HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-04-24, Page 4,4,-...-1°--3'*--/-"7*-4,44`."."41.'41-..;•-'s4.-.= "-• "01—• •E••••4• • • T. T Sgs 717•Et.- „7-• 4 E .46 .• • I - me Lucknovv43eninel,'BrUoi3 -County, Friday Apr.II 24th. • YOU are invited to call and inspect our spring stock of 'BOOTS .AND SHOES which s now ?-NN om te in -yAil L1nes,1 a —and will be sold as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEgt. Ordered.y,ork andrepairieg one of our specialties, •W. J. LITTLE. Spriug ! Spring ! Prints ' 5 hirtings,. 0 ottons, Cottonades,--Ginglianis, - • . and.all kinds of stapie cheap for cash. Ready-made .lothing g.oing'at very low pikes.. To ,ie p.p. ail id6:.L how cheapwe -tare, seilink`clothing, we will sell !or the uelzt 30 dayg at the'following prices: . - . _, i s .Men' s pure wool suits suitable far spring • or slimmer -wear special at $335: Good Fit,Guaranteed,. I . Other linesuiping at the same. rate. ,3 • , • •‘' . .„ .• ..01<' • r t 2 • ; 1 9 'you ii0d a -0e w -ficarpet), • See what we are 0, ering in 'a range. of prices freml4c to $1.25 pe• r yard. • • • • ••••••••mors4saist,..4 •Altikillot)14 . Offer xceitjtional values iti wall paper and ae- coratio#s.1 We bought our goods direct from the largest m4nufaCturers at spOi.al discounts and, will give our usto .m. en', the bene.t.- We . invite yolito ;visit stablishrnent. Come right alon, we will welcome you. If you d.oet 'wish tb purclaa,se-just now, no difference, look over ur goods and find out our' prices. here i6, no mis ake about it; 'our stock Coil- , sists of e very latest ds.ig4 and prices away down. - We have them very cheap. Here..yoll ar ! :‘•No old oOds, every lin bran ?mew and up. -to date.' Going. out of Boots and Shoes,„ Men's Plow Shoes 88c Ladies Donola Bal or Buttoned, Patent Tips, -Si.00 _ Groceries very cheap -in all lines. ••Neill, 4t -McKay. 1 ; ••, LOOK 07 !OR atlas And don't go buying 'a Merle ,i1 ' \, /,' I.\ •• • • 4 -, ': : •Till you see what D C toylor rims in )vile -els x)r, You • - , will loose money, sure. I' • EGL 42/1 IN I. PREZ They have some good value in SecondMAwheels. De a PAYLOR-p - -114tUCKNO) Wi. • . • • • ' •" 80 • 10c 11c gilt • • -- • • : h or linoleum needed? . , We can supply yo iwith a handsome floor oil -cloth as low as 25c per square lard • and linoleums of our a pImportation for 40c per square yarcl - We "Aso saving our •• .,== iv ettstomers 15 to 20 pe;:ii47t on these goods.; • - II • o yin req This is the place the valaes are the bes,'„ Regula,r paf.er, ur sr.)ecial price 4c a roll ] . sc ,I 12 iitya d Witer'',.--.: "- 90 , , 14c -.. : " , ,,... 6, Ipq ,- . . ' . 1 /C 1 ' Our Highest Grade Embossed Gilt3 Tned, regular 'i. price 3c, Our Special. Price 2,5c ' •, siglimangaiFilisimg • , • - ny,thP m. Our prices:run from 22e a pair to $4.00 a pal we,ever (1Thred. 51 far •••• Iousio arnzsiti, • (4-1 and 1 0111.41113)411 .74TT.40a. • •••' - • • .•,„„..esi•--- - — • Was :a °few 'keris ago supposed to bea craze but people are 11 of the same opinion now: that it 7 I 7/ . And that will giv • -4( dont fa:'1‘ or *e have th' Stock of whee. teaik int Tk cost HRRY- DAYS, Sole Agent for ocupw. DR. •01.41cmErTEs CELE8HATED lidianTotacco • t: UR5 MOCHW KING. EING. HA -TS IGAIRETTE .. '4gli /. emur, 01 ‘ 11•PING • HI •YZ Met.iRS. kl. IIIL . - Et 133tertn laA.tre.as.27 TaECK.A21, 4114,t ... it Itli • OLDIEir T. a Tnra• va CHB A it 14ST. CIF:ST. , SII.TNTJ.EY. q , SOLO SY Al./. OPIU...CISTS- • .K.RAILI.ONNA. '• . va.wk.sacc,VM...C. %A. 013.. tza. Stbt esmo.c.N.E.1,ct.ws‘.2%*...C3ENCE.40.0-- EIZE, .,GE1 E 4 &+ •wnta bicycle entire satis fac- td call on'us, best assorted ever shown in this part of the country. tallow Fellow,' tt ig cp , ct -(D b 0 1.1 0 • i tiro a.iyton' Leader' • T9 Match at:equall.it • Don't make j - any mistake yourhomO decor- ations i8 a;t-- CO,1-:..in-31Orray licCLURE &IVIALLOUGH ,..- 0..1.M."..orn Wish to notify their many euqomers and the Durchaing public in general, that on . Monday; March 30tla 1896,-- ., they wiII iflopt the 'busineg SysteM of -selling for cash only. After that dakours will bre kiown as;the- ' '• s - . OAS% GROGERI AND PROVISiONSTOREOF LIJOIM 0* and every line of goods will* kept fresh, up to date and sold on the barest margin oftiofit. Goods deli 1 to any part of the town. , i Faitlifielli , • , • 6 emirigton Are. among Vae wheels for which we have the sole agency for Lucknow: See our samples and ew Block . - get our priCes at ..Y. \ a&a.-TaRPEAG"'..6.18' , I Look around a little beforelleciding oil what make of carriage your child will be wheele&arouud in during the hot months of summer. You might juist as well have something cosyand nobby, slhen it don't cot, anything qxtra. We ',claim Prince- of ..Z. Wales Cania, s are away ahead in style an d finish of some other. Makes and our price 20 per t lss. Drop into Berry & Co'fINug, Store and examine our elegant stock of cent caiTiages andexpfeis wagons. This store IS situated in Nurray's New Block, and is noted9 ' deahug in Pate DrugsChemidaisi Dye Stuffs and :All the popular Patent I , ..- Medicines of the day. • Ts. the:place to niAke your selectiois . • cRodnitY; -GLASSWARE, CROCEfilikk #ROVISION$, . -:. •, 1 shave iii stock lie f011ovine: - • _Drid APPle roi,1:71 . :- - ' ;:ttrard7acriariihberrit:- es; Callde '• -Ettacts Oi. OW 1- •• P • I 5 ' . : - 1311.°k lead * - ' -- Fiat, anne4 • ' - OIL castor Bakfugrowdera Fish, dripd - . .. Oanges. Opanat !deal - rulapRibocears Tomatoes. canned Peels eel; • , Pipes • Pickls Tobaccoes PpCaspersi;::rnized '• . vv1.1;:lrnirewibocnegar:drys its _, l‘tblicel. -I - '' VV1Titidejlnallar- - lace Vloni Dinner_grs Sago .. .. --- Salt _ S: ate ir4 i nmn :I 1' e s 1 - - —Ter 1 Vtr teilSet -...------Z-- Ithi...„,.. ' ts • Cream. Seti3 . • leuvda: - Beriffiet8 . Corr4osal oroiraer R., 4 - - ls, , . ---...........,, , ,•••• r .,,, .,, _ _.....4,;,-...,,--- — - . - -... . _ -.4-=-- ----'7 _.:7_ :___F-tir 0:•”141-iteatil stirminin4Waii7.11.-ta.:44.-.41.7.-4.---ri4i1-t-C; .. - , -?.•-:-...- • Gelotme Gnainpager s ! Honey •;: Ink Indigo Licorice • Lime tice Lemons - Lampe 47:at . ; Mace bileail '- Meal Macarot- Mustard 3.45 gets, canted = IN z Dot *forget our Pure Oen:. Tarte: 13a1Fing: Powei. whioh, is corclered puFeet awl zotoet wholeeores Lis the market. • HARD CK.NOVT .ONTARIO. POT - This tests the la carpets and lace chrtails. If you cOnienni -them had -decide to get new ones, just seOhat we can give you' in th_ese goods. We have SPACIALT 00 OD ..VALOS'... 4' IN • .; RPETS ANIS LAC T b_A-S1-1 uR ..N.E fry • r*L. was.a ,success! .-tadies, leave your orders early 114 -meek W ely-ymi viant then!. for •e• •'; •••,- •, • • .1 •