Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-04-24, Page 2M, 0% z U -z 4, k�6 77: A e 7 OV D Df)14-!3r GO BY OX CART ++++ . . . .. . . . . . . . *++'v+" 11b, 'hN hoviije or his to another -461ck V eatinot al- e� r�eps Wbeu 'too Can :8itib On -A. Anole, trio -Xilinds SlimpM ji�td Zell4f n0lb - S6 Sell when ready. It never -WhOOVell nAocent MAR he felt a fearful blow 4 �y J'at Whit - lie shut -bia eyes aaid Tell fbirwarlk resence' -is necesqaj are 'sOmb- who -are urie! And, besidb-8- JuitIC0 Will 9lV9 where we think � an 'anfinal will' I personal explanations . d by Ifien -.-Itud women sonteha,rd body. At-th t( motor Apy 'Day. A backhanded blow had CAUJ;ht him sytoa Th 10W -Au -i . us -to work ourselves, 4P to S POint *rhe suffezit�k 1'rd= kidney troaVle W is head. trolling his e9tion. A Elie - I q - I -- no moment )-,p6r1sh,'and -911-2 194dneyVnrd ng, it! en4ure' v can be con.- bring more money br-ke0pi t�imes -needful, but oidinApIly -thl� -best.. getting d is skull. As for an ear little to me. Hol d.coxe given v iu:yeara .10 often on the, left adde of hi mouths. we shall awidle.. The feed, tGX0 an -the exec - The annoy- 'demned ? In a few 0dingly Bank down, an inerl will.wxake up the dit-, and -most speedir way of reaching -by de-. Digga. he had- Oat - again." AGRICULTURE- to other stock of ance and incon"Yehleuee Caused -a -CO111111119 , I is only too o�gh% the John shook his head n urst, Into terence..At. a later date we are APZ� , publie W thr of, �,thof kidneys e time Of the rangement flad 0 little -go. ewspaperb or trado.-Journ ojiave cut had passel(l. tears.: His griet yth6 than'to aban-- He was dead. ated Better, back" tO. th to take a less priCel thanwe Were'.. I,. This plain 0 all fr iroubled In a I weeping, cradle this way. Jkwu I . - I His opponent's sabre Itself to Paddy, Who CI and'the 89 lul,luerly offered. -so generally acknowledged astrue e tress 19�at I through hia heart. , for to RoberVa clothes. t - 'iefig) not to over-! IR ,rtan Wet'ghk)uld Pe Ca. - t is nown as Pros, -it is -the most their tilnes'fro jensible 'dontho, silp; the a..t Imen 1, such as en - Robert remalue(17 4W If young and' gkow no loilge!� charget 'moment. a group pasturk* Ahe 0 4 It hour. When he recovered At this* Oi Invention of the age. t ok% -With tatie tralu -uearly� a ke top of the Clifl inieut,- and jug animals i& keit jb-or a part o4 emories, or their no e bo atiOn and nicera' consciousuess he was In -the room On pea -&�'at tt crop byjncreasing the nutr will Ila ea, bee uTgement, lfifla�mln John and 1hose ile Intentions there could re- after.. 'the year. the 1 rdly thrive dui�,, ames and. address ause thOY - Wit -floor. whither 0 - fugl- ot to the. nutriment_- we. a nor will they evok:aV .%,lon of the prootame, fflund- h0ut host the - ground u -doubt. They balledt 'the bulk- There is noth- Ing the rest, an 1 ave I*arned to look to thbir'Pragw any. prekent Or alter -unpleasant, effects Paddy had carried him.. There Was a, - and rather' than the on - an t �u til' arr ',he details bert, who -was uot.prepared for this re leaving tiveis -with threatening gea-�, are. d tug which answers . the problem of taln.tbjelr proper .,'Proportion lJournaIs to ich theY South AnteAd".Kidney Cure gives Im- anged together I not, be to l; r Information Wit of tb�e Combat. To propose - to Diego incredible Impudence but he was moment lose befo to descend. and, surroun do'es the -sit aftw; yet you4g.aillmals may -be IP mediate and lag allel in -all Such b t�- for the day prepared 0. ffing rA the scene oliths cOm a restored� alk Rob- saving as j -days too determined -to 'alloir hillmself. to them.. -.This sight Foi the silb, we do not have t(? Ot on' Coarse and- o1jeculent food# a eed. Not to adver1tise,- is to cases. it !B�o:*Onderfui medicine for -ace-- a, duel under the usual conditions Was was jLbout Ao -break. better than those whit in it, ellopielon or to be fcr- A *hatever -kind. It be put oft my sareasm- Robert�o *Ounds were not very dan- ert's energy. Balo he, I -a It by hand, nor- pay for the. they will do . more gApabl invit ontributes. 0 Play- a the cor tureF age and Rldn6y trduiAe a wo kidney cit ug or dt, -W Jargely. to success. Custom -ci be thought of. Ayhat motive The reekb;lng which YOU ' owe kjeh� he bad 3rd more,- cribbing, nor for the loss are of wa kotten.- neither of_wbieh 'a is essentiall re,and boasts not t t kind. Be gerous; but the blood wl alone kno - what I 11114ki r shelling, nor haul to the of being fatteih0d- eri� ' can- But -it I 'king here could he glv.e f6r -a public meetlng� me ;Fs of qRite'a, diffeten lost had-- weakened -him, consid - erablY. Irm voice; hesitateta.oboy me from mice o -for grinding. , very. Wise cattle dealer is trying,; ay Or every of nothing ibbrei Toughi" silent. and. listen. Five and "twenty and he had great difficulty- -in walk- have to do. To . o' tithe E pot be v1sited every d every t1m. short, of calling up the terrible past Disney was DMISO , iny design, mill, nor -pay th k -is trying' td ago Thom ing. Leaning on the arms of his two would be to compro Stalks and cobs &to, saved, and � the to improve 8 stoel 9 Week, but neW, seitacmabib- aad.POPU- iti � Action& t all not wait Upon the move- QUIGIN 0 WOME whIch Robert wished to. bury in the 1 years' %ro* your p; b are not wise I cruelly butcher n ; his sleep. The owever, In gain- U le, perha�s- ttered up With them. TO grade u 4� -jar goods do Hit WORD .to r In- A J, V tomb T,, H '"mak6 of the footman 'had ake his-Ureeaution.6 fr:I6�ads, he succeeded, h 1�- losing -a yards not It r some are, trylA _ �f �meats of, the visiting sa in assassin tug the street. LA belated eab.waa selves Into the sea withol be-41-thoat a 81110 Is to -be tweuty-fiv�e their moth C, ..to When Eve%7rolbt woe to all Mau Lotseau an adversary acceptable to a I line reinafned unpun- minute, gain the vessel, and, once at behind the ti to. do It It grade bulls. This pr&, of xftaa orders and light� ' hese days Agreed to take well. and th6 piissing, and the driver ctlous.' years 'Rind, Ished- p strikes sooner, 111 3: be of Willie old,"31ossbaAk" such as Monsieur de Pan- i or -V Instru -wil- two ,,or cess in n uly too slorvo, t4 ning express. f* gentleman later. But a§8in-;;-BTands herd V'- then to, the P&SBY Bagrier, from Whitstable, await' l The gaitiener often gro 'b uwu:tisfaeto'ry Ii AdamztO 8 a it �Old L,3110d her woe cozvo ? Tlxe, combat -must be without _Wuse� d fare,�Well-" proftip is wWting:to- hear from his trAveliers. ut *hen s& Airboed Wi 80' X11 takl- T at whence they walked to Slough's Yqur hand, John, an, ep. three crops from the @ame land in One o not tr n tI1 kind quarter; it must. be fair; Diego um, , re mail orders - are tumbliz., g in- -to " UP- ove to er to t was- -tax-- a season. long He then P0.011or 00-mant NAR 49 -with his finger. -and tile old i(allor th' w h6self we T for he final r0im-Ita.-P y it. Too ofte�;' meed 14 t 6uch1ed kJm dvauced, his As economy, The ulgh s� and poor' cultivates so -the progress is clb*uward. the be forced to accept it. It Robert could 'trembled. as If he manures so highly and ith I bdrself;­ and �he wre%'c one. �For ille-timle being, Ing Into his master's arm Judging trout I ''todate" itefoss the W&Y, im pride. isuegeed In getting him to come to 14-s-- they met no Drop that the, evidences In sigbt,oub"; Mons be- Bat now with folly and had felt the alind ot. the eV0atIOz8r- was safe. . His plan Paddy, who had,otood al�of, timidly pole which took the pers h force a smile, at le".t.- Roberi th John and' set d R6bert's hand and covered it Ithqroughly.for the first -o food which. would think fair'nianagers-eclasiticirt king ,,ad.,, well displayet' Their husiiiands, pockets brimming, ling a. tal -V Ouse and tight in the presence of two 'said on�e more to e France Wi -later. two 'oil is filled with Playutif something cattle blisine as rfitb avy changed, The ladles iftewsolull Of wbIM6 He tried W" to leav ze I A millateil- er- small Pot 'so th4 w4en, trustworthy seconds.'ali these� condl as )he itilti too weiLk- to with t�ars- -be, wasted awa �and freqAei That peo1*;r,4,tII them whim-men- tiona would be fulfilled. t ; you have Paddy; but he was i absolute need were- swimming rould gather it -up. toes.� Not* the difference in- th ,I old "Mossback's" traxeliers , get Recor --7-. You are' Mad,'Rober travel. and he Was in faithful servants 13 the - rere not planted to ��New York dy- ter�mlflect to attempt- ti,lb t thd Wa�o�vard lue many.of to value '61 pre lums of upon bill ide has P tite, de lid -night ej )ur fields might produce I around, the ereaau ot'the-tri. forgotten that On t t- a -few days' rest and attentlom with all-th a r -ached, gUd and in '�'agr bee ' hai been Ijaeaus. An(% he east. about fur a lvl*e� the I a over. had 040- vessel, which- �n taken. Advertising IV both slept at pave scruples. more soon r.1 late crop 6f *omething, better thall. upon stal liona-� Is the ter cultural "f State of Milk% eity,pf lPoledo, Lucas b(t text for Inducing 41ego io rePait to., crime we rre He ),doubt as' halt as­hOuf tile white -air"' altogether 6, mis Boe invitations -L to a Mer ., . 1� k -d to him. had -u( in less than. red to tick - weed compared to tile houea at Montmartre. which licl Cogol'n." a. and I 'have to - jawlilluess of the. terrible loctp had, a -It is. the ra.ceir, and not ti call. you'do not visit youi neighbors County- as ze eveo- 11-1 -am not -mal ve et of thel Ball Of the, a We are not a saving people. We h ve- carries awa Frank J.-'Xbeney makes oath tha i iivA assuredly not forgotten. here- Is , the will he uc-;B, which ttend L a party �lv to gotten nothing. ct which lie had columitted"'but. the 4venIII19 M14t. et�-to--Icgrn the drt frOm those who farm pr9d unless asked to, nor ad he is the senior partner,- of.the -firm of re -One, Motive only would be like w4icif you stale after committing thel anxious about the conSe- (To be Contlnn8d�T- j;e still. Cultivating the lands used bk the purses or Wedding- without being invited; -Ii, Chellib I I at I'el 'began to be A, very . I&I �ge amiout ti�ti�lt y & Co., doing business In WD tiuluence his degraded -,mind. and that stui -stained with' 'hicli might grandfathers. on the othef aide murder -- The papsrs,w . ..... Loole; I t is W -I i I wily then intrude upon t y cii .1 lt,of roughne' lie pri-vae-Y ch -a have I IYSTE -f ok after little 0 whou feeding &ttle .1K, p . -Tol�do. county and State motivel.was his ungoternable love of b to the truth had water. Necessity ma� - sonte-. can be us( of a, atoreke4er without an illvita- (LY W1 blood." Lifordes.1 a clu( a tile -t' aforesaid, AtO iliat said firm will P 'o. Robert got John to ivrite, in iy the gro,.% h,: an4- -the cQat"Illuell redue 9 ICL Diego recoiled as Robert approa Tag 4ay teach us to 10 tion. There is more in A well -worded the sum of �ONH HUNDRED DOLLARS ines. papert on the room -,Vj�ere the -duel* had been "ad."� than very Ca he following I' �beeu remoed by john,; but 11 a in -this way�. but ivIvelf feeding t things. A truck farmer, Yroal his cull a luere invilalti0d; it sarrh Jo a flou ed him. hoidingi, out the rfi ona-must consist large for each and -t .ee i0f Cat wo -A. very important, c9mmunica, whizir--largg red 'tains appparedherm fuse, may feed its much stock as flesh -the r&t matiov, makes cured by. the use of red PanCorvoi, &6 the 1--dbliged to leave many. tilingal too awk- and re . n tho richest -fo supplies' valuable infor aundt be ALOUsielar do �he diver's Cos- lie ntire pro- ot grains, a Cation beureen inter- that C - )d ne her- and there.' to carr-Y'&Vva7- -:'I ly IS It does aneighbor frout t , .1 _ �c direct cominual Hall's Catarr Cure. waxd a, , cars anfWl Ith 'wil Per It. 11 saves time, =,of the money left by his fat No, 1, havie r �Otwn nothing, an(I. the _Wektpolas -were, 4VII -in :111at AN: I its. duct, of a like tract. bea ested parties possible, - I , -Farik . Cheitf!Y. I f Monsieur Ust e used too maintain, in, the i&-I&W, Thomas Disney. thi tume the duei- had li-eem ioo�o- does not'w�ai -citro- in at;serlbe6 n ded more prooft In The -using of ives a, decided advantage -Sworn b before -me and a, and. if I ee the room where mt. or wishes to have infOrma- by night t(i,- . a tif Permitte all] do Pancory village whiCb, you left d Diego's body lay 0 then! out so 'rapidly as does rain, rust steady 9 market, and -last. -.but not le, in MY prekoce. this 6th da§ -bi you j fought# an )uild for� i led How lftig� a t 'a, CeMber, A.�- J this subject. lie must come. coullidelfee a - well. as busi- 1886. V�Ou and kill the man who eal here it had fallen. and exposure. Because one- has no Of settl ma)ces to -morrow e fine baa -A. W. 01 evening between eleven 90 ct�uld -find.-the remains Ot I floor W ed he is not stock,? . A�10-vv oao� toot degiee., -wlilcl Jeason t -to ho&o his son Id assuredly belie -or nicely built all a neaw to a. (Seab) : -excusab if -h- ason-or -no jewi inference a Notry P lic, o�ciock and midnigh which. aped The police -won v animal -eyq day. which the late Air. Itobert -that devilish inAC111'118 tIf&j a murder had been committed. _Tliti--Great go for e4ch- oc Wotic .1hat ie e does not care for his silit. v&dANe that people prew n youi4.m*rderous, path.$ S He whq� will fl-uro oil a feed' iO's position in so- rdindsinAlleviAttak- Imp­160ints-ot industrY. lug- Be for the n whb advextiWes.-Payper --h Cure is t a inter- outmqrtre. you 0 which' ome. it Is not',eafo Hall's Cd'ta-rr P11,ed six" yeaxs agc)� U wkeshift tg�n 180 dkys- nially and acts directly oi V e Dlego's tales -61a;jell6d. and he tried -The false our Str ki n6t provide a #sufficient in and Ink. he blood (,Sge Afforlth c' t. for sO The small doo , iaa� 25 per en of r at, the bottom (4 U I tiety and the mystery ae Nring-A 'a 17el system. to stammer eomd�,word which diet r W the day when he will b coutli less tj open: all Ulgil% flUcl rounded his death would excite tl will uev6 and mucotie silifaces gazden, Will remain in his throat. -it Was Illustration. able to put IT 18,A]USURM Send for WA and up he good things. - 'tilag, in bu)[k alter thel silo is fill, Ailioulals, fr� -d to the awa Of the public. F. J,,Cbcney & C9., T -of Ith -silo is a that of titei house wilt be oPeaL aw)i y the - "seed end" r 0 b Iding a V61 oledo, 0. e, - -Pan- Robert. con Jutted z Later, only to be expeeted %bat the machin- (From the Ella Throwing a is al ui cure rheum& - rd' to try W name Mary, my 81 peow OW the god Ono. -It is awn Six years ago '. )uld be actively set potatoes has been advocated sol by :Arujigiotg, Tf5 cents. lie Can, of the law O and,the or- 6borvo fears.,to come alofte. 14l; wa, 4ardly-likely that From: the- time when man flrst� assumptiouhat ono.thus redue6s the Clem with sarsapArIllas. the aintly cireatfire who had Chosen 1 er. Compounds which im:1 - ad, In motion ertised bring a aerVant with It a *retched , va n pled the earth down tu tenclenc3r all tubers. E dinary - adv 11USK-AAZTS ,CPR FOOD. gabo X� ITS 1 CURIOUS WOMA- I al - signed: --,x former YOU-YOu- -.fortune, 'anything would be discovered to con to Produce am the cure of Rob6rt, had -it without fami ano without ilia friends With the pain "a filled till, perimeats have 1ot justified -such a can't have confideuce in �;' 1ri- are. recommended for oing i!very dsease t Berka eoun- re Was 110 most _ry Pa nect which the -In near yJ every Part of Robert and day. the baystery of 0 family." The yomhef hetir -any event. before so.d &�rvant. in the wuuid, excitle in order to bestow Upon rime; ud@ besides, be had no fear ith, we)nder aud tlerror-'What practice. , In I'lerce's FalVoriLL Ptegerip�toft ed (iubt that this. le-tter eri§hed by e a hearts w omal-IMA, " human flesh I ty, Pa., labski - s nowadays are us and her life; Mary P a farmer should make & test by plant- is for tired -out n a heir. Curloslty�' -and probably is sin, whohad far himself. Why. AS 1� permitted a. tonic: This disease, as all now, s cahsed for food. ilid c t Diego's ath. The 68sas -lit � be fill&- are- Its cause -d all its pecul-- terrible de t a rentedy r ison ift the And 1�0h years ago the Ideaof i in whLeh he But innocent miall Wig t -apidity the . trap- for her. remained -un- 6uvjc�d. 'perhaps. -,are Ju the, grea jag clusters Of bell) blood. ish; nset a vile what its uses if it ctoesu by An Acid I)o lass T tills desc;;1V- -ajaz- pected accuset an(] ting the result. ailments re- *ouldhave-been scorned was. a I nA Ing t6 -pay. can only b eatiniftlig' eage and V eplionly of re . by tfie �hge of an internal iWnearly, verY section of Berke. The 6 OJ the ne- o mf�re can You. ask for, iii �.1 MY opportunity Of irly punished. and tliat. soassin, a" �16 thought of this caused -1 -din nata A-11 !these uell- * See that the earth ls.� bwn the .8 6 quickly and effectually .e1jig W tioa had a chance o . here I" ieni6a than ot . themselves a -bout, tfie. newly'set fence 'posts, W moved - leaner with UW -h the plac tands 'a i much more apPr6l - a8ked .: alize It. ind seized Upon. and altho Diego shudderme.d. nd cried In - iiom men have' -the water will keep awayfrom remedy, which will neutr muskrat J� a Egreat deal C Comity of beii�g himself called, to. At its to tIjan- toost other animals tlidt a lable to cause suspicion. 6ned, I)ut -the question medicine will build _rtles. Prescri thus - deal e meeting Wa. Ln additional reason for choking voice:, teount. If this misfortune llapp and of one another. them.1 otherwise the wgtibr will.bet The tion!' ;roy its irritating propp have r Y'ari% been7used -on the table. to Of soul this would be f you you I ! ary coM has found no soluCibn. Alil that -'eat be tle about- them, causing them* to de +e the e The. Ingredien th: AmerIC4111 t clearing up you -Aobert's consience- would ot, permit -strengthen,l Lind invigor �ot been long It * elaitiled that muskrat meat lea wheat Inaking him suicide. You know Ild Rheumatic - Cure have . 1, mitted him to, hesitate. w A� of -relleving cay and to break off nea,5 the ground, lemale gulates 06 than that a me- -g 'ndr to the ta done Is to , devise ay [ Mmended by Bomel t de&I fx inner feeling 10 sm alaratip I this, an iumon -thing with fenues propar funct Ons. -known, but are reco --(Pa.) ENgle. yead the -let Besides al �rlgh�.Mli motes all the ical works AB a rabbW I ading ipther` as lmost Certain. too. ., I 1- 7 idel which is a cO -Re Robert w ilim- physical atiffertuge. and t English med alone. -�Ook proMpted I take upon ao,yet Ol y, means tious, euriches We ofthe lateff )lne th act Lim tL';t' to provem fl�gqs ri. I , -- . - would ot. cc Ility of this --to . re- ins. brings - ref being to rlieumatism.,wliat quinine Is that. Dieg(� 8SCLU, pal self the Wb aispels acuO and Pa la� "I HAVE HAD ."Would brin- paddy Ca And Robert allo%ve4 t the g Lble respoiisib U It is the part of wisZn of, L '' . It -abaoju.W. 61)ecific. Th -that, he in- copy-bauk. opeadd a I-eterialadd to tiend JUM :Plougli a badly- frosted field a health d to ague, -a] 4nd PP' jug sleep. and rest Jor yeaxs tp letting an. death. "a given Pert more. With him in preference hand 0 gather infrmation.. The 61d sailor vigor.' .'In,/ leMaLu Arat dose Of the remedy and iier written t toes and plant it to cornorother Minter,, 1� Rheumatism "other,servant, jut,) his see'rets, and this starte-dL from his head,,�- t i Moutmaxtre, op; -after- a frost new- shoots 'may- every -kind_an in I ic a relief.- and it At Once begins line is only remedy that has done lie em- Diego's eyes wali quite unknOW11 &t d c. ron ge trants n . Plr tzing, he So writes adtly what_ furnied his -features. ger ming1cl in mtralizing was ex a 0 lie wuld Without dam ecufrence. ErancIl 011t,'11 Ibft to grow;'bllt the neslies and- , derangements, aid of 'the b in me any time which respaued to . nit ra it's phemical process of -Th;mas Me which killed Mary." <1 iood. It usualy ell, 8 toyed. the The blow kl,4 . VO ., Zile surest 'remedy., -11,Vih Pelhaan, and his tea- rvthing for. the upon groupa attracted, by 1 the 0 Zilofmance �is not equal Glashan, fell also - 'three days. paring evel-L - went -its one to --timony ig atipported by th8usands of ulm In, pre ntinued .. Robert. talk which omiae.' 11-a frost threatens throw urged in place Ellen. She died here -iii this room to and listen tO Nothing d the fatal night. -that they a tifte of."ear rows, and better td Os erience He had w I you that -the this'ean afterwiird be leveled .. . dealer, tUough it may be ''I - , U fd-'-- 1 - arms. LIE) sa d which I have gummOnet down - n be just as good" foil- 6 ER. wonder Ily peiietrating uditiou. and plate to. Robe�t made up hia mind at to aeI4 Ca TO REMOVE OLD P and pain- .4eje in prcfper c- lel called John avenge her. A son remained same time to read, all the Papers,_ In, W, p - r to UY. ior; 4, free Paul tijg, it an- subduing Z p;dwer of Nerviline--the As a: rule the. caullflowe do Mapeap4ry X "al U. 'be n 40 -ihim-ln Ellen7a, roum. A d -them their me. lie watf but 'a hild, and he hope that they would keep r will AddresA World's re v great pan cure. -and Puddy, and ailutte -to loved you-YOn- WhO had made -him- the �,' I -old wall I or is :)pea the door d a,4 to the course of tlle� well where eabbago". will, though Association, 13utialO. N- y- to the doors and rt$ John was to 4 all.. 11 somewhat mGre 'tender. The ground. tore going work c w a the In(juiry. an old boiler -E e riske h doubly na orphi L MY PEOPLE. s m e life te, go and fetch from the bottom �Inaplration'- The re a- windLtwo t Mly. P, lego. U0 n. be prea- It was a, lucky must be rich, and kept Moist, natur- Dr.-..VIer4Ws Pellets cu cOud fill it with Tristail'A'Aeun I ha. the most solitary om oa I came- back Ild or tub in the roo aud. il - - 'i I � I bo�ljlng - wa M wl. at, the� M 1, - Governor of St., Holena,. ,be first, fIO0Jr- 4 of the sea. the gold Which tempted aly or artificially. Iu.the -home tion, pile, in-digestio Ll moisten spot on the Adarth, has just ben visit- be� the other garden, sodp suds and other slops headacheo� I workmay _be 00ne ed by tM duel. Paddy if he aCCO.M. vour gr`eed�' You bound., him with same evening John Stough biliousness, ter. T aiiied his master wuula own bandg, and you c 6ry sad, and his master had greal tie paper. and our - an ac- be poured around -with profit, which' 1 1-.50`0 miles to. the north Combat. y lin "dilliculty in 'making ;him give can quicker an6d e easily. --assy all the ed tlll-�hbl Agony wa-s liver to relc -John w6k fiome to 1. the vife- accomplice AvIl L o haal helped count of what he had learnt,- when well along in gr9wth. STRA:Y TH(YUGHTS.. Ot It. f6und 61 persons on the pumpkins nil -well the gap Ld And -be ert's fears had been Only tOO-well be- 11k IF, THE,BA N TEETIEL island, 1.8 inen, 23 women,... and 20 monev. that iRob.ert, had With him, an to murder him." fore the mon-6 -persons had already and ti -Inter it is pleasant to -be called i�!I� By IS CUTTL hey have 600 cattle, 500 a will tween summer pasturage children! - q% :feW pigs. and donkeys,�some y ster hall tiale to dei nd keep up the flow- even b -0 Wd his mastr plaeetr In his hands ny it. Robert founded. Several bis'griet at- bav- y a small bO Jjj!�J OF use tLt -Old,and -,�elljl in, whlch� he Pointed out, agged him be. been arrested. and barn feedhig, a h Be sure I sheep a; 'Which lted in hia sel7bd his arm ancl cir -be of milk . in cattle which is so apt to There undoubtedly are I- v. I , ihslowa ' Sooth- ei A%e d innocent People-: to it ve a satsted tende hibi Lrts in brll** thosd !,: Ing cause a u Ull- �ried repledy. Mrs. W. hens 'aA6 a great manyees th6 money -depos em- dive costume reared iiey. know, bu _ a -'all total abstalners. fore the, auspec Sy, or children teething. )Itd 44 . _ lortunately� child, softens --the gums; with th, r- Ing aid to the af are ram against nd most easily raised a th ationS bi lat oratory have the-cheapegt a X I I ted was very great- file- e& All the'vaot fall off about thistime., They- are build better than t it inhai .9 curta' to -Ing Rothschild wd a ack in. for we cannot. get t -qrce ds. They build, our houses. es of Consump-- these prepar Dlego'a hair A deep sorrow W41 reserved When all -her At this, !on to punish reso a of nature' of all.our winter green too ain, 'ureg'wind co Je and fart ov- ll the P housfiadS, Of cas best rem to Asth d- r havingt she -been pressed -.into- ser do not do their best in. torn fields,- Many people are Tile able edy r diarrhoea. mai,'Coughs, Cbl�ls and Croup bert, had-nO, Ike red a hoarse him. as it God.had willed to the end incapable were concluded RO stood He Utte d blood. even o ho ie - tion -thought vto 11111A, well, and. It nee ted back. He, fancied he him to -every day by -Shiloh"f) Cure. but carry. out- the -most, legitimate ven- that torturel bodies In t have sur- r6und;will do v -F In, and CUU. cry and -star ent it�s it bottle. Tui. to -die we and he trembled but on even poor g veil ing, and there are many othe i 1�. it now the y ive ce are IL He was ca saw George's i;llost, Mae.. fTout anguish.. 4, lug. ionabl was -just. --geance. by theuiselves� f the hills are man- Ought to be. � I om- fideut. for his eaus ia every linil). of the ill bring� And has uIlquest. T� NG, The Mdait . IPal CO e, C�Ourgo 61 the day. Padd7 I.&t us niako.an'end, o" this, I Na.1d The man �who was accused' peace that only heal ured 'at time of planti 11 of lenn�hao Durtag th honor th that these iluil STRUCK As BY LIGH N11 Montm what, more natural Avoid deep rooting croP& in a thip piIshed.1nue-li for good; but up Lugger, the anti- -the Club R -understand - tfidt. -I artre crime� he ­110'se s.. released ondition'of a again, Oectid Dr contrived to let him know.at obert. You a the grav-, poor victims of disease, any I -Exactly deserilies the c Semite lbadbi d -him to- �Ad' ou as -one after ud'llfe were, imperilled by aid. in exhausted Boil. Kaini.t and. plaster it Ila* 'not Changed 66 must 1,111 ' was 'the generous from suffering should dosire to : -, to the office of burgo- .-that Diego -had ordcre you killed hard or soft eqrn to which Putnam's will furnish to the stirfatef soll potash, spots., lap- - Ir Vienna. This is the third himself in readine84 to ace-OmPil et -all those either far-sigi e or -actor hasbeea whom I loved. 1. 'est 0118PIC. )n,6of the knOWledge of the '�i painless Corn Exti ano-th rt had formerly the- exclusk §ia mqn. are 3bert you stranger whom Robe been bene -1 lime, mague and sulphuric acid; Most 'Dj'.�fLiieger-ha$ li�en elected to ht at eleven- o clock. R4 In -shooting ants In, ,�y they lidve Ahey 0'es -putam's , Ex- time )art should' b(,' justified means whert spare what stable manure is possible, near,sikht6d.' Before marriage plied, So quiblily...d was -first I through the head like a mad do thei? s 0 us certain that he g. I tried to saye from'his assall tracto ?�f cta.hiid good- qualities that r Ming to fight You. Herer the street. A fatal chain.of'fa lited ? remembering that it can not assimi- cure that he Druscillilk, to War - in 11 ti ------ es and arma -arY 'turn under the next year, after they dO133 of of his plan woual be realized, as wi rong track. Mi late ov6rm'ueli Have a crop of peas �:fiearzs, don't POsiselie, And all magical. Try it. a . Take ypur choice, qild let us put the police oll.thcl Monsieur de Such -a one is who tells & io�;ood had antlelpate(L left, hi;4 dutl The night Upon- which Shingler, -of , Erin, Ont. to I kiage 0. ight Came. lie ork quickl." d'(fatermined to attack talia,of pain, endured. thiough we Ities'that the where John. �get to w red Pancorvo ba and -cure an application of ore mineral fer- ir wives do, osse 'THE JUG AS A MOTHER - rt :, .;gjas repaired to monutnart DpLuger Ii, d In souie (It, h) prisoner of,. Year% and of final relief 'd he -field -will be ready ro a muktitude e tried-. to the man to whom t E ilizers,*14in Beauty cove I poultryman'. rat had vowed eternal'i throui;h, the use of Dr. ..Willisms'"Pink our It to H. P. Geer, the vetefar N OTE, &waiud him ady., Raideri and'sabres- filego'.s 8eli`-P0$sesslon- Cape Cama for, regalar crops-. It requires the eff r of Y of thpsA aA- e,. -the U of Nasvlll�- T&dn-, has raised thbu- ru tPPI:�-tug to any All was r ly should to o persons ho this -Lab.le in Ellen's room- gain time. 'a gratitude was the. starting point of. pills,� the greatest medicane of age. The fa'rmer and his fami ave hickens, in birOoders de by vertjs� I plense mention 'Were ready eries of m1sta isp ShIngler si .. -1 :udesX,% C. �!n entA. 'ter than any one else in the rXiv i di;;i ter paper- -on -1 In ays: T*41ve years ago plain. had Men dut this room said lie, tills sad 13 kes. On that, Umaism, live bet W n a furniture be, ro=-h we rays a jug of hot wa ma 4_11 the, other sa twi) kel- y can not ine ven if da t give for,, nough leave Built- duel In the presence of I i night Robert. as the footman Lois-' became afflicted with rhe world. Il'the rease val E 11 ..... - sibt out erect greatly. Uit room e -.kc lray'la- order to r for craqker-bqx,- with- I the misfortune to ter this trouble Was ag" b�i)tto n of jug Ad IyDt- itnesses, who would from which 1�,have ot n so t taken a'9 ei. etable w : eau. hadl been pres4at at the club and uea -and make their crops worth of sunshine, it is 11 cieatvroom for the du The olver E if - Ira A DlegoV plans. He had Way t n the in& Two years in e Us to g .'OU of the CAB f 0 -to "hover" gal I tro-'a had'nesse they. may.improv their to 0 box. costume which had- served George I wound their inaster I I'm not'at all d. i6 --assist his bene,. vated by, a gqowth which started more money om, for the chicks anxious. my madil up. his mini gra condition and make 14fe easier by shadows. -Fro the Ill wraps lided In tha her-In-lawil to wifleb. each year mother. He rs ind d6ar brot factor; but.' la -oider �o avoid being; in 'the -throat. and producing fa r under t W artificial ary's copy-, 0 itirger, until it 1 'Way. about the Jug tQ keep fAr end'of the room- iver y u this satisfaction tine himself i became larger akid he Ot a blanket, I were pla 9 recognized, he had'to eot �ad -that I Could using them at ine do -, if to son, h debts 90 A M I and he% more of the'luxuries Sins are amded d the t d cto bIn order to home. So book and D14ueY's wil -man I finally others -do not, it is thpir own fault- it eg a dlfXere eapffig. -upon ease y It- you want tcv following at a distance -tlia b"Me fere nq only h . eat from to aour conscienct kill ne, T as when ows for I I s --al dQes� prove of of the sword to do- itwa� with me, tons to protect. He 1 -.-hardly obtain a y the, side whom, he was AUX f tune. 118 -gored,. but W osei'. patIon and OLP was dark. ilnd a would. lie down- D how ver and re n. Fo Ptuberlta� em1t will not fight -Trot liere, p d I y yes, flus or whose const! The night at- hoped, that thq SOUIX ould -fill in the oring. iseased blood, bowel troubles Emil vas passin over I'arts a -but In any other spot I should' be , I d a. I eling of But DAIRY. r all kidney, r the 'eight of another - man N throat. f5itusing A Woman Ineve �here o Confident nothin- would happe prev6ut lilm"Iroli What I A ftered Is al- -d by Karl's Clover Root Tea - hat in I.focation, gement :of the. call til at r:, has cure floes charmed of the, opportun frighten Diego. a�'d adinsy a man is lnd-women who -are We* he -task wiich he had a I ing his Idqt - fi, and all he:, Successful. mana The scoundrel it"as pla3, most beyond descriPtip to laterrup, Mel fl venturing on an.att&0- ff of stock, t e Idea of a the plan was not mqjlical� id I 'had drdL me no good�. at the very 1(yulidatio him. _2 VEOPLE. a Aarried lived t6.. SISTING TRADE W uld be strong He hoped'that, no . Black Horace -Y ShO IlandL card. FUnfortunately raising, and there must ba Greeley I cow could only tCa I itari an lj�ii:.th� He diBmissed John to his POO on the forced duel -would -be repugnan I was told that Cal . thorities I floor. and knelU duwa X.0 offer He hQped successfuL the medium In attendance or watchfulness. Scoil nowadays when a man 1b.;e Rusatka MI]i . The false Pancbrvo had time to hope for relief through s and children who grour" -of calf rearing, indicat in- dr Nibid RoberVs 8011sa Of fairtiess a ing, the bane gibly -he buys a� I'l t'amdat small f -in-law - would be o I clibacled such his ame le, it take great promise -nits, from. o r- dustrial eu 'us the Minis- In* when -they Ishould be last prayer ration ta God . -twelve had Just struck., that his . 1;rother bring his victim to the ground and -declined u;dergoing Indigestion and ires With! are th Sup- to A a for- 0 course the irregular feeding, givin ood stamp* terprises. Th ig the -last A iluarter I satisfied with the I &e man ock at montmar- 0 clum. plunder him, anji Robert w" foreqd t and All Ahis tf�ne thei rheu- feeding, Don't be too Inthnate �6xpect- ter of MzAne has durin fojall w1lo get no UOUAS11. Id church cl I due4., but - thei trap Was to recognition -operation. yo� - fat the, 0 ; ma make oft. so as to -avoid firmer :)r permitting t4e /Youn- few yews 600-000 when the sharP a ock the wretch were to But- . hold too cold, l who shakes- hands with 15 ' -pad out over Ound Of a kn matisin Was taking a, #wben I trades. Poo - d Robert If. I ket -chilled or weV a In hb* 11 rubles ($300.000 to sinal %r el had ceed in tea ower to upon my a., The' fact that" e6wa in'wX-titer are to start.'� 811Y set. ving the hOUSe he would an put uto execution the only 6er - animal, to Ing to find a doll t, the door cause � vi e which It was* in his p Vejoin, and I felt like gii has or- ment food. t �T( he Jets go. tfi MillAst-Ur Of. War c e !air. I lost the power ple, 1 8 ollte, to Ci atit the of., req er milked in close, uliventil, fed tables 1t may not be P loodL left Open io one rea-son why so when a -tr I -e so that the a bseace of light e been able. to rescue. of my limbs -aU X �-lj uch of., the ielfd oblige �ou by or a I get clearf oft. d to the man whom he had not I Ing up in deal d my kande got 60 delivery In the summer Of blooa,'is, §tarved b CM k. that Rober.t repr sianted. thef Justice to -could =6ely -hold'any change F� ilerl, 00 gun stocks of the wood an Diego to thin 1 11 .18 510.0 Jae forwarded to Ills benefactor a rinter made butter is .8 well CaXve ne. or viucq -of T a --dib i lihould not- cause� 1, and be had. not the right lbad thaj 1 20 ( to begin it is just of the Pro Ul who Go, the house was uninha n h to ted th di stin. at Diego, 130 It, is estim bited, an -favor. He looked, fixedly %um equal to that of which,he had I Itilling.. At this stageia friend, who with. and - ­ . ' / changing it bill, but efth6ut thiA eb had strong k 11)0'18' to do It 1k YOU Wa t your' at during thb Year �grant any n rio milking, it sonic -arth. o' es were Com- starvatim toned. -and sald sl6wlY' robbed. thinking In tbjs ay to m Pe a Iexperien 8, r, coal Robert it, Pink Fill balatim 360 000 rup %Zeak Th. door ope&ed. Yon have five minutes to M& without betraying J.-rFaoith -I� Dr. William low, ke bet! 1895 mor4rtban 7.4 is better - for 0, r t and make some- return alies be thrown ov, r the freshly volil an wants, but little. 1 pad -out to trade� �eoplo. employing And ndthing five SUPPI U mlnldtes, If a d rged me fluid exreanent,- there, M lanot willing to pay ikh for guished thel- atel)$ Of two men your mindi his Identity. This act was followed by I bought me ed or solid Ii Ut leas than -five afiststants each. hink, 0. w hic I, he well -UP. J Ot- b V�d- blo than cod-liver to fight, I obal felt an od heard: a bantering VoIC ces. and if Rob- ! o try. them. would be Its --------- star, you still refuse deplorable consequen called animal own recognIzed. Ad used-& lit- "It. -The March Century- n dbr Joh6 to blow" out Your brains ert bad been Able to see the n it 1 rhiprovement after.1 h odor in L the b )vcir-Root Tea Purifies thi� Scott P .61ELat irs Jolla!- elild Diego- �i� with th istol which he has- in his would have I)eeri'4 thousand times tie more than B� boxii and after us- Karl's Cl( a -.clear und beau - teed o r with rich RNSIO blood �nd jives' YIDIWV( -dog. 'he fishAt grown grey. my old sea hand , a6dpthe 6rder will bo ca�rrjed better If he had refrained, from per- lug thqa for a fe *bekS e '%Ve J r ter�coms oF THE ' ASU oil with t foods, th they- may returii them fi.TON. . , Qry, i;;�d recog i F, cod-liVer isure yolu,." plexin. tiful Cpm but I've a good- meal out, I can a fQrming It. 1.no, longer room to�do but this Is :. � ----4- - -e "Ve fag the to.us WP out. from that. SO YOU of nized you In �aplte of I John bent hi4 head. in sign of affirm- were- helping me. 1. 10fas taki good profits; The curiosity excited by this anony-" a-great4tax. Upon their system,s,. And W. H. Wade, Rector -KNOWN NAMES. taste Church WELL old �Tom'i t, Pink pljjg� in the' hopb* of finding re dorses discovered ation. Leading EP18FOP Ce ad a, mous restitution prompted this mos many/break down after a.few yl�ars ntj�snd SIAS LOUght the old ieiiGw'h o�2rt was so firmand cool that -1-liei frolh tile rheumat am, -but to my -htory 'is told of Archdeacon 5�h -the ly somewhere. 1R --honorable'. man to, Put himself on the e �feedmig and must be replaced. This. -4 Stowed awi t da . 'Dr Agne's vatarrhat Po 4 t, - r Denison-, A perplexed parishioner went SCOTT' 0%"E6 Wnemm;00L 0 D realized his P0,31ti011- One found thN the medicin ik abtlutj it. But -that of kill- track of the so-cAlled Loiseau. and &.�great Joy I make wonderful reco db-, chance only remained: I . coincidence brought it was not only'drivigg -this painful ma IT iscolial �liomlua- day and blurt- 4 plenty Wel must bAve a ta� to A leader.of'the Epi I w. Wade, to the vicar's study one what the devil gave, yon the'idea of I trig his adv, ersary. About tha ady from i Ut WAS: also 't CA C.0 most fata my systemi! -b t , Lu theii give that: - vigor. 3fr. Arcbdea is come to thig hovel -on said he, am -willin t tlils man was In the gar r their pk9genY which. will mire Of tion in- Canada is Rev,. ed out! 11 Why.- I bear. 9 growth In M3. of the SOensiOu- v you refuse to -bury - din- o has -away the con, as hoN making n Ot Xery wet driving rector of the Church den at Montmartre on the night Of C and It isn't the best SP r them good milk. producers ? .3i lichurCh No," replied thd arelidea- i m. K. D. Q. t I chooso the The result Was .-that afte h moo Beaters." 'Inform- K 'Pills a: guarantee4 jo CU night like thL to fight; but I wil the tragic, occurrence -which has just 11 Vh Plants, human beiiags, and animals Among t e membdre of thl is ICALI ro g business I ht0t*u�ed About a dozen boxes #)ly and for tro ! Pons.'.' e had capped ad exercise are -numbers of the con, "you-11ave been wrongly ilie� or ney retu"oed. E dIfyou will Wine UP- 8 1 people of' 0 1 , ')' Ltd.. New GlaVow. 118"tin 1r,11 replied rp� been related. A wrong clu Pink Pills I was completely cur,64, deed sunlight, fresh air a Robert- pointed silently tO tile wa capable of -in proper health ; if de� f"Ilionab IS: ed, my man. I jshc�uid really like to roc ble. Ahe mistake, and n N'. 1 7 S te st, eoston, 55 - )in' ul)stairs where e . , Ii reo- ver be. lers - and; sabres. lying on tile t. and although- a conkilerable me to keep them J�bciloved deed bury thdin all." R 12 J ohns causing a grave miscarriage of - jus- I- nied, iveakness follOWS There is u 9 Dr. more comfortable. Bilego,examined them, and - took a ve not ad a is fam ..h we shall be, tice. Robert's benefactor had been ar- has now elapsed, 1� to coddle oi;r cowls' ,too A committee has -been lormed In LIV- ong. But no foOL- eltb e -r io b1% nd m tendency d been Right sabre. charge of recurrence bt o beat Agnew,% Catarrh Powder, +h come ak t6rrible or the muc ool to raise funds for the -erection rested * On the erp old chap I I w Wflapon, and beat of ba th. F b, to. blanket -th the'.. od re- ewas used to the - enjoying the more than please ery. ell. -pocket that Murder, and if Providence did not In their stables,- and even to, tetherilig a has of a, memorial to. hirs. Felicia, Hemans, I've got, a; dog in my often handl.ed one, on tlie Calinan. and enligh. ten the magistrate help my statement May b at pasture. Mitch bf this suits obtained. e ature who was born in -that City in 1-793. 7, grows barks and bites at the same time, a" than once in his btotlier-in- tervene fish, I -a glad . to dd my tes- them while be, . More man pe in only 'too en-sudh that ovor:his own I nn!s Church, Dublin. -hmahL that knows how had Le#ced with an innocent tiMony tG the L long Its of woudeflul. is a mistake, and is not. called for, he_ the;' �i Her tomb in St. -A 4 B- k an Irlb law's presence- Ife to re- has frankly said to le of oZdH igh ends for is marked with a small stone, and a UN Robert, had not. -at any rate, which we N S zo-use his list&,, . a . mine, hat have been evein for the Ii good tol. Morgan-, ures, such as med Robe Click of a pis iid, had -had PrOat'll- h1rusbif with- 'having- hMtat- c Drs Williams' aim� Canada that the 14Z e ted 'by her brother in St. hat is tablet tree To i, adftt Rober'A, cin the other ba Ind -wrought by the us thing, and gives he kelieg- I g the iword, ed at this Fall Calves aulbsist. largely - upon I flii Asaph's C& le with the,,small E in in the claimed for ite , . ; in 1 ' hrough the I -Ach lit- -thou the sound of 8 Vco was made up at once. - Pink Pills. &n7- ' ilk, and take but little roo . almory of FeILCLM Hemans, 'Pilic'se' atalm "He determined before here is more time in the one hort puff of the brc - .1 some' pr� TbJs kr at nIneteenth in her -v all, were It bottle best Diego. appeared. )r 'i ly 6 all shed; and t character to 'ty crisis. His in L A I '-C teps; ascendin weigh thediaf to ingerlbed but ha no It was cur a portrayed followed h le the at the pe disordere'd pr winter to -the Blower, sui)plied with The door opened- It in tere ril of his own life, to save Ono, in; John entered at d little to him tury mod cineg 081 ention. They. Paddy his wish.- that God should dech stly aCeused * troubles arlsi from !a give them att fa , Ca owderi Writings." ,one Its -after" him. him who, bad been unju 0: the biodd, or shattered- Will be ready for the spring pastures of Dro�b Agnew over tRiteArfaCo T11E HARMONY DIV last and BhUt the door combat. but although h6 had made up bi; weak state: -the diffuses this powder over t. .- - P 0 W g at the end, Of the . - 3- you aro: Mellng weak or and progress from and D standin oat and Carl make good Diego , tool; off his* f! Robert nd the, laid placed 1;imself in position. He mind to oacKifice. himself, he could not nerves. D - %Vinkadii- -Pink Pillsact, start, -and . enter the barn n the of A116 nasal pasiages. Pa le men -ma levee ji, suspended from fully ds who had assisted -deprease r. to use, It �en min- , However wrang ng war room.: a i, -to get full benefit of delightful -Or Ingling discard ja%r and war Ur etarril. J; 00KV ed-� for U c the, ceiling left him In the ahade. Diego with Is back 10 the door' allow the. frien as.. a ompt tonic, and It, fierlousl'Y f011 agal THE BEST FRIEND had not seen lifin. stood h consequentl� film.to allare his fate. dy can so . promptly solid, ations- tVera , provid tes, and perm"entlY e, sore -God's SymPh011y- etirnal, SALE IN QANADA� 3.1k UsPIcVjuA glance around. -wbich* 'his . adversary Accordingly, it was necessa liay lever, coids. head 60 udered u ainded)- and rest a, you: tW healtli and -Strength.. thoull. throat, tonallitis -.auld dettl 8 A law-enge Ha -cast a r faced. find means to get John Slough are re- Of- aune, tly to JOB: v tfici, alves tucapable of I and tirning abrug to lose.4, he said Robert told John to. take On ay, -'and--- genuine Ilill SprIng c Tjiroughout tke universe I've, no time against I Paddyicassan out of the f7up, until 0 bote's, the wrapplar celVing much. benefit. from grass the -eents. Each with Its. song oupernal. lirldea station himself round, wo den f - your business' and key, and to It, efore giving. hlmsel full trade -first season, because for some t1e'a M 18!j LVA -Booru� d e -no ?UPII roughly; "*tell me r old the wall near the window. He made w -a - 'unit. -,which bears the 9' The bamony 1*111 Plan' value YO� were In safety on the other / wilijams" -Pink Pills for ter birth the ruminating stomach is win - speak quickly- It yuu them both swear not tO­ move, what- they t mar] Dr.. ummer f ii.l Jsvation concelved.by heart ,of mortal man side of the -Channel. Robert did L no between T�, Nw OrAtU18810ner 6 lraople.` Do tkdt be persuaded Undeveloped.. nd Disturbs its order spi6did; NY THEM. OAK TH' ever ba�pened- made- the fal.W-4 Palo 4 . - OR DIRECT c4reass ' i I . - ' aring files, the thl A rosy �he huiqTfng jeais: revol!Ve, FROM MERCHAIRC Roberto took two steps and appeared Then ohe thro orf- his coat ind i lose an instant. He - to take'some -,beat and. the peat, n, Ffir as I FPGM US. IMAT)JI.0111JEfREE. 11 ful Jolin yrrite- to one ot his old in time. of -daiat notes'diisOlve liskinned creature has a sorry In the fu ard. a It,- but under'na3urial conditions most Miss Eva Booth, the 101111liest The most discor Fuchsi.s, assorted 50c. tlIe- coat sim� L�to been -so c. ad Put- on a Bailor's stood fon his gu rades At Whitstable- who, own er ended. ses, ever-bloomi;i, He , a- body leaning slightly forward, for r Ball- LrrTLE daughter bf General Booth�L In triumph neV they 'he wore On boat which was famed RAGGARTS. of'tbem come In the ie Saiva- - ood, .. 500. S -W to that W, his ar halt ox+,�u4ed, and holding lug qualities. She vras to le Eng- Stryk President, of should be taken appointed Commissioner oof V-6 Canna Bulbs, tis'd,for Zoe -a V in t,try'the call J4 ith Of A -S Mofithretias, pretty,. 50c. tad cut Off IIJA whis, - Dr. M. In the dz YL forces New- �ir�Edwrd CholmeleY ou v -nVX. 110 1 ppepared to IaAer thaA* the tkoft Arm I n C a In! The d& Y4 to the A, L od his his. sabte,ai6ft, Diego land on the, recelptt 'of the- or, and gry the from the -mother not. eted. a ment- fo And, on abandoning for o a de- t(31 this at as firlit 4310, the third ment in 1830, -when aind, livery. he had puflon his act on - the defftSive. He Wa cruise -about near Boul Q. jough Hamilton College, k for undland and Northwest -Dering 111110 lu-Ull, ulacli"s Bulbs, mid.,50C. 411t ? ven'full mil he JAY and be g -SW.!Pt-Pe'as,f0ll-30LVar.5qc. be, gradually aves liv- 4OQ9 Wirttlowc;ol..zea�ch footman's termlnod. to leavd nothing'to Chance� *as confident that hJ Instructions otheir day In an ad0reas before two wee�is this- may, - This information.was fla.�) ber of Parlia 'Wexford, le U old exImselou as to draw Robert Into- Club: e - braggart zadquarters'of thi rmy by 'was returged for started back. and thrust . his Ills'plu w would be faithfully c e weakened with skim -nillk. Until. In Toronto iL from LQudon, last in the �vy and ShowoGeranium 10A iad wh oat M Diego the lull light Of the lamp hanging I the voyage from th hames to Bon- spirit Anywhere e ka more- only the latter Is e Genera men assage 063, is absjir . S me little t Ing �only h Cole6s, anetta-Vine qui. .the rla (it Is 'th Warm, House 0 Mexican Primrose, Fuebs-a into the pocket of his list he -himself re- roulcled of Chl- one before thli P� 4.� but froin Jersey milk seems so �$ overedat ceiling, wh time. schdol-9t I tj I ut me- evening,, and was received ot 'the Reform Bill -in 1882- trope &TradesuintiaZO hand I logne dern d d e little, b your to grasp his -pistol, He' Roberl an( eIVJize cago) *ere diseu - clothes. tIL rich for th, '0 Salto "their the delay'. The e calf, full feelings ot gratification h4d tdme tp Invel Is at mainedAn the shade. utl n. _too old resident ne saw through It. lovely W Msa Booth formerl abefore he. f t ei an who was sjlve a, dress,' said one, y 6dl ihArge of ehael O'Neil, -t. Job d `izedl-tits at -in and -But Robert arreq% o he herons In -to church �tfr theruidng. indigestion. 11 ofthe Mr. Mi mIked Into the idke ha L Be 3tg ngr., .1 Robe] rom, him. feigned L to� attack the liead,_hnd. dur. I suffeting In Lee was - recent d and I am going td r it mm milk coutains all.the ele -the'work in London, Eng ot Port-HOP0, t*m the, weapon f 11 , pooh. another, . appolatmed;j I In the fit"of insan- ng thei parade, spr - his friends. sunaixy,, I Pooh -11 said and most important ington and dro;��ned himselt'in a Ab.: if txap!" aid the cowardly' I on 1 enough to p to -%ke ang . quickly nknown nelt ments of fiiii milk but the ; of -a meaeW side. R be t sup redued byvarious methods - I,ve a now. ba:t, d I'm going "to re that can be made up in arn&, but at time Ity. scoull already pa,10 with terror. fThe L two adversaries OUtF toying. said a third, nt to 8 PRU 10D PAID FOR -DISTRIBUTING drel. were tb.en I I I 10 ,r, I wear it evi. Mees. The beat of Boothys resignation 81 Send 6c for 7,001 Paddy I" n ving- that thIs7 nn 13ry day.' with cheaper oubstj Hot aid. &Re- Q bi f washing fluid. p. my brave outside the c1rele of 1'.ght.. iGeorge's not be ndised 4 I,ve got -he f Coal AW es o mlsadvp ture should -Cqhoes, here But In abro�o. Before libergtft an innocent 0 a- -charge bad big back"to tbo� window, art dtedasC anyway I'!' tlax seed, which the -Uni o ta'r rary stead -of coming to big these, probably, Is I Zrril tes Scott, t, against the- father should be- boiled - until reduced t i. there untit the the Irishman had loan whilst the. Diver's- Costume- WiLs be- to 'save his Ii A, missioner Booth Tuoker. It coming springtimle his arms. ma�/ he took measures T1 LIDS - A 14 INTEN sm-al - quantItY- stirred d with C!, ti ]a position began to doLwil hind Diego.- . The conditions- had b6- repu a on, RT WSEASE and i an! wall and folded, and.he was successful. Into the milk At each feed; oil Meal here will oe'lialle t by $175 A YEM�I vzo. V011bi, look. me. Diego threw -a frightened come more equal. Tho soon, Came is chadper. more easily obtainc�dt and Saivgtioulsts generally, will bny. a good 100 time . very nother witildlit ifiterest, i, in Towtishvet upon him. He a At� W-ith tram ttro Minutes he had goes nearl appointment Fj e buildins turded ggeradtically ag well. look TO om. and At the end of o repair to Boulogne. The Whit- cept Chas. U The Wife of -high 1 0' ard for aught, in 'a trap received two cuts -on the cheek and r- Y eare Good feed I devel- 0 A calthy coniffifion I stable boa -t- wits standing off the or Beart 14, Merely enables the pro fol the General's ApplyatonccltO. *Olt c ofdng- a great Cured I - wo k h round like Dist se of Fon the possil the Interest h a shoulder, is ndon seeking. 001 olidulder. He was coast, ind Robert's woun - do were In of �Illtles In. Am 9111 9. of the Ont. Her Place(, himself before the, deal of blood, and he felt that big a fair way to heal, HI S�vdlng Dr. The go DE kidii'e Atnew's Cure for; the PlIment by no Outfe -nevdr producas a change In his stength would soon fall him. d by f -e John had He do-, mal, but od th -or characteristics. ARMENIAN ASSACRE Into termined to mak d G9 0%-" ohn whiefi he barred with �wbeh had been.vgrievously orm BRADSTREET35, v4 ore an end. ---Sydney, N. always-& dr4mtion froul -'n by an Armenian cow in heavyp misdolds , -ide all precaution Iteted dalry wri#e suid still causL could over four years a Country roadways Conti fe -agat body,. F3Cape was impossible: aand Ali Diogo�s sabre h I in. much Mrs. Chas. Muggei.! 1 was aff compound of the nst afl A les of' D18908 twitched. It .-Cattilig a palu;t:ut, if- need were, lie For good breedin Of h' dime sa, -guard -y- Gla&tOnO, F.ranws go an d6rse&b and the distribution Sombroch; ever 5W only Ing a Method, cutting and thrusting India hIgh-quallties which Ar that lady. ll) 00 that he, was mak on. big bear o Journey. with severe heart tfduble. Smotherlug IR, nt was pla Ftin outat 25c; order ------- in threw himself witiled. leet r*, notwithstan M himself. A erlininately. he en and sueeftsful . dairying, remalus--olo force. to ffie. great effort to control -had put enemy,! He cared -little whether" lie h h two frh ds, In choking sonsatl0ins, 8 le were. Ing prine'P'" In summer - freight - rates the' ill� nci&ntal sleep. q)ER ID &.LOGAN. Lnda�n-i Atered ort m - ex( hot, 6 the without Ac- my sympt4 partiq 'tored constantly, seoffn& afterwards be )rge'os order himself to see to their saf6de-- and ankl6s. and path; In -left 914 !ept, like a-ficeding apple, She trns cg as be kil I led 'Ge( rrived Out . to be ood ,by Mout;real- and Toronto j1 her Manner, OlUM4 of whol' bus emy The wretch =8z fact bad , .-W I A M I Olt Xu benefit, atild In M I H F and a forced re. They a )me. I ddc� something 9 -v season. e A FAR ot cause' cident At Boulog de chance. niodetate betten one th N stalle, played on his IIP -4- nAme and- say the . prospect once This -furious at -tack did n evening !the -fugitives her spalred of ever agaiii being well. Dr. STOCK. 4n sales whole- canuft -to- expwt9d,- but the bIRg9st mann m ap- Iinecl to try crafr U. was at, No Improvement dster]3 ta Robert, Diego to Ios of te by psin by thow ho had Re his self-posoSsIdO Ithin gun r We Heart, my vaXiety -h and lie walked up Parr e broke. and on the shore At Portel w Agnew's Cure to Ay - astonishment it �Is doubtful -if U %is houses Is reported fro ittax M mvAe b#Abnts to -da -y to � made morc ging. the-illoe, h -to 1 61 U re dull biliverware. WAbIPwar% Was-*= been wall. 'ghot of the boat which wan to rescue lafffi tried and e to the .-U. & hDIdIng out Ilia hand. ack against the holir. L I have more profltabi ton and prod haudId Aour Wilut you, my - poor BlId V1 said placed his b -thela. - gave rolibf Inside or- n do more money for where provis 9S Coffied Stereowopes slid VIGWA Several timeo -oid- fah- nucl I Violin oatIMLFho 11)"x4ml ren- 4 already Robert fancied' was enacted a touching now used three b6 alp com, =pe: or - has ma. In the WIces low. Advtm fro New- be, in a viijee Which he trie4, to blood There "lee... and the Pa" thi Joe favor grant - He saw the last in this long. cured. IN40 can use him In This breed, dl Vwd. ealing I t are;i e 4 09d for raw -too by what mirdele. re ho.had, touched him. -scene drama. pietely tomed Amwl&ih 6rluo. n aV, t nn1peg# DODD posed foun der com] --unbat4tid, kiijig down his face And chest. able k clearings 4,,TH9 QUEEN SILVERWARE tric -and Paddy heard with despair strong langa a InY onimbudIng this merino, Hamilton,., Mont Lf , . 3 :�, . , j4n -417- this, world?" Jcihn reiiif� --To to said you still in iurdeier was wounded. to Ature are from the E;paatsb -formed tilat miraclep The; u i that rage 49ed the Robert's determination to give himself ltmedy.,'M Its powe as. been so Improved by Careful work Q, near - God. W110 POI t t truly )wOuderfUll" NgIven me LL II In 1his turn. that -It Is now- thorou the ly�6 ter -,Wfit- Jew th vlous .,Blbn, and I it *68 them up to jus lee They could not undera -g]IIY adapted to Hdiff"'amOul Diego, bw wretch; and, negidetLug I an t it to! $1645 11 it th&J L summoned Robert, stand the honorable druples,aild - t nite,- And well SlAted to p uvre Kidney to 'lull to defend him prompte the eU week and allamt, 1 . er AND THEY �AUGHED. IV was oelf.,he rushed On T generous feeling -which eedw of the sheepra cormmespo week that 'in 1he one4f lb*bift In a oour Y 'Ineis fall. you here the -other a �than Can- vbew-tem* what MIS ilke &'wild beast terrible struggle for their master to acc6ptlhe respgusl Ltry schkj�i, d Ti*rei is' such a mug as feeding In ir e*ldg elther for wool Or' Th b' As a a year 0- est bloodpuriflio ry for he was There i bility of the bloody -deed at Montmara�. were being ex- lambi; and t quar- household Artleles ver- inveRw. Belli oalil he. once While a, closo of bd$s ato, -781 for the elon the space W hall & MluutO- r- re' au% aum r �9 anauy recovering,�-1�111 Dieg . A had .9-rSAped his sabre In both tre, and they had only consented to�' am1nod by the insl*dtor - on the diffe M'Uttou. 11' for -W9101 only, apastu 58i Ifl 'the to that they- stifficient;'but wheu tor.agralnst I ear -t and flit only_. W YW W089, b#4Wmuat^mi" euveo" 4son demand fly becituse: they thought a. diet is gener I- - h&ve-a retkoulug SO trying. to cleave his t kinds of Wood, bfie, little. Chap. wA with total itabifflulf of $5e On and was the last en naIn.- the 0,1,1895. forrepl* -ACtilrbso handiii -T - eelmen (a for mutton� 00 )Ast year. 'WORK% . but, theL 'Wo Were could persuade Robert at ked to name tha or an '59�000 agat 's neau -F - as 7 no$4,258, -from YOU. fell moinent to egeiPO with them to ng for -good mut­ .. �,VNTAWO PLATING --do, - with adversary L I - iIf it W11101- g1raluL' thing to -and the blows held t I Absol.-U-te Cure f6r. has any ualovtun- almost touddug. land., Wheir"the momentto bldfare- Of ftiahogany linbomead la the ou've chosen att not not Inspector,13 hana. r- he little I it r di tit d Th6re.19, -till at* M, 'John -could III porn 11104" y 2ULTMIeGO. 'well arrived boor for )w� for rizi oil k r &Mr uoberra blade had become fixed be the moment, Bd of hU c. -tile U funds. and 11 question the LWL'jl &U&- bin alldiny'a left little, OIL our operation#. on'the I wam useleos- to him- a he cried, failing At Rob .Yoff rmm 9 wound mu, and come, 4gaingi-`1116 ert!s feet, 11 in G6d's namet cont6w that, wo no felt DIWWA whav *ers WW to whil"t 7011 rt