HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-05-15, Page 1'PW r,_ j__ 7 _ r f r S oil Ek A KK4"AAd11#LT0N _r A .7 '0 LUOKNOW. 'AT J, apita 'paid up $1,26lo-000 j Raserv% Fund 8074.000 $8860.135 fatal Assete AU praddent -joHx8T0ART. -6 A. G. R&u"Y. J1, khm_ I . ......... ...................... Mr. J. W. Armstrong, DIRECTORS:. N01 90 P-tt -02. War. GrilsoN M. P, Gro' #111— 21 N 1WHOLE NO, 1163 RoAcA 01KNOV- ­krT-A. Y R..TLO Rffl- jI.-MA .15 PAT th 1896. - Wcorl, A. B. L ze (Toro;ao). DtAR Sxu­ I conside x6y d "hi r J.TURNBVLL. ir must -be, as it wl re' to assert &.few fac adMK Iry drawned -out. of tbe-ban A VIIV.u- r v AxK. —Hours la- to 3; Satur- This mean an wij ensur( a good. days The. ii who a. work a t W e, timeago. pan Or boy -ge 9 ,t a day"?, to c-,, 1. study slid ut e - , vork glasses ou sold'me' -som r!osfis of 6 and upwards port' "diany,.sutpius Droc6edsi there 161 McRae, who'- di -ed. Miss at rpose Of "Duncab's idence, goes home satisfied -for fouri months ad.Y;-madesuit clothes at Conml-Vs recelveiiauxt i 3t a4lovicd. jo, will not. be engaged in with the alne PECIAL DEPOsITS also received at cur- B4111HERS. 0 Vim, nor study proiecuted -wi . t the' )n [flay be vill be -used-for the pui at her brot tea that hel -has got 942,vative Conventu I may imy that '896,. valu6 for his mo, IS si rent r4tes of interest. he improvill. itm h Roke st y. ESTAB INUED 1898.' same earnestness T 9 servatives of"West Hur and.. ? gt,3 th6 date rest, o'l riday, May Ist., I ne Thifie the thE t they mou f I Ore I wa in extreme difficult' a I Will ime,dt in donvIduti brsy Z, -the age of 5 born in. place to get your clothes. VF In your bloom #kU TOW at JP-4PTS on Great Britain and the.United -We do a an ral bA th re* were- more encourage ant. on at Smiths Hi I i, T ears, was mess, -always is th6 good boy liking bu, 11. a mah works- in works for Lio' -1 1 Stonnout Eattein It my ot dtates boughtwild sold. biltario, ad a le throughout Can- -om- tt it lobe. eyes.,- I could n . .re , y issue draft pa Who 0 0 Fridhj of next week a one o 0 061: wherIo she the Arst eighteen Who falls iu't6:the pool, JOHN D. NIOROLS ad& and the tat,es. We make pensation, whethe i i -be in the fo n of -0, wili -b Me SuB -AGZNT. 8 W nen a -candidate SP lamp light for a sp. -a of ;more on -aU no monev or of raise, I oth-being a gur avW Lal bs years - - of her. w an -she removed And ubt thQ little 1 --ad boy ten minutes, -so I concfad to collections in d b) corite E h points i atthe Rid ng. tIVI r Ed -IN-IcLeart -60 Monday- w the -the. fami y to the Who runs aw4y from schooL LEG Westerrr State anit a agenlen wou d av last iib my eyes t A L o " n Its o work. f we ' I a psteJ and itted-.wjth ort pure In angantif n --of the Township of njoss where's a resided b a scientific pticmn. 1 - h -West Prc vipee% ;ind all cc t et- the. literary sianda.-d of, our *&sonic ExaUrS,10111 tevo wri I I 130 -us tW6 dollar Dominion, 1hilk On- the 20h largest la, Ail solne tW4 evg it a-Veyancer. etc., (late a ust ej icorstge %ba wd havi heard of this ur ago hou - she re in ire A.. MALOOMSO.NL, BARRISTER ions -whether. noIte or account" will raised'. we *m I of June -Nortbe-r - L f bills a 7' d ulation a d persond ore ly ca pa Solic; oir Co literary a b 0 ecami -0 hav a prompt ati an- Ligho Loidge.- Kincardine, and Of season. They weigh' 1 -.76 and 91 and her - rothb a, `ie dents - me t you and. o truly lomm tion, Of warned to beware of them Camer >u, Holt & Camer-Qn, Goderich). Offic. eifort, the aante as a man. who w, lit's TheyL axe c dge Lucknow, (A pounds each and wi I ant to -Lucknow. had been ick for as "ap.st4irs in Allin's now block. Notes discou ted and, farmer's sale physical- work :dque, would on- Light:L F. & A. M. be si dated July,, 11$87, and - numbered 134 that your glass - have'given me Aotes golie I - Toront, f I - - about three suffred 001 ited. courage physical.' eori by off' will tbil all excursiori to Owen Son 9 or 24th: mark( t. and hal fe t Saisfaction in every respect MORRISON, BARRISTER. ei ing nd d -,,,u,fi:at remarkably chen n good pati nee - dur- ]EI a Solicitor, Commiaaione r, - Notary We have a' lai -go amount -of fur ds to a 6 cielit reward. I Incr I intense pai _Mr. Br:)wn, late of Desel:64to, that,now I can read by. the lai!pnp efe. Money to loan, Office over Moody's advance on morgage at from fiv 3 per Lj 'and handbills will soon be ebendent C ndl riess She wp8 a main- purposes starting another t-)nso,ial for bours without tiringinyieyes OsS # t r a date m1ga her whole orue :means .-JL Barber Shop. t -us therefore, b a or The convention f I est _Iffur6n In -, be -r of the &d6know. Pre byteriia establishmerat in the cent tip. The ri 6te. is graded aci ord-- he Issu 0 1 1 .0i r, encourage t ose who depe room now tised. slig ndents belLd-on- rv'ces 'were liteit Aegree,' I ca I a ARROW& PROUDYOOT BARRIS- ing to qua' ty and size of lban r6 juir- throu4 Foundiric Co Saturday last, . -at eb 1i arch and th&flmeml ge by Win. Leadbetter as an ice cl e a h W developerpe b, att Ctirlowilorainated r. Kilty,teuber J in Command those having G toTs, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. ad. sia tl at conducted by putor 0, A. Me- parlor!4 fluen f Summerhill, 'Tawnsl.jv9f Hullett; -Kay9, -P ums, cherries, 'pears. a pple where they r. GRuow, Q.C. AVX. PROTjDFOOT. ey of speech, tfiat eloquence The. railw officials and ectiou 0 ',a th o can o We loan Small amounts o se 9nd 0 ay The re tliyes_:hav sincere iction, thatversatil3 of thought, A A men Of this villagohavL-recei to represent the indepein lanirpariy at !I youl n ehattel ort ved strict 01,ientire co MEDICAL farm mortgages land action for the Dom- sympathy of t in unity 'In cmrrariis and godg6lerries 4re-c Eimple satisfaction. I - . - - that clearness- of- imn4agitidtion. wh' ch. orders fr4m, the Grand:Trifak C'ompany the approaching el rowa6ir. gages oreav their b on tree and bush; - and if - there is 14iem the to-impoufid. all horsed and' -found ""on House', will make o, ators, the essi ty- cows it., TENNANT, PHYSICIAN - We have 9 nexally on handfor Sale, 'ists, the histo runninjj 4t large within half a mile of set baidli, 1896:will be* a record yEgT- R-espectfully'yours, t s,trgeon and' Accouchour.. Surgery farm riang,.djid the -novelists LO f6r fruit., vur POP SUIDay -lield and Waw ax osh townships c ehp decade. Inking C6n-stable Sho . obotto* of LuckhoW 9t 1121 a. in, ; from 2 4o,5 p. . ,dfrm property in Kinloa. , Huron, j Lsh the railivay track: any eni J..Elliott'a grocarystoie. Office hours of the- coming -I was thi ploy d ALLAN BOWLE g from -Sir. Benjamia ilson, man1afer of the tbyhpauv, failing to obey this 7 to 9 P. in. and on easy terms. g a a a brought Wm. Rackett, 1 ho '--Qhoice order -is lo immedi' -dismissal hail .9 of the Bink of Hamilton, - WmghA ri lit h to, Mr. dita that this th _, a from. ate at J Ellotta. Werepresent t e leadiln y taken up. D C.M., -F 'I -might be more practi6all y from- thd in &ny's a the neigbbdorhood' of Wiartbri!, to rout and turni ad at w i I I J eave for- W ianipeg in June," vvhqbre -- - - GORDO'N, A.15., and ;o erviclos. those interested and, prizes, - actillg as Vba d with I Air. McKe r1mie 'foi_- the UY 3 pl e. -ASHFIE LD. M..Q.P -Physicl Canadian Fire Insurance Companys i I - - g English r he will take charge of t uames Ll be &'l Convention next 30 d on the two years. D incentives to liter4rjr eflbrt, J. Elliott's. -6on. tud A66oucdh upstairs,in Win. and ­can, effect insura ueai on all cla sseg i ays, grouril , I -eur. . . - agran h eled t;D VIlin a new bl6ek. ' Residence Ros _ street, of property in say by your paper, the public li by.. ke was committed I -George B W Goder- Stpek or I 'titul CDm_ bra . - V Magigt ates Air. Robert Hunter, l31 li con., los Murdoch & of tbe-East Bt behind Cameron, A meet ue Liberal ich on Sun Mr. Potts has stated that he _ Vijl a valutible horst from. inflamatiOn. pani s'as de the town, council, !or graham and Lyons.- rald. day.. siredj the agricultu bonveiltiA- will be held- in -the Town Positively -run m the P. F A -a- iss MacXab on the T -This wil. be in -the int 0 af moon, for the The mail train c a mn- Carthy "d Patron candidate in Nonli 1. Our offi e hou0- are from 10 -a`.ra. to 0 Killod We. are g! R. D.,-GEDDES. V. S.,, CALLS Society, for different c asses '.of -essa a I — - - ememberl. Hall, W -ad to learn ltha-t either by mail or telegram promptly 4 in and stories. 0kerton, nThursdav ck cart of the 22nd A.2st Irwi-11 is considerably b.-tter. eat JE14 -tteudedto. Charges moderate. Residence, at 2 Oclo in the - te oining here on Bruce. refuses to be. traak ,d A the town, foia' ;istre for writi 19 purpose bf! selecting a candidate f) con Monday ening last TUIMOWXI-a[ Fcow Tom, visit,, 1 Ouram street, opposite Dr. Elliott's ' and EO A. IDDALL, Ma+n4.e r Ensilage a i 14 fodder dorn. lead f6r, The itipertor, .1NJ r. eng ev or boligbit off. XS - -)ad door north Of SETIN9L Office., enders a taste ;f(r readirig id -test t1lo. tiding in the Liberl interes'is at . I - ad school No. 5 and e tee, a at the railway crossing. T Bar Mr. Pot sale by W. G. Orew Peter Miller, son of James.Millt-r. Torrence's firm, and th( . animal was -V S. V D Ron rQading-,de:i:elopels- tb3jaculueoil and at- th6 4pproaching electi' Mr.. J`%m as well peased with th Auld It. A. J. G IBBONS Ult - ons for thcd PomerviRb in a disckplille 4 formerly of Lucknoy, died on W4 DiGraduate of Ontario -V' !Cerinsrjr College d educates the reason. Intellige nt ff instantly killed. The -o* belohged Goderich on ft , 'as ay. 0We Of oommorls. d thrifty cit I . . - - proficiezicy of mild Registered %lembir.of the. Yetermark izens re the best class a A to Nis. John Mcalusi 'y of nesday at Win',Amm, and will be bd . .. - 11- this' -Mr. Ww. I Medical'St ,iety. On* door east of Girvin's Mr. Ww. 0helL of Wi ghani, in this nity ar. eed. ffotice. of. Action V,illage,.aud WWI, ied by the Oddiellows there Farmers A- I e throu; what we n was 'a very I a aludim. -1. InrberUp. opposite Allin's, block, Campbell villa at-th nd %e preparing thee-, Atreet, Lucknow. Charges moder ie. Call" 'Fit LIBER Hoping these few t -a o'clw& on Frid T V TO UTTER AND 7 E Y remarks in; ty- ­Muslin bl NOS for twe4t fi ground -for -roots. A atilehdment to section 53 1- o0he -was in the 34turday.r with seeding a y- ve arding tly attended to da or uight.. Bo 0 AR U rulmicipal -6et, which- eame'ii --Buy.your bu and w; .To ACCORI IXG TO T terest in litei a- Ins FREELY' tend -to increase the ato. forte -gi( HE DICTATES - W 0 ,a 1 upwat T1 higb ;t price, eith in ca, "i illl f -May, provi '.at Mrs. Sm' h's- from flildri3d Brol' You will -et t e ture, and draffi th H r cents and M The prospects for fruit are bette GF- CONSCIENCE WE p JOVE EL out have gn , a [!is 0. ides -that mot, a, - - I , r. Bis RIZE AD t hose who i - aid for w( Id --...:-.Arthur toy and W -ray, of best dnd- most, 8tylisli at tile I this year than we have had SOCIETIES aitin- de 1ice of. ac.69 an to the mun- ma III fbr ve OTHER LrBFkTI ZS talent a w W 11 11 -must be gi it -ad be yeap. seal 81t tl_ Lucknow ollen ills. -Wingh:am, were town o:, day* pric Jo f the frost keeps away we ishall leave it to yott avd y0i i, subab y a person inj ured rough a. Every rig, warranted. bblog riber4 o Fartie3 having wool to's, 1 w X;essrs Cro" so d obert promptjy attended to. abundance of fruit.. - 1. 0 F. thil.; li defectivb1lighway in cities' do on F -ay what: aliall -te dotv alo onx thil.; li towns, UL well to call at.:t owing. is the. OD E re war di nday. undredthanniV- Lucknow, Xpy iiicorpor.it d he mills and get p, ices Moo a m blvar me on S standing -of LUCKNOW L. G I lose. ours tiuly within seven days urad the h The - fd111 0 ing Th . ay is b -fore 'sell _ta othe " upils of S.S. INTO. 5 fo from the a4cid at instead of thirty as Leek xr. -hie, of Wi ham, ova' successful trial 6f r April : P S Ptofessc r. a John 4 - ary of the fuz Dougla. 'Vill Lea -vin.-, 11 Anderson. Ent= It INDEXENDENT was in the a n-Wednes" last. vaccination. T resters -THE JUDGME beretofoke. ce. he disco.v6rer was Of. Prown. Jun 4th 11 Gardner, Order of Fo meets in the Oddfellows' LUCKNOW PUBL, IC SCHOOL -T— Exarrit ation Tim A Alex. Ros and Jenner,. who was born in Beikeleyii 14 Eill ( n the fourth Tues Artfig'harn Whitecaips. a" j Brown, B Gard' is- dauFliters spent hday net, F And kson. San tb Th Th fi ir The EducaZion Depar ;feed in Kine.E rdine. Eakland, May 17, 1749. a dav of -each month. at a three tandin-.out- cle- 'Report of Fu for the Month a, prisopeirs charged' with Two good si rvant 3id, J Aackett, 9 Hae points a wed"the. time table for thi High School - -Girls -34 kett. j-dn - -The Count Council Act is now, G Hunter, J ackel X :Ried N 740-_ o'clock. Visiting in the pr lftbfti n jud April. manslalugb ,er ih causing the death of y gment of t a ------ Were tried at the nd University mal , ,am- girls wanted. ly at the Sms TINEL in force atild the commissioners will rethren cordiallyinvittd. 0 riec ation a A. J. Li. vy Council del 11-t- o -Fields of W, ingh Oardndr. Pri ilvered oil a nations. Th6emmi a for form I. office. begi - San 2- -1, J Gardner, ]K qDsAy, W.,,A. LAWRENCE. 11 d ..FIRST DEPAR ENT. in 4odiirich on Wedu6day, n work.- dividing the counties Chief Ran,;er. Recording Secretary. last'are : Tha 1. egins Ju y 7t. 0' t, th Dominion Gover Public.School Leav n.__E'X`c_el1eat-- when 4olj 6r!t Harrison 'and Geo rge h. 'The ex minatioyi fo a, the4fth-of"May. Th6 provirice has liddleton, R Mi . (eton.. Jr 2nd, T r -Mrs., Curt Ripley,_ji the -OW meni alone has jutisdiction re O - 9th-. I The exam- set apart $4,'000 for this work.- -Pt II, VV UCKN REBEKAH, DEGREE -H Galiaghere Phippen got three yeai!s each, -Ch4k Rivett H Brown. San gardin E G rapt, -les -guest of.Mrs. A,, 4 Davison, o this Manser' ah& tgomery,...r.two 0 for -ad Webster, 8 Gardner, R.][Zeic L Lodge No22, meets in the Oddieliow8' thelimp8rtation f mtoxicatingliquo -Finlayson, M Carri' Thomas Mon natf. ns for ms 8. d .'begin July village. -,-Karl's Clover Root, the great ond and fourth Thursdays i of 0 ck" Al- McMullin, Jn Pt Hall, On thesee years. each -i the Penetentiary 'and .1th. Porms of apDliCat n for f alter stone, the'n blo 11 J Hunter, J Hunter d was -in to*n on- H each month at 8 o'clock, p. in. Visiting into a province; t; at the Local Optio A Geddes, 8 Boyd.. :I air-L --Mr. W" . arble d - purifier, giVes- freshness W Hunter, T siaters and brothers are cordially welcome. r n got six months in the xamiIT4 ions can b; bit tthe Public dealer, of cle rness W the' complexion Alberf T la 144ekett. - Sen Pt unte, c r cures nsumptio bell. Absent -A n. nspecto 's office. n, 25c, 50 Law is lnop ratiV 'where it clashes i IcI ean. Wing idits. T. REur, BA31 I - Central PAI co Evereft, C Rivvett, -Jun Mits. A. B. Cof.; an'e-befient Monday. c and $14, P 6 -1, Noble drand its municipal operation -with the Can Sold'by Berry & Co., (h.uggists. Secretary. I Ar Spears, D Andrew. E Brown. n. mstr6ng, _P McMullin,- -Mr. Ed MOM . an shipped a rb a - I I . 4velling Dvarv. They La- Shiloh's Cdr6 is sold on a guak- a ushe decker ca - 0 0 ada, T mperance At adopted by coun Thompson. Good -'-41, LAnl I 'of 1,6&s to Toro n T ties as a whole 14i -a countrrschool, e other day antee. -It -cures Incipient Consu 0- R. COL RT The TraV61ling Dairy gei* ont b PROUrBITIOX a herwood. No MoL)onald, Patters ) - , y- sday. mpr., 9, Lucknow. M"fs it, ;Agricultural College will vhile;.a class y4s bein arained on tion. Ii is the.best cough cure. Only- tjie pri 0 X Finlasoi the 0 9 a liave the p -C E NIcLuskey, M- HU4 r. Fair 'I -Jhn M AVill Co vy Council -Gives Its Decision. i 1ap was stake to X fi6,t And third G verninent oc: Corr . igan, !A visit: W Wt -;Ijju 6n iat the - f( llowing he different kinds of w( I id one I ttle cCorv1 ad rign C and 'that th I Ttie n law. Ithout 68, W 'orvie,- places at the' dates; given. .All- itteet.' d amib id specimen -went to ga Berry &- Co., dr uggist k L6ndoh, May 9._ %t"** has IM-2dary f every a prohibitio wor Va r Holn) Me(, - 1 -one cent a dose 25c, 50c and $100. SUP essing Dun un ,Ion. their heels by Jud- en a acture of li(luor- or outside ot-B McC -1.30 (Yelock sh rp:-- ahogany) which was ield in7 the on Su Inonth, i. the Orange the -rii nuh - f Grundy: B Bryan. go I. Ings nday. Hall. Vibi,ir.& breth- We are sor toearn that the 4 We' ry n rendered by the Privy -.0 *1 constimption. and Isein- at the sa Absent 1, slijiti BI th- May The 11 ----;Suits chexpef than ever ren are cordially in- me y .t nd; Auburn,'Iday 26th- nspector's hand le fellow at thv year old -son and only child. of Mr. ril ortition a Jr Entrance-Exq a 1)UnranLjjdji. Kintail 28th; rg op, llxt dcii 4-0to Girvin's barber nes Worthin-con, -of -Guelph,'and ih- the Canadian Prollibitioa-me. Their -rited. 'time powerless to stop tb6i-'p a lint 0 li Ma hemomeotlo -ot, and'llesitating'a n -TOHXSCoTT R arell 27tb, sh L G Holmes D lees, at his D. D. YULE, See, of liquor into the llrovi`nce, which ittle the.teach6r inquired -of wh -C fornfarly-of Lucknow- died t I ships answered the questions sep.. U -1 .3 , A Yul e- Leeburn Holtuegville, 30th;. iflop. Stewar Is Good___:A McNabb i n nother's drwe a were m'de'. He, at here on alone xon. I it, Hot 11, j f)T L t ell,. ( ' Clinton, June Ist.' All are invited to ;nc ArAtely, and he Dominion a replied, -.Kessra. H. K riLnolit, J morning l"t fro ol diptheria; 3! rQ11able Planelefte, sir," am' idst pined that the -0 Patterson, BI Grundy, 131 Murdoeb,J legislature ju'risdictiou to -.e attend, eap6jallyL farmers', wives aid, a roar f Igu A. and W. DaV'11KA nday. Mrs.J,,G nact WYAL ORANGE LOOCE Government. spent their daughtO Lawson, 8 McQuaig, AT Greei, R ghter. Buchannon, ofBay section 18, -subject to the necessa, 11 rs. - %i4th friends in Ri ich ' NO.428, HOLDS ITS McLean,, -j Douglas., - ----------- T. igan, anl Mrs. D. R. Buchan& - ry Tplaj -postp non, of Drayton, North. Dakota, 100 -Huntjr,tai an URREN" TOPJC S_ Stewart. 4ter, regular iaoi-thly - wtet- C George qualifioation, that its pro in, -,s in the oraDge tiall Camp- The -Band -Stand -so of 8 The wilJ7 ca isi rl g theIr father, 14t, a inoperI mny -dig bt:ll street, Luckitl on Tues- p a- SPeaTs-_ of Kineardine, waft"J, 'm Lucknow oil a a v assi sted by a:cl et for -trial at the assizes -.ourt b a 0:1 Way day evening, nil int ;SECOND DEPAA!r%IE2%T" The bau 60YS2 -core a 1 9 9, on or before -The new Parlia which -is to lj, _ xcel their wheel James Smith, 12th con of, West Wa-w.' riot of the Province which has al of b ay night -last, re, 1 eld at Goderich tM weel a4opted or may' adopt the aeteond u ne 23r 0 1 Sr. Class -AE 1ent_1i d_Campbaflj othpts 'Frid is before :ais e full moon. Degree night Iectad oi Olt the second Tut -day evenink folldwing fujI wil I b' swall6r A Vy'atson, J Baird. 1*1 -Wall. paper! staple of the Canada - III P I& - . paper,goill Out traw and felt has are -Tempeirance Act, !:of moved jordship Chief Justice Mi xedith -has -S ge band stand from the 1 9 mbers han-j a pr eron' B Thompson, W a fast. Wb'y? . Be.Vise it is so two ine r Qaeeu!s rark to- the .'vacant 'lot next of- '66 .1. All viiiting brethren cordialli invit- by, e 15'1 -he meetings. 11 esent d' ran lied till the fal. sittiipg varY articles these days. CQnnell has an 1.6 1. The order of the Suireme Court to erts6n, =o - LawergHugh orri- c I , L . Heiiderson. Good T' to Mr. T. L."_Treleaven's_ photograph 6u heap Pt Mrs. Sm se from ofbanada-is-disicharied;' costs. Howe.- Nova 8 otia nd, Prince irt. - - 7 excelle'rif assortment to elfoo Win. TAY OR, no Brennan, J -Byrnes B n nd P. A. obertson, Malcom son and Dr. - J, ' Mr. J. 10. Dalil,n' maiL clarl Secretary. W. M. E iward Island -each fose 1rundy. gallery,. on -the ma -in street. The Tennant, -we're: i on at specially low prices. It you want Ek inemba Fair -W Al in, A Bra stand interferod ­wftli the lacrosse -and n C oderich on the L; H. & B., wl -a guest at, the big moneys worth in a ha t go' t *0 THE JUDGMENT tidsday, 4n 0. T. U.- The regular monthly and New Brunawic lose two while B Grundy, TVAgnew. connection 'with -this Cain" Connell. he jud ment of the Pivy;,on-111161-1 Poor -7- foqt -hall P)flyers in the park a'd House, on- Sii'l qky. 9 Wo. meeting of the We-men'd Christian Manitob t g -%ins t wo. at the, the 86 ers 21 -printed pages, and is hi with Ontario nd sob"W Vauce, 11, tif. The costs of' bass - can'.1 16.1.caught betveen _tad_iqs! Cjean your gloves gbj Tempe;lauce Union will be held-every-secohd Grahl tn. saiiie iinie of little use to the band -eseut trial _V d Fello, vs Quebec shdvr no change in; the Excellent' aiill def ndant. the -15th day the 1.5 t da Josephine Gfove Glea4er. For mleonl3f t - edlinical. It %ias read nd . Wtidnes-lay of each-morith in -the Od Jr. Class -L Flood, A. but t positioij wil !)a use of Api -1 i -by Il ord W SPS oore, E.Findlater, M by W. Cbimell, -headquarters for dressed and deals chiefly. vy j* flail, Lacknow, at 3 p,. m. Mits. G. W. 'but i.n both ca h chid-citie% mak oni, E Me frequently du of June, both daysl tidlusive. _.th the sel Rraity, President- RS. 11-011NELL.SeCretary. e. r, Dg the summer by the To - the Public S114 I I aren 'I R qlabstion-submitted by -the Governor, ga, the rest of th oved, my. tailor __'Mr. andMrs. c5lath a ins at the expenself i aid, J Hpilderson, F'Reid,­ band in their open air 60? n'c6rtl.. I have in I .7ff and undressed Icid gloves, in all the a , .1 - . . I 4hop wero,-s (',-a' al of CAnadis, which. after ood-­mG-McKay 1) 1%lebona , j fter -an ex-. ld, 1; t io street from -ay I dock. You daughter, of Clint -,aid a ffying' most desirable shaes for street. op p !visit 10 0.0. R Prov - inice,- thu ri-flee -,iug liaAstive review of the Q anadian laws W sole ex- Muri on So - Nuglas W McCoy', I Anniversar,4 SevvIces and Lecture me betwem the two to the village on Slif VC K NOW taut tha flow of the ipopul ut now find a vening Nyear. tof: the restricti Hquor afflol tr ati011. Yotin A1Dikvison,.LSte rt, J31c.- services Will be con Wfth grex ly y last. It 41 -Don't fail to ez,the love] art -We art-. informed thata consider- ansivers in the affirtnativ.e. Thig %oilf elect four mambers to bbath in the - Fresb-, e cpensqs I vvill re7duced L Lodge . O 112 Toront- go W Annivers-ar' llaibbr..sbops. be able 'to s'ell suits 14 jL ft of the I i4eets ever Friday evenh-g, at 8 ocl k * -Lure, J Johnston, J Balber, duct d nei i I Oe "' the-new-Uouse initeAd'of three- and satteeng silks and ITtnis foi- 4 iwat- able portion of the fall wbeat'hat been -:legalizes loca l optio their hatil, Lmp6ell street. All'brethreh l E Taylor. Fiir-J McCorvie, F terian churc , ow, when Rev. ieapertlian ever. I hava oil hand a ing youi:'homes, at es Smith's killed durin the'win-ter bk the, snow, 1. as and to nsbltps. 2 - Luckri a in ities, -towns, Montred] will send five p;ace of Gr a ii d y, H Robi ip l D. . D., of K- ox Col- I rge stock! of i ds,:- w-0 rsted W. XVILSON. her pileisrit trio.. llson, )v MbIntogin Iweb etc. on'o wu -Mr. art 'who has -and thit in places where it t 'I morning A quiet a, la IvIcLert. C Shoebotto reach a staff othai-nds so"t] at calne It Is their lordshi le -e. Toi- Andrew -IVoble 'rraud. Record.er. 11-9 -the wititer it ps',opinion that the 10 Monda evening lie 3u_ call get Your onfv rs turnea 11 in' Hamilton, s Suffering for""' t '11 of the Imperial Act of 1867 n out been att6nding through vNAuley, H. Hornell, X Murchison, Si, , SIC 4 Icat The Edin --h aliyur 1;1 lecture 6n'.Palesitine, '01 -aptly. and anti fac. arrived home on a, i -day last. t as that exercise of jogii-lative !I,, ..AOU bui narrates Johnston. will d rely to your satis the Want of rain, -and--having t,-AVOled through that on. Givd'me a call. and you Won't -the fa(;t that, on thi -24tb of Sept- Murdoch & Co. are THIRD DEPART31B 6. ' r v the Parliament of C- anads U.C' K Now NT -land, he will, io doubt -be I a -to tell r gN expen.1u, means -Ipwer -28 E a abl et it, -C.. Stiwftrt, Pall,ce- Clothing offering zspecial lines of. childreifs, Orjofly confined to mattersunqueation- Sr xe llpnt:­ Armstong Irice I'lic. Just Pome ember of the present rear, should she p d suits for the -,i L Lfidge of tb us ma' thin that wilfihrow light 7 ny 'Ouse. Ancient - Order., -f" be ; -ared (liat lon- '?r Me and see.4f it does _11d; Lc-C.'St6wa t. misep' and.;"women's hose- atr p p y, ies) W I clous Watson, W .1vtood' be in. rice kt4 of Ganadian. interest and t - United Workweri, Gra oil the Bitit d tht should impor 4ean, NI McAuley, (ties runniag from 3c a pair -up. Ask to Any other -con L Northeotp,. teresting toalt, The col'ections at Celpl;p4tion, At. struction eeti in the Odd. Maji-sty's reigg will -e ual that of th /-Mr. George Mai .,valtnager of the they in see theni. Th' are orth more than tit is not oul feflows"Hall, rn the Thompson, rt Douglas, F Me'Laren, all theFe in I g The citizens'. of Ripley -have de'ei4a ey y contrary to 'the n lon-est in the antia! - th a -itish McMillan epdn 'a will. be for.-- the 1*ader's Batili, Wi got spent a! f -twice the price asked. b3adment of last' and qecoad a of, Bi A. Winnie building fund. t hold a. g and celobratior on Mond the act- but would pmeb- M T&Luro.: y rids. [ i - . - - p4li 6estro tiie N16nday t venings (;f Isles. George III ascendd tile throne A, Newtrm W McCoy; Pl _13rya- -of the dayp tliis week -wit V6'kno fri aw lay 25th.,. Bicycle races, iorse races, "Urs, T. S. Hawkins, Chattianooga autonomy each month *,-c eight n, . 1, I y 0 - ' Business -.men ril vr advertis . for Tenn., says, 'Shiloh's Vitalizer salvad' '_,.rOinces. It was once conceded that - 'f October, 1760 andz )ot races, hurdle races mtting - the o'clock. -xisitin& on the 25th. 0 aake. H Burns. GoodL-V Barber, I I . - Sad lienth 1bv. D brethren cordiany invitedi Mallough, W Henders a lot, etc., are among the i ports, to be fun, but for the be Eit of -acquainting ra consider it the best remedy Azx Ross. reigned until th6 29,li- c!f Janu, ary,,'- W Me- On April w. 7 ihtr log$ y life, -thd'au thority to make D. Y r L 9,' while driv il dulged in. 'for -a; -debilitated system I ever used. " 14*i appIdeable ta the Whole Dominion A'foot-ball ;ouknitment! the public with th are 1820, 59 je ure,- kV Mutton. IVI'Dav sori, E Me. on the-Thessai - Master Workman. Recorder. ar8 and 96 days. Quee . n river', Mr. Alexander ii which the tincardine Lirck-now offering. For Dk6papsia, Livar - or Kidney- "fix Al4tion to matters which , iti.,826 allen. Fair ­=M AfcLpz In, P H INI r Ewen AteClure a A Ripley footall teamq*. wilf co, -in- -Mr. Georae D for tFoublelt ekeels. - Pxice 75c. Sold by n . a -Was. r -T& per, some proVince, are.of local interest. Upon F I a in i E knocked, o ron: tow hip th O. -H. Days, Berry & Co., druggists. 6elssumption th Victoria began her rdign on, te, 20-th Allin,' G. Johnson, M_ Graham, formerly of.. - . I kin ine.an Lucknow years engaged, vi edley, McCluie, son q —OLD Lim LODGE oi June, 183f, ani . d 59 L -years, r Ae The! - da, d let.96 days vor-K Robiiisonj' F will expire' lo,, - and drowned,- lacrosse teams will play r a silver b4 Satri at they also Concerti, rday 'last M `his home near. 80' -sure of a bh4eace, order and go L od ko7ernment oa the 2-1 a; of Sept-arnbor Yenderson. Absent -11: -McLeod, J before help reaShim. ard: Kincardine aid Ripley w our- corn and c's is the Ion ign , be next.. Hie Deceased Goderich. good crop. L Mr. A. D. Cameron, of thb Dominion, they arf., hi6raly sab. as ewtirt. was one of the finest young me'n in the Lind's will rendr cho'ize isic- during West Wawanosh, 66b,,to be enumerated in dtion 0.2, G_ an actual fact. as for several Years -Jr. 2nd-=ExceHent- 12th. coace's*sion. of' .6nday. A -grand cone A Murchison, district of Algo. na. Re wa a good wi 'be The -Synod of"Wuron hasbeen e George III was under' lie' -evening-.. for i hich some' cal ad to meet-- for bd iness oio forms us thst. ho has w41tered. 10 Wereon it might n gis a -regency. III nde'rsoin,. A- Holvey, W Scrim. - and industri6u,41a ot le late to the EE TS EVERY THUUSDAY N16HT on,and --a fond - and given in the L the l6t in or hefar the full, moon, in the i iageour,- -A Patterson— E Cameron or Ontario's be6t-talbnt have of June-rteminatiO iday of the JDom_ head, of cattlelrom the product ofless bi sion of the Prvincial LegislatU M on I- j koving-brother-1,' Not only h i's o _bqen an- re.' masoni Important changes de P Hayes (ties) R - Roerts6n, W. John- people but the wn. 9 ged. A rousiing good me c Hall. Haveiock street.' 4ave been ma U is in inion elections. than one acre' f land, sown with '.so Hmuty DAYS Ontire community will ybo y shou 0 -ad Lorbships are likewn'e -oF the JAS. BRYAN. in the rerulatio reap ctinci tile Iligh oni r dy ore for- all.' Ever la Tommy Johnst4 purchased'froxn u- last season;, -J*. G. ldp jkion th 'on 92 does -not WO, M cLeanj. E G ull , A Fleml illourn his lot Thb bereaved. f4mily rl. some years ago Anderson. at-,secti right t rshir.fuf Master. Secretary. SChool. Entrance and Ing* M Yule, I M . cLeav, G Vance afterid. a p opular bat -teude ', f4efirovincial -give P5 Public School has. the sym9ithy-of the whole count 4t the, old Cain legi[slatures the -4 Good _ry. McKay,. L Patterson, House, drove the GQ'i okich stage a few' '-Shir-t waists are all the go now Ciifi lavi ­Ior the abol- ` .--of -the 11 Leaving 'examinatio "The- per T40 Old War, H6 n ition The largOt and- most 0 thuslastic. -to the heriff, 0. Moody, D Gral ; days la' I ENEIRAL. Iam, H m st week. you willgoorit see them everywhere Ares are the same as hereto ,,and 40y traffic. It assigns cent re, t6 strong, G Muttoti, G Mut rs 1MCLearlain w e ffering that licel atia on, N Stew. L" L iberal Coilventit"m everh in West v.- and M ardine the orrianizatio, of I uron wa§- held in Durn nnon on 6, "itionofreas nable condidons the Entrance Boa d. may.'r -1 - th, CUNNINGHAM' but -Mee Ing. -Re re' Cameron, ;\lurdoch C76. are, ­0 ta*rn. and:o RANCE 6com- art, M_P9tterson,-W Burns, A -Ten- A.theetinglo n Kinc Mihday. Air, Mc- several lin w. as low as 50c. 1 Webster, J Rois, N1 Campbell. A junjor lacrosm' iea-m F Every munic ality.wag- Lennan le a tri t..) just* cejj rkqr a I ine'made of fine- black n the licences -fot nant, L ARINE, Wend a candidate w!io does not make viday.lasf. shor hey have 0 WaSL avies re eturn. 4heir -Cann baent--:- CKenzie, A !'Grundy, Z -Saturday evehir, g lsqt when. the foi fully,representes, and- Pre! oun h they re selling at $1.00 - otbx) const -olepimateve. 195. hi in eich subject in- the Leay. on 4n t GUELPH.- one -t ird B it ant Me- 'thedld c Sateen rdidi4tion. but try, - Vebster. GMiliuddy9becupiedthechar. Mx.M. ty] road ing nqw, loviriog ot1!C&s)- were"elected ng ladie They have -a large variety of s U -i4bolitio f the" ce- r 14 - - L as well a-3 in the Enttan' N', ol Vice Pres- rhe you terested n the he orable. PAXTMPST -Peesiden t a old 111 be-ri a ices, S611ftes FOURTH- DR ident, J., h 1yas prize mad d-obn ie t I'll d pri Vrevel 'The Parli ut S.mber. a i I please peat an a which wai iio't th t, A. meat _.qaj(j tilp Vegetatiom-Tl ase formerly. Sr. Pt. I1'-Rxce1lqnt-,C Allan, I Carn ell; ain, xi )minated!)3Y J­ - 'r. 94irto aua4a% as no 9 Mrs.. Bryan's- 0 -Priday evening t the; -to Pais --A - sister, olasping nees of the grow- Candidates W. Trele%,ve j s(donded-byeix-MirdenC During the p9st week petitions in who 'make one-fo j -Se, ar sL Girv' next at hal a t devr -to by pearly uxth of crimmageour, B Yule, A Born- ell, Treasurer -_S 4'! lated throughout Wiug- aw for -the X r. Camero j I , have beeh.ci j: the mackg on each a i Findlater, E Siddall, K . Leddy C Yul a 4gi Committee-" I'Ale. n acceded to, will - of - rep a Of whom the n-­Logt! In Luck 6, lady's gold* ha, 'iiO t 4CCOmpartled by a sum ti --herefora it -bas name must'not,.be -remember vegeta Leaving. ;Wect . of riventiorit atement still pass the ; B. ry. 41 tl a i.co and his! n and have'deen -Signed by nearly Will -th 'file K NICIriLoSh j y and W. Coiriim'n. j# everyqne, pra y n- tha in tuatice. Yilne G McQuaig,, Co B aid once m b a Audi.. fob'chain, with ring klached. td.,40e l -an act mhereof R forward the t'he *0 ore case' the the, room. ..%he wa on ard is er- kindl I at- Afm- thlit Prov he bo);rev tising f6ir theL, y a lited to Her nice n QW' d In I&e L woln, -n. decision of the En tranc Bo rinet. Good -H-Younj, M oody, T match te was kec6ived -with siasm. th6,6nd - Y_ men 'r and Phip -a rshoebot O'rk!'_ he 25th-,- a'm­s'on, Alanse. U11 In'" -no ap tom, T Perdue,: E Liolle, -L at Ripley 'S - 4 lndf addresses strong le lery L.7 express tr peal to- the w a t w4re made X-esirs.-I Jew are found guilty pf mrdslaughter thpy f q jpinng -from It enderson, J Reid'. Kincardin,,. They. a ie, Gaunt .1 presente I his dealt lenienti w Tempqr-ance-A-a--of tho liqq wL - -play Cori- dley, MpKenz -The"mosquito- at a me hat Board, but the wilL be y frl l! ties, -P u b R& - I& e - Pt- II-Excellentl".E Thonip- fident-of-wil -the- mat 0 S__ a 611 'Inspect Dr v Morris bill. 01dandyyyUU11g, and sinner, Lordaji1pXhi-,HVftic-e Meredith.' . . . . . . I I or, in is 0 n0i ble st q (1r__ies:iRb_j-4Wcotn;laMt made -to -to . , - getting w( O'KeKay gar tills -to. contri money ad out robPat jpn n on, L -Tayl J Reid,. T 0 a have it let r lture. - - 'Aleplierson, 0 veto in w -year than d with c ieers .,son of Capt. Finlay, 0090M., urns C Bennet,.C' H 11 M s last season' w -Ti -e i i ur a oodie o ting eitiler Ile laxity hotel --Lion?s 'llead, was- t'seetto t A)P" -fie ta a R Allan, -4 It I'McKinnon' they were vidtorio'us at, nea Afteron, Lauribr -An-Clt XTH-Made with a view of.pt serving severity o Hy 16v --We -to bi- T* if any Board ce d of he best eg Q lean. still hive a. choi l6tof drowned -at' -shat place'- last week. f -the 'natural appevanoe. an match t 6 o 'the in his I npectore &arr' Tc Lnd-o Mutton, 8 Apilugh-, M they 01'. ad. We wiab - the There are twd boys, John, the If. - - he rt of mi 4ce hats, faacy. older refo Faie:--A McLure, F Young, 8 ing nnis. epoyV succesi. Mur. IM13 the\ OdrIii will be ad on o ortant I k and cation r ison, R. straws 1, bite. hooi and.Uhu a youn but Which CI -rlie,:th ppli a T gum for painless extracting, I to y R Webster- -R -ast week. Judige, oyl in blac ly'. -Deceased Answers to before Jul 20.' h Hedley L 20 cents. , the report does trof 'a-. %D yei udg bats on . s. Smith. n- r4th Ma 30bi tristronflO. V 111i Poot 41oh. reft nt in the Wi III. -account ofl i4 en T ittle, A Ar ly UsiVered; trie Is 6.-WHicient A balt The 24th of 11 ease of, eers j e anni w df Maegrs. John McD4iiald! 'ia iversar FF R -Th Mr., Allin's Ul 4Cook,fVRendarson,A hoehottom. an action. -bet ra -G-611an; con. i luinloss.* pj Or 3rSO 5 JM ]F year, ing ears Y andRod. 0 PRIZES FOR LIT AATVRE. sa, -services in.the Presbp on Sunday, will, generall %Aan Aurb4 on 4-n. swer questi n 0 -their IL td ighest Ist-Excellent H Newton, Id J"aseph i Speers, of the ownship y celebrated. Sunday there Will pe. I p 1 t rvices in the _ t t express 5th. -la this Section a, A Grenache; 'Morton. Ashfielft.; lvv 1890: Jose V ofi I i 01 8peere, KIXTAIL P, e ry To the Edito ?f jhe Se) jind: Oood% many eelebrations sit Ripley, v r _j hero will be I -Method st church in i evening. 1 MoKinnon,E J-6briston, J Rio, tbo elder,14',ther of the ab niiii'led r--' s -ma 6 a hill in whict, 'leftAl ?4per. An Id &A ragpe 6bd ciQ;zen of this Th! !Mty Aftea noon, Di.;AR _81u: -It has teen, remarked, NcLaren, B Sherriff, ley, Dungannbu and Win vat cleating- s isdklon to in, a 15- McLeod. gba each', p, ties a1 dt '0 and only, too truly, that- the Moody,' Poor, g a pitt n the promodings. 1ij estate- tq Joseph, except 'w Wp The wall paper belon rair H Brown, M' A to the -estate n ulco ctbiiiw V" -ti standard a place in the pers-o of Mr. Alexander 'to NOTICE MeSweyn, C Flemi For h6 while it \#r d dollari;'dividad -among t 'rest, of of W 'H Smith Vifum ng. v a thought of- holbing of Canadian literature is he I b sold :this low wbat, 7 CoMeL oftii "daparted this,lifeon, May, th l0th was born in Rioss- shlre three places no, ad d e c' ided to g 11 X' but in ­Thb brags band a E re findin thi ilia TELS SUBS`CRI M. HAS OPEN19D AX it ought tc) be. This s. not becaust" -g4mes-he Wt. n tnonth. and 1re bargai A f heoffice in'the *bdilding'-el"t of d --h o,' t conyc%slon that thh; ra ail 166 - we have hot the 4o 0 an open-ai ad- WaIT, mong SICN-iisar, Printing Office. Y:; and, girls, the on it *ai. consid ad b In an and women, wi etter t6 wait for faw. division -aild drjw a n w w'll voncert on Vqesd ttlers- here. 41" )Ottunit We les erarY I ening -firalk he ewas., yo GREtMENTS. BONDS. LEASES, a more L th iatisre-lit Ignl2 n6iwWvan b t of,onie of the. rec wh :;earn un DZEDS. 'ghborhood I _'d best hauds i is The young this n ditig the hole:estate -hose- o-k-n4w' men of ol abou think Luck :ad lif-t - - - bil ren an V P rjgh t m M4RTGAGBS - XD.. WILLS italent,_forwe ha be ith 61ly d amonglii an A honoribl an) - ve - noufi d eql I the , but because ave organized a foot-bali . ay, ec r t a d ar &lring _,Th arrangem ts, io for i, the s and estim The 'h d, _ 'Wbo TeLqi IDAREFC\LLY PREPAREI). 4hose who have that tal nt within the amief of WillIog. to bL-1p_ tb en Ashfirld Ro: 118 , I der WA und 'rstgii ; d -big a T% Moo for litill nhp 61 a- hemsel ollow* old a; gioid celehra% At I tew AM Iiii the extecu -of- it; mg are th t, it a e er th n.., mills, dge vfts lateh - e _names ot-the offic s tion here. o1j on q at pr6 9'etq.. fuinished Aprainationa an ii, Vag lectod ednesday, J, --p d -.t6_ W at way now to 41 read Ar&.6 ntha -Pr 11 -,'James Johnston; -sr - on 401t notice. ent, but, Y at any moment when bdljbving-tha0!.6 - -uly Ist, Ja R Y'_ he -Pres., Aptain, y -giving, testatb id JA§. $Oil-ERVILLE the proper i6fluen' 1 ice David Parrish. C gn in In posted James Xerr;--.q'- the other towdg elebra ullul"" are brought to ec.,- Peter Be otEM-reasII, ting the 24tht suf cient minct t.- k ein 7 Nea nt W G b 0 0 eing e old a_a upon it, tG'bu* they virill r _W Rd A. rat ffirth power 4ames Irving; Managi the complime *.TAFrS A111n,11104ME, 119 Ponimittee '. ! - -890- ,gi , 08 6a a In 1 \ __ b not- to that of Th' I agementg-Lai a 4 of th Drennan, Jno Bowl d John'- CURES ry sue- j#A1 A All"you n dN :Farrish. As the tea;2 wajr y;enj 0 ea rld -jo i lot get; the an- a the4 rodigies' de for base a nd ==J given, t ,to 4nior Nim"tion yement which is al mo.90 indi ub they -win rosse mate 01 ispons- Drts-, Apo; addim weyrul. mo T- F unt, End Tow"Y Ne oessful Iasi year, 110 do id otb r 11 UU1 bo* R EE a od acco, t graqc,:c ev are -Zabd nu able to literary Is 90. jjV6S­" : . I il - - -A j - 9L TAFT 61101169 W AVI ith DRA V_ im 77=7,l ". . BADE ST W. acces 3. The tale thiff: oWdingm Z _, _­ " _tjo ieason. They ti n W -84P g if it ent -is ._bejnIg,L must- be t fOr -ch ich -first'd ?Wfflx Qxr. rain6d,, must be deeloped, geik. o, pro. t#i, JoWrae a_ 0 to Olt A