HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-05-15, Page 4a T • ' I have just received: again this j'season, a 0_..B LOA_D of S� Consisting of the following v ED trieties : CCPR 1VMa nmoth Southern -Sweet Red Cob Ensilage Yellow Dent Leaming Rural Thoroughbred Thite Flint White Cap Red Dent and other yarieties. The quality is the very hest that can be see I have -also on hand a very select stock' of ARRC>T�, 111.A..NGT1B c$v `I't3 RNI ' SELD_ I- pay cash for farm produce LIIf all kinds. and prices reaso 1' iS.aA I oPE\01.ETTER 1f �� urth-Concession of Bruce, �1 illo�v UA f O B ,1) � � !ice, Creek P-, April 3rd, 18'96..J.JI.MIc- 1 Leod, Uode:ich. Dear Sir.—1 was }•LO $11- (:)S sick for live years. I was treated liy 1 Six_ doctors. Anything 1 ate distressed ! Fe. 1 was reduced ti;)a skeleton. All Kinds. All Widt: s. - All Siz The pain in my -stomach wes intoler able. What I did eat came up as soon •. • FOTW TIF4S os it went down. Life became p. bur- den to me, - I was told I had a can- cer in. the -stomach and that it would take a long time to cure me. You can well judge when told this that 1 concluded; I could not be cured. - I began to swell so much- and not get- ting relief I thought my case hopeless. I was advised not to eat anything for two weeks—this was unnecessary as 1 cauld not eat anyway. I -wis not in good'shape to leave home in cold and Stormy weather, but- I had confidence in.. you, knowing so many cases - that yon cured in this neigliborhood, among whom are some -of my own friends.'-- I got a friend to drive me to Goderich last November. I could Lots rest till I was taken there. I remain- ed five days at the Union Hotel, where they ..treated me kindly and well, till I got the flannel harness you made for me fitted en. I was taking your System Renovator improved,ion alt the time and_ the firs. app of E. A. McLennan's Liniment relieved me -greatly. I was free from all pain and eating well the day. I left Goder- ich. I- was -graining daily. I contin- ued till I took three bottles o_ f the Renovator -and used two.of the Lini- ment. 1 -'felt that I was cured and well long before 1 finished this, but anxious to gain strength and 'weight, which I have. 1 t,etian . tt, work almost as soon as- I came Norte. I have been well and feel as- well since then as ever I did. in my life. My confidence is not misplaced. I tender you my sincere thanks. Yours truly, NEM ROBERTSON. For sale1}y - Barry Days, druggist; Lucknow. ° 1l�RE THE THAT BEST COUGH WITH SH1L0Hs $sere., - Cu R 50 et5. and Bottl �2.oQ e. One cent a dose. It is sad. on a guarantee by all It cares Incipient Consumgtioii and is best (Avail. and QsouP Cure. - For Sale at Berry - & Co's COURT OF REVISION • FOR -SPRING AND- SUMMER SAND Come in and see the array at onet,dol ar. A. aline of ;M French Calf Sll es in both al and Csnlgresi. easy,- good fitting, good wearing; shoe. ' Nothing be put up: We -can give you a bargain in . those. BAR — PRICES 'RIGHT. s. Pri ts, Pints, Prints.. Shils: nags Shirtings, Shy stings. Cottonad s, Cottonade= Cottona de YES KESS OO we --have oo many of them and: stock ofthem.- . That means mon z: $lot Plenty of different kinds to select from. $3'5 Up.. SOilig out of Boots a Not v ry niany:left, at prices that are ri fi • CLiTHVNG OUR SPEC. W. GRENAO'H 11, •An ter WET StilirSIER WITH P LES ? Dr.- Chase's Ointment Cnr :them at, a Cost of lint 60 ten '. ' Piles, scrofula, . eczematic 'eruptions,; scald• head, salt rheum and 'all other:.annoying and painful skin diitcase: eau be =asily cured by Dr. l;hase. s Oiutineut. j : , d protruding -- piles -I for ten years," writes . 11: Autherluud, cont- ' mercial traveller, . Truro, :.3.; "tried many remedies. and had doctors oper- ate. It was no use. Was fiompletely laid -up at times. Chase's. Ointment was recommended to me by Mt Brennan. of the Summerside. P.E.L. Jbnrual. - I tried it, and one box completely cured mo.": -Statin.: the editor of tate Streets - Ont... -Review, gives this uusolicited testimonial ander date of Noit..6, I$95 : - "Half a box of Dr.Chaso's Ointlnent cured my daughter of eczema. ;Th►t was six months ago, and there has since been no.reappearance- of the disease." T. Iliallace. -blackmith, of Iroquois. Ont.; was troubled -with blind itching piles for 20 years. " 1 trued every remedy that came ont in : vain." he �s rites, " until I tried Dr. Chase's Oint- ment., meat. It was a godsend. cured me." . All dealers and Edmaiison, Dates & Co., manufacturers, Toronto. Pritre 60c. -Linseed and turpentine are; every mo- ther's household remedy [Or ' coughs. colds, throat and lung affections. Dr. Chase has di9guised the taste and made the• remed-y pleasant to tate. Large bottle only 250. rpm_ COURT FOR THE REVISION - of the Assessin'•nt.Roll for the Municip- ality of Lueknow, will be ,held op the 29th day of May commencing at 8 o'elock p. m, IR MoURisos, Clerk. COURTOF- REVISION THE COURT FOR THE .REVISION - - of the Assessment ROB for the Municip-' ality-of Ashfield, will be held on the 30th day of May commencing at 2 o'clock 1,. m. Dated May 2, '96 - W. STOTHERS, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION pE COURT FOR THE REVISION of the Assessment Roll. for the Munici - ality of West Wawanosh. will be held on the .30th day of May at 10 o'clock a. m. Detect May 5. W. S. McCeost1E, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION E COURT FOR THE REVISION of the Assessment Roll of the Municip ality of Kinloss, will be held at the Township Halls Holyrooci. on the 25th day of May at 1po'clock a. m, PETER I:gin, Clerk. . . ftM FOR- SALE-. ¶ ING IORTH 1I.0T 13, I:I T1IE 13th- ;ash.c attaining about of the tov ne hundedof Wtandl' two .;acres. Eighty acres are, cleared and fit for cultivation; balance timbered 'with hardwood and cedar. The place is all well fenced withd cedar rails. and is well watered. Laaldwellingood barns. with stone stabling, good ane pns, li houses, first class orchard, ooy five acres are in are on the premises. crop andthe farm will be sold with or wi'th- outit, to suit purchaser. If it is not sold in three months it will be leased until hold. Only part of the price- will be- required at the time of purchase. I11 health of owner the only reason for, Belling. 1'(1r particulars apply en the premises, , A. D. CAMERON. . 1162-tf - Box 134, Lucknocv, P. 0 BOWMAN & DOUGLAS. N -EW LIVERY. t 2 i r .ADAM BOWMAN, H: pager. FIRST-CLASSHORSES AND RIGS. Prices Reasonable. • Rigs delivered to apy part of town wore and stables lust south of Hlldred's Carriage Worli. In the spring ever body expepts to appear at their best. Our new stock col tains. all tyle ,prettiest makes in lad- ies and childrens' 'fashionable footwear at low price. Ment s and Boys_ High Classed Shoes OM. new stock is -tom Tete. It combines tan in all s, axles and also a full -line ofd ngola goons. = We invite speci .l at- tention to our men's d4ngola fine Oxfords. - Men's and Bo'r's Heavy Wear these lines . we were r in better position to give at the is au fteen over I nev you 1 better- values than present, although there advance of from_ten to per cent on these good for ler quotations. Yo i can. 41. Me.KE KE Z have them at old prices We • wo1Id ask, the people f the Baker and Confecrtioner• surrounding . country to give us 4 tail and get prices before purchasing, as we are convinc- Dealer in - all kinds of ed ve can show you hoW you can save on every pair. Groceries, Canned Goods, Yours truly, Confectionery, Etc. - Neill & OtIT AI S e • musi y saves! Price: /reduce ou to -the buye range fi'oi d .don' -t go buying a bicycle ill sod seewhat D C Taylor h s - in : wheels or, y ose motley BUr.e. - EGZ . , IN - I$ PEE.. They have some good value in sec nd-ha d wheels. yLog, .„1110) u LADI B :mN'o I �` is t e time for SHIRT WA I TS o get them. ''e -have them And, this :i� the lace t in black -*bite nd fauby 7co1ors,. a the prices • :-run from 5oc u . We haeme also a slendi d variety of SpotjIIIus1io_5 -Victoria Lawne1 •ChambreyS$ al Zephyrs :land Tins; the _washing _ qualities ,tof which aroLunsu assed. You will s ve money:by - buying t ' ' se gbods from as,. _ - N -B----If you V ant t we keep patten Iu. shirt w=aist or any other garment,- yourself, remember that �--- MCLEOD'S Wit= R0f310VatOr. Bread, Buns • .-:' and Cakes . Fresh Dally .. - Flour, Oatmeal and Corn- meal 'always on hari4l. And other tested remedies SPECIFIC F Ii.ANTIDOTE Weak and - 1inpoiterishedn for ySleeplessness. Palpitatio Weak 'Dyspepsia, Host, Host, ]livei'Goinplsiint, Neuralgia, ' of .all Memory, Bronchitis. - Consnmpptin, Stoics. Jaundice, Kidney and ilrin wry llis pees. St. V tus` Dance, Female Irregularities iind per half pint and $2 per pint bottle - isslaa oxs At,, D•. McLEO Harte (ioD . LSBOzo�t' p - • • CUSTOM .TAILOR. �_Allia'1� B]OCk. Y Ilaving openeei oLlt business in the loom over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry goods store, I am prepared to tarn out in the neatest manner and .lat- est styles alt - sort of work inin to.a first-class tailor p�erta g shop. SatisfactI'on always guaranteed. A c111 solicited. To enter my rc'oms please come by way of main up -stair eln&rance of Allin'-e block. R HUGHES, SIE CASH SHOE ST: j DO 4'r PAY DOL FOR AN 55 E S cos 611g �DTSpt'cuRES DR. MATCH TTE'S CELEBRAT D Ind all Toi acc !Mille URE �ABITS 5.O NO.C.OV„NO. 'r 8NU ETri: ENU- OIPPINO •� . -IM 7L MO R3• Catala la Ns cure u uc Tuts ace DalE ,are ill. - rL„Ire. It0[J8ANOS 2 C,,E,trO'ST. uEST. - ao 78%2 -WY. duuwu • oi. Bn n:,..;: zo.,sTs.- NAVOAU4P.CtU E9 by O.. 69~Curct..N. kW y11 DAYS. Sole Agent eole mu for LUCKN OW• ,ir grace: ies fine - gr at question is where to t thein. �� a keep' the best lualitiel to he tad \Vo don't pretend to s 11 them below cost, hut ' 'e do ell them at a dry close margin. s TEAS - Black, (Veen and 'Japan are unequal will save from 5 t� 10 cents per pou;idif y peddlers. Cor1part quality and prices. We hare.- a fine assortment a 1in.ne setts very ehe�p. Cal), examine them and -F, LIME FOR SAL - PIRTIES WISHING FIR -CLASS lime can secure the same y leaving their order with us. Those sequiri g n.quan- tity will be supplied at 10c a . bushel. The beat lime of this season can be had at any time 114!4-4 JAS. SAUNDERS,. Lncknow t&ir.a 1euV xna ,d[r if iti:i THE HUB Leads them all for �,mily Groceries —AND— CANNED -G Gov 3 D All kinds of flour ,and 'feed kept constantly on liarld. Uoods art`of the .town. - delivered to any P :. ;. eClq a and CASI CARO . ES - ed in qua it.y and prices. ,u liuy fr m us. instead setts, .t a. I.e:ry :Iced get 'price. You tea toilet Was Was a few, years ago supposed. to be a craze . but people . `-e all 9f the sale opinion -now, that it ODS { Fruits of All Kinds i Seams FINk. TEAS - - A SPECIALTY. -rhe Largest Stoci - The Choses Gdods, fir: The Be =Vase dbtitinable ; in Lucku' w� . 4OHNEL ' SHQES2 And if- -,a that 7 T ' -i t�o�:�,: don't for we have ; he stock of wh els e 3 . Ue You are invited tg call and spect 01)ff spring stock of 1360T S which is no ontOlete and will be s CHE.A.P AS THE Ordered work and yepairing W. J. Lin: s. kl 44- HAPE$• one of our speci Ides. want a bicycle entire satisfac- to call ,pn us, pest assorted er shOwn in thiS part of the country. `Yellow -Fellow' AND re among the Lea -owing-01Y heels for which We have the- sole uckno-w. See our samples and get our pribes at ONTARIO. M. CORR the place to make Y\p' , I have in stock the A plea Black Lead Baking Powder. Barley, pot ph Brick rooms ans askete rushee iqcuit offee ocoa Ckirn, canned. Cara meal Ourrints capie Powder Cream Tarter! 4 Flour Dried Apple Extracts Firs Fish, mulled Gelotme Gingers Hops Honey hak Lime Juice Lemons Lamps Gard liatehes %/ince Meat Heal , Aticaroni austard Heats, canned, Hagnesia r selections in Soda loNittoica vgei - i 3rr uoalipnpi able i es 0 : c tim ned R: eai cl. )1 esPi 1;1 ' Vvvinieligtinareg . Peas. alined R,selcnen lour Salm nl'; Sato it_00eininsonseeeirt;ettais , Water Setsf” feast Cakes S3aartell ea Cream Sets BenySets Nita Sete • Old carpets and lace curtail*. If you coniemn -theni and decide to ee what e can give you in diese goods. We have SPECIALT G anne OUR was esuc OD VALT:10 AND LACE CURTAIN Lad es, leave _xOnr ordeys early,:in the Week when iaa' want them for