HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-05-15, Page 377 Y L ever to sink all pe sonat al lbitiong ------- 71 if t bending all our energies to ti Vend an uplift- poir hwisuminet OxT lug Of humanity. and abiding ogether, TH -W OUT THE WORM Co. are 9 SUNDAY- SC -4 ..... ........ in nnity and confidence to th Ve a - ii *--- Ht OLE. end of -the g Theosophiom upple -Who for louse - parti Blenthb- eo- th -from the baske a ring- f of magician, took LaULL"Alu 1INTURNATIONAL Wing _J rIO-VIL + . # o Joe ke.Adept, wiith - the facilty of lemahg 01 alt ARC i0t I - if If Waited 8uPPn§ed to The, ream .01M The :Tele h sao� Ithat the 'I possess Occult prbpertlesi Oalifbmia� Recovered, I rap ---i ift.T 17 41 the third finger[pf 3fln f Me wea th Of the.late Bar on =td?lt on `,Vic 8 left hand. He theb Joined .1 flitsch. Am, unting THE =RcM1%B. ide a W�-Lrlo Parable of -ihe Pounds -WTd. the left hands of the bor bride. -&Von Dosf" Gi Poundik- has bj en. -buke kix. 2L -4 groom. He spoke. not a The HE UVED IN THE LONG AGO' Arustec'l to the Jewish iont- 0 - I TI ere, are some inner eIrCIP- thiD outer guard d the at BpOerintendent-wwt, Shrivelled -BOWs and 77777w NfV'- tile cofiL 194 -ti $01den Mean. 2F $6elety fo on Z co On L Of �text ? 10Wkillis. Who, puffed mmoners. arose to their feet nd re- 1work. Th b. . P 00ly Writ, defaiine Saliskrit e C -I- eir neighbors, T41S Present incaimation the Bricle, peated-a mystica LAW"' sum Of i 1000 000 franc �,doors, and et -put X fiv that His Fqltrth Year- -One for oved Since teen times, in blocks o 9t" and Fiction— '�hari ralt fu 7 P my KrODIA Has Known His Bel rd'fif- Nin t TAll and Built In Prbport IDP,.- Js bequeathed td ' -' 8 h Ftb 415 Y the -Iljalf-wrftte� karl �r ties in-3foj- V117 Gian of ra f"pencer Is t&i. guest of�­Lord A!,Tla. Whild r --MO pan, Idly' =110?W: Theosophy Inknown 'proje uIna Aberdee Is-1alt f Itumeh; their eydi -to 06 in 1q0w The Adept Presides and the hen the L ed his e Ta1e3 That �411 iid d min Hate Been ld� I i at: ottavra4l In tiie-HorsedrCo"ons-theRome' dud 'he dt,18 UP -t sh anV' to quote the wor of one tile -Secret -ame. Writes Job �"Rad I words'to compietp )OOP821)(OnY is -in Villa it HaWkesbury Luiqber ar a -X Accordance With saw it all, tent Who Was Seven Fee� S13. ouncedl a principle of -Just,! 1910 -111 much e vie Po a fir hLOL 0 ent-What is th I The chosen peter It, or -w�ho'd I I ed t, be'%n a Superintend �,entral fell from grace Prehistoric- Rites. ceremony, aud'by tile 111pam's mills W* destroy ed by proce;(0JI e-� 11 ff*Cl . k foOb3f Id frWity,411 are kin Power of its wifl W zk The c rpse 6f the biggest man e. Cused perso' T Vh ol ­uilderiii' courtshil) resulted in strengthened tit b d b =u PL. lip ' lnno� truth ? atwl two souls upon L,o prehig-tort I) On, n tbe ever livxd has been dug up neai �,,by -rian' JQ13 nod of Toronto 'eut- until und ty, c o. n'v I c t ed Who never, ishaired in: sin ut th6 "little 'bare feet -on the stalr- rd tile Kill; in sei�sion at Coiling- persoh Js a uMed,.to be; guHt rightfie traitor to. the human y e s.u� Then the baw Diego, C tl., says the Neiv York 6d. proved to y- butil Judg- W#9 a t us 141 :' 4' marridge a spirituai e -W Id. and On�, giiiT -God is B u I played. School race, d string -band. corigistin applloq With scarce - And ifie; Jaint, smothe of erg, Claude of a 0 t -no satisfidic y. wo to Mrs. Inno This � Militate. au Ise to --Cori�rol red laugh in Oe- t -and At all e ren a, there -in The t awa City educ� Y Ack, a p inipu - A two Theosop ad four violins. g of a 0 record 11 ancient or modem C6 juell has r ka P d a no con, , superiatendent-What is Without one passion to -repi6ss'� tee hall, PUll-w Wright ail-Z-a7ila.Slary Kather- The -guestig came up, hist ad , th6', nine - It fort' r the convict t 100e ? T4' t sinless thiog wit -1 And tW, eoj I�-Iovv lisp 'o hout a pou' n the -silence, Mr. an Mrs. Is -ever the Moos me over it all.' two ty two, her of tavern licenses -from e -Christian service Intl -Leoline Leonard, in accordance anti shook "bands with of any, luman --being nearly so 11. - 71 to 66. �,:Ilsallandudmfl u erer. School t cry 'Up SuPerimendent- hat IW 116" out - Wright, amA Dr. Archibal �,Repiylriig, I the Ho a ic W inerellegs. with tlle�ritea,.of tile ancien't 1�.'gyp- d el litley, 'the mummy-L4or. in such a condition Mri- -C Clemence,'6f Po t 48 line.? P Ir - 11 Commous, Mani m1as killed by to Mr. Hen Karr, ge yol - tin of L burned some ve d fit-, the remains were found -Is . that . of a DIU -Couserva. lx�a Ir Wlit bound go 1 g ,on 1 11 hind­eular s* 4h6ed it up -where II mYsteries. Tile adept'in, oe'cult- 0 erry trA &ton- Christ's kin ken, aln cens n tile aLtiar. a I Ove,- ot. Bt, len's, gdom I ecured E brace the brotherhood Of W.Oo bro :Was a. T. R. at r. Chambeirilain 2- Christ's a f ie Thetoso- Tile bride, bridegroom and tie or Person who must liave been- aboutiti ine -said the que ervantal,' emplin iti '. �)islu- tile secret bead. cf tig ot t e bounuary 6d 3: Let, 811P no more your slander hound' The 04r4aded thre o day tileg-litIff opting of tbo i; judged. 44) PhiCal Sooiety In Americ' t Wo witnesses then -went to - feet tali in life. This At M weeu Alaska be- Christ*s . servants . Bfit let the hunll;d sinner go. -Telling lt,,howi ad of my theme a. And Lhe other makes all ritleli Columbia be- Vnemies Punished. riot's as O�ne 'night owa 'lee City Council of C+uelp the rate cessor ol Willi�m Q. Judge, who which may be 'of taxat. on wais stru k at 25 mills 5 29. . P e arge-bo liberal'; imp WT -1 -ting mcult suc� room, where Alderman Robins for the shrlukagq, Out low the Oara�lei * had been Time -A. D. B ormed was not velled, t uIr ,e fa , Pretty C osely Calculated. As to iiic-.' The bo( -Jesus. The disciplel Live perf firew aw&Y Ill cigar brought beto' la e-Jer 'hat he lore assisted �6y W,br;ke in Onpy dream. tile tiefertiolly, M the Colonial office py- PpreelLi 0 love d - t e memor- -multitude. Isitive falry— y "of a' boy riinted Kay, who Mr. Alexa Begg, axid th' . n -freighted hihip A IittW:k-;. -lilt I anti performed a civil warriag( In a curacy in the estimate -t droi ed I i 1, Ide yoigr door, ��-'Th. T M�r Al lit(;bi son. - IT b rn or clood -b a had . fc at good ttle girl, With the gold itideei.1. ifor the adept to do marricil pair will question, as -the -m �11 -T n it .11 was very here can be. no' w .1 S NLv Ow 8 tit llurl� liV' December and Erwarded to the -Can.; Commentary.' card es in 11P- to last, W. found !it tlib 6trand River 'Adlan I ent& -As may'Pass fro lip. Of the ban Ili her hair,. and thedewy t, Lke no cada thei, ver has an Ll"- Mr. Wrighr - get weddin When the w hole theme - things-' ,TS.), � - - - I q Besides Blue -9 wari was ripe are ea head- ected and measured by A 10 -ye ir-old soil - of �Mr. vred. An- .(Or di lo at fo:lowin us on of the fairies wanLed to g t9our. They -have e carefully insp' af Brant ord. 11111ask 0 there were crowds i lee But- there are men whose live$ �of Did 7ied two yeitrii ago, ana he said: rooms ciose to the Theosopill gaged - disc on, the points His way to 991 6t. 'yop"re so young, you quarters. and to -day tli&yv will un, curaT Jerusalem. The 'Twas' b10 Jdear rews, St Thomas -. drank a quantity now, raised, doubtj would receive the Passover was- near, eyes f1a;8h forth a soul -like )�otter it Proieg`s-�r -.Thomas wt:s' or W�broad, oth be. of d [�Iue Of ose little girl that' 1 ro O`uell has decid'- which - Mr. says I were agsigned [east. Maim. know," or words to that effect. at tile offices of the societk; h rd at of mliletorte i f - corrodd re subliiW�te �Ind Is not * ex.: Jue considera on for hat they are eople- wore gath' . Ing at Stfill Proving Something qf the God I said, jj�wh6n she knew I Was busy,' U the department u- 0 numbers of p $reat ray, i Mr. Wright. hadmaited many tltou- v�ork. k thrOPO109F.in the Smithsonian instil a-: pected to recover worth. -I'll thrde ilklon acres. Jerusaclem to fwas- It a moment- like this 11 sailitt I - Mr- Celebrate that anti -he thought- that ill justice, -7 nual years* according to his itim Wright *Us a secretar� r. tidn, and by other ­ iclentisto.' , T ie The Torofito eft y looked forward 110 1staMP8d upon. our human �lay. ten b ed to pay $1,S)b in. al. of Mr. J. tb dge tapeline even do* registers the f that To elo*e401110119 In for a kiss I 4d from hwg to rhe I 211me, BlAvatsky aw) miiru. to Great t in by tb Vnile--for thb Pablic dpelsion CO It J� such Men whose deeds repair Come rOW01119 up from her mot twide-electi lie not, postptone I anti is -11, Well-known lectur Q. 4u r T treaty of 1826 top of head -�a ght Johnson a fig are mar 0 the Unt d St4tes Malik Uhrist. -As the ero her 010 ntlptlal�s beyond a remsonab)e 'Oet"llt. - . 19 r lit the"Consum- wdst 0' ere at my knee L er or heel to t ej as United tee ter tory. nerea i th u ohatterU'faith till so- resigned jas our I erg, Gas r it And Cifirabhug -th n 06 AT I I . excitement everywhere lincrea I Th: in a ie I - n rge i obtiedn, ev f1i - Ongs we bear, D u y is that of an In& Mr. Goo 'v Of all the*i formy dolly, a day' which met tiae ttppr(ival antd to the Vorululbrit ENE t at Jerlcho;-the --conve *,in bf W And ',6be 'Ittle uzzer for me.-, time. -Miss Leonard, however. naaaed ' 9 i FOr"O 6,F."Itile k of -the ONTIRM 0 Feannot Cho Spanis Go, aroo vern t ote has de- crowds following III t a 'has nearly completed all ubliclin,' -the adept. And Mr. Wright lectured and anC t certainly pre 6. Statiatici a, - ZaTh.eus - the 088 but -love mankind. th The wrote anti %%as %ery happy indeed. �D age cannot be d r=p arrangements for. taki g the cens the :l?oJ)e's mediation in Cuban Jesus. duct ARE God PItkthb heart t"t repelled her, B�rlde anti: bridegroom do not h t of accuracy. Histo Ica I of Manitoba this year.' as clined t6ward that sinn JEUa YOU CONQUERING? er so crosle. And tilb e6ld hand re- any r, heir I re rds affairs. inerrober exactly wilt Valifor a ideas that it that turned her -n they first eti- the part Of A Montreal -shipping n t It 'Ila ve p6ti- lewaikened n and It Into the deeps Of self, and av�� 1. to I;icreaslug at Alexandria. thenif Advance �.,wi%h.etre- It as found go baca for Cholera lively; discussion amon a consider whether Or holk there is a And tagg fJorn the lips that dent to allow tile day' soVent 9 esus -b AVright t tioned the (loverunient , Yester said unto Zacch att e raging thbre, bmd­ whether 1 countered -Notes From n 01 r each 'other. Mr. itario. -.250 rs, and they make een, j3ew' and a eus.- V. -it lie. Ill -cases ed saYs thi as seea "Eiss Leonard's in tion 0 shipment Of United Statas cattle: sloven de Bon of Man is COM6.90 1 The is n t a moral ba�ttl t en any man of gigantic at e 3ease wer, To r . I GIN ported. athe ave is -evil face"In his dr�amsa'eve;'sinee lie was byernment Bulieti' from the rort of I ri� . from th `dh eii . Eith This &tisWirlesp prayer of to:i4ai I ture. H liontfoal. gj Title e ars olth much older thii:bod I ill Occasion for new lt�pe t in 40ribg you, or yOu. are -1j, from my memlry forever four yet Tlivy met for title eleva hor at GI nb new kingdor the con- Take, 1&c first tilde jlof�'wllicli. Ilav left open to conjecture. b An le o'.. belonging Sit. Peten-abur society a agitated by would quer 9 it by good. Let us - not bandy em soon-- b4 eatab- That Pitifal sob of despair, 'T ve to the N( rthern ompany lialied, i but it termo in deciding was to be br about e TaIter and trip Of the little def-Wite recollection in -forbidding pre=r8,v5at'e Elev;,,or C the order- of ion is no matter for surp,21 ihe Czar! la4 -what evil is. it is And th slipped fron Its foundation and spill-st ladiesmoviniiiw4t very differently; from n e WHAT OF TH 10"Ahat arA region the atraogpher�c and a rvnts in --the always this- for every one of us -to oulgjy, Ill. Tile exact details E YEAR'S OUTLOOK? onditions ra on 'resist a sense . of right,- not to do 4nd. tile one Plercin r 0 t t ­ of - - ell that a corp�el bd six 'tho isand bushels of wheat itheir baf6 feef, Ilhi'meetin- tire not known, s '.%fr. ur palace from- s, OkIn Plans. The parable here-recor of Matabel g. spoken to correct th go alse whii-e,. Yoti know. you 0 9 eb led in e dry seas Reports irom M I I X� was n 11 anitoba state thAt S'x�e fires e Wright, witil his ustial, reticence- I— i,,; a condensation tile leght very 0 f ht - to do, on M on ca.. -certain noble a aspring Crap bull'Ptin to be issued well beco perfectly C ated Re6ding is in full-swang. Farmers a r',l 'ible 12. A man -a pp to rouse obedience to ug e, 6ice clined- etertlay to speak of tF. deal fro BuIuW 0 ; a th Of are universally jubilant, (over the pros- but tile Man Aescerided .qy-the lJore the or ival of -tile rains, and th conscience, to I think we Ii.ave &ntlt he,- Ontario DepzIrcuirnt of, Akricii?ture. I be reudered 'mets of he enem' still remain from kings.- av- tice tranfAgress laws o I jus- Puli by� Permanently proof agai pects for tie coming crop. Ali re- � -c �Ol lialf-wrritten lot solut mni aterv. Ing? a title, therefore. . to ou the nd love, whether in state le he Pen Idly poem, eCeeq, my have been'ejCher when ave cords for This nobleman re social relations ; to 'live only. for the is supPbsetl 4o, have stud. It trillst The rtportis are- f(,r -'%fay ist, s96. decay. The body was found In a c I -an ab 0 M kl4gdom Whi trailed I we pid growth'lare eipecte.d for I by a Party Of Prospectors. to be bro n this a e Duke* and D bees -',of xe- Chriiit..'W hanU P Over umm6jr. In every . 6nt. into a f count to appe tee; to surrender yodri vel r . I Ilico no In rqssion. is derived -d self -indulge lace when It* i's possibio stubble is Italy they om th tate to If nee; not to-otrive P: a �,re v wer tra his ARM The full re ort will f�e the lie d: are t to 'iremairig to ri ing a i travelling down the Yangtse 41 ak self tes I the words to Com - 'in a., li�nsebat, iri-tiie titne of 1he department, in a fee day%. of a leath fr ease v for What y( leig At'. .13 - hood. . The I 'ail was WE -11 advaticcd being burnt a- we ' held� by bri ends things In udea *hO'd T7,ead It, or oor ears. nil seedg put in,witbout. near Rome and abbed 61 -fifty-five I e- the time!. our ends. All this is el )u know to be high —7 n the Who'd underz Wish. Wash tl� ilasiy, in -the ear - llori�ed cattle are no 15"', 9 B. ono t In plooghing. viour. dea wal oubj vil. and- its OPPOsite expecletij parid - et Q IS d 'to obey, Gbd .1 few roinor MECORD. Lord Aboe,-deeivpropos�s to present number, 90( I think you I,;,.vt. tlie dvantage -with, 'tite excel)tion LARGE�T MA.XL 0 e briga do, two in ans. it was becess e But the little -bare feet on the a ary th' tile hear HIS voice In coris Wherever we wfty� were, ubbequen ly captured. nee or king taIr- Of Me," it is '-Said she rchly rep�ied. Of sickness ana som. It has be to Gatineau Point . Ronian Catholic should Og- p cases of on stated that this a 'the tie ure o cience, in nat- They l"th bel;eve in. reinvarnat Z ion. limpy jaw" in tile to,%N*nZ:-hIl)s of Kep- Must have m Church a nq Tbe Czar ion of h4s right to the kl,5nAff b r" In ther book; ve for high f4int, smothered laugh in oday I surpassed in I ha�e Ii thou -it. anti 4t that site pel. Aulliva.n, Syqe giant of -height all wi bell, vielglifn' grame� of - - sympathy Y ends, *to slave to And nham. and'Amat .7 m there is histdrical-.Ir Band pound I g one thou- exellanged teA Roman Emperor, aE or the increase: the -h&j-Ij P sciAtiou of tile Ili , ' 4`�, to- anth Ir the 81kah deelkj,in that: 1 i'' i r' JO' that he went t Rome. billi oc'e;i-itin- �teld Lady'� berde- Dutless and Justice and peace been dreaming 4fbout, tbry are rerwl.rkbly free trom diacase. set -vice rein 0 es. And the lisp on the silence, the t en at -duty to - foster . and r lvelop the To receive for Himself a ki Are You overcomirig -or Cry lIP".0 me over It all.i In some quarters, but in cord. Thig 8 unquestionably true a i Figiee erle,..Iow ally. They felt -very to- far- as the at two centu ' the recen ecide t' ifa in the world ore e ries are eq n, �t t nearl 6ult- riendl'y relatias eferring to Christ ageon being io spec accounts of y re f ward, the adept. but ftwiMy. tlit-A rt- in the counties of Rr "i"'y corned, and -T ed fatally. e hall present e three *hIdh )ound his be- din uto vercome ? es nee -and Grey. - older dat ..ed loved paien't tol, - the Rusi ia eaven'to be Jia alized -the , wisdoin of- Ili:; nlany�,cattle had bavely enoug are- not w -�4ameg Whitcomb Riley. I of authenticated. men who re cu ady A rdeen with 11 Imperial exalted, the I to -dee family. on the tie, receiving They' went their svpport ]if(,, jind lie s tore and more apo h I" honof I.' and. B"C"'STING'APROVED. t re Wit rdly I the grow r -twenty dollars oach. OrIal' thro lory; 'He 'must first make as Secretary to '.%fr. udge' -Xi iss ello"911 bedding-�o keep tliem as tit t an James anti-06mi-te, -has de- It is� alw �0111- I I18=o f time inreases. A Herr Strobach, fortable aind clean, hat triall R. arture from- e th ays hard tb,getup in the now a Waik"1119ton Club Will Work Leonaid as proltietor of Theosopi y in- the ea urd by Topinard employed ill 11CPherson ed b' rgomast r of. Vienna, arth, before the' 5rit world., When-ybu 'see a man who*is (I t "fi.. Province as e 'place of Dr. Lueger, who resigned V which Hij�%j�llng- really And t7uIY` up in the world, yo I taking OnTh been elect ply of cIlic1t,,o. 4 four and la!f 'and to Boston b7 1v whole the neal �nehes 'Sebell's in ais poured Out, b. Con- bove eigh saw mill at Ale:Kandri.-Ii-ai Iradly in- to Advance parity. There - was ikotll;n,-' dition of both da -fry anti beef feet in heig Thd, -tail at - the 111- should be set up on earth'- ' u about this' Ing ock est -man -6 jured. the o0er day. by a floor -scraper, request; of .._Vmleror Francis OiLlm whi) -has wokked --his way 'Dho Eq&1 �tandard P wedding lkdt Whom there is any JOB' h. 1 1, is most encouraging. Sheepr are in a authentic recog which, caug it lll� a saiv, was wrench- ep Herr 4 Stroliact announced arts of the People, and tit glis up- There is neither wo urItY- Club. re - the black coit- anti. trousers of tile good state of health generally, Was- Winek n th t h )uId resign ai the proper reh4ho man lit, the top I- man nor - n hington. D; C.--' by Doubog a a- found to be exactf ng it, - -in] struck the!'unfortunate 0 ret n, any department few,.easeg of liver disease and g i b in v ho was ntile. - widirld. Orly a el eyer. who was measurp ell from the Ila- ds* of a inan e _uld be established 1 i Is desigingd. to be a noti brfdeqv,room'� ft took platie in -Xiiyan r moment In favOr of Dr. [ueger. And ca to.youni psi who did not have to climb there With Men WithAociul -aspirations that they Hall, at NO. 11-1- '-%adlstill avt1nl1P.tIle� the head 'heinl reported. a ad 1 t lie w eight -feet an I one-liaif fith high. Th lad on" ight -be- said that Christ es he-bck of tile head,-uear the A.deqpatch from. 8 -sa Oried. blister6d hands and bleeding feet. TJie need to 100:'torreet lives -in order A headquarters of the TheosopHeal, So- are said to be dropping fine la ribs. large won an that ever lived W 1)&.;;e of tlie� lys hen. tile, Spirit was pourX . leadinji clety in- America. -ful- Swine are freer from M a10 1 art till. McDon4ld w-as"ren breatens to gon Jerugal W ut erchants, -the -16ading In- secure reftaltion by the yvung;wonl- kr. that"the Russian Consul to The ceremony enne We ide as destroyed,, men, the leading physicians, hubb lowed the general outline pms-!ribed usual. although a few disease 4ian I - , a German, who w, dered insens ble, A his forcibly' seize a stretch the em I I But suranco a wonder of the last 'itt for a lore- I -refers -chiefly to set O11t't0 Institute a e-tses of lax- century.. N -des -)aired of, bui lie iA now second CA �'!),g. lawyerp, educator Ill Climbed pamnim single, cOdO '01 mOrals. The society is His 8, A on who llgv--"e stand! life W "shore of Cliefo to whi Great Bri- 13. Ten servants -Ten Was a crei eminence.' undenomirlItt-dual, and every member in the mysteries of antiquity. Z)f whieli r alsis were spoken 'Of' T4ie low Orice mor t'" jr Property vouched improying. taid has -# I wa J tiently. to va. a nobody but a -ThaosopllLst is bal-1)(ised. Of Pork, howeier, is -' _ I eli'llet'ifotner4fo claim. The number among th,6 trees g Plants got up, most discoqag- lave tiwelt on the ear -British Mi Uebrows, as.1 ell A6t to requlredqoo�-,sign this Pledge: 411 Bol - to know. Ing to.hog raisers. Rpgartiln in moderu ti What Ma yet. prove ai' fatal acci- nister hiLs -grot ted.againat :, . up, and women get g the oup-. es. Tile exilibited glan dent occurred tile. other, nd seven. "Here it denotes - C t's In one,, way -by Rlimbin up, all A-[�' Till. WIEDI)INf PIY Of hay for live stocic (Ilrring�the is ILLWIJ.ys�.m e or IV - of a fa ly t derto ened seizure, a lowers, "o were f in g up. -The e1unly proifilO% by the helli f God, to e, od that China also o set. winter anti th Crimmon, Glengatirk CoLtAy'. 11r. Ja it is 'un- Professed tol wh Re hold the Idj#ii'f purity e tendency of' rivinber of lies v- W- Iff- 1�ishburn, Columbuse- 0. 0 The. hal, wits t in, added tli biecta- DmPgxlson with -, the, i Ing as equally blnd- f -fariiiers multitud of t, - p ,, an Women, and to nee Of est of to hold for a rise n- stature by th 0 lilts Denneny, ft cheesemaker iin tile em- The Shall, replj�;ing to the congratu- a enemies, or -of His subjects lie "I WILL HOLD TH ' - upon hift d RS which gave, a effeict, ro-minii- price. some Corre- allow ills. P. T- Bar-� - �L'e6d, vernors' r' . eavenly world." Thig wa a a Y HAND." MY utmos-, spondentg titte that a few' of their ritim In, Ilia PIOY Of Mr. W. D. M wits -as_ lations. sent by *%he Go t�hfy 'ti t-aftZorts tent oi the earboniferous age- zi'ndthe,; neighbors who refused to sell ]lag at n cld eluoirs sa.,�g, that lie, sisting in . air arious'Provings on the occasion. ()f �A - , A4 time. fit the- factory. and v a will Id thy h1idavit MaM!L Webb 'thyself pure I to discoun- dawri of up d a human bel"gi tha' men says ation.to, the crowd, R keep thee, te lf�-qftrse laugli;%ge and Ir cl, were yelf &LCk Of the platfor;n at, $14 a ton in tile winter 'are n-iOuldcOmo, to the eight foot mark-, lug when t floor, on hich 'was stant alm that iq con- Im, how few of them Timid child, there's naught to fear. in was adjuF4t a- block und�r thebulld� his 6lithrone then ow cartaine. th-rou-,h were the sunlight filiered afit, - which now willing� to disPose of it at $' L Lang, the Ch nese glan I - I rue Purity In &NlAj In language and In art `ve 'i $9 a ton. Or t Was lidr -a 'Will Ile- tR f6llOw in -tile 9ciples. Ten pounds"This Tho' t,l e billows br6ak.about thee, i I ,er footsteps of Ill Wail and to lefl& 9- Pe tised -is eight feet iligil. Jarge quant, Y. of salt, awe viovit 8 glorious. father, and and Moulan, An' appear; 4 helping hand alike -culiarly rqysterious "d lt(%�ether Farm tha-t lIeo,,10­_as on y The factl 10 upon - him, libinig him b4dly. It was. especially bly the Greek d t to cru6i rocks men and Women, giving the -Nea)� Vie was Supplies -Except wher - about six inches Ov rfgards - the inainten-, ch ranged from o grez t winsome efi&t. or e faFm- enitent suspended a glass star era held on fa Ins �even feet. t -height some time e the otlier�uien Could ance Of -friendly relations AV.i till Greaa--t- dollars -:.-Whedon. The on wave can per engulf thee, of both seki2is 4m equal chance of re_ to their hay f Ui i apparen' was, rescue -him, not lie is ift pretarious-Britaln. fifteen to t Y- Never Wrecked a soul can be form, so fgy-'as MY-asgistance and in- to by Prices there Is. a scarcity of Increased by a hick -F ed ikn- Who ta kes Christ to be, his pil low and the points %vere purple - however. lag oled shoes. T Bailin r o electricity. Thle"centre of it w. 'I- cle the effect of which, t t wero'the same for a! Is YL t1fat a ti- lowing robe and t condition. Th i ser- t fluengs cad'Vido 'this." g was probably, .n I Y4 t Cli an WeutY-elght Polish work! ts, and represent the grace- 6, i s4i 0 The purp A fearful , raedy, Was en ��n discounted by life's pathless sea. "middle of the platf( Lox Nvas occlip FA-. tile tallest mail ever on exhibition in- nacted on were -asphyxiate tion common to 'thy hand- aind kee ketbf the club InCiddea t oied Sunday nigbt e all ' bellpers. -1 will hold dec-ftiratiod ithdt "'An he 4y a Sphinx.of pla,-7ter of parts, paint- afforded by the d- this country. Seven feet. Is a good at Soperton a station Weida, near. Oeeupy_Be M thee, effective method Vanced'sta height -for ail (rdi an, en of bus, Pa. "I '-LeMpted one, u rt not P - the pri lore- 4 turage- already - CaeTt Ca at Godet. tho of ascertaiflink vate lives of J green. ge of the growing �easun. nary show giant. on the Brocl ville and W tPort rall- Prussia. The - ly -tile. disciples alone et eae by -tit atar up-- There Great statur u way near De ta, when Alfr hom. menli hadt :just I unfortuna, this' meant they,,: In the strife 'tween good and evil, Young me haO been -devised and will is still an abundance of onts on as, goo I" curnatances aged 21, Put ­­p0ration at once., pon whieli rested a-c�ensvr of liam- _ ner ordinar chr arrived I rom, ipir* lit-f9fth to preach th --Battlifig-for tile royal be mered brass. was, 4�. Lie an commonly i& -shot 'and killed� -Imself.' -f.-f a oun r freeli fed during the. w h , :1 He W1101 said, "I'm with t hand even thOugIl 'till&- grain ma d homc� -in Poland The nI throne;. very On the wzvli back of tliq It ght was' 14. His citizens -Or C t* Young Mad 't."Ose prikate life is found Tho wrestjers of I late had hee alway,19 inter owing1to in erited. t Thomas ni i'o tO-b8 iMPIke'l5ri whose language 6phiux Jilin- a roll (if 13,0chnient, in- ja, is claimed ti a and they bbizillt t, hre I stove: in- he Jewish people, who Profe 8: ftil Power is i the low price off ower head at d pan I been paying attention - Xo', Miss Julia- re'to sleep. '"the Kingdom And, wi h is to elves. t but bushel would bring out a- simprisin' have been bret - fo eY I friends. It Is Rupposed. 'bee4use of the ey re wages sore. inmittee, the -members everything was according to HOY IL Forming a cast L fur: thems ably bantered Py youn c a oi . , -here's naught but This black iftst Will J)e n blackiis d. shou',dera Over thel Will d Hilh t rs. tile i said to be rath r se ree, alth every -day t They' did m6t u d6retand the stove b t who r ry, scribed witu mitstieAl eharact! �red for It,, Wliea� Is t the roofii in whi they -b , subjects of �vermo�e, general import, of wfticb, was PeOP e of their own tee and t- led to We being elected all the vtdgar or falle#&Bte will be ents aver tliiit $1! a ace I consider and �he result �M-as that I I - y - the hands of.. J Bus. and said: -"We have no k e vvarfa� -�b the morn Tho the executIVd-, Life-81zu- portraits of iilarge, quantity. 1 -.,at C r stature'for cen. Ing th weie all found d C esar." John xi, 15. Sent a x. "I W 11116-Med and theyare pie;dged the case with re � ill h( I and and keep thee then to re%�#. to receive it beawed heitiguly W -the att Q. Judge flariked 01ti found in muep larger numbeir tit It BIG to at ow him to- )DJSJ his was ;he night: winds whisper lo;�, t1ons Of Pet and Uldialft turies. notoriety Cal document -in Little are. to%ye refused sedby this, *iss White d Will be accompany "JECT) ON BLUNJ:)JCuS. t Ar'Chelaus, the Jewish prince. e And lip- might be expected fr -OF POTSDAM.- the angel fingers beckon M church'. upon which t to Rome to obtain from At ULS- From 51oeenes of, gn us regiment of giants. at and Placing I to tie to 1 1 Y rgh sense to go;- WAS Too SOON. persG c of the Inner. council of Prayeirtolkwooden od, c Ver, that part of Judea whichi i hallid"ill then uphold thee OIL t1le platif6rin sitt tlit fourteen clent to, Leet the demand. The eazli- p to o his head, pulled the -cotifirmation ot his ti on It. of fodder om tile seare y The soldiers of King Frederick Wil- he drew a r v Iver from I 31luch 7of that p etleed.18 On the black and Atore Cattle are suffi- life packet, useful- as sat Ilam's lamo t nbarri(d the women of that trigger. Th charge. Passed through lad the 0 dam d 1 ness Of -the grass his materially les- neighbork b len left him by his father. stands.for tile senM the drain on the fol Ood. and. as a- consequence, the br4in -The. frequency with. which* second I � ; triumphant hour, A New York Wuhlan lilihO Ulvested Prmaii. occult firganlZattou withi4 tile Theo— . doler supply there using death in two J5. When Ile w Thou sin e as returned ---ma' on. It sing the song seraphic, t�eft in, Black Eiery. sophleal Society, the n �me of wliicll! and owners of beev have ther0y MaDY very tail hours. and third -cases if Sea Kept ty-an Almi .74 es a People to be fo rlet, fever ap- 10 came - to Punish the disobe( bht Power. been. rpl5eved of much anxiety. In the vicinity of pear In ji. Th UNI -STATES..- ouses tiat have been disin- J We ; and when ]Ere shall -jud he few. It is never Farni,la-bor.-Tlie general repo t d -King Froder - k iected by JUDGME.N�r. - Is known only to wAL Pbtedam, . 1s,stOr­ -told of a'New York rt �sl dea.rh ge- Woma 11&§k lieauty has brought her xch Mr. John the inspectors orld.-Chirke. 1.6. Thy pound I above a whisper. Thee persons m- tht tlivre re nmre I t e w IV. Book Ore -r sanitary. Into cQngid6F&b1e notiM Some Years We-ar� al ing lor w deep bum, I standing ago 4er buigbarid who had been drink- 0 11 ilin h and. of ter- le of Europe for his ioerat, pri�dicts tilat All. (,Ievp- authortle% sas the h) cknowledged all ment seat of. Christ no and being 0 9 nt ts tit y efficient in e lit the arty' reas 8 ha-ve pnDrovo not tim, f Ic tested e�ery day, a are low. '�%r lifir a fourth 1gravEhodoubts as to the e ficiency o I Ing a go -became in conse- Illouted with a silver hrid it were his pets. -but La sPtendid In - regalia 'of purple,, ilrk-. titan art,% required Den 4ned ten poituds-In check.' were roba le hat they would land will Ile nominated et, causes the gain 3e - arranged in a semi -circle. The fro e aged unto his. Lord. since- the !at ot t�' held b P increased ii wat. July. It I(it the stage was y 'tile The beat sol the _Procedure. usually Aq:)pte )und was given by Him. kind of find what =Irrogb6holble. at was deemed uvwlitniry, tilt- an th die, for fighting or d.. des- -In angel or devil- we are go- le t6- c6uflne him lift A in Occultism, otherwise known as.i.fo er for its official faithfuil I pite �,Iqcause thou hast been ing to miike at some fiar:-away time r 1,11)()r in otlit-r Callings, the n FrW PurPO e Is Of moderate-size ttipping I -a. �F -his Physical condlition Policelit. n sanction. s beed.." C(-ssitv reviewed every day. ills f-110, W110 -kil eol "Aptigeant n;g I is- . )-ving to cintinu- Cantlin, Thiso adept was so closely v* cherished regim ind 1 d how much less t maA or widin ' grew rapldl.4� Worse, and on erick oithe lValls, -lime washi alls pry little -The very little' but what kind Of a tarlum. HeS eiled ceilings, crul bin an 'Intl tile his superior officer, lasi g woo: he servant" a5 we are 9-01119 To be tO-Morrow. Each a day his one was able to distinguish fact, frequentl numbered wit . I -in a that no- which ork lAtho wife rbeeiv4a A haisty -summons to to in 41oor 'boa" '%N th soa�p life. e6mpared with the tati-d. that -chea 2.400 -men. In the front -rank was n resterday son -enee( nd r' day -a )'I Dute what- dtspiced stonift man less Ome f ur, for- was #h1d, to be his re n hear t. thesg`wheu thor C ich reached to his feet. a mode of living,- and we havel The lady. wholas alymys. given ofk�. urPle'� rerior, It, P latior, though IT fire,. llideed, off" at enou pride if he �b faithful. is the deathbed. . h1s. features. e wore -a Ion,, P a In sta�ure les's than, 7 fee 0 ave thou atithority'over ten ven or he'll' r0*6e. wb -A I.Ll)(')r. Many 1,' of -the or life. hly dc no to ep mer 14 rmera report tha Du e Of Brunswiek-Han- The ays aid Mea ns C we are continuously according to gua doman In his employ House has I ny 8 a matter -of full view Of him 'Was cut off by a pa- tll(.v over had, a 0 InIttee of d1po'sed to'aserl a stul re- A- remarkable promotion a high our capaNtY and merit. -The Rev. L. siderable tlMe nd thought to the - tion upon faj ged. 's however. a fair delii 6 inches. In Is( 11 0 S. Thy. . Pound Ve "der for a cafnpldto and gave an i'llcial leave. easured 8 febt and fdi g 176r� an Udii urnident nical-;process (r so -call diainfec- th p�er mache stImP,- with; lintnd-trying this Year to dp 16 �reed to rep%t n4o- ults - riather tha:1 to In fulness. H. Squirl Rochester, X y &-b4i Stopped gn her all tlwir* -work' witijin their own fa , - Who. as alle utiou prov . ( S the ore tech'" 8 at'the dreWmEakeris way I Orand streetlart' 41 1 t we, -d'lor temale domestic$. four 91", In New York, all Of them 11 tit& 20ti, -tion by sulph hath � gain�d symbolical of the tree of life. On the. Barnum exhibited tile U. ongress- unti P nds-Hd. had done well, it is t e�l. of w1do*'s "Arr ving at the Sant be oy .1 A this month. ur rumes, w Ch is. lit- 71�VAS 1. right 'of 14 1 Mournin 4yx alleged to 1116 had not'earned 9. 1 Fall wheat. tie better than. -a supers the noble t I� taritim, tile crop bulietin o; sat Ernest T. HargroVe.3 n er feet. One of ers ious rite ie rht condone i 1,;ngland, and on the left the I Arita Sen, who probably -)roposal to I character it had in the mi id of Ulys- ter riftablilig several days.,911- tue society' or incantation slorn of t �-Speuce. maidA the cross mseir, She Lid her husband bettbre these was Two Philadf 1phians are making a ', ]lose and, af -mber, 1895, he new fall wheat religious 6. 1 have kept laid up In a napkfi president of Nf),,f t od,' rn 'Ounty C repres r was Passed, -she re- etuous, bridegroom. Mr.. White was ented,a legal Christian, ldt� the dan6 in- crop mis as. followa? was the largest woman of this con- Wa's l4er laid o, tit Increased aereage. rlc conditt n:, turY. Joseph Br fee, 'a - Fr oune I to 'take over all the sea 4when e "I igated 1: the halls not t lie t, -a asted - grace, itreet railwa -lines'and- replace thdru th infassae -6 of' - his t ng of he gospel but its severe nil There lifts not [wen lor n 6aiured six and with an elect Ic syst tip 1!1fe tten abblit- the rder that had becomingly attired in- a black. 'stilt ench giant T turned to hGt- h6me. She had entirely and a� patient smile. iany ears aq exhibited -in - 186 2, In -desecr ted h l" Ct -is as I toilf 8 we have in ore oving the unfavorable a li;�!port a a half 'Inches byr 7 feet. Possiibly. em. ife's - Hui fter' ren t A Vary, - 10 Behind the friner circle"were tWrty X) ervatii corpses and Y. To o Proficient in Inalority of o- with this exception -the tallest man Sir Clia 7e Ing aWay the blood- 1. Austefe-pard, rigid, liands drovoy the what was h6r.dismay to Tbe largP I bc%o given to t drespmakei;. and I I in France 1 8 0 Wag r'es "'ear'ao r that pr eclud -stern. find Cormspondents- report P. for E l4burgh with a; p omp ed, all ail the mysticism a er circle. They Charles d'In- St. An-. v 9, - unrelenting, strict. paraphernal 0 ruetion br freezing front ice form:4 7 feet - s. b as thought of o�hefl t an Mora pol Intl I sang 9 thei inn' �,; i , dreville, whOUWII rO'%Y 8 Univer4itte Thou tak , A 1 9 wbe * awaiting her. were, called the Outer. Guard. -Besides Ing- oil thf, 6 Inch6a lilgh. accepted a But in th t On.- -U ... �; - la merry song, '�overed entimy both haTe' The los4 I$ and stout I Otch Jr1dT ip. . This peri e ligh ' hur that thdn I 1layedat not do And I Cho ' tile heaviest wood I r e y,� and was �Ob -avfpr 'oil clay tha, o known 1� It firm and stron he werel 150 Invited guests 11111(.,Ir lif n rtiOn. Wim. Sharpp, n will rert' bacterio logical ex- 14 - . Ing that wafiLde r the mourn - n lignu me b ting f the blame on the M If I hil guessed -Ir I 4h $19ned for his funeral.. ei were the t llami.gianti died er hie seat tile House -of Common en. dry-ou one E cid In a. elutilted to Justify his slotilful Cid To bui had In. mind and Zod Uged to, Si4ting on the benches. Th A lrg,­ bt tonau ao*nt whet e�r I te )Y Put g. pay a goft-filiil bill fo e and b� ner . �byvs b ruing sul- y all Theowphists. amount will On. In 1854, He Is said to so, doing puts himself #.e 1)1()tlgl'4'd UP nr resown llavb measured AD Uincinna, phur or carbonic ulphidei o r, as has M its ad dreamed TEMY HAD THII R TRIALS. gralli. to spring' near, -feet 6 inches. Of -it five-storly brick of late beco e In. disgrace. Shortly aftef6w d a friend was call- Ttiei report% -fr e M D edual, h - Ar 11 PeOPle Complete- me t e fashion by :open- 2. Out of thine own m6lith wilt' I.. lit was meant for -me, Ing upon- ti IiLdy, and-, seeing a pli . Y Ilt Was big 'Sam ucture fille i 164 Mr. Hargrove. at a sign from the -1hiis lonv� Erie and Ontario' C onald. who -- tracted tten- wit Ing cyllad6ris of T should have made a lighterl 0-ross, -01 dressmakei',ff boxes -in a corner of V collapsed a - fell, buryin$ To bp the. a - for Ju a rston, are. wit�l tiOn of the Pri the un all Practical up Cai;ary-! eiled figure. arosw and :delivered a f'rom lVindsor to Kill& -of wales and was fortunate In tes beneathj" rif UrPoses ui ieleeW The g .90 thee -According to his *own Ill- "Utsitton upon marriage in general, V(*Y fewi excelition-R, (of a most unrav-1 made a 10 e Ifow many 7 Ing. 9AS 'Would 'act-- a fairly Powerful ant the servant was guilty., 2 OOM aske1&*'whetlier they Con - ret Ort0i at Carlton were killed is,hot yet germicide on a 2 Uguryi�ssssnl]uterest. tain somett !t�eles. or it brica' re- Odn,, new and. -p ty. gind thig union ivparticular. orable, rinture. Tti Ifuron Gre3ii-andl house. Her t dregs himself In fe- th Mine enemies -The a No,", wa "Coremonles In -these days." besaid part of Sirucoe, the gt-nPra report is, Male cloth vlously saturd wit iter, but y alt until the hand of death therein lie j6Y buried -hopes.'r g a w Jewish ih(l smiting anj�wipr, exhibit himself as bleaching tion pr chidee its ,n clasped upon m4 generally a Its o who rejected Christ is here 08 are T body of tilt- -wolnIh AN employment il pr on ed.. -That nation lived to them before lifts of H ceremony will h Ing- in Liubton andet I - townships f5egi ed victorious in the 'der th.6ir duty to God 6al- umor. way w1th color- 0 - reiports collie was challenged. lerself at t ty Columbia, : they used as shows t9 and- patcli-,%%� The most, fav giantess. � jif) silot tio is a draw the 'multitude and create. sen- front. a range: of' I two 901dierk - IVr PC t -is fight It rl't prc of ki Thursday nigilt, 1.4 h lottanity ave ylation is the work of satin, But thIa7 nn on th M he swung illentifik-d -at (till un- materials, top 01 -Curtains, a nli)rgue. A young ate is- C alled tft hat Is th4 !Iktest, When lk.a�pl=V quite 'another purpose. Let us ana- -it is t world. In spite. of 911�, Ifetime and Here -tree running eaqt through partg of Middle-; around lite head �Y an arm and. the an.010 Tooled like n arial dWidctil that I an an opposition to It, and 1.0tild not. be aliPtitedAtilt, a,' few- hc�or told ii ws� mom6nta I not a In ninecases Out hol 13W n our minds once wore and face the .41-x', Porth. OxfOrd, Wellington. Duffer- other ran away. , At'Mme. t away "as dross." 8 life many are rob ten. Tussarld's thl factr that a ceremony, it carried out -in nd !�toutli Siniciie. a of a e morgue keeper that bne (la 3- Its -ground In 'PO, I ea e 've it. EdAe�and workdly- Patting the we% exhibited - a figure st week nade the But, ae'rial,disin ae wont to g, scientifically. ha�s a power and. a i vs,ry I -St construation upon -the re- Med , Luslikin 8 -L belle e e grace of God Ile ion 8 amn absur gain are dity; no one-wata to all e1ree to all. The more faithful atters of but- a few yoArs, 4hei-Sol Aftk` drown Is portip tho general Condition at present InebW big feet 5 a Woma n. lie 'vps iliat tbe while. gal to ma.Try h. He was a drum major Pu ifY, ' the again?. H&4 In the rimperl I E on -jur, which il a Tu p o f I In this I tl0n Is -for eternitY.-iii-alThe 447.- Her fiancee is with reduced acrpage;i William Br e I Yorkshire. will 0 In die-, J( . rought, in I - he Is a self - He then briefly relate4i the triais can bi- su ards. Oman aild tit Aulelde were i0ontica 1. easily fte the more will we e: 6 Rev,. PA weal and tribulations of -the young couple In 1820 died Q ough re- O ick Lavelle, Pittsbdro Pa. thy and he 150ai�ta. that P-94, nil that site I l n0 over. P rvator� 01 ctf)vfr �mmle, a poor o, Was eight Inches Pupil of the Bo, 0 n,,,,' kill the r g here on arth. God IE17P $A-YIN1G8., aTs 9 le wa training- fo� tile moved,by sfmple� I htilati _ made man. thi-We e . jud and how the,-OPPOSItion.to the ma,tc�., 19 yea 0 at atic st infecting, a room 'he- true in is to lIv Mont -to give an account of he'll be. made gbt. A cast of one was ovibreame. He asked1that every- c;lteh in the spring oC The above ee In b ton erms co tained t Will -be "R body should wilefi;'to the pilr hap drf)uth cot 1XRt -I;uiyiuf-r lit -tile west, g V,11B told Ill 1. 0, hat on ledges or in e. risibility 110veig blind 11 sighed 1 0", Music. 7 the'dust to In t I e cirtNice bet' The re4i a "'They say fi�jt p back. he posbession of the al �e It R d - Just a rrfved, the boards, or w6en 'hen to man the enga ness- and prosperity,. aliotlit-r C06equ�riily Roy' oil oil e of frolum-IT ronto. --ad ering to PRACTICAL SURVEY. g6d urgeong. the walf�. Is -exacti go- but- the Wh "If he. w;i6i­ responsibility of d othe'r surfac 11 'child Plied re; en�ig -friend, _fs po find the dkyl gas Ise notion may. be ver ten � a a thousand 31m Alice Cleather. of London, Etigii, it went into tile *tnti-r lit raher GIGAISMC rRI;H CHIEFT GREAT an y sweet R I 1001nO 3eople AINS. BRI;TAIN. times more , �'exactlng. - The Mone gn lAd also delivered a long and phllo- . 1)(,,!r condition. There was conside werless for wich � s to�-it at- a it me. but -they musik end In db' Rev. or �rould never 1i 4 In 1790 the sep teller Of an -alleged _Admlra ir. Robert marred.,, a chance to get r Tho e, Cleveland, 0. tained by a-subit te-oitit,on, or the eip t unless th rp I one -p .. Intmen ey are correev, sop�lcai treatise on the marriage re- frot-zing out 'during the witniter Irish chieftain Fitzroy, 'B., Ise'deado strength lations. A fair Theoso and spring, and tile present reports Dormade a. dug'up - near 0 ad hist who had a rt in 1,0 3.0, or! by e Parable of the ten pounds It to of, little use to I�tkt, a little' worldiness nudged tin 'IT Jacobus A. De Wet, White) wa$l W44 a 1h Guis de 81111W�I hear that your Mo. t4' u n r r tpe t b0g. The skeie- tit liniei. (not 0 hly' fitted to serve as Ma try t5i tefte , f, I 0 British d a whol& Ld Gn About the Bible and 'Christ and h her ,,nr,, qui come say ton measur solo theMn-Jaw U. d&nlgorousl ill. Col. ed that "The i tht it isCbrTonting more'and more dif- r eag half Inches A efit t Pretori, has tile lime !L'ag,L ProvNe Od e, Ove ht feet. . ed. be Iresh bu. -antidote against the er I a rut an I caust c-; rors 0.� his stomach is i empti erger--Zheo 16 a, very or he is sick woman, brtdi jst- be awfully groxv"red clover,, and others FArl the cabenat4e or qhalk used In: whit6iii- pe ell from the cold. The dangerous as who,, Mrs. -alia Campbell Ver as far s to may that tht day gigantic hatter o Temple Bar. died wak che Ished among the . ople as w uffe but she Is Ao�t In 1768.. ­Hla ght lett are both In the 'Euptcy ffilug! Under - till 1 name as the Tfiq nOtIo%1 tha she ia's weffi,f�, nervous." 'ficult t- ward Bamford, a he - Planck go) ven a whiting, -disciples. cl ver Is pot.! Ban r vouf� thuman h�artpgugat-be t hed where rt. and Into which. I! me is con verted, by Keightley, of :.Oodon and. Ill- �ngyl- of red n Ontario. The and four In was seven feet.... the kingdom of the Messiah 4,It Is moq vulnerable.- one . ; A stature nearly long exPO5 Ve The Rev. Wil- An Atchtgolj-�,w6mari prefers vania, read the for ure to the -air 'b -- soon'appegkr Was clorrected by. Ala -0. srheell ng craze .18 1 (Ing luor. I m RA- "- ford, Cincinnati, Mai consent of the Ivorst reports ate from the llve&�. The sixteen Inches gre4ter wag CkiMed a the the, 1MOunCemen1; that a t home a;nd., Inn6r circle to the unlort, signed by tile Orts I rom tile St. Lawrencei and -for wi The series of exj I a r"P igr Monts -w.AAtnZ sun r among tild le' des f fection a,',nd disinfi dtion by 3n e n- ver Climbing higher and to going to day papers Faftrick. Cotter, alias O'Brieri who tie In Loudo th I far Journey Man'tal � e -fourteen members. Ottawa and'i"rom- the easto Midland b various 8 made, and therefore the timb 11gher., e to developin says 'the distant t g -new p6w- styles in the 1, Aky, 1760 at Kinsal;. Ire. so, 'ety' kt* papers are nevver. was borne In more ban 'they b6� lrs, ope g she _Vn8le, sort, law and pirdimtole out counties are on the wholeo quite fav- 4and. His wa, I 711 from an inner ehainher. orable. actual, height was -about Gkoviling interest is takeurl -other wdll distei i ' ipers and eve 1. ..In � th now avenues of. gr ,d The bride. the bride., _ucbos only. He -i reppti ri..� And is e andft IllitelleetuAllY,'trior- ee- n tile ap- wrfac(a conduct. by Dr. parable Jesus CO owth -Atchimh G16biv- seven f t and t t r )aehfu la a of PrItid4o itaill thi- V'eg'etation. -The remarkable earll- wag I a- Maud drbriberg.' 'un er tie direction, of :the I that *bY telli enmit and' stekly, and typical of Wales 119 of an The.' shIpwraiji PIrItu&llY- Man -to becom- ed mald to 11'r nee Chuirleg- f - Deh- late Pro fel n- of Rostjek, W1111C I Would shamelessl. 'OU en -stamped i giddy Theosophist sister, claspIng ness of the growing season Is alluded iphysic mark. 9"M-dles a ll Ekwaye- ]ter foot Imetl erk. hands. to by nearly ever at abnormai�lltleo . of giantism. The royal faintly will put off showed a lye is abobornly.- dIvAn Sly. ,I,ido ot Blind _y correspondent. -When hp died' he Airected that ills their mournipg for Prince H, equent serapings 11,164 anon but at the same t)m )rfie ROW S. 3filbin booing eaten," &b:1j subbeck atbut Miss Leonard; aCCompinled by a ta I ecessfully. lift lti3. nryi of' were In i - some of whom Pay that they do not' grave should be d aim t inst"iii heak _see E�ttollberg On 1you. have madb,l�r Wa ads secure with -the d4y of - ti Let cere- 'taneo s sterilize by atat at the:king. Not an Prouc Man d e bridesmaid, whose naine musi not be remember vegetation being as far wa up the channels of divine me *1th paratilone to eeri Iron bare and brlqk Work to prev 7ing o ent pony. r rioi* strength' dresgini' After ninetee- .5be was forward on the spray D *ere - they direc d enfeebles i n the ted to 'With ublimat solution, wor woe moral be -as a. t - breathed. entered the roorn. last 0 April In 30- loctors -from steal;ng his liod but; a humble dealers. when he does not follow, it vra's, in living picture, deeds hA e ibill Conse'ence. 17� he P171, -For the diviliest The Fjr4 an average season. In -t of that name. danger" of corrosi 'subil �thlnig in 00k After the Irom another Irish klan -O'Brien did 'not leav The Y. - -At Is now hnd -equally go-, lime with a a beautiful YOung '%vOmln.' Iler face st6ge of -gro*th Cotter took* the! name, of at& �,ed that Bafoofi U'Irsch -tile wt 'after ca .)t I was of clAssical outlino and indl- is placed at from on to three weeks P who. -must 'Work soberly ve, or Intellecitul strength .18 in advance of the e ldh.' UCO of Wales g laPse of 12 24 'ho rs4 The man Is his cati pounds, peroli tently in the absence 0 who was born about that- but ordered Ills 1. 0.' ma, conscience, and. -,Vf.11 a* of gentle, worn -date. He U1, ! Is, we I thel #'he has di for t bellee, exaggirera Mast )r. Willie do you really. the and the bridesma- ed out to 0 0 royed. for f smallest 8 so Y 0. ? tlemsdeareffL BY anly 4pinlities, 11 M09t localities cattle had been turn-, was said -to be eight feet amd our fatal Abse for an 5 and Callings Go& Cann t hohor -him in 'hisllroz wit, t W it little Memo - Ill were drf*. raso. forest trees were nebes high. but 10 truth he was - court eiral tLon- t be Ing. Prob- N 'oWer.-The Rev. S.. B. -havd 6mbers of ti d4l I s no )no. Wh are from the'Loo aly threO"tOl five alfis--equal to at o has not receive �serl Wor -k robes of nun s veil- - we Into leaf, and wild Plums riflo less thall t dot assert th the Queen health iceater Mass. -book in simi)lo Gret getting ff a t p -rog, bound at 06 waiqt wit, were In blossom. while In orchardii In eet. at site -%vi Pint, or the s -the Lord giifts,� love. YOU ? Bhe--Yeis, tit In 110111 over seven. Jus' Ifles the ho 10&st- a quarter of Olu- wher(with to get Aiist make. a of whA.,e silk.i Cords", diffeirent sections His skelet'? . now owned by )e ble f the blind of peaches, . apricots he Royal - to 3erform the.. tiOui-alerldent1l: - p 'with- the Outing usury. - In werldl and even apples were In bloom; The for utles of It )sItion solution busi0ess thpl',e- must be note of It. 7011'wolft need to ask Thi -y- were fly a eh1l';l 4 In ImOus Dr. William Hunturgeolls' dozen ' r ti a ILDE D YOUTHS. Me aout Genevieve gave $2,- re to come. gence and lJmbor, -but not only -dilfiii. -MANXE OF- G times a'day. and -as a*f rther- ale understanding Perhap's the new A Young- W& yearx old Miss Pelee Island Peaches and plume were 00 for big corpse. I In 1712 there was ' J, John Evans, ho has been 2reatea be Colored I guard' it might ce, 60 also must it be In Woman has some- mail stairld' -before lef. ( kwendolyrl King(., in flower -'on the'24th of April.. f. a R might Com er of the Igo or l&uildray and Ortiden Ing ties I dl' In land, a fisherman thing to - do wit her -tried Gerrit Ba T h the biLd manners mirror dkeovi3red a gr,,ay'hWr thans 'a aceTted the in gain thl and III -CO coaled indifference 6ut ... Donet do who. besld.-s It Live '19tock.-Considering the proo... M th, has blue.'- spirit &I lif� -for our - Master. Nerwark. er r that she puft correispondenti toatlon Of tl16.'Brlt1sl1 Italy subifma Ila tie superced- the' 911de Iiiend "for twent Pects when' en, who wa Germany and in&. carried a basket or White lotue Wrote In Ight feet tali i Ago lation- to p ng'- is the way- to lose-'alo arty 1. Youth of to -day assunteq 'that" said disin d ]to no:- on tha r at whatever function -he, ziore W Alitivers. She 19A frill4ledged member November the condition of live .0 meeting d h Un u1neiss. prepares an injury M stock pounds. of 00 F-!Ttde at the telr tants a ro "befisoWeal Society. lip f I — ill the In the rganization In- Tor 11" Ot 9 Coun ftunot be avoided. ho 'Ith m )re will come i0p In Prill Is a cause for congrtu- 011f,6 n 180. ;Ie: o re 4e Inc &:pliefible. 11117 Was clad in a Gr an robe, whIeh The anlmals were' put -in IT turn Iflued by - the As �ourcar lilt 'ot:he&rt Is the Character of all Is prosen%­lUthis is th don't care h0* Oilni come," replied I pe Cur e= ease, ho - show tin In 411 t God ere It w W- BRADSTREET% ON British Illop bNk ding,­hnd winter quarters -,TRADE. 60 Ot 'h covered her feet and trailed iong.1 with very limite of Trade or April' a capabh T=1rue valits and thiet is Ill be diamond dut diamond the young woman� if they - 11 11 ere In a of 1:1,470410D, -and -sh ed'in a copper 3&uter. No thepast stores. as thei hay crop Retail tra of being beau r the,gir' W1 .t6o floor. had. been a Week was fair Impor washe, Ini the eyes of the of Vile Period Is -far re Come In blackAi th her Yet with wise d - Kingston, "an Crease In Exports of 1:1 of Wiling, r a quarter of an vantS can be e ted. from �:r Ougue and - can be just as. -Servant - (frQu F- August reshelrrobn, 4 mpinb( com0arative failure 4t - Montreal, Ottgwa a Such t adie; .1,70,000 and careful feedin the bulk. of gut general - trade -hr Sery to� rulers- to thxeal Ifferent next door) glory of r friner.council, ktepped down from durl 3g the mout as C0104ked, with c art lee as - VoUldf -be As tic .9 live t hour and: rary.' stock have kOt on the early 1frovince of Que Apr as her MaS61111118 contem- lWaYer Bends h - Compliments, And ld grass be I -last year their ng.t - The slothful- would you pl#"&�,hh6o tile platform and received the b In fair co' was less active, BPOI]pd by., lie tre mOnt-03111d be iervant t Vour r ndition, of healtIr. although. Wing to da ..a d , Mr. Wright clutched nervotisjy at IM mallife floods and conse. Tit) Countess o: f Waruilck,,�: I disinfected a dies I R e ned-fraoin his Own words. 11," Bald a lady -to one 0' iAvejider tie. and In doing go re-ealed efee h. do good. I avoilding me and be introduced R 'bay was Iniported. from Ia known -.1n society IArQ- to to- bor-Give my ft.ispibets rr as a rule thifiner than usual. In 41telit had roads. 1 In Instances com better 6eord. -n C her It wont lot hilit jo to called. Brofte,­ Of the great buccara, was a Poor record. some localitte Miercial travellers Aave been re .4bbling ? o' on Ills finger a solld gold.ring,- ep- Quebec and from the more favored oro scan-- NOT B IECrHT AS - CA tb do reater - evil - She is charming 1") and tell. him 1 aliall -be Much ,ob Jobbeis rqport "Ll LIGH, T. Wealt and happiness! are abundant Auks awfully. but :Led On grav"I with my.stical Inseriptl6na. business fair, dale. has at 'length attained h w4sh. to Y u rather If he Will Pold6wAtis for 41 yet was the answefre over - Portions of our own Province. but -the 4t.11allfax there was a of, the-- many uuwIs%y ate con hter, and. a Improve. She wasi- preser ted : undei i'p luesplons burn ber,pfi A The bride wore a.. diamond ring. remarks of corresM 1�1 t, In the movement of . merchan- tttl new Ila NOW 0 - the las� drawing -f-00 is. e, all ndento lead to the _en Ve -asked I regird Ito. thoisal I' b 'he sharp. ears of- the young .0 at th 'Poverty and- ham y InY t rays the, Asp to navlWitlan.. 0 alted ago ry ran Oil judgments c 11118,117 the Youth, APParently f le. effect a qpestl HO annOt be altered;- eld- twakins frmi- -left; other, touched hand,4 In 3 as taught far- n business Jn New iiii to P, a ifniqurs- I lolce Bkockv!] -ay-c -- etur to T easu in -er to Leting upon AND SCROLL conclusion that the larger- 10138 of cqse, with better country roadways did -yo PbW* 08310116 Of the heart q es IOU-'WhO Coulo sea -A: d R. TINSLIir'.6r., � DAL, -and Miss I.-onard approach- es as influepin7ce Big take pho nowa arose. r. straw. come grain and roots as a stip- opening - f t a'bury I See, a light -s000 Intoolu a Pfftwo. la ghingly expostulating. Thd Great Unk 14igh, -her ,rrlg , lit e Finan Could Christ.-. V - I plement to. and 10 some Instanc the latter r iie G I eti e, a- substitute ti r. hay h also having a In th V-1 John 11rough. A board, He Leng, al tha e hyL' an: Il answer Is'.this.* to every soul, 111) KI toward -her with: -WelL 11 a. kind !ot. an rternElon Wit. hand.%hake more a valuable lesso eco Ick and Prince Ed the Condit".- -This 11 n - Ib the n. ward Islanit gov- tIgAt to not In His agama to thw eye, e -111 P -then,"- nd the -,Mane "Bottag ft- Ins -4 ernipg tile alMuce to*ardo His enemi next, lw-� SanWi 'd Sol 'was-$ t qnd'.1ongj.; Ilitents Blind �eparated- The child stepped Only Of the Mangair- HQrses have clearings'at Winnipeg, Toronto,' new Canadian ifia ser- It doei nd$L - I . I es tit -13—Atid her victim vicel provided hat Yet Rifil 'Judg stood 4 nj aamers she mbloper- Tinsley., W Z a _6 -11 ave hlast -wee Own oil the -dA;r of tr Is so.aiil[011s, to be -6f, Jult though toiirible,- ,The k", ponjthe plattorm. at tile risk of Come through the'winter perhaps bet- dal. Hamilto, t1d Halifax am- sho the. 9 of & fhi&.f r; In t n are k0'.her. ll-Mgvid, dear - - - - - - - - - - �gtumhlfng fa her- long, dregs and-* ter than dby .6ther CIMS Of live stock. to 1017.775.0'00 'Ild call at a Irish"Port. -crime ed k night d�s pi sbif�,' W 8 pu W the *iW 11) her delicate nosei and prafferetl although in certain localitleg some compared T41e 3farqu Ndrtbitb3ptb tance of h d. Ubhdd "Jandef the r8l 10 lifts;1 hen eirer ated to Hug, itt. th*�e tb "Mae inon fodder- hun- year ago. and as 8 of a YALIJ& B the 0utLCr)a.6e4tet1Ce Upo eorrespondents term It Want te Part of Clorkmwe to face. .18 �aon 9 w4th *1%156,000 the. prov, is 0 f6t eyes -,of the:KW9-- God Will dea1w]. you, Way 1 rjasket of lotus flowers who -soula and th the I to the suffered from starvation, or, as some 10118 week. $�7,934�000 in thei-Week -a 0"0 tbs greatte candle eaw d I ; Unknown.- He took oil papyliu scroll i witich was a pledge ger- Ong. Straw Und oat DAM MO In the forresponding week rays of a In many sectf Contra ted with eopbr- enemfes,-A. JOhU- Wo -M a - Ilar ulght.: 161111.61t oat friend, Mr. k,.il larta Is 11111dinge In the heart' Ila In pro Ce my ge 6 ytech- Curvoff 6 ntong* igned by -a. 1891. Th TAStAp Well, Jo f nowm",431ecaus u� looked 6 rl gave ; X the cotracting was their general fare, ha 0 atel Nqualld dist%t, 4 1 little -nod .8 partlL y being at ere -87 failures In 4stitu 110n. In 1 . from, a p1lootograp to '01&ft -0y 1 _qgains aj,' line AU so I wJ11211 tills -litimblest evil YrAorlc IA'Aot execute CrItIC11,117, - ag If to take -to All -9&t#M a preminm.and bedding b siness re Chistee m handeditto 311913 Ke*htle.r. who very 11arce rom Canada, Dob without �-d 811100V Of PgMbqard i 91twenth speetill the, -a dinst 84 r men bt _beart -of th Is P011110. m"Yes, the i smblage, rhis is E itrie PhY Inelk thick.! or 6* t em -CCAtral Ne a says I - U"I rtRTiUR8ND. y ar ago, zu t 13M sun@ VV - 411111 4:40t JS'th e'8. very 1111108, 'Ltd now trot ­ eek, 82 one au recreatlon� T -be 'son#.' , -,1 th1*6 she read wo iyearg- ago. and 95 Tit 16 111 -ga T ",,We pledge ourselvem. in renewal of raidl- said the Mir Adt -hie - zi -,Q ` - .1 1 . TW. ore Intelff3b., to i*IiL a 14 "r g 480, t red years ago. -young man LA �td h am af 0 pro ;A Y Oft of - se t e her- --mg1tinue, together In the work of the is m ptoratoe, given ages ago. loyall to ikho, Is candidly that there Pa I - . , 'r ., e rc t T a L a0 R -by _.T Y)1l is a n that, 101d Cath the 19 sqdad b The real differenoe 00twe011 the rtch V H, .9191, W and since poor onat. Lo. ithat. th to the 114k and -union some foreign ellettence. In this- tot- n' he e CA)ifi pn and t [salon In a nary l4sti, Ma to be recognizea By the whole C rtaf rl tw1pril soil eatio; thino repIfed Mrs. "Iff Ze lie e Man Can. atfdrd to mat 29 -five vesava of Onto dyspep. Is effftted for the- doubling of 18 yc:b tile' that remArk shcriwo tbst h entral tko- poor mail in ad be -dividual efforts.- We pledge our- the palate of a conno on yL What 1 compell to oat I 814, Whi eneell'or 18mr. Was Cot. ii th'and for- teip fUeff is mporWP- , - 04611r-.) dt.; It he ft4