HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-04-24, Page 3) X J 2V 1PO' f LL discard, the slik hat as t He cannot ask re dn worldly Me. t be- would rob t it This story -was exploited last fall - Y Yet in his 61niall hear the ___ A, if )apers, and at that Lazarus -of heaven t -Q serve hia, -blre iji vome of the daily.1, es did oil Dr... Russell, *ho to lie might prevail upon Abrahaah tb -and Would 10110 -vv AL at. thia head- t WORIN Is FBI S- b lease. 1HRO St 0 O.OL ITHE ugliest --and unhealthy-_ LT HOLMES- 00-KYESSI-ON WORLD; most fo 111 P, F -it 6" skebbish" tim6 tutoenpserr SSON AW it th I fashion adopted by a Prl#@O -0 Holiness couYl never f --Grand Rapids, Mitin... about. of a hospital at NO. -ring_ h 'House begin. in that Wicked - heart. �Ie was Al- of the of wrote a letter to the Record, whie &1�1%1[L 26, logo.- a blood." ished, informing the' public She Remodeled assured 'he could. not. raeohe help 1110, ife is 1104-1 An LITTLB 31168 C -ro% a- Pack was P Ili The cres� 813 ing!io W, If He Wrote 'it He 'ff r Hen17 Iry imrba+- it 19, matUr what It Is I :a that hutwils.the tagan referred ta. and from Laiirus. The crumbs would. South Kensing 4that the story was a canard. - The Buring Their lbsence, Alih Man and lAzarus-Luke vi. 19 -SL not staiid as' -a- plea for Aiiin.'He was toll,- and the -NO - The )n excellent, Wme No matter Wfiewor how. Lies. l'� yed, not the law VJJ 0 r' is a Canadlaw by birth and Is beeaxoe he obe 8 1 i the -actor, while 4 ,,tome She &movvors in the -,self-�same way tjore -of Aucto ftt�- hat 4 3 f To- I W, ,ext? 4o �He eould-not avoid further with is the. -Golden T their Ifatlier, make t4eii, -r U4DW, a )graduate of he -Uidversity 0 d 4on. That's so He &W)pi.-ye tannotI serve G oo and others in with their mother Wheu In -in routo. bad- an QU106 In Holmes' -THOR misery in meeting his br 16 rather eccentric; DID THE'WO.RIK OUGHLY. Lady Irving If I bnt-Ask� her to ALIVE I building in - the. spring of 1891. mamii�vu.-Luko xvi. 1-8. that -place by having Lazarlas gd to ADA. irom th6 da6r �On ' As ohe goeq raclug bY. FIVE ALLEGED VICTIMS was ha�id to work them., He could. not blame God,for aPpearanco, and as He found that it so iti-What -Is 'the Central Truth T� ybr e"usibapcj was knight6d h She stops her romping rush until up 6, practice them, for ilonie- reason, h Quellec", in She's gnipried p tiot-.using unusual Weau§, t9 protect Big floo idgell which'. It 0why T, Var�t - .. ­ dres�iiug-I: him. The question was bettled for been -very Nailed to the C611111199 F013PIly - WWole._­ Earth - is the carried aw� prartlidular' a 0U1-Y`thT`e6.or four months. Farlor and stayeif ali(l table -Built 1, of� the Ihn aiddtr'�6ss= Chicago Pefectives uladf-rhat the Confes�- He went to No - -4-944 'Ashland ave' Portraits Touched up US on! -ior 6ternIty-'- him. 'No change could- lesson. or . The funera late Rev. J. H. 4-hould onilt the 'lady"' 93tgood to -d ay.01 if 44bpilld ikii: [JUJitt-What is the Topic ? shorton. his misery.' zMad look -askance- slon ArroA ift. Plai.,lelplil.-, couuty� une, where he - dild 'well, and In the L. he Llbrar.Y-YerY r ach Alitonished ro Robinson to( �,,,place at. London., her. ese men- GENERAL. She'd stop . fall bffered the direction The- dbutritats- between th her play,.;?, robabijiI of 1892 was Homee6mers. The steafiti Lake ­Siiperior brought- 7 - 4 -moment cease'herplaY,; Prison is a Pack ot Lies - P, --Lffe- and dealli.: - we Wme ' 'bound for -Aldbi­ r For just of tfhe hospital wherti he is at pres- -ftliolli re.oharp, Und: pointed* directly to 14-9- English Ir xKiug Milan, of Servia, int6nde to A query In her g1kn0e; e the Dose a I Topeka,. Kam.. despatch of �u h -surroundT to . . � - W� wanteil to -mak �.lg_ 4)Ae; ent. says*. -6ulJOL�'What is the Outline ? the two classes� in Vv Q tuba.. of thp '110t4ml, - SttLtw in If I jbou� rOug Probilblyltisaffank Forjerx�What a. a tPuT say: .11Dbn!t be�too. Dill, Samuel -T. F-elmlee. of No;I 5,101 ago President- A. A. te, L ed the Savicoui during- His , public '6ghegail. -witsh-loaker, -May. 'Expecti Several weeks rpiwo livw-- ��cout�as Air. John ft UO TeplYll Canadian Victim flag to Say. . Ashland avenue, who Is well acquaint,-, Centrar-1% 8 ministry. The. -rich maii belonged to tonaollf- die() tAidenly froin ji- hemorr� 'orted that ille "It'allan She?d cea�� her laughlug Ibng ene`ug;z� �uspea_or ed with Dr. Russell, sald yesterday: Rubinson, of tile Mexiean. 11. 13�4oldeath cotifirasted, wealtilly tarally, and a. Iiirge family A CWcagq despatch says: rip through � Thft(34--A. D. 29.. tl`lace�-Jerus4lem-F a hage. 1'� forces have defeated the AbAgluidns - To answer: "WIty?" a long t � I "Russell never (juarrelled with 'road, started ou, discipl to., �slx brothers. Yet death came, and Fitzpatrick this morning will hlLVe I is wife and Th into The suburl #10f ttawa were inhu- at Adigratr. i Holmes. alway ea, ta.kIffig one of tile number wa erdd Is na - statenlon't I can =a The doctor a paid. his he South-tv Pharisees. a ush 0 -0 ise of. the There hikP-officers dig up the basement Of Ut if e -dated t ay by a r official deni;il has been, billsO and. after he had been- o C fa wit1jiiiiii. Not- wishing . to -tary.-19. There wag 9, der -J bell, while'-tlie others wer following An No cailtiOn. I can give, Cod, on 30 arly a year, he -and I nil as One of is;" his example in life. - ltidea�. ed in St. Petersburg of the taItted 51 N11l)eaIq�ee-uveuuo for the* 'castle! tie The contrast, silon. taw: Vier rtilkatb he had leave their house, ain ' ch fna�.�Tho' pro4ollity, That will uot prompt I -me Holmes Went back to got a: ce neeption. LIzzle G01 f n Of IM InquIsitive. pose'Of 14tw.-taiulug if It. H., thexe-and ',the handsumetit in.the city, to the care that, is narrative is to IN- considered' whs. great. beyond. our co, halin, - a -year-6111 RussoXhIndse secret treaty. i . -at U uell)h ly Van -Tus- erring. not to, any. was T by a did really btl;ry titery Ei�i left b6hind. Hot", was Id Mrg, Robitir as; d parabler, ref girl, desiateli. from HA ana to the- if I but I iy: "Don't hurt your -self 'nothing Was said ta intimate that of the servants, M r. tu falling WaII4 insurgents linve sel, whom lie havb mur- ilar citso Which- ha THE -WASHINGTON LIAR-AGAI, 'al saws, the Rimell owed-bini a cont. The doctor -'s,a. inyited 3J.ru. ida- Welliultil,'d frJe t in tl Il�m_;m;e to hear d%wily many. yea Ite-Works.itip Some illed by Enquire: $- - "I"Ttic happen. Tbe-design of aterwork 11 tspi Of 0 district I the lltii`� �if Clainis to nil d' actually- �� j I Impaxlei iOr I wouldn't cry dered. happened, but teaching' that. such mat;er to Su tt I lie Engineer. lie' Winnipeg hanged 1 22 Spaniards in "Thi -4 is done- in the iuU�rdslt. pf giv� vWlts Chicago every - year.: He "sited of i -al standing, to oce"IT P cases - might Gut- w: -falling itit lie last July and dli�ussed the story ilig sutue creclenev to tile statements r, durAnf, their-- allsOute. this u irrative'Is to be - learned front mrilngve-4. the big flyi i el. Col, Atevilij has pursued t#6 Der - of Rdlines", that lind been cticulated to the effect ae ctly,freci -Teaup Itad IT A GOD AND T I F IDO. "Anil- you 'are'-Ao feel I drigto'n, A 'ril - 17.L lie, Ye lq� I ingon, -to the Atblra River dell di ;aitl the luspectO' I --'If you tile former conversation a Marchinbat visims -Poole of e hhd disappeared." Rubins,61, love. of money; Waal p Arthur 44olida A_ T0111T." I to if a Y- videa Abyssinta-froin. tI ttline boy -fel' that h in it, Idtt " Salt u. taugll� the danger ok th: at T n, and have read his )y ill tacane da uelan Government lias laid b6fore.the lfonic*,boy, �Sherraan -tvans, when a It fetectives- Dr.- Russell*s brother a Willia:m, *v7ho- ivant to 6ii;�taiu, I 1 -2, o' deceitful, -and treacher-I- -eve& it, corrobor.LWW What our t Lai Ili tile blcycle7 business Qu the dorth Liel-ything here is at your disposal. (VS. th inalkii,, b, burned their can�p- I the tut eod ' I ..three yeaxa, was'lost 4ate It on Solue is hard to believe. Still, 0118A East 'Sim Marais 1mvb uo4lLn- G �n. Bald' sera, COmuianaer-in- tnLth after a wild -searth Vire. of rielles; _(vs. 9-11) thatt High.' Commission authenticate(]. is mitwaukee You are I seepred .-repeutly alliong. or. -ging on 1 slde_ was callin.9; at Dr. Felutlee' ;o 'act just Ms. it t; high '�esteenrl on * earth A =41i cop wtK,11 tit). a little di, And co wliiehl Was in -heir ca:ridi- C-1 altdr, dark fn bo ff house yesterday. afternoon, n- were your oWil." I ocument ated Mr..- Cook. as. t def of the Italian fore 9 trybody.". wlus hateful ta God; (v...15) that men toward rAlef of been �t avellue in order tt ctati-if,y &vL official records of the 61 u firuled what the dtctor said concern- dtite for ti mmous. slula, fa moving gra ve -the tro at tile afleged NAILI.W. TO. Till-'. U1.111ANG. 3erty aright' tile, c 0 Y 6f where his father had been lit l.._0 detectives tre. Who 40 not.use their prol Fido, Ills little white dog, lay U; -Einar- a, which throws Synod of To- Ing.lils bro-ther.. I�r. Beued:ct Britiah Guian, ' erian ops at Adigrat Is exactly: Witat Mrs. 1yellillan could qiort be - reeeived"ititq, heaven'; The Pre' x eou1e*si`k2)u of If. It. 1161lues:""th C il� 'San, who has - an office at No, 640 This iingston -will meet. in Repdrts are in circulation tliat tile boa. I His father asked him nex� tbuipt. They have had siu�e hist &I, Shortly alter the del)"r tire oi the 11; iLl) that they ought to, listen -suapicloh upon tile a-ecuracy of. tile onto and -afraid to sIT West- 6&d ltieet, half a'.1ilock froru ngwoo Rn tile 11th -condition of tile Uzaxe%VittlIj -jy-ho is morning If he was not -that mur- r, i -s. - Wet urtioa -her at- prophieto; (va., I(;.- --ilvblelk ("oIll of may! V f his alone outdoors. Sherman answere July indubitable proof lie 'the "c Dr.'Russell well'. Owners loran t, to At6ses anti tile usbury blue, book, upon . ice for.the benell let" knew hiell was car- l7ytifid that it N�;4Cy ieft moderated- �yisiting N :oAlllurs to his -castle On cation. to tile pa.1-101" 1%, - tile. duty. of in I . The Pres'. pry of Paris ; God aUC, deretI.Juria, I- I and corroborates- the. assertions Of t very, _IIaat1s(),lae flural-de-� -_to, slj�-w kialiff a to the liffitl exprest;es a -willingness -to rest ge Church. lie th, has become seriousl.V..Nyorse. ,papa, I was not alone , Q have i be In. the 'ea i ;iixtY third street. They Dr.. Felmlee.aud Williant Rkasell. limted With. a a. poor. her claim to the disputed territory ��,bm St. Qeor be equatiystrOug &,o segt f;r.t_1VO C.Irpet men am Thei rich man is lib,0charged iirlth o , n-. ldftt 0. I.Z. Fril8ek oi Fido Vero wit 'the Catholte Mutual it lie Grapd. Pres A lie%t3d the proof This newly found'document, in. t to. Rev. M I as of CanningtO -at lie. Liturdered-Vearl Connors. her -wealth by. 1DIql1ity, and thirty immigrant di '4s what the Jrewkpoori.Sbowed 144mnfft — - . oalld'; - lid-v,114,gained his !on ot those impartially stqdy� Bene W ilg tlle th LItS both. -niurders be One hund "ki tie adui ­liluwers were never 111B.1at to nor 'is -it said that he Suined his. inill- OPIn ivem A at,liafifax by --tile-- tion, -has issued a circular 3r dhughter. the inan- uis w-tre an4f (itlitirs Declare Ilia Story twodde hokild not be pill, il uded his creditors. How- ing t Ire - liferits of the -'contro _-emy, ' b(Vs 11, his,confessivit anil detaft n'au.. Til-ey ti 66 defra" ifembers to exclude politics iT,0111 tile I rgabzlatlim the mur(lers Unfirue. t WD calls . for. a fall and explicit explana- 51tZliuer Sti .01 1jebraoka from-Glas r nerl in uqhkh- he colul.11114tet.1 t". crimes- in a, carpet. - Befug there, We llaVC ever ponoral)le he. might, - be In .'file from Great Britain t6 tbLe- Par- 901t. 0 ­ es, thesecand wife �remedles., -er We Can cut tile fluiv- a not. deeni- tion t* jlkmeri- (Allef of' Police itudettoch said yes INIrs. ff. H_ Ilulla Eith world'.§ estimation, lie w�i. .1 Ljlleut� for whose -ateftrats -hifur- P -es% coutment'ng IIPQ]2 Rev 'George naPp on: "I have ft"Ce 111411 in the Word Of lit Tile Lt. lonary who was reetAtly ex - N" tefday afterjilu ma.tion ok was ostepsibly reks-beach c miss Sir .MMicfl. Turk Own De- - llohne�, at' grol 64l, an­ ri�ot r(;aW bf tile ukurderer, who was a AlidS Bel,-, erg out and tgtv.e'�them a ell, -tO ed *'�6rthy of a ua tile blue bo 'is stat6m,6nt; tin till and fix 1, received i knal) -when she married V.- or tv�ke tile carpet God.48cott. -by. the '_1. 3,he cutifession, lnaccukaiAes do no't aw e that it is a landlorXs pelled from Bitli.s. e ph: under repared. The gonerall r a ant- Minneapolis. nine years agoi when -it wh re it - wi L,16jil6d in Jl)iaple�Tbls color was -ex t- k and N 0 to t be trodden p Alkaipo in - -thorities, has arrilred at FitZpa de d!waa� ear in-11rQf. Pollocles argument nc- J)udget.. pie. proof- last s'luruer that -tiolmes blluwn,-the c(mfessiun ' of us- f t: Li to,w r )em* as well as spr6ndid, an 1) 1 : it her h 00 0 a It -the d health. W14S L murderer band, Aald:.'Tli;.tt is lils-writing,amd. -B" sed tile 1 lb, leonipanylnl� thia c- The corn ­ tone -of the 0 a swindler, a scoun lit tile catpetelien refu faces, nobles and Ise wherein new ebuu 90 d _chiefiy woru by pF and Tusearora The Novoe VkemYa sa 1 nature. Oil, why did, Ile and X.r$.. Wellmall.Llislilissed them Lin o wit. very 'wea cil house v laid- on th a liar, all In so e L than re "t coli'tard. Ills story it is his sig th 86 were ltby.� errors have so farbeen diseovered - fxit�ervenbon -for the Illad in a few Instances corrected d with interesting cere I - under her bill-. v�as the -royal color. This quiva­ t'lliad Varhes. It purl . 3orts to be t66 presentation. In many features 06s, Dot fit, witli write it? Nyhy did he- leave such. a knt fut�emrpL wer-streNvit. said at 'AVII, t thissible in tilat it 'wOuffT31 k child! I though . . Cokdr: was- discovered,. A is ence '.Yitli tile all6rul tjie pretise i�vidvncO ubtaiued'bY tile legary io his Ipikvitoion, took ppCtlLe flu I I monies. lent to I -but (Z of Ill, -tl evidence -in the. The.. riterfer l -1-le I it firinly tu tile c 11 was o --i brother of Mr. H ciii�mgo, puliee.agaimm us U SLUOU.- VT action. a nit ; '17 rlAL I fAirs of Spain. relates -to docuiiiL our evidence is rirglit.7 this blow- is- the heaviest of -all!" lug. tallie-4 1,rom the'blood tak-eu from M. Falls, opthway,,, Anderson 4 af 19 r. Sergeaut. -tkni. -I.! -Wellitialf, tri- tug a �Ocellrred at Tiuqb- 14 y, -Rollau told t4e d -Mrs. throat oi a- certain shell- 'Which commenem; 6n. P.. of Falls, coin] Z A, landslide * has t . -rhen yu-u believe he..has. -Where," eu volli In- the i ed suicide at Sim�oe 4y Detective think, aLlvbukiy libiteatiow colitolifuilig 1,71 ti" tile official R Switzerland.. as the kwsult. of. ,gest Jar of the truth, do. you�. umpll"tly, -I dolf t !tie' linen -All, �EgYfj .. - hAngiug. bar -h. this section. - Of said; "Tile bih day -JisIli,--4J alim F wie6 its over fotir pages a W F a1r continued . rains --fly , .. nd Ailloulitifig" in, al-th will tread On It, ufliess 110 lineh,� that leAVs_ ehtU $25,600,' -Switzerland. The -damage to tiroperty tiziL.4,,worked his last iake. To get ;X Xo;,fur I-chu no lofiger Irave f. t lium.& was; gold - for t Deb Ifor uew'.`Wes��rh what he ma. more -than � fill] I. ith',a New y say, if he wera to coined around t1dS Way.-', -loned also. in Re coisiderably. have little luouey 1113 jol'lu� in w weight in. Zold. inent buildings. noting- to . I A. n' aajoci&tiou with. slilk. -colifinn. The doclu-IMjit ih que's- ' by.- tife A cheerful lad this pi showig. '$paper' to print a ll 'Lt ay that he inatie tile statemeilt.,;� U paper ant ted City Copell -is. very heavy. enaittioll. xvili� 12 1 Thor been York- new T0UCIWXA1 U I' ' I ILL Li -Hung -C ay=H1s tion -the letter froin Goye tury. lie takes what thesbrig4it.- on Ills outh --I c' aid not believe him." fu tile bli; librai-y li-ing -tile Itubill- ll�arejl- ou=ptuO y e*t!ry' . d 'of Lo on hang, -disttp,�,lshed What makes him gla;(L -do you �sup- of the-colorly, -to tile has arrived at L -St newsliaper miuds of Chicago and .­.W.hat. reasour would lie have fur jils a ball-tio-gett tabler was furnished *Jth a,11 the var- Light, against tile directors of' Chinese statesman, Ose -win aaCeti Pro edf s V, tOrs-itolle ill L I p +; #42,,A 0 Cp 1jc6W, where hilit- of 00 city b6t teffing the truth now ­'Allinties of nature dud art; ;.of N rn!Iala4_, -,.dated �July 15., -1839 e lr--narcial - Banks -vinin on 7his way to Mc Re has fixt had -ten buckwheat the De"to Uebec V on eight months ago,. rbiieut china, -at t1ld 6orpu- lild a '-I readily think- of &, number- of uf theiA. To theme.31 1V Lusmitting a rejioit fram-1*110111- too um vaibeuvered I' W - . lier 'attention; . She lment for a. Lble richly adorned. with tru were.1 or begun in t cakes— : -Ile lxreasons. First, perhaps, the desire for turned his � db U waited at IYu ik regaidink Ills veis Illider fie Suprentel, he will ten lets it 90 at,( ; his.seivantgll wko rG r", 'foundland. ation of -the Czar. ubt Vour m o ther i0v. Lies to it. and I rame-maxeiI all Iniliecunious. pl� �15 'rrhefe fias been an wilileti�lee- land- The kind, no Am doe. reed"llas been forritsi.and the guests. tile all-Tices ot the, al Geogra,-,. Court of ;u*t enumerate . the twetity-seven 1 moneV. All his life has c tAbl(,'ia rich 'uni makes painter uf _-iIigus 4md bet to work. to alne, the pres No that money, makes everyth jurs Ill; to. the -for, slide at TTub '20 mile lied. ink rig1t., 1pring, thLse aue table, no - doubt, such ;As he phical.-Soelet�'before the fflstingul6h Mr. ent mem s east 01 Berup, people lie claims tO have Jil -mark. at h Not. satlsii7k with lialf a scare I_Wkn-jws thilt this little: one" (refer- es lit graced had been euiplbyed --:by latbly, was nominated 'Ila This greedy youngster begs for more.' thou ed . botanist bet for Ch ieves 'that tie ev&r killed that las ve been deTasstated one bel to L\OW, tilel-u'b tue grew the Governm tile, Comm i j by the LibeFals of t .. - i, - ff, ent- to devitse it- ptOT1.5- lie Many far ber Ile ivade Ole figu7 UP ring to- the daughter) "will have to -At.the time of Christ, I Oda have oeen cittried 0 ,ne -frunter.- ­krolli 20' Beggar A�-i p Maisonnenve. father," sakl she to I miented in new divisi I �of., whoie wo bip wo.,t serl:7 sto, sell. It's ade of. warld. His u D ike her own WaT - anaIticiX beggg6rd were found sitting in'the Waal- b6andary line. In e I as is said to ilia a ry in th all 1. lieUr�oi him lie, Was 'a I k- this letter opens Is Jud .,.tas given a and t1106 10 to 11" ots,- at *the doora of the tile blue -boo lous. K, ,e mighi have - rich. at lie gitinat Mr. A. p idea. of obtaining iuone�Y old scit 1; - -lie ought ave been strb 91 .-care fbr her. tw4g. 'all afes of the temple and the eit- I ollOW8, eg, On, two 'UlkE Cls; been -to provide a, sum to -be.he Was for W. Ross. P., at, Winnip -nors in ltbuld to tili! LIES _�UOUT k;L :Tl. C - NOIZS. bebinA t.l*e Du ;.Nlu3 thtS -k -qnting; to pver here are ru, TbA Relbomburg eniploved 14y the notes ani6 He would - not set hild tlierV trance 1ue s nagor ita-qatt are it to me. - v, Z , 9 1 - -and Ilied ociety to C I know. y -01 , )I)tain infor- C.ulluell lie k L-ertrude p or- as- Geogra-phical S $22,100 ;110'suit Of Mr. McNeil. x4fect, --that knows t3lat I would nort touch alit, ,I 'Strong irou gilatlug Nauled the barbarous'- - -tin E_-4;ontiors. 61Ie iu Nl4sLatine. I now. I %V Lazarus;�Ateaalng hel Ilation intlie interior of British (;Ili- . fifulint. . I J)enny of money �Iiat cameh to him . irout of tile sistduce- f6om - Qad. W4s laid � at ilia J a mf 1; onald has been no&in- Or.ganizing to cover the Nvuoie Iowa -been laid ana, -and, ad s -in:- Alrica. t P. P. A. and July of 6ui�ulka of julhing countries, who I" u pour thl6ill- down heart. tier death, occurred seven by dishonora,ble',uieans.-.Anotlier red- gat� - full of- sdres--�nHe had tbwn 11aving ated as W Eur0- t ke Will. thdr'e by others, who eilliek wished to lately arrived at George, aii ml Inent- Orange Cod odte.lil South Pbrth, in IlliOn. the aft vent PubSeSsions icii julght have prompted -Mr. . �, ) chicaggo. Slie.l. 150111 It was do-ne a* ordered I -iiished me with the a ex lu- Old b r. I 27tht Wwk after d4e Ilatl left for i him. or secure to fui 'Oppol4tloli. Pridlialli. peftn natl6lis.. Holme.4 -to write such it' confession," 1W tinsua", 1540 rid themselvekk of -1 to -reply -that 'on FebL- had been subject to was his, from, the �rich man7s: --ain. -enjab it is lea�rued utiry. 'L neural, Auur�i%% , le, inued 'Hollue- - in-, - painter, hith: Wliau fell uir and: niap, I U P_ --r death. She was coat Continued, turnitig to tile -and-- he re to �Your LordshAp's de,,p,,Itcli:N-o. 11,: in Ski Pardy,. oil Evelyn� W&Q. -fifty--se-ven Armenian y6ars, prior to ho The !Chicago hereat desire for'fame. Often, have I amalned 4ying- the�re atried by her parents. -ly Ile 'wl'i ea I -0th. March, and to tl' lit of nbininated- 'as atE inde- [ter 4banig co ent what he declared' ess, -as it for a. daily r�eproach to dat Bitils 'were released A,1 - ba to he No. 7-1, cen _XI ulinselves la9t July beard him to -drunkAlail tht, time, and i_ying -or Lordship's Was., re -Of * the -in, - I ouf, 11101ktlla� I -V -1if e : 'Medlo- le oLner. hall. Yet -t;. date -for the House tined, . most pulice satisih -is is fo-ving teniper o the iich, man.- Yo Of thAt olmes had not the slightest > be thet motto of, It gpt Liruux L4 dated at -?Dec., 1838.,, Right, at thilli pendent e "Ist Mlddlo�_-Among.t,4em Was old0$ti Armen of tile. c.)iwiliig represent TA ..No Anna ing."Ile knew that- such ttt that.,tooi. of Lin artist. has Meyor. -tile - middle _Cquimons T critv in fioth fitien would took wit fpo�iqi n ian Protestant, uounection tith. tier death an Tassaud Miss' a cont LA lag in essiw as he has W llilu! fficial editqr�;.� spx, has -i abq 0 _L %�-aut tha�t, n,:se paint- 41� The dogs _canie and licked his red. ever no use� of paragraph: the British o dde in the trials 10,000 ed. for all- dest: red -you've gut' In sofds-Anc,16ritly they mad At -resent there. are fr out caij�;e him to be reg, co the red have Guip"t tile t s was in Tassqll,t of W Nd prog Chicago,. Emily Van of he evidedee. 'the Soudanese Qatiew, time as the grek4est criminal on na wiped their hands with -,*l,,,,n t. Johills, men but, Of -the 131 directors at 8 u,matterJu'th letter that 1) North r.obey. sree his r -box." the soft and fine part of the bread; - of wilich the ath. Knowing the vanity. of ecorat- -Intl re are gatber6o at Aka- *Ixe knew lioinls. She has neivIer-been e tils- atue the merits uf tile dispute, liave Newfoun owing l itself would this' they aftr,,yard threw to the ice� of the bu- s7beh the battalioilo of iiiijigtry, -tits -9 ...L poos-th-rew at r 'lia rc j. tin this 1 nature? this reason. in. 11 : illness of till laid tlfemii�vos open to a cha-rge five to -Burder. Chief Just p rtratt' -cavalry and a tterS, of -be sirong enough to,juduce him dgo. squadron of giexin over ite r st OL 111C S. - garbling all official paper. preme Cd aclih. h1 Holgies onfession. z to.the cen- 2 .--The beggar -died-Was delLv- - (ill f (;ill r Hunter P tobert appealed �tlue book tile. document.goes rxy, '-who were 911416, unde Auutiler Thomas Tf�' )011 fr Latimer. -11 flit firom his sufferlage, by the ffierid- a om He erb -tars, claims to have murdered. is alive. sor. -.its - possQssilIg putentizilltiPs -Of - to speak of otirer iwit . e- charge -9f' received at was this Point last, fall- om. tit 0, X-�050 der - that 8,000 't :0 of death.- liia� burial to weeks 'ary, of the Fide trolk vid Siffoille, mear Peter Teu. say --d. or Was unLit a. beauty 11. he N% Idspector U so tits twaa- dispute - .1 ring tou of in with Road tu Arde M&h.1ni-Ilenrl to mentibu. Uar-' irrelevant to -tYke. &I- Life., of Philadeiphi. in W i-yjic uti-, W unirAportamt 'a --consider, tried for arso ed laga material t6 a d ago. J)y tile tijul iAllL by held the boro -wet � I - -abah, as rifles. are cy-third-1 Holmes' victim, Pitzeli, was- insured -,rib -lie remainder of tile para- dvancing agailitt It #Ilaggman it the 600 r te ease. pani ishea- grAph,,,"as as- the mcbm]. para- 'Sultan of Bornu, who Holmes dCd, tier a bplasifi UL opi *on thap the -spirits- 6-1 the ighte- T jO14;;d- rioti, -He says in t appe, 1. to her -street cros-lim-1 of He i in t116 city. has�beeti op- - - - . �!! I �: King, formerly Severe U16 COM :till unuther ui, MT. E con -m I general the murders he oxisl were conveyed by augels tf qrked for, Holmes as & carpenter -not Commit all feiy�. broatt' splSiles of ur Vie letter, boili,of wliivh some �years Presi- hami4edalis fessed'to. Kate. Darke is in Omaha, 'It all, ant' a vc-li at. their - deatli. .0 ftvl0ur at.- graph of - . fOrIllt or pressing the Mo -ee tments refugl�tedAilu to ati.obscurity were suppri2ssed --tvithout tire manager ting*has taken place and a choreman. Thi sta liftreal, died fikEb.9 this . fact---gq Bank of IR Van s. Abraham' r that dent of -1 it ent-out-hy Holmes fr6m tile Philar Dr. husseff in Michigan, Rom tira-u. o�itlity itself. Not one ulere-. ity of the usu4Viiiarks ghowin& esday mikht, it�4 and the Tripollt&iia. Great n Arkansas and Robert Lam it -6 an rhe, joys f Lieaven. are rio on Tui teme �,re w4t at Monte! 'in search ol tkontier. Connor, that enezue- w here he in all, directions a 1phiir prison ia July nd AugulAt of a a, ut tile iolt escallesi. am, n oinit;sron was -made, anti ' which exci tit prevails on tO a8 f I cugq. Gertrude pke nted as a feast;I.'Abrah ad. gone e la§t year contradict bav&y 64atement I L-SeUrovv, a ibek ul, hair - as tire nolir supplied throu.91f and -the tribesmen� ks after le4v- f9t r health. The i Uhicago I t 1 in 0 ie r six wee Tile. progenitors gtr of the faithful.' is placed made in his cour io haLl to be ena e lan clitiltmels, were -is follOws-, are arming. dd n t d for Iowa. tailmitting 1 Ing Chica tion A 10 -where 90 R-eu - like"- III XiLD_ 011 Salva rmy officere _ere, at the head: of the. table op police gave him cr4dit for Ut tile jbiusoq, filially luo ilia THF ALLL The LO The situat' n in Gloueeg' the'lljte�el elift- sture 'chrumus when Abiahant's b.6.5om; "denotes a if ied by Chief Williams that lie murdered of -t place. Jn. ave that -j)atri- re ;I re no have beel 11 be' sum before virulent smallpox is. raging�4� so seri A tearful lad, 'this how"N. dot -t-1 he' a near to, ili--observe,- as t 1) oned time -19 likely to TKAN s.aOT- tA,,s that tile poor dren. Pltezol' himself; thei two Wil- Mrs. XN-ellilli'll irougli with i- tlI6 -that the ous `tliat the Gover tit 'Ona FOG ar . and intima; documents hi the archives. -con- -9 'th there -W-hat- makes him sad, do you sup- lagistnite f they ta the- Polu id -meetings Up to Xarcll.;W tinue t( 'wer 700 cases, and sineeAfieb there Uaws girls. Jtrlia,U ore and Emily e charge. western � orI Vigrande. They know, that tiisman m was an eminent believer, an oil street e pos '&6t'4 0 - southern limits of'Britis mily 01grando. ATII. TrB, The Je*- Irad W'' h 6aialia; tile y He does eel badi that Is quite plat corners se of .90 * . - ivao Was to marry t ere- has' been an increa deki -111le this was gulug- Oil no para- tile case of the -The percentage of deiltlig 111-4 He must -tye in -most, wwful )bUdY t that Abraham �waa in memoir o :r. cliomburgli is th. jury in 5, and unit whose namo ap0eared upon her t onfirins the -- The,coi . P, fore. V riffirillam, f ille t The 'Dr Xont*& Find 'Their kew anvtililig about it,but Cl Rich man als(Y di6d and was bur aluable. - He is. 41is pa aays he can't -take Wedding c�rds. -was, note other than and MrS. 0 -ah a public -1;xilierintendent'of III-' - death. of girl Lizzie G Own Is in tate of p. pitezel. Ile had take -1-0 %� - his .8 -erdl in. thei gold hi J#I�Ho. had a -funeral suited to opinionki: of ilic S her sotitary reake. rueti a et to the. ei- Dean -of Gloucester has isIF14ed aw'ap- Allot u �Alrs. Guelph, --Scott!. -�cquibu­ a,4 to.'the.western Itntitsi and pililliotts, the .-Con- peal for - assistance. 911 -race m0e ings, Divight, inet tho 'girl there, Litte SO Dead. 11, truse iirui eure at 3. In . bell "he Ili ted up fils. eyes- ub, la I Dathi" oLt ]1 .1 wl`t jillly be ftt*h jects feet tl anti brought tier finallV, Chicago. for 1 empty honors point:i 'out a all standing, -et, �have been cancelled, Mid all Tall - d jpf t . the- IV er %vas fitted, the ifferent, tractor e for, Owns IS A RABBIT A COWAlb where she secured, wol-k iijiub of his burial Ile gross ue batlitill) swu de- P zr site had"Llee ng 'Wit - I . With Ills urderb t1w Ws gill f gligellee. wa 11 On lo -17 ye. out. "!th Governlif.ents t ar -Wdro being paid- to his senseless,- erritori bor- -tit in- Of Vanuil.N:er has rp- ..beed abandoneds The t6*u 'itLsk Qui..v 14 mahter. I Jules. Aft -1 gen cowaidle depends metImes upon '_-,.,�trayed It was' nc*essary for both' T. v(jjmlg Ili. s of age, over tile bcd,- wilica could bb filled ik.hed body,.tho rich ulan.was lz der on Dr fil colunibi ..Tii4- -M .t- Ot. Toront 0* avoided OpOs- and othlei-itQWns are -the 'Way thifts are looked f her, f 10otinn. -to Lord Aber.dee and overturil0l.'by L �111(XllafiiUal rt� �y gaiing. On. the surroundings. -of- aseertaln- ce! vetk ',I r froin rally desirous ng -to -01 i --tiWulliFi�r to finati uting quarantines ag.hd);lst,G1-oU­ "'A ra:bbit,". sad the y;,oun h r. H of rues and I itvze4 to dispose o 'Ith011 t en -'h UeNr ana-cheerfess hijme;�Spenee- have lltuPtlie bonor of i fa hoine hi N. g b -_ . I t 11-11- vice operated fron, N% lug their., utht-0, Ideal Ile 0, 1051 tioll 0 "is the 31LOSt awful coward that eM deUd this Di"rat'll' at 'I in,, in to-rinent-In, greiat' misery the surplus female ter. or -a give ti4o- siVelier Vt morning ng in iny ill Callada-f enti(Pii )ot 1. .the.. In- -is in th:e w. -d. ) OL., I t i It -has been learned Taylur has ilijuv be Aent ces Tile stbry sens'ation in tha w he does dit anguish, when colascious'Of LAU l7th, tile predat6ry - ex- pol a Z . " dat,0 lbon. in tile 1* ot the dervishe% a-rA to be - police eircit-4,. fur tl�ie truoiful poi,-. -few intintils- Ile is, a uati%e Of bei bilitiou., btifur(.- ih Abraham afar off , is rlets of th6 , yun. from, a 'hutit;er k% hell it i%its �tll lie.i. sliefillell t1116, si ation.- See -of B r a ijear lor distr 9tructious eursion-i ry, thwe 1where is a deflind iers " they M .'So ou the rabbit is a,eovv-- tiong f it' were securea by. Chief This.imirning, Taylor till) nvItgl alk a-licieiit inulden hit Bleeg 'Mr.- `S�-Oud, tll*e head whatever prisor ay tbink 0 it Lazarus ja ilia - 'bosom ­41e Nor taker - Osman Dignat with '2100 cav- ardo eh Ba4noch. last year, aud tholies were of 11dy ol, 11.1-11 L, arus cloth6d With -iiory and. tin- arned-to Leave- Pirara' for and Jidid Cheney, a ld -lia;s been W Lttaalied the 161WIl.3% of couTse.1t Isaac, - ld.' - -500 Infantry, I 'What a desire oes Ile The Brazilian Mary I to ottly Causer ut,laten. v; So Pau-nt ill tile nigia titere. !�t UNIE11le Lite illlCilbll� Ili talfty. LlIghter of Mr. alry and De living s ge, wer oll4laptiilg Pbo Is "Well, let ue "supprisie 6, lIttI% Sup - said laor, e-veu- -Of concession 15, East which. LiurrUlIlld' Governmnt lJOUC. II_IjIl4!(-u Was 60-11,4111cled, tO t -11 -an off leer :position held by a ShelkT ife V amble to resemble him and what rage eut John I eldilued it,-;Iud h. lie is jir an ancient boundary ddlesex, one -o ing:- t - mark , the British, Wt he was ppee you 'Were about -six or. %eWlit nd (in titVlr N eney 7 oil t1j0*'l1�JjO)v1Jlg Jilf)rliLlig She despair ..beca"o h6t� like to disco% Ila f the. town- friendly to vay h4)IILQ Ull . I A . Wit .. killed.' This. igelles tall.�' "I wurk-d three weeks trting the `1 's lie as- SM. p- -committed sui- repulsed., with fourteen lu .�Clarktf, -ithiii that liluit� it appeal hVic- -era, ao I Miak-h se- "Well WilliIalus girlsI; Holmes' conlessiun in -FeLther Abral N% -d it farm -ink d a fe%v becundS. -Gh-euf!Y t si-a, rL3 d0d lurtli frou Paris victory 'ol the friendly us am hgvo mercy m isold er c _tl,O cide e "And had good, -strong, swift legell!; i hir slimed- , idLutity - o idy 'by tak oil, of 9 0le, landinark- 'ceased was 25 years , of cures the satety of t116 10AIji- before -I sim of the llialisioll, pr litullip e regard to the killipg of Nantlle, I* not 1i shead coaclinlan at (;ov o0iijiluilift ill- U joud vulef Jae -Pity- me. �ffo W not represent a tree with 1 gree It is o,%+'gtaW-d that Os- true. lie did not kill b -Fr thd.'da she t e I its of. this lit] accomplish- Sa-ak-Im.' t�handsotaip a a 6.111 aud� as callingl on' God. Tile mercy of a t ty un. arid ernment th'at rs. [iud atttmil)WO t sought. Tit ill -n#1n6ring 3 $'And d -at a"Ived f rom Texas. �,he ItIved her6 I ill(Illesi will be held 06; inurder herz Wit Will be at i bei soul e I -by rivers ed gir -of lie rcQ verywher _d(Ifina e ri3at'llig fellow catue '1611ost.�Baxties. -His in 9 chains- of been I F, ell Ji Minnie on the South hide, witi ateneed at the X.sq. I -,- - 111i tousb 10figin jllountains atore con- -act has not 'man -Digna has a fo idn't bg it ond - whien't motiv' r 000 t was held. ;rOops. It ill -well ainoWn that after yot6 who Bell WA� be No h)(luest did have one. WVVr-wouid you -do?" her it. 1'212U avenue, and I i- tinieut f(tr igb�iills to b� for companidinsiiip. -than by -parallels,_ which I - - - large numbers of. the Arabs. who have Zes liete tv;-day to I t DUCKS. - venietitly TES. the -$'What would I do. I should streak :J a -may be pro TITED STA 6re either Wa. killed. ",lie by 'etu. S Sen to -k's 1 been coun I as iris IT to at Harvey �bef tiee ffir 'crui;lpy (I Lazarus---fPhis . is ved Ir.. Set mbur, p ted (J Ifeilmes in New York ge Innit Litt! neW hath Up� to the army ril a d6serting to -t R --b akTa. - It like lightning.." �iliunlo.iiever met hor grand 110, the rich man., r. anpression. that- at' The F.. ng intimat u - that memol under the. i 6 you -would. And I think. -not the'slightest I throi-lk st tile 30,0()0.. ,7 as H"atch. There is 'fr. n4i wita9u,II fri.)m pakals idered Lazarnia under some oblim his began -among Increae(I - - I civilizaion (Ill that IA)%Vll, lilially also, that you would' hav V.OUr �oWh pi�oof that lie evttr baw' tier in ew ase he had given that the. British. nation LL IN TIM crLIT. iv ion to him. bere dge, the we oakc, Cliff. to go ql�v(-11 t6,thvic ritsideaw oil smaKiling ;Ili- Law an 0 tipr k. table -Chirke� aloiie'OL callhot, to 110 zilie tef t it; lit aborigines, . Eii. Ill: ii -known 'ChW INGE1180 Adeaa-as to WI�O wag the wkaid Yur cMmbs from' hist ,protect th6lf ca L of i ade specul 0 d 0 Whk and DI to Fort Worth. From tllcrec-,4ne, went. lay, lit tile inlilvit rOL111L. 1) the ip ...... cool, my: tongnp. �ge Ille imilediate decis­ Be BAR Something Say Off AN - OLD-FASHIONED Lt`89014. (.,;a her llvxt�fatt. gilt!. strougly',ul gd Worce Laws." -'- ea to Dallas, thence. to some other Texaa 1 topriented In this f1dine-r-Alte.r. ion of. Ifinits- of British. (ill R -a' inaii-y florol tribuW4, tile rviiiaimi . iana. Air. won the NeT.- 'Jersey� ul c4r- itp 111) a point, thence tuto Wisconson. and thiur little ,A)II, WIM dii�il during soLkeqi-ajI the 'OrientaL rugh l h the rich' man and the' beggar ',4buigk's meritsas a geographer a s�r­ Why do he - hoVipi-bees suck from -Mi chlo . I [lections, but made heavY' preach -ehee. - Later ihe was ill bollllll� -awaviag Lazarus. vill naturolly point Min Col. Ingersoll tile clover in. re, s I taillS Z. made to. chAnge places. out as -al fit day�in one 4 tfivir abs tosses... i 2 thdi have I t.lkfn to DunnVILle Itir inti-riiient, tile results of sll�l lit. mon in Chicago the 0 I ge. Iihew, i coin- i �eets' throug he lie first -met -Holmes. ked -for crumbs; the rich manaskd ­)flfefed I!b- Sweets -.upon s r1len person 'to: be inaployed- Nan verwilent spi t'il ear- OttaINval be�- piano in5i,W MO' Outill UUT I Fresld� er dAy?' mediator pain -reading of -a plenty i services I N 1, in -W6 caille on here -i (-ii - 1111.Cle%eland bas -of tile "Liberal Char0h-tsil o Aiet ot runningl' Witter to, -the ng f th antl rra4red .1 rK nil -for (Luestion Of BO did - the Ili . t r a drop of wate salon re*pouaii* :rhey t( t Vie, djsposal 4-4 Dr. a4d for -strem 15.-, Son -rememtIer--:­He was 'do- -dary." not join 1A between - 10 at he, 13ister's request. 116th - were -the w 0 have ing qnpyj 1 ---purl,.,. .18 ple. _po0icully ! caiLL-d.it, ni�a Jew -and OIL �NCLOIIIIOBES- and Cub": q with olmes-Iday-An and out for -Nlontqgllf3 tilt fric 6ndadt -from' Abraha an v r atchen fu"LAS tfifougli t1b6 F the prayers. WRM nor did lie iddl'Y anything weeks. They were, often seei ted , as. calling P. Bland. suwaer Im in. Englewood before they disappear In in I zind-IiII40 OT thing, to reme m-brance. One of. �O Lind out as oshed -aVvay. 1 together A iraham is represen . L; -Go�l sfiian Riefiar'l. Among called to 'extebi from the k i trough and -Thc� duty of' tile Venezuelan- W-91-1 become a,'e that- he ho been in thdAiabit of at- Witen all ihe brighlb tilf-ir ynipatphy to tile par- dining-roo ti ed'to, minIssion is. prac tically I for t Nevertheless hd a , little oil& youll -be ftU- Im time I co, gome d e,'#inidly. Look, also. that In his con- upt-Mintir empty into tile garden. 'chiel tormens of hell will be t1 said many 8 1 ents "were'sonie, oi the Cabi ie lie of. Bri Wilma was done, au hh ted, things with -v dken no longer; es says he-firstmet in.! lllall,3� inembers -01 Parlia- r nembrahce oi the -M renck consen ldors& *ue of the tish U and ducL be.limits vhich the Inbs�D x)rthodox f.^ibu Holm ourbe� The ters , ill what al News Ag But what youI are now will ever ble -Williants in 1899. ment. from 6e brook.` 8,�41 she. b en extended s1n6e el and then AV at "gilt have been done.-Harfies. to a v,61 Ji't of.V3!:in thei Times suit, could consistently: clj*ljns that he. killed'her oil or about I%lr. very 'Foill-11 A.)IONG MAIDIS Gplod things-earilily ealth,_ splen- I octrine was enunciated in -18213, Brit- works which* o said the part E'v ng -been -6eild to -the against -for 't-tMding reports. great lit 'ftces N e to. dQr; botfor. Evil t1dugs-poverty, IE to injileate 'near kind T ill Guiana Ila 1 to J AccOtal f what you shall be -and 2tranot join plish U3. That's a, f4 fill thj� Zhur6es 0119 'tioa -standing W -hen the. W.1terworks. 814. The. ttempt Alvall f a waste couse(lucut UPOR t - things very Eiigligli by tile -Dutch A. irring is the boli. onfession th tile- -Colony lat ti -I of "confess on." ol the nd affildtiod, �epulfb iug and stronger at in 1839 ti A Re ostabliall- The seed of the future still. grADws ALLEGED VICTIM -3 e0t L I VE. 'i:lst alght. er;WIlte tWthe-flesh, but 6ow. c armies and naftes am FIVE _1y 11OW, stle jurnwl tile huse on a4 E6rthly a without a document bea ring upon ons-b�f tlinsy-tvknia have rn -wa ti I)eputy Ifinister Ot in,, threatened,With arrest a take thei boundary th( ati ment of an inte iona court -of, ar- In each heart. Record' Four flul and IN, arrest n r true form'. The thk mrning says liinl,. 1, western 0 in,lavoll �of i1n. examine lbs tit bitration il before the its southern or Then fill your young lives -full Of 8 the victims who were slaughter- I We Interior, ave (xv.er her waWr ere perish. - Eath,17 -sufferlhgs He als a of transferij-'the. entl t -)relentlessly yesterday morning in Ili regard to more. The soul liv From: the exemption to t sne fibally g re hurden -af proof- .30 -flews. with promine a:x&tfon -of shine and beauty; ed: euttifro Coiniflittec I nd duck smieniQ and tarted- in upon ate it es,to enjoy Great Britain, 'and -is held 16 ap- aid that only 'forever bapished- from H's� Senator 4 represerrtatives, -it- cheap homes -as, ea -9 of- drawing ;have been il 11 tlli�;rzl t ion.- gr�ss will t"� Think purely, speak tindIr. 4c H. H. Holmes' "confession" couk.9fie oroered- Gbd, r be. =Idate -Lit the BAtIsh clilinis witte-Ir. that Con Om tbb teli6nielits. On (-Npendf-d this -year. secoad girl n ercy. pears u the.poor fr nob4y, each fty, seen allv!3, and well since �the. dates expended � on tile Cuban the. colonel With glad willing hii4rtfs do each -lit- V _Ito bloomers an tilt tic- -96.- A. great; kult fixed -A ell �cana6t -be.-fully substantiate(] by- an �r antion. divorce asm, y N , the subject of Y, -..mur I utch and present., on which they were official ;P -iverage itiount waS to, tako bi�;cle'- -so that -Spaulgh records:­�- 'Under _questio Confedveation .-tvas -,-,2:,' -questio ered. One Is *in' Englewood. One can 111101Y she could -wait Olt table OIL tlif,'�wheel. gorge; one impossible for even. stances' the grea said 'and t e tie dut d oidittar eircum a, contr6ft, �That When eltild 000.", Thee My of Gen. Weyir, -wrapped Marriage is hood Is goner Its notice, she prompt- e co'htra tic hed0n. e�rlpreseub­ mass ewe through -the medium -of the t ie disetabodietl spirits to 'overpass quoted to the reltives be reached When they gave 27' Tlier6for -of thoffea in a 6 flag, was burned ia.'KeY parties'to th -bound to etuess may -stay. United States mail or- eitli�r of Vwo_ J l raiwd their wages $5 tive had gre tu a Sp A fibithOr -should -1, blue book linight' not h at Tho visions. - all one AD VAh E as yielding -to'the fact. Send Win West, il, on Monday night. keev its Pro telegraph lines. Th third --has d ach and promised to forego her weight with, the high commissioii, but t -before U 11 Ite'd be released f ram such a 6utract uff- My fathor-6house-on earth triciden ill -be aid SMALL SLlVER8 OF W business ana-falled -in Chicago since I In Which irhere- Are several Snapirlons ubout bloomers and bicYcles - It they it 'had C -th6 discovery of Lasification in quot-. States AretirY -Olney. 16BB in- some- way the lif o. play tile banjo, go hat as to M irown, a ia quartz. 111fk-maml-A rre-d onte lug. English letter hus--th the timb at.which the self-ablio -would learn t - %_ I - I S. me frolE finmittee.on Wayg-and Means. ciett are ini �Istanee ilia I ihe� flau'sure y:rd- an e llsbaikl`-ebuld obp, Son Circu I v&W-Ildve the ,. Teacher�befl e erts. that he killed. Min..,; they: could- erein a� ilight, in The iLeriminal- - ass, bioud over all the other pages bf th -minded)- 1prei- la�7 so . by those (.If-_,;p:1t4-h. company ith, ill'o, coaclitinan, nted, and so,should pot - hav& come hited. States House of RL that --aiy h who is rather u1sent An -0 fourth has been scen 'th.W ebrnet7'- flils 'plaic6 .61 torment. `-Bruce(.- .-, book -,,.And to-day.the 1-atire publica- of the vor6e when the',*110 haDer- Plot and -a. half. flentatt has decided to --take, no a0- td -in a dil. s learning ou s regarde -Ive me any Idea who know her well, In the ney-(jenerl�s Department will be, throw -They d with tion -.at: ent towards a revival of and 4lagrantI?j.'M;A&ted t4e Teacher--E�in you Mrs. We 12,8. Five bre have been' t* sistently 11castle." sin@e� Holmes. according riman next emi)i6yed a f o.rce granted Of -wi;&t a hollow )uo6kery 197 Pupil the- ed 0 -content -end. one Of ithr Canada. asked. to its ins1weturs of c4rpenters anti had. a put in 1 Inoue by His example FARRIERSAND recpro, fild to b is sto '-,on equitabI6 torms. I Nvp-u -.give the -Yessum; our Ice cheat In win- leclares-that he suffo d -her# in the . -vault, f to Cllesley to 1av case -lien emselves witli an earthly portion, the his unique L-stigate a r i a rd%v oi sanitary The- loctro-thetapeutist and �Te'if she re.(�-u6ted Ito if ter Is. cate and to neglect, their souls.. TII&e A:LondonBatik Mans- r Sipys'Their ltdfo- tt'- Medical 001- wife- a. divox to be a wh cl, as ,e e coops in the conservatury, as a pre- bacteril I _1111dimg, A fifth, claimed, TAllo. havd been. InstrumentalAn lea&- Juess Is 600d as the Whoest. i gist of Benne - slid Wa I Wiltild do this. Wifile--ida, is -,bread the -staff of b -banker, never was i t th *huie neighbor entertainimi - tile ago, claim that by the ap ted It. And - * " at -for the Moth-er-Yes, Will1ei. ago a to I others Into liell .-shall -suffer the fdr heir Ba,ke, .56 wealthy Chicago. hood talking. A few day�, paratiou for loge, C 16pi-, not life ? 'Ifteard of in this city. The than who -Koch 6tock. One morning site confided ditl6n' on tha accoula.­: there has. been, so.m p c 1, :iof Ue Moutgen rays �ake of the COMMunity, - I - oe nation. young woulAu-narlied. Katharine t .e controireray. Viten, mat is a goodbaiker Whathey �inds wlll:be Impossible per per all'k -IAI( Holmes -says itan throw light upon . do im, All children should bevee Irim of died -at the residence of Duncan lNlc- the coachman that she didn't believe r prevailing fashion of arrang- between. several newspapers- as- to the the dark places in his uns6ilcited tes- of in -the &rke. hem 71-6m1be in the il re Boln- Donald. on tile fourth, coces-sion 80. If onqwent unto t love. All that are born M jug furniture. A graceful abdridorf significae of mort- Ethel (adin Ingly)-0h,-Tommy, is -timonial to his bwn evil ctiarn�btetfls, Job elcomed. Tho v laren of -6erely Eldersile. site said. With- (lend --As much. as 40 -say that as a es, colpred, aged 19 yeam, te orloathe 11that . your udw dancing school ult'? a myth, unbeard of by 110 1161WO in pear-, that -.no' doletbr sawlier was what suited her, gages n I the., fpprks who- e A. tted a criminal assault Olt mothers who dislike -or th. '�Bobby (sympathetleally)-Never mind, It a, t 6ther'nien, hired for ea . r -o last the fb6thers will fill -h ot the two cities in which �he Is suP7 I ad not given tehem enough... of Ontario 4 �S Id liarme(Mely previogs tu. or after her- the aid of 81:. It they� he.ir not MosIps-XIllie gauge of prosperity. It Is contended ifi a twe id white,girl th -nearly VA -W Mormon Ilie transported all he near &nf should To my.; you- dont look death. and Ell e r les- one. -quoiarter tha�j the prevAlonCe Of 8 d insanity and crime. o posed to -have operated. e wa6-burled.witllollt a -tile PUIT- onderlul deliv rtinces' anif nil ae 0- �be forced: downstairs- furniture to' the upper S8.1 nged by � a �b as Billy ILa)rlow does. �J mornin EX -JANITOR LTIMER -'�ALKS prop6r. 1&ertificate.. briled-bi the Bible were sliffidient. these mortgages is simply a sign that spill by 14)v or by pu lie I - ly Monda morning. Jones to live with a taa ho '' -she. ab- Mamag!_Russell, stop teasingyour a it at the -h 6ad of the big, stairway. than atimer, -the -ex.-Janitor. These fats c me to the knowl�dge h. TeAdblugs.-We do dot �difffeultY mob his erlineii 0 r Rees people in COW ef- - I orce. ty. Russell -It - wou7t MOM. amy V -t - Robert L attaining her. graceful need to enter farmers have more ii no datiOr �45.f de 4earin- him whom -his ertwhile 'employer ciedits oi Coroner Cooke, of Walkerton. and By way'ol' Into all kinds: of 41ti to be -lost. We- oth' busi i obtajuing the It ra There d I itinor rDU ' rm tired of'., kttor- aba ifflon, 'Mrs� Wellman slid the - balky; with the feat of tearing Out the bricks lie informed the C unty Crown I articles down the stairs and dtoplipIl 'eannot,. blame -God it we are 'Jot.. money they need from �- tile regular GREAT BRITAM, alizing the world thrl if d6V-t 0 -kr of des stop, u visit Chese: sti�acted him It r, guide a- (I has accord pre Neither- Is- there any- drm. ff I do and mortar of the vault of the castle ney, who in 11 ones over the- bannisters., G.6d's word Is on n by it ba:nks. TII6 suggestion -t valls In the Brit- troyin- to e him, -1i It.- a e me 1, Ud -his: dying agony.. may be seen any lef to have �he' body disinterred, and the* sma e'that.ba A he.,,- g in- the hunjau h'biW6 that dt-. -as el te F, several alled love. As long as I lie an Inquest -was done. :The result -,was a brilliant . ouccessi 1"" will -be judged, tugly bebnma nks should be storm -the in swinging a --red field. This eptulished.. Or t express accommo- lih Cil casualties, vine thing C -me cry. night after midnight ards such of the PRACTICAL SURVEY.' * �. ? e- partidulfirly as, reg ng community. - it is -orted" that '10,MO British- human racts -exists meli',land women sfiTofilmv, yu didn't �coi4e to -school . . I, , - -4ation of tho.'farml ral!tload, crossing at Opening �tlle coffin the sight pr lantern at the 1w f it With gliLS9 Earthly possessione.are t er; aiia j"t sci long ted attrac� Wallace streets- He is sented was Omply shocking. The furniture' as w he -As the g0jeet, 'is -both interesting to th , l8oadan in viii love each. oth troops fll'be sent. e terday fternoon." "X-10�111; there. Sixty-tbird, aid 'He Irepr tile. a hill wn, an! Pa,=' Wh corpse bad been loors, The ' 'Robinsou's - f roll all -0ons of the man- we call Dives ' arA7 placed. in the dolf. and Imp6rtauti, an:Advertiser there will be true .'PeRect mar- I- wuz a circus In tol ; railway wreck in -full among r rAin not a spook, or spooks d()'n6t figure w7hen de -for ':his switative has interviewed Mr. B- flage. Slav -cry it n all! on the pay roll of 'the- Western Indlana, lir tile same ,conditi a,th tooked -like wa known men, 11' ney, second Baron de Ltsle - Ot tiW abil 0 an' Aunt. -Caddie an' Uncle Wm Oil nagrer Ph e thing- and- elaborate Dewarthe energetic It Durham �on T un- bloom when i'llre. Welinva hatl"Ilu- -1-RallmatL He lathe night flagman -at claimed -its- victim, bnwhshed nd. kv, alth, find' clo London in peRi of, tirtue. .40OUSn Bob all wanted. to take me. and Di y, died a year ;that bilossing. and has been BiRcd _mld- 6othed_On the body-Ivr" an under- `8tyle of living. "Though he --was a ol the Canadian Bank of- C01111116TM da-. Imake a difference n grant - to a manicat Bile wak about to enter upon work of Abraham and boasted -mucli of -asked it it was correcV.- as fjouie 1bg dlvm6a 106 a woman night ol July 3rd, 1894. Latimer, re- shirt ai)d an old j&aCket,_and stockings. Being The fieen at 01mlez 'has received a ArEN0011 A�RD at tier achonie of toLs dignified relaio'n and plety, none -A I !duAn doweA horoughlY isolliORt kre a T- ond letter by spectal aldei-de-caulp- and for thig reason& th and ho Tre sides t No )9 WIXV-third court, .cre on. he'r feet, while 1 bu ell I timies Uted; that t from Holihes' castle. dirty raggs were 'iiied in with the re- Iloor-anit sub4tituting, a. hanging were in.any way -inspired to prep. farmers.were unable to obtodu money -her-- husband- with. Ifter 7.bu A XapAuee Woman W three. blofts I fr r -Willia-w" ..- I - reps skfielt�r is just eturned. for eternity by his ' example.. 1:16�, - wal§ �hould nd 168 '-d trains his -madO the jnlymen gj�jen wheil tile. Robinsops, r -4egitimiat6 business -tises from the Gut Vero beajity.iiI He i )lowed -to . Second Ousbaud. Lord When he flags from the building mains.' The sighi Xvnie right -in," she -cried hospi- filled with Worldly- pridw. -,and -worse for and -that ideflaltely stated that lifts grown urn uside.,and -ask themelves tile regular chartered; banKs, desert Aer . b6cause IsUb -thirteen Ti6ars across the -traok Iiiin, this lie was puffed up. therefore ban.10s 911GIUCL DO and old.. J96r tapltal IS �Abotlt ago fr -it, thbly, 1, I've Ila(] a glarlous- -time. I'm with dpir- established D er lthe British Ambassador to Out question, "Is this possible in a Civil- wrinkled and not fifty feet away Mo -19 'I will retire from diplomatic ! trowl Lattiner was born in XantOn- 0- !zed and Christian country Ike the arr tuitt pride. What these two kinds Of d --the -lessenedt Evans disappeared sure you'll A angeffient. for the ex-pressaftom ation. of- a gone; -her prospects lit Is ' Dewar re- a middle of while, 1Dn the eor -lived In various parts of pot -mortem examfnati penter ride" do farming' community. ii . - July. il �o Wd xibe, that- State on s There, are a, few; bills for ear for men Is.shown In th a may be Xapanee, leaving a y 11149 Ma . by Dr. Stewart arid Dr. 41 vo. work and such'thingsi -but ydn won't arabla. Worfdly. pride i�ade him de- -piled an: fblIGWs $*This may- tefer to Itlej uOred In Aldershot calh2p that -faT bettei able id suceb4d ftd when i. not tter� until'nine years ago. and. then move hamefully negleo . t :other banks, but certAlply not to As a 1 -Pa-rk8, 0 Whom he"I to work for e What I Ise the pooi all 414# -the man vau take care of I as -a parting word. For CiJolm, - jun. Tile -,Jnqltiest was tlien' ad- rula(L thosd when you, -se ;p tho NI Lancers have been ordered he married he * years the E nglewood. He went it - Lo geJ young womau %wa Z1dWV 40i. Canadian Bank of *Comm r1or'Egypt; to 21!ar almot linmedivetely and Friday - evening next. hem. orce. We are ady to start blms6ft nd, a 11. Holmes journed until . The Roblusons are- ih. I f Poverty 1611 to the. lot -e�geo(ilngiy destrous-61 Cultivating a Im the Soudan campal - u- r9le.-the w(nnari -neeft­lielp. 80 -:1 Kathairitic and sickiless g tImlAJIL in Ilhi employ Until his bro The'dead woman Was They; didn't.' 14st 24aan g Xet, these distresges were uers? ftimeetton, not allow.him U. lidstleV -vff at -Iroizea was'not. boardin olise, waiting f r. their and are prO-- bana, but ot S W0Zd lfirning th And tier parent.3 -reside.in the 61 Lazarus. -good ftrix Thei Itisk Radi6l- Committee'. of. *dva ptly or Tel - ,u County 01. unless 64_9L 'titer. I larly. In- home to be made !not able to, -wead him from 'God. While nece I had ' Jlagr�*VY- V10lated About this time, r SaLiftmp- paying hIlm, prom "Townslill; of. wille nry Labouchore, Sir Charles- peaed In the newAPAPM8 t0l,_ttO -0- he did Wellman bg iw thi� insane- as riellesi in. th' t fAie Itads-I&r.the purchase of cattl '-.the contract. -But for the. -sake of the f a daedd him,to leave. Afte� thlat Grey. She was about 30. years of, tli6y were llk _y Dilke i -the the imme foo and Iron. PhIli are f carpenter work, incident- age, lad had the riputation of t end with this life, they had an aiid put them on the same 100 A60jumunIty, espelftlly -for -TOOK ACID. a-01 ititerest, so -far a loan will- be odd jobs 0 -of He -to the n prominent members, sake of tAe'1Ab1eEf give. her r OIL some -phe b4ildings ing silly. Althouigh not.insano jilie had owp e- effect 'upon tn� life. it atid t W y-wor in - I ' d, -as ahy other- dissol - ]anll. L for' all ki 0, Ight. to friends anw. certain- pecul 3ht., April 17. -t -A yoi efiiinted no r "bank. I doubt.verY Sir Up, Currie has tol 'be A,,- rat of the Wor-fli's Fair. iarities that caused her Tordirt or atten- advanew are conteruC divorbe& for.the L" borr, -Thei -er 11AwMVd 0 ia ad -vice, and - WWAS 00 4 n -A gen- Ins terra of service for Holmes clOsed pousible. She was -a i fariner -In In Cana0a tab Istdr of Foreign Affixirp that great -men., INNOCENT, to le� looked iij as - irre- erman. tion, sat dally-- aw a beggai...was ebil- d 'the TurZ. 0, will Iii�e t1ja;t It h THINKS on at tLmes G drl luained Lena; Xeglientsk6i Ewei- of the rather tall and. -employed, as'a domestic 'servant at tent -with- cruinba, yet all -life- luf - much it there 16 a -bank k C -A to k -r., JGJ r the 'keoldence of J. Bromelli No. . 76p -iud ood the A can missionaries cb-ope Oration. 01 to was, sister ot patience submission that would refuSt a 9 . rate Iftb! t- W f -built woman. and ence spoke c laddstrl;)US y9nng =al� a hi lowil tion .7 jig d -t just. before the third story was added well t Gobert, of West, swallow0d tL dose or Our with at BrItain In: the 'd1A#b117.. Queen street; lot. loan *niith ]b trade. JGVAtaAW;A wastie, Ever since his old em of Mrs. Aug to the c "tha 4 111. -of the. beggar be- -.16dais a" made the. fall of the year tton -,tha he ."would _y of carbolic acid early this morning' A at Ployer was arrested LaMmer has pro- -Town,%hip. On Tuesday, 311 %larch, ot eatle.for. feedl nd(� a ca lit pure asO riven appoa noc,6nt �of he went --to --MeDonald's place,,- wind- few minutes-, after, taking - the poison ga When death -separated the soul for, the h stest ed that Holmes wds In re cattle Are sold in the P1 ift a --*a _,Opp. him. remained Over t a4w� light." Next dag* - she the -girl went to. tier mist BAB, woora the bod hatilted His frienda .14 purposts; be asl 30 -all the murders charged up to in - giful the loan repaid from. tile collie the deternilliar anti requested tier to_,�eo Imunicato th glory *64d. They intillsteted -to _M to pro Te U AV -iota (1, further, that he did'-filot -believe visited Chlesley, 'With- say,that his deprtur6- fro proceedir -sale' 4nd 1 -may 'ome I)hrt!eR-. patents kb-faadia thit- era- ate ku r even swindled any- -tion, -ai fill,- tola -to With her Who IN 6 at Guelph, lit incrazy. lit when b more sattsf Icy -V thut -11olmes eve eisa, U _uJ11 He still- asserts the hame.' In to ke tile I, len"Who find to toll them -that iihe Was io, friend dwelt to no:�bank 9.6111d�de.dre Ito- 1, xv on -some young ir -the earthil where illed, and 14 U bolleve4, 'f re b6ily -1. 'bustueW thAA this. Th6re. Is. --, i , X- erett -toory ab 4, in Ail V, _r 1W the ibvldenee a j;he alleged- had assaulted lier. That They were show their loving care h&V � ,u V4 not"fled - accordingly,.and In Ills. butia een Pei -son � 1 xv, I Waster. A nd Holmes' ac- .116 Was wb1poined Into thl --ely- uo of a larinera' blink vurlr, . law_-too�r nld� ;a d leyStilag she returned to-McDonald"R, are expenec.; -,to. arrive In th6city thW, e th E), --d credited e t Lailmer ri tip s,throu ite of thd i bliss of the 'ablAt _hJ g -mar ftere she Of T ,' . es cop Ilgave �blrth afternoon. There.&re ltop -g16r11I6d.70idixgh_h6had been d b6fig nn 0 Ike left es. He was taken IC t lias no and, _P; - _W F,ilglew nee par$ on earp d, and died herself - on girl's recovety. soeixted with I -be 7 b dead chil 4p the, toll RUSSELL A CANADIAN. owing -It Iff piopJabd to Zoddbi t, ies hiLvd all' th4i Wts "VICtIM!" The authorlt --t -"The other ivhose I.MW '1� " L U U, �.!11 e -affair In,# i I abouts are poaitively� kuo*u is Dr. c