HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1896-03-27, Page 4Ce
7t h
-00urity. Tri4ay Ma:
ucknow-ri ,
rhe L
point of'& revol to"tako their qath the higbeit 6126. The pWc i
0a the matter, not even exce- the horse trade has been oaustd la -
sick'girl, lying in bed.- They were over-preduction. From 1885 till
there for twohoursl and some of -thiain was. a perjod of expansion, in.the orse 111y
e -
were sG drupk� that they had to be world. Breeding, b6th in the V -o an i TleaasllreL _-mO -pui I hed bfore r ff-ig
card d away. One mart fell into the; States and Canada, was
well and aluother-iato the c Ifflar, while th e requirement of thei m ket
Prices were good -and that stimu tea
ustai", Fiel ' d was told to leave many to rush in orr, r"
nt audit .... .....
and PRIN S
another was.th ' over the bannister REoruPTS- to hors&breqding� -in ebes. were started in the wes I To - , ia 7
town, and'pronlised on his knees to ]Rar I - ..,. - ........ 7094 06
s she thous*ands of mares put igto bre ing send his daughter away as soon a TT ited
felt The i�c of horses in the U ExpENDITURE.
got better. NIuch gympathy is BOWMAN,10an
for the re' The n. -law
ns per year. - e a 613'-20 0!�
exceeded two millio here sonable. Relief"and t. ..........
'by the Gove:rnmeent re .............
Shown urns, IFIRST-CLASS HORSES ANQ RIGS. Road% and, B J26 24 -
look into the matter." Prices *R' I,xis Ileudt tea y -d- Salaries 1111,11h, coffill-lisgi n;:
was -no incre arket
child should States for some, of these yea ADA31 ilsed demand; �he 4
Rigs delivered to ny ptirt of t 77 -5Q it.
Aucriol o'Wn ..........
wasglutted, and ther —we now. Jisce uleous
result Irs* tl�d 64 05
office and Staittes justSouth of tilldre
Postage, prllfilig V.
Mr. John Purvis, auctioneer, will J44 80
Carriage W(Wk.
portato,-etc. ..........
t he. 61in
Rat e.s. es
attend the followin- auction sales of
DIIED pire- T�oanty- 1725 78.
1 3 2-102 07 -tter
at the e n er
March W h4d be vahie in, t
farm stock and implement CAME- make ari6til .............. ...
e Therb are other v
on S*ud acY, tichocol�ect
place's.and dates below mentioned 21., Duncaa Came -11, ged 76 yea nat-. intluffing, eign-And C knadian which he pre -bought'.,,b bte le
ive room,
-Ve of 1,oebb' i Setitland intV havin
e'r,-12 con. Culross, -on d -the .$7221 99 we ha
Ja,3. Said ase cop% - excelip-laf results,- Totli expen-diture
asome wl�- .......
BORVIb not, perative exf d .... .... ...... .1 Bahmee ongi
Dingwall, Sex.rlaud, p-ap.er ple. -we q6re sellim.
Thursday April 2nd 1896. U collefet- -o 361 33 nk i#.them ver
been -used in and #ith this y
con. 9, q, on the 2. th O'Llut Will 1T
ss. aL lot 1, co, XPE accouiit� of -the rei�eipls. I JIM A0V
Roderick - Gilles, lot - 18, Kinlo, 1891
I E, exantined the tri -i but
(.f Warch. the wife oi Mr. 11. Ross e
wishing 1p f Elitiloss, and clos �
Any person litV of tile To%%,nsb
-on Friday, W 'I
-1pril.3rd., 1896. E I w.do' i �k no lo'ng C edit
Khilws, of a daiighter. er's sale a�d of tile I I 6nicipal
;d t Its and 'in ic
Donald Rosf 1ing pr ich com
i lot, 9 con 8i R. D. MARWED work, should select one of tf -port the- o, rect wreoring he' Mr-tt Ashfield,.on FridAy, Mardi _27th. d i at quick
inst.. t the f ts for 1896, an F -On the 5th � I . abZ)%11' Abstract Stateint.
McCeuE--LEc ;i,cordance'witil the
o funas.to men I we have
M, m five per e. td P. ese.
E_ D reid-nee of C. W. Sharpe, Nu. - a
W. Eaglwon. lot 7, cart 13, ctor-6f his, choic 19Eh iruary 1896. M sot cash. Fox
-Rev. Hugh Pedley e. ated (hi -4 d4y (of
on N,1onday;.March 0tb. and p!kag hee�vv
Mlifield, bythe of St. 1`3111. Minn., 'to, Aisi, Belle d accord- for gaveral thousi FINLAY MICTIN .1 i�uditors
Cure, spec�al line of, G
an requir- ready been receive ani
sf receive
Leckie, of Winn Peg. mited, thos
-may OF PICTOU X. S.4 e wh via
-vrarlll arif
PRES9Y ofilf6rtabl h and
x p s
he d c st of obtaini
pn second the sure
Tiie resolutio!, Of attel mort- -��eoT 1
I �;egul4r pric
t ------ ant to ma second. 0hoic
Prasliytery of pictou. Tt. It might -be well or! e t S --lo to 18c er
hands -k of -0st could not be grante C1 of the Ctiet 13c.
nd for sale, the ya-Ir bur -pape is w-hilei, thdy-
e ning in; �fo ead
bytery on th' 23rtkinst. struti Dns � for
fiLlt cheap t "mb
uron, A�sh-* cont PAYA 8 Go s1- 'Oeme I by L)i-. P -11 -le ships -he eger i3nt selected for D! s q
e( . -,d
11 . form on. which to,report � t FOR AN - . - I � V a -k W
cun.7_5 XRWAS
est St
e Si and'V ock, ii -i town.
nt to e Meby, the largo.,, nglish-and the work, will be se
!I arl-T DIP .
the fe Compa"Y� mtipter, at the time
The Prt�sbytery �5
IXI�!. li� C_
all. cla E3 0..
Li be se
Pr P t-'-' , .
the Preib the seeds aie forwarded
tf t -y of 11 al Coi- No I experiment -will
Utz- for st
cel6brate, !)n the 16-01
s and for. -each 'of the
isterial jUj)'1vL Of till
10 a.m. to Parti ul: r v1Lrie#es T ..'�L. Y
ander Sutherland, at Riplt�yl the. Pre- mail.
0 a'
s all tfie kinds i
rrT f I
alld W their eep, t;f
o Irk 5. U
devvtedne-�is wiLh lie - -d iti 50cs I ------ I 1f M4111%91�FA.tributed ar tlime wIll-h I-
�A this part of the Lord'-- Vineyard d1ur- Lour yeats' of his TAH HARRY D -Sol
AS. 6 Agent fdr EUCKE owi
ing the first t
In the sprmg everybo-ly-
ministry for tweaty o, which lic was
this Prestytery
ment6ar expects to appear it'their'
-their high esLiuiatiqn Of the value of ISHOP
1 1. 1 L . . -,O-v 5
ad6red to tile cause
-the ser viues, h re ave
v, ut that impa SMA
1 the niaeces in hu 6 0 .
beist. Our, new-stocr. cont ins
rtant. period of �z. RT.
of Chris -MR. G.
the ChurcWs history. They would ies afid. children's f4tshofil�bl
in sincer&-desire a
f6otwear at law 'c been fo McCLUIRE I -ALLOT also express to hi * their pri (1118. who h ;3
mud earnest prayer, that in the the Merchant_ lori- g.- E
.0 no'
ap glassed, Sho thie past ye,'Ir,
ft A in t fl
in of �Lis dmys� he may enjoy in still tablis"WeDt f Wiill to nriti(V tnOir rna�y custQm and tkoL purchasing :
Men% ail -Boys- era' Nq some ver -0.
largr measure, the tokens of 'the ck,_
p.roval of our Divine Master, that he Hig4 es Stfiwart for tiblic in. aenei,al, it oil
may stll be permitted to serve God in "Our now -stock is dompj�te.- has opened out a
an ir all s�h as CU�TOMtAILOR SHO�-
ng w
His Son And�_-at leDgtk It Combine
be numbered -amo those ' ho, hav- 'S ay 11 Kf
the minis _ try. -of and also a full line of d -,Id Kond March- 30th., 18
ing tdrned Many to
bn.-,iness system of sellin for cc6s
the lwiW dopt
na as the stars for ever e I SME Y
t shall shi and good 1N invite skci ROOMS OVRR.W.� COMIELL. t -yur -%v n as-tbe find our
ever. tention to 'o'r-'ihe 11 ieits a call e only.: Afte th. s ill be Rpow'. n wi A b' &ret a suit
J' X MACNABB, andsol G shing,
011 fine'Oifords. 'itizims of Lucknow and 8111-
Lacknow, Clerk 00ERTA
ry en to- (late prices are oi. r6fitmarmn In March 24 '96 Presbyte M 'sand, Boy's Heavy Wear rounding cotiptry . I - a ee small
nd -eve'ry liro gods- will be, ke t - fresh tip P
these lilleg
we to
of' ll Kin 8 and -it o- ofit. Goods
it ere Oustom Work
�t ere
AWFUL PREDICAMENT. so' i the, b ne�Ver n a posaition to 0'vel, you
promptl_y cutod and t
under a Harm. t
A at the
r I
altbouh there it-, d- -,?don
rea onable
. _e
Awins man sMnt sixWen lacurs better V lueg than t ady be'towb' T
ent, TS &PRESSI a
1he following -thrilling story is from vanee of from ten t' fifteen REPAIRING, MEANINC&PRESSI
el. er- hail
111 a b assor
the la 11,thesO cro or specialt
a t and we
Hemldt per cent o 6ttet
iluotafis fis You can n-
tes� number ot the Manitoulin ods iav al ug h
We. Many arb the dangers to which tra� for
never in the history &f Algoma ha e jo of the bou� ost
the mllt_ [I'
e- ice are exposed, but. have them at old -price.,;. We =Mimi
velers on th
a would ask the p op Xtheta sttcqi ght fro�m
S G24
obtert McCartney It ra,
_R wherry e d !:k traviller had -such a thriling exper ence Slifko
Bob). McCartney left� for Ki arn A C)
us a call and g�t pric6a.before ey 'in' a blinding now storm and" when PUrChasinuj as we -art-, con�
ine- 4
We the front th e on witb
,lin o
-hoi� you
half �ay there lost his wa and ed we Can. show you
a was, for ail save oil every.pair. eb i� selection of cle.ined
bout t tunately, found by a. man who C
I had been cutting ice- at Squaw'
and ta
made CILOVE-1) ken into Kil THY 8
his miudthat he would not Yours truly, .-4/' TIM. EEID'
where he in- J -u- gon to Be%verstone T GUE1
n the camp and THE CAS11 SHOEI�11T. AND ALL KINDS 0 F
tended to work i
astarted for home Thursday morning.
Wht fbr�?
sfook the road -and was heading
He mi TO FARKE 1�ecause it OaYLSave. Your 1i
and. fluding i" d, Ga. e Oe
fc .
for Manitowanig, Fi e'l d I rd ]a d h
ad tried to find
ed a N EXCELLENT OPPORTNITY L i-.13- the ba-r6m_ eter that indica�cs
mistake he turn io- �!' L'
ch he -is now atforded to farmers -wit small
roa xtended to us last -season -,�vas'
the d to Little Current, whi Th6 pati-ciiage e
the _,te of your health by r
nches, wit,
did by wading through slush and snow capital who desin to obtain improve I farm �ts
or stock ra It ir ation, haildings -s aijdcolors.- -most liberal aild w6 41"Isk a'continuance the s -me
Albt-ra, North
Both he and his horse For example? this se
w�ist dmp. and fences in the'Distri t f
-y reached7 the West T itories, on e erms.,
t The r�isin- n
were- tired out when thf ern asy
orses, sheei>, and p1gS 18
of borned cattle. * h ell, a pojntt�ed tc-mgm indicate -s
eside rapily developing in the DistAct. r OW
road, and he had to, walk along b t
irri tati.-)n and disotder i. the SL 07- CASH PAID OR BUTTER EGGS A AL 01 fo of the
sed -uly he stumbled and answer enquiries (address)
y h o
Being baffl- u wheel
his hoise to keep him on the t IL f urnish informi dion or We ha
rack. The undersigned-;Rdl ach ai d baw Secured contr
1%� The full b NV.Oceep-in' sto'4k,Ogilvies' G6deric F1 ur w I a s.
H.. W. C.'NTEYER a rotid ton--ue snows w4nt ISO �fbii we 'knovrn makes of high grade
Calgary N. 11 T
fen; the horse falling on his legs and of -iroper elig"esti t
-1 1. ve ac, ion. fu I I -was. upply of Fe d
near Strawberry -lighthouse. Lucknow, 1%lar �th_'95 tongue of acute , _ .1 Im -I I e
lower part of his body he
�.e -dry, pinched tobgue
The he horse fell qS
road was high and when T!ie fissurd tongue prov infiaxz-
its feet were higher than its body and nj ry ANDrUM
aciion of the.. I . - I - I
itcould not get up. Such a position
Camplooll St. -East. GRAHAM'S B B
A dry toTyuc is cvidcncc that �he Rt LOOK
as this was terrible. No help co' Ila' i cstincs carl�ot 'do
as there was nobod
grot y within
bec ti've work.
miles. The horse in struggling
of te tong -tie is no re -
to get. up was ma
i-aemper4te cating and L'ririk-
worse, a� he only- slip�ed farther dOwn GOODS HOU
only making tters being buried farther" I
and McCgrthyL was! n
to -n- WEA It
-"h `Stot ue ShOW5 a eeing his da'ager The Original .--,C -e i
under the ani
he took nife with a broken
out an old k Lucknow.
not more -than an inch long bio-, rt is g cl ngcr signal
blade rctl tong I gen Ily, _�Eve
Th' c, er4 III supplies for the springArade, i fi ne.W- anIt]
osej and 91
with this he cut. the hames lo iry,
rop of dry, -S acid,
Ow d oix
-i4, the shortness of, o 1 ! I
battered the horse ec h
e of these he Ult S. ad
I wit"n G th
ss C Q'p' seasonable.
-ainable for preserving Di nc".' in&, aites nery S -
over the head until he killed it. Now m*l fruits obt
'd ei. of -Ahc nefvc
at &S
off, -as he could not last fruit season most of the ladies find lies cas
he was little better
crea Me ipoistu ho s th
andi re W
intli his old rusty knife, commenced donsequehee,"find- a' large cen. 5. srt, w as a RANGE FR"
de' the, animal. line shot R FTLICES
get out from uu r He, their stock in this Extre oor and- Wall Paints and Oi
co Id- ,ing demand for dried fruit$... It is not- versd, ff IL
-to cut- the horse open so that he , u
C ne -A
e. succeeded to a generally known that dried - -fru' s _are. Be -Y'our o,.m doctor. F-xamjn -.,.,.Lab 'sti and in +
him up. - H ?% C. Tot$130a
lighten, e rable for your t'-Igue. it v,-*,, a
but could not get through resentedinth most, dasi n 5
West extent, they an bp obtainel and xL, ezl-;'er r -r not did
t to s
himself. properly pr 10 0 �t )e strien ath, fo fo les. -A fe
an- d consequently i; as -in: which ou are in, con fon aiid see our
He lay when epared -and , oked t and spring-wcafl." ch all am:�
the backbone, Un in all the late4 shadles. Tripple 09 white,,
to re nti
able 9 t the Vou ar'e no , - t I t - _-^Q+.,-r-nnomica:1 To t a MIC)4z � �qjv C
tfierethtough-the long HUM -4
vor o4t. 6f- these s 6-as-oraiay s tAk& 3--ou- do W -hi. ful'-f 11-1. �secqilft nana J[1UU1$5 all 4�u JA
1, for -his life until, 10 full value and go,
must e brough t u
0 th -an olor yo want'
iAght fightir e at' by 115-inq
--they. b bAck t Con I;tion at-_
com it C5 2.,
same -in
n Ong. On thej ''Varn
V when -Capt. Ed. fraitg Lead, �V'YCLL
I eclQ,,k the ne:0 da , .-the Brown, iii-ne-somethi g near the di* ion est a 'd -SI71VD
ie who drives ,,v RIE
stage, and Job Noble came al ishes and
Mack' v -were wh;dn taken from th trees
neiknd foui3Ld- him. Ta do this the water' which w- as SCOTTIS
theirway to Killar
be re laclid larg 4y by ON IJ NI) At
There vqeteq
igbt -- m
He� w 'a Most P I ly' kept. in. a "fira-clasr re,
and ev(rythi
as pinione soa ing. ng usu.a �rdwa A,
he lay saturated witl' blood d ki This fruit can then be cook- F,
i 'hort -ti rue And when the re -
of which eA in a's
M -ed at -U111
-APA RILLA s a low pricu h
the carcar RS
under the horse.
t, to almoat ex- quisite a%mount- of A'u(rar has 1.)een added store qati be purch".1
pieces, -$1.00 Per 7arge bott
was al
cu Would' will. give as delicious IL dish of f Uit a%
d and --in a short time S;xall teaspoonfiz-1 a.Aose.
iin-dead. Mackie pulled the it is possible to prepare and ii you will
an oap eus tke Alit.
have be i � YA 0 R
e the'Post of thp'flnisbed p De 04 W
e.01T him -a,nd got him in't") figur'
Ve appen
dead hors
ly fe,% cents 7
age and took him into- Killarney, yon wilLfind it to be on 106
_1 O.NT
i his st d a few- rep a �T. -7.
nd. -N
attent- per pou eipts.: CKNOW,
-e-ive t A mi
d he kindest W _XXIM,
where he r-ee
j fully recovered
ion. t -A-TV0
Today he wa
Inde- of lyintr Appricotg! SCHOOLS
1�bml experie 01 St6wed Baker
file owner o �A
hours pinio&d under a
t is certaial TO One pound of the fruitw,whed in
I y your, it mAt
slush ftd snbw Tbewit'is to when get 1 wo 0
in th at ixaters and drain4 add tbre& HE- .1-�G" �N
ft hig terrible and Confectioner,. I A m � � A
I 'wft�,ph or clock
B '0 R
4Ce it- in
P the T
due to the animal heat of the se
w to soak- make yourid etiq i
-i n - - .1 . - - - to
Pints of cold -water Mid allo !j� I.Of -tipgJt r(paired 'to li� the place
D�aler Q TNED I
6uly 'eld out so'long. all kind P.11
horse that he h of -the U1 skilled workman Leads them all
24 hou rs then lei them nimmer gently hands
one hour in same water 'they were PROVISIONS
kxroceries� can, E GLA ME GRO
Qanned Go ds, is yQ wiA by lay 09
you find. Tl
horse breedin
br"inking-it to t
new bo,) G I h ivlp In is 0 0 Vwllug 0
The.-PrOSF18cts for soaked in: keep closely c6vered a few -
e cy,
dee ter than th Y have T, or this we b ave a
. rarq ove,
are igedly brigh minutes: 6efore removin Confectioneryi Etc, �T, ;4�,
Dfied soda
The -mar- -,add 4 o;s gar and allow It I up R. NO,X W ateWiniker _-—AND— A Soaps
pa, so (v'
B eking Oil. vt,
been for -some ti 0 0' ;cn6wn as
_00 &jkai Fies' Oil,
-depided -well, tttr
kets Ier till cool. ISIO
-sold' Y-bi H Fibh canned h
11i here and in staliv -_ � � I I r�
have not yqt- hid any n into a suitable di�h and Q , )_ DS BI J
-Bre 13uns N 0 kNUE0 - B
but thero is a'. stegdily"grow- cov 'Tile Fish; driled
ng Pow era ges -qaz
Sul �b�z*!7
fr I to It
V M I - . P
71 -,4879 — - , i , 6
ps W ing!i� u from I Book,
st aAd 6unt
IAVAUC and in the large 11orse markets Oak J re _giv� Xerci es ngeris
ing dem eWAd Peaches & Fears
sba Isffic" I Be a
4 a
Prices. are Ing the bf-sf of - tion still. -'Re- AllKindsin
yet lo
of trae. cantinOftt- orms I*y ell .7,CAS 4-
pl�alse �Couhties :6
Iadd 3f -4
were in the good Proceed same-�s appricots, ity establislJIed ifi_llu�kn6w 1894. containing -MR: 0, 13 ets ic Is
down to what they k 30 hours, boil. 11 Fresh Pa.: , - - . I . . , -
Ps 0
ater, soA
-dav -but the tenZI s of w. -remelilbL�it the pla�e, I t e Old stand. 0 e 1.3 d1go
endyis now dec- pint dd *2 oz9- of and Corn -
0!d ng all' th: 5. 0
houm, and a PWO
Fl()ur, Oatino,%1 Rd' �HurOnl A S
the buyer3 now t to !Xr. Lawrev*t) and the ex
Ba nex
.11. -aw
y upwards. 'Vill hl
!dqd�, - r
at;lles, 11 -
His stock owns, [iain oadA,
udy good iounaL an Fruiles. i meal always on -band! . pyeIqs� nod tvlegrap ed
interior n1addiflobAhe E L
;eCauy-demand- for f sua I quantity of Th-
gonslatSlo C
Proceed, sarue as in R, soak
is Eel, I I C _4
e x hours, add sugar to taste.' III tinA linver *4ch"� PAW 0
s, are not galeabi r'r _fWc4s r.l.
n Onrario,; a buy
6havesfulflineofthese o ds.' _Xl�
0 arins
-'a it
0 _;,o
W. t . - - -f A __ S
-teams,of youlig g fdj I, WJ
New 'ide Mot, In
48ent by
auvso r Bfoek, cc
11rr8 et A,
at pr na 8*
cam J�tfp_ , `�� . . -
li� erpicke rE "OBE (Intlen pr - , _ _. _ , _
IV* as he wanted, ucknow
edfu owart, og 10 _014, � �
ti� 5
-a d mQr
ttid Jot g(fntS'r Or
r wo 41
&rticulars ap
_ply ts) i
her iot MATHEW
X11 �V
tAiloringestablishm t _1e
D t, FOr ft
Youps Res -tt
01�degr netsa IN' 0 Charles St Dbpnt
and fi
-11t, in one
4 of three. bou�
jD Al
and for adot
IWII .,'The ta-Low Irflees
jor ad
and- Uaders