin; ,Therf, i�i n bTViotyte"sit"a"net i any ", ?es no bereaved ife an& tuddier have the I I - inarmn t ) directioi,as the �road willbeagrest, ju,;tnowdoing wol-rying syni Weekly papers-Harper's Weekl be ken i I y L i 4a ny friends.- fter er In ALEx R4.,4a, ib a by �;atal�;, ay Queen" at (Illustrated,) Youth's Companion, -ter Workman. t), w" s 11 Wingliarn Time. -1-tias MacN. b's wils- emphatic toneg said thee gospel 0-nOt Raw% orn, Judge,- Literary 'Digest, -4 iiiany yoa ; u e; sent out b� city firiA - n . - Ma. rs u 0 -M near it,lind the rijhts of the public Perhaps in' -moinet of weaknes -icl recital U Friday, vening,. com- 164 its p6wer. . He made a will be 9fife Ouarded ia every pbuible Onalne, hors--.�; and 'rful e Reviewof Reviews, Winnipeg. - OLD LICHT LOODE I you wifl ftnd- yourFelf 7 he Poop rdanls Friend menvinry at 8. 'Clock appeal to Christiana whq have.irij. Free n r heir way.. Two strong financial firms Are lcljl�b�fit t6 Oddfello*s, .�A uonvqi Ltion for �he" at roally rgo, This liao.; ;bean ltPress, Lucknow . Sentinel, Bruce es you call do witilout. How mi 3f, the bidding. for the -rood and if no hitch nomination 6*n souls experiencedthe poweif Reporter, Clinton News-Zecord. clin- 'ForestersilVorktneq' -an4 loyal tj local iinstitutiomi awl in occurs it 1, the expectation -of the A F brOUllit bout Illairily by three prinile, other f rieD di v of � a 6onWery litive can4i4ate for. the gosp�l; ton B �ew Era, Huron Expositor, God - I ra that part. 'of the western societies 11 lve been oil the thousands Hbuse -of Co unons w1I 1, be held-- at 3. The 'third reason why erich Star, Goderldh gignal, Punch Will be -the -ainer- factors the restrictioqs in� long ran you! directo' d's Fri 4fll- be constractea J�e6re -the breeding, operation-;, - which -re, now 99. ay section G. n c Nflio li�ave profited flom a ith's Hill day,' Pennir Illustrated, T late Saturd a y May - people are finding d3 Oro ChaOed as Baggrge appreciate. They are the poor min's Services will be *ld in the Bap 'house i Night-audTow, 114. EET9 EV I-AtY THURSDAY plar. summet;� �clbses. The contracts 1w beginning o toil; sticond, the fc� that,' 0a and after Monday 'last bicycles insurance companiesi l#s help in..' s because it 4*8 a place ot; 111 - on (or bef,,re the full int,im, in the gick- Mc nthly conitrao4joiti. will b� let in sec -tions d, tist-cliu.rch, Sunday;at. 2.10, munion with od and - his I IP. magazines -and periodicals -Ca: ladian, -tek milbi t6h, and as the estimate& NI'vionic ffve.i,ck treet. ]-the numbar of thoi, c tn !IT,rd and tricycic� will be checked and riess, bis c6n;f Boys' 'Own, Bon Ton, I . ort in dpt�h. , How wany CoDduetbd by Mr. G. J"Meq,-je, B.A. T here. is no fe r,of fo . JAH. BRYA.' 11Ajoty charged a,3 .5 a a man I ing ; I Munsey, , Massey.. Nidlkeii, cost is ii t1ri neighborhood of- $7 a, to buy and drive hbrsf�n i� 14s - excess bagga�ge . on families h ve had to- toy entitely oil 41 Worshfilful 11&14t�r, on of Toronto. Subject, '�PrAyer". the church it he has foubd 000 ecretary. a failroads in Canada. o charge their 11sicL benefits" wh�IF- the bread- f Out4 in inent to a. C�)ntinually. oil din-inicreASC; thirdl- Far Cosmopolitan, jPoultry mile, give e wilf b, Illade less than 25 cents. t Will purify words;to- be true, "Wheretwo IPT ree, Fo winner liei on hi Clover 0 Revi w McClure's luagazine-11. large ntiiiibbio I help and iaitly,, every th inw that Alner�cyl� Fo -41)edofijln�ssandsaved, your blood,- cl elar you%mplex�ion` reg- are gathered together in, my�ij. me of men, sliort-distancj% this will mke the rate -froru starvation by.insorance froni the Ii�sa pleasure to state that the tlie busifitss of the aec n --)u to secure is soinewhat high but on'lon(yer trips --same sour,�(--? I lillite ypur bowels and �4ke your head there am I in the mindst A country through 4 tis the0arainountdilty --readi ag room affords one of :the. chief whichibbalis. The unanitaclueppiniQp­ able sightwasseen atthe ded a cle4rasa-bell. 25c-,5,Qc.,.. nd.$1.00.11 attra itionsof ihe villaga, , It has -been of the dKetors is that it is going t& of Bolomon's temple. el; to Will-liam ill cost :33 some provi.9 The sh ned I - European firtus. - donjor his -%,tife and faTqi y ned y A. Me - ill e well 3a;tronized daring the ear and qff0tGUe5 ork gobbled u by -'ats for En-lish' and very For instance: To of every'liusband and f4ither to nitake in Jerue_ tako a whe' ip timiler o�' Nothin r% . _�I_t I - . be a pay!bg. institution In= the word _41CRAS, While the charge to Toront that is'to be seer� in our chueel no -W. I uni safe in stating that no other 0�wil. in case of" ds deat4j, a4d'die, Mend] Q6aiql of Luc now, at - ----- olay The absence of such --dies not Ove readiag room'in the county ha been 04" y y go,as thd road runs through some- of But scienta hborhood, a. been hauled' I 9� eentf.`-Of coursis this -rate -spelet wa thoreadiest4ndclim-pe 4 _!X� 0 agri CURItENIT T-OPICS accomp cr in ilis -nein' more profitably ptilized than - the the rich�6-b, -cultural districts 'in that God not as I ly presen , low nying- pag 7fbf this prolsion. it away by special trains.- linton Nerw I Ontarioi find touches niator -towns and lCertainly whert I fit a' pair is 'o-ol'i for�- W-4ee 1 .9 Ilkiu . , ' 8 fre 1 01 &ding room. The room lhdf same date th me friendly soc villages that have-uo way convience ses to a pair of eyez�. You 3brig-6rs. Afier� in C- - t lat so' as of d, but it proves that the Lucknow y' is a long-%mt- kiles. rega' r n ---U-r" c isketed odasl strict busine childhood Twelve ears in pr !jrb iede3: Rra the church's ' has teen Tail can't, afford to have novices ex- rdiog sto age -of freigh6 a - -is pas �And kept well heated and lighted 8.9 -7-The parties who to�k tho' bell bff ace, but ?t is nab a day too lono fot baggage at, 4ati6n houses will also, be prf-- - that therefore such pictureq. Me' no Ever , year this institution is. beewl; of any Ki i 0 -s as'one wotild.4e but they Mr. Wm` Rendersnis pow. had better ing n ore- popular - and is to a * ireat pertinent on your eyes, when you I k the two hildiwayinen who robbed enforced U!odds or articles not, re, r* e here I o stay. In gp tq�-- feel the need of (dasses. (a .nie tie st, _i of'evory return. it, as they are 'Well known, or z exten , meeting the wants -of our in*- AI OPEN LETTER or at re moved fr in ion witlifir 24 defect t1ky are a.blel' I u His text in the eveniug-vm 6 1) a call. If you' r eyes are illl right youn., Culey, of Hatnifton. lt�is a sinorx--w'tllo t it may. cost tUm cao Ifan the bell.is, j telli lnt citizens. ho 29, "Behold the awliof FourtK'rouessionl of Bruce, Wulow urs aft4 t eir rrival will be charg.- which life would be I God ��H'ch _-La t.year the"Village. council voted I Will tell you so and chargd' you pity they should not also have a f6w it�rder to viiry worth.' acre teq or] 13ji ed stor �t lany, nc, taketh away. the sin of *the w d Creek- Pib, April 3rd, 1896.' J.M M�_ z5 - I , - death is robbed of half its p. -S nothing for the examination. f f doses of- the cat. in th, Scierii 0 e Rpe - $50 r the benefit of the- library and Mare itnpris6ni)iient you need glasses, I will tell you. -te�ror� when it conies The. Monday evening lecfu: '�on readi L --room. This money has -Lood, Dear. -Sir. -I w= �.11 ; NYith 'tile a3- ialist, will be at -Harr M . ; , not Plo :y Days' dru ' 11 Palestine was' -rbstiipg, instri ; L,iVe yet ',a ilsers. I -was treated by is not s:) in 11-A of a unisli'luent for 8 1- - inte t ve Yet en paid. No doubt . the the exact kind you 'rilquim uranco dirtc:a1though, Illswife ill be Sto L sick for M re _(Tuesdayy. Watch - new ni"Ilt. sup ay the l7th- inst*., Mr left a widow and hi on Jupc 9th arid evidi Boa of Dirtletors -will, attend to f ji these gentry as ano, r Qn_Sund his six doc Anything lte distreoxed -1 Dntly ap Ad s childron father-' the, ­da�e. 'p-ivate pre" _b� L T. P,--S-N1TH,- ly 0 Joh ;0 residen'ce, less, they will te Jiearets-- 19. visit to Lull OW Ila'a me. mortal n Finfay! ''n died at hi�s not b 46 -reduced to s. alkeleton. I -4 o iV4116ut--fF1eiAs -store.- , . '' w . a4d. the DP al suffering; they th f or the wh Vill certainly be long remerber( In rder to meet the win -EYE SPECIALIST"y phycic the 1,vil) 049 ust no rewith to b6y,.bread, - 7 - ts of out The -pain in my stomach was intolif. C RENTIFIC shou be Con. 1�inl in, San le. - V�*t I did est c�nte up as awn it s, nmrt_Ly_ a aged 80, years and 4 apt& Swe.eey, 'U. 8 reade .I would j e ' commena that at inade to feel go, Mills' Catarrh "Life; became a bur- 5A.- 511MATOM DRUGSTORE month.q. 1-1 had been confined to his Diago gays: 18hi TE I RIBLE. ACdIDEAjT n CREWE ast 1100 be spent in bo(?kLS ejery 03 il mendinent, to tho Agse3s*.nt books to be added every derk, to mid, I was told I had a bed for four t previous althou Ret edy is. -the firs le WIL U NOW, 0,4 ikn a veek' t medicine I -have year, new do lie has not Veen well si eve� fodind that me any, month and 'names published. in, -the: cer-in thestdillach and that'it p wifq e 4pring see i TUESDAY JUNE 9TH f died', seven ' ars aab next Septsnib� MalcollIL McLeod,. foi inerly of 0.04."'. Pr 0 - SENTNEL. By -this means our pubU- -take a I Act, ssed-at the pre3rit essiop 0 nce his Th� d rig is about Rip- g 0 50U.. L long to cure me. You'- - here and the er' 0 look. well 4 �bep the Legis ature, provideSLtllat the i efl� -Deceased w ley, aged '12, met with ton accident o - 1 9 . 0 librax y will e kept the Public. can well wh' WArvill THE DATE ale a�ea hative of. the n 3r change in, Grand Trunk fill wheat. 'It i biLdLy -winter I -lied. before 0 . I en toldthis that annot be levied 'pon of Port ects of a tenant c. cee, 1.�'lo of Skye, rnvernessli ire, One Of th Buffalo Com Circles, "d -,r. the new, managemen ia. Up jj' h An institution 61 1his- km*"d not concluded uld -not 'be ou pany Sacrament was hefd in te red I Ifor taxeq, and w -here, the taxes arei due ScOtlanll. 'An thaiof the all e. In f4ture; the laige- 'only de h a begantogWisomuch and not ;Set- _sdy night, pefids on the pi�s nd. energy Elora, June 2G, '94 ia�l%y cor tion 11 here last Sund of the Directors', biii aiio follow0d, S' I his younger days lie tugsil tile eagul on. N'Veli) and the tenant is'not able t g, and a"ne esult in fle k,n6vni Uzi on -the aid d t r era r W_ I was ad at Anything for, li, p, Aime was, at South Bay 'which inh his �ug relief A `4ought aly case -bopelen. Y. the mast -e - were glad o see Mrs. and p itronage of the,citiz�ns. This is to ce' tify that the glasses 4,, the same aie collector"may gi ve thet ten- a (I owner of it craft, trad-o death -The tua had rfiq into Sout the! "Grand Ti unk Railway Syst*m ��.ilot, to -e between in, f, ri� the p%A, tb "Grand Blake, who had her 'arm broken �DIPG Th( reading roomilias was unueceiisario.As I Z--,Nlr -T P Swith, of Elora, fitted Holland and- laad.l. st�ead 0 te -been free. to Scot two weekg" I ant notice itt writing:.requiring hitIn to Ile ca -me riin� Rail a V." ti Me ago, able to be oat again. me with six-ne months since ar 5 Bay to tie up for tI 0 uiv-- -me to,3anada-in 1§52, lived _a� Leod T the pi iblic for some ypgars, -at an out- cauld not 4t �iu,;Yway, V--ALB-U- t q in 'The and ing with one start �1 I n on inn -complete pay the rentas - it becouit, due to, the year in Woo Istock and -then came to,. was st coil We ha 16 pleasaw i The Cheese factory here sy tc the Directors, of.fro $50 ta $GO- good sham -0 ie�ve satisfaction. &t on a it cail rom --Mr. homwin cold An b-oct'herabi'me paids 11 used to have amount of -tI1_e taxes clue:audl - unpaid.' Godttrich-. I fe,sailed a Mondayi-Ilth iftst., but they'ari J,not annually. The library �.h*as been on stormy. -few seasons on. of rope, -4c two, turns Donald McD(na-ld, of Stauffe' m but' I had -,ow of wbich, 14 - th- oIeWeII patroiltized an ag eat in you. If r street, 41 1 n At the back of my eye have no Tll�ls is a provision ivhich stiould have the lakes a I hn oretting a -great -deal of milk yeb; Nq 1 1 -Ing so Many, a nE What was then' aronlid t, �.mber head ('lti the t whd -,has k ele 2 on, the, siok list -for kp 't r -66w� - and o. 1 — a r 0 dtall useful liter�ol;ureput in circui- known as 494le bush" was opened by* was about t put on RAoti qg. t a we are It Inst.his -beat 11 e , � ii ihis adthborh ation I am safe in *ating that . for ood rel became respon§ all I wa zzie tie Own fo e-' c* a w e. snow itr ai the r of books, on our shelves, f R T MEADE, of hardship arose under the old )aw, in co sale in 1855, h cSignm6l jo back - 'The' pletil "0 he fait way awong*b&� - beenadopted Jim- ag? NTany qa%es the er �'er turn whon sev past. and 1 Ceased to annoy toe you 3n at4rt, y last thq captaht'ga-Ve _440 0 se 11 gon to there no better coll et1hon, of books in rapany ith Xr. M. Ca )bell f full, to rited health. miss' Li -Pierce has nd 16A ib engineefr i I I re.oEr tohis' IjV�M 0 n odel School by which tenants Ade a slight �Tistake widi. ID ion -in the ilar itiatituti 'due Iong before their IM cipal t1fora. M into and et ed on lot 75, r for taxes on. Kine, the levpr 'a id the tug ahea heMe Goderich., Goderidh"184$ t. 1,AWd zob' nterpriae., Mr., Kilty, a ny o er sim P C�CPUP loss Abou 2.1 years a,,Iro be sold his I uMisses Anna'and Kate rest UIVI ing the ro �e and McLeod's right foot isithe j�xarthy ry rovl�ce.. ation of the premises. X0 C40 -home from Detroit wh ad five farm, bouch th Public scho, re e y Tli4 Directors have -exercised, their tht holding and b6ilt Huron; I en.. - t to I h 3 timber* ed fibliiA.,- disjointingL, ndidat In 'West- Vhl whi -best j4dgement to secure none kle .)one and cutting the foot 86* this p --4, rra. ASTHMALEME bee. ter. 0r.1A s Curei the great which he died. 'tile an vefe all win bat _�N at their means -doula CURIES -Shiloh 'ough eawd, ariieu ar Kilty gett through with -18 th I nu nge�t of s th- W, even sons C. Cami roof war bisi 1�terature ti 0 BIT Up an ntght gagping for eat dlullind. -mas a Presbyterian in rdigio' rse, he MARR19D 'as --balioW that fr -�ozl-.- ivadelor uippA e. Itisto led A doe ould ijot b6 -ocur at- MAY ac' 0111 -:a that it'bung only- by thi ack tenrlon: M the.oldl ASTHMAso that you eed NOT- and Group Cnre, is in gr' breath r fearr n, au� 'a -B meron: el no] coun fiim9elfludkyiU'fiis.name� GRAM v. year to year our Cl6lufiall Will- "o &nd, y.olir8ya, th wii, ed ti, suromtIon. Send yournalne and V Pocket size c tins -twenty-ffve Only Reformer in 'Clan will addrm W stpan 1) ThIle Ca R.,Z th6 r e will mail U181 bottle 9- reii love ito Soldltydt eaves ovaning, and. the you a�ATON-OALIIAN jAn 080t, 188! AlKLAIDE ST.. V ug- f;eudly.i Thf, fun�ja ng -wan Of -:1 reeognize the.] mry 113 tol I a -Ume- nary;, 'on-11in he 19th r-gely atteifdedl' In 'lage -and tha ace, on-, was brought to Owen. Bound on the 16ays i hd6re 29rd benbht �iiui lib da nd was la vil ne I trok pl st�srfter Paoific, and 464 to the 'UnVo, 7- our Ij w- h . V ind' _P 44 i i4 b 0tift. BOA